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title: Leadership from Within: Navigating the Path Toward Soul-Driven Success

author: Dr. Greg W

category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 10.18.2024 • author id: WoDrLe26024

word count: 50000


As a seasoned military chaplain and leadership coach, my days were full of conversations with leaders who accomplished monumental goals only to find that their purpose still eludes them. They often wonder what it was all for. An antidote to lessening this wondering among leaders is living and leading purposefully. True purpose is a complex tapestry woven from the threads of soul care, comprising spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational rhythms. By cultivating holistic soul care, leaders can establish a flourishing personal and professional life giving our lives meaning and fulfilment. Leadership from Within is holistic requiring evaluation and work in all four critical life rhythms and is essential to a well-tended soul and purposeful leadership.

About the Author
Greg retired from twenty-two years of active-duty military service: fourteen years as a Navy Chaplain and some enlisted time as a Marine and Army National Guardsman. He has been in active Christian leadership for many years having pastored in local church settings and a Christian drug and alcohol recovery program. Over his years as a military chaplain in deployed environments, Greg has learned to live a holistically healthy life and care for himself under challenging circumstances. This book arises from his passion for the soul care of faith-driven leaders. Greg is an endorsed leadership coach with a Doctor of Ministry in Leadership Renewal and Coaching from Regent University.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Miss Elliot's Eyes

author: Naomi C

category: fiction • subcategory: mystery • date submitted: 10.9.2024 • author id: CuNaMi25024

word count: 78000


Colony of Victoria, 1860 Resigned to spinsterhood, Miss Meribeth Elliot focuses on searching for her long-lost brother, while hiding her vision disability and migraines from society.  But when she finds the body of a murdered coachman, she stumbles into adventure, and into the path of Clarke Anderson. Clarke is unnervingly perceptive, obsessed with investigating his brother’s mysterious death and adamant, despite her protests, that she needs to investigate the coachman’s murder herself. He is also handsome, a Christian and easy to talk to – qualities Meribeth once dreamt of in a husband. But when Meribeth’s investigations link the coachman’s murder to both the Anderson family and her own traumatic past, how high a price is she willing to pay to uncover the truth? Amid shattered dreams, and unravelling the lies of those she thought she knew, Meribeth holds tightly to her faith in God’s illuminating light. But will God give her eyes to see the truth? Or will heartbreak and the sins of others keep Meribeth from the man she has grown to love? Book #1 of the Southern Cross Secrets series

About the Author
Naomi Currie, writing under the pen name Naomi Jayne, is an active member of Omega Writers, the premier organisation for Christian Writers in Australasia. Since winning an Australasian Religious Press Association gold medal in 2018, Naomi has been shortlisted in various secular and Christian competitions. In 2023 she was nominated for an Omega Writers encouragement award and won first prize at a national competition for Christian life writing. A blogger, romantic, data nerd and puzzle aficionado, Naomi is currently working on a Southern Cross Secrets series of historical mystery and romance novels. Her novels would appeal to a female, Christian audience, who are fans of writers such as Roseanna M. White, Joanna Davidson Politano and Jen Turano.

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title: Invitation to Adventure: Because if the Christian Life is Boring, You're Doing it Wrong

author: Jonathan M

category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 9.27.2024 • author id: MaJoIn23924

word count: 22000


Think a Bob Goff book for teens. If you work in youth ministry or are a Christian parent of a teen you’ve probably seen the gloom statistics. Teenagers in America are leaving the church in record numbers and the jury is out on if and when they will come back. Perhaps part of the reason is the version of Christianity many teens grew up with feels boring and lifeless. Certainly, the life God invites teens to is more than staying out of trouble and being good, but if there is more, what does that look like? What would a compelling life of adventure following Jesus look like for today’s Christian teen? This is the question my book attempts to answer. This is the book I want every teenager going through my youth ministry to read. Through short, engaging, chapters I attempt to paint a picture of what a life following Jesus could look like. I challenge teens to live a life that is not necessarily easy, but a life that is full of meaning and adventure. I believe youth pastors and parents will find this a valuable resource to read with their teenagers, and teens will find this engaging enough to stay with it until the end.

About the Author
I was a youth pastor of 17 years and now currently work as a Next Gen Pastor at a large church (1,500 on the weekend) just north of Milwaukee. I am also a licensed Youth Ministry Coach, I have a Master’s in Christian Leadership, and I am currently working for YM360 creating video content and coaching youth pastors monthly. I have spoken at youth camps, retreats, and have been invited on youth podcasts. I host Northbrook’s “next gen” podcast, and I have a plethora of connections with other churches and pastors from my 18 years of ministry.

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title: Road to Mercy

author: Diana W

category: fiction • subcategory: historical • date submitted: 9.27.2024 • author id: WaDiRo24624

word count: 92000


Oliver Thornwell leaves for Vietnam convinced by his wealthy father that his young wife, Kathryn, took money from them to file for an annulment. His helicopter crashes in Vietnam and he is the lone survivor. He is rescued by the native guerilla troops and is nursed back to health by Thuan, a Vietnamese widow. With no way to return home, he accepts his new life and marries her. Devasted by the actions of Oliver’s parents, Kathryn threw his parent’s money on the floor of Oliver’s room to flee their home. Expecting Oliver’s child, and fearing his parents, she raises her daughter, Allison, in secret. 18 years later, Allison decides to contact her estranged paternal grandparents, feeling they should know about her. Through Allison, God moves to bring about reconciliation and forgiveness, restoring a fractured family. Then Oliver’s parents receive the astounding news that after all these years, Oliver is alive and returning home with the help of brave believers from the underground church in Northern Vietnam. Remembering the past and uneasy about his reception, Oliver, now a widower, returns to a daughter he didn’t know he had, bringing a thirteen-year-old half-Vietnamese daughter he cannot leave behind.  

About the Author
I have written 4 Biblical Fiction novels for Revell, and 5 Biblical Fiction novels for Whitaker House, along with a book on Halloween they commissioned. Also two Contemporary Fiction novels, and with a musical friend have written an Easter Cantata and five songs which are on My agent passed away this last December after an association of 15 years. With Covid and her illnesses, my last book, Rahab, Woman of Jericho came out in August of 2020. I write a weekly blog which my webmaster puts on  Facebook, and I post information and excerpts from my books to my Facebook following. I hadn’t planned on writing another Biblical Fiction as the market for them varies. This novel, historical fiction set in the 1960’s,  is dear to my heart and I decided to see if I could find a publisher for it.

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title: Kairu's Scary Adventure

author: Eleanor H

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.27.2024 • author id: HoElKa24124

word count: 1241


Kairu's Scary Adventure is about a young calf named Kairu who lives in the Amboseli National Park in Kenya. He is free-spirited which often gets him and his three friends in trouble. Kairu isn't always willing to follow rules and finds himself deep in danger. Through an especially dangerous encounter with lions, Kairu learns the value of rules. Sometimes they are there for his protection. The picture book isn't overtly Christian but there is a reflection page at the end of the book. The book itself is 977 words and the reflection page is 264 words. The reflection page discusses the value in following rules and obeying those in authority, especially parents. It is supported by scripture, as well. The reader will also learn about elephants and their habitat.

About the Author
I enjoy sharing God's love with others through the written word. Besides writing children's fiction books (I also  have two chapter books in the works), I've had numerous devotions and articles published in magazines, periodicals, anthologies, and online (at sights such as Upper Room, The Secret Place,, Back-to-the Bible,, Devotable, Koinonia, and Boomerang.) I'm on the leadership team for Wordsowers Christian Writers Group where I'm responsible for writing their monthly newsletter and maintaining two Facebook pages. I have a website at and a devotional blog at

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title: The Genesis Creation Story: A Credible Translation

author: Joe W

category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 9.26.2024 • author id: WhiJo337624

word count: 95000


A translation of Genesis 1 based on the Masoretic Hebrew text that corrects several serious errors and results in a radically new explanation. A revolutionary book that supports Genesis and the Bible as truthful and trustworthy in our scientific age.

About the Author
The author is a committed Christian and serious Bible student. The strength of this book is not in the author’s credentials, popularity, or following but rather because it solves an intractable biblical problem in which Christians have a strong interest. The author will finance 50% of book production expenses and the first printing.

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title: The Passover Trilogy

author: Ryan W

category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 9.18.2024 • author id: WiRyTh23424

word count: 150000


This three-part work follows a sweeping arc through the events (both real and imagined) of the First-Century Church. Observe Passover with John and James, Pentecost with Priscilla and Aquila, and the Feast of Tabernacles with these and many other dynamic characters. There is no more dramatic and enlightening way to engage with the original heroes of the Messianic Age, and to gain insight into the role the major Jewish feasts have played in the formation of our Faith, even to this day. Each book begins with a gripping fictional story, reading between the lines of Scripture and Church History to weave a multi-dimensional tale of fear and hope, of division and reconciliation, of death and new life. Following the story, each book includes a detailed look at the featured Jewish festival, providing keen insight into the biblical basis for the appointed times, and their influence on the lives of the characters, and the lives of all those who seek a fresh revelation of God in Scripture.

About the Author
Dr. Lon A. Wiksell holds a Master of Divinity degree from Oral Roberts University, and a Doctor of Ministry degree in Messianic Judaism from The King’s University. Lon has served in ordained ministry as a pastor and teacher for more than thirty years. The Rev. Ryan Wiksell holds a Master of Divinity degree from Virginia Theological Seminary, and has served as a music minister, church planting pastor, and now as an Episcopal priest in Independence, MO. This Trilogy is most likely to gain attention in conferences focused on the Messianic Jewish movement, of which there are several. Paid placement or sponsorship in these conferences would likely have a strong ROI.

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title: Dust To Dust: justice and mercy exhibited in divine judgment

author: Kent G

category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 9.18.2024 • author id: GooKen08424

word count: 50000


How does God, who loves the people he created so much that he gave his life to save them, do something so seemingly out of character toward those who refuse his gift of salvation as to subject them to an unending life of conscious torture? Is that really what the Bible teaches? On the contrary, God forewarned Adam that the penalty of rebellion was death. When the first couple ate the forbidden fruit, they lost the hope of immortality both for themselves (“you are dust, and to dust you shall return” – Gen. 3:19) and for their offspring (“death spread to all men because all sinned” – Rom. 5:12). According to Scripture, eternal life is a gift bestowed uniquely on those who trust in God’s plan of salvation. God’s final judgment of all his disobedient, defiant creatures is consistently portrayed as an absolutely just punishment of deeds followed by terrible but merciful destruction.

About the Author
Kent holds a BA in Psychology, an MDiv and a DEA (Diplôme d'Études Approfondies) in theology. He served as a missionary church planter in France from 1979 to 2004 and as a church-planter trainer in Cambodia from 2004 to 2014. He has self-published four books including this one. Dust to Dust: Justice and Mercy Exhibited in Divine Judgment Whosoever Will May Come! God is Great! But Is God Good? Timeline To Eternity

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title: Katie's Journal

author: Ryan B

category: fiction • subcategory: general • date submitted: 9.13.2024 • author id: BuRyKa22824

word count: 64000


In October of 2005 the body of a young woman washed ashore in a lifeboat in the Gulf of Mexico. This book comes from the journal that was found next to her in the boat. The prologue and epilogue are written in first person by the one who discovered the journal and the body. The journal describes the last nine months of Katie’s life as she won a contest and went to live on a tropical island in the Gulf of Mexico with about one hundred others. Katie’s initial hopes are to hone her skills as a writer and consider her next moves as she has recently rejected her parents’ Christian faith. During her time on the island, an ad hoc social experiment begins to develop, based on the principles of expressive individualism and celebration of moral relativity. Katie and her friend Jessica are at the center of the experiment and pushing for acceptance of each new moral compromise. However, over time, some extreme positions are adopted and Katie begins to question whether she is on the right path. Eventually, the experiment disintegrates into chaos and Katie is forced to make difficult choices about where she stands and how she will protect herself and others from imminent violence.

About the Author
In the early 2000s I completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies while also working full-time in a para-church ministry. I have been a police officer for the past thirteen years. I have published one non-fiction book under a pseudonym about my career in policing. This would be my first foray into the world of fiction and the Christian book market. It would also be the first published under my real name.

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title: What's a Caterpillar to Do?

author: Trey L

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.9.2024 • author id: LaTrWh22124

word count: 1146


A delightful rhyming story of a little caterpillar struggling with his heart's ambition to fly, stymied by the limitations he sees in his caterpillar self. He "tries on" some alternate identities, with utter failure, and then concedes to allow God's intentions for him to unfold.

About the Author
Trey Lackey is a licensed professional counselor, with over 20 years experience working with emotionally disturbed children in public schools, and over 20 years counseling foster children and their foster parents. He and his wife of 49 years are parents of 4 daughters, and grandparents of seven delightful grandkids. He continues to operate a marriage and family counseling practice in Mansfield, TX. They are members of Fielder Road Baptist Church in Arlington, TX.

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title: Hearing Our Brother’s Voice: How to Meet Jesus in the Psalms

author: Charles D

category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 8.28.2024 • author id: DrChHe21324

word count: 48750


(Working title: Hearing Our Brother’s Voice: How to Meet Jesus in the Psalms) Believers love the psalms, but often find it difficult to make Christian sense of them.  Hearing Our Brother’s Voice shows them how.  In twenty-two brief and self-contained chapters (the book is about 200 pages long), the author invites readers to receive the psalms not just as their “songbook” but as Jesus’, giving expression to the hopes and griefs of his own life.  After explaining the rationale for this approach, the book walks chapter by chapter through a wide range of experiences documented in the psalms (delight, hope, determination and desolation among them), showing readers how these psalms provide windows into the life Jesus chose freely to share with us in order to help us manage it and in the end to rescue us from what has gone wrong with it.   Three chapters near the end offer exercises aimed at increasing readers’ skill in the task promoted by the book. Prayers at the end of each chapter add an element of worship throughout.  As readers meet Jesus in the psalms under discussion, his incarnation and the love that drove it, together with the benefits of being united to him, become more vivid and life-changing.

About the Author
(Working title: Hearing Our Brother’s Voice:  How to Meet Jesus in the Psalms) Charlie Drew retired in 2017 after nearly forty years as a pastor, notably in Manhattan, where he planted Emmanuel Presbyterian Church in 2000 as part of the network of churches founded by Timothy Keller.   Since then he has been active in that network as a preacher, teacher, and mentor, preaching weekly for over two years and coaching the pastoral team at Keller’s flagship church in upper Manhattan, and teaching seminarians and pastors under the auspices of Redeemer City to City.  He especially loves to preach the psalms as windows into Jesus’ life and to show his pastoral students how to do it.  The proposal comes with multiple endorsements, including those from Tim Keller, David Powlison, Tremper Longman, and Bishop Neil Lebhar.  The people at Redeemer East and CMP City to City have promised to make the book known to their networks.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Ransomed - One Man's Journey from Despair into the Light of Truth.

author: Mark S

category: nonfiction • subcategory: academic • date submitted: 8.6.2024 • author id: ScMaRa18424

word count: 42000


Ransomed tells the harrowing true story of a young man suffering under demonic oppression, his desperate, years-long, search for the “one Truth,” and the miraculous deliverance and unexpected joy found in the supernatural power of Christ. For both Christians seeking a deeper understanding into the reality of the unseen realm, and the skeptical but searching nonbeliever, Ransomed offers a reasoned defense for the story’s claims along with its deeper Biblical implications.

About the Author
As you can see from my LinkedIn profile, by profession I am an Attorney with an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering. During my career I served in various roles at high technology companies before going into private practice as a patent litigator. And while Ransomed is my first attempt at publishing a full-length book, I have written many booklets and pamphlets related to my various ministry responsibilities. I also continue to publish articles in nationally recognized media channels including, the City Journal, The American Conservative, The Stream, and The American Thinker. As Founder & President of Protect Our Kids, I have access to a sizeable network of potential buyers for this book. I regularly speak at conferences and other venues. I also produce a weekly podcast along with PragerU style YouTube videos.

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title: A Game Plan for the Fourth Quarter: For men in their golden years

author: Loren V

category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 7.6.2024 • author id: VaLoA 17024

word count: 47043


I’ve been working with men for almost fifty years. Twenty-one years as a Federal Prison chaplain. Counseling. A father to many father-less men. In “retirement” I realized that a lot of men my age and older were really struggling. Health problems. Marriage issues (or death of a wife). Changes in their sex life. Missing work and career. Money problems. And it seemed no one really cared, or knew what to say. As I tried to find books that addressed “golden age” men, I found cars of the sixties, financial planning in retirement, and dealing with ED and prostate issues. Meanwhile, men were spending what was supposed to be those “golden years” depressed, wasting time on the internet, addicted to porn, and even committing suicide. This book addresses the changes going on in your life, what you’re feeling inside, which you probably have no one to talk to about. As death gets closer, we start thinking about heaven. What do you think about God? How can you be sure you’re going to heaven. We’ll learn some lessons from the later years of men in the Bible and see what God may have for you. All the angles possible to make your senior years as fulfilling as possible.

About the Author
Loren began ministry with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship in New York City. After ordination in the Reformed Church in America, he worked for 21 years as a chaplain at various locations with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. He’s written 17 books in English and Spanish. His blog gets close to 1000 daily hits. Currently living in Costa Rica, he is associate pastor at Oasis de Esperanza church and active as a “spiritual father” to scores of men throughout the Spanish-speaking world.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Antisemitism: American and Otherwise

author: Fenton W

category: nonfiction • subcategory: academic • date submitted: 7.6.2024 • author id: WaFeAn16424

word count: 30000


Events have overtaken me! I began a manuscript, expecting antisemitism to increase in America—and it has exploded before I could predict it!      Understanding Antisemitism: American and Otherwise springs from the view that antisemitism is Satanically sponsored. Existing explanations miss its source by only crediting human causes, such as jealousy of Jewish disproportionate success. Satanic hostility against the Jewish people comes from their chosenness as God’s initial and eventually returning band of missionaries to the nations. Knowing the day will come when they awaken to the Messiah and their call, Satan tries to kill ever last one of them to inhibit God’s redemption plan. The Jewish people have yet to do their job. Though the early missionaries were Jewish, the Jerusalem Church did not reach beyond its ethnic roots. In fact, it seems God had to move his missionary base to Antioch because of their provincialism. Thus, Satan enlists willing human coconspirators in his effort to prevent fulfillment of the Jewish missionary call. With increasing numbers of Jewish believers, little wonder antisemitism is growing.

About the Author
Dr. Ward has the experiences of forty odd years of working with Messianic Jews.  At thirty-seven, he and his family moved to Los Angeles where he founded a congregation of Jewish and gentile Christians.  Later, he founded Project Ingrafting, a Jewish evangelism organization which continues. Ward has a B.S. from Oklahoma State, an M. Div. from Southwestern Baptist Seminary, and D. Min. from Fuller’s School of World Missions. He authored What to Say, When They Say, “I’m Jewish,” a book on Jewish evangelism, and Government vs. God, a commentary on Revelation. Ward and his wife, Margaret, currently live on the Monterey Peninsula, California.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Red Goblin Strikes Again

author: Danel L

category: fiction • subcategory: youngadult • date submitted: 7.4.2024 • author id: LaDaTh15724

word count: 44550


As a librarian, I have seen the teen market succumb to lots of  violence and sexually descriptive novels. Most recently, there is a glut of "paranormal novels" whose protagonists are vampires, witches and werewolves.  Such things are fine in small doses, but I believe that there is a market for more positive and uplifting teen/upper elementary novels, novels that don't make one want to go out and slit one's wrists after closing the cover. (I've known that to happen.) The Red Goblin Strikes Again describes a boy who finds his solace in more normal pursuits, who lives in a rural area of the late 1970s and is closer to nature than most urban teens.  He has parents who care for him, even if it isn't normally expressed and who has friendships not only with his peers but with neighbors who are adults and the elderly.  He is a close friend, for example, with his neighbor, Ruby Arnold, Corey's grandmother.  She is  lonely and reads too many detective novels and like Don Quixote with his novels of chivalry accepts them as the literal truth. She decides that the best way to serve her tiny community and surrounding areas is to become a detective herself and search out enemies of her own fair village.   David becomes her Sancho Panza and accompanies her in her occasional nocturnal sorties of neighbors' homes for murder victims, terrorists, communist spies, and other miscreants who populate her novels The novel is written from a Christian worldview.  But as a boy and teen, I didn't like the didactic novels found in the church library, where everyone "gets saved" at the end.  I prefer to write in a humorous and at times silly vein.  Scenes take place in church from time to time, not to deliver sermons, rather to flesh out the personalities of some of the characters, and yes, to sow that normal people can be people of faith, in spite of their failings. I choose to write in a Christian manner because my reception from secular publishers has not been good, and one of the agents I contacted wanted me to spice up my work with sexual encounters between the characters.  Yes, sex happens in the imaginary village of Lindenwald, as everywhere, but I  chose not to go into the bedrooms of my characters.  And David is experiencing these feelings as teens do, but rather than get down to the "nitty-gritty," his glasses fog up when he has such feelings. I submitted this novel to you before, you liked it, and you made several suggestions, which I've followed.  For instance, it is about 1/4 longer than the previous submission.  I've been careful to note WHO is speaking rather than assuming that it is understood.  I've better described my characters...brown eyes or blue, thin or heavy, hair color, etc.   And finally I decided that it fits more in the past rather than in 2024 and removed reference to the Internet and other things that didn't exist in the 70s.

About the Author
I am now retired, but do occasional substitute teaching in a public school system in my college majors of German and Spanish and studied abroad in a Spanish university and worked in short term missions in Austria and Germany.   I also substitute for a Christian school, most recently part-time in the 4th grade.   As a rural public librarian for over thirty years, I have read to children in preschool through elementary grades until a children's librarian was hired.  As needed, I helped with summer reading programs for children and teens.   I had a book club for boys and tried to encourage the so-called "reluctant readers," most of whom are boys.  I was the person who ordered both adult and YA materials and helped the children's librarian who ordered most children's materials. I began to write in my teens when someone I loved and looked up to as an older brother committed suicide.   I found release from my grief and emotions by writing.  Gradually my writing evolved to involve humor as well as serious subjects.   The theme of the novel and another adult one that I'm working on is the wonder of friendship, between men or women.  CS Lewis wrote about friendship and felt that it was very much undervalued in our friendless world.   That's more true now in the post-COVID world where loneliness has become an epidemic. I've written free-lance non-fiction articles for work and the weekly newspaper in that area of northern Berks County (Hamburg, PA)  and as a free-lancer with the local newspaper.  Being in an ethnic Pennsylvania German region, I learned the dialect well enough to contribute to a PA German column several times in the Ephrata Review.   In college, in addition to my languages, I took courses in journalism and play writing, though the latter I've never used, but enjoyed the exercise of having to write a one-act play. Should the novel be accepted, I believe that I could market it in book talks in libraries locally where many librarians still know me, as well as in churches and bookstores in what are called "book talks."  I used to hate public speaking, but my years as a librarian who attended township meetings to beg for money and support, I think Ive out grown it to the point where I've taught Sunday school and was a crucifer and assistant minister in the Lutheran church I once attended.  

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Young Knight

author: Lydia R

category: fiction • subcategory: historical • date submitted: 6.27.2024 • author id: ReeLy960224

word count: 189827


Archer was never more than an orphan - all his life he seemed to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Facing the bullies of his childhood had taught him tenacity and courage, but those challenges turn out to be the least of the trouble he will face in the coming months. War was sweeping Europe in 1183, the king's empire was crumbling, and as a page boy, Archer would soon take his place as a soldier in the ranks of the army. In this vibrant, medieval tale filled with laughter, tears, first love, and wild action, Archer uncovers answers to the dark mystery surrounding his father's death and becomes tangled in a dangerous plot against the king. Now more than ever, Archer will need the courage to survive being hunted by traitors, become a squire to Prince Richard, play a spy for the Crown, and above all, find the strength of character to choose what he will stand for as a man. Will he become a victim of circumstance? Or will he claim his destiny and change the course of history?

About the Author
The eldest of a large family and a mother of 4, Lydia Reese has been a storyteller for as long as she can remember. Recognized by Michael Farris, (HLDA) on his radio program for her self-published work, and encouraged by her fans, she has been weaving accurate portrayals of medieval history and heart pounding adventure for 15 years. Her writing brings history to life with captivating tales of true character, honest lessons, and inspiring faith.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Ladder Learns to Pray and Other Emergency Vehicle Prayers

author: Anna C

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 6.25.2024 • author id: CaAnLa14524

word count: 615


We, like many parents, include a prayer as part of our bedtime routine with our toddler, yet there aren’t any prayer books that target young boys with exciting topics like trucks. However, many secular bedtime books do such as Sheri Rinker’s bestselling Good Night, Good Night Construction Site. Ladder Learns to Pray and Other Emergency Vehicle Prayers is a series of 6 board books targeted at young boys. Each book is one prayer, 6 spreads in length, which focuses on an emergency worker and its corresponding emergency vehicle. The relationship between the emergency worker and its vehicle mimics a father (the worker) putting his son (the vehicle) to sleep at night and teaching him to pray. There is also a prayer focus for each book, e.g., Ladder Learns to Pray focuses on bravery and sacrifice and Cruiser Learns to Pray focuses on wisdom, justice, and grace. Because children learn by repetition, the first, second and last stanza of each book is the same; this also gives the child a structure to create his own prayers. Additionally, each book has “What does this mean to me?” call-outs to help parents discuss big concepts with their child at an age-appropriate level.

About the Author
Anna Cannelongo is an experienced educator licensed in mathematics and language arts with a Master’s of Education in Curriculum and Instruction. Anna taught in both Christian and public schools; worked on a 2nd grade reading anthology at McGraw Hill Education; and was an education program specialist for the state of Ohio. At McGraw Hill, she wrote a poem and two short stories under pseudonyms for their Open Court Reading textbook. At the formerly named Ohio Department of Education, she wrote and provided professional development across the state for teachers and wrote the Instructional Supports for the Mathematics Model Curriculum. Additionally, she co-authored two articles about the high school math pathways initiative. In 2022 she won the Friend of Mathematics award for promoting math education across the state of Ohio. But most importantly she is a mom to a truck-loving toddler who wants to instill the love of Jesus in her child!

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: God's Hidden Hand Unveiled: How My Jewish Ancestral Family Eluded Extinction

author: Doug E

category: nonfiction • subcategory: generalinterest • date submitted: 6.15.2024 • author id: EiDoGo13324

word count: 50000


For millennia, Doug Einfeld’s Jewish ancestral family endured unspeakable adversity and the continual threat of annihilation.  As he unearths the harrowing story of their survival, he discovers the ever-present hidden hand of ancient Israel’s God. Their story begins in antiquity during the biblical era of Abraham and ends in seventeenth-century Germany.  It provides a behind-the-scenes view of everyday Jewish life during biblical Old Testament, Intertestamental, and New Testament times.  It retraces their near-annihilation by the Roman empire and their eventual migratory journey from Palestine to Italy -- and then from Italy to Germany.  It recounts their subjection to brutal anti-Jewish terrorism during the Middle Ages.  And it concludes with their arrival in remote northern Germany as expelled refugees fleeing a pogrom elsewhere in that country. Perils of all sorts were scattered along their path: deadly famines; ravaging socio-economic conditions; subjugation by foreign powers; Jewish civil war and religious strife; tyranny, bigotry, terrorism, and warfare.   Miraculously, they survived.  Undeterred by fear and tragedy, they clung to faith and hope, pursuing opportunity and freedom in defiance of impoverishing and repressive forces. Readers will: Be captivated by the riveting drama of the Jewish peoples’ journey through history. Tour behind the scenes of everyday life during biblical times and gain a refreshing new perspective on what it was like. Discover enriching new insights regarding the Jewish foundations of Christianity, the person and mission of Jesus, the beginnings of the Jewish Jesus movement, the formation of the New Testament Gospels, how and why Christianity and Judaism split and went their separate ways, and more. Witness an often-hidden disturbing reality about medieval life in Europe -- a persistent, rampant, genocidal anti-Semitism, and be persuaded to remain vigilant against its susceptibility to historical recurrence. Be inspired by the enduring faithfulness of the God of the Bible, and be encouraged to keep trusting him in the face of calamity.

About the Author
Present Position: Doug Einfeld is an ordained minister who led a new church startup in suburban Chicago, pastored a church in Missouri, and served as a clinically trained chaplain in both hospital and hospice settings in Missouri and West Michigan.  His four decades of professional pastoral experience uniquely prepared him for writing this book.  He says, "I have listened to the stories of countless people as a church pastor and healthcare chaplain -- stories of sorrows and joys, personal and spiritual struggles and crises.  As someone who has worked in end-of-life care, I understand that everyone has a story of their life's journey, and I know the importance of having those stories heard and affirmed.  I wonder what stories my ancestors would have told me if I had been able to sit with them and listen."  This book is written with a chaplain's eye for discerning such untold stories.  And it is written with a pastor's heart for helping readers see the hand of God at work in their own lives and for encouraging them in their own faith journeys. Educational background: Einfeld earned a B.A. in history from Calvin University, an M.Div. from Calvin Theological Seminary, and a Th.M. from Calvin Theological Seminary.  During the past five years, as he began a post-retirement career in genealogical research and writing, he took Calvin University's course, Writing Memoir.  He attended the 2023 Scriptoria Writers Workshop in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and he will attend it again in 2024.  He also attended the 2024 Festival of Faith and Writing at Calvin University. Qualifications: Einfeld has a familial bond with the Jewish historical experience recounted in this book.  This flesh-and-blood connection enables him to view that experience from a uniquely personalized vantage point.  And it enhances his ability to provide an engaging and heartfelt encounter for readers.  He says, "I have a curious, inquisitive, investigative mind.  I enjoy doing research, seeking to uncover hidden realities.  I am a longtime student of history,  particularly the history of my Christian heritage.  This work is a “passion project” for me.  It reflects my hunger for discovering genealogical and historical truth, for ascertaining the behind-the-scenes experiences of those who lived my Jewish ancestral story.  And it is the fruit of an extensive research effort through which I have consulted more than 150 reference works.  My investigation has given me a fresh perspective on the old and often overly familiar biblical story, and it has enriched my understanding of the broader historical context in which it took place.  This has helped me discern some of the distortions, misunderstandings, and knowledge gaps that often characterize the traditional imaging many Christians have about the biblical Jewish era.  And that positions me to enrich that imaging in informative, refreshing, and inspiring ways." Target Market: Primary Audience: Demographics: Evangelical Christians (1 in 3 Americans), both church-attending and de-churched (the 40 million US adults who used to go to church, but no longer do). Both men and women, aged 45 and older. College-educated; professionals and leaders; middle and upper middle class. Psychographics: Intellectually curious about the roots and foundations of their Christian faith. Desire to dig deeper and increase their knowledge of the contextual setting of the biblical account.  Desire a better understanding of their Judeo-Christian religious heritage. Desire to be inspired in their own faith journey and to be reassured of the enduring faithfulness of God in the face of calamity and in dealing with personal struggles with faith/doubt. Concerned about the perceived decline and unraveling of traditional Christianity in our post-Christendom world. They feel a sense of disconnection, unmooring, and discontinuity with biblical-historical Christian roots. Desire to be inspired by a more authentic, real-world, contextually-based perspective on the person and mission of Jesus. Wish to have gaps in their knowledge of biblical-era history filled. What happened during the intertestamental period?  What is important to know about the setting into which Jesus was born and conducted his ministry?  Why did first-century Jews respond to Jesus the way they did?  Why did Christianity ultimately fail to effectively take root among the Jewish people? Secondary Audience: Demographics: Non-evangelical Christians, religiously unaffiliated, and non-Christians. Both men and women, aged 45 and older. College-educated; professionals and leaders; middle and upper middle class. Psychographics: A general strong interest in history. Specific interests in biblical-era history, Jewish history, and/or Western history. Enjoy reading biography/memoir (30% of US adults). A general strong interest in genealogy and family history -- either in a broad sense, or more specifically related to their own ancestral origins and/or family heritages rooted in Judeo-Christian history.

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title: How Education Was Kept Alive: The Impact of the Protestant Reformers

author: Harley A

category: nonfiction • subcategory: academic • date submitted: 6.7.2024 • author id: AtHaHo12724

word count: 96000


The Protestant reformers of the sixteenth century, such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Philip Melanchthon, as well as many others, championed the idea that every individual should have direct access to the Scriptures, encouraging literacy and a personal engagement with knowledge. This book is an exploration of the multifaceted ways in which the reformers' ideas and principles shaped educational systems--both general or pubic and religious or church--in Europe and beyond. From the establishment of new schools and the promotion of vernacular languages to the emphasis on critical thinking and individual interpretation, the reverberations of the Reformation in the realm of education were profound and enduring.  

About the Author
After 25 years of teaching in the Christian Education/Ministry Leadership departments at Toccoa Falls College, I retired about five years ago. My higher education journey began at Trinity Junior College (Trinity Western University) 1968-70, 74 where I earned an AA. In 1980 I graduated from Canadian Bible College (Ambrose University) with a BRE. At Talbot School of Theology I earned an MA and PhD, both in the field of educational ministries. Along the way I served as a youth pastor and (volunteer) pastor in C&MA churches. I was ordained by the C&MA Canada in 1983. My books include Handbook of Young Adult Religious Education, Religious Education (editor and contributor), Ministry with Youth in Crisis (co-authored), The Power of Small Groups in Christian Education, Teaching Youth with Confidence, and Fallible Heroes: Inside the Protestant Reformation (co-authored). I have contributed to the Baker Dictionary of Christian Education, the Encyclopedia of Christian Education, and the Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States. I've also been published in the Christian Education Journal multiple times. My publications twice earned me Toccoa Falls College Faculty Scholar of the Year--2003 and 2016.

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title: The Big Change

author: Heather S

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.17.2024 • author id: SoHeTh10724

word count: 673


‘The Big Change’ is a story of two caterpillar best friends. It’s the day of the bug village running race, and both caterpillars are ready to go! That’s until one of the caterpillars starts to change, and the two best friends start on a journey to understand what is happening. Death is the big change we all must face. ‘The Big Change’ provides a Christian metaphor for families to sensitively discuss death. It is aimed at preschool-Kindergarten (2-5 years) aged children, who are facing death themselves, or they may know someone facing it.   In 2022, more than 3.2 million persons died in the United States. Talking about death, or the big change, is difficult. The way people approach this topic will be different for many reasons, including age, where we come from, whether we are sick, and what support we have around us. Therefore, this book deliberately uses pictures and simple language as this format may be understood by people from a range of backgrounds and situations. The death-related themes that may come up through this story include shock, sadness, acceptance in faith, companionship, grief, and the Christian hope of new life in heaven.

About the Author
Heather is mother who understands what it is to prepare a child for death. The diagnosis of her 4-year-old youngest daughter Emily with a rare and terminal brain tumor presented Heather’s family with this heartbreaking task. This book is the outcome of her family’s journey. Heather is also an occupational therapist, with a graduate diploma of divinity. She has commenced her Doctor of Philosophy and is researching how to address client spirituality in healthcare.

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title: Spiritual Breakfast on the Run

author: Curtis A

category: nonfiction • subcategory: devotional • date submitted: 5.17.2024 • author id: AlCu34224

word count: 28700


This 365–day Devotional is designed especially for people on the go. They are awakening to the importance of planting in their minds and hearts, first thing every day, portions of God’s Word and its timely wisdom. They comprehend the importance of starting the day with Scripture and a brief thought about that passage. But they are also rushed at the beginning of the day. Consequently, they are looking for a quick spiritual breakfast, and are open to a more in–depth interaction with the Lord later in the day. Each brief daily devotional is limited to 75 words, making it suitable for a busy morning that also opens a window for God to shine His blessings into their day. The paragraph can also prepare for a closer, more focused examination of the passage or another study that satisfies their soul’s need for a rich spiritual feast. The goal of SPIRITUAL BREAKFAST On The RUN is to invite busy people into a closer, more intimate relationship with God. It is designed to make Scripture a daily part (dare I say, a ‘habit’?) of their lives.

About the Author
Dr. Alexander spent 40 years pastoring, taught communication and Comparative Religions in four colleges and edited my denomination’s magazine. My Doctor of Ministry is from Bethel Seminary–Minnesota. I was interim Academic Dean at Covenant Bible Seminary, Tacoma, WA. I have connections with The Missionary Church, Inc., The Church of God (Anderson) and Southern Baptist Churches. I have two books under contract to be published. An author website is in the works. I hope to participate in marketing efforts.

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title: 40 Daily Jolts of God’s Grace: Joy Through Christ and Coffee

author: Susan S

category: nonfiction • subcategory: devotional • date submitted: 5.4.2024 • author id: SqSu409524

word count: 48000


What brings you the most joy in life? Having trouble answering this question, then take a walk through 40 Jolt's of God's Grace: Joy Through Christ and Coffee. We all want to feel joy and in this hectic world which never seems to slow down, we can often feel lost, sad, and lacking. Through God's great grace and a lot of coffee, we can be sure to find what we have lost and begin to see a a place to turn when we are spiraling out of control. Whether you are looking to develop a deeper faith in Christ, find joy in a busy life, understand how abundant God's grace really is, or find hope in your hurting, you will have the opportunity to read daily devotions specifically chosen by you based on your need in this book. Then, be encouraged by ending each devotion time with a prayer and a challenge for the day. Get ready to take hold of the jolt you need  and hang on to God as He leads you to His grace and joy.    

About the Author
Susan Bennett Squires is a follower of Jesus, two time cancer survivor, coffee lover and retired elementary school Principal who enjoys sharing her testimony with women who are struggling through the hardships of this busy life. Mrs. Squires is a servant at LifePoint Church Minden where she is the Small Group Team Lead Coach. In this role she helps leaders enhance their skills to connect with group members and bring each one to a deeper walk with Christ. Susan develops and writes sermon based guides for small groups and participates in writing and speaking for special events at LifePoint. She enjoys writing a weekly blog, Grace and Strong Coffee, which features personal stories about God's great grace in her life while helping others see how God's abundant love can be theirs when they accept Christ as their personal Savior. Susan has also written a book titled Grace and Strong Coffee, which she hopes to have published.

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title: Yeshua. The kingdom (first volume of the tetralogy)

author: Stefano R

category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 4.22.2024 • author id: RiStYe7924

word count: 125000


YESHUA is the tetralogy dedicated to the story of Jesus. Written after a long process of exegetical, historical and spiritual study, the tetralogy recounts the life of Jesus starting from his birth, going through the two and a half years shared with his disciples, and ending with his death: from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, from the manger to the tomb, from the revelation made to Miriam to the one addressed to each of us. Through the language of the historical novel, the author retraces step by step the story of Jesus; he does so by reserving a particular sensitivity towards the human and psychological aspects of the protagonists, leading the reader to empathize with the same doubts and weaknesses of the disciples, to identify with their expectations and their falls, to marvel at the bending of the normal natural order, to kneel, with amazement and confusion in their eyes, before the mystery of Heaven made earth. These four novels will take the reader from the dusty streets of Galilee to the golden rooms of Jerusalem, from the nets cast in the lake of Tiberias to the blood spilled on the temple altar; they will lead the reader to empathize with the same doubts and weaknesses of the disciples, to empathize with their expectations and their downfalls, to marvel at the bending of the normal natural order, to kneel, with amazement and confusion in their eyes, before the mystery of heaven made earth. The tetralogy: Yeshua. The kingdom Yeshua. The flee. Yeshua. The birth. Yeshua. The passion

About the Author
STEFANO RIGAMONTI is a Italian composer, author, producer, arranger and writer. Music For years he has been writing, producing and arranging songs for Italian and international CCM productions, collaborating with various record labels. His songs boast more than 25 million views (2023). Some of his songs are translated into Dutch, English, Romanian and Hungarian. His music has been published in many countries (Usa, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Latvia, Portugal, Serbia ect…). In 2017 he won the Zecchino d'oro Italy's most prominent children's music competition. In 2017 e 2022, as an author he participated in the junior euro vision contest. He has written a musical (Yeshua. The birth of the hope) that may soon be staged in major Italian theaters. In 2022 and 2023 he gave more than 80 concerts with his wife throughout Italy presenting his tetralogy. Fiction In 2022 he published his debut novel YESHUA. THE KINGDOM, the first volume of the tetralogy devoted to the life of Jesus. In 2023 he published his second novel YESHUA. THE FLEE, the second volume of the tetralogy. The first two volumes have been reprinted 3 times, enjoying great success in Italian evangelical circles.

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title: Mere Spirituality: A Rational Embrace of the Supernatural in the Crisis of Our Age

author: Joshua S

category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 4.19.2024 • author id: SpJoMe7724

word count: 69000


Western civilization is decadent and in decline and Western man is in an existential crisis. While the Enlightenment began with an explosion of energy fortifying the pillars of natural sciences, philosophy, and spirituality, increasingly the West has tried to precariously balance an enormous and complex society on but a single pillar. As science gained preeminence in society, materialism soon followed, creating an anemic worldview and existence devoid of moral virtue and meaning. In our pursuit of shallow technological achievement, the spiritual was sacrificed for the superficial, but man longs for something far deeper. Suffocating in the spiritual vacuum of his own making, modern man has grasped at surrogates, but there is no substitute for breath. As the West continues toward collapse, we may want to consider the possibility that to pull back from the brink, we’ll have to return to where we deviated and embrace ancient biblical wisdom, historical models, and spiritual practices which have stood the test of time. If we do, we may find that what was lost actually enhances what was preserved. For spirituality and rationality are not mutually exclusive, but two halves of the whole.

About the Author
Joshua Spatha has served for two decades as a missionary with a degree in anthropology and a focus on cultural and historical trends and cycles. He has taught on worldview, missiology, and spiritual disciplines in collegiate-level missions training courses and currently serves on the leadership of Seven Peaks, a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM). He is currently preparing to move long-term with his Singaporean wife and their three boys to Central Asia.

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title: The Man Who Had No Feet Mephibosheth - A story of hope and courage

author: John C

category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 4.9.2024 • author id: CoJoTh6824

word count: 94000


Mephibosheth lived around the beginning of the 10th Century BC. His father was Jonathan, a great friend of the future King David and the grandson of King Saul. When his grandfather and father died in battle, the shock was so great that the little boy of five years old was dropped by his caregiver rendering him crippled in both feet. His family fled in fear to a remote village called Lo Debar. Eventually, King David remembered his covenant with Jonathan and restored Mephibosheth to Jerusalem, where he lived in the palace. Very little is known of Mephibosheth from Biblical history. We know that he lived during the rise of the new city of Jerusalem, lived in the palace of David, and undoubtedly witnessed the building of Solomon’s Temple. He would have known of David’s adultery with Bathsheba, his songs and psalms, and the challenges to his power from his son Absalom and others. How did this man, falling from prince to pauper, from able-bodied to a cripple, then restored to the king’s palace, navigate such a turbulent journey? This is the imagined story of Mephibosheth’s life and times. A life overcoming disappointment with courage, hope, and faith.

About the Author
John Cox is a retired pastor with degrees in Psychology, Theology, and Leadership. He has authored other books, published by Harvest House, and Wipf and Stock. Born in South Africa and trained in England, he has lived and worked on Vancouver Island, Canada, for the past 35 years. He has written a blog for the past ten years with a modest following of 300 subscribers and has contacts worldwide through the Anglican Mission church and a network of friends. He is married with three adult children in a blended family.

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Showing Authors 1 - 25 of 2256