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title: The Lady Illuminator

author: Brandy V

category: fiction • subcategory: romance • date submitted: 7.19.2022 • author id: VaBrTh17222

word count: 118000


In nineteenth-century London, Gemma Waterton is a skilled paper marbler overlooked and unappreciated in her father’s bookshop. Her life is a series of adorned but empty pages until she meets Quinn Allencourt, the dashing personification of adventure, with notions of propriety even more outlandish than his implausible tales. After a scandalous kiss at a ball, Quinn appears in Waterton Bookbinders with an ancient book rumored to pull the reader through time. Gemma is propelled into a world of secret societies and hoarded troves of knowledge, but when her father is kidnapped, she must trust the enigmatic Quinn and his colleagues to help her search. Just as they make headway, the book transports her back to sixteenth-century Glastonbury Abbey where Gemma’s ancestors are on a perilous course with history. As Gemma struggles to put together the pieces, she uncovers an adversary more frightening than Henry VIII’s soldiers—dark forces who will alter the course of history unless Gemma can learn her true identity and illuminate the very book that pulled her back, all before the abbey falls.  

About the Author

I am the 2013 Operation First Novel winner, which included a $20,000 prize and a publishing contract with Worthy Publishing. I am also the 2012 ACFW Genesis winner for historical romance. I have two published books—The Covered Deep and Within the Veil, which have received rave reviews in Publisher’s Weekly and USA Today. I have been on staff with various magazines and newspapers and have taught writing at the conference level. I have also written articles for Writer’s Digest. Beyond that, I have been a story consultant and my clients have won awards. I have also taught a Master Class for NYT bestselling author Jerry Jenkins.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: So Great a Cloud of Witnesses

author: Scott B

category: fiction • subcategory: historical • date submitted: 6.30.2022 • author id: BrScSo16222

word count: 89000


On a Sunday morning in June 1974, Smallwood, Alabama, a visiting preacher invites a black man into the worship service of the little fundamentalist church there, washes the man’s feet, and right before congregants' eyes the water in the basin seems to turn to blood. Is it a miracle? Well, maybe – if anyone in the congregation has enough faith to believe God can still do one. But the greater uproar may be over the integration of the “white” church service. “The-water-into-blood” stirs up racial and spiritual havoc in the little town, challenging the faith of the 15-year-old narrator, Spit Mullinax, and ultimately revealing that the true miracle may not lie in the red water at all, but the capacity of a human heart to change.

About the Author

I am a former commentator on NPR’s All Things Considered program (more than 25 of my commentaries aired there 1998-2001) and author of two published volumes of creative nonfiction – Due South: Dispatches from Down Home (1999) and Carryin’ On (And Other Strange Things Southerners Do) (2001), published by Villard and featuring cover blurbs by Pat Conroy, Fannie Flagg and Rick Bragg. I grew up in churches of Christ that were much like the congregation depicted in my manuscript, so I have a deep knowledge of and experience with both the personalities and doctrines portrayed in the novel I'm submitting. As a native Southerner, I also bear a sense of place that I believe grounds my manuscript in the vernacular voice and motifs and reality of its small Alabama setting and congregation – and indeed, the era – depicted in the story. I have been a worship leader in acapella churches of Christ since I was a teenager. Currently, I am an elder, worship leader, and occasional Bible class teacher at the Arlington Church of Christ in Arlington, Virginia.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Someone They Can Trust

author: Colleen S

category: fiction • subcategory: general • date submitted: 6.25.2022 • author id: ScCoSo15622

word count: 91000


When art school graduate Maya Devin moves to Pleasant Hill to care for her grandmother with Alzheimer’s, she’s warmly welcomed into its thriving, diverse church. Music minister Matt Schuller, who is more than a little attracted by Maya’s faith, talent, and beauty, invites her to be a part of his creative arts ministry. Janice Williams, also on staff, befriends Maya too, supporting her as she learns to be a caregiver and inviting her to a neighborhood Bible study. Janice is healing from a wrenching divorce and draws strength from the integrity and spiritual power of the community. The church is a haven for all three until a new pastor puts their faith, hope, and love to a severe test. Not only is their happiness at stake – so is the survival of the church. Their courage to stand against evil will hinge on one thing – how willing they are to deal with their own brokenness.  

About the Author

I am a published writer of fiction, non-fiction and drama. One series of drama sketches for churches led to a rewarding relationship with Standard Publishing in the 80s and 90s, when I wrote three books that sold more than 80,000 copies. My blog and links to my current work are at I juggle writing with running a tutoring program for urban kids and performing nationally with Friends of the Groom Christian Theater Company. My degrees are in journalism and counseling, and I am a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers Association. I live in Cincinnati with my husband, with three 20-something sons coming and going (a whole other circus). We attend a diverse church working hard to bring God’s love to the neighborhood, much like the church in this book.

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title: Mahalo Bear Says Thank You!

author: Karin (AKA Bo) B

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 6.17.2022 • author id: BeKaMa15022

word count: 774


Mahalo Bear awakes, and as he tries to stretch his tiny arms above his head, he says, “Thank you!”  He then proceeds to say “Thank you!” repeatedly as funny, messy things happen to him all along the route he and his friend Doubtful Duck take to school that day.  When he arrives, he is covered in all the colors of the rainbow. They have been splattered all over him on his way to school, just in time to help him show and tell about the rainbow--all when he forgot he even had the assignment and thus had done nothing to prepare for it. So his messy adventures turn out to be a blessing in disguise, and Doubtful Duck’s questions are answered with a fun twist at the end in which she decides to try on an attitude of gratitude herself. 

About the Author

Bo Bergemann is a world renowned artist and character designer who has been dubbed "The Toy Maker" by a profile article on her in Hana Hou magazine.  Bo has also been featured in far too many doll and toy magazines to count the world over, and was a panelist at Comic-Con San Diego International five years running with a current open invitation to return any time. Bo has a degree in journalism and marketing.  She was a medically fragile foster mother in the state of Hawaii for 14 years before launching her own business and art career, and she read many children’s picture books to those in her care along with her own three growing children. Bo won the Book Mobile’s contest to meet Beverly Cleary in 4th grade by reading every one of her books out at that time--all in spite of living a rough painful existence in her childhood home. That was when her childhood dream of becoming a children’s author began. Bo also read C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia for the first time in 4th grade and since then too many times to count. 

Bo currently lives, writes, paints, sculpts, and runs her worldwide art business from her home in Hawaii, which she calls Ohana House, and her Artist’s Retreat in the Trinity Mountains of Northern CA, which she calls Narnia.  She believes in doing things with excellence or not at all. Bo loves people and nature, both of which inspire her work. She had a successful world-class gallery in the famous North Shore Oahu surf town of Haleiwa for several years.  Bo is unique and creative to her core and excels in a wide variety of artisanal skill sets. She understands marketing and has a beloved collector's Ohana fanbase all over the world who buy her art, original dolls, characters, and designs. She will actively market herself individually as well as in cooperation with her publisher. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Creation, Curse, Kingdom, and Restoration: A Call to Biblical Reality

author: Leroy M

category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 5.30.2022 • author id: MaLeCr11822

word count: 87500


Many otherwise sound evangelicals rightly avoid any moves to "allegorize" the straightforward history in Genesis, and unthinkingly apply the same approach to prophetic scriptures. This is one reason why premillennialist, dispensationalist types of views abound in conservative church circles, and are even seen as the norm. But the author’s call for a return to sound biblical thinking and teaching is not restricted to prophecy. It ties together the four elements of the title that represent the Bible’s "big picture"—its grand sweep of history. A committed six-day creationist on biblical grounds, the author frequently expounds the scientific accuracy of Genesis creation as well as using it to show the inconsistency of the most-commonly held views on prophecy today. And in so doing he further reinforces the essential unity of both Old and New Testaments, something he shows is lost within much of what is taken as standard teaching on end times. Though this book leans towards what is known as amillennialism, it does not hesitate to call out biblical weaknesses in some of the arguments heard from that camp, and it becomes clear that the author is not slavishly committed to any "tradition of man" in eschatology. Yet the reality is that many of his fellow conservative, creationist brethren would see any questioning of the dispensationalist "grid" through which the Bible is often viewed as verging on heresy—in particular any other view on the role of Israel. That is, at least until they have seen these carefully and lovingly reasoned arguments. Creation, Curse, Kingdom, and Restoration cuts straight through the mists of argument that shroud the issues, getting to the heart of how something relates to the big picture of the entire gospel message. It also encourages the believer by reinforcing how this big picture has remained unchanged from the earliest times of God’s dealing with humanity. Along the way, it provides some helpful guidelines for practical Christian living.

About the Author

I’m conscious of the fact that I don’t have any formal credentials that qualify me to write on the subject of eschatology/end times. But I’m comforted by the fact that some of the Old Testament prophets, indeed, some of Jesus’ own disciples were unlearned men. I’m of course not claiming to be a prophet or some such. I only observe the simple truth that the credentials of those who are called to service (which includes all believers) are really very small in comparison with the grace and power of the One who calls. Many books have been written on eschatology and end times (future events) by a wide range of authors from various eschatological camps. There are also many very fine books available from creditable sources like Creation Ministries International and Answers in Genesis, that deal with origins (past events). There does, however, seem to be a lack of books that coherently combine the topics of origins and future events in a satisfying and meaningful way. I think that is where this book stands unique. I think the book could appeal to the serious Bible student but also to those who are not as well versed in eschatology but are looking for satisfying teaching on one of the most divisive topics of Christianity during the last century. As far as marketing goes, I have an acquaintance who owns a Christian book store and does some distributing to smaller Canadian stores and is keen to promote it. I don’t necessarily expect that endeavor to be “over the top” fruitful but it would provide some sales.  

Leroy Martin lives with his wife, Jenny Lou, and six children on their livestock and grain farm in southwestern Ontario. He grew up on a wooded rural property in that same region, where he spent countless childhood hours observing and developing a love for nature. Leroy still enjoys the great outdoors. This includes the quiet forest, but also life on the farm, where planting and harvesting crops and tending to livestock give rise to myriad opportunities to enjoy the natural world while meditating on the deeper issues of life and our human existence. These meditations are not rooted in nature as a means or an end, but are based on a conscious awareness of the God of the Bible.

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title: The Journey to Unity: Understanding the Power and Influence of Our Biology and Shared Humanity

author: Pascal L

category: nonfiction • subcategory: currentissues • date submitted: 5.25.2022 • author id: LoPaTh11722

word count: 71000


The impetus to our book is traceable back to our youth. Although growing up on different continents, my co-author (African American) and I (African) have been all too aware of our skin color(blackness) and the structure of societal attitude surrounding it. Now as adults, we embrace the notion that we are more alike than different. However, this concept of shared humanity is largely ignored as our communities remain steeped in bias and division. As scientists and Christ-followers, my co-author and I understand that our need to belong is hardwired into us biologically; humans are physically designed by God for interdependence. Journey to Unity will explore why we act or feel a specific way from a scientific perspective, specifically looking at how our brains cause us to think and act in particular ways. We will show how we can use that knowledge to adjust our words and actions to make this world more inclusive for all.

About the Author

Dr. Pascal Losambe is the Co-Founder, Chief Content Officer, and consultant for Synergy Consulting Company. Dr. Losambe has a bachelor’s degree in molecular biology and biochemistry from Middlebury College and a Master of Science in biology with a focus on Neurobiology from Boston College where he received the Donald J. White award for teaching excellence, a distinguished honor given annually to graduate instructors. He has earned his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Purdue University with a focus on cultural competence.  His master’s thesis was on how Toll-like Receptor Mediated Immune Activation of Monocytes is Increased During Acute SIV Infection and AIDS. Additionally, he wrote a dissertation on cultural competence in education. Dr. Losambe has worked as an educator in several private schools and has previously served as a Diversity Coordinator. He has led strategic vision initiatives for various institutions and has conducted multiple workshops on cultural competence at national and international conferences. Dr. Losambe’s achievements include the Mosaic Award in 2018 and being invited onto the Purdue University Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Advisory Board, the Purdue University Fort Wayne College of Arts and Sciences Advisory Board, the Young Scholars Academy Board, and the Heart of Character Leadership Committee. He previously served on the Independent School Association of the Central States Equity and Justice Committee Board. Crystal Losambe is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Synergy Consulting Company. She received a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a concentration in healthcare management in 2008 from Mercer University, and a master’s degree from The Ohio State University, College of Nursing in 2011. She currently practices as a nurse practitioner certified in Family Medicine and Rheumatology Nursing. Mrs. Losambe has clinical experience in a variety of specialties, including rheumatology, neurology, hospice/palliative care, primary care, opiate addiction medicine, and bariatric medicine. She is pursuing a Doctoral degree in Nursing Practice with a certification in Healthcare Leadership at Ohio University. She has presented on various healthcare topics on national and regional/local stages. Together, Dr. and Crystal Losambe consult and present to churches, companies, and other organizations on various topics related to diversity, equity and inclusion, educational leadership, and organizational culture. Dr. Losambe is the primary presenter for the United Front Initiative, a city and regional program with the goal of bringing unity and reconciliation to the region (from corporations to churches and educational institutions). Dr. and Mrs. Losambe are the curriculum developers for this program. This regional initiative has reached over 500 companies and 10,000+ people in its first year.

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title: The King's Feather

author: Amy E

category: fiction • subcategory: youngadult • date submitted: 5.20.2022 • author id: EaAmTh11022

word count: 63000


Trapped inside steel walls, an ordinary teen girl must save her enemy's life before she loses her own.   In an older universe, a gleaming city’s steel walls protect from an undefeated people called the Lesaries and lock teen slaves inside. Fourteen years after her mom’s disappearance, seventeen-year-old Pero Moshe travels from American town Green Meadow and into Moon City’s walls where she is the next chosen for the Lesaries’ prophesied power.   But when Pero learns that a rich and famous doctor named Dr. Carper is also chosen for the Lesaries’ future kingdom, she must decide between saving her enemy or escaping with the ones she loves before a shout crumbles Moon City’s walls to pieces.

About the Author
Amy Earls is a writing professor for first-year college students and holds a master’s degree in education for adult learners with a focus in writing. As a young adult Christian novelist and podcast host, Amy writes and shares stories that encourage teens to flourish in their own faith. Amy’s list of over 700 newsletter subscribers continually grows through her monthly short story giveaways using BookFunnel and ProlificWorks. Amy lives in Oregon’s bike-riding, Beaver-loving college town with stashes of dark chocolate, one husband, two daughters, and two guinea pigs named Salt & Pepper.

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title: A Preach Well Church: A Plea to Church Members to Help Reinstall Preaching as The Preeminence of The Pastor’s

author: Josh T

category: nonfiction • subcategory: churchissues • date submitted: 5.9.2022 • author id: TaJoA 11222

word count: 27000


38% of pastors have given serious thought to leaving full-time ministry in the last year. Between the COVID-19 pandemic and the unpredictable, never done work of the ministry, is it any wonder that many pastors contemplated resigning? All of this plus church members with unrealistic expectations and a knack for criticism has taken its toll on pastors and on one particular ministry that pastors are entrusted with: preaching. Empty preachers are filling pulpits. Is there anything church members can do to help their pastors with the essential stress of preaching week-in and week-out? Given his own battle with panic attacks and his extensive research on the subject, the author sought out 97 pastors and asked them: What can your church members do to help you preach well? Each chapter in this book is a commitment, a clear, concrete action developed from the study that church members can take to help their pastors preach well.

About the Author
Dr. Josh Taylor is an ordained minister and holds degrees in pastoral ministry, Christian apologetics, and a D.Min in Biblical Preaching from Anderson University in South Carolina. He has preached on a weekly basis for the last 5 years as the senior pastor of Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in Demorest, GA. He has also served as a student pastor and a pastor of outreach and evangelism over his 18 years in ministry. Josh speaks at camps, retreats, and chapels in the Southeast. The target audience for the book is every member of a local church, local church pastors, seminary students and professors, regional and state church leaders and conventions. Potential endorsers include: Dr. Michael Duduit, Executive Editor of Preaching magazine and Dean of the College of Christian Studies at Anderson University. (Dr. Duduit was one of my professors.) Clayton King, Founder/President of Clayton King Ministries, teaching pastor at NewSpring Church in Anderson, SC, published author, and evangelist (I was selected for and participated in a yearlong mentorship in Clayton King’s Evangelist Network) Tim Dowdy and Mark Marshall, Lead Strategists for Pastoral Wellness at the Georgia Baptist Convention. (They reviewed my survey for the 97 Georgian Southern Baptist pastors.)

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title: Urban Church Planting: A Biblical View of Understanding Global Dispersion, Ethnic Enclaves, and the Cultural O

author: Matthew F

category: nonfiction • subcategory: academic • date submitted: 5.9.2022 • author id: FrMaUr11122

word count: 200000


As global migration increases, foreign-born people arriving in the United States are at their zenith. Recent studies indicate that one in eight people living in the United States is an immigrant. Both the dispersed peoples of the world and micro-expressions of churches will continue to increase. More than 95% of dispersed global unreached people groups (UPGs) live within Metropolitan areas, illustrating the diverse minority and diaspora backgrounds within urban environments. Conjoining the migration of unreached peoples with their choice of settling within comprised ethnic enclaves, the possibility for gospel reconciliation significantly increases. As diaspora immigration continues, implementing effective urban church planting strategies is paramount. One method to fulfill the Trinitarian mission of the church exists in cultivating cultural oikos within ethnic enclaves in urban environments.

About the Author
I have consulted and worked with numerous denominations to create church planting curricula and assessments. I currently serve on faculty at Regent University as an Assistant Professor of Practical Theology/Missiology. I helped design and wrote several courses for Regent’s MA in Church Planting. I am currently serving with the Lausanne Movement Church Planting leadership team. I’ve been given permission to serve other institutions within their urban ministry, church planting, and doctoral departments. I hold a MA in Theology, MDiv, DMin, but working toward a Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies. I've written and contributed to ten books and have numerous connections that will promote and endorse the new book. This book will be an effective resource as a course textbook and an applicational reference. The book’s primary audience will relate to seminary and university students exploring intercultural studies, mission, Christian movements, church growth, and church planting. This book will benefit church planting organizations, parachurch ministries, pastors, missionaries, and potential church planters. The current data, research, and paradigm-shifting strategies will edify and practically benefit the target audience. Utilizing my connections with Exponential, university, seminary colleagues, associates, and organizational networks would be the first aspect of marketing. Using social media that targets church planting, mission(s), missiological and theological constructs, and/or Great Commission associated organizations.  Specific courses that may benefit from this textbook would be intercultural studies, urban ministry, missions, church planting, and missionary preparedness, all of which I teach in four higher education universities. The educational level of the book would be Bachelors to Masters-level with andragogical aids, self-assessments (Appendices), and reflective discussion questions at the end of each chapter. The book would be used as a permanent or additional resource for the courses I create and teach. Additionally, the book will be utilized by the many denominations and organizations that I train.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Strive Together with Me in your Prayers (STMP): A Daily Walk with Paul

author: SuzAnn L

category: nonfiction • subcategory: devotional • date submitted: 5.6.2022 • author id: LeSuSt9622

word count: 111079


Strive Together with Me in your Prayers (STMP) came together from my love for God and my desire that His word would sink into my heart and the hearts of other women. My hope and the holy aim of STMP is to assist women in achieving a more purposeful and worshipful communion with God by knowing what His instructive Word says so they may think after His thoughts, ask and seek those things from above, and fight against the things of the world. Strive Together with Me in your Prayers (STMP) is a “prayer’votional." It provides 365 days of scripture, prayer and "votional." The prayers sequentially follow the book, chapter, and verse order of Paul’s thirteen epistles. The name of the book comes from Romans 15:30a where Paul makes a request, “I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit to strive together with me in your prayers to God.” The acronym STMP, while representing the book’s title, also serves the purpose of reminding us that we are to be an impression, have a distinctive character, and be a lasting imprint of Jesus Christ. The phrase “votional” comes from the word devotional, but the emphasis is on the second half of the word “votum” (Latin), which means “pledge, solemn promise, and determination.” When the reader is finished reading Scripture and praying, the next step is to make a solemn promise to meditate on one of the listed points, which are pulled from the day’s reading. The goal is for the reader to stay connected to God’s Word throughout the day by the practice of meditating on a point(s) and allowing that to take root in her life. I believe as women take this daily walk with Paul, by reading, praying, and acting upon Scripture, they will see that Paul isn’t the enemy of women as some may think. Instead, he calls us to develop greater spiritual disciplines, fully surrender to Christ Jesus, and put our faith into action so we may bear external fruit as the Word grows in us. As women strive together with Paul in their prayers, an empowering experience will lead them to a deeper Christian condition and faith. Praying Paul’s holy script leads the way to distinctively Christian living.

About the Author

SuzAnn LeVine is a Jesus follower. She is an ex-New Ager and is married to a non-believer. The Lord pulled her out of the dark deception of the New Age movement in 1985, one year after she married her husband. These life experiences have led her to understand the need to pursue apologetics and sound theology.  She has dedicated herself to biblical truth, scriptural knowledge, and a deep and abiding relationship with her Lord and Savior. She has a passion for women to keep their focus on “things from above,” and has facilitated many women’s Bible studies. In her vocational life, she was an elementary school teacher and a corporate trainer. She has had a varied volunteer career from working with seniors, at a homeless shelter, dog therapy, as a museum docent, and in a thrift shop that supported transitioning incarcerated women back into society. Being a first-time author, she is open to exploring all marketing options and all that is available for her, i.e., build a website, e-mail promotions, church women’s groups, sell on Amazon/take advantage of the features they offer, contact websites that promote Christian books, and whatever else is suggested.  

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Small Truths

author: Jan A

category: fiction • subcategory: general • date submitted: 5.5.2022 • author id: AlJaSm8722

word count: 80980


The town of Cedar Island is in trouble. The tight-knit community has made poor choices that threaten the relationships that make their town unique. When Erin Price agrees to write short stories to attract customers to her struggling newsletter, she initiates a series of events that have the potential of getting more than the newsletter back on track. The stories are events from Erin’s past chosen for the lessons they convey, but for these lessons to work, she must be willing to expose her true self to her friends and neighbors. Although the stories have a way of pointing each reader to a different lesson, the town will soon discover that it will take more than stories to heal the fear, heartache, loneliness, and lack of trust invading their island community.

About the Author
Jan Allen is a retired Air Force officer and physical therapist who loves to create things. Her most extraordinary claim to fame was making homemade arch supports out of an overabundance of elbow braces at her deployed location. Jan's love of writing started with poetry. Although she had one article published in the magazine Advance for Physical Therapist and Rehab Medicine, most of her writing work for the last 35 years has been in the form of patient notes and exercise treatment plans. Tired of patients who search the internet only to find the wrong information to treat themselves, Jan created a blog for this group of self-treaters called With everyone fixing themselves, she now has time to focus on her other passions: woodworking and writing. Jan Allen has a heart for the military and veteran community, and she lives in Yorktown, Virginia, with her husband, her young adult son, her old adult mother, and her ancient dog Buster.

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title: Best Applesauce

author: Heather L

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 4.14.2022 • author id: LiHeBe7922

word count: 1180


Best Applesauce is a tender story of faith and forgiveness. Nijah, a bi-racial adoptee, loves her family, farm, and fall.  Life is good until she faces some careless words on her bus ride and a school project that stirs up confusion about where she belongs.  While making applesauce, Nijah’s grandma, Nana, draws her out of her isolation with the help of some gentle words and apple crisp.  In an almost parable fashion, Nana relays to Nijah how Nijah and her family are like their family orchard.  Each comes from a different type of tree.  Each has to overcome obstacles to become useful fruit.  Each one is made for a different purpose.  How can Nana’s wisdom … and applesauce ... help replace Nijah’s feelings of doubt and bitterness with ones of confidence and joy?

About the Author

Heather Lind was born and raised in Wisconsin.  She and her husband, Ray, along with their four biological children, moved to Lancaster County, PA, and stayed 16 years before moving back to WI.  While in Lancaster, they did foster and respite care with Coby’s Family Services before adopting their two youngest sons.  As a mother of biological, foster, and adoptive children for the past 26 years, Heather has had firsthand experience and training with children and their emotions.  While all children can relate to hurtful words and difficult assignments, Best Applesauce adds another element for those dealing with feelings of loss in an adoptive or blended family.  It offers a visual picture of why forgiveness and faith are necessary and healing.

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title: What Are You Thinking? A Guide to Right Thinking and Christian Meditation

author: Matthew B

category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 4.12.2022 • author id: ByMaWh7022

word count: 35700


We all struggle with sin. If you say you don’t, remember that lying is a sin! But are you trying to fight the battle in the wrong arena? Sin starts in the mind, not the heart. And it is in the mind—the secret battlefield—where sin must be defeated. By embracing biblical principles of right thinking, you can apply Jesus Christ’s victory over sin to your own life. You can live free from the wrong thinking that plagues fallen humanity. What Are You Thinking? confronts an epidemic of wrong thinking, especially in the minds of American Christians. What’s the source? How do you identify it? And, most importantly, what can you do about it? There’s a biblical plan plainly laid out in the Scriptures. Learn how to follow the call of God to reorient your thinking. Then learn how to apply right thinking through Christian meditation, a powerful but often neglected tool to focus your mind on the person, Word, and works of God. Change your thinking and your life will yield abundant spiritual fruit!

About the Author

Dr. J. L. Williams pioneered cross-cultural training of indigenous Christian leaders in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. His writings on Christian leadership and discipleship represent decades of gritty, practical insight into God’s Word and world. The ministry he founded, now called Feed the Hunger, recruits more than 20,000 American volunteers each year to pack food for those in need. This book targets Christians, whether depressed, desperate, or determined, to gain control over their thought life.

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title: Seeing the Unseen God

author: John D

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 4.9.2022 • author id: DaJoSe6822

word count: 53489


Seeing the Unseen God is a popular-level, biblical theology of the pursuit to see God—a task the biblical writers tell us is both impossible and essential at the same time. A number of biblical texts teach us that we cannot see God (John 1:18; 1 John 4:12; 1 Tim. 6:16) and yet we are called to pursue a sight of him who is invisible (Heb. 11:27) with the eyes of our hearts (Eph. 1:18). This is a devotionally-focused study covering themes such as God's revelation of himself, the dangers and benefits of images of God, spiritual sight and blindness, the biblical theme of light, seeing God in suffering, and more.

About the Author
I currently serve as Senior Minister for Columbia Christian Church, a mid-sized church in Kentucky. I have also spent years serving as an Associate in two other churches, one larger and one more mid-sized. My first book, God-Centered Christianity: The Bible's Antidote to Self-Centered Religion, was published in June of 2021 with the Christian Restoration Association. I have a Masters in Theology from the Cincinnati Bible Seminary and I have been in full-time ministry for eleven years.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Finding the Messiah, What the Magi Saw and Much More

author: Murray T

category: nonfiction • subcategory: academic • date submitted: 3.25.2022 • author id: ThMuFi3522

word count: 155000


Finding the Messiah, What the Magi Saw and Much More, © 2021 (full version) How did the Magi, those Wise Men of the east, find the Christ Child using the stars when no one else did? The story begins with the ancient star movements.  Before the Bible was written, the Bright Morning Star observed by Noah and his generation foreshadowed the Seed of the Woman: Immanuel, who is Jesus. Christ’s forefather, Jacob, foretold His coming.  Balaam prophesied of His star.  The Wise Men saw His star in the east.  They journeyed to Jerusalem, not knowing how or where to find Him, but confident of His birth.  King Herod sent them to Bethlehem in search of the Child. That night, hours before their expected morning departure from Jerusalem, the cloud cover lifted.  And the star reappeared, still at the Child in the constellation Virgo, the Virgin who bore the Bright Morning Star!  As they traveled to Bethlehem by starlight, it went before them, positioning over Virgo’s Child as they arrived at dawn.  Then they found the real Child and worshipped Him! What did they see?  How did they know?  Why only them?  Who was this Child?  Come and see!

About the Author
My career as a research engineer, scientist, innovator, and problem solver; 14 years comparing biblical and historical records to back-calculated astronomy; many discoveries of astronomy events that punctuate the Messiah’s life; incredible helpers and reviewers; and numerous packed-house “Star of Bethlehem” planetarium presentations have enabled and inspired me to write this book.  Marketing plans include four complementary books/booklets, a planetarium movie, a cinema movie, and a promotion website.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The BEST FACTS: Apologetics for Every Believer

author: Nathaniel H

category: nonfiction • subcategory: currentissues • date submitted: 3.25.2022 • author id: HeNaTh5822

word count: 40000


The BEST FACTS is a basic introduction to Christian apologetics. This material is fun to learn and easy to understand and remember. It equips believers to deal with doubt and defend their faith.  So many Christians are unprepared for the questions skeptical friends might ask. Having the right answer at the right time can be a game-changer. There are countless other good apologetical resources but this workbook is unique. Many apologetics books can average hundreds of pages each! They use big words many doctoral students might not understand. They are also typically focused on a single topic.  The BEST FACTS is different. It is short, simple, and comprehensive. It gives readers a cumulative, easy to remember, and coherent defense of the Christian faith. Most of the content in this book is not new. The evidence and arguments it contains are well established facts. The BEST FACTS just assembles it all in a shorter format that is easier to understand and remember.  This is a great resource endorsed by leading apologists like Josh McDowell, Frank Turek (Ph.D.), Michael Licona (Ph.D.), Gary R. Habermas (Ph.D.), Jason Jimenez and others.

About the Author
Nate Herbst, the primary author, has a a Seminary degree, a Ph.D., and has spent most of his life involved in Christian ministry. He previously hosted the God Solution, an apologetics focused radio show. In 2018, he co-founded the Great Commission Alliance (GCA), a ministry that trains thousands of believers all over the globe in evangelism and discipleship. Many GCA team members contributed in different ways to this project as well. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Biblical Shavuot Revealed

author: Murray T

category: nonfiction • subcategory: generalinterest • date submitted: 3.22.2022 • author id: ThMuBi5222

word count: 7900


Biblical Shavuot Revealed, © 2021 The Feast of Shavuot (Hebrew for weeks) is the neglected biblical celebration of God’s greatest gifts to mankind.  Fully appreciated, it should be a seven-day annual celebration of the birth of the Messiah, the empowerment by the Holy Spirit, the fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham and his descendants, and the bountiful harvests that feed mankind.  The feast is frequently called Pentecost, Shavuot, and the Feast of Weeks.  Hebrew Scriptures, logic, one second-century BC example, and two New Testament examples define and illustrate the duration and start date. Shavuot is the reason Bethlehem was jam-packed with visitors on the night of Jesus’ birth.  Moses and Joshua chose the first Shavuot to celebrate God keeping His promises to Abraham’s descendants.  The Christian church began on the first day of this feast.  The great grain harvests are celebrated in this feast.  In short, it’s the celebration of the greatest gifts from God; yet very few, if any, fully implement or understand it.  Welcome to biblical Shavuot revealed!

About the Author
My career as a research engineer, scientist, and innovative problem solver; 14 years prayerfully comparing biblical and historical records to back-calculated astronomy; many discoveries; skilled reviewers; and many presentations have enabled me to write this booklet, part of a set of five coordinated books/booklets.  Marketing plans include numerous presentations, a planetarium movie, a cinema movie, and a promotion website.  This booklet should spark good debate across Judaism and Christianity.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Knowing Tomorrow Today: Glimpses of the future that will change your life

author: Merrick B

category: nonfiction • subcategory: prophecy • date submitted: 3.18.2022 • author id: BrMeKn4822

word count: 40804


Pandemics. Global warming. Heat waves. Cyber-crime. Terrorism. Famine. And who, really, expects things to get better? At least anytime soon? On the contrary, the future can look awfully bleak. However, the Bible reveals that we can be hopeful about the future! Knowing Tomorrow Today is a riveting account which outlines a most amazing prophecy from the Bible, which points to our day, and predicts that the next global superpower will be one that will last forever. It is a love story of a God who so deeply cares for us, that He risked it all by coming down into the messiness and brokenness of our human reality in order to save us from ourselves and the forces of darkness. In Knowing Tomorrow Today we are given a glimpse of the world tomorrow – a world in which good has forever triumphed over evil. The future will see heaven on earth – a blissful existence in which redeemed humanity forever enjoys endearing encounters with their Creator. Pandemics. Global warming. Heat waves. Cyber-crime. Terrorism. Famine. Yes, but there’s also this promise as well: “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4). That’s knowing tomorrow today.

About the Author
Merrick Brown is a dynamic Bible teacher and speaker who is passionate about sharing the hope that God has brought to his life. Merrick has spent the last twenty years studying and  sharing the prophecies of the Bible, especially those from the books of Daniel and Revelation. He holds a Bachelor of Science (with Honors) degree in Information Technology from Middle Georgia State University and is currently pursuing the MA in Religion degree at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. He plans to use his book Knowing Tomorrow Today, along with a weekly podcast, as resources for an expanded global teaching ministry. Even though his book is a Bible study on prophecy that was primarily written to inspire and strengthen the faith of believers in these uncertain times, he believes that many non-believers who are skeptical about the Christian church and are not affiliated with a church will also find value in it.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The First Passover, New Discoveries of the Astronomy and Date

author: Murray T

category: nonfiction • subcategory: generalinterest • date submitted: 3.18.2022 • author id: ThMuTh4422

word count: 7500


The First Passover, New Discoveries of the Astronomy and Date © 2021 This book uses biblical and historical records to determine the date of the exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt.  Then it uses astronomy software to determine the Sun, Moon, and star alignments that occurred at the First Passover—the culminating event of one of the greatest deliverances in the Old Testament.  That midnight the Lord displayed His power in deliverances and judgments.  He spared all households that applied the blood of a substitute lamb to their doorposts but killed every firstborn son in all the other households of Egypt.  Simultaneously, He also judged all the gods of Egypt.  The next morning the Jews left as a freed people. Incredible as it seems, God left evidence in the sky.  The Moon, analogous to Pharaoh’s firstborn son for those who worshiped it, turned blood red in total eclipse as judgment occurred.  The correlation and prophetic symbolism of this eclipse have been lost until now, but not anymore.

About the Author
My career as a research engineer, scientist, and innovative problem solver; 14 years prayerfully comparing biblical and historical records to back-calculated astronomy; many discoveries; skilled reviewers; and many presentations have enabled me to write this short book, part of a set of five coordinated books/booklets.  Marketing plans include numerous presentations, a planetarium movie, a cinema movie, and a promotion website.  This book should spark good debate across Judaism and Christianity.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Solomon's Wine of Adultery: The Lost Message of the Song of Songs

author: Jungeun L

category: nonfiction • subcategory: academic • date submitted: 3.12.2022 • author id: LeJuSo4222

word count: 89100


Solomon's Wine of Adultery: The Lost Message of the Song of Songs provides a new understanding of the message and meaning of the Song of Songs (hereafter, the Song). The book is organized into eight probing questions: 1. Why retranslate the Song? 2. Who is the Lover? 3. Who is the Beloved? 4. What kind of love does the Wife want? 5. Why is the Song a love lament? 6. Who is the author? 7. Who is the Wife really talking to? 8. What is the Song really about? The book is written in a style that is accessible to the serious lay student of scripture, but its ground-breaking hermenutic will be of interest to an academic audience. I have grounded this book in an examination of the Hebrew text of the Song, looking closely at grammar, definition choices, and comparative studies of words as used elsewhere in the Old Testament. I have also considered historical, cultural, archeological, and ancient biblical manuscript evidence in my analyses. Where many traditional translations of the Song have glossed over puzzling or difficult passages, I have endeavored to take the text seriously and let it speak for itself, providing an updated literal word-for-word translation of the Song. This has led to insights that have been astounding. The Song is not simply a love song, but is actually a love lament. At the heart of the chiastic structure of the Song is a Hebrew word for "love" that is always connected to promiscuity and adultery in the rest of the Old Testament. Furthermore, I believe the Song was not written by Solomon, but by his first wife, the daughter of Pharaoh, who is his preeminent wife (hereafter, the Wife) mentioned in 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles. The Song is not a fictional work, but an intimate, autobiographical document in which the Wife shares her love and heartbreak over her relationship with Solomon. The Song was written after the Wife was unjustly removed from her position as Solomon's preeminent queen. As a result, the entire Song is structured as a conversation between the Wife and a group of people who are her only access to Solomon. Thoughout their relationship, the Wife poured out faithful covenantal love to Solomon. But Solomon's unfaithful response was the pursuit of fleshly pleasures and indulgence in many women. In this sense, the story that the Song tells about Solomon parallels the biblical testimony of Solomon's many wives and concubines and how they ultimately led his heart into unfaithfulness. Traditional translations miss or obscure these aspects of the Song. Through these insights, this book provides a foundational hermeutic for a fresh translation of the Song. At the conclusion of the book, I share the lessons that the Song has for us. The story of the Song carries a prophetic warning that an abundance of God's blessings can lead to the temptation of selfish, fleshly indulgence. The Song teaches us that by surrendering our own ways and holding onto God's ways in the midst of difficulties, we come to know the depth of God's heart and love for us. In turn, we then have an opportunity to reveal the depths of God's love to others.

About the Author

- Graduated from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary with a Masters of Divinity with an Old Testament focus

- Studied the Song of Songs for 20+ years

- Serving at Calvary Christian Church in various ministries over past 15 years: Cleansing Stream, Watchman Prayer, Morning Prayer, and Street Evangelism

- Married for 26 years to my husband, Charles Lee, and mother of 5 children

- Served as the children and youth pastor in Korean churches (1993–2007)

- Received a calling to write this book at the Urbana 90 Missions Conference (1990)

- Served on a short-term mission trip -to La Paz, Bolivia, where I was baptized by the Holy Spirit (1990)

- Worked as an Environmental Designer in Lippincott and Margulies (1988–1991)

- Graduated from Parson School of Design with a BFA in Environmental Design (1988)

- Surrendered my life to Jesus in 1988

- Bi-lingual and travelled to over 20 countries

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: An Apostle's Life: Conflicts Without and Fears Within: The Message of 2 Corinthians

author: Loren V

category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 3.9.2022 • author id: VaLoAn3922

word count: 42133


The great apostle Paul talked openly about his struggles in this intimate letter to the Corinthian church. Often misunderstood and overlooked for the better-known First Corinthians, Second Corinthians offers an unparalleled glimpse of Paul's life. With the emergence of modern apostles, it offers crucial biblical insights on apostleship. Verses from Second Corinthians (We are Christ's ambassadors, Do not be unequally yoked, If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, God loves a cheerful giver) are often quoted with no idea of their context. This intensely practical book will help you understand Second Corinthians and apply it to your life. The picture it presents of a mature Christian life may surprise many modern believers.

About the Author

My 45 years of ministry began with 6 years on the campuses of the City University of New York with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. During 21 years as a chaplain with the Federal Bureau of Prisons hundreds of men came to Christ, and I have continued to disciple them and many other “spiritual sons” through a web site, blog and 14 books written for those hungry for solid biblical teaching.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Finding the Messiah, What the Magi Saw and More

author: Murray T

category: nonfiction • subcategory: generalinterest • date submitted: 3.8.2022 • author id: ThMuFi3722

word count: 99000


Finding the Messiah, What the Magi Saw and More, © 2021 (abridged version) How did the Magi, those Wise Men of the east, find the Christ Child using the stars when no one else did? The story begins with the ancient star movements.  Before the Bible was written, the Bright Morning Star observed by Noah and his generation foreshadowed the Seed of the Woman: Immanuel, who is Jesus. Christ’s forefather, Jacob, foretold His coming.  Balaam prophesied of His star.  The Wise Men saw His star in the east.  They journeyed to Jerusalem, not knowing how or where to find Him, but confident of His birth.  King Herod sent them to Bethlehem in search of the Child. That night, hours before their expected morning departure from Jerusalem, the cloud cover lifted.  And the star reappeared, still at the Child in the constellation Virgo, the Virgin who bore the Bright Morning Star!  As they traveled to Bethlehem by starlight, it went before them, positioning over Virgo’s Child as they arrived at dawn.  Then they found the real Child and worshipped Him! What did they see?  How did they know?  Why only them?  Who was this Child?  Come and see!

About the Author
My career as a research engineer, scientist, innovator, and problem solver; 14 years comparing biblical and historical records to back-calculated astronomy; many discoveries of astronomy events that punctuate the Messiah’s life; incredible helpers and reviewers; and numerous packed-house “Star of Bethlehem” planetarium presentations have enabled and inspired me to write this book.  Marketing plans include four complementary books/booklets, a planetarium movie, a cinema movie, and a promotion website.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Birth and Appointed Times of the Messiah

author: Murray T

category: nonfiction • subcategory: generalinterest • date submitted: 2.28.2022 • author id: ThMuTh3922

word count: 6900


The Birth and Appointed Times of the Messiah © 2021, (micro version; condensed from Finding the Messiah, What the Magi Saw and Much More, full version) All seven of the most important dates in Jesus Christ’s life occurred either on one of the appointed days or feasts in Leviticus chapter 23 or on an anniversary date of a key event in Jewish history, sometimes both.  All are described in Scripture.  Four of the seven are marked with rare and symbolic Sun, Moon, and/or star alignments.  Three of these alignments are described in Scripture. Foretold in the Scriptures, marked in the stars, lived amongst His people, but lost to mankind!  How could this be?  Come and see!

About the Author
My career as a research engineer, scientist, innovator, and problem solver; 14 years prayerfully comparing biblical and historical records to back-calculated astronomy; many discoveries of astronomy events that punctuate the Messiah’s life; skilled reviewers; and numerous packed-house “Star of Bethlehem” planetarium presentations have enabled me to write this short book, part of set of five coordinated books/booklets.  Marketing plans include numerous presentations, a planetarium movie, a cinema movie, and a promotion website.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Blended: My Happily Ever After

author: Bridgette H

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.23.2022 • author id: HaBrBl2222

word count: 6200


Blended: My Happily Ever After is a fictional book for children aged 7 to 12 that tells the story of a girl named Mia whose mom is remarrying after divorce from Mia’s dad.  Mia was very young when her parents divorced, and now as a seven-year-old, she tries to come to terms with her parents’ divorce as her mom prepares to remarry.  Blended: My Happily Ever After follows Mia’s journey from being an only child to sharing Mom with her step-dad and two step-siblings. Mia ultimately learns that while family isn’t exactly what she’s seen in the fairy tales, where there is love there is family, and love is everything she needs. Although there are other books on the market that deal with issues of divorce, remarriage, and/or diverse family makeup, these books are often in picture book format, aimed at preschool-age children, or are in the form of self-help workbook for parents.  Blended: My Happily Ever After is for those older school-aged children who will find that they have lots in common with Mia or her two older step-siblings.  Additionally, although Blended: My Happily Ever After delves into divorce, remarriage, and new siblings, future stories in the Blended series will focus on other social and family dynamics such as Mia’s life as part of an interracial family, and how Mia and her family work together to cope with mental illness affecting one of her step-siblings.  

About the Author

After teaching elementary school for six years, I decided to obtain my law degree and have been a lawyer for nearly fourteen years. I reside in Fort Worth, Texas, along with my husband, three children, and our two golden doodles. My family is a blended family. This is a second marriage for both my husband and me, and we each have a child or children from our former marriages. Our road to becoming a cohesive family hasn't been perfect, and I know that we may not appear to be the perfect family to some as I and my daughter from my former marriage are African American, and my husband and two bonus kids are white. But our family is so full of love, and I hope my stories encourage kids who are also in non-traditional families that love is what matters most.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Tribulation Cult: Birth of a Remnant

author: Michael P

category: fiction • subcategory: general • date submitted: 2.22.2022 • author id: PhMiTr2122

word count: 175000


Tribulation Cult: Birth of a Remnant is book 1 of a fiction series of the future. What will the political and cultural landscape look like in the mid-2100s? Will progressivism eliminate Christian values altogether? Will the Christian foundations of America stage a comeback? Will Christians be anticipating the end times? Or will the tribulation have come? Beginning with the emergence of the New Left out of the tumultuous 1960s, Book 1 of Tribulation Cult stretches over two generations to its climax in 2048. Center stage are four college friends who follow divergent life paths—two Christians who become ministers, and their liberal counterparts who rise to the summit of world politics. The journeys of the three focus many interconnected themes in the lives of men and women who must decide where they stand as the nation increasingly splits along liberal and conservative lines, and what role the church is meant to play in that divide. Will true Christians be viewed as a cult, increasingly ostracized from mainstream society, culture, and politics? These are only two of the questions the characters in Tribulation Cult are forced to grapple with in this deeply challenging spiritual drama written in the style of Phillips’ best-selling Rift in Time.

About the Author

Michael Phillips has been writing in the Christian marketplace since 1975. He is the author of over a hundred books, both fiction and non-fiction, including many bestsellers. He is known as one of the premier novelists of the Christian fiction boom of the 1980s, and as the man responsible for the renaissance of interest in Scotsman George MacDonald. In addition to his own work, he has published eighty titles by and about MacDonald.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

Showing Authors 100 - 125 of 2235