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title: They Call Me "Reverend Amble"

author: Gary H

category: fiction • subcategory: historical • date submitted: 4.7.2023 • author id: HaGaTh6523

word count: 48000


Yes, it’s true.  The little village of Amble, Michigan – is named after me. A Scandinavian immigrant from Norway. A pioneer preacher. A bachelor. I can hardly believe it. I was one of many Scandinavian settlers that came to America in the 1800s looking for a new life. Norwegians, Danes, and Swedes came to homestead in this land that reminded them of the pine forests and fjords back home, but also gave the opportunity for lower costs of living and greater freedoms. For me, it was a matter of ministry. I sought a place in which to happily serve God – and He granted me that desire of my heart. Abundantly. After coming to America in 1871 and attending seminary, it was not long before I moved to Michigan where I planted and pastored up to seven churches at the same time. Altogether, I was the spiritual shepherd of over 1,000 souls. That was something I never could have imagined.  And I did this faithfully for more than 53 years. Tragedies, tornados and changing times did their best to stop me. But by God’s grace, none of these succeeded. I retired happily in 1927. This account is a journey through my experiences.

About the Author
Gary L. Hauck was nominated for the Gold Medallion Book Award and is the author of twenty books and numerous articles. He served as a pastor, chaplain, professor, short-term missionary to China, Russia, Ecuador, and Uganda, and as the Dean of Arts and Sciences at Montcalm Community College. He earned the BRE and ThB degrees from Clarks Summit University, a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary and a PhD from Michigan State University. Hauck is a frequent speaker in conferences, schools, and churches.

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author: Julie L

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.28.2023 • author id: LeJuTH5823

word count: 48000


THE DREAMSEEKER is a Middle-Grade Fantasy and Christian Allegory that follows 12-year-old Sophie Harker on her quest to save her kingdom and its beloved hero from an evil lord’s curse of forgetfulness. When her adoptive parents become affected and the rest of the kingdom’s children suddenly disappear, she has no choice but to leave the life she knew behind. With only a few clues to go on- including a cryptic message to seek her ‘true heart’s desire’, and a compelling dream-visit from a mysterious woman- she travels on foot by day and by dream at night. By trusting her intuition, along with the assistance of a magic pebble and a friend in a particularly high place, she might just break the curse, and discover her true home along the way.

About the Author
I've been a member of SCBWI for over 10 years in my journey to craft this story into a publishable novel and establish a platform. My critique group has been a tremendous resource, along with the many conferences and workshops I've attended. I grew up as an avid reader and spent much of my youth writing poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. After graduating with a B.S. in Communications from Appalachian State University, I worked in D.C. in television post-production for Discovery Communications. Eventually, my focus shifted to serving marginalized populations and I returned to my love of writing. I live in Raleigh, North Carolina with my husband, two energetic boys (12, 13), and two attention-seeking dogs. When I'm not writing, I enjoy reading, outdoor activities, advocating for children in the court system, and volunteering in the church and community. Like my protagonist, I am also a lucid dreamer.

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title: Heavenly Things

author: Don S

category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 3.27.2023 • author id: SeDoHe5523

word count: 36000


This book contains essays with a common theme: exploring the unity of the Old Testament and the Gospel. However, it is a drop in the ocean of what has been explored and is yet to be explored on this topic. Chapter One. How the Ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer have the same author and the same message. Chapter Two. How the Altar is a Golgotha, the "Place of the Skull," with four horns as the four points of the cross. Chapter Three. How the brook Kidron represents the cost of Jesus leaving heaven for mortal, earthly life. Chapter Four. How the two pillars in front of the temple tell us of the suffering of Jesus and the cross. Chapter Five. How Queen Vashti represents Jesus as an innocent and rejected person in a fallen world. Chapter Six. How Noah's dove represents the Holy Spirit's presence in Eden, in Jesus, and now in us. Chapter Seven. How Job and the believer come to share the same enlightenment and joy. Chapter Eight. How Paul's Old Testament knowledge informed his New Testament conversion. The Rock. How Jesus' once-for-all sacrifice is pictured in Moses and the water from the rock.

About the Author
Writing experience. None to speak of. Educational Credentials. BS, U.S. Air Force Academy (1978). MA (English), Indiana University, Bloomington (1987). Assistant Professor of English, U.S Air Force Academy (1987-1992). Life Experience. Asked Jesus into my heart in 1972 and through thick and sin, have sought his face daily. U.S. Air Force pilot (1978-1998). Airline pilot (1998-2020, Continental Airlines/United Airlines).

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title: Breaking Sin's Grasp, Your Temptation Doesn't Define You

author: Jim D

category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 3.27.2023 • author id: DoJiBr5223

word count: 37000


Men are entangled in sinful desires and Breaking Sin’s Grasp gives simple, basic, yet profound ways of living in freedom and not allowing a man’s temptation to define their masculinity. Men’s battles with sugar (Obesity), sex, pornography, depression, other beliefs, and substance abuse, are a few of the transparent stories to connect with the reader’s heart and mind to move men from stagnation to activation. Mothers’ and wives’ prayers are weaved throughout bringing hope how God answered their cries to heaven. It’s a quick read with accompanying workbook, accountability group material, and an option for video on-line coaching and retreat options.

About the Author
I've been a pastor for over 20 years and helped set hundreds of men free! My heart for men is unique as I am a Former homosexual and married for 13 years to my wife Amanda and we have three young children. I have a network of 2,500 California pastors and growing nationally (10 states) and internationally (All of South and Central America and Asia). I could guest preach every weekend at any of these churches with my first book, “Not A Mistake, Parents’ Hope for Their Gay Son,” and hosting Unveiling the Rainbow Conferences. However, most men in the church deal with heterosexual sin and Breaking Sins Grasp will stop sin management and grow men to sin eradication. Pastor Jim Domen, MDiv with a graduate thesis on discipleship.

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title: One Wish Away

author: Michael R

category: fiction • subcategory: general • date submitted: 3.18.2023 • author id: RiMiOn4823

word count: 54000


(Working title: One Wish Away) Eight-year-old Eddie Dunmore has a perfect life until fate throws him a curve ball one damp and foggy December morning. The gifted third-grader is a Little League all-star loved by his parents and well-liked by everyone else. In school, five classmates are given the honor of displaying holiday compositions on the gymnasium walls. While they perform their duties, a fire breaks out, trapping them. By the end of the day, four students and a school janitor are dead, with only Eddie left alive. For years after the tragic event, he suffers from survivor’s guilt sending him on a downward spiral until one night, after discovering the truth and in a drunken rage, he begs God to grant him his one wish. When he awakens the next morning in a grimed filled alley with a tremendous hangover, he is barely able to move. This is the start of a new journey for him where he begins to learn that his prayer has been answered, but not in the way he could have ever imagined.

About the Author
(Working Title: One Wish Away) Michael E. Riley is retired from the law-enforcement field with over fifty years of experience in witnessing and documenting human behavior, which provided a bounty of material for his plots. He is the author of one other self-published novel, The Long Last Out, and hundreds of short stories centering on the human condition, which invariably raised the two universal questions of  “Why are we here?” and “Are humans inherently good or bad?” He also has a blog called “,” capable of reaching out to thousands of readers of this genre through various fraternal organizations.

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title: Azusa

author: Annelie A

category: fiction • subcategory: historical • date submitted: 3.14.2023 • author id: AnAnAz4123

word count: 76000


Sarah Anne could never foresee how God would use what she thought was the catastrophe of her life. Little would she know when she ran for her life through the forest outside of Wilmington, what an adventure awaited her, as a vessel in God´s hand during the great revival of Azusa Street in the year 1906. By the age of seven, Sarah Anne is picked up from an orphanage by a wealthy family, with whom she grows up. At her eighteenth birthday party, she accidentally overhears about a murder, committed by one of Mr. Banning´s employees. She is now a dangerous witness, and falsely accused of theft, she flees and finds shelter in the home of Abigail and Onslow Cole. From there, her journey continues to Los Angeles, and we follow her enthralling calling by insight into what is simultaneously happening in the spiritual dimension as God makes way for one of the greatest revivals in history. Through this novel, we follow Sarah as she experiences the supernatural events that occurred during the revival, as she gets to know William Seymour, Ruth and Richard Asberry, and others who were actively serving God during those days.

About the Author
Annelie Anttila is a licensed Swedish high school teacher and author, teaching English and Swedish. Azusa is her first novel in a series of three which will be published by a Christian Publisher in Sweden in June 2023. Her first book was published in 2021, a partly autobiographical book about the restoration and healing that is to be found in the relationship with Jesus. Historical research when writing Azusa: Th.D. in Church History Torbjörn Aronsson´s Pentecostalism. Frank Bartleman´s Azusa Street and other historical articles and books. Having the novel published in the USA would reach a broader market than in Sweden, as the revival on Azusa Street is well-known among Christian Americans and Americans in general. It also appeals to readers who enjoy exciting Christian novels based on authentic historical facts.

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title: Courage to Follow God's Will...An Outrageous Journey to Afghanistan

author: Carleen W

category: nonfiction • subcategory: inspirational • date submitted: 3.8.2023 • author id: WaCaCo3123

word count: 52000


Has God ever asked you to do something utterly outrageous? Were you excited to take on His challenge or did you tremble with fear and doubt before deciding what to do next? Completely bored after retiring from a long and satisfying career in federal law enforcement, author and former Special Agent Carleen Watts desperately longed to be back in her chosen field preforming the work she was born to do. She prayed to God, asking Him to find her a position that would fulfill all of her professional skillsets and personal needs. God answered her prayer with the perfect job offer, however, it came with an unexpected condition. The position was located in Kabul, Afghanistan. Past experience taught Carleen to depend on her faith and follow the Lord’s path no matter where it might lead. This time it would take more than just her faith to follow; this time it would take Courage to Follow God’s Will. Join Carleen as she depends on the Lord for strength and endurance during her great adventure to Kabul, Afghanistan.

About the Author
Carleen Watts served as a Special Agent (Criminal Investigator) for the United States government for over thirty-two years investigating internal fraud within multiple federal agencies. She also served as a Senior Instructor at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Georgia and is a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). Carleen is a member of the Scottsdale Bible Church in Arizona where she takes a leadership role in identifying and serving the needs of residents in her community. With this book, she hopes to further develop her talents as a guest lecturer for Christian groups throughout the country.

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title: The 14th Codex

author: Christopher M

category: fiction • subcategory: historical • date submitted: 3.4.2023 • author id: MoChTh3423

word count: 31400


Betrayal. Reconciliation. Redemption. The 14th Codex is a completed novella, thirty-one thousand words of historical fiction based on true events: the discovery in Egypt of ancient documents tied to the very beginnings of Christianity. The 14th Codex tells the story of a Coptic nun, Sister Sahira Rafiq, as she investigates the first-person testimonies of the earliest followers of Christ: Peter, Paul, Silas, Lydia, Luke, Priscilla, Xanthippe and Timothy; the construction of two great basilicas in Rome; the discovery of the codices at Naj’ Hammadi in 1945; and the quest to find the hidden relics of the founders of the church.

About the Author
The 14th Codex should appeal to readers of A Voice in the Wind, The Weeping Chamber, The Road to Cana, and similar distinctive sagas. In my day job, I’m a Senior Director of Analytics for a Fortune 5 company and a former champion intercollegiate debater. My previous book, Letters of Understanding, was published on in 2022. My author’s site and blog can be found at

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title: Fire and Song

author: Carl L

category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 2.25.2023 • author id: LeCaFi2723

word count: 60000


Romance.  Passion. The Song of Songs. A lukewarm marriage is put to the test when fire destroys Max and Emily’s home.  A hidden safe, uncovered in the rubble, contains an unexpected treasure that sends the couple on a journey into romance, passion, and the transforming power of God’s love. Fire and Song brings the scriptures to life in compelling story form, then equips readers to study Song of Songs for their own benefit through visually rich study notes. Rediscover the beauty and power of God’s love, embodied in love between husband and wife.  Let God fill you with awe at the depth and power of romance as He designed.  Fall in love, not just with your spouse, but with your Creator. Find your voice in the ultimate song, the Song of Songs.

About the Author
Carl Lehenbauer is the Senior Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church of Freistadt, a historic and Biblical congregation in Wisconsin.  He presents the truth of God’s Word in creative and engaging ways that open the door for a fresh hearing of the Gospel.  He has written Bible studies for Concordia Publishing House and produced both written and video curricula for his congregation.  He has presented at the Best Practices in Ministry Heartland Conference on the topic of creativity in preaching, and led multiple marriage retreats using curricula he developed. Carl has been encouraged in the writing of this book by author and family ministry expert Dr. John Oberdeck, and by author and Emmy-nominated film producer Michael Trinklein.  Trinklein has already voiced interest in creating a video curriculum to accompany the book. Carl holds a Master of Divinity degree from Concordia Seminary in Saint Louis.

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title: The Day After His Crucifixion, and The Day After That

author: Merikay M

category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 2.16.2023 • author id: McMeTh1523

word count: 23000


Following the crucifixion of Yeshua the Nazarene, all Jerusalem is abuzz with fear and confusion.  His disciples are in hiding. Jewish leaders worry that his followers will steal his body and then make miraculous claims. Roman authorities flex their muscles to keep the peace. And the women who supported Yeshua's ministry, the women who remained all day at Golgotha witnessing the agonizing death of their Promised One, the women who did not hide, what about them? During the 48 hours following his crucifixion, these women and others who were among his followers, gather at a cottage in Jerusalem's lower city, seeking comfort or reassurance, or simply someone else who shares their grief. As women often do after a tragedy, these Yeshua followers bring food to share along with personal stories about their encounters with him. In their grief, they tell how Yeshua healed and helped and drew them in as he spread his message about the coming of the Kingdom of God. What can they do now that all is lost?

About the Author
Merikay McLeod holds master's degrees in women's studies from San Jose State University and in Spirituality (part of Santa Clara University's Pastoral Ministries Program). Her professional connections include West Coast universities and publications. Her stories, articles and essays have been published in magazines such as Sunday Digest, Insight, Unity Magazine, Good Housekeeping, Ms, and The Chronicle of Higher Education. As a newspaper reporter and columnist, her work won state and national awards. She speaks at book clubs, women's groups, writers groups, and has a modest online fan following.

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title: Prayer Through Pictures: Helping children of all abilities pray and seek God.

author: DANIELLE M

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.14.2023 • author id: MCDAPr1123

word count: 1000


(working title: Prayer Through Pictures: Helping Children of All Abilities Pray and Seek God) As parents, we do our best to train a child in the way they should go. We teach them manners, responsibility, and most importantly, we teach them about God. For most parents, we teach them by modeling and taking our children to church and Sunday School. We teach them to pray, by having them memorize the words to simple familiar prayers. Wouldn’t it be nice to help ensure that your child understands the meaning of those words they are saying to God? That’s what Prayer Through Pictures is designed to do.  As a special education teacher, and mother of two, Danielle McManus has worked to create a way to make prayer more accessible for children. Young children learn to attach meaning to words by labeling the pictures and visuals in the world around them. Activities in our Christian lives, like prayer, should be no exception.

About the Author
Danielle McManus holds a master’s degree in early childhood unified education. She has been an early childhood special education teacher for the last twelve years. Danielle is also the mother of two children on the autism spectrum. Danielle is well connected in the disability community with access to large foundations and groups within this niche market such as the autism society. Danielle is also a leadership partner of the children’s ministry at Hope Church RVA that has thousands of members and family friends with the pastor of another large Church in Petersburg with thousands of members. This book is easily marketed to Christian parents, churches, and church-based daycares and preschools.

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title: Adam's Search for a Partner: A High-Contrast Board Book

author: Natalia E

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.10.2023 • author id: EmNaAd1023

word count: 52


Adam is looking for a partner in the Garden of Eden. As he names each animal God created, he considers their personality and what traits he’ll need in a partner. Alas, no animal is suitable: Hedgehog? Too prickly. Quail? Too showy. Water buffalo? Too grumpy. Adam keeps searching and searching. Until God creates a perfect partner.   Illustrating Genesis 2:20, this book vividly depicts the animals using high-contrast, engaging drawings. High-contrast images are appealing to babies’ developing eyes. The illustrations and lyrical text thus appeal to even the youngest of children, helping them witness the range of God’s creative endeavors and the incredible value of a helpmeet.   Since Adam’s search is based on the animals’ values and traits, the book implicitly introduces children to the crucial notion that Psalms 31:10 articulates: a virtuous and capable character is more precious than rubies.

About the Author
Natalia has an economics PhD from Harvard, and works on initiatives to prevent child maltreatment. Natalia has been producing and sharing visual art since she was 16, but only began writing and illustrating children’s books when she became a mother in 2019. In 2013, she and her husband founded a prayer group that is still going strong.   PJ Library, which distributes books to Jewish children, has expressed interest in securing a 20,000-copy run of this book. Natalia is involved with several faith-based parenting groups, the members of which would happily promote the book on their mom-blogs.

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title: What Is Church?

author: Dub K

category: nonfiction • subcategory: churchissues • date submitted: 1.23.2023 • author id: KaDuWh423

word count: 50748


Amid worldwide upheaval, believers and non-believers alike are asking profound questions. That's what happens when something or someone you have depended on for guidance, structure, community, comfort, identity, and meaning has been exposed to the light, shaken to the core, and found to be unreliable and untrustworthy. Whether you are a believer in Jesus, a faith deconstructor, a seeker, a skeptic, or an opponent, What is Church? will inform and help resolve your longing for answers, truth, meaning, and belonging while plumbing the depths of divinely revealed knowledge. Drawing on a wealth of relationships, personal experience, study, travel, stories, and a deep love for Jesus and His Church, Dub Karriker shares valuable insights on the Church from a different perspective, revealing the Church's place in history, the present and the future. Rather than walking the well-worn path of two thousand years of best intentions and church misdeeds, Karriker reveals the Church as intended by its founder, Jesus and His Apostles. Whether you are in church, hurt by church, on the way out, looking in from the outside, or just curious, What is Church? is a fascinating, soul-stirring journey of inquiry and answers.

About the Author
Dub Karriker is a retired pastor. He is the current leader and board member of church networks, international ministries and nonprofits focused on teaching, mentoring and training. He travels extensively encouraging and supporting oppressed people and churches. Dub speaks at churches and conferences where his book may be sold. His social media presence includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and his blog. Book saled and translation requests already include Spanish, Turkmen, Levantine Turkmen, and Hindi.

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title: The Journey Road Home

author: Lois W

category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 1.16.2023 • author id: WiLoTh34822

word count: 52500


Growing up in small town Mason, South Carolina, Mazelle Dorcas Jacobs struggles to live a life approved by God and man. The man she is most concerned about pleasing is her father, Pastor Max Jacobs, aka Poppa, whose conservative views have Mazelle questioning right vs. wrong on a daily basis. The fifteen-year-old teenager constantly applies the do’s and don’ts of life to people she meets during a time when the Vietnam war, the Beatles, and free love were cultural phenomena’s. Her biblical guideline is the Ten Commandments. With compassion and humor, Mazelle uses the principles as she encounters situations with church members, people at the grocery store, her science teacher, and the neighbor next door. Her best friend and rebel, Clover, believes there is more to life than always following the rules. A major turn of events happens when Pastor Max informs the family they are moving to Zimbabwe, Africa for an extended missionary stay. This unexpected journey, to a country with a different language and cultural views, has Mazelle reassessing life values in light of the commandments and her father’s biblical teachings.  As Mazelle searches for answers, she finds humanity at its finest.

About the Author
Growing up as a preacher’s daughter was a constant struggle for me during the 60’s and 70's. Television, movies, rock-n-roll, and dances were banned from our home. My conservative father, and Biblical principles, were strictly enforced. As a teenager, I questioned the rules that made me different from my peers. My experiences birthed Mazelle, who also questions the do’s and don’ts of life. As an adult, a missionary journey to Africa changed my life in respect to the blessings I have, and daily needs of a resilient African people.

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title: Our Homeschool Life: Dennis’ First Day of School (at Home)

author: Elle M

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 12.27.2022 • author id: MaElOu33022

word count: 1130


Did you know that there’s approximately 4 million homeschoolers in America? That’s nearly 7% of all school-aged children. Take a look at the books out there for this market... there's not much. This children's book aims to show children normalcy in their lifestyle. One that's growing in popularity, especially amongst Christians.  Dennis’ First Day of School (at Home) follows the narrator his older sister Olive through their first day of homeschool. Olive has homeschooled for a few years at this point, but this is Dennis’ first day sitting at the school table (the kitchen table) with grade-level tasks. There’s gentle guidance, almost invisibly so, for new homeschool parents on what a “normal” school day might look like. The funny thing about being a new homeschooler means that parents and children learn together until they find a rhythm that best suits everyone. The plot weaves ideas of how a work-at-home parent can navigate around homeschool as well as introductory ideas about unit studies and morning baskets – a homeschool-specific idea. But most importantly, Dennis and his family normalize an increasingly growing educational choice. The characters were developed in a way that gives creative liberties to the publisher and illustrator to choose characters that are best suited for the market – these figures can either be animals or human.

About the Author
For the past 7 years, I have written creative curriculum for traditional students and homeschoolers alike. My unique, yet simple style weaves my experiences as a public/private school teacher with the years I’ve spent educating my own children. To date, I have sold 130,000+ units through various online marketplaces. In addition, I’ve given away another 400,000+ resources as free downloads. With over 13,000 reviews averaging 4.9 stars out of 5, teachers and homeschoolers are clear they enjoy my modest approach to writing.

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title: There is a River

author: Pat M

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 12.19.2022 • author id: MoPaTh32022

word count: 80000


Brief Description: Working title: “There is a River” Carly Green does not clap along with the rest of the congregation as her husband lowers their newest convert, a beautiful blond divorcee, into the river. As the pastor’s wife she should be happy the church is growing. Why wouldn’t it be?  Rick is a strong leader, people trust him. But when the woman in his arms kisses him—on the lips—she fears the worst. Only Carly knows how far her husband has veered off the path they’ve traveled together for nearly twenty years. As the only full-time career woman in the church, she feels left out and her loneliness intensifies as her elder son appears headed toward homosexuality, and the younger one shows signs of autism. Instead of supporting her, people she’s known for ages drift even farther away. At the point of losing her marriage as well as her faith, Christians who are more apt to listen to her than to judge, begin showing up everywhere. But to get her family back Carly must decide whether faith pushing mountains into the sea is mere hyperbole or her only hope.

About the Author
Credentials, Platform, Marketing Pat Mooney Sweet has published numerous short stories, articles, and essays throughout the years. After reading a novel by Francine Rivers she’s turned her attention to Christian fiction in hopes to encourage as well as entertain brothers and sisters in the Lord who enjoy a novel with elements of romance and suspense. She graduated from Houghton College and received a Masters in English from the State University of New York at Buffalo.  She, her husband, and their very shaggy dog live in an old farmhouse in upstate New York. The audience this story aims to please is comprised mainly of Christian women, including Catholics. Readers with conservative values will also feel at home within its pages.

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title: Fear and Trembling: A Novel of the Reformation

author: Amy M

category: fiction • subcategory: historical • date submitted: 12.8.2022 • author id: MaAmFe32122

word count: 112000


It is 1524, and Europe is in flames. The Church is fracturing, revolution is brewing, and society is changing rapidly. Three authors who shaped this new world with their pens—Martin Luther, Desiderius Erasmus, and Philipp Melanchthon—will now be shaped by it in turn. When the pope and King Henry VIII of England pressure Erasmus to take a public stand against Luther, both authors will be forced to wrestle with literal and figurative demons. Erasmus is haunted by his illegitimate birth and an experience of same-sex attraction that left him feeling ashamed. Luther struggles with the rejection of the Church and his own father, even as he suffers from a crippling anxiety disorder. Melanchthon, Luther’s associate and a long-time admirer of Erasmus, is increasingly caught in the middle, forced to choose between two men he venerates or be torn asunder. Enemies arise: a former colleague of Luther’s challenges him for leadership of the reform movement, a figure from Erasmus’ past warns he might reveal the scholar’s youthful misdeeds, and a Church official threatens Melanchthon with death if he does not recant his views. The three men’s lives and fears are woven together as events spiral out of their collective control. As the story wraps up, all three men are reminded of their mortality in ways that heighten their fears and reveal their priorities. This is a book about the things that terrify us, the battles we wage, and the hope that gives us strength.

About the Author
My first novel, The Girl Empress, was published by Kindle Press in 2017. It ranked number one in Amazon’s medieval historical fiction category and in the top seven hundred for the entire Kindle store. I self-published two sequels—The Forsaken Monarch and The Eternal Queen—after Kindle Press stopped taking new titles. In the theological sphere, I was a regular columnist with Reformation21, the web magazine of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, and appeared on popular Christian podcasts such as Theology Gals and The Mortification of Spin. I host my own podcast, (A)Millennial, where I interview a different Christian author or artist each week to consider the future of the Church and positive ways to engage with people in the 21st century. I am a member of the Historical Novel Society and a graduate of Taylor University and King's College London.

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title: First Token: A Story of Life, Love, & Tennis

author: Howard Z

category: fiction • subcategory: romance • date submitted: 12.1.2022 • author id: ZoHoFi30422

word count: 91290


Set in 1956, First Token is a hybrid novel, an unforgettable love story within the backdrop of historical fiction. A touch of enchantment, a dash of Judeo-Christian spirituality, and a well disguised twist await the reader. First Token is insightful, clever, and witty. When the central relationship is revealed, a touch of enchantment elevates the tale; the final chapters memorialize the story to unforgettable. The embraceable stories of the secondary relationships weaving in and out are compelling. Buster, an orange tabby, is a prime confidant to the protagonist, Hillard Abraham. Token’s thematic undercurrents of tennis and real estate are extensions of character development. A deeper image, a first token, a universal symbol of affection, is a central symbol. A tennis sweater, a gift from Hillard to Veronica Cabot, takes on a deeper meaning given the symbolism associated with Hillard Abraham. The novel’s social message is relevant, the relationships between black and white characters are honest and refreshing. Jackie Robinson was instrumental in bridging the gap between the classes. The subway series in New York, the pinnacle for America’s national pastime, is viewed in Token from one extraordinary October afternoon in 1956.  In 1956, Americans believed they could accomplish anything, people need those stories now. Token is written in the cadence and style of the day, a slow burn, exquisitely written. First Token is the antithesis of current media tendencies, people tend to settle for what other people want them to have. Token is wholesome, and yet Token has brief encounters with extraordinary events within the realm of 1950s normal.

About the Author
I was born in the Bronx in 1949.  I have never published, writing a novel has been an aspiration since earning a Master’s in English Literature at the State University of NY in 1972. First Token is the manifestation of my love and respect for the written word, as well as my 73 years of observing American culture. In my opinion, First Token qualifies as literature. Token is a gem that will appeal to the millions of folks who need stories that reinforce the underlying motivations in their own lives. The potential audience is massive, Token will resonate with male and female readers who want stories of traditional relationships, the millions of tennis fans worldwide, the Baby Boomers and their children, those who value family and the pursuit of the American Dream, those who yearn for the positive attributes of the 1950s juxtaposed to the dysfunction of today, and those who want honest and refreshing stories of white and black relationships. At the core of my success as a top-tier deal maker within my field of real estate expertise is the creation of partnerships. Forging another mutually beneficial partnership is the linchpin for bringing First Token forward.

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title: The Best Story Ever Told

author: Daniel L

category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 11.21.2022 • author id: LeDaTh30322

word count: 8500


The best story ever told is a true story about humanity, our world, and the Savior whom God sent to save us. “But who is God?” Take a journey through a handful of observations about the world and learn about the Creator God as creation is joined together with the theology of the Bible. From familiar to the unfamiliar, from nature to theology, from creation to the Creator, discover the stunning truths about God seen in the world and clarified in Scripture. Moreover, observe our broken world and the misery of the human condition. Consider our need of a Savior and learn the best story ever told found in the Bible. Stretching from the origin of the world to the end of this world and heaven to come, the Bible reveals God's promise (and fulfillment!) to send the Savior, the true hero who turns the hearts of rebels back to God and ushers them into His divine blessing. This is the story of Jesus Christ, the best story ever told, a true story, rooted in history, confirmed by prophets and eyewitnesses.

About the Author
I’m a pastor serving in the California Bay Area, a community with lots of intellectuals from various backgrounds, Muslims, Hindus, Roman Catholics, Atheists, and New Agers. I’m a graduate of The Master’s Seminary and am staunchly committed to the inerrancy of Scripture and the preaching of the word of God. I wrote this booklet to reach the unbelievers in the Bay Area with a clarion call to faith in Jesus Christ and to discipleship in the context of His church.

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title: Born Alive

author: Anna P

category: fiction • subcategory: general • date submitted: 10.31.2022 • author id: PsAnBo27322

word count: 65000


(Working Title: Born Alive)    Abel is a self-assured researcher at Pitt's Human Tissue Lab whose main aim is to prove once and for all that fetuses aren't actually living.    Nancy, his mother, is a devout Christian who is dying from cancer.    Nora, Abel's girlfriend, is pregnant, even though years ago Abel was sterilized.    An accident threatens Nancy's life, and Abel takes matters into his own hands, to the point of sacrificing his fetal son to save his mother. But when the aborted child is born alive, everything changes.  

About the Author
(Working Title: Born Alive) Two years ago I found myself pregnant by my fiancé. As a Christian, it was a huge embarrassment and shame. I soon found out that my fiancé had also lied to me about his divorce, and there was no way we could get married in the near future. I wanted nothing more than to get rid of the pregnancy and leave my fiancé. I thought an early abortion would solve it all, and almost went through with it, but God intervened. When my son, Joshua, was born he was perfect: small, vulnerable, and defenseless. Images of the torture that he could have undergone in an abortion filled my mind, and I began to seek ways to fight for the unborn. I stumbled upon information about fetal tissue research on aborted fetuses, some still alive, and felt the overwhelming need to fight against this. This book is a product of all that.

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title: Kairoscope

author: Efrain G

category: fiction • subcategory: scififantasy • date submitted: 10.31.2022 • author id: GaEfKa27122

word count: 40109


KAIROSCOPE contains 13 short stories, each one inspired by different temporal measurements,  from Planck's time to the billions of years that constitute the current age of the Universe. Intergalactic tournaments, TV programs, conversations between spiritual beings, scientific investigations, and encounters with aliens are some of the proposed scenarios.

About the Author
My name is Efrain Gatuzz. I am a professional astronomer working at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Munich, Germany. I am also a Christian believer and an ordained Pastor. I have published 2 books in Spanish through the Amazon publisher system (i.e. self-published). I also have published several short stories in science-fiction magazines such as NM, Coscmocápsula, Sci-Fdi, Planetas Prohibidos and Almiar as well as in anthology books from micro-stories competitions. I also have wrote one article for Christianity Today about the Star of Bethlehem.

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title: The Sweet Experiment

author: Chelsey Y

category: fiction • subcategory: youngadult • date submitted: 10.27.2022 • author id: YoChTh27222

word count: 68070


Life has it out for Payton McCrory. At first, it seems as though she has simply been neglected by the Powers That Be (if such things even exist). With nothing particularly exceptional about her (except for her notorious klutziness), Payton goes unnoticed by the popular crowd, professors, and guys. But what else is new? Her own father didn’t want her. This early exposure to the harsh world has made Payton a cynical underachiever. But when Payton’s family is afflicted by betrayal and a life-changing diagnosis, Payton is convinced that Someone Upstairs must be playing a cruel joke with her life. It gets even worse when something threatens the relationship between her and Wyatt, the close friend who has a tighter hold on Payton’s heart than she realizes. With the help of her boy-crazy best friend, Payton embarks on The Sweet Experiment and ends up getting much more than she bargained for. Along the way, she finds herself increasingly surrounded by religious people—a new roommate, an Iranian professor, a guy at a party. They aren’t the judgey Christians Payton has heard about—but people who seem to know a different God … One who just might actually care about nobodies like Payton.

About the Author
Chelsey Young received a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies from Westmont College and has extensive experience writing and editing both marketing and internal content for various industries, religious and secular. Much of this fictional story has been inspired by her actual experiences or stories lived by friends and family—profound, messy scenarios that challenge belief and faith. Upon publication, Westmont may allow Mrs. Young to speak at a chapel (a tri-weekly campus and community) gathering as a guest speaker, allowing her to spread awareness of the novel in an environment filled with the ideal target audience, young women ages 18-30. Danica “Diabetic Danica” Burroughs, a close friend who is mentioned in the book, has agreed to spotlight the novel on her YouTube channel with over 42,000 subscribers, many of which include young people with a recent diabetes diagnosis and in need of hope. 

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title: Casting Shadows: The Living Light

author: Philip S

category: fiction • subcategory: scififantasy • date submitted: 9.27.2022 • author id: StPhCa23922

word count: 80000


As a professional photographer, Paul believes he knows about light and darkness, until one day a mysterious LED sign begins speaking to him, directly guiding him. At first, the sign’s words are simple, almost comedic like a fortune cookie, saying things like, “Leave the last muffin,” or “Buy a flower.” Paul finds himself struggling between joy and confusion, obedience, and avoidance. As time passes, the sign’s words become increasingly significant, leading him through some of the greatest and worst moments of his life. When at last there seems to be a new day dawning on his shadowed life, Paul finds himself invited into a brand-new world where good and evil come to life in light and darkness. Pulled between the nightmarish shades and the angelic lumen, Paul will never be the same as he learns how difficult it is to walk in the light without casting a shadow.

About the Author

Rev. Philip Stonhouse is a stage actor turned priest who graduated from Wycliffe College with a Master of Divinity. He has a variety of writing experiences. Highlights include: a poem and short study published by UofT, a collaboration with a visual artist exploring the idea of love, and an original short film selected and screened by the Reelworld Film Festival. He leads a church and publishes diverse content regularly to share and spread the Christian faith ( Rev Philip enjoys writing extended parables where YA+ can explore their faith in new ways.

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title: Discovering Ataraxia

author: Nancy G

category: fiction • subcategory: scififantasy • date submitted: 9.27.2022 • author id: GrNaDi23722

word count: 76000


Imagine moving to a house left by your eccentric great aunt and discovering that the magical picture hanging upstairs is the window to an alternate universe with talking animals and a battle between two kingdoms about to begin. That’s how Allie and her brother, S.J., discover Ataraxia, a peace-loving kingdom populated by diverse species of animals who live in harmony and seek to do so with neighboring Malvelnia. But shrewd King Wendigo and his league of predators have no interest in harmony. They want to assert their control over the peace-loving Ataraxians. Amid Allie and S.J.’s efforts to help Ataraxia prevail against selfish bullies, an innocent lamb’s exile to The Abyss results in a dramatic climax. Allie and S.J. learn lessons there that will come in handy as they face their own struggles in a new hometown, experiencing the bullies, cliques, and adjustment pains to which every kid can relate. Allie, who keeps the pain of her father’s death buried deep within, must decide whether she’s ready to open her heart to new friends.  

About the Author

Nancy Gravatt has written for American Libraries, Today’s Christian Living, The Washington Post, and Compass, a missions newsletter. Her work for world missions has taken her to Cambodia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea. Active in her church, Christian charities, and two Christian organizations, she has built a supportive network of contacts. She has also written content for two Christian websites. Earlier in her communications career when she served as a travel industry spokesperson, she appeared on various broadcast media, including the Today Show. Her work with the American Library Association and a large library system in her region would provide speaking and promotional opportunities. She has a graduate degree in political science and an undergraduate degree in journalism.

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title: Enough

author: Samantha A

category: fiction • subcategory: general • date submitted: 9.24.2022 • author id: AdSaEn23522

word count: 77800


Caroline Williams is a piano teacher, pastor’s wife, and mother who can’t do any of her jobs right. Her students don’t practice, the parishioners complain about her, and she’s forever disappointing her children. When her grandmother, Elrica Braun, is rushed to the hospital, Caroline can’t imagine fitting another thing into her schedule, but Elrica’s stories bring Caroline’s problems into focus. In a parallel narrative, Elrica’s life as a pastor’s wife during and after World War II make Caroline question whether she’s had enough, or she is enough for the path God has laid before her.

About the Author

I am a teacher, wife, and mother living on beautiful Bowen Island in Canada. I have published two Christian romance novels, Emmy in Harding and After His Heart, and a young adult fantasy novel, Not As They Appear with CKN Christian Publishing. After His Heart won the 2019 Christian Indie Award for Fiction Romance. I also have three Jane Austen-inspired novels, Expectations, Suspiciously Reserved, and Banff Springs Abbey published with City Lights Press. My blog about all things writing can be found at

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