
title: Hardwired

author: James W. Miller

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology, Apologetic • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: MiJ9174112

word count: 150


{ITL}Hardwired{NRM} is a book for every parent who has sent a Christian child off to college or Christian who has friends with tough questions about belief. Beginning with the biblical idea that there is already enough reason to believe in God present in the world He has made, the book shows that everyone already has an intuition for God's existence, an intuition which reveals more than we think. When we look hard about some basic, foundational assumptions with which we carry on our daily lives, we'll discover that those assumptions are "booby-trapped" with traces of God.

About the Author
The writer is a pastor of a church of 1200 weekly attenders in LA and who regularly speaks at conferences, retreats, graduations, retirement communities, and secular organizations. He has published dozens of article and contributed to curriculum with Christianity Today, Thomas Nelson, Group, Youth Specialties, and more. He serves on a national board with his denomination and has degrees from Fuller and Princeton.

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title: Modern Scholarship and the Preterist Movement:

author: Charles S. Meek

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: MeC7866912

word count: 170


The writer notes that he begins where the 1998 book by the imminent scholar R.C. Sproul (Last Days According to Jesus) leaves off - examining the possibility that most if not all prophecy was indeed fulfilled in Jesus' own generation, just as he promised in Luke 21:22, 32. He cites C. S. Lewis's assertion that "the apocalyptic beliefs of the first Christians have been proved to be false."

About the Author
The writer is the editor and primary writer for one of the oldest Christian websites on the Internet, www.faithfacts,org, a website that is one of the only approximately three sources that Bible Gateway regularly uses to answer questions asked of them.

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title: You Have Been ID'ed

author: Miriam Eubanks

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: EuM2001312

word count: 150


Subtitled: {ITL}Something You Need to Know About Tattoos, the Implantation of Radio-Frequency Identification Microchips, and the Mark of the Beast{NRM}. The manuscript illustrates how Satan is making the way for the Antichrist to introduce the mark of the beast during the tribulation period. He understands the importance of preparing the minds of people today to be accepting of tattoos and the use of microchip technology. The writer asserts Satan's devious plan for the age to come will include tattooing and the use of radio-frequency microchips for identification purposes. During the tribulation period, people will have to decide if they want to be identified with the man of sin or face a possible death by choosing God's perfect way of redemption in Christ Jesus. The choice must be made.

About the Author
Miriam Eubanks is a long term student of Scripture and prophecy.

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title: Modern Scholarship and the Preterist Movement

author: Charles S. Meek

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: MeC7866912

word count: 170


The writer notes that he begins where the 1998 book by the imminent scholar R.C. Sproul (Last Days According to Jesus) leaves off - examining the possibility that most if not all prophecy was indeed fulfilled in Jesus' own generation, just as he promised in Luke 21:22, 32. He cites C. S. Lewis's assertion that "the apocalyptic beliefs of the first Christians have been proved to be false."

About the Author
The writer is the editor and primary writer for one of the oldest Christian websites on the Internet, www.faithfacts,org, a website that is one of the only approximately three sources that Bible Gateway regularly uses to answer questions asked of them.

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title: J, WSID? - You Won't Find It On a Bracelet . . .

author: Joseph F. Barrale

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 1.31.2012 • author id: BaJ1757912

word count: 150


Full title J, WSID? - You Won't Find It On a Bracelet, But It Makes a Lot of Sense: Jesus, What Should I Do? enters the conversation of church growth and personal spirituality. Joseph Barrale draws on an analogy from a clock's pendulum to explain kingdom growth. Like a pendulum the extreme swings in church thought serve to advance overall Kingdom growth. He calls on Christ followers to be tolerant of other true Christ followers even if these extremes seem too far to grasp. Cookie cutter, plug and play methods of church growth and "discipleship" are not always valid forms of true Kingdom growth. This call to personal intimacy with Christ for all believers asserts "it is out of a personal intimacy and obedience to Christ that one will be led to do the thing that God is calling one to do, even if it has been done before or seems too extreme for the others." Obedience to God is better than a sacrificial covering, i.e., Fig Leaf coverings, animal sacrifices or "churchy" good works.

About the Author
Joseph Barrale has a B.S. in the Bible and a M.A. in Social Science/Leadership studies, 21 years in missions, five years pastor, and two years as a Christian college professor. Awards: Outstanding Young Men of America, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, Sigma Chi Pi Honor Society. Published: The Adventures of Bobby Bear Baker: Bobby Bear Baker and the Quelt. Sales potential platform: rigorous church speaking calendar, decades of monthly supporters, a network of over 12,000 churches. A supportive endorsement from Leonard Sweet is available.

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title: Modern Myths: Six Mistakes in Academic Biblical Theology

author: J.C.W. West

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 11.30.2011 • author id: WeJ3230811

word count: 450


The writer questions critical scholarship on the following issues: Historicity of the Bible from Abraham to Hezekiah, authorship and dating of Isaiah, authorship and dating of Daniel, The Synoptic Solution, Whether Jesus taught in Aramaic or Greek, the nature of the Matthean Logia. This manuscript argues that the currently taught views on these issues are not only wrong but outmoded, and presents evidence to support this position.

About the Author
The writer is a retired philosophy instructor with AB in English, MM in Musicology, MA in Philosophy, and AbD in Philosophy, two-term scholar at Oxford, two term scholar at Trinity School for Ministry, Ambridge, PA. Favorable evaluation has been made by The Rt. Rev. John Rodgers, Dean and President Emeritus, Trinity School for Ministry, author of Essential Truths for Christians, and by The Rt. Rev. C. FitzSimons Allison, Bishop of South Carolina, Retired, author of The Cruelty of Heresy, et al. Allison writes (unsolicited): "I have always been skeptical of the critics but possessed none of the mastery of languages, discipline, ability, or patience to do the hard work as you have done. . . . Your work exhibits a style unusual for an academic endeavor but I hope you will not let any editor remove the often amusing and always telling asides and illustrations. They inject a surprising discordance that provokes the reader's deeper attention. . . . It has certainly given me a deeper and more confident way to look at scripture. And what greater compliment could be given?"

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title: Compassionate Jesus

author: Christopher W. Bogosh

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Pastoral Theology/Me • date submitted: 9.30.2011 • author id: BoC3209711

word count: 148


This addresses what it means to live for Jesus while using medical science and how death is still great gain for Christians. Jesus has a lot to say about the way we understand and use medical science today, and he provides us with a healthcare model rooted in his redemptive work and compassion that provides a foundation for true eternal healing and hope. It is a model of healthcare that is radically different from the one modern medicine offers. The healing and hope modern medicine offers captivates many Christians today and leads them astray.

About the Author
Christopher W. Bogosh is the founder of Good Samaritan Books and a prolific author. He has written extensively on medical ethics, pastoral care, and end of life issues. Chris completed his theological studies at Haddington Theological Seminary and The Baptist Theological School of New England, and received ordination in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. He completed his nursing studies at Massachusetts Bay Community College and became board certified shortly thereafter. Chris has ministered in the healthcare field for more than twenty years, and is presently working at Community Hospice of Northeast Florida and serving at Grace Community Church (PCA).

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title: Biblical Basics for Remodeling Your Church's Culture

author: David S. Luecke

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 7.26.2011 • author id: LuD4414711

word count:


Disturbing trends at work on churches in America and then the challenge of going back to the Bible to approach church leadership the way Paul did - as a gardener and a builder constitute part 1. These models are especially useful in urbanized areas among the increasing numbers of the unchurched. Part 2 discusses the inherent tension between the unpredictable Holy Spirit and the routines expected in church organizations and tradition. It distinguishes between church as organization and church as fellowship and shows how the wrong structure can be a barrier to growth. Part 3 presents a new way of understanding congregations by looking at a church's culture in the context of larger social cultures, applying insights from the study of corporate cultures. Part 4 presents four important dimensions for remodeling a congregations' culture. It explores how for Paul the process of becoming more Christ like amounted to receiving the grace-bearing Holy Spirit, how Christians experience God's presence differently according to their spiritual temperaments, how recognizing occasional awakenings beyond conversion add depth to spiritual life, and how sharing more personal faith stories should be basic to a church culture in the future.

About the Author
Rev. Luecke planted a church and has been administrative pastor of a large church over the last 20 years. With a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior, he served in academia for 20 years, teaching, researching, and doing leadership, especially at Fuller Seminary where he taught the D.Min. course on church management for 10 years to over 250 pastors. This is his tenth book.

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title: J, WSID? - You Won't Find It On a Bracelet . . .

author: Joseph F. Barrale

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 6.26.2011 • author id: BaJ1757911

word count: 150


Full title J, WSID? - You Won't Find It On a Bracelet, But It Makes a Lot of Sense: Jesus, What Should I Do? ) enters the conversation of church growth and personal spirituality. Joseph Barrale draws on an analogy from a clock's pendulum to explain kingdom growth. Like a pendulum the extreme swings in church thought serve to advance overall kingdom growth. He calls on Christ followers to be tolerant of other true Christ followers even if these extremes seem too far to grasp. Cookie cutter, plug and play methods of church growth and "discipleship" are not always valid forms of true kingdom growth. This call to personal intimacy with Christ for all believers asserts "it is out of a personal intimacy and obedience to Christ that one will be led to do the thing that God is calling one to do, even if it has been done before or seems too extreme for the others." Obedience to God is better than a sacrificial covering, i.e Fig Leaf coverings, animal sacrifices or "churchy" good works.

About the Author
Joseph Barrale has a B.S. in the Bible and a M.A. in Social Science/Leadership studies, 21 years in missions, 5 years pastor, 2 years as a Christian college professor. Awards: Outstanding Young Men of America, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, Sigma Chi Pi Honor Society. Published: The Adventures of Bobby Bear Baker: Bobby Bear Baker and the Quelt. Sales potential: rigorous church speaking calendar, decades of monthly supporters, a network of over 12,000 churches.

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title: Testing the Gospel in the Book of Romans:

author: Charlie Tarrell

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 4.30.2011 • author id: TaC9820311

word count: 145


The authentic Christian message is defined and explained in the first eight chapters of Paul's letter to the Romans. Then, using the nation of Israel, the thesis of the book of Romans is put to the test in Romans 9-11. The history of Israel seems to disprove the Christian gospel and undermine our confidence in God's promise of justification by his grace (Romans 1-4) and God's promise of sanctification by his spirit (Romans 5-8). If God previously made promises to Israel and established an everlasting covenant with that nation but later gave up on Israel, replacing her with the church, what hope can we have that God will keep his promises to justify and sanctify believers today? This is the issue that the Apostle Paul tackles in Romans chapters 9-11. Apparently, these chapters are much more important than we ever thought.

About the Author
Charlie Tarrell did his undergraduate work in Bible and philosophy at Biola and received his MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He served as a pastor in the Evangelical Free Church for twenty-five years and for the past six years he has served as a full-time hospice chaplain.

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title: A New Look at the Last Things

author: John E. Gore

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 3.30.2011 • author id: GoJNonUS11

word count: 154


The study begins with the death of the individual and continues through to the biblical teaching on related topics such as the Second Coming and the Millennium. It finishes with a discussion on both hell and the new heaven and new earth. It is based on the author's teaching to pastors in Central and East Africa and is consequently written for those who do not have any theological training or a tertiary education but the writer has found that pastors with a degree in theology also find it informative.

About the Author
The writer received his theological training at the Baptist Theological College of NSW, Sydney, Australia (now Morling College), graduating with a Bachelor Degree in Theology. He then pastored a number of Baptist churches in NSW which experienced considerable growth. He was invited on one occasion to speak at a NSW Baptist State conference on 'The miracle of Narrabri'; the church that he was pastoring at the time. The writer has also spent time on staff at Bodenseehof Bible School; an international school in Germany affiliated with Torchbearers. He is currently President and founder of Leadership Development Ministries Inc. and trains pastors in five countries in Central and East Africa, as well as Nepal. He works with denominations of both traditional evangelical and Pentecostal persuasion.

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title: The Bible's Bottom Line

author: Carl M. McConchie

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 3.30.2011 • author id: McC8571311

word count: 240


The writer summarizes his thesis: "The New Testament epistles comprise the "bottom line" with regard to specific exhortations for Christian life and service in our day. The question is, how do we delineate between what was meant for the first century and what is normative for our day. Since Jesus, Paul and Peter raised the dead, should we try and do the same? We ask a like question with regard to other issues, such as exorcism, fasting, tongues speaking, healings, Sabbath keeping, and signs and wonders. We take note of the fact that the writers of the epistles seem to ignore, either totally or almost so, matters that seem so important to some contemporary Christian leaders and writers. Some of the issues are not even mentioned in the epistles, while others are mentioned, but not exhorted. Believing that all Scripture is inspired of God, I do not wish to devalue in any way the truths and lessons that can be learned from every part of the Bible. I support my thesis with Bible exposition of relevant passages while including for interest sake some of my experiences as a pastor here and abroad."

About the Author
After receiving his undergraduate degree from Gordon College (majoring in philosophy), Carl McConchie attended Dallas Theological Seminary and received a ThM degree (majoring in theology). He has pastored two churches over the course of 46 years. His experience includes nine mission trips to the former Soviet Union, teaching theology in a Bible College in the city of Minsk. Alternate phone: 413-498-2052 (June-October).

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title: When Was Jesus Really Born? A Historian's Look

author: Steven L. Ware

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 1.31.2011 • author id: WaS1001311

word count: 175


The work explores the essential dates of Jesus' life from the perspective of ancient calendars and timekeeping. Here the reader discovers that for early Christians the date of Jesus' birth was part of the larger question of when to celebrate what they understood as the most important event in human history - Jesus' resurrection. This went hand-in-hand with understanding the larger picture-- an incarnational interest not only in Jesus' life but also in the intersection of divine and human history. This manuscript also raises issues of historical and cultural apologia for the Christian faith. One chapter asks whether astronomical factors of imprecision in time measurement constitute an argument for divine origin. Another fulfills the book's primary mission in pinpointing the best "Christian" date for Jesus' birth. Finally the book confronts the issue of whether Christianity in general, and Roman Catholic Church in particular, was the enemy of science during the Enlightenment.

About the Author
Steven L. Ware, Ph.D., is Professor of Historical Theology at Nyack College in New York City, where he has taught over a decade. He has written and presented widely on early Christianity and the Easter Cycle as a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the American Society of Church History, as well as in churches and the classroom. Ware is also the author of Restorationism in the Holiness Movement (Edwin Mellen, 2004).

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title: Nailing Down God

author: Bradley Carpenter

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 11.30.2010 • author id: CaB9743510

word count: 120


This manuscript was written to answer this question; using only common sense can we find God? The book shows how people can use common sense to find the value and purpose in their lives given them by an infinite and personal God. It focuses on having an infinite being who is the first cause of all things and how that shapes our view of ourselves and the entire world. It starts by looking at the world around us and applies common sense to arrive at a unified field of knowledge that explains a person's existence without gaps in its view. The basis for this book is found in Romans 1:20 which clearly states that the unchanging truth of this world leads us to God. This book is not leading people away from God's word and toward their own understanding but shows that God is simply the truth of all things.

About the Author
The writer was an associate pastor and youth director for a Southern Baptist Church in Oregon for ten years. He also studied at Multnomah School of the Bible in Portland, Oregon under John Mitchell and Hugh Salisbury.

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title: Joining the Unending Hymn:

author: Frank Bahr

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology of Prayer • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: BaFNonUS10

word count: 280


Subtitled: "An introduction into the Bible's guidance to prayer and into the participation in the prayers of the Bible." Most books about prayer focus on personal experience and the miraculous effectiveness of prayer. The sincerity of those reports and the encouragement they might offer cannot be denied. But they may also keep you in the bonds of denial and raise false hope. Therefore a theological reflection on prayer is necessary for pastoral reasons and for reasons of theological accountability. The Bible encourages confident prayer but also offers guidance and the opportunity to participate in the biblical prayers. This submission summarizes the Bible's teachings on prayer. Many contemporary prayers and considerations about prayer seem oddly unconcerned about the addressee. By contrast, this book relates the teaching about prayer to the Trinitarian doctrine of God. Practical considerations are added, including the rich symbolism of the gestures and postures of the body, places and times for prayer; and the relationship of prayer to fasting and charity in the Sermon on the Mount.

About the Author
Frank Bahr studied law and theology in Goettingen and Heidelberg (Germany). He graduated as a doctor of theology, writing his dissertation on the exegesis of the Bible in the early church. He served Lutheran congregations in Germany and North America. He is currently pastor at St. John's Lutheran Church in Hamilton, Ontario and is married to a Lutheran pastor. This book is the result of congregational confirmation classes, adult education courses and prayer circles.

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title: By This Shall We Be Known: The Interpretive Vision, Voice,

author: Terriel Byrd

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Academic - Theology • date submitted: 7.24.2010 • author id: ByT3346210

word count: 130


While a great deal has been written about Martin Luther King, Jr., as a preacher and civil rights leader, the writer considers that few works have focused on the practical import of King's life and thought to contemporary society. This manuscript also devotes attention to how religious communities can embrace the power and meaning of King's vision, voice, and message.

About the Author
Dr. Byrd serves as professor of Christian Ministry Studies at Palm Beach Atlantic University and has more than 18 years experience as a senior pastor plus two campus ministry positions in Ohio. In 2007 his I Shall Not Be Moved debuted on Amazon's "best new release" list in the US, Canada, and the UK. His Preaching Social Justice from the Lectionary (Westminster John Knox) provides supporting commentary through 2013 for those churches using that program..

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title: Essential Truths for Christians

author: John Rodgers Jr.

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Academic - Theology • date submitted: 6.25.2010 • author id: RoJ1606610

word count: 720


Subtitled: A Commentary on the Anglican Thirty-Nine Articles and an Introduction to Systematic Theology, this work provides a critical resource for church leaders and others interested in reformed theology by explaining the teaching of the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion as drafted by English Reformers in the 16th century. With a focus on solid theological teaching, practical application, and spiritual formation, this volume is written for clergy, ministry students, and lay leaders. Essential Truths shows how the Anglican Reformers "got it right" on the central matters of the Christian Faith, and that these teachings are both biblical and relevant for today. This book is designed as an easy-to-find reference on the Articles and as an introduction to the basic themes of systematic theology. The foreword is written by J.I. Packer.

About the Author
Dr. John H. Rodgers Jr. has served many years in academic and pastoral settings as a professor of systematic theology, dean/president of Trinity School for Ministry, and as a bishop. Dr. Rodgers earned his doctorate of theology (Th.D.) summa cum laude at the University of Basel in Switzerland studying with noted theologians such as Karl Barth. Dr. Rodgers regularly teaches at seminaries and conferences in the U.S. and abroad.

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title: Redeeming the Time:

author: Steve L. Ware

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 6.25.2010 • author id: WaS1001310

word count: 175


Redeeming the Time explores first and foremost the practice of time measurement and why it was important in the early development of Christianity. Time measurement was already crucial for ancient peoples in understanding themselves, their world, and the cosmos. For early Christians, it had even more value as they sought to schedule the celebration of the most important event in human history -- the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This went hand-in-hand with understanding the larger picture-- an incarnational interest not only in the life of Jesus but also in the intersection of divine and human history. This manuscript also raises some issues of historical and cultural apologia for the Christian faith. For instance, chapter three asks whether astronomical factors of imprecision in time measurement constitute an argument for divine origin. Chapter five raises the question of the best "Christian" date for Jesus' birth. And chapter six counters the perception that Christianity in general, and the Roman Catholic Church in particular, were enemies of science during the Enlightenment.

About the Author
Steven L. Ware, Ph.D. is professor of historical theology at Nyack College in New York City, where he has taught for over ten years. He has written and presented widely on early Christianity and the Easter cycle as a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the American Society of Church History, as well as in churches and the classroom. Ware is also the author of Restorationism in the Holiness Movement (Edwin Mellen, 2004).

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title: The Annotated Qur'an

author: Robert C. Greer

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 5.28.2010 • author id: GrR6019010

word count: 850


This is an annotated Qur'an similar in form to annotated Bibles. The Palmer translation of the Qur'an (public domain) is on the top of each page with notes that correspond to the verses on the bottom of the page. The notes compare mainstream Islamic though with Christian theology. Included in the text are several short page essays that address important or repeated themes mentioned in the Qur'an such as the Hajj, Jihad, The Last Judgment, the Doctrine of Abrogation, the Doctrine of the Trinity. Moreover, the surahs (chapters) in the Qur'an are arranged chronologically to help the reader follow the historical development of the 114 surahs. (This contrasts the normal arrangement of the Qur'an, which is organized in terms of size: from the longest to the shortest surahs.) I also point out archeological issues, and identify the inclusion of numerous apocryphal documents in the Qur'an. The target audience of The Annotated Qur'an is the Christian who is interested in reading with understanding the entire Qur'an, verse by verse.

About the Author
Robert C. Greer has a MA in biblical studies from Wheaton College and a PhD in systematic theology from Marquette University. He teaches worldviews at Judson University (Elgin, Illinois). He has also written the book Mapping Postmodernism (published by Intervarsity Press in 1983) which addresses the question of postmodernism in detail (in its third printing).

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title: The Apostle Paul:

author: Carl L. Taylor

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 5.26.2010 • author id: TaC5331310

word count: 224


This is a study, not of the Apostle Paul's prayers, but of his motivations, practice of prayer -- including what we can be reasonably sure were the content of his prayers for himself, and his instructions relating to prayer. Part III is a new look at the Salutations of his letters as being more than a Christianized greeting but rather as an Apostolic Blessing which creatively and profoundly emphasizes that which is most distinctive in the Christian faith. The appendices include every reference to prayer in Paul's writings, categorized according to content, most with an annotation. This book will appeal to those who are studying the life and writings of Paul and those who are seeking a deeper understanding of prayer.

About the Author
Carl L. Taylor is pastor emeritus of the Evangelical Covenant Church in Buffalo, MN. He received the MDiv and MTh degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary, and did further studies at North Park Theological Seminary and post-graduate studies in England under James D.G. Dunn.

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title: And God Created Angels

author: Michael Grayeagle

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 5.25.2010 • author id: GrM1705510

word count:


This is a nonfiction study of the angelic realm, based on scripture, with references from many apocryphal writings throughout the years. Each chapter begins with a hypothesis concerning a special angelic subject, tells the story of that subject matter, and lays out the biblical facts for the student to accept or reject. The writer has taught this angelic study since 1978, and has now put it into a theological study that all Christians can understand

About the Author
Michael Grayeagle graduated from Trinity College and Seminary, Magna Cum Laude with a ThB; ThM and Andersonville with a ThD. He has pastored four churches and was a guest lecturer at Winebrenner Seminary extension. He has written for denominational periodicals, as well as the local newspaper.

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title: Before Silence and Denial:

author: Lucy Bregman

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 2.20.2010 • author id: BrL1914810

word count:


The early 20th century was an era before the current silence and denial surrounding death. From the sermons of mainline Protestant funerals and pastoral manuals, the author's study shows that a hundred years ago Christians still did talk about death, preach about it at funerals, and rely on a variety of images to enhance the power of their message about preparing for an eternal existence. Before Silence and Denial traces the particular themes, ideas, and eventual challenges to the coherent "otherworldly" understanding of human beings as "naturally immortal." The author explores whether or not the cultural shift away from death awareness was culturally inevitable.

About the Author
Lucy Bregman, Ph.D. (University of Chicago Divinity School), is Professor of Religion at Temple University in Philadelphia. She has published other titles in the area of religion and death studies: Death in the Midst of Life (Baker, 1992), Beyond Silence and Denial (Westminster John Knox, 1999), Death and Dying, Spirituality and Religions (Peter Lang, 2003), Religion, Death, and Dying (editor, Praeger, 2009). The current work is directed to a distinctly Christian readership.

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title: Moral Transformation:

author: Rusk, Reuben Wallace, Andrew

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 10.26.2009 • author id: WaRNonUS09

word count: 340


The authors argue that the original Christian message was one of moral transformation. That transformation was led by Jesus, attained by following his teachings and example, and rewarded by eternal life. The authors assemble the evidence for this conclusion from the New Testament, the early Church Fathers, and modern scholarship. They seek to present a unique, accessible, and thought-provoking book that draws together the major themes of the New Testament into one coherent view, and gives a needed reminder of its 2000-year-old Christian message.

About the Author
The authors have degrees in philosophy, mathematics, computer science, and engineering, and they have used this combination of skills to distill a large amount of research into a coherent and clear view. They have led several university Bible study groups, and this book would be a thought-provoking resource for Bible study. Alternate contact, Andrew Wallace:, +64 (27) 462-9785 .

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title: Why Jesus?

author: Steven Ganz

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 9.23.2009 • author id: GaS9702209

word count: 62


This book is a short explanation of why Christians believe in Jesus, do some of the things they do, and say some of the things they say. It covers the basics of Christianity. Although it is written for high school age people, anyone at that reading level could read it. Topics include Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, church, some stupid things Christians have done, and the judgment day and eternal life. At the end of the book is a special vocabulary section defining in common terms some words Christians take for granted.

About the Author
Steven Ganz had a dramatic encounter with God at 20 years of age that created an urgency to know God well and pass that knowledge on to others. Steven and his wife Malana raised six children and have eleven grandchildren. Steve's father's heart comes through in this description of Christianity in today's post-Christian world. Steven and Malana pastor Tree of Life Church in Portland, Oregon. They travel internationally as Christian teachers.

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title: Aesop and the Gospel

author: William D. Blake

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 7.17.2009 • author id: BlW2880509

word count: 100


This is a study of 40 (or more) popular fables of Aesop, examined in the light of Judeo-Christian morality. Little is known of the historic figure behind these tales, so emphasis is frequently placed on the age out of which these stories originated. The workings of human nature in Aesop are compared (or contrasted) with the (social and) spiritual dimensions of humanity -- particularly those treated in the Mosaic narratives, also within ancient Hebrew wisdom, and in the parables and epistolary mandates of the New Testament. The goal of this project is to make the casual reader aware of more than merely the bestiary and moral universe of an ancient Greek slave. The brief chapters ultimately intend to reveal a more redemptive view of the human condition, as well as provide an outline of the Christian hope derived from the biblical perspective on the will and ways of God within the human race.

About the Author
The writer holds the BA in Christian Education (Asbury College), MA in Theological Studies (Wheaton College), and has completed course-work for a Ph.D. in Biblical Languages. He worked 17 years in United Methodist and Presbyterian churches as Director of Youth and Christian Education and published Almanac of the Christian Church (Bethany House Publishers, 1987). He is available for public events and promotion.

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title: Cosmic Christologies:

author: Mark Stucky

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 6.18.2009 • author id: StM4651409

word count: 780


Movies reflect and affect our culture's collective values, dreams, and fears. Since the classic 1951 film The Day the Earth Stood Still, Christ figures have appeared in over 100 sci-fi films (more than any other genre). This book comprehensively analyzes how the Christ figures function mythically inside each film, how they relate to each other, how they transform through the years, how cultural factors may contribute to this evolution, and what this phenomenon may mean to us. Today, after more than half a century, Christ figures are very much alive and well in movies. Indeed, the profusion of them seemingly indicates that, as we face economic, ecological, political and international crises, our society needs Christ figures because they perform, on a psychological and spiritual level, a subtle work of salvation.

About the Author
Mark Stucky is a full-time corporate/technical writer of nearly fifteen years. He has published over one hundred articles, and one book, The Gospel in Greasepaint, 1996 (Piccadilly Books). He has an MDiv, from Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary and an MA in Communication Arts from the University of Notre Dame.

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title: The Pre-Trumpets Rapture

author: Bill Galbraith

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 6.17.2009 • author id: GaB2200309

word count: 468


The Pre-Trumpets Rapture presents a revision of the prewrath Rapture view, which teaches that the Rapture will occur sometime in the second half of Daniel's Seventieth Week, shortly before the sounding of the seven trumpets. Some of the current arguments used to support this position are flawed; this work introduces new arguments that are more carefully thought out and answers objections to the prewrath view that have never been adequately addressed. This work also rebuts the pretribulational and posttribulational Rapture views in a thorough and considerate manner, with frequent use of the biblical languages. Unlike most--if not all other--works of eschatology, this one acknowledges evidence favorable to each Rapture view, rather than just its own.

About the Author
Bill Galbraith has been a software engineer for over twenty years. He graduated magna cum laude from Capital Bible Seminary with an MA in biblical studies, with a theology concentration. He has been an instructor at the District of Columbia Bible Institute for seven years, where he has been teaching classes in theology and Greek.

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title: Humanity Most Precious

author: Ronald Galloway

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 5.24.2009 • author id: GaRNonUS09

word count: 305


The manuscript presents material on how precious we are to God, and that the kind of love he shows us is truly transcendent. Consequently, this kind of love and this kind of God go utterly against the grain of what is merely culturally derived. The author shows this in two ways: by argument and by selected examples throughout The Scriptures that show by God's actions how transcendent and trans-cultural his love is and, as a logical result, how precious human beings are as the objects of his love. The writer's intent is to intermingle apologetics and biblical study in a somewhat unusual, yet compelling manner. It is hoped that the fusion of the two will deepen the impact of the work on human hearts, believer and non-believer alike.

About the Author
The writer holds the doctor of theology from the University of South Africa, in the field of Systematic Theology (2007). His thesis was "A Study of Perceptions of Evil as They Arise From Epistemologies and Worldviews." Other degrees: MDiv in doctrine and philosophy, MA thesis in psychology, and sociology, BA major in religious studies, minor in the classics. The author is a joint editor of a University of Calgary webpages that centers on book reviews. The author is even now constructing his own private web page titled Dr. Ron's Readings and Referrals, yet another means of marketing the book. While a theological consultant with the Canadian Branch of the Christian Research Institute the author was co-editor of the continent wide newsletter, and lectured across western Canada thereby enabling a great many contact churches and contact people.

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title: Pascal's God-Shaped Vacuum:

author: Peter Gilbert

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 4.26.2009 • author id: GiP9810509

word count: 297


Blaise Pascal wrote the Pensees to his restless friends to inspire them to seek God. This guided tour of Pascal's work, plus a biography of Pascal's courageous life, aims to benefit seekers and believers by conveying Pascal's insights into: (1) the miserable condition of humankind without God; (2) the winsome cure that only the Christian faith provides; and (3) the reasons why the Christian faith, despite modern objections, is plausibly true. Pascal masterfully awakens modern people to see that we have a "God-shaped vacuum in our heart," as suggested, for example, by our affinity for diversions and indifference as ways to avoid facing our grimmest problems such as our mortality and our emptiness. Pascal's case for seeking and believing is exactly on target for today's readers because he wrote to ambitious pursuers of career success, to the bored and indifferent, and to intellectual skeptics. The tour includes applications of Pascal's thoughts for living well as a Christian and is intended to help mature the faith of believers to better weather modern doubts and critiques.

About the Author
Peter Gilbert is an infectious diseases scientist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of Washington. He is co-director of the US federally funded statistical center for HIV vaccine clinical trials, serves as the statistician on the US FDA's advisory committee for vaccines, and has published 91 peer-reviewed papers in 17 different journals. Potential endorsers are Earl Palmer, Dick Keyes, Peter Kreeft, Dick Staub and Tim Keller.

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title: Christ and the Human Religious Quest

author: Lyman Kulathungam

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 4.26.2009 • author id: KuLNonUS09

word count: 500


Beneath the superstructures of all religions and religious practices are certain core aspirations that all people share. People are motivated by an underlying quest to escape the predicament in which they perceive themselves to be. People of all religions seek a "way of salvation." This work proposes that Christ because of his unique personhood is the relevant fulfillment of the religious quest of humanity. Seven major religions are selected to substantiate such a claim.Those who are committed to Christ have an awesome responsibility to present him in all his fullness, without getting preoccupied with polemical feuds peripheral to what God wants to accomplish in the lives of people.

About the Author
Dr. Lyman Kulathungam, Dean Emeritus of Master's College and Seminary and ordained minister of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, holds a BA (Sri Lanka), BA Hons (London, UK), MA (Dalhousie), PhD (McMaster) and Diploma in Journalism. At University of Sri Lanka, he lectured on Hinduism to Hindus and Buddhism to Buddhists. Since 1985 his roles at Master's College & Seminary included Head of General Studies Department and Dean of Master's Intercultural Bible College, and he was visiting Professor of Philosophy at Trent and McMaster Universities. His areas of expertise include world religions, philosophy, logic, systematic theology and apologetics. He is in demand as a lecturer and speaker both in Canada and internationally, and has published articles in scholarly journals and denominational publications. He was the keynote speaker at a CIDA conference chaired by Prince Hassan of Jordan.

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title: What is Covenant Theology?

author: Jay H. Varner

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 4.26.2009 • author id: VaJ3009709

word count: 50


Having a correct understanding of covenants is key to the unity and understanding of the Bible, but very few contemporary Christians are able to articulate even the most rudiment ideas of its theology. This book seeks to summarize the basics of covenant theology, covering the covenant made with Adam, the subsequent breaking of that covenant by Adam's sin, and all of the Old Testament covenants that served as harbingers to a new and better relationship with God. The promises of these Old Testament Covenants find their fulfillment in the Covenant of Grace made through Jesus Christ. The book is intended to equip ordinary readers with an understanding of these fundamentals without losing them in details of theological terms and complex explanation, using a contemporary writing style for a popular audience.

About the Author
Jay Varner served as a missionary for three years in Thailand when he became interested in theology and especially in this topic. He currently has two masters degrees and teaches theology and logic to middle school students at Perimeter Christian School in Atlanta, Georgia. Previous publications include Dabney's Discussions, Vol 5 Miscellaneous Writings (Sprinkle Publications, 2000), Television: Its History, Development, and Influence (self published, 1996), and an article, "Family Worship," in Reformed Presbyterian Witness, Fall 1996.

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title: Dark Star Rising:

author: William A. Simpson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 4.26.2009 • author id: SiW3103009

word count: 200


The writer summarizes, "This monograph focuses on one central theme, the region of the world from which the antichrist must arise. Virtually every respected theologian is vague about the specific nation, though most conservative Evangelicals suggest either a European or Mediterranean region. This project examines the scriptures and proves conclusively that the ancient Roman Empire has already arisen in its final form. It is the nation that serves as the primary broker for a Middle East peace agreement. Peoples of the old Western Roman Empire are the peoples who settled this region of the world, and formed a government different from others, growing exceedingly powerful. Very little outside reference is quoted, but scriptural references abound. It is prophecy from a holistic perspective, an interweaving of Daniel seven and nine; Revelation thirteen, one through eight; and Ezekiel thirty-eight, along with other relevant passages."

About the Author
For twelve years Simpson was editor and CEO of Christian Chronicles, Inc., a theology monthly published in both paper and on the internet.

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title: God, Up Close and Personal

author: Gwenn McKone

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 4.26.2009 • author id: McG9802909

word count: 296


This book is about God's various multi-faceted character traits. It is written in a relaxed, narrative style and peppered with anecdotes from the writer's life, as well as excerpts from theological sources. It takes God out of the one-dimensional, black and white image so many have of Him, and paints a vibrant picture of our living God. Gwenn McKone writes of her book, "It is well-researched and documented . . . [but] is anything but scholarly)."

About the Author
Gwenn McKone has been published in a variety of print media, including magazines, newsletters, and newspapers. She earned a BA in journalism from Northern Arizona University. Her career includes two managing editor positions. The first chapter of this book, "The Tenderness of God" was accepted for Discipleship Journal (NavPress).

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title: Genesis, Chapters 1 and 2:

author: Lorretta O'Shea

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 4.26.2009 • author id: OzLNonUS09

word count:


A seminal approach to an understanding of the seven days of creation in Genesis, which accounts for a long age theory on the creation of the universe.

About the Author
The author writes, "I have written to 'Answers in Genesis' - a creationist society and they have corresponded with me and generally approve this theory."

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title: They Shall See God

author: Allen Hanson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 1.25.2009 • author id: HaA5308109

word count: 160


The pure in heart shall see God. This must mean God has a visual form and can be seen, contrary to the view of some theologians and Bible scholars. The book describes the progressive appearances, manifestations, visions, and revelations of God from Genesis to Revelation, ending with descriptions of what believers might anticipate seeing when they are brought to glory and presented to God the Father by the Lord Jesus Christ. The manuscript contains over 1300 Scripture references and quotations. The writer notes, "I have been unable to find any book that addresses the subject of actually seeing the visual glory of God. Many books have been written about seeing Jesus Christ, but not about God the Father. It is incomprehensible that so glorious a subject and hope should have been so neglected in the book world."

About the Author
An elder and Bible teacher at Zion Christian Assembly in Sheboygan, Wisconsin for nearly forty years, the writer attended Oklahoma Baptist University and received a BA degree from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, majoring in philosophy and art. He earned an MA degree from the University of Iowa, and a specialist certification diploma in administration from the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Presently he is on the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship staff working with students on the University of Wisconsin - Sheboygan campus plus working with Set Free Ministries, a prison ministry.

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title: God's Ways with Man

author: Michael Bott

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 11.19.2008 • author id: BoM6850608

word count:


The book addresses the need for ordinary Christians to follow the example of the noble minded Bereans and provides motivation for believers to do their own study of the scriptures to verify the teachings they receive at church and over the air-ways. In the main, the book critiques teachings related to the Augustinian view of predestination. This has been approached in a positive manner beginning with the opening chapter which discusses the possibility of knowing God and the scriptural principles by which this may be realized. The remaining chapters present assertions regarding the work and attributes of God, and in this context, address the points of Calvinism which the writer feels fall short of the biblical standard.

About the Author
Michael Bott holds a BA in architecture from the University of Nebraska. He has operated Michael S. Bott and Associates, Architects, P.C., in Lincoln, Nebraska, for thirty years. Through the efforts of Navigator-trained workers, Bott and his wife came to Christ in 1973, while students. They have kept in touch with the Navigators and have had opportunities to share at workshops and conferences in the Midwest, Australia, and New Zealand. Using Navigators ministry discipleship principles, the Botts have worked to serve the Lord by leading Bible studies with younger couples, doing one-on-one evangelism, and trying to raise their family according to God's word.

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title: 60 Hostile Questions About Christianity--Answered

author: Steve Husting

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 10.25.2008 • author id: HuS9270808

word count: 131


How do you begin to convince people to base their lives on the Word of God when they have so many misconceptions about the Bible? In his conversational apologetic, Husting uses personal anecdotes, real-life stories, and analogies from nature to clear up many misconceptions about God and his word and to get readers thinking about the truth. The work is aimed at unbelievers and at the believers who want to answer their questions.

About the Author
Steve Husting has years of experience as devotional writer, street witness, and internet forum and rescue mission preacher.

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title: The Hybrid Son

author: Paul G. Johnson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 10.24.2008 • author id: JoP0207208

word count: 90


A hybrid brings together two different sources that complement each other, i.e., the dual nature of Jesus. Unidentified as such in the Gospels, we first see it in the Athanasian Creed around 500 AD as "true God" and "true man." In this book these are bifocals for reading the Gospels. Probing the words and deeds of Jesus for true God and true man influences allows us to see more in divinity than water-walking and more in humanity than a physical body for land-walking. Giving the elements in the dual nature each its full weight, we no longer are forced to see wrath and mercy as two faces of God. Mercy is truly of God, but wrath has human sources. The dual nature of Jesus also provides a framework for reassessing the image of divinity associated with the pulpit person, and the image of humanity that sits in the pews. There is more going on in the pews than meets the preacher's eye.

About the Author
Most theological books need to be translated to be pulpit/pew friendly. As a Lutheran pastor Dr. Paul Johnson has six books published all with an effort to bridge the academic gap. His book should be marketed as practical theology. Johnson has an email list of 150 clergy to be used in its promotion. He presently teaches sociology in a Boston area college where engaging students in feedback is essential for the outcome.

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title: Where Sin Abounds:

author: Robert B. Gonzales, Jr

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 10.23.2008 • author id: GoR2960708

word count: 347


Subtitled: The Spread of Sin and the Curse in Genesis With a Special Focus on the Patriarchal Narratives. This monograph not only demonstrates the thematic unity of Genesis, but it also provides a powerful antidote to a works-based theology. Nearly all scholars divide Genesis into primeval and patriarchal history because of a perceived shift in thematic emphases. In primeval history, the narrator focuses on the origin and spread of sin, as well as God's consequent curse and judgment on humanity. In patriarchal history, however, the spread of sin theme falls off the radar of most scholars. Here, it is generally argued, the narrator shifts the emphasis to God's promise of blessing in the lives of his chosen people, the family of Abraham. But these analyses of the primeval and patriarchal narratives are simplistic and inaccurate. The gospel does not begin at chapter 12; it begins in chapter 3:15 nor do the patriarchal sections omit sin.

About the Author
Robert R. Gonzales Jr. is the academic dean and professor of Old Testament Studies for Reformed Baptist Seminary. He is a graduate of the Reformed Baptist School of Theology, Grand Rapids, Michigan. He also holds a Master of Arts degree (MA) in theology and a doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) in Old Testament interpretation from Bob Jones University. Now pastor at Covenant Reformed Baptist Church of Greenville, he is an Associate Editor of and contributor to the Reformed Baptist Theological Review (RBTR) and a member of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS).

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title: The Feasts of the Lord (Moedim) and their Fulfillment . . .

author: Bruce R. Booker

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: BoB8385608

word count: 235


This work looks at each of the Moedim (Appointed Times or Feasts) of the Lord as stated in Leviticus 23 and examines them in the light of our Messiah, Jesus. It establishes that not only were all these feasts fulfilled either literally or typologically in his first coming, but they will all be completely fulfilled in his Second Coming. When Jesus rose from the dead, he had to open the minds of his disciples to explain how he fulfilled the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings of the Hebrew scriptures.

About the Author
Bruce Booker has a Doctor of Theology degree from Biblical Life College and Seminary (2008). He has been involved in Messianic congregational activities in various positions since 1987 and currently leads Beth Yeshua Messianic Congregation in Priest River, ID. He is an Associate Professor of Hebraic Heritage Studies at Biblical Life College & Seminary, He is also an Associate Professor of Jewish Studies at Messianic Bureau International Yeshiva.

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title: Adventures in Faith and Art:

author: Manuel A. Luz

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 5.25.2008 • author id: LuM9576208

word count: 130


How does God interact with and receive art? Why are we universally endowed with a common aesthetic and a desire to create? How should one's faith be expressed in one's art? What should the role of the church be to art and to the artist? What is this thing called art anyway? Written in artist-friendly language, the work seeks to present a practical theology of the arts for those who want a greater understanding of how their faith and their art interact. It invites readers to ponder the theological and philosophical underpinnings of their faith in relationship to their art, but does so in disarming, humorous, and entertaining prose, using the author's own artistic journey as a starting point. The major subjects include the nature of God the artist and our relationship with him; the necessary interactivity between one's faith and art; the personal and yet communal nature of art, and the role of the church to the artist; art as a spiritual discipline; and finally, the calling of the Christ-following artist.

About the Author
A musician since age five, the writer's pre-Christian aspiration was to be a rock star. He eventually became a worship arts pastor for a large church in northern California, and has been in this role for 17 years. Target audiences include Christian artists in a wide range of media, worship leaders and other church musicians, seminary students being introduced to theology and the arts, non-Christian artists who may be aware of the spiritual nature of art, but have no understanding of God's special place for art and the artist. The writer holds a BS in aeronautical engineering and an MBA. He has several national contacts who would be approached to write endorsements for the book. Book marketing would be augmented by public speaking, e-mailing marketing, and the author's website.

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title: Love Never Fails

author: Kyle E. Hester

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Theology • date submitted: 2.21.2008 • author id: HeK9811608

word count: 800


Intrigued with the combination of "faith and love" in the New Testament, the writer has been aware of the need for an exposition of this combination. The Good News is that Jesus never intended Christians to live in their natural strength; the genius of Christianity is the power of the cross. The transformation is not only in ourselves but Jesus has turned the world around for us. In that he has put into effect the New Testament through his death, Jesus delivers us from the Old Law, Hebrews 8:13. Jesus' New Commandment is love by faith.

About the Author
The writer states, "After receiving Christ in 1971 at age 20 at a Christian halfway house in Texas, I worked on staff, with other programs as a paracounselor and in children's homes. In Seattle I continued in evangelism and intervention. A deacon at Tabernacle Baptist Church, married, and working a "regular" job, I have a passion for prayer, serving, and teaching. Love Never Fails represents the seasoned experience and working theology of a grateful Christian."

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title: The Nazarene Cipher

author: Skee Goedhart

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 7.26.2013 • author id: GoS9135613

word count: 100,000


There is a mystery that has remained hidden since the dawn of time. God chose a single nation to carry that mystery, and clues to solving it were veiled within their festivals, rituals, culture, and sacred writings. Looking toward Judaism and the Jewish nation, we discover that this incredible riddle was ultimately revealed through the person and work of Jesus Christ: Jesus the Jew from Nazareth, the fulfillment and ultimate expression of the Jewish religion and the greatest revelation of the Jewish God to the world.

As an artist, Skee Goedhart desired to visually represent this complex relationship between Christianity’s roots and Judiasm. Over the course of seven years he created a monumental piece of art entitled The Nazarene Cipher and wrote a manuscript to support the many facets of the work. The painting itself stands over thirteen feet tall and six feet wide and features over 180 illustrated panels. The manuscript draws upon two thousand years of church history, theology, Christian symbolism, and art as well as the author’s personal insight and experience.

About the Author

Skee Goedhart (M.DIV) is a graduate of Talbot Theological Seminary and has been working as an artist in Los Angeles for the past 15 years. His artwork can be viewed at

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title: From Glory to Glory:The Psychodynamics of Salvation in Christ

author: H. Owen Ward

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 1.10.2014 • author id: WaH4550413

word count: 54,000


The central theme of the book follows from only one small word used 4 times in only one chapter of the Bible. “In the beginning was the Logos and the Logos was with God and the Logos was God…and the Logos was made flesh… (Jn. 1:1, 14). That’s it! As little in use, you’d think it was an unimportant feature of biblical theology. In fact, as the book attempts to demonstrate, the Logos doctrine is the philosophical core of the entire New Testament revelation of Christ. What’s more to the point, this Big Picture, Grand Idea, is profoundly psychologically and remarkably beautiful.  

After a brief introduction the author surveys the history of the Logos Doctrine in classical philosophy and its influence on the theology of the Church Fathers.  The remainder of the book develops the Logos Doctrine in terms of the psychodynamic features of the biblical plan of salvation.  

About the Author

I am a clinical psychologist in private practice for the past 34 years. I have also held part-time faculty positions at the University of Dayton, The MacGregor School at Antioch University and Wittenberg University. I am currently a clinical professor at the Wright State University School of Professional Psychology where I teach a yearly, internship seminar entitled Religion and Spirituality in Psychotherapy. I have also taught a well-received seminar for the Jung Association of Central Ohio. I am scheduled to teach a seminar on this topic for the Ohio Psychological Association in late February 2014. I have studied philosophy informally for many years, currently participating in several study groups led by academic philosophers. I maintain an active fellowship in the United Methodist Church where I have taught biblical topics as a Sunday School teacher for many years. 

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title: Clouds are the Dust of His Feet! A Consideration of Clouds in Scripture as an Example of General Revelation of God

author: H. Wayne Sampson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 1.22.2014 • author id: SaH7650314

word count: 25,922


Nahum 1:3 says, “Clouds are the dust of His feet.” I decided to look more into the concept of clouds to determine their role in scripture and to determine if clouds could fit into the realm of General Revelation. I have examined each of the 157 references in the Bible referring to clouds, and organized them into several similar groupings. We demonstrate that clouds in scripture most assuredly reveal characteristics of almighty God: the might and power of our loving God (chapter 1), the creative power of God (chapter 2), the mercy and gracious provision of God (chapter 3), and the promise of security by our heavenly Father (chapter 4). It demonstrates His imagination and creativeness in using clouds as transporters (chapter 5 & 8) and His kindness in establishing a way for the frightened Israelites to speak to Him (Chapter 6). Chapters 7 and 10 demonstrate His mercy, His guidance, and His protective power. Chapter 9 reveals His Judgment upon a disobedient world.

I look at my manuscript as a theology book dealing with general revelation, but my wife thinks it would be a good devotional book.

About the Author


My qualifications consist of a lifetime of teaching, research, and Bible study. I have a Ph.D. in Human Anatomy and taught in medical and dental schools for 45 years, the last 36 at Texas A&M Health Science Center, College of Medicine. I have written four books, including “An Atlas of the Human Skull,” which has been in continuous publication by A&M Press for over 25 years. I also wrote the “Manual of Human Dissection” used at both the medical and the dental schools, but they were published in-house. I also have more than 200 scientific publications and abstracts. During those years of teaching Anatomy, I have been teaching Bible classes at church and taking courses at various Bible schools, including Dallas Theological Seminary, Criswell Institute and several others, many by correspondence. I am waiting for the grading of my dissertation for a Th.D. degree and should be graduating in June.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Reclaiming Biblical Relevance

author: Lech Bekesza

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 3.27.2014 • author id: BeLR1L414

word count: 68,000


The field of Christian communication sits on a fault line of relevance, where the plate of God’s truth overlaps the plate of life. Communicating the Bible is taking God’s truth spelled out in yesterday’s book and relating it to the lives of today’s audience. The communicator stands “in the gap” between two worlds: the world of the scriptures and the world of today. However, those once-intersecting worlds have drifted apart. Time and change, accelerated by the rapid growth in technology, social transformation, political transition, and religious diversification have eroded the initial crevice into a grand canyon. Today, the query, “How does this truth relate to my needs?” has become the judge and the jury of all our religious experience. The dilemma of relevance gives rise to a paradox of biblical proportions. Is it possible for listeners to feel that the message is relevant without it being biblically relevant? Can a message be biblically relevant while being perceived as irrelevant? Ultimately, how can a biblical communicator have the assurance that the message he or she is communicating is biblically relevant? This book seeks to provide the answer to this question.

About the Author

Dr. Lech Bekesza holds a doctoral degree in communication from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a master's degree in philosophy from University of Alberta.  He has been a lead pastor of Cobble Hill Christian Church on Vancouver Island for 18 years.  He is the founder and the executive director of the Biblical Preaching Society (, an international organization seeking to educate Christian communicators to competently prepare God's people to communicate God's Word in their worlds.  He has taught homiletics and theology in schools in Canada, the United States and Poland.  Dr. Bekesza is also a memeber of the Evangelical Homiletics Society, an association of evangelical teachers of Christian communication in North America.  Lech, Paulina, and their three children reside on Vancouver Island, in Canada.

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title: The "Jesus" Deception: How Cults & False Prophets Use the Name of Jesus and the Gospel to Deceive the Uns

author: James Wallace

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 6.2.2014 • author id: WaJ8943614

word count: 65,000


No doubt you’ve encountered them at your door, in a park or among friends—people who say they believe in Jesus Christ and the Bible, yet somehow don’t fit into what your church says is true Christianity. They’re sincere, and are very devoted to what they believe. Yet you are told they are members of cults and their teachings are not to be trusted.


Have you ever wondered what’s wrong with them? After all, they say they believe the same things you do. They look like moral, upright people. They quote from the Bible just like your pastor does. Whoever said everybody has to cross their “t’s” and dot their “i’s” the same way you do? After all, we’re all going to end up in the same place, aren’t we?


Or are we?


If you’ve had such an encounter, you’ll want to read this book.


This is not the typical book about cults. It’s been said that the best way to discover counterfeit $100 bill is to know in detail the features of the real thing. The author takes this approach, showing first what the Bible says is essential to salvation and then comparing them to what the cults say.

About the Author

Pastor Jim Wallace, Th.M., Dallas Seminary, has been the pastor of a small church in Sparks, Nevada for 27 years. For six years he was the associate and then managing editor of a Christian youth magazine published by Back to the Bible Broadcast with a circulation of 80,000.


As a graduate of Dallas Seminary, when his book is published, it will be noted in Dallas Seminary’s alumni magazine which is sent to thousands of Dallas Seminary graduates. Jim is also part of the Conservative Baptist Associations of Northern California and Nevada and America, and the publication of his book is likely to create some interest among these friends and acquaintances of his as well. Because of the clarity of his Gospel explanation and his spiritual like-mindedness, Jim wouldn’t be surprised if both Dave Hunt’s Berean Call magazine and Evantell ministries would also join in promoting his new book.

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title: Confessions of a Bishop: A Guide to Augustine's Confessions

author: Kevin Dodge

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 7.9.2014 • author id: DoK7522514

word count: 140,000


Many are familiar with Augustine's seminal importance for the Christian faith. No western Christian has had greater impact on the development of the Church and orthodox belief. From the Trinity to original sin, from salvation by grace to the sacraments, from biblical interpretation to theories about the end times, Augustine's writings have largely formed the western consensus on orthodox belief. 

Augustine's most famous book, The Confessions, is the original Christian best-seller from the ancient world. But many readers have found Augustine difficult to comprehend because his assumptions and style are so different than ours.

This guide provides the historical, theological, and literary information you need to interact with the Confessions, one the greatest works of Christian literature. Addressing topics as diverse as sin, friendship, suffering, the problem of evil, mysticism, and marriage, Augustine writes the Confessions primarily to show us how to read the Bible with greater depth and to pray with greater vigor. With summaries and commentary to the narrative sections of the Confessons, this guide will help readers uncover what Augustine was trying to convey in his masterwork. 

About the Author

Kevin Dodge is a noted speaker and author with a passion for helping Christians reconnect with their rich history.  A former Wall Street money manager, Kevin turned to theology after a serious illness (multiple sclerosis) ended his professional career. Kevin has a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, where he graduated first in his class and was awarded the Louis Sperry Chafer prize for the overall best male student. He also has an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA from Connecticut College, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Kevin is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, the Society for Biblical Literature, and the North American Patristics Society. 

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title: Light in our Darkness

author: Bruno Sebrechts

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 7.8.2014 • author id: SeB970014

word count: 180.000


The book starts with the true story of the deliverance of a woman who was very seriously demon possessed and spent a long time in a psychiatric hospital, but for many years now has served as a wonderful testimony to the transforming power of Christ. The book offers answers to the needs that arise when seriously damaged people suffering from bondage start a new life in Christ. It provides Biblical truths and principles to equip the minister. The subject won’t be solely viewed from the perspective of the counsellor. You will also read what the person seeking help is going through, and how he could be comforted all along the way.

The book offers an extensive biblical grounding for spiritual deliverance and connects the theoretical with the practical. It presents and engages with theological arguments and contains references to recent scholarship. The subject of deception and counterfeit deliverances are dealt with as well.
Other books mainly promote one specific approach (Gospel -, Truth –, or Power Encounter).  This book does not advocate any single approach, but rather offers a method for finding the right approach given the particular circumstances of each case.

About the Author

As a minister who has served several evangelical churches during the past twenty-five years, I have had ample opportunity to test this balanced approach in a diversity of pastoral situations.

Although I as an individual cannot claim an international platform, the book speaks for itself in that it provides solid answers regarding a subject that is still surrounded by many specific questions. Those who are confronted with these problems are often actively looking for answers, so there are possibilities for marketing via traditional and contemporary media (Google adwords etc.).

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Knowledge unto Relationship

author: Jeffrey Romine

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 9.5.2014 • author id: RoJ0645114

word count: 76,000


The study of knowledge cannot be overstated in terms of biblical importance. It was at a tree named for knowledge where brokenness first entered the relationship between God and man. Christians are described as the aroma of the knowledge of Christ (II Cor. 2:14).

Knowledge unto Relationship compares the biblical role of knowledge to scientific, philosophical, and theological roles, each treating knowledge differently. This book is also something of a literary work, assembling the ideas of Anselm, Aquinas, Locke and others. It consults more recent authors too, such as William Lane Craig and Peter Kreeft, providing readers a fuller context for grasping the biblical role.

Although its overall emphasis is theological as title suggests, there is a strong apologetic primarily aimed at science minded thinkers in line with the author’s background. We live in an age of science, and the approach the book takes will benefit any who are interested in the classic faith versus reason dialogue. Chapter one opens with interesting commentary on where we are technologically, making mention of the recent discovery of the Higgs boson—a most astounding achievement.

The Tree of Knowledge ‘thematic’ is pursued to a deep level, reviving both literature and lore, following its trajectory forward to an ultimate fulfillment in covenantal relationship. To state the book’s key elements in a nutshell: the biblical aim of knowledge is to set seekers on a path to law (law was central at the tree). The biblical aim of law is love, setting seekers on a path to an everlasting relationship with their God.

About the Author

The author is a Ph.D. scientist with twenty-five years’ experience in a major pharmaceutical company and has published many papers in peer reviewed journals (search name in google scholar for a listing). One research publication was recognized recently by Faculty-1000, a national academic group that nominates work they rank at the top 2% in medicine. A Christian for over thirty years; reading, studying, and teaching have cultivated an ability to write at a level that engages, and prompts reflective thought on the part of readers.

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title: Trinity and the Three Persons of Communion

author: Wayne Kempson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 8.30.2014 • author id: KeW2060114

word count: 80,000


Is there a way to understand traditional language about the Trinity that makes sense with respect to both the ordinary use of language and the believer’s experience of the gospel? Books currently available review the history, theology, and philosophy of the doctrine of the Trinity; but when it comes to the moment when a clear depiction is needed of how the language of one God in three persons makes sense, there is an invariable retreat behind an appeal to mystery, a recitation of proposal, and a demand for faith. Though this is helpful to a degree, the student of the Trinity still asks for a more specific way to think about the Trinity that is not open to the charge of illogical nonsense. Trinity and the Three Persons of Communion seeks to answer this question by looking at the meaning and experience of communion. In the end, the Trinity can be understood by asking: Do you ever think about who you are? What happens when God thinks to himself about himself

About the Author

As a graduate of Duke University (BA) and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv, PhD), I have taught as an Adjunct Professor for Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. At present I am the senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Waldorf, Maryland. Current interest in all things Trinity should make Trinity and the Three Persons of Communion a perfect addition to a publishing schedule. Academic readers along with serious students seeking a fresh presentation of the psychological understanding of the Trinity will find this 80,000 word investigation thought-provoking and challenging. This manuscript needs only the last chapter and a publisher who will appreciate the mix of innovative analysis and scholarly interaction found in these pages.  

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title: Imagining God: How Jesus' Gospel Clarifies Pretty Much Everything

author: Martin Troyer

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 12.30.2014 • author id: TrM7708014

word count: 82,000


Imagining God explores missional living through the unique lens of Jesus’ gospel, empowering us to see and join what God is already doing in our world. The heart of the book is a new performance of Gospel that celebrates its holistic breadth for both “souls and systems.” The gospel, as defined in the book, is:

The Good News that God is restoring the wholeness of all creation
through Jesus Christ
who is making peace,
defeating hostility and death,
re-creating a beautiful new world out of the midst of the old
filled with justice, joy and peace
and is inviting us (even me!) to be transformed with it.
This new story is possible here and now! Wanna join?

This language – seeing and joining God already at work – has become normative in missional conversations with far too little study on what God is actually doing in our world. Looking at the gospel through seven lenses (holistic shalom, restoring justice, Jesus’ cross, missional church, transformed humanity, worship, and narrative imagination) brings clarity to God, Christian identity, our world, and well, pretty much everything.

About the Author

Marty is the pastor of Houston Mennonite Church: The Church of the Sermon on the Mount. Marty has a vibrant writing ministry writing for magazines, several book chapters, devotionals, and as "The Peace Pastor" blogger for his local newspapper, The Houston Chronicle. One of the writings he is most proud of is a core document for a group of evangelical ministries here in Houston called, “Seeking the Shalom of Houston.”

Marty is connected with the peace and justice community of Houston, working closely with the Houston Interfaith Justice Center and the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.

Marty is currently on three boards:

• Healing the Brokenness, a lecture-based program seeking to bring local practitioners together to enhance our shared vision for overcoming racial, economic, and systemic brokenness.
• Houston Graduate School of Theology.
• The Living Hope Wheelchair Association, a nonprofit ministering to the needs of Houstonians with spinal cord injuries.



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title: The Hound of Heaven across the Multiverse and Other Parables of Modern Science

author: Andrew Walsh

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 2.7.2015 • author id: WaA1523715

word count: 110,000 words


When we meet Ramona Flowers in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, she won’t admit to knowing anything or anyone; the most she will allow is that she knows of them. This detachment is meant to save her from the pain that vulnerability in a relationship can bring, but also keeps her from being known.

Have we learned to maintain that same detachment with God? Are we only interested in knowing of him, deciding whether or not he exists? When it comes to science, that seems to be the case. Even when we can’t agree on the answer it gives, we agree that’s the only question science can answer about God. But what if science could actually help us know God – know what he is like, what he wants, who he is.

Historically, the people of God have turned to the world around them for metaphors that would help them understand him. Jesus encouraged this approach through his parables and was himself a model to help us know God. After centuries of roughly people-sized science, we now gaze into the astronomically large expanses of space and peer into the infinitesimally small realms of subatomic particles. Maybe, just maybe, what we found there will give us new models to better comprehend an infinite God.

About the Author

Dr. Andrew Walsh holds a PhD in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology from the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University. His graduate and postdoctoral studies also included mathematical and statistical modeling and computational biology, giving him a breadth of scientific experience.

Dr. Walsh has been writing for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s Emerging Scholars blog for two years, where he contributes weekly items on science and faith. His work has also appeared in The Behemoth, a Christianity Today publication. He has taught on the parables in this book at several churches.

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title: Once Every Day Becomes Easter

author: Marc Williams

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 1.24.2015 • author id: WiM2702815

word count: 35,000


Many Christians now question the lasting value of church, and too many of us have left church altogether. Our faith has not evaporated, but we need something beyond its weekly services, that are often more ceremonial than substantive. The Christian church has stagnated during the past century, and it needs real rejuvenation to truly thrive. This book is for those who either want to supplement your church-going or find a refreshing alternative. It looks at the Bible and Christian doctrines, our self-centeredness in relation to God, our fear of serving others, prayer and miracles, and the difficulties of true forgiveness. Lastly, it describes God’s Holy Mystery in three examples: Nature, near-death experiences and the Shroud of Turin.


Once Every Day Becomes Easter aims to hone the beginnings of a new consensus toward bridging Christianity with science and our own psychology, to revive the truth that we belong to God and not only ourselves, and to work through the personal complexities of forging a muscular faith in our Lord. We may be on the cusp of redefining Christianity in a way not seen since its earliest years after the death of Jesus: God’s facts finally transcending our human beliefs. 

About the Author

Marc Williams has been a psychotherapist for the past 34 years, and for many years has had a private practice, treating a wide range of psychological problems in children, adolescents and adults. He has a Master’s degree in clinical psychology from Eastern Kentucky University. Williams is a poet, self-publishing his first book, Our Grieving Eden, in 2011. For many years, he also composed music for chamber and vocal ensembles.  He lives in North Carolina.

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title: Theo-storying. Reflections on God, Narrative, and Culture

author: Robert Munson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 4.22.2015 • author id: MuR260015

word count: 29,000


We as humans appear to be hardwired for stories. Whether the stories are in terms of myths or parables, whether they work in terms of metaphor or image, in the end we understand the abstract through narrative. God and our relationship with God, are concepts that stretch our ability to fathom cognitively. On an affective level, we are lost, commonly describing God, for example, in terms of who or what He is not, rather than who He is. The Bible exists culturally and historically bound in story. Jesus taught with stories, as well as many others in the Bible. Even when stories were not used directly, imagery and metaphor were commonly used to draw the ineffable into our own world of familiarity. This book will not seek to tackle the great challenges of Narrative Theology. Rather it seeks a humbler goal-- to encourage people to think and speak of God in terms of stories that resonate with culture. "Godtalk" should be more about parable than proposition, story than statement, and inspiration than information.

About the Author

I teach cultural anthropology and other missions-related topics at two seminaries in the Philippines, and have served for over 11 years as a missionary with the Virginia Baptist Mission Board. I have a Doctor of Theology degree (Th.D.) from Asia Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary, area of Missions. I am a cofounder of Bukal Life Care, a pastoral counseling center in Baguio City, Philippines, that focuses on chaplaincy training, as well as contextualized pastoral care in Southeast Asia region. A specific area of interest has been in contextualization of evangelical theology to Asian culture, with special attention to the role of myths, parables, symbols, and redemptive analogies. 

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title: Creation, Evolution, The Fall, and Original Sin: An Alternate Evangelical Explanation for the Problem of Evil

author: Daryl Anderson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 6.26.2015 • author id: AnD4833515

word count: 90,000 words


The apparent contradictions between the Bible and scienceare well known. However, one might wonder why that should be the case since God reveals himself in both the Bible and the world he created (what scientists study). Why, for example, is there so much evidence for humans living and dying before the time of Adam?

The apparent contradictions between the Bible and theologyare less considered. The doctrine of original sin states that death is the result of Adam’s sin, yet the Bible states that “The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent.” The theology that saddles each of us with the penalty for Adam’s sin would not seem to agree with the Bible’s teaching that God is just.

The topics of creation, evolution, the Fall, and original sin raise many such questions, but at their root is the question of evil: Since God has created a good world, why is it full of sin, suffering, and death? As the subtitle says, this book offers an alternative evangelical explanation for the problem of evil that appeals to the inerrant words of Scripture to resolve these questions.

About the Author

Daryl Anderson has a B.S. degree in Biology (magna cum laude) and 38 years’ experience as a scientist and engineer. He has also spent many years studying the Bible and teaching it to others. His biblical interpretations have been shaped by a broad survey of evangelical scholarship, and have not been constrained by any particular doctrinal tradition.

The market for this book is potentially very large:

Every Christian wrestles with the question of creation vs. evolution. Many Christians see it as an unsatisfactory choice between the Bible and science.

Pastors and Bible teachers are asked for their position on that question; and asked to explain the prevalence of evil in God’s “very good” creation.

Seekers who might be inclined to place their faith in Christ are hesitant because they think that science has disproved the Bible. I wrote this book to remove that obstacle to faith.

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title: Quantum Genesis, Speculations in Modern Physics and the Truth of Scripture

author: Stuart Allen

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 9.25.2015 • author id: AlS9455015

word count: 117,086


Our culture assumes that there is a conflict between science and Scripture, that the world that we can see and measure is not compatible with what the Bible tells us. But modern physics reveals a very different world, one that is not at all like the world of our experience. Relativity shows us time and space bound together, bending and stretching to form our universe. Quantum mechanics tells us of another world behind the one that we see, an insubstantial world where ‘solid’ matter is only light and shadow in a cloud of possibilities.
Scripture does not fit very well with the world of our experience, but what we experience is only an illusion. The world of modern physics is the true world, a true world that fits very well with the portrayal of Creation in Scripture.
Quantum Genesis presents the basics of modern physics, relativity, quantum mechanics, and particle physics, with an interpretation of Scripture that is compatible with the world of modern physics. At our current level of understanding, there is not necessarily any conflict between science and Scripture. Logically, modern physics supports an implication that we live in a Creation made by God.

About the Author

Stuart Allen, B.S. Engineering, Harvey Mudd College, is an experienced design engineer who converted from atheism to Christianity by analyzing the science, an experience which convinced him of the truth of both science and Scripture.

The core perspective of Quantum Genesis is an application of engineering: maybe our knowledge of physics has grown enough to glimpse how this Creation was made. There is a great deal of physics in the book, but it is mostly at a basic, introductory level.

The potential audience is Christians concerned about the literal truth of Scripture, especially young Christians with faith tested by public education.

Quantum Genesis is an offshoot of a lecture series, Natural vs. Created - A Tour of the Science, that Stuart has been preparing for several years to reassure the saints that science does not contradict Scripture.


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title: The Leviathan Factor

author: Lawrence E. Burkholder

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 2.22.2016 • author id: BuLL0H1G16

word count: 147,021


In 1991 legacy Christian countries reported belief in a personal devil ranging from 4 percent in the former East Germany to 45 percent in the U.S. Using creation’s structures, ancient Mesopotamian records, and the Bible as data sets, I defend Satan’s reality and track his career from his creation as Lucifer to his second death as Leviathan. His rebellion skewed creation and led God to program death into the physical universe. Leviathan’s reality explains evil in creation and people's separation from God. Humans’ tripartite nature of spirit, mind, and body accommodate the Tree of Life as the spirit/God relationship and the Tree of Knowledge as the mind/Leviathan connection. Satanically-caused psi manipulates natural law, and demons directly synchronize with people’s minds. Examples of illicit use of natural law are levitation, telekinesis, and poltergeist activities. People exhibit mediumistic abilities, NDEs, OBEs, and a menu of psychological manifestations: voices, visions, clairvoyance, ecstasies (glossalalia, laughter, revival kundalini phenomena). The book employs unique theoretical foundations of a sub-quantum cellular automaton, chaos, and complexity. These subsist in every aspect of the physical, moral, and spiritual creation, including Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. At the final judgment, fallen angels and unredeemed humans experience the second death.

About the Author

This book is for academics, clergy, the counseling community, and sophisticated general readers. It interprets theodicy and demonic manifestations according to the paradigms of a cellular automaton, chaos, and complexity. No other writer has brought together the cutting-edge themes found in The Leviathan Factor.

I am an ordained Mennonite minister with master's degrees in history and theological studies. My thesis plus three published academic articles pursue themes related to the book. Titles and internet URLs are available on request.

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title: God and E=MC2

author: Harry Friend Friend

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 2.25.2016 • author id: FrH168516

word count: 34000


Working title; God and E=MC2

Sub-title: How omnipotent is omnipotence?

Could the world’s most famous science equation, E=MC2, have more meaning for the Christian than simply the mushroom cloud?  It is postulated here that the equation is inextricably wrapped up with what we say that we sincerely believe about God being omnipotent.   No Christian would  argue that God is not almighty - but how do we come to terms with an equation that states that: omnipotence plus E=MC2 equals omnisubstance – that God is His own raw material out of which He made the universe?  Do we laugh it off as a preposterous notion - or do we look it full in the eye and check whether we really believe that the all mighty God is almighty?

About the Author

Working title:  God and E=MC2

Sub title: How omnipotent is omnipotence?

2) About the author

Harry S.G. Friend is a Christian businessman with a lifetime of studying the Word of God and of studying nuclear physics. Both such studies have been informal and will go unrecognised as having attained any standard in tertiary education. Therefore any right to be taken seriously in addressing such a matter as the Omnisubstance of God would not spring from the author’s academic achievements.  At the end of the day, regardless of from whose pen it comes  – whether from among the more  illustrious pens in Christian endeavour or from among the more obscure - the only issue of any consequence about God and E=MC2 would be:   Is it true?

God and E=MC2 was first aired as a sermon in the “open ministry” type of church service of the assembly that he attended and then, later, as a Bible Study.  There can be no ‘special-interest’ group or ‘target-market’ Christians to whom, alone, this work might appeal. It would be for all men and women, young or old, rich or poor, educated or untutored who name Christ as their Saviour. It is for all of The Body of Christ because it is all about our Head.

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title: Campaign For The Kingdom

author: Rodney Ginniff

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 9.24.2016 • author id: GiR374916

word count: 75000


A crtique is provided of contemporary Western postmodern culture, based upon the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. I then use Thomism to attempt a radical explanation of Christ's teaching to Nicodemus regarding the spiritual rebirth, as also for Paul's teaching concerning the redemption of the body ('we will all be changed in the blinking of an eye').

About the Author

No credentials in particular. This is my first book attempt. I am retired, and an Anglican.

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title: Judas and the Criminal Mind

author: Tom Ewald

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 3.1.2017 • author id: EwT6265617

word count: 80,000


The New Testament gives three reasons for Judas’ betrayal of Jesus: greed, Satan's influence, and the fulfillment of Scripture. Each helps us understand his act of treachery. Yet we now have tools to explore the minds of the lying deceivers among us. Psychology and sociology, together with the Gospel accounts, provide a journey into how a person like Judas Iscariot could hide among Jesus’ closest associates yet emerge to betray his master and commit high treason. Why did Jesus choose him? Did Judas repent? Did he have a choice? His deception had a role in the death of Christ, but God’s transcendent scheme of redemption was undeterred.

Hundreds of books have been written on Judas. None has used the instruments of social science research to explain how someone like Judas could come from a group that Jesus chose and tutored. In this book, the diagnostic tools of psychiatry are applied to the New Testament account of Judas. Researchers report that one in twenty-five people is a sociopath. Given the epidemic of crime in our culture, we need help to identify and deal with antisocial personalities that move among us and at some time have fooled each of us.

Ancient and contemporary works that treat Judas as a hero or even a well-intentioned but mistaken victim are examined.

About the Author

Tom Ewald served for forty-eight years as a college and seminary professor of psychology, counselling, theology, and Bible survey. He was chairman of the disciplinary committee of Lincoln Christian College (now University) and Seminary for over thirty years, where he encountered personalities that fit the description of antisocial personality but functioned in the Christian community.

He holds a M.A. in New Testament and Theology, a M.S. degree in educational and clinical psychology, a M.Div. degree in New Testament and Theology, and a D.Div. Degree. He has administered psychological tests to missionary recruits for forty years and has taught classes in Canada and Austria, as well as at Bradley University, Lincoln Correctional Center, Lincoln Christian University, and other Christian colleges in several states. He has been a keynote speaker for lectureships, national conventions, Salvation Army youth conferences in several states, and churches across the USA. He is currently a university adjunct professor and elder/teacher in his local church.

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title: god of the T.rex

author: Ronald Johnson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 10.16.2017 • author id: JoR0383317

word count: 75000


There are two categories of evil. Natural evil ties to the thousands of life forms that cause death or profound misery. Hookworms, possessing exquisite software in their DNA to defeat and commandeer the blood-clotting cascade and equipped with a mouth that is basically a ring of fangs, infect a billion humans, happily chewing up their intestines. And then there is moral evil. On August 18, 1993, Lewis Lent, serial child murderer and pedophile, captured 12-year-old Sara Anne Wood. He bound her with duct tape, terrorized her, molested her, took her deep into the Adirondack Forest Preserve, and, according to his confession, beat her unconscious with a piece of wood. He said she might not have been dead when he buried her in a shallow grave.

An attempt to reconcile the coexistence of an all-powerful, all-loving God with a planet riddled to the core with natural and moral evil is called a theodicy. Ron Johnson, a friend of the Wood family, spent two decades in search of a credible theodicy. In the end, he formed his own.

It involves the angels—the good ones and the really bad ones.

About the Author

Ron Johnson holds a BA in English from Houghton College. He taught 12th-grade English both in New York and at Okinawa Christian School. He has been published three times in Adirondack Life. In 2004 he published The Search for Adirondack Gold with North Country Books.


Ron is a careful, thorough researcher who has extensive, first-hand knowledge of the Sara Wood abduction (sat behind perpetrator at sentencing). 


Philip Yancey’s description of god of the T. rex: “dazzling.”




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title: Bible Truths: God's Relational Good News

author: Robert Ferris

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 10.20.2017 • author id: FeR2710317

word count: 65946


Many find the distinguishing characteristic of the Millennial Generation to be a search for relationship. God’s desire for relationship with us is the integrating theme of Bible Truths. God created others “in his image and likeness” so he could expand the circle of relationship that had existed eternally within the Trinity. He provided salvation through the incarnation, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ so the relationship broken in the Garden of Eden could be restored. His desire for those who accept his invitation to relationship is intimacy with himself—imperfect now but eternally perfect in heaven. In brief chapters and a conversational style, Bible Truths explains, in language that Millennials understand, the provision God has made for relationship with the people he has created.

About the Author

Robert W. Ferris, M.A. (Theo), M.Div., Ph.D., is an internationally recognized teacher and consultant to Bible college and seminaries who has taught theology at undergraduate and graduate seminary levels. Bible Truths distills Ferris’s extensive experience in helping students understand basic Christian doctrines.


Bible Truths is endorsed as an introductory theology textbook for Evangelical colleges, will find wide acceptance in Christian school and home school markets, and will be used for lay training courses in churches.

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title: The Five-Fold Ministry in the Local Church: The Blueprint for the New Testament Church & the Reformation of Church Leadership

author: Byron Hamilton

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 12.9.2017 • author id: HaB7606517

word count: 95000


Do blueprints matter? They do if you want to live in a home that is secure and not in need of constant repair.

Blueprints matter to God! He gave them to Noah to build the Ark. He gave them to Moses to construct the tabernacle. He also gave them to New Covenant believers to establish the five-fold ministry in the local church. 

The ministry leadership team model is God’s blueprint for a successful, thriving New Testament church. It’s what he has provided for the “equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry.” The irony is, we all believe the Bible teaches the five-fold ministry of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher, but we don’t know what that looks like and how it is supposed to function in the local church.

Laying just below the surface in the Book of Acts and the apostolic epistles are the keys to discovering God’s detailed blueprints provided for His New Covenant church. This book is revolutionary. It will challenge your concept of traditional church leadership. You will go through a paradigm shift as we sketch out the blueprints of the five-fold church leadership reformation.  

About the Author

Byron Hamilton is Australian, the son of an apostolic church planter, and has worked in ministry leadership all his adult life, in two parachurch organizations and several church denominations. He holds two master's degrees in Biblical Literature and Theology and has authored two published textbooks with McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Byron has pioneered several successful ministries around the world and is currently overseeing a large church-planting and discipleship ministry in India. He has taught extensively on the five-fold ministry leadership team model.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Forsaken NOT! A New Look at Jesus' Last Words; Genesis to Revelation - the crucifixion story

author: Wallace Clausen

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 2.9.2018 • author id: ClW9809218

word count: 88000


In contrast to most ‘Last Word’ books, Forsaken NOT! challenges the conventional custom of treating each of Christ’s statements separately from another.  Lenten traditions teach Christians to reflect on each word, one word at a time.  Seldom do believers consider his statements as forming a unified message.

Rather than seeing Jesus’ statements as fragments, Forsaken NOT! focuses on the scriptural context behind them.  Framed by the image of light and darkness, a fresh new window to Christ’s last words unlocks a doorway to biblical meaning.  This is immediately seen in the Cana Wedding where water turned into wine prefigures the Last Supper and Calvary’s cross. What beckons is a journey through the pages of the Bible. Guided by Jesus’ dying words, a narrative is stitched that spans Genesis to Revelation.  The end result is an evocative look at the story behind the cross-words, why the cross is needed, and what the cross accomplishes. 

Forsaken NOT! is comprised of seven sections divided into two parts. This structure models the cross’ literary contour where his seven words are spoken in two divisions: one in the light of day (from the third to the sixth hour), the other after “darkness came over the whole land” (from the sixth to the ninth hour).

Part I examines his first three statements. Spoken in light, their pronouncement of forgiveness anticipates a now forming new community, a congregation based on a new covenant which Jesus initiates less than twenty-four hours from his death. Part II is set in the shadow of darkness; it begins with the most troubling of all his utterances, the word of abandonment. The task of this half is to demonstrate how that dismaying phrase turns into one of victorious proportions.

Pause is taken between Parts I and II where an interlude provides summary comment. Here, discoveries made in Part I are synthesized, thus preparing the reader for the onset of darkness and the theological message behind Jesus’ last four statements.

About the Author

Wallace Clausen is a retired, master’s level educator. He served in two northwest states, teaching (13 yrs.) and leading schools as a principal (26 yrs.).  Forsaken NOT! results from blending his literacy-based career with today’s contemporary theological movement that interprets the Bible upon its ‘final form’ and literary structure.  The book’s focus audience (college and career, and biblically literate adult believers) links to a marketing plan connected to churches and campus ministry contacts.  Initial development targets Resonate Campus Ministries (Washington, Oregon, Idaho), the INN University Ministries (Western Washington University), and Seattle Pacific University.  Young Life, though a high school age ministry, provides additional ‘in the field’ contacts. This regional foothold harbors potential for a national plan. Additionally, an active, two-state church background supports a large number of believers.  While Forsaken NOT! can be read individually, its strength is content for small group, collaborative discussions.


A third target audience is the skeptic.  Comprised of adults leery of simplistic ‘formulae’ treatments, Forsaken NOT! brings a welcomed change through its rigorous, biblical examination of Christ’s last words.  Social media offers in-roads into this population of off to the side, and often church-abandoned believers.

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title: Seeing God in Mathematics

author: Wesley Rich

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 9.10.2018 • author id: RiW4865818

word count: 33000


“What is truth?” That is the question Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, and it is the question we all still ask ourselves today. With so many competing religions and philosophies to choose from, how can we determine what is really true and what is false? Can we? Perhaps we can, if we dare to read the language used to write the universe: mathematics. It is well known that mathematics consistently provides accurate answers to questions about the physical universe, but can it also answer questions about the spiritual universe – about God? This book seeks to answer that question by exploring the philosophical implications of several mathematical principles – principles that are accessible to ordinary people without a degree in mathematics.

About the Author

Dr. Wesley J. Rich has three degrees in mathematics, including two advanced degrees. He has been teaching college math classes since 2003, and he regularly travels to math conferences all over the country. As a longtime Christian, he has spoken at several church functions over the years and frequently posts biblical exhortations on social media. His proposed book is intended for any adult reader (Christian or otherwise) interested in discovering spiritual truth or learning why Christianity is a reasonable spiritual path, particularly if the reader enjoys logical argument. It is designed to be accessible to readers without extensive mathematical background.

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title: Preaching Metaphor

author: Justin Rossow

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 5.21.2019 • author id: RoJ4819719

word count: 120000


With humor and insight, Justin Rossow combines metaphor theory with a real heart for preachers and the preaching task. Rossow takes us on a tour of recent developments in the study of metaphor. His clear presentation makes the theory easy to learn and easy to use: the basic “story” behind any metaphor enables a “situational logic” that shapes how we think, how we believe, and how we live out our lives. Section 2 uses the moves of metaphor to shape sermons. Clear and accessible examples will have you reimagining your preaching in new and refreshingly faithful ways. In the final section of the book, Rossow engages the broader field of preaching theory. The method he has developed over years of presenting the Gospel also enhances sermon structures from other well-known preachers. Whether or not you are familiar with the likes of Wilson’s Four Pages, the Lowry Loop, or Long’s work on genre, you are sure to find Rossow’s broad application helpful in your preaching ministry. An excellent book for preachers looking to add a tool to their bag, or for students looking to learn the art and craft of engaging, memorable, faithful, and formative sermons.

About the Author

Rev. Dr. Justin Rossow holds a PhD in Theology and Culture and has served as pastor at a variety of congregations over 16 years. He is a recurring guest instructor in homiletics and a frequent presenter at conferences and gatherings. He has published blogs, sermons, journal articles, and a prayer booklet.  Rossow also contributed to The Pastor’s Brain Manual and the best-selling Jesus-Centered Bible. His teaching, blogging, and presenting help promote his other publications.

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title: The History of God Speaking

author: Les Martin

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 7.14.2019 • author id: MaL6009919

word count: 70800


Summary Description – God is not silent; He has spoken. Does He continue to speak? The Bible is the written record of His revelation, but does He continue to speak beyond the pages of His written Word? Does God personally speak to us? If so, how does He speak, and what do we do with that revelation? Can we know for certain we are hearing from God, or might we be mistaken? By examining what God has already revealed in His Word, we may be surprised and challenged to reconsider our assumptions concerning His revelation.

About the Author

Credentials – Dr. Les Martin has served as an evangelical pastor for 45 years. He holds advanced degrees from Grace Theological Seminary and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. This subject has been of interest and concern for decades as he has watched the evangelical church depend more and more on “God speaking to me” and less and less on what God is saying through His written Word.  

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title: Not by Ignorance. The validity of spiritual gifts: A biblical & historical explanation of cessationism

author: Frank W. R. Benoit

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 10.14.2019 • author id: BeF4113019

word count: 77650


(Self-published title in 2017 Spanish version: Not by Ignorance. The validity of spiritual gifts: a biblical and historical explanation of the doctrine of cessationism)

“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant.” So wrote the apostle Paul to the Corinthian Christians at the beginning of his exposition on this topic in 1 Corinthians 12-14, the passage that remains key in the question of the spiritual gifts –at least as far as the gifts that are at the center of the debate. Looking around at Christianity, and Evangelical Christianity in particular, it seems clear that Paul’s wish is still valid and binding today. The ignorance, confusion, division and debate about spiritual gifts, their validity (at least for some gifts) and importance for the Church and the Christian life are signs that it is so. There are still many believers and churches that continue in ignorance in regard to the biblical doctrine of the spiritual gifts. Many Christians from non-charismatic backgrounds are confused and abandon the cessationist doctrine–or even their church– because they don’t really understand it or why their church holds it. There is a lack of a clear and understandable explanation of the doctrine. In many cases, they changed their minds without doing a complete study of the topic. Many times, the change came after reading a popular book, with an erroneous caricature of cessationism.

The purpose of this book is that we would have a position on the spiritual gifts not by ignorance, but by having studied the topic and having explained clearly the doctrine of cessationism. Even with the abundance of literature available about spiritual gifts, there is a lack of a clear and correct explanation of cessationism. Much of the literature available deals only with certain aspects of the question. There are more books from the non-cessationist position and less from the cessationist position. It's difficult to find clear and correct information on cessationism. The books on each side of the debate usually attack the other side and focus more on criticizing than explaining the doctrine. Many cessationist books are more for scholars or heat up the debate instead of clearing it up. This book tries to improve that with a clear, understandable explanation of cessationism, so there will be less confusion about it.  It’s not a study just for academicians, theologians or scholars; those studies are already out there. It’s written to help the average believer to understand the cessationist position, which I believe is the correct one.

About the Author

Dr. Frank W.R. Benoit is a historian, holds two degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary, and has 35 years of  full-time ministry experience as a pastor, missionary and seminary professor in the U.S. and Spain. He has taught seminary for 17 years, and has given many Bible and Church History conferences. All of this gives him a solid background in the Bible, Theology and Church History, as well as experience in explaining those topics. The churches and individuals who have supported him as a missionary for years, as well as other Dallas Seminary alumni and the churches they pastor, have indicated interest in having the explanation in this book available in English, after it was first published in Spanish in 2017. Now it is in English and can be made available to all of those churches and believers, and to their contacts as well. The book fills a great void on an important topic that many readers would be interested in getting information on from either side of the debate about the validity of the spiritual gifts.

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title: Following Jesus: In An Age of Hypocrisy

author: David Lowry

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 11.26.2019 • author id: LoD6064919

word count: 50000


We live in a time when many view the church as a relic of past traditions and cosmologies, often reactionary, mean-spirited, nationalist, and racist. They see those who call themselves Christians reacting in fear to the changes around them, rather than boldly declaring and living out God's compassion and justice. Some, who view themselves as non-believers, point out, often with great clarity, the distance between so-called Christian witness and the teaching of Jesus. This book takes us back to the first followers and to their very human experience of desire, decision, and discipleship. As with these first followers, it calls us to follow Jesus into God's presence and liberating action and, by following, increasingly strip away our false religiosity, misplaced commitments, and idolatries. As we join with others in a community of Jesus’ followers, gathered by Jesus to be sent out, we exercise true, society-altering witness.

About the Author

For over twenty-eight years, I served an African American congregation with a strong outreach to children in crisis, a ministry to recovering addicts, various neighborhood ministries, and engaged with organizations addressing issues of social justice.

I am presently involved in training deacons and recently published Released Outward: Liberating Congregations To Do Justice, Love Mercy and Live Faithfully. Other publications include theological essays and a doctoral dissertation. 

My blog is found at

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title: Christianity and the Problem of Evil

author: William Lacy

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 3.25.2020 • author id: LaW3811220

word count: 68000


This book deals with an important aspect of Christian apologetics, the problem of evil--both the eschatological evils of eternal judgment and eternal punishment and the evils of this life.  An adequate treatment of these issues requires both careful New Testament exegesis and sustained philosophical argument.  I argue that once we become clear about what the New Testament teaches about each of these eschatological evils, a way is opened up to show that it is not improbable that each of these teachings of the New Testament is fully consistent with the perfect goodness of God.  I then argue that the doctrines of eternal judgment and eternal punishment, properly understood, open up an important resource for dealing with the problem that the grave evils of this life create for the Christian doctrine of the perfect goodness of God.

About the Author
The intended audiences: (1) For the person who would like to accept the Christian faith, but for whom the traditional understanding of eternal judgment and/or the traditional understanding of eternal punishment make(s) this impossible, (2) for the Christian who would like to witness more effectively to those who find the traditional understanding of eternal judgment and/or the traditional understanding of eternal punishment impossible to accept, and (3) for the person who thinks that the grave evils in this life make Theism improbable. I received the Ph. D. in Philosophy from the University of Virginia, and I taught Philosophy for 40 years at Rhodes College.

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title: Biblical Israel - The Anti-Judaic Incursion of Process Biblical Theology

author: Barry Horner

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 11.18.2020 • author id: HoBaBi28820

word count: 105790


In continuity with two widely received scholarly volumes, Future Israel and Eternal Israel, published by Broadman & Holman, now Biblical Israel completes a trilogy that continues the author's over-riding concern for the ongoing, biblical validity of Israel, its ethnicity, nationality and territory. As with the preceding two volumes, John MacArthur has also agreed to endorse Biblical Israel. A more recent theological system that has embraced replacement theology or supersessionism is identified as Biblical Theology that, for the sake of greater clarity, is nominated as Process Biblical Theology, or PBT according to the definition of Geerhardus Vos and successive similar scholars. This system is appreciative of Israel in the past, yet now regards it as eschatologically passe. In the future the redeemed will simply be regarded as the people of God, sans distinctive Gentile and Jewish identity. Consequently Israel and the Jew are nullified. The PBT hermeneutic imposes Christ upon the OT in a manner that overrides the plain meaning of passages such as Ezek. 36-37; Zech. 14, etc. The promised Land is now the whole world through faulty exegesis of Rom. 4:13. Hence, in an extreme manner it claims that Christ is in all Scripture, and to such a degree that there is a tendency to embrace a form of Christomonism at the cost of biblical trinitarianism. Consequently the PBT homiletic plays down sequential expository ministry and emphasizes a more panoramic view of the Bible, especially the OT, as if looking down upon it to obtain a big picture. In other words, it is reductionist in its theological approach at the expense of the significance of biblical and theological detail. Of course Biblical Israel was submitted to Broadman & Holman and surprisingly rejected, in spite of some pleading re the success of the preceding two volumes and John MacArthur's endorsements, along with promotion at the next Shepherd's Conference. Recently I received a message that "he would love to endorse Biblical Israel." The reason given for rejection was the lack of prospective financial viability. I reject this because of contrary evidence. More likely some reviewer of the text did not agree with the doctrinal critique involved. Future Israel was widely circulated and drew considerable response and reviews. Eternal Israel has a five star rating at Amazon.

About the Author
Degrees: BA George Fox College, Newberg OR.                                                                                               M.Div. Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, Portland OR.                                                   D.Min. Westminster Seminary in Southern California, Escondido. Books Published: Future Israel (Broadman and Holman), 2007, 394  pp. In a communication with Broadman and Holman Academic, Walter Kaiser commented that "Future Israel was a winner." It has had wide enthusiastic reception, and some critical Reformed response. Eternal Israel (Broadman and Holman), 2018, 327 pp. It has a five star rating with Amazon. The Pilgrim's Progress - Themes and Issues (Evangelical Press, UK), 2003, 511 pp. A product of doctoral studies. Presently out of print but soon to be republished. The Pilgrim's Progress - Accurate Revised Edition (Solid Ground Books) , 1999, 210 pp. Prospective Books: Why do the Nations Rage? - A Commentary on Psalm 2, 119 pp., (6" by 9"). An Outlined Comprehensive Commentary on The Pilgrim's Progress, 696 pp., (8½" by 11"). The Character of God, 568 pp., (8½" by 11"). An Outlined Commentary on Romans - 692 pp., (8½" by 11"). An Outlined Commentary on Galatians - 220 pp., (8½" by 11"). Ministry: Ordained, The Baptist Union of Victoria, Australia, 1976. Pastor for the last 50 years in Australia and the US. Commendation: Having commended both Future Israel and Eternal Israel,  John MacArthur has again responded that he "would love to endorse Biblical Israel." Seminar Ministry: This concerns John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, also Future Israel, in Australia, US, England, Wales, Netherlands.  

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title: God of Bosons and Branes: Exploring Mystery, Reframing Faith


category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 11.30.2020 • author id: FOVIGo31020

word count: 62000


Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. Schroedinger’s Cat. Spooky action at a distance. String theory. Mysteries like these have caused a significant shift in the worldview of scientists, who embrace mysteries of quantum indeterminacy, unseen quarks and bosons, and higher dimensions of reality. Life presents even deeper mysteries: Why does the universe exist? What is the source of purpose, love, freedom, and human consciousness? Why do people suffer and die? Do humans really have free will? Is evil real, and can it be overcome? How might God interact with people in space and time? Does humanity have a future? Throughout history, people have explored these questions in the context of their worldview. Framing the questions in today’s understanding of the mysteries of the cosmos provides new insights into God, reality, and human life. Drawing from quantum physics, mathematics, theology, and the Bible, this book explores mysteries of God and human life in fresh and ground-breaking ways. Unfamiliar scientific and theological concepts are explained in non-technical language, and quotations and personal stories connect abstract ideas to human experience.

About the Author
Rev. Victor Folkert earned a B.A. in mathematics and physics from Hope College, and continued his education in mathematics at Michigan State University. He has a M.Div. from Western Theological Seminary. He has published a Workbook on Biblical Interpretation, and his online sermons are accessed nearly 1000 times every seven days.

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title: God Speak: Eternity, Time, and the Acts and Knowledge of God

author: Robert Picirilli

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 2.1.2021 • author id: PiRoGo421

word count: 73000


A fresh approach to the always contested issue of determinism versus human freedom, based on God’s works in time and space.  The immutable God created this changing world as the very arena in which he chooses to act and reveal himself.  Both the Biblical narrative and man-made theology speak of God in terms both equivocal and univocal.  Scholastic theology focuses primarily on a priori constructs about God’s eternal attributes, plan, and knowledge.  A better theology should define God’s eternal decrees and foreknowledge in light of his acts in the world.  The Biblical account of God’s acts, like pronouncements of judgment and offers of grace, are primary.  God in eternity is best understood in light of the revelation of his acts in time.  The undefinable “intersection” between eternity and time, demonstrated in creation and incarnation, means that foreknowledge depends on real, contingent events in time, not vice-versa.  Ultimately, then, arguments against freedom based on foreknowledge are circular and fallacious.  An exegetical treatment of many Biblical passages supports these implications.

About the Author
Robert E. Picirilli, M. A. (Theology), Ph. D. (New Testament), is Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Philosophy at Welch College.  Author of numerous articles in scholarly journals: JETS, EQ, BBR, and JSNT; a dozen books (Moody Press, Wipf & Stock, Randall House): including Free Will Revisited: A Respectful Response to Luther, Calvin, and Edwards; Discipleship: The Expression of Saving Faith. For students and teachers of theology, pastors. (Note: I am fairly confident I can obtain endorsements from Richard Land, Roger Olson, Steve Lemke, Matt Pinson, and perhaps Terrance Tiessen.)

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title: Changing Your Mind without Losing Your Faith

author: David Holley

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 3.3.2021 • author id: HoDaCh2521

word count: 77000


Young people have been leaving the Church in large numbers. They reject a version of Christianity they perceive as intellectually unacceptable, morally objectionable, and spiritually deadening. There are better ways to understand Christianity, but considering alternatives involves a willingness to rethink cherished assumptions. This book provides guidance about doing the kind of rethinking that is needed. Here are a few examples: We can’t view the Bible as a message directly from God. Divine revelation comes to us in the form of writings that are shaped by cultural views of different times and places. Portrayals of God as wrathful and demanding punishment should be rejected in the light of the fuller revelation in Jesus. We need to replace the idea of salvation as a transaction to gain admission to heaven with an understanding of it as a fulfillment God seeks for all people. Rather than viewing the Christian message as primarily about life after death, we need to see that Jesus’s mission was focused on transforming life on earth. In contrast to a message that validates our social position and privileges, we should recognize that Jesus calls for a community organized on principles that challenge norms our culture takes for granted.    

About the Author

David M. Holley taught philosophy for over forty years at universities in Kansas, Arizona, and Mississippi. His books include Meaning and Mystery: What it Means to Believe in God (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), and he has published numerous articles in professional journals on topics in philosophy of religion and ethics. He is past President of the Society for Philosophy of Religion. In addition to academic contacts, his church has a network of connections with other progressive churches.

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title: The Triumph of the Redeemed

author: Jonathan Brentner

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 2.15.2021 • author id: BrJoTh2621

word count: 62000


We live in perilous times. The lawlessness and violence of our world adds to anxieties already elevated by COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions. Where do we find reassurance amid the barrage of bad news that we encounter each day that deepens existing fears as the result of relationship struggles and finances? The answer remains the same as it has been for the past two thousand years: it’s the Gospel! Unfortunately, many pastors and teachers today divorce the specifics of biblical prophecy from the proclamation of the Gospel. Vague illusions to eternal life do little to inspire those in the pews or provide comfort for the stress of the coming week. The Triumph of the Redeemed fills this gap by demonstrating how a two-world perspective (see Rom. 8:18, 2 Cor. 4:17-18), based on the solid foundation of premillennialism and the pretribulation Rapture, enables believers to find relief through the biblical specifics of their hope. After describing and demonstrating the importance of such an outlook based on Scripture and my personal experience, I take the reader through a comprehensive scriptural support of the why behind this eternal perspective. The concluding five chapters of the book display the triumph that lies ahead for the redeemed because of their union with Jesus that starts with the Rapture and the receipt of immortal bodies.

About the Author

Jonathan Brentner holds a BA in Biblical studies from John Brown University as well as an MDiv degree from Talbot Theological Seminary. He served as a senior pastor for several years before pursuing an MBA degree and a career as a Senior Financial Analyst. Although retired, he maintains a blog that during 2020 received 126,000 visitors and about 20,000 visits so far in January. His newsletter currently has 3,500 subscribers and is rapidly growing. He submits about 45 articles a year to the Rapture Ready website where they receive an average of 5,000 clicks. Terry James has said he will promote the book on Rapture Ready once published. Jan Markell regularly puts Jonathan’s blog posts on her website and has told him that she intends to interview him on her radio show that’s heard on 900 stations. I believe she will be interested in hearing more about The Triumph of the Redeemed and will possibly do a show on it once it is published. Jonathan recently wrote a chapter for the book Lawless, edited by Terry James. His submission on how a creationist looks at the climate alarm of our day received high praise from Dr. David R. Reagan, who said it was "excellent."

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title: How to Preach the Prophets for All Their Worth

author: Andrew Hamilton

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 3.4.2021 • author id: HaAnHo3521

word count: 90000


The Old Testament prophets played a critical role in revealing God’s plan of salvation. They occupy a significant proportion of the Biblical canon, similar in size to the entire New Testament. Despite this prominent position, they are often overlooked as suitable material for preaching. Most preachers struggle to navigate the unfamiliar terrain of the Old Testament prophetic literature. My book explores “why” and “how” to preach the Old Testament prophetic books to the Church. The first part outlines three key reasons that should lead us to preach the prophets today: the example of Jesus and the New Testament writers, the value of their message for the Church, and the genius of their rhetoric. The second part focuses on how to preach the prophets with hermeneutical precision, theological depth, genre sensitivity, and pastoral pulse.

About the Author
Degrees: - M.Th., Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK), 2009. - D.Min. candidate (graduation May 2021), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 2021.   Employment: Professor of Old Testament at Istituto Biblico Evangelico Italiano, Rome. Italy (   Other: Dr. Arthurs (Professor of Preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) has agreed to write a forward for my book. Teaching elder at my current church, Chiesa Evangelica Roma Finocchio. Network Leader and Speaker at Bible Teachers and Preachers at the European Leadership Forum ( Coordinator and Speaker at Workshop Predicazione – An invitation-only yearly conference for preachers in Italy.

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title: Piercing the Veil

author: Larry Vass

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 8.28.2021 • author id: VaLaPi20821

word count: 99.700


Coming to the realization that God exists, that God controls the universe, that we have no way to save ourselves from God's wrath because of our sins, and that we need a Savior to pay our sin debt are the afflictions for which all humanity struggles. Piercing the Veil is a comprehensive guide to knowing that God exists, knowing who God is by knowing His attributes, knowing His covenant of grace made with man, knowing His plan of redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ, knowing that the Spirit of God is the guarantee and down payment of our salvation, and knowing God in Jesus Christ in salvation.

About the Author

Dr. Larry Vass is a retired dentist, an ordained minister, and a retired pastor who holds two advanced degrees beyond a DDS: an MDiv and a PhD in Theology. He served as pastor of a small congregation for over 4 years, a co-pastor of another church for 6 months, and co-pastor of a third church for over 2 years. He has taught mixed adult Sunday School classes for over 4 years and disciple classes for 4 years. When a dentist, he published an article in a respected dental journal on the malady TMD and distributed a book he had writtten on the TMD malady to every patient he treated over the course of 40 years. Dr. Vass has self-published 4 books: 2 theology books, an historical novel, and a memoir. Dr. Vass is adding to his online presence with a recently established blog.

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title: The Ultimate Donor

author: Jack Anderson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 9.20.2021 • author id: AnJaTh23621

word count: 44000


Jesus is known for being a Savior, Redeemer, Prophet, Priest, King and Rabbi.  But what about Jesus as a heart donor?  More specifically, the Ultimate Donor?  Using the medical marvel of heart transplantation as a metaphor, Jack Anderson illustrates that God has always been interested in the transformation of the heart (will) of his human creation.  Early in the biblical story we discover that humanity has a diseased sin-sick heart.  God’s prophets declared time after time the importance of a heart change.  The human heart is so sick, in fact, that it needs to be replaced.  Every heart transplant requires the death of a donor.  However, unlike medical transplants, Jesus died only once and for all!  God has made the heart of Christ available to all who accept and confess the grim diagnosis that they have a sin-sick heart.  The Ultimate Donor follows the phases of heart transplantation (diagnosis, transplantation and post-transplant life) to convey that God has given humanity a chance for new life through the death of Jesus.

About the Author
Jack Anderson, Jr. received his master’s degree in theological studies at Anderson University School of Theology.  He has served as an adjunct professor of Bible for Anderson University and Tomlinson Center (Lee University).  For the past thirty-one years he has served two congregations as pastor, currently in Battle Creek, MI.  While serving in Muncie, IN he was a chaplain for the Muncie Police Department for 18 years.  His wife, Brenda, was an investigator for child services in Indiana but is now a teacher of English and Reading for the public school system.  They have two children, Ardenia and Jack III.  Both of Jack's younger brothers have had heart valve replacement surgeries.  Andy, subsequently needed a portion of his abdominal aorta replaced; Ben required a heart transplant.

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title: Seeing the Unseen God

author: John Davis

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 4.9.2022 • author id: DaJoSe6822

word count: 53489


Seeing the Unseen God is a popular-level, biblical theology of the pursuit to see God—a task the biblical writers tell us is both impossible and essential at the same time. A number of biblical texts teach us that we cannot see God (John 1:18; 1 John 4:12; 1 Tim. 6:16) and yet we are called to pursue a sight of him who is invisible (Heb. 11:27) with the eyes of our hearts (Eph. 1:18). This is a devotionally-focused study covering themes such as God's revelation of himself, the dangers and benefits of images of God, spiritual sight and blindness, the biblical theme of light, seeing God in suffering, and more.

About the Author
I currently serve as Senior Minister for Columbia Christian Church, a mid-sized church in Kentucky. I have also spent years serving as an Associate in two other churches, one larger and one more mid-sized. My first book, God-Centered Christianity: The Bible's Antidote to Self-Centered Religion, was published in June of 2021 with the Christian Restoration Association. I have a Masters in Theology from the Cincinnati Bible Seminary and I have been in full-time ministry for eleven years.

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title: Easter for Quakers: New Light on Conviction, Convincement, and Conversion

author: Thomas Gates

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 5.10.2023 • author id: GaThEa9923

word count: 70000


Rooted in a fresh examination of the biblical witness and the experience of early Friends, as well as insights from Rene Girard’s mimetic theory (“the scapegoat mechanism,” “non-violent atonement”), this book offers a new and practical perspective on the traditional “Quaker praxis” of conviction, convincement, and conversion.  Conviction is the visceral realization that the world is not as it should be, and that we are complicit in that reality.  Convincement is the life-altering experience of “an unseen order,” the “infinite ocean of light and love,” that is behind and above the dis-order of the world, coupled with the belief that this unseen order can transform the world as it presently is.  Conversion is the lifelong project of moving from a self-centered to a God-centered way of life, requiring vision, discernment, courage, humility, prayer, and the support of one’s spiritual community.  Out of a radical and contemporary reinterpretation of the meaning of Easter within the larger biblical narrative, this new understanding can lead us back to our Quaker roots, renewing our commitment to attend to the movement of the Spirit through the still-relevant experiences of conviction, convincement, and conversion.

About the Author
Thomas Gates is a retired family physician and medical educator whose medical career took him, among other places, to Friends Lugulu Hospital in western Kenya (1991-94).  He is a lifelong Quaker, living for the past 27 years in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He is the author of five Pendle Hill Pamphlets (numbers 319, 341, 371, 422, and 435), as well as Opening the Scriptures: Bible Lessons from the 2005 Gathering of Friends (QuakerPress, 2006). 

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title: Hey God, can I ask you something?

author: Brad Emery

category: nonfiction • subcategory: theology • date submitted: 1.29.2024 • author id: EmBrHe824

word count: 8900


Hey God, can I ask you something?” is a Q&A style book designed to provide Biblical answers to some of the general questions primary school aged children ask about God, Jesus, and the authenticity of the Bible.  These include: “Hey God, who are you really?”; “Hey God, how do I talk to you?”; “Excuse me God, was Jesus just make believe or was he a real person”; and “Um, God, what if I’m scared of dying.” “Hey God, can I ask you something?” not only provides elementary aged school aged children with answers grounded in scripture, it’s also an excellent resource for parents, school teachers, and scripture teachers to work through with their kids. Each chapter of “Hey God, can I ask you something?” ends with a quirky ‘Did you know?’ factoid to help further illuminate each chapter. The book also has the option to feature amazing illustrations by professional artist, Tiarne Hookham.

About the Author
Brad Emery is a professional writer with a BA in Mass Communication who brings more than two decades of writing experience in the fields of media relations, industry, and politics to his writing projects.  Brad is currently a contracted contributor to The Sydney Morning Herald, the most circulated newspaper in New South Wales, Australia.  Over the last two decades, Brad has had dozens of articles published in Christian publications such as Eternity and Southern Cross, as well as secular publications such as The Huffington Post, 10Daily and Investor Weekly. Brad is a committed Christian and lives in Sydney with his wife Renee and their daughter Willow. They attend The Bridge Church, Neutral Bay NSW, Australia (Senior Pastor, Rev. Paul Dale)

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