Spiritual Growth
title: The Stuff of Miracles
author: Carolyn DeArteaga
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.30.2012 • author id: DeC3011412
word count:
Carolyn is a scientifically oriented psychologist who believes miracles ended with the apostles - until she is confronted by God, who patiently shows her otherwise. When she experiences divorce and she and her four children are abandoned, Carolyn turns to God, who assures her he will look after her. Assuming this means providing a new husband, Carolyn goes searching for Robert Redford with a Bible. Instead, the heavenly Father brings her a man who embarrasses and frightens her as he heals in the name of Jesus and practices the other gifts of the Spirit. Through him, God introduces Carolyn to a Jesus who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The seven chapters focus on topics of healing, God's protection and provision, demonic activity, and God's love for his children. Each chapter includes vignettes of experiences that solidify Carolyn's discovery of the practical, loving side of God.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Ruth Experience
author: Kendra Roehl
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.30.2012 • author id: RoK5630112
word count:
This chronicles the biblical story of Ruth and Naomi, while pulling out key lessons women can apply to their own lives. Ruth and Naomi watched their dreams die, felt anger toward God, trusted God in the midst of trials, had faith to move before seeing him move, and experienced redemption - all lessons that remain relevant and critical to women today. Each chapter examines a specific part of Ruth and Naomi's journey, includes New Testament parallels to Christ's relationship with us, and includes a woman's modern-day testimony sharing how she experienced God during a specific circumstance in her life. The purpose of the book is to empower women to share their own stories of what God has done, to build up not only their own faith, but also the faith of those who hear them. Each chapter ends with a prayer and questions for women to do individually or collectively as a group.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Why Me?
author: Kenneth D. Moore
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: MoK7241712
word count:
{ITL}Why Me?{NRM} encourages people that worshipping God can be passionate even in the midst of trouble. The life of Joseph is the evidence of the book's purpose and the thrust of the book's flow. Genesis 37-50 chronicles the development of Joseph's character from the trials and the temptations he endured to the triumphs God gave him. Despite being sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph affirmed that what they meant for evil, God meant for good. The author discusses ways Joseph came to that conclusion. In addition, the author's testimony is in the book. Through cerebral palsy, he has journeyed from anger to being grateful, inspiring others that life does not have to be perfect to have peace.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: EAT of God, Food and Being Human
author: Richard Sheedy
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: ShR3208212
word count:
Man shall not live by God's Word alone, but by bread, also. This means we are fully human and not spirit only. Along with God's Word, our humanness requires that we eat of "non-spiritual" foods in order to experience abundant living. It is God's non-negotiable plan to sustain our lives, provide energy and promote growth through natural means, as well as divine. We cannot insist on divine nor spiritual solutions to all our needs. We are physical, psychological and emotional beings, not just spiritual. By focusing so intently on our spiritual lives we often neglect other needs that affect not only our relationships with others, but our relationship with God
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Becoming God's Intention
author: Helen H. Hudiburg
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: HuH7705512
word count: 68
We are created by God for his purpose. However, too often when we are dependent, powerless children and our need to be loved and accepted is threatened, we disown the parts of ourselves that are not acceptable to our parents, our families, or our caregivers. Those denied God-given gifts remain alive within us, but to reawaken them, we need to discover God's truth of who we are. The writer states, "This book tells how God chose to transform me from someone defined by three wounding childhood experiences into the person he created me to be. Through Scripture, prayer, books, and illuminating dreams, God helped me to unravel my false childhood beliefs as he patiently led me to claim my spiritual heritage. {ITL}Becoming God's Intention{NRM} encourages readers to believe that God has a plan for their lives if they will surrender to his defining power."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Ruth Experience
author: Kendra Roehl
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: RoK5630112
word count:
This work chronicles the biblical story of Ruth and Naomi while pulling out key lessons women can apply to their own lives. Ruth and Naomi watched their dreams die, felt anger toward God, trusted God in the midst of trials, had faith to move before seeing Him move, and experienced redemption--all lessons that remain relevant and critical to women today. Each chapter examines a specific part of Ruth's and Naomi's journey, includes New Testament parallels to Christ's relationship with us, and includes a woman's modern-day testimony of how she experienced God during a specific circumstance. The purpose of the book is to empower women to share their own stories of what God has done, to build up not only their own faith, but also the faith of those who hear them. Each chapter ends with a prayer and study questions for women to do individually or collectively as a group.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Reasons for Believing
author: Robert Tenery
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: TeR2702812
word count: 221
In the face of rising aggressiveness and attacks on Christianity, many young adults are harboring haunting questions about the Christian faith and why we believe what we believe. Some feel that, because they do not know the answer; there is no answer. This book is designed to provide answers for those questions, both biblically and philosophically, that will help young adults to "be ready always to give an answer to anyone who asks concerning the faith that is in you." (I Peter 3:15)
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: An Intimate Collision:
author: Craig D. Lounsbrough
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: LoC8013812
word count: 110
The writer contends that we fall desperately short of conceptualizing, intimately embracing and deeply interjecting the truths of scripture into the everyday realities of our lives. Subsequently, we miss a sweeping infusion of what God intended for our lives. The premise of this work lies in the belief that people sense there to be a far, far greater reality to our portrayal of God and the Christian life than that which has been portrayed. Something unimaginably vaster than our tiny constructs is ours if only we can find it. In an attempt to achieve that goal, this book is strategically written to intimately interweave deeply transformational personal events experienced by the author with vividly portrayed scriptural accounts that share the same foundational principles. This striking blending of past and present in a literary format serves to effectively integrate the relevancy of scriptural truths soundly into the stark and sometimes forboding realities of 21st century life. It is the writer's passion that this book pointedly bring infinitely relevant truths to both the individual, as well as a culture mired in darkness.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Reflecting His Glory:
author: Robert W. Lever
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: LeRNonUS12
word count: 160
No matter which generation you speak with, many people express concern that 'church' is not meeting their expectations; can the integrity of the gospel be maintained if we embrace some of the changes that are being thrust upon us in the 21st century? Jesus says. "I am the same yesterday, today and for eternity." Does that mean that 'we the church' should remain the same forever? Our culture is evolving as our demographic mix changes?inevitably, communication styles and expectations are changing too: Traditionalists try to maintain the status-quo. Boomers use 'proven' marketing methods to help the ailing church. Generation X'ers prefer the Internet to the Scriptures as their reference source?consequently, a competitive, 'consumer church' model is becoming the norm. Generation Y'ers are leaving the institutionalised church, opting rather to express their need for spiritual fulfillment by developing 'community' with the help of electronic media. Considering challenges the Church is facing in the 21st century we might ask, "What would bring Christians, the living church, back to a sense of unity, even in diversity, if diligently applied?" This writer believes that integrity, when understood and applied through the various windows of both local and 'foreign' cultures, can help us to understand why the Lord Jesus says, "I am the same yesterday, today and for eternity."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: No Small Change:
author: Charles E. Johns
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.31.2012 • author id: JoC1844412
word count: 100
Most of us act as if God hides so well that signs of the divine presence are reserved for hallelujah moments: burning bushes, Bach, sunsets, benign lab results or rescue of one kind or another. {ITL}No Small Change{NRM} sets out to expand those hallelujah moments by pointing to the divine presence that we tend to overlook, the grace that exists in the ordinary. The book illustrates ways that readers might begin to acknowledge their own experience, reflect upon it and see beneath the surface to the grace in their lives. Here are stories of people and situations that are familiar. Here are events that can be either overlooked or can become windows into deeper meaning. {ITL}No Small Change{NRM} is an invitation to pay attention.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Growing in God's Grace
author: Debby Fulton
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.31.2012 • author id: FuD9267512
word count: 66
The book's format is designed to aid one in memorizing scripture using the alphabet and photographs from around the world. A trigger word and photograph for each letter of the alphabet is correlated to help in recall of the verse. Space is provided for the reader to write their own favorite verses for each letter. Selected passages are also included: The Ten Commandments, Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, the Twenty-Third Psalm, and the Lord's Prayer. All of the profit from the book will be donated to organizations that feed the poor and serve those in need.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: It Ain't Necessarily So:
author: Dale E. Austin
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.31.2012 • author id: AuD1306812
word count: 180
This book takes several familiar scriptural passages and looks at them from a non-traditional perspective. The basic premise is that, while the words of the Bible themselves are trustworthy, we may not always be able to say the same about the way in which we have traditionally chosen to interpret those words. Long-standing interpretations and traditions are challenged in an attempt to encourage discussion and exploration. The work raises the question of whether the Church, in refusing to challenge traditional interpretations, might have sometimes been lured into accepting an incorrect understanding of what the Bible really intended. The goal is to encourage alternative interpretations and, in doing so, to uncover incredible new insights into what these stories are telling us in our contemporary world.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Two Dogs:
author: Don Fothergill
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.31.2012 • author id: FoD4360612
word count:
This is a down-to-earth tool to empower the reader to facilitate spiritual transformation in his/her life. This work weaves together discipleship from the biblical tradition and discernment from the spiritual formation tradition. This 10-week utilitarian guide will allow the hungry reader to learn how to apply the insights from 2000 years of church history and biblical interpretations resulting in heartfelt conviction, deeper awareness, and a compelling invitation to 'set the plow deeper' in life. The easy-to-read field guide provides relatable stories, pragmatic examples, probative questions and daily soul work. The desired result of working through this manual is a greater enlightenment of the mind, a joyful yielding of the will and a winsome melting of the heart.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Church Politics
author: Meric D. Walker
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.31.2012 • author id: WaMNonUS12
word count: 250
This book provides information about the behavioral practices in the goverance of many church organizations and the spiritual implications of these practices. While it is about information, it is even more about spiritual transformation. It is about building a personal relationship with Christ and constantly beholding him as your model leader. This account is "layreader friendly" and useful to pastors, seminary students, and administrators in all sectors of church operation. The chapters cover a spectrum of issues relating to church goverance. The need for and the scope of the book are pinned down in the first chapter; each of the other chapters is divided into two sections: (1) descriptive behavioral trends observed in church goverance within many church organizations, and (2) prescriptive Bible-based spiritual lessons. Our aim is to help readers learn how to represent Christ in church operations.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Sweet Scent of Justice
author: Debbie Wilson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.31.2012 • author id: WiD7122012
word count: 72
{ITL}Sweet Scent of Justice{NRM} is the true story of how God miraculously worked in the life of a woman to help solve her sister's twenty-six year old murder case. It is a story of the faith that held her family together during their terrible time of crisis. Twenty-three years after her sister's death, she had an uncontrollable desire to open up her painful past to answer questions about her sister's unsolved murder that had haunted her for years. She felt God leading her to help put the pieces of the mystery together to find answers for her family. She could never have imagined that the door to the past she would open would lead down a path full of miraculous twists and turns that would eventually lead to the discovery of her sister's killer. The title of her book was chosen because the killer was captured and put away for life because of a stolen bottle of cologne. That sweet scent of justice though was no comparison to the sweet scent of forgiveness that she was finally able to experience through God's grace and mercy.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Break Free!
author: Patricia A. Johnson-Laster
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: JoP3738812
word count:
The manuscript exposes a hidden epidemic of child abuse and neglect in America. In 2009, an estimated six million children were reported victims of childhood abuse. Of those, about 80% of 21 year olds that were abused as children met the criteria for at least one psychological disorder. Family dysfunction includes, but is not limited to, child abuse and is an even more common phenomenon in our society. While not experiencing a diagnosed psychological disorder, many of the adolescents with whom I talked were struggling far beyond the norm with life's basic questions. They had come from a dysfunctional family and similar young people, many new to Christianity, now number in multiple millions. The tone of the book is serious just as the struggle experienced by young Christians from dysfunctional families is serious. But it is neither academic nor boring. Instead the personal format of the book offers three things to the reader. First it offers a discussion of an issue based upon the author's personal history, academic training, and seminary training. Second, it offers a scripture search through which the reader can relate God's word to the issue. Third, and most vital for an adult child of a dysfunctional family, it offers a series of guided questions and exercises, followed by a prayer, to focus the reader on his or her relationship with God. The writer noticed in her teaching "the most profound and emotionally-charged [questions] came from students with a history of family dysfunction. It is the questions and the answers to which we came that I've addressed in this book."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: New Grounds For Believing
author: Teresa Bell
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: BeT1531712
word count: 83
{ITL}New Grounds For Believing{NRM}, inspired by {ITL}The Message{NRM} version of the story of Lazarus, explores God's Zoe life involved in the affairs of his people in the Bible and in our lives now. The foundation is laid with an exploration of Old Testament situations that appeared hopeless but ended up as opportunities for God's powerful life to instead bring triumph. The story of Lazarus is then explored, with special focus on the details of Jesus' words to his disciples and at the tomb. Jesus' declaration that he is resurrection and life is applied to the believer's life situations with the intent of encouraging the reader to boldly believe his words.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Inside-Out, Upside-Down Gospel :
author: C.S. Parsons
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: PaC2731312
word count: 200
This is a book for Christians tired of "the same old stuff." The Bible challenges us to stop trying that stuff and "take hold of the life that really is life" (1 Timothy 6:19). But how do we do that? We have to stop trying the things that seem to make sense and take a new look at the good news. The gospel is counterintuitive because faith does contradict the kingdom of earth's conventional wisdom. The aim of this book is to be a wise and helpful guide to our blind spots and to do it with off-hand ease and humor. Any reader should be able to recognize the issues from his or her own world. This project has broad appeal to individual readers, small groups, and congregations. The book has a different kind of presentation, using occasional single-frame drawings (New Yorker-style) and multi-frame drawings (strips) to advance its arguments.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: From Maximum Security to Maximum Mercy:
author: Joe McCormick
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: McJNonUS12
word count: 205
"Maximum" is the compelling memoir of one man's search for redemption in the midst of prison violence and desolation. In his quest to follow Jesus, he is forced to confront his own most secret flaws and failures. This work candidly examines what happens to a man who loves God yet struggles to overcome his fallen nature. Devoid of much of the clichéd rhetoric that so frequently spices person testimonies, this work is both brutally honest and pragmatically hope-filled. Struggling Christians will identify with his message - only a relationship with God can fill the holes in our souls. Bible-based yet not preachy, the author uses scripture in a holistic way to offer hope for the weary and the despairing. Themes explored include sanctification, overcoming, judgment, and chastisement.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Word of God Speak:
author: Todd Pylant
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: PyT7612612
word count: 292
The work helps readers understand the Bible by connecting individual stories to the one story of God's relationship with his people. More importantly, it helps readers discover their own faith story in the one story of the Bible. To do this, it breaks down the story of the Bible into nine acts, each with a main character and plot theme. The book also leads readers to develop the basic spiritual disciplines necessary to make the Bible profitable for spiritual growth. No matter how much we know about the Bible, it will never be profitable unless we develop the basic disciplines of daily Bible reading, meditation, Scripture memory, and prayer. To this end, the book includes daily Bible readings and blank journal pages and is meant to be read one act per week. In many ways, the book is a personal discipleship source. {ITL}Word of God Speak{NRM} also includes two chapters on how the Bible came to be (inspiration, canonization, and translation) and the ten most important principles of interpretation.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Break Free!
author: Patricia Johnson-Laster
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: JoP3738812
word count: 198
Family dysfunction is a hidden epidemic among Christians that includes but is not limited to separation, divorce, addiction, poor discipline methods, favoritism, milder forms of mistreatment and/or neglect, some rejection by one or both parents, abandonment, immature parenting, etc. Older youth and adults may find their attempts to live the Christian life hindered by their struggle with past issues. This workbook is designed to help them find answers. The workbook would be a valuable tool for youth ministers, Christian counselors, all ministerial professionals who work with youth and adults in either individual or group settings, student services in Christian schools, and medical practices that focus on healing the soul a well as the body. Each chapter includes: 1. Short discussion based upon the author's academic training, seminary training and teaching/counseling experience; 2. Scripture search through which the reader can relate God's word to the issue; 3. Questions and exercises designed to promote insight, healing, and growth. A prayer idea to focus the reader's thoughts concludes each discussion. The book could be printed as a spiral-bound workbook with journaling space provided for the reader.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Forgiveness is . . .
author: Dawn Gentry Washington
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: WaD4032412
word count: 175
After praying through her own personal every day experiences, and asking God some very common questions, the author discovered why we should forgive. In learning why, she learned how to forgive and now shares these insights with her readers. Instead of dealing with the pain of betrayal and the person who caused it, the reader is led into a thoughtful settlement with God, and is led into yielding to him, the great example of forgiveness. The author helps the reader realize true forgiveness is not necessarily a long process, nor a burdensome methodology, nor does it always include reconciliation or forgetting the offense. The writer shows how and why in God we have been given all that we need within, and so we are able to freely give forgiveness.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: When Mary Met Jesus
author: Henry Styron
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: StH2879112
word count: 120
The manuscript uses God's work in Mary's life to illustrate and teach us how he wants to care for and use us, and how we should respond to him. The writer states, "Most of us couldn't say when we first heard about Jesus. We've forgotten what it was to meet Jesus for the first time, and many have grown somewhat unimpressed about God walking among us. We don't think about what it must have been like for Mary, the first mortal to meet our savior on human terms. And, as he did with Mary, so God desires to have a fresh, vital, day to day life with us. This book seeks to use Mary's experiences as a model to teach us how to live in active relationship with a God who seeks us out."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Sister2Sister:
author: Uduak Afangideh
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: AfU3610912
word count: 186
These interviews highlight the struggles and victories of selected Christian women. The Bible is full of stories of heroes and heroines, but the fact that we know how the stories end makes them appear more like fables than real-life stories. Living among us today, however, are Christians who have faced many trials and tribulations; but like Bible heroes and heroines, they remain standing -- strengthened in their faith, examples to all of us. This material is intended to be used as a Bible study material either for personal study sessions or for group discussions. Review questions and practical activities nestled within each chapter are designed to give additional insights, provoke thought and application of the materials presented, and further help Christian women in their journey of spiritual growth and development. The unifying theme in the book is the fact that the Christian walk ensures victorious living, despite the struggles all women face.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Spiritual Gifts Reconsidered
author: Hans F. Schultz
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: ScH6000412
word count:
The writer's summary of the manuscript states: "Few people are aware that the reigning contemporary view of the subject of "spiritual gifts" is something like Topsy: It just grew. But from where? Prior to the middle of the last century the current view was virtually unknown. Then a group of Fuller Seminary professors thought it would be a good idea to put together a "Discover Your Spiritual Gift" Questionnaire and Interpretative Chart that purported to help believers identify their "spiritual gift." This program has swept across Evangelical Christianity like the tide. However it is constructed on quite a number of non-biblical assumptions and incorporates fallacious reasoning." This book is thus a much needed corrective.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Sex and the Single Guy:
author: Steve R. Bierly
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: BiS5123912
word count:
Though hormones and sexual drives are part of a man, Christian men are told, "Sex is a wonderful, natural, beautiful gift from God, but don't think about or engage in it or do anything at all with your sexuality until you're married." And they are given advice from the Church about how to sublimate their thoughts and urges which is often contradictory, unbiblical, inhuman, and (the writer states) just plain crazy. The writer intends that many who have been frustrated and confused by "the party line" will be liberated by reading this book and discovering that they have been carrying burdens God never laid on them. And all the readers will be challenged to enjoy being fully human and completely male while honoring God in everything and growing in their spiritual lives.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: An Intimate Collision
author: Craig D. Lounsbrough
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: LoC8010412
word count: 110
The writer contends that we fall desperately short of conceptualizing, intimately embracing and deeply interjecting the truths of scripture into the everyday realities of our lives as we live them out amidst the challenges of the 21st century. Subsequently, we miss a sweeping infusion of what God intended for our lives, leaving us to live out lackluster and frequently hopeless existences. The premise of this work lies in the belief that people sense there to be a far, far greater reality to our portrayal of God and the Christian life than that which has been portrayed. Something unimaginably vaster than our tiny constructs is ours if only we can find it. In an attempt to achieve that goal, this book is strategically written to intimately interweave deeply transformational personal events experienced by the author with vividly portrayed scriptural accounts that share the same foundational principles. This striking blending of past and present in a moving literary format provides the reader a compelling sense of the profound relevancy of scripture by convincingly importing it into the present. This structure serves to effectively integrate the relevancy of scriptural truths soundly into the stark and sometimes forboding realities of 21st century life. It is the writer's passion that this book pointedly bring infinitely relevant truths to both the individual, as well as a culture mired in darkness.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Breaking Free
author: Patricia Johnson-Laster
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: JoP3738812
word count: 198
Christians are not exempt from family problems. Dysfunction is a hidden epidemic and includes but is not limited to separation, divorce, addiction, poor discipline methods, favoritism, milder forms of mistreatment and/or neglect, some rejection by one or both parents, abandonment, immature parenting, etc.. While not necessarily experiencing a diagnosed psychological disorder, young adults and adults may find their attempts to live the Christian life hindered by their struggle with issues from their early family life. They have questions. This workbook is designed to help them find answers.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: A Divine Reclamation
author: Stephen Disher
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.31.2012 • author id: DiS2865812
word count: 100
The writer believes that God has given us opportunity to participate in a spiritual journey of purpose, choice and consequence. It is life as he intended: The God who created and loves us, offers to us a transformed heart and a vital relationship with himself. This relationship is made possible through faith in his son, Jesus Christ. The basic human problem is not intellectual, but a problem of the spiritual heart. Jesus came to reclaim and transform the greatest of his creation: human beings. The manuscript contends that, through trusting in Jesus Christ, God reclaims us, restoring in us the life lost in the Fall of Adam and Eve. Living the reclaimed life is to live a life of love in relationship with God and with each other. On the stage of life, we live to please him.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Classic Friends:
author: Jerry R. Flora
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.31.2012 • author id: FlJ4480512
word count: 160
This book introduces nineteen classics of Christian devotion to a general audience. Readers meet famous modern authors such as C.S. Lewis and Henri Nouwen. They also discover ancient Celtic Christians, jailhouse novelist John Bunyan, and Evelyn Underhill ("I was not brought up to religion"). Contemporary problems are here such as sexual fascination, severe depression, and multiple career changes. Each writer comes forward in a brief biographical sketch followed by selected quotations from their writing. Readers will discover for themselves why these books have nourished millions and are "classic friends."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: A Christian Walk in the Woods
author: Tony A. Metze
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.31.2012 • author id: MeT2916912
word count: 158
This book shares scriptural insights and reflections on core Christian doctrines, based on the adventures of hiking friends and their interactions. Each of their backpacking trips provides serious and sometimes humorous stories that serve as metaphors for Christian beginnings, community, growth, responsibility, strength for living, and celebration. An evening campsite surrounded by fireflies serves as an opportunity to observe God's mysteries and wonders. A couple of lost hikers invite the reader to reflect on taking wrong turns in life. A persistent skunk illustrates how some Christians can stink up a congregation. The startling sounds of a turkey elicit reflections on the resurrection and how this should shock Christians into passionate belief. Each of the 30 faith-shaping stories revolves around core beliefs of orthodox Christianity.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Life Worth Finding: Discovering What Others Miss
author: Ed Malone
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.31.2012 • author id: MaE3850112
word count: 146
Jesus' promise of abundant life is a much-needed word of hope for our difficult times. This work offers a conversation about authentic Christianity which is life-changing and life-giving. Life Worth Finding allows Jesus to speak for himself rather than be limited to or defined by the unending mixture of religious expressions which claim to represent him. Finding life in fullness is revealed as requiring submission to God through living in his kingdom, yielding to him as shepherd, being supernaturally re-created, and desiring all of this as the pearl of priceless value. Each chapter builds to the next in not only defining what Jesus' call to life means but indentifying how to develop spiritually for this new way of life.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Spiritual Oxygen
author: James J. Mindling, Jr.
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.30.2011 • author id: MiJ4400111
word count: 215
Spiritual Oxygen teaches the Christ-follower how to intentionally cooperate with the Holy Spirit's work of spiritual formation as God develops Christlikeness in the believer. Section One casts the vision for Christlikeness and "spiritual breathing," then includes a review of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Section Two explores the six core Christlike characteristics produced in the life of Jesus as he cooperated with the work of the Holy Spirit. Each characteristic is applied and illustrated for today, giving the reader a practical, biblical curriculum of Christlikeness. The writer states, "While there are books that focus on Spiritual Formation, or the Holy Spirit, or becoming like Christ, this book shows how these three topics uniquely and properly fit together, filling a critical gap in the field and providing a practical, biblical curriculum of Christlikeness."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: If We Only Knew . . .
author: John Murray
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.30.2011 • author id: MuJNonUS11
word count: 116
Astounding true-life stories which support biblical principles, and answer the questions we ask, such as, "Does God heal?" "Does God answer prayer?" "Does God protect?" "Does God guide?" and other such questions. The stories are from personal experience and from traveling for over 20 years visiting churches and believers in Eastern Europe.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: One God, One Army, One Mission:
author: Danny Richardson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.30.2011 • author id: RiDNonUS11
word count: 400
As we view the Bible stories of warfare through the lens of history, we school ourselves in the battle-proven principles from the physical world of war which enables us to understand the operational art of warfare in the spiritual realm. By interpreting the biblical account of wars and translating them into useful lessons, our spiritual tactical capabilities increase, leading to a more potent prayer life and ministry and what the writer describes as "a fresh battle-wise approach to spiritual warfare."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Not the Way You Thought It Would Be
author: Glen Gibson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.30.2011 • author id: GiG9101011
word count: 260
The manuscript offers a picture of spiritual development drawn from the life and experiences of Abraham, the father of faith. The author tracks faith development and spiritual formation from individual personal interest (to receive blessing) to a larger scope (to be a blessing to others) and finally to a vision of becoming a means of fulfilling God's purpose in the world (to be an agent of God's blessing to all nations). The author focuses on common difficulties including delays of promises blessings, unexpected hardships, apparent unanswered prayers, dealing with failures, keeping success in perspective, and discovering one's God-designed purpose. The manuscript fleshes out many issues and challenges of the Christian faith in the Abraham narrative and seeks to provide a big-picture perspective of the faith journey that addresses the hard questions of the Christian life that are often ignored.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Last Grain of Salt
author: Kathy Maestas
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.30.2011 • author id: MaK7617911
word count: 250
This is a testimony of a family's journey, a painful trek through sexual and emotional abuse and even through the tragic suicide of a the writer's sister. These two traumatic experiences (sexual abuse and suicide) carry so much social stigma as to constrain most to silent suffering. Written in an interactive workbook format it seeks to invite the reader to begin a journey of healing as guiding questions at the end of each chapter provide opportunity for biblical application and journaling. Themes include "We each have a story of wounds." "Our wounds need to be shared transparently." "Wounds can heal with forgiveness." "Walking victoriously with our scars can bring encouragement and hope to others."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Grace Filled Divorce: An Opportunity for Spiritual
author: Melody Bacon
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.30.2011 • author id: BaM9267511
word count:
The manuscript finds God in the midst of suffering, even in the pain of divorce. Here the experience of grief moves the writer to let go of old ideas, assumptions, and perspectives and embrace a new life. Readers will learn how conscious grieving will eliminate resentment and bitterness, assist in creating a more positive relationship with the ex-spouse, and allow God to work a good work in order that his love may be more fully revealed. By embracing the grief of divorce, readers will become active participants in the Holy Spirit's work of spiritual formation.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Strong, Safe Hands of God
author: Tricia Lenz
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.30.2011 • author id: LeT5472011
word count: 180
How can we trust God as a strong, safe refuge when he allows evil to hurt our lives? The writer shares a personal process of this spiritual journey as it relates to the rape and murder of her sister in 1987. Written in two parts, the first shares the raw road where wrestling with anger and hatred brought her to Christ's cross; the foundation for healing and hope. Part two shares the truth that shed light on the path to freedom, which eventually included a face to face meeting with the man who murdered Susie. The biblical content uses Ephesians 6 and the core elements of the New Testament message.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Legion's Prayer
author: Matthew A. Lambeth
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.30.2011 • author id: LaMNonUS11
word count:
This story about addiction, recovery, and hope uses a lab rat that was born into a study of addictions. The story begins in the cage and proceeds to the underground of the city and back to the laboratory, chronicling the plight of the lab rats and the adventures of the cage's favorite son, Legion. Biblical references are woven into the story, along with the author's own points to ponder. The story delivers powerful messages of hope in the entertaining, easy-to-read exploits of Legion and {ITL}Legion's Prayer's{NRM} colorful cast of characters.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Where Do You Go When You Follow Jesus?
author: Lois I. Caldwell
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.30.2011 • author id: CaL1933511
word count: 217
Told by the mother, this is the remarkable adventure of a family of seven, called by God to follow wherever he leads, and the improbable circumstances they overcome in doing so. They grow from seeing the world through their own eyes to seeing it through God's eyes, as they learn to trust for monetary support, changing professions, and eventually move into the world of missions. The questions of "will?", "when?", and "how?" of God's provision are answered; but the story never skirts the issues of how to deal with doubt, disappointment, hardship, and pain. Exciting, thought-provoking, and amusing at times, the family's journey challenges others to experience the character of the Father and encourages the reader to follow Jesus to the ultimate destination - the heart of God. It is a legacy of faith, left by the parents to their children and to the reader.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Stand Behind Your Man and Push
author: Lydia Bivins Shumake
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.30.2011 • author id: ShL3012711
word count: 125
The work is a spiritual guide to "bulls-eye praying." It is designed to equip, train, teach and inspire the woman on how to stand in the gap as a warrior for her spouse and family. This principle was formulated from the beginning of creation when God created Eve for Adam. The writer states, "With the increasing number of divorces and attacks on the family today, we must become wise to the schemes and devises of the enemy. His number one agenda is to destroy the head. As women of God this book will teach you how to take your stand and war against his plans."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Unusual Performances
author: Pamela Flynn
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.29.2011 • author id: FlP7613111
word count: 56
The writer summarizes, "As the woman sat weeping along in her living room the pain and memories of lost opportunity and years of mistakes weighted heavily on her heart and mind. If only she had not turned her back on God and followed her own path. Between the sobs of regret came a plea to God to please come back into her life. With that one statement that would forever change her life, God began to speak to the woman through her heart and mind in clear and precise words that could only come from Heaven itself. In the following days God would not only reveal that He was with her but also speak to her with words of comfort and forgiveness and lead her to the most unusual of places to hear his words and the reality of his presence in his hurting world."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Foundations of the Christian Faith for Young People
author: Alan R. Noble
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.26.2011 • author id: NoA7739911
word count: 100
This book presents many of the basic doctrines of the Christian faith, beginning with sin and salvation, and continuing with relationships and responsibilities of a born-again believer. Finally, the book presents instruction on Christ and the Church. Geared for children ages 9-14, this book can be an effective tool, assisting young people to gain maturity in their Christian life because it is written so children and young teens can understand. A study guide has been created to compliment the book.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: 6 Verses that Can Change Your Life
author: Joe Barnett
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.26.2011 • author id: BaJ7706911
word count: 330
This manuscript is about storms and shelters. Storms come suddenly, unexpectedly, ferociously. Your biopsy is positive; your son is in the ER; your company is downsizing; your marriage is over. The manuscript doesn't trivialize these storms, offer trite solutions, or try to force-feed a joy pill. Six shelters are available: trust, assurance, courage, patience, peace, and joy. With compassion, honesty, and humor it draws from personal experiences of the author and real-life stories of others who have been slammed by storms -- and how they handled them.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Praise, Worship, and the Presence of God
author: Stephen Crosby
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.26.2011 • author id: CrS2811011
word count:
This is an examination of modern music/worship beliefs and practices from a New Covenant perspective. Why do we believe and do what we do within "contemporary" evangelical and "charismatic/Pentecostal" worship services? What are the undergirding presuppositions relating to the alleged connection between the "manifest presence of God," and our song/singing/worship services? How did we arrive at today? What are the historical roots of many modern praise and worship expressions? What is the "restoration of David's tent" and what, if any implication does it have for praise and worship in the New Covenant era? Practical tips and pitfalls to avoid in our worship expression are included.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Shining Light on the Holy Trinity
author: Claude C. Conner
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.24.2011 • author id: CoC9170111
word count: 200
The book's title essay and its appendices assert that light, which the entire Bible associates with God, is composed of electric and magnetic energies that form a trinity, a beautiful analogy in agreement with Old Testament and New Testament revelation of God's being in time, eternity, and throughout the reaches, but intimacy, of space -- using mathematics as simple as 1 x 1 = 1.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: God is Saving My Marriage
author: Marguerite Westbrook
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.31.2011 • author id: WeM3907111
word count:
Subtitle: God is Saving My Marriage: Seven Simple Insights for Women in Choosing and Keeping Your Mate Many women choose the wrong mate. Many marriages fail. At age 59, I believe I have finally figured out the biblical basis for choosing a mate and staying married to that mate. This short book lists seven insights, based on scripture, on choosing and keeping your mate. The insights are simple, yet when applied to our lives can make the difference in merely existing or being miserable with our mate, or having a good marriage, which is God's intent for us.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Spiritual Street Smarts:
author: John H. Williams
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.31.2011 • author id: WiJ7960111
word count: 126
The world Christians live in is a spiritually dangerous place, something like a tough neighborhood after dark. In such a neighborhood it pays to be street smart-to know what you might run into, where not to go, and how to handle yourself. The author, a counselor and therapist, knows life is dangerous for the soul because the misery of the world is his job security. On the mean streets of a fallen world, Christians need "spiritual street smarts" --the ability to think ahead so they can react with faith when life tumbles in. This book seeks to be their spiritual mentor. It draws upon the entire Bible to provide the emotional and experiential awareness necessary to deal with crises like job loss, divorce, terminal illness, rebellious children, and loss of loved ones. The aim is to provide a fresh, insightful, and biblical look at spiritual maturity, seasoned by humor and human interest.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: 40 Questions Jesus Asks
author: Lori Ranae Van Winden
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 4.30.2011 • author id: VaL9455811
word count: 170
Hebrews 13:8 promises that Jesus is "the same yesterday, today, and forever." This undergirds each of the forty questions chosen for this work. Using 21st-century challenges (i.e. how might we answer it today?) each chapter offers and honest look at a particular question Jesus asks, real-life examples and analogies, a prayer, and additional scripture suggestions for further reading. Written with informal and inclusive language, this work is appropriate for individuals or as a tool for group study. The author's goal is to provide a fresh perspective on knowing God through his written word.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Significance Filled Life:
author: George M. Weaver
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 4.30.2011 • author id: WeG3032811
word count: 197
Jesus criticized those who do "all their deeds to be noticed by men" (Matt. 23:5). Yet we do the same thing today. A great deal of our activities are born of this desire for attention and the often desperate fear of not being known, appreciated, influential, or remembered. Much of our energies is devoted to attracting attention and preserving our names. We often call this "making a mark" or "leaving a legacy." We pursue positions and titles, seek to set records, and yearn to be associated with things that seem bigger and more permanent than we are. In a desperate effort to be noticed, some even resort to outlandish crimes. But, if Christianity is true, every human being is fully significant or important (in the sense of being known, appreciated, influential, and remembered). This is the case regardless of whether a person is a Christian or seeks to fulfill the purpose of glorifying God. It is also true even of the most obscure or wicked person. Our often frantic human efforts to make a mark or leave a legacy do not make us individually significant. Rather, each of us is significant because: (1) every person is made in God's image, (2) God knows every person exhaustively, (3) God interacts with individual persons, and (4) every person will live forever. As a result, each of us is released from the battle for popularity and is free to be humble, love others, and serve the purpose of glorifying God.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Irish and the Blank Page
author: Roger Schmidt
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.30.2011 • author id: ScRNonUS11
word count: 190
The writer notes a fascination with the fifth century Irish and the reasons for their wholesale transformation in the following period. He considers how that transformation was fueled by a connection with the "new covenant." The writing "considers the salient features of new covenant and how the Irish connected with each. I further explore how connecting with those features of the new covenant will make our own spiritual lives more intense and passionate. The journey is only partly motivated by a desire for historical knowledge, the Celtic enthusiasm seems like just the tonic for the dreary faith we have often experienced and that is often packaged as normal Christian fare."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Helping Hand of Grace
author: Martha M. Hendricks
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.30.2011 • author id: HeM2562111
word count: 58
In a series of short essays, this book addresses the innate God-given desire we all have for heaven as well as the God-given means of getting there, which is by God's grace alone. With illustrations drawn from real life, the book goes on to explain why we all came to need grace, the only way to receive it, and touches upon how to live by it.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Changing the Landscape of Eternity:
author: John L. Thompson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.30.2011 • author id: ThJ6064711
word count: 230
The work covers the academic and the practical aspects of discipling including discipleship in the Old Testament period and during the time of Jesus and the early church leaders, basing the how-to principles on biblical example. The writer seeks to help the disciple maker fully understand discipleship: how to choose a person to disciple, how to actually make a mature disciple, how to deal with problems as they arise, and how to make a disciple who will multiply. Jesus commanded believers to make disciples. One of the author's objectives is to challenge the reader to think about what he is doing to achieve this great challenge and to make changes in the modern church structure, goals and procedures in order to better accomplish this task.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Let Me Stand Like Joseph:
author: Henry Styron
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.30.2011 • author id: StH2879111
word count: 72
Christian men, both married and single, struggle to live lives of purity and godliness. Using the example of the biblical patriarch Joseph, other biblical material, and relevant principles from psychology and spiritual counseling, leavened with humor, this book attempts to give practical guidance to men to help them to develop a character of sexual wholeness and integrity. The book's theme may be summed up by the following quotation from chapter seven: "The secret to standing like Joseph is to develop such a character that, when the moment of crisis comes, you'll be unable to do anything else."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: A New Normal:
author: Jim Mann
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.30.2011 • author id: MaJ7626611
word count:
Everyone, at some point, must deal with death and loss. Grief is not a subject foreign to the Christian scriptures. Though difficult questions are commonly asked, the scriptures always respond in unison: Because God is a good God, "all things work together for good." Humans have grieved since Eve lost her son in the Garden of Eden, but we still aren't "very good at it." This practical book seeks to guide readers through their own grieving process and help them grow spiritually stronger through it.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Calamity's Answers as Seen Through Eternity's Keyhole
author: J. Fred Hughes
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: HuJ9736711
word count: 150
None of us is immune to calamity, disasters, pain or suffering. Street smart "theology" usually causes God to get blamed for this; our faith may strengthen or seriously diminish during these trying experiences. With the biblical book of Job as central and foundational, this book presents answers that do not do injustice to God's love, his omnipotence. Re-aligning our comprehension with the fresh look: the freedom of all the creatures in time.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: My Peace I Give You:
author: Tara M. McSwigan
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: McT1510811
word count: 96
He was leaving. Leaving earth, not leaving us. And so prior to Christ's ascension, he offered us a gift: a piece of himself. The peace of Christ is not a cotton-candy concept, but a state of heart that can be divinely real and sustainable. My Peace I Give You initially demonstrates what our Lord means of our experience of peace through biblical accounts, personal stories, and applicable scripture. The emphasis then shifts to consider peace in more specific capacities: with others, within our workplace, within personal faith, among other Christians, and among non-believers. The reader is encouraged to appreciate God's peace in unlikely circumstances and from unanticipated sources. The promises of his sovereignty, his presence, and our eternity bring his gift to fullness when we seek him and receive his Holy Spirit.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Relative Calm: How Families Can Pull Together In a
author: Diane Rosier Miles
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: MiD1933511
word count:
Expanded title Living the Fruits of the Spirit When Family Life is Sick The theme here is "What the fruit of the Spirit looks like in practical application in a family's health challenge." The writer states, "The book is based on spiritual insights gained from mother's death from colon cancer; chapters begin with fictional vignettes by Diane Rosier Miles, a Pushcart Prize nominee for fiction.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Restoring All Things in Christ
author: Walter Hampel
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: HaW4808511
word count: 161
Our God is the Master Restorer. His greatest work is that of Jesus Christ. As his Father taught him, we too are called to be apprentices in God's craft of renewal. With a renewed mind, we can recover disciplines practiced by fellow rebuilders of the past. Bible reading, reflection on God, prayer and intercession renew us as we seek to restore relationships with others. Past examples give us a blueprint to follow. Most wonderfully, we can begin to copy now God's final act of renewal, the future restoration of all things.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Prayer-Driven Life
author: Stephanie Blake
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.31.2011 • author id: BlS7603311
word count: 233
Although prayer is a common topic within the Christian market, this book is uniquely uses the prayers of the apostle Paul as a backdrop. The author brings his prayers into the 21st century with an easy reading style that leads the reader into an examination of his own prayer life. Many people would admit that there is value in prayer, but few would say that prayer is the driving force in their lives. Beginning with the who, what, why and how of prayer, the reader then examines the transforming power of prayer in Paul's life. The prayers themselves are viewed in two different ways. General categories in his prayers lead to some exciting truths about how to have a closer relationship with God. Since love is the force behind Paul's prayer driven life, observing his prayers in context is like reading a letter from a cherished friend. "The Prayer Driven Life" is written for personal application or group study. Milestone markers in the first half of the book and questions for reflection in the second half work very well for a study group.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Joy:
author: Glenn Robert Siepert
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.31.2011 • author id: SiG0743211
word count: 150
This book is focused on the Beatitudes of Christ, with each beatitude representing a different ingredient for discovering a life of joy. The Greek word that Jesus used for "blessed" refers to a joy that cannot be shaken or destroyed by the stresses and storms of life. If we are ever going to experience such joy, we need to practice the beatitudes and strive to live them out on a regular basis. This book will help readers understand the depth of the beatitudes and equip them to put them into practice.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Big Picture:
author: Randy Raaum
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.31.2011 • author id: RaR8571511
word count: 282
The manuscript seeks to help the reader see life's blessings and hardships as instruments in a magnificent plan for one's eternal development. It uses scripture, modern parables, and touching personal testimonies to illustrate how thinking about heaven can help readers soar through difficult times. The writer defines his goals as "(1) overwhelm your despair and anxiety by comparing them to your rich eternal destiny, and (2) energize you to live a purpose-filled life that will glorify God and benefit you for the rest of eternity!"
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: A View From the Front Porch:
author: Craig D. Lounsbrough
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.30.2010 • author id: LoC8010410
word count: 110
Too often we are unable to fully comprehend both the succinct relevancy and striking poignancy of the scriptures. In many instances, the scriptures have been granted the debilitating shape of myth, rather than life-shattering truth. Without a grasp of this relevancy and poignancy, we are unable to intimately connect and deeply interject the truths of scripture into the everyday realities of our lives. Subsequently, we miss a sweeping infusion of what God intended for our lives. The premise of this book lies in the belief that people sense there to be a far greater reality to our portrayal of God and the Christian life than that which we have grasped. Something far more is ours if we can only find it. This book is written in an attempt to interweave moving personal stories and vividly portrayed scriptural accounts, then tying each together with a unifying principle that undergirds both in an effort to seize, profoundly understand and then incorporate these principles.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Unpredictable God
author: Rod Parchman
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.30.2010 • author id: PaR3731210
word count: 100
Unrealized expectations can cause discouragement and disillusionment. This can be especially troubling when our unrealized expectations concern our presuppositions of God. It can lead to a serious crisis of faith when God seems not to perform or unfold as we imagined. Some merely need to tweak their presuppositions, but others must completely reform their worldview and theology - a whole new paradigm. This crisis of faith and process of disillusionment leaves many believers skeptical, cynical and perhaps bitter. But what if this crisis was unnecessary? What if we learned not to presuppose too much for God and recognized our presuppositions for what they are? What if we did not demand so much predictability and allowed room for divine mystery? The book asks these kinds of questions and suggests a relationship with God based on faith, allowing for his unpredictability, mystery and beauty.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Gospel Helps
author: John E. Hesselgreaves
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.30.2010 • author id: HeJNonUS10
word count: 200
This book is a scriptural treatment of the Gospel message, its background, and how to live the Christian life. It consists of a structured selection of Bible passages and verses from both Old and New Testaments, guided only by headings and subheadings, thus letting the Bible speak for itself. The first two parts (of five) contain the topics of the Godhead, the Creation, Man and the Fall, and the Way of Salvation. These are the "bare bones" of the gospel and its background, providing an integrated source of information for those new to the faith and strengthening for the established. The third part, Life of the Believer includes seeing ourselves as God sees us, and how we operate as New Men. Part Four addresses looking beyond ourselves to family, church and the world. Part Five deals with the End Times: Christ's Second Coming and Judgment, followed by a section on the New Heaven and New Earth, and the reward of the Redeemed.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Crimson Thread
author: Joshua A. McClure
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.30.2010 • author id: McJ0280810
word count: 160
The book maintains the Bible is, in and of itself, God's plan for the redemption of mankind, that it is a firsthand plan authored in eternity by God and because of its divine origin cannot be read and understood like any other book. He cites 1 Peter 19, 20a: "He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Christ, the sinless, spotless lamb of God. God chose him for this purpose long before the world was made." Thus, we understand the Bible as God revealing himself and manifesting his plan through sinful, imperfect beings. "This book suggests we approach the Bible as the story about God and his faithfulness and determination to carry out his plan to redeem his fallen creatures, rather than to read the Bible as a study of the actions, stories, and exploits of people, and gives surety to our identification as God's children and draws us closer to God through Christ Jesus whose death, burial, and resurrection, is central to his plan."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Fire Will Not Consume You:
author: J.D. Pettigrew
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.30.2010 • author id: PeJ8013010
word count: 342
The manuscript describes the writer's recovery from debilitating mental and financial distress, through a multi-year period of prayer, introspection and study of the Holy Scriptures. It provides a healing guide of connection to our Lord for those in like circumstances. For those interested in studying spiritual contemplative prayer it makes a compelling argument that the Holy Spirit empowers people and influences the course of events in response to allowing God's Word to manage our lives.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Aiming at Maturity:
author: Stephen W. Rankin
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.30.2010 • author id: RaS7527510
word count: 185
This book reintroduces spiritual maturity as the goal of the Christian life, that, according to the Barna Research Group, people no longer know how to define. It demonstrates exegetically that this goal is firmly rooted in the New Testament. It criticizes unproductive views of Christian discipleship that overlook the affective dimension of discipleship, focusing on the multidimensionality of the heart. It draws on recent philosophical literature to show that emotions actually do epistemological work, which has implications for the shaping force of doctrine. It also broadens the concept of grace to supplement the judicial view of Christ's atoning work, with exposition on the Spirit's work in grace. It explores the communal dimension of spiritual maturity to show that it is for others as well as for self. It offers means of assessing one's growth.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Succeeding in Babylon:
author: Rocco Dapice
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 10.28.2010 • author id: DaR1050209
word count: 350
Using inspiring strategies to help rekindle enjoyment for your work, no matter what rung on the ladder you're standing on, Succeeding in Babylon explores the colorful success stories of David, Joseph, Daniel and Mordecai. With modernized and hyperbolized Bible people and events, the author deals with advancement in adversity and promotion under pressure. These four impressive Bible men worked their way to the top despite strange and hostile circumstances.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Resurrection
author: Richard W. Murphy
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: MuR3420110
word count: 227
Resurrection will help the reader understand and prepare for the day Jesus Christ return. The work is not about "end-times" and "apocalyptic" events; heaven knows there are plenty of books on that subject. It is not about the fear that is coming in the end; it is about the hope that is coming in the end. It is about how and when Jesus will return to bring us into his eternal kingdom. Jesus is coming to get us at the time of our physical death and on Judgment Day; one way or both, he is coming. This book envisions both encounters. In the beginning God created the heavens and earth, and in the end God will re-create the heavens and the earth. One creation has happened; the other is yet to happen. Yet, it is going to happen and we will be there as a part of it and to witness it. This book brings both creation events to life.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Storms 101:
author: Ann Bloese
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: BlA6019010
word count: 200
How we choose to navigate our storms influences not only the outcome but also the impact of our lives in ways we may never fully realize. Every day is filled with choices that define who we are - decisions that ultimately determine our futures. We have choices to grow into either the very best or the very worst versions of ourselves. But when it comes right down to it, we only have one decision to make: to decide what kind of person we want to be. Then, all other lifestyle choices become so much easier to make since we have already decided what to do. When we decide what we want our lives to reflect, then everything else will naturally fall into place. All we need to make is this one decision.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Anatomy of an Effup
author: Josh Barkey
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: BaJ2817310
word count: 273
Would you be afraid to admit that your ancestor shot an American President? While this writer still does not know for sure whether or not it was his forefather who put the fatal bullet into Abraham Lincoln, he is absolutely positive that the pattern he inherited of hiding from such ugly possibilities has directly contributed to the disintegration of his marriage. His memoir, Anatomy of an Effup, traces this pattern through his childhood in the Amazon and beyond, when as a recovering fundamentalist he discovered that grace and personal freedom did not require his perfection-- just his willingness to be broken. This working title, while provocative, is telling for two reasons: first, it is indicative of the author's raw, intimate writing style; and second, it manages to convey a light-hearted, self-deprecatory attitude towards the pretension of focusing on exterior forms while ignoring issues of the heart.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: His Hope for Your Destiny
author: Sarah Malanowski
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.22.2010 • author id: MaS3362610
word count: 64
The work presents a beacon of hope for those facing storms in their lives using Isaiah 40:12-31 to see that God is faithful and he always has a plan no matter how grim things look. The Israelites had given up on God, but God never gave up on them. The writer develops similarities between the stories of old and the patterns of daily living. No matter what the circumstance, God is still the provider of hope!
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The God-Centered Life
author: Dan, M.D. Fountain
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.30.2010 • author id: FoD3390810
word count: 380
The 40 lessons of this study describe the biblical worldview from Genesis through Revelation. The key message: Put Yahweh at the center of life, accept God's rule over all of life, and put into practice every day the life of Jesus by the power of the his indwelling Spirit. The writer considers that many evangelical Christians hold views more akin to Greek rationalistic philosophy than to the biblical assumptions. The work urges people to return to the biblical worldview and to live in the Kingdom of God.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Daring to Touch the Tassel : One Woman's Reflections
author: Ruth Vander Zee
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.30.2010 • author id: VaR3319610
word count: 90
The eight stories here seek to "discover the creative, bottomless grace of Jesus which becomes very clear when discovering the mideastern cultural norms by which women of his day were bound." They are told from the point of view of a woman who might have been in the crowd, or, in some cases, from the view of the woman herself.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Learning to Wait on the Lord
author: Lisa and Jack Thomas
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.30.2010 • author id: ThL3661810
word count:
The target audience here is those growing impatient for answers to prayer or the frustrations of life's obstacles. Using examples of biblical characters who overcame extraordinary circumstances because they waited on the Lord for wisdom, purpose, and provision. Waiting does not mean sitting idly by until things "turn out," but entering into fellowship with God, receiving peace he can give regardless of the circumstances. Includes study questions at end of each chapter.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: God Gives You What You Need When You Need It
author: Bobby Bradley
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.24.2010 • author id: BrB3001610
word count:
This teaches the reader how to live every day with a practical, usable faith in God. It is not written to theologians but with the intention of giving hope to any man on the street who is searching for answers about his daily walk of faith with God. It is deliberately intended to convey a simple understandable message based on many scriptures about prayer, obedience and faith.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: They That Wait:
author: Rick White
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.24.2010 • author id: WhR7770610
word count:
This tackles the Greek word ekdechomia wait to explain, illustrate, and develop the context of the five New Testament passages in which it is found. Out of the development come five biblical reasons or purposes for why the answers to our prayers might be delayed and what we can do to hasten the end of the delay.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: In Whatever State I Am:
author: Lee Hotchkiss
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.24.2010 • author id: HoL3717410
word count: 108
The work investigates Paul's secret of contentment, blending the writer's personal story with biblical content to provide examples and illustrations. Each chapter highlights one lesson and includes questions for group discussion. "Be content with what you have" (Hebrews 13:5) here receives development and concrete explication.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: He Is Just That Into You: Stories of a Faithful God
author: Elisabeth K. Corcoran
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.25.2010 • author id: CoE6011910
word count: 107
Since the beginning of time, the story goes, boy meets girl, then one ticks off the other, then they break up or look for greener pastures. Sometimes they hang onto each other through thick or thin. Whether we like it or not, women are basically programmed as girls to be on the lookout for Prince Charming. We expect that Prince Charming to meet all of our needs. That kind of ideal puts a lot of pressure on the men of the world. But what if the love we're really looking for can last a lifetime and then some? This book explores the faithful God who pursues, engages, and has no fear of commitment. His is a love that will not let you down, or walk away, or find someone else more appealing.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: He Is a Rewarder:
author: Rick Carr
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.21.2010 • author id: CaR7306510
word count: 193
We tend to approach the Christian life as certain things we do. As a result, our emphasis is on doing, and we wind up "doing" in our own strength. Our Christianity is weak, powerless, and does not appeal to the world (or to most Christians for that matter). We lack power to deal with the things life throws at us. We don't understand God's purpose. This book is about finding a spiritual foundation of faith and grace that will enable us to be overcomers, to walk in victory, and to live an effective Christian life in his power.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: What's So Great About Relationships
author: Russell Willingham
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.26.2010 • author id: WiR9371010
word count:
This book is divided into three parts. Part one says that, above all, being relational is what matters to God. Relational connection is more important than ministry, evangelism or doctrine, though it incorporates all three. Part two lays out the obstacles that get in our way (for instance: busyness, worldliness and a superficial reading of scripture). Part three gives the nuts and bolts of being relational, utilizing such tools as the relational priority, the marriage quadrangle and the five characteristics. The author shows how being relational is Christianity and anything less (though commonly accepted) is a counterfeit.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Faith Is
author: Richard Quiring
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.26.2010 • author id: QuRNonUS10
word count: 175
Too often people have been left with the ideas that a biblical faith is just as belief system, a name it and claim strategy, or it is a mystical character quality that one fully possesses or they lack the qualities of faith altogether. These ideas have left many Christians with feelings of uncertainty, confusion and even guilt in trying to live their lives by faith. In reality faith is a gift given by God to every believer. It is a gift that keeps on living. A living faith is a growth process that God has specifically designed and measured out for each individual believer's life. One grows and matures in faith as they learn to walk through seven stages of spiritual growth (Ch 8). These stages are essential for the healthy development of a living faith that lives with an eternal perspective. Through this study the reader will learn to: define faith, discover faith, develop a living faith, dwell in a living faith and be delivered through a living faith.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Building Your Life by the Owner's Design:
author: Danny R. Von Kanel
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.25.2010 • author id: VoD7043810
word count: 145
Building Your Life by the Owner's Design uses a balanced and structured approach to personal growth and maturity with God as the owner of our lives. The book examines the five stages to spiritual maturity -- trusting, training, testing, talking, and teaching stages - basing assertions on proven research and personal growth experiences.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Fight for Everything
author: Jason Chippeaux
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.25.2010 • author id: ChJ8090710
word count: 153
The Fight for Everything is a non-fiction/Christian living book that targets adult followers of Jesus. The book thematically explores the deep-seated desires that echo in the hearts of us all. We all have a desire for joy. We all delight in beauty. We all struggle for some measure of peace and security. We all want to know that at the end of the day the sum of our lives have added up to something significant -- something meaningful. The promise of our faith is that these deep yearnings have been fulfilled in the life and work of Jesus. However, like all things this side of heaven they are hard to hold onto. This is a book about learning to hold on.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Reaching the Next Level
author: Pete Charpentier
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.25.2010 • author id: ChP7040310
word count: 315
The manuscript proposes practicing six core disciplines of the Christian life to take the typical Christian believer to new levels of maturity and fruitfulness. The target audience would be the motivated believer who is discontent with a spiritual plateau and wants to "go higher."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Life and Love and Why
author: Ross Manders
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.24.2010 • author id: MaR5544910
word count: 200
Life and Love and Why is a theological journey of escaping Christian religion in order that one might truly fall in love with Jesus Christ. It is the writer's opinion that a lot of Christians believe their salvation experience rests solely on the Cross and Resurrection, but no further demands are made to walk in the Principle of Jesus. The book is an exploration that when undertaken will lead to understanding what it means to love God wholeheartedly, while loving our neighbors as ourselves, and to understand the consequences if we choose not to do either one. The book was first self-published.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Staying Connected
author: Joy McHale
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.24.2010 • author id: McJ3108810
word count: 22
The manuscript gives women the tools to discover deep roots in Christ, the true Vine, by becoming aware of other "vines" that can entangle the heart. Women are pointed toward encouraging tools to keep their lives in balance and connected to spiritual living.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Send & Receive:
author: John Gladden
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.24.2010 • author id: GlJ4427310
word count:
Send & Receive is the working title of a collection of opening meditations the writer has developed over the past ten years as a lay leader. These conversational mini-devotions are ideal for church members leading committees, church groups or Sunday school classes, as well as for clergy seeking new ways to thoughtfully engage worshippers.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Weaving a Life:
author: Leslea Linebarger
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.20.2010 • author id: LiL0177210
word count: 140
In a culture dominated by sexual messages that have little to do with love, many women assume distorted attitudes about their bodies and sexuality. Others carry unseen wounds that find no solace in the silence of the church. Though early experiences and beliefs about ourselves impact our spiritual lives, they don't have to define us or keep us from becoming who God intended us to be. In the place where desire and holiness meet, opportunities for renewed intimacy await. What does it look like to be whole and holy? Is it ours to choose? How does one cross the seemingly vast chasm between sex and spirit? Weaving a Life bridges the gap, as it lays the groundwork necessary for integrating sex and spirit. Each chapter explores a different barrier to holiness and intimacy and shows how change becomes possible by inviting God into the process. The author's insights are balanced with glimpses into a group of real women yearning for deeper connection with God and one another. As they learn to embrace their sexuality and see it as part of God's good creation, others are encouraged to follow and find their own unique path to wholeness - body, mind and spirit.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: My Creator, My Lord, My Friend
author: Robert B. Buchanan
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.20.2010 • author id: BuR4370110
word count: 50
Interested seekers and new or immature believers will find solid answers to their questions about God and spirituality in this work which opens with a simple and reasonable discussion about who God is and helps the reader consider the possibility that he or she can have a relationship with a loving, all-powerful Creator. Biblical evidence for creation, studies on Abraham and David as friends of God, and clearly presented steps for how to become part of God's family draw the reader into an understanding of salvation, of the Lordship of Christ, and of friendship with God.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Creation:
author: Donald Jordan
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.20.2010 • author id: JoD3190610
word count:
A multi-millionaire's letter to his grandchildren confirming his beliefs, his convictions, his faith and what life is really all about.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Heavenly Homes
author: Carl Fowler
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.20.2010 • author id: FoC7911810
word count:
In a reversal of Stuart Hamlin's song, "This Old House," the writer suggests that old houses have souls which reflect the hurts, fears, heartaches, etc., of the occupants during the lifetime of the houses. At the demise of each house described in the manuscript, he speculates that the souls of the houses become perhaps the mansions in heaven to which the souls progress, spiritual mansions as opposed to physical mansions of alabaster and gold. Using examples of actual houses and pictures of old houses in various forms of decay along with Hamlin's song the manuscript pursues the imagery of progress and decay.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: I Ate the Apple
author: Ira L. Fox
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.20.2010 • author id: FoI0802810
word count: 154
The writer summarizes, "During my tenure as a mental health professional, I have discovered that the failure to acknowledge and accept the consequences of one's behavior is among the foremost causes of both individual and societal decay. Accordingly, the purpose of this book is to profile the power and virtue of embracing personal responsibility (admitting we "ate the apple"), describe the destructive results of failing to do so, and provide a path to individual discovery and stability through honesty, accountability, and a love for truth above convenience. I have done this with humor and candor."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Imitatio Christi:
author: Kimberly Davidson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.17.2010 • author id: DaK9703810
word count:
We live in the age of celebrity. Celebrities are a very big part of our everyday lives. They present a message to millions of people, of all ages, who become captivated with their lives. As we increase our exposure to these disconcerting behaviors a disturbing phenomenon occurs--our perception of what is normal begins to change. According to research, as the level of religious devotion decreases, the degree of celebrity worship increases. The more we watch them, the more we're unconsciously motivated to imitate their behavior. Celebrity imitation describes this society's voracious hunger for wholeness and identity. And it is shaping our youth of today. Our children are more fully immersed in the media and are at risk of internalizing such behaviors, possibly permanently affecting their emotional well-being. People of America, as never before, are in search of something real that will fill the hunger of their soul. Their desire is to make an impact but they do not know how or where to begin. The author's goal is to show them how, through Imitatio Christi (Latin for Imitating Christ).
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Beyond Being Saved! What Next?
author: Alston E. Davy
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.17.2010 • author id: DaANonUS10
word count: 151
This discipleship book targets young converts and pastors. Topics include becoming a disciple of Jesus; the Bible; spiritual growth; the power of prayer; the need for Christian fellowship; the work and person of the Holy Spirit; witnessing; and assurance of salvation. The book begins by asking its readers to re-examine the validity of their salvation experience. Then it proceeds to apply principles and patterns of growth as found in the reader's experience noting the analogy to the process of spiritual growth, such as relationship between spouses; the races that an athlete undertakes; and the growth patterns that infants undergo. In essence, the author moves his readers from the known to the unknown; from the physical to the spiritual; and from the initial stage of salvation to different levels or stages of spiritual growth and development in Christ Jesus. The goal in the work would be that young converts would become aware that coming to saving faith in Jesus is not an end in itself, but is instead the beginning of a long journey and an ongoing personal relationship with Jesus. Useful to pastors, the material should be helpful for others who have never gone through a follow up and discipleship training program, and as a result of this shortcoming they are still struggling with the basics of the Christian faith. The book is an abridged or condensed version of a Discipleship Training or Follow-up Ministry Program that goes by the same name.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Old Man/New Man
author: Jonathan Williams
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.28.2009 • author id: WiJ7820909
word count: 200
Old Man/New Man is an exposition of Romans 6:1-14 and an examination of the theories concerning holy living that others have offered to explain that text. The writer seeks to expose what he views as serious flaws to those theories and seeks to propose a new way that is truer to scripture and to human experience. The book combines biblical study, exegesis, and practical insight to help readers present themselves to God for holy living.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Turn Your Life Around
author: Wayne E. Sterling
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.28.2009 • author id: StW2862509
word count: 225
Initial repentance is essential to salvation. The widespread omission of this truth has resulted in an unbalanced gospel, many counterfeit Christians, and the infiltration of sins into the church. The essential elements of initial repentance are proclamation of truth, conviction of sins, contrition for sins, confession of sins, renunciation of sins, trust in the death of Jesus as full payment of man's sin debt, and lifetime commitment to Jesus as Lord. The fruits of genuine repentance are the miraculous changes in attitude, character, and conduct.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Blessings of Bedbugs and Bears:
author: Chad Young
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.26.2009 • author id: YoC2941009
word count: 210
Within today's postmodern culture are the next generation of leaders of our communities, our churches and our country. Yet most people have opted to reject a biblical worldview, creating a new fad in which Christianity is viewed as a hypocritical religion with followers that can't connect with the real world. According to a recent study conducted by the Barna Research Group, Christianity has an image problem. Their study showed that only 16% of people between the ages of 16-29 years old have a good impression toward Christianity in general, while only 3% has a favorable view toward evangelical Christianity. Little has been written on the topic of spiritual growth specifically for the postmodern culture. This book, through its entertaining stories and relational tone, will help young believers find the road toward authentic Christianity and get firmly established in their faith in Christ.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Belonging to God:
author: Ryan Ahlgrim
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 10.27.2009 • author id: AhR4626809
word count: 130
This book explores the various possible purposes in life and suggests that belonging to God -- living out God's kingdom here on earth -- is the central purpose to which all other purposes are subordinate and find their fulfillment. Each chapter is a reflection on an aspect of living out God's kingdom - such as choosing our work, fostering humility, seeking reconciliation with others, living simply, sharing our resources, being in Christian community, pursuing prayer, trusting in times of suffering, and preparing for death. These reflections challenge the conventional assumptions of our society as well as the strictly personal and spiritualized versions of Christian faith.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Conquering the Game of Control
author: Craig A. Green
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 10.26.2009 • author id: GrC3857009
word count: 168
All humans, by reason of the fall, are trapped in a vicious cycle - attempting to control themselves, others, and their surroundings in an endless effort to "be like God." This impulse and need to control manifests in three primary ways: domination, manipulation, and intimidation. Like the game of rock/paper/scissors, there are no real winners, only victims who feel crushed, cut, or covered by the process - or ominously empowered by it. What is the solution? To quit playing the game altogether! How? By recognizing and repenting of the game-playing. God does not "play the game" - indeed, control is not in him at all. Through him, humans can be transformed until the game of control gives way to a life of mutual submission - the dance of relationship - rather than the dissonance of control.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: You want me to do . . . WHAT?
author: Norm Grant
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 10.26.2009 • author id: GrNNonUS09
word count: 270
You want me to do . . . WHAT? is written to encourage Christians and non-Christians to take the stop of faith that will change their lives and set them on the path toward God fulfilling the dream he has for them. The book weaves together valuable life and biblical stories, while providing a practical framework for discerning God's call to experience the adventure he has planned for each of our lives.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Glory Doctrine:
author: James R. Wilkes
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.23.2009 • author id: WiJ0232409
word count:
This book is a brief treatise explaining to believers what living for God's glory is all about. It is designed to help believers no matter where they are in their level of spiritual growth. Believers must face the reality that western culture is man-centered, one's natural tendencies are toward self-glory, and the grace of God is desperately needed to fulfill our purpose in God's created order. Christians need to be God-centered, oriented by the truth of God's word, focused on the gospel, and completely dependent on God. The purpose of the book is to point believers in the right direction by emphasizing God's glory. God is infinitely glorious. Thus, he is worthy to receive our worship and praise. The believer's duty is to live intentionally for God's glory alone. However, "duty" must not carry with it the idea of drudgery. Instead believers delight in glorifying God through his sufficient grace upon their lives. Each chapter contains scriptural and practical teaching in accordance with the above.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: For Christ's Sake
author: Mark Butler
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.23.2009 • author id: BuM1586409
word count: 88
A call to awake and speak boldly. The writer summarizes, "We need to take a stand for morality once more, and that is exactly what For Christ's Sake is designed to help us do."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Stuck, Stalled, and Stifled:
author: Scott T. Courbron
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.23.2009 • author id: CoS0428909
word count: 98
The writer asserts that believers have lost the center position in our culture. We need to make the journey back to an abundant relationship with God. The book offers the importance, cautions, and encouragements of such a journey. It tells how believers get stuck, stalled, and stifled along the way. The manuscript details practical scriptural help and tells of the benefits that come with an abundant relationship with God.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: In the Grip of Prayer
author: Terry P. Magee
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.23.2009 • author id: MaT1707009
word count: 60
This book reviews a prayer pattern using the four fingers and thumb of our hand as a guide. It goes through praise, confession, thanksgiving, intercession, and surrender to build a balanced prayer life. The final chapters tie the pattern together to emphasize the need for both balanced and ongoing prayer and daily surrender to God. The title, In the Grip of Prayer is designed to highlight the truth that as we seek to get a better grip on our prayer lives we are actually in the process of letting God a better grip on us through surrender and resultant conforming into his image. My thought is for this book to be in the style of the smaller 'Lifechange' books.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Set Free to Live Free:
author: and Blue, Ken Swan, Alden
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.23.2009 • author id: SwB9730309
word count: 200
The title, Set Free to Live Free, is a restatement of Galatians 5:1, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free." This is a book about grace, freedom, and about applying the gospel to all areas of your life, all based on Paul's letter to the Galatians. Paul expressed the gospel as "Jesus plus nothing," teaching that adding anything to the work of Christ results in a complete loss of the gospel. We were saved by grace, and must continue on in grace. The book challenges some popular thinking about issues like holiness and church authority, emphasizing that the freedom given to us also imposes upon a corresponding responsibility and authority to love and serve one another.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Compassionate One
author: Ronald H. Love
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.23.2009 • author id: LoR2950209
word count:
Subtitled A Benevolent Jesus as the Ultimate Expression of Christian Diplomacy, the work discusses compassion, a ministry of shared suffering that is the centerpiece of Jesus' life and teaching, which the church should endeavor to emulate. Since all human beings encounter similar life experiences, a ministry of understanding and caring is universal, transcending all cultural and socioeconomic differences. Receiving this ministry is especially meaningful for those individuals who are in the midst of doubt and despair, pain and suffering, grief and sorrow, rejection and ostracism, encountering discrimination and social injustices. Christians, guided by compassion as demonstrated by Jesus, have in him in biblical model to follow. It is a nurturing ministry offering physical, emotional and spiritual healing, unencumbered by denominational discrepancies and exegetical disputes.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Enemy's Tactical Manual
author: Randal S. Kinkade
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.23.2009 • author id: KiR8564109
word count: 125
The Enemy's Tactical Manual approaches the subject of spiritual warfare from the perspective of the enemy, Satan. Along with each chapter detailing the enemy's plan, the author includes a counterpoint from a biblical perspective. Readers will learn the true nature of spiritual warfare and to be encouraged by discovering how to use the work of Jesus Christ to enhance and protect their spiritual life.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Let Jesus Be Your Talk Show Host:
author: Gina Whitehouse
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.23.2009 • author id: WhG9136209
word count: 180
Subtitled How to Stand Firm in Your Faith in a Culture of Competing Spiritual Ideas .Targeted to women, the book encourages the reader to live her life based on the truth of God's teachings rather than those of the world and culture around her. It aims to equip the reader with the spiritual tools necessary to recognize incorrect biblical teaching. A very basic overview of Christian doctrine and New Age thought will be explained so she will be able to refute and identify false teaching. At the completion of this book, the reader will have built a firmer foundation in her Christian faith.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Enemy's Tactical Manual
author: Randal S. Kinkade
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.23.2009 • author id: KiR8564109
word count: 125
The Enemy's Tactical Manual approaches the subject of spiritual warfare from the perspective of the enemy, Satan. Along with each chapter detailing the enemy's plan, the author includes a counterpoint from a biblical perspective. Readers will learn the true nature of spiritual warfare and to be encouraged by discovering how to use the work of Jesus Christ to enhance and protect their spiritual life.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Worshiping God in the Hard Times
author: Tom Kraeuter
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.24.2009 • author id: KrT6305009
word count: 120
When faced with adverse circumstances, both Christians and non-Christians tend toward questioning God's love for them. This book deals with such suspicions. Through stories and solid scriptural foundation the reader will find hope and practical help in pursuing and worshiping God during hard times.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Effective Will of God :
author: L. Edward Davis, Jr.
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.24.2009 • author id: DaL3692509
word count: 130
This study in Ephesians tells us how we can generate and maintain the attitude or mindset of effectiveness and thereby walk in The Effective Will of God. Beginning with 1:1-2, the Paul motivates us with two tough questions; "Do we have what it takes?", and "Are we willing to accept responsibility for success and failure?" In verses 4-7, Paul reminds us of our tool, the tool of God's grace. The tool of grace has two functions; destiny and ability. Paul then gives us our effective purpose, which is purposeful praise, shows us our promise of freshness given by the Holy Spirit. and gives us the effective benefit of the effective will of God -- the ability to change. Before we can change we often have to go through the crucible of God's judgment, and that is actually a very good thing as we will discover. Finally, we are given a sacred trust of building relationships which is the ultimate outcome of the effective will of God.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Times of Refreshing
author: Ed. Wright
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.17.2009 • author id: WrE3630309
word count:
The theme is finding "times of refreshing" through godly repentance. The idea reflects the truth found in Acts 3:19. Peter, as he was preaching, said, "Therefore repent and return so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord" (NAB). As a biblical example of repentance the response of the Corinthian church to Paul's admonitions to holiness is thoroughly examined. The key verse is 2 Corinthians 7:11. Great joy and release can be found when we follow the path to repentance.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Ripple Effect
author: Todd Freidwald
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.18.2009 • author id: FrT2265209
word count: 110
Subtitled A Father's Guide to Training His Son to Survive in the Wilderness and the World - Basic Training, the work is based on an ongoing, nondenominational wilderness survival ministry known as the father/son ministry. This ministry provides a simple, practical and fun way for fathers to begin training their sons to survive in the literal wilderness as a means to prepare them to survive in the figurative wilderness: the world. It equips fathers to train their sons with the knowledge, skills and confidence to thrive as they move toward the ultimate goal of genuine Christian manhood. The book is designed as a "how to" manual for fathers. The lessons draw direct parallels between the four elements of wilderness survival and four core pillars of Christian living or spiritual survival. Food represents the Word of God; Fire represents a Servant Heart; Shelter represents Fellowship; and Water represents Prayer. Each individual survival skill focuses on a verse from the Bible and is followed by questions that inspire meaningful discussion of scripture and its relevance to the skill being learned. The ministry is designed so that any father - regardless of his level of Christian education or outdoor experience -- will find it a meaningful, practical and fun way to train and equip his son to face the world.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Sword and the Tambourine:
author: Hanna E. Farwell
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.17.2009 • author id: FaH6810409
word count: 350
Subtitled The final battle has begun. Are you ready to take your stand?, this book introduces the new (or young) believer to the invisible realm; he/she has been taken from one kingdom and has been placed in another, yet remains on hostile soil. The book introduces the spiritual surroundings, the two warring armies and their leaders, provisions and armory, as well as how to learn the necessary skills to not only survive but to become effective in spiritual warfare. The main theme of the book is the necessity for God's people in this dark age to learn how to worship and war, while taking hold of our spiritual inheritance. Every chapter ends with study questions to catalyst change. The intent is to see the new believer become more home in the invisible and supernatural, and be able to walk by faith rather than sight. There is increasing glory to enter into in worship, to combat the increasing darkness around us.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Jesus Wants Your Mind
author: Angie B. Williams
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.25.2009 • author id: WiA2280209
word count: 140
Jesus Wants Your Mind is written for those who wish to grow spiritually through the discipline of renewing the mind by meditating on scripture, praying, and journaling. The writer states, "For over thirty years, I have used these concepts successfully in Protestant and Catholic churches, in "silent retreats," and in an Institute of Ministry. The ancient art of Christian meditation has little prominence in many Protestant churches because of its emphasis by eastern religions. However, it has been the single source of the most growth in my Christian life and in the lives of many others." The manuscript offers a biblical basis for these concepts and gives specific examples of how the word of God can encourage and strengthen us in times of adversity. Included are examples of how the Holy Spirit recalled scripture at just the right time to bring healing, overcome temptation to sin, and in two cases, avert a suicide.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Closing the Sunday - Monday Gap
author: Robert R. Richards
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.24.2009 • author id: RiR9804509
word count: 200
Targeting church leaders, this book seeks to enable more effective communication with and counseling to people in business. It provides an understanding of current economic issues and, more importantly, equips the reader with the analytical tools for clear rational thinking about economic issues of particular interest to church leaders, such as poverty, globalization, environmental challenges, housing prices, energy, income disparities, inflation and stewardship. The material also covers the role of the business firm in society, showing the business firm as a voluntary community of God's people mutually creatively pursuing goals, the achievement of which depends upon serving others. As such, the business firm is an effective laboratory for exercising Christian principles. The goal is to provide church leaders and staff with the knowledge, reasoning process and empathy to enable them to more effectively communicate with and minister to the business people in their congregation.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Created for Greatness in the Kingdom of God
author: Jordana E. James
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 4.26.2009 • author id: JaJ1003009
word count: 107
We all want to get the most we can out of life; but, when faced with uncertainty due to change and the loss of security due to failure, living up to our God-designed potential can seem impossible. Waiting on God for our next step can can be difficult. Yet sometimes, losing it all can mean finding everything we need. This book reminds us of the ample faith God has in us when we struggle to believe in ourselves or even him. It describes how you can achieve eternal greatness "off-screen" while breaking down Jesus' most important message: the Kingdom of God. The book defines and describes the Kingdom of God and its value, and gives practical steps to finding greatness through service. As the book introduces the call of Christ as an incredible opportunity and blurs the lines between the traditional views of sacred and secular, readers are challenged to embark on an adventure in advancing the Kingdom of God.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Three-Word Wisdom
author: Potvin, Bernie Barker, Joy
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 4.26.2009 • author id: BaPNonUS09
word count: 95
The work blends personal stories and meditative prose from its two authors: Bernie, a seasoned traveler on the road of faith, and Joy, an awestruck novice. Their stories are interspersed with dialogue, and each piece is punctuated with wisdom and a selected passage of scripture. A personal story is meaningful only when set in context against the backdrop of a larger story--the Grand Narrative--the very narrative that tells us that God is at the wheel. Every trial and hardship is, by design, part of this masterpiece. The Grand Narrative tells us we must experience death to experience life and to see truth. This book invites the reader to consider the stories of his/her life in new ways; to see deeper meaning; to judge their worth; to see those stories in the larger story, and then to act with courage and conviction.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Last Word is Love
author: Sue Stanton
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 4.26.2009 • author id: StS5001009
word count: 175
Where today lies the soul of a nurse? Or for that matter, the soul of any caregiver? With the assistance of the Corporal Works of Mercy and Healings from the Gospel of Matthew, one young nurse opens up her questions on faith, God and home. Through her iconic mother, a journey to Jerusalem, and a discovery in Calcutta, the nurse discovers what has happened to both her soul and her relationships as she comes face to face with her questions of God at last.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Grapes, Chapstick, and Sleeping Bags:
author: Hastings, Holly Hastings, Cheryl
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 4.26.2009 • author id: HaH7405509
word count:
God has promised to direct our every step, every word, and every movement throughout the day - if we only will look for his guidance. What happens in our lives is not coincidence, not happenstance, but GOD. "As a mother-daughter writing team," the authors state, "we have a burden to share this important truth, and so we began compiling the stories in our own lives where it would have been easy to miss the lessons God has for us had we not learned to look. Sometimes, however, we didn't look for God until after the fact; we didn't recognize his work until later on as we stepped back and saw his hand. The experiences our EVERYday God has taken us through have provided EVERYday reminders that God wants a close relationship with us."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: My Gospel
author: Roy L. Miller
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 4.25.2009 • author id: MiR1470109
word count:
This book addresses topics that can be instrumental to developing strong disciples of Jesus Christ. Just as the Apostle Paul sometimes referred to the Gospel as My Gospel, this writer makes a case for the unique way each believer may communicate the timeless Gospel. He then proceeds to communicate elements of the Gospel he has found to be vital for producing strong Christian Disciples in places where many seem to be weak in their faith.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Run Thru the Tape:
author: L. James Harvey
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 4.25.2009 • author id: HaL4931609
word count: 160
The book provides biblical and scientific information on how to live a long and productive life in the 21st century. It deals with the misconceptions Christians often have about what retirement ought to be. It builds on the metaphor the Apostle Paul uses of life as a race and suggests Christians need to Run Thru the Tape not just to it. A wealth of information is available to potential retirees to help them make the last third of their life the best and most productive third. Chapters deal with faith, activity, health, finances, death, and heaven. There are two chapters on how churches can develop progressive senior ministries and appendices with web sites for seniors, senior humor, and forms seniors may wish to use.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Best Kept Secret
author: Sandy Casey-Martus
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 4.25.2009 • author id: CaS7840409
word count: 173
In language that Christians can relate to and identify with, the authors seek to debunk the New Age teaching of setting personal intentions and then looking as the Universe manifests those intentions. They write, "There does operate a Spiritual Principle of Attraction, but it is not set in motion by concentrated egotistical thinking. The writers wish to bring individuals to the realization that this spiritual attraction communicates a deeper, mystical relationship with their Christian faith."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Good God!
author: Paul Wayne Meier
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.26.2009 • author id: MeP4202509b
word count: 220
Jesus is not merely a "chip off the Old Block" that shows us a small piece of the Triune God. Jesus reveals the fullness of the Godhead. Religious conversation, formal and informal, characterizes God from a blending of the Old and New Testaments. However, equal merging of these images fosters confusion and hampers interpretation of each testament. Good God! helps readers grasp an image of the Godhead revealed in Jesus Christ. As one comprehends God's true nature, love begins to motivate Christian living rather than fear or duty. The writer cites New Testament writers pointing to Jesus as the exact imprint of his heavenly father. Through guided imagery of 40+ stories, readers enter into biblical events to experience God in the person of Jesus. The work seeks to be useful for individuals as well as groups, this book is the Christian's handbook to meditation on the scriptures.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: What God Gives
author: Marcia Whitney-Schenck
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.26.2009 • author id: WhM6061109
word count: 70
This is a compilation of prayers, photographs, meditations and interviews about Christian spirituality from the viewpoint of Africans who suffer and grieve, as well as those who heal and rejoice. The book focuses on Christians both in an English-speaking province in Cameroon and a French-speaking province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Almost every one of the 122 pages features color photographs of Christians praying or carrying on with their daily lives. Their prayers are not from rote memory but from their heart. Sometimes they are humorous. One nurse in the Congo prayed, "O, God, give this doctor more knowledge than the little bit he has." The title comes from a prayer offered by a man who had suffered from leprosy. He said, "What God gives, take with both hands." The book has a professionally designed layout, with text and photographs in place.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Negotiations with God:
author: Kevin B. Rachel
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.26.2009 • author id: RaK2203209
word count: 200
The book explores the nature of our personal relationship with God. How personal can that relationship be? Do our actions before God really matter, and why? The concept of negotiations, with which the author has extensive experience, is used to emphasize that our relationship with God is intended to be interactive. A theme throughout is that God created us for the purpose of having a relationship, and we need to be about the business of developing one. The work draws on stories and teachings throughout the Old and New Testaments with linkages to modern books, movies and television shows with which a wide audience would be familiar.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Revival in the Desert:
author: Bradley Aron Cooper
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.25.2009 • author id: CoBNonUS09
word count: 152
The work begins by seeking to identify the historical foundations of the legalistic nature often exhibited by the Church. It then goes on to describe how the current religious attitudes of the modern church may obscure the covenantal commitment of God to his people. Asserting that God will stop at nothing to reveal his covenantal faithfulness to his people, the author maintains that as traditional churches continue to stress reliance on anything other than his unconditional commitment, God has begun to lead people out of that religious environment and into a "wilderness" where he can reveal his true covenantal nature to them. This fresh perspective of God's commitment to man is explored through numerous biblical encounters between God and his people, in both the Old and New Testaments. In addition, the author turns to the prophetic books for additional support of this "Revival in the Desert" concept, and concludes that America may currently be experiencing a prelude to revival, as in historical revivals.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Crying Out to God
author: Kristin Smith
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.24.2009 • author id: SmK2332509
word count:
Financial loss. Marital strife. Unemployment. Betrayal. Economic crisis and global unrest. Turmoil both in our own lives and in the world around us. Where do we turn? The writer draws on experience as both a pastor's daughter and military chaplain's wife to encourage those facing struggles and seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Although the competing voices of modern society tempt us to think we need everything but God, we in fact need to return to him as our first love, as he is the only real key to overcoming. This is a call for us to restructure the way we spend our day, to reprioritize our increasingly long-to-do lists and start the day with God first, soaking in his word and his presence.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: A Matter of Choice
author: Thomas L. Nichols
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.24.2009 • author id: NiT1506309
word count: 180
This discussion on God's greatest gift to man--our freedom of choice--explains the various aspects of choices in seventeen chapters.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: A Fall Sojourn:
author: Craig D. Lounsbrough
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.22.2009 • author id: LoC8013809
word count: 110
The premise attempted in this text is to provide a biblically responsible, inherently creative look at grief as something profoundly bigger than the pain it causes. The intent is to look deeply at grief, loss and the journey within which these transpire from a variety of unusual, yet intimate life perspectives that are illustrated by paralleling a number of the author's childhood experiences against the death of the author's mother in adulthood. These are conveyed to the reader by illustrating the natural transitions of nature as they surrounded her death and tightly interweaving those with the human experience of grief and loss in order to transform the view of the reader regarding pain and grief.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Water Guardian
author: Kathy Raymer
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.22.2009 • author id: RaK2867709
word count:
This work portrays the lifelong affects of an act of violence committed by a father upon his young daughter. The theme "old sins cast long shadows" emerges from decade to decade within the life of one family. Archangel Michael, a bronze statue stands in a water garden, silently and profoundly lending divine strength and encouragement. Secondary themes are restitution and renewal: Restitution of a portion of the Pisgah National Forest (Western North Carolina) once raped by money-driven logger and renewal of love between a mother and a daughter during old age.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: A Match Made in Heaven:
author: Sandra G. Conner
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.22.2009 • author id: CoS3065609
word count: 150
"Women, more often than not, take the lead role in the spiritual life of the family, however they are not able to guide their children spiritually because they are struggling with their own faith development" (Barna). But, according to the writer, the deep truths of God's word can be as easy to understand as child's play. Just as Jesus used parables to teach his disciples, this book examines Cinderella by Charles Perrault as a parable using types from the Bible. Though very little is said about the Prince, he is the primary ingredient in every facet of the story. The writer uses the familiar objects in the story to explain salvation by grace alone through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, the person and the purposes of the Holy Spirit, the purpose of the church, redeeming grace, eternal security and the victorious Christian life.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: O God, I Hadn't Planned on That Detour---
author: Ira E. Williams, Jr.
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.22.2009 • author id: WiI8712309
word count: 168
The work introduces readers to some truly great winners in the game of life who demonstrate the victory of the human spirit when touched by the power of the Spirit of God. These short stories tell of individuals and families who face times of decision that call for the best of spiritual reserves, such as: job loss, cancer diagnosis, death of a child, loss of faith in a leader, an abusive marriage, the nursing home decision, a terrorist threat, personal humiliation, war injuries and spiritual poverty. While the author is committed to Christian theological and counseling principles, the stories are written to speak to the heart for lay readers who seek a word of Christian hope when life seems to tumble in on us.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Joy
author: David Young
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.25.2009 • author id: YoD9849909
word count: 230
Joy is the first book in a series entitled, "Encouraging Words," taken primarily from the fruit of the Spirit listed in the New Testament. Biblical joy has four elements: Reasoning, Righteousness, Responsiveness and Relationship. The writer notes, "Joy as we experience it on earth is a fleeting glimpse of heaven. It is a taste of that unknown longing in our souls that we were created to experience, and that God will fulfill in eternity for those who come to know Jesus Christ. We often confuse true joy with pleasure, contentment or happiness. While these things can be facets of joy, they are not essential to it. Joy often springs from hardship. In fact, there is a depth of joy that you cannot know until you have suffered. These form the backbone of joy that makes it significant in our lives."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Sintimacy
author: Brian C. Johnson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.25.2009 • author id: JoB1784709
word count: 127
Speaking from his experience with a lengthy secret addiction, the author examines the behavioral patterns and attributes of those who struggle with secret sins of all types. This book is targeted to those who want to be freed from spiritual slavery. Written with brutal honesty, Johnson exposes the excuses and lies often used to justify inappropriate activities. Those who are currently struggling with some area of secret sin will find a plan of escape and freedom that includes accountability, adherence to Scripture, and developing an awareness of temptations and triggers. At the end, readers will have been challenged to quit making excuses, overcome the guilt and shame often associated with secret sin, and allow their past failures to become a tool to rescue others who are trapped in the shadows of secrecy.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Conversations About Disciple Making
author: Ken Adams
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.25.2009 • author id: AdK3026509
word count:
Conversations About Disciple Making is a collection of real life experiences and insights that will enlighten, inspire, challenge, and motivate the reader to live a life that is dedicated to making more disciples of Jesus Christ. This is the first book in the Conversations series.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: That's Not Me
author: Georgia Christopherson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.25.2009 • author id: ChG8574509
word count: 75
Identity theft is an important and topical issue. That's Not Me addresses this issue in a spiritual vein, and offers a way to achieve a new identity; a new self-image, and a new start to a victorious life. The book can also be considered a resource for Christian counseling, both for self and others. Counseling applications and related scriptures are included at the ends of most chapters and a counseling supplement concludes the book.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Mystic Intimacy: Becoming the Beloved of God
author: Michael Angelo Fazio
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.25.2009 • author id: FaM0207209
word count: 180
The mystic Christian is simply that man or woman whose spiritual growth has matured into a divine romance. The most apt symbolism for this stage in the spiritual journey is that of marital union, becoming one with the divine Bridegroom. The book provides both a theological foundation for mysticism as well as an extensive description of the "both/and" nature of mystic spirituality. The mystic brings together the seeming opposites of Eros and Agape, solitude and communion, inward peace and outward revolution, etc. As one nears the summit of the spiritual mountain, the ascent becomes a spiral one, traversing the various faces of Christian spirituality. As such, the mystic can be the most effective agent of ecumenism, building bridges between the various spiritual traditions, What the world needs now is not just Christians. It needs whole Christians. It needs mystic Christians, Christians who shine forth both the divinity and robust humanity of Jesus.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Total Infusion
author: Mark Quick
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.21.2009 • author id: QuM9233609
word count: 386
Christians need a biblical worldview incorporated into all they do and think. Total Infusion engages readers in the process of integrating Christian beliefs into 20 specific areas of life. Each life topic focuses on outward actions, internal thoughts, or both. The premise is this: whether we are at work, on vacation, at an entertainment event, or just spending time with friends, no matter what we are doing we are always ambassadors for Christ. We should walk as we worship, in spirit and in truth. Our beliefs, values, and priorities need to be consistent because being inconsistent leads to hypocrisy.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The ValueGiver:
author: Dallas Elder
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 12.24.2008 • author id: ElD6407908
word count: 180
This book addresses the redeeming work of Jesus that restores a valued self-image and points people toward the pathway of wholeness. It examines the affirming ministry of Jesus and the depreciating issues within people. It encourages people to receive true value transformation, the Church to be a redemptive community and for the followers of Christ to be ValueGivers.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Wisdom of Life
author: David K. Webb
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 12.24.2008 • author id: WeD6185308
word count:
When Christine leaves home for college, her father, David, commits to writing her a letter every week. And faithfully and lovingly keeps this promise for eleven years. Readers journey with Christine as she goes to college and medical school, gets married, and begins a family of her own. This collection of letters and studies from the book of Proverbs is a chronicle of life, love and spiritual growth.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: A Mosaic on Faith from the Gospels
author: William L. Seaver
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 12.21.2008 • author id: SeW3792208
word count:
There is no formal teaching on faith until the end of the Lord's first year of ministry during The Sermon on the Mount. The initial focus of the Lord's ministry was on proclaiming the kingdom of God (Luke 4:17-21, 43, 44). However, the Lord was not seeing believers (his disciples) consistently walk by faith even though there were instances in his ministry where faith had been exhibited and even though these saints should have been aware of Habakkuk 2:4b, "the righteousness will live by his faith." The dots had not been connected. Therefore, our Lord begins to teach and challenge believers about their faith. There are eleven instances in the Gospels with Jesus and his disciples where faith was discussed or illustrated for teaching purposes. This book is an attempt to define the faith in God as illustrated, taught, and extolled in the Gospels.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Your Words:
author: Wendy Starr
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 12.16.2008 • author id: StW4314008
word count: 50
As humans we were created above every other aspect of creation. We were created in the image and likeness of God. We were created to exercise dominion in the natural world. What we say is important because we receive what we say in faith believing. At a minimum our words reflect our relationship and obedience to Christ; at a deeper level, we prophecy our future by the words we speak. Words can destroy you or they can transform you because words, your words or the words of another, produce either faith or fear. Using your words to speak the word of God into your life is a process of building God's word into your spirit. You must do it intentionally and continually then, in the fullness of time, God's word will manifest in your life.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: A View From the Front Porch:
author: Craig D. Lounsbrough
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.19.2008 • author id: LoC8013808
word count:
The manuscript retells various New Testament stories in compelling detail, placing the reader in the very center of the event. That bold faith illustrated in each passage contrasts with the world . Various encounters the writer has had over my years of ministry relate to the cited New Testament account, conveying these encounters in intimate and powerful detail. Each chapter then closes with a series of thoughts that assists the reader in beginning to apply the truths outlined in the chapter.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Grace to Overcome: Life-Changing Insights
author: Ben Pugh
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.19.2008 • author id: PuBNonUS08
word count: 102
In this short and engaging piece of work, the benefits of being justified are vividly explored. The revolutionary effects this has on the very depths of human nature are made clear through lively and entertaining discussion. A feature of this book is the clear link that is made between justification and a transformed lifestyle.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Growing in Grace and Knowledge
author: Carol Friesen
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 10.25.2008 • author id: FrC7873808
word count:
Growing in Grace and Knowledge presents a model for Christian spiritual formation based on the Balswicks' four sequential, but nonlinear stages of healthy family development (covenantal love, grace, empowerment and intimacy) and applies this model to the local congregation. The author addresses the need for more intentional spiritual formation by examining the state of the North American Church today. She then presents a biblical theology of spiritual formation and identifies essential components and specific spiritual disciplines that will help believers grow in the grace and knowledge of God's love and forgiveness, become increasingly empowered for service and enjoy a deepening intimacy with one another and with the living God.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Christ Has Died . . . Christ Has Risen
author: Daniel Dwyer
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 10.25.2008 • author id: DwD1136408
word count: 350
Contrary to atheistic assertions, Christians do not believe in myths . Christianity is based on a historical person, on people and on events, specifically on Jesus Christ who appeared for forty days to his followers after his resurrection from the dead. The manuscript focuses on the witness of the apostles Peter and Paul and on Jesus' teaching about himself. Through their imitation of Christ, these apostles spent their lives becoming the face of Jesus to everyone they met. In that role they bore witness to him and gave proof of a God who loves them, so much so that he died for us, that he rose from the dead conquering death for us and that he will come again. At the end, the book exhorts Christians to be imitators of Christ, because by such example we are giving the best proof possible for the existence of a caring God, and expressing as well the most effective way of addressing the assault from aggressive atheists.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Becoming Sarah's Daughter
author: Nancy Sheppard
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 10.25.2008 • author id: ShN5542708
word count:
Nancy Sheppard writes, "When I followed God's call to mission work in Liberia, West Africa I had no idea what He would require of me. When war broke out our idyllic first term was followed by a nightmarish second term." Living conditions in refugee work were deplorable, the expectations of the people overwhelming, and the tensions of war were right on their doorstep. Nancy was full of fear, self-pity and resentment. God used the decision to follow her husband's leadership and continue refugee work to begin an amazing spiritual journey - one that led her to a clearer understanding of Biblical womanhood and into a deeper relationship with the Lord than she ever thought possible.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Calling:
author: Craig D. Lounsbrough
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 10.23.2008 • author id: LoC8010408
word count: 150
The ideals and pursuit of materialism have shown themselves inadequate to meet a deeper need. A generation has formed that is asking questions larger than the culture can answer, and often deeper than that which most Christians can themselves articulate. The purpose of this book is to seize this opportunity and move people into a more deeply meaningful life. It is designed to deeply stimulate and challenge thought on a number of basic premises which can begin to build toward the fulfillment of the great need. The locus around which the text revolves is the constructing of an authentic, strikingly real relationship with God. The work reflects an intellectually aggressive, no-holds-barred, unapologetic approach to seizing the remarkable relationship with God that he has for each of us.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Precious Stones and Bedrock Truth:
author: Mark L. Day
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 10.23.2008 • author id: DaM9263008
word count: 689
The many references to stone throughout the Bible are carefully interlocked into 29 chapters establishing the solid foundations of the Christian faith. Every stone reference is examined to discover the bedrock truth that builds up and strengthens believers. The ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus, our Rock, are uniquely associated with many Old Testament references to stone. These references are combined to emphasize how to live the Christian life and how to build a proper world view. Stone demonstrates the power of prayer, the power and permanency of God's word, the power of prophecy and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the power of obedience and the power of his promises. Living Stones, the capstone chapter, emphasizes the joy of a disciplined sanctified life in total dependency upon the power of the Holy Spirit to enable and establish believers in their faith, and to walk worthy of their calling. The New Jerusalem, with all its colorful foundation stones, is the reward for believers who have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Godsick
author: Greg Daulton
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.25.2008 • author id: DaG9802208
word count:
Godsick confronts our struggle to love God authentically. It explores the reasons why we feel apathetic toward God, and the reason we grow bored with our faith. The writer undertakes to "take a number of theologically sacred cows and slaughter them with the keen edge of scripture and a wry sense of humor." There are a series of basic assumptions that most people make about God, and most of them are wrong. Because of these assumptions, we find ourselves preferring the company of friends and family to the company of God. Why is that? How do we fix it? The format includes twelve short chapters, plus a one-page prologue and epilogue.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Women in Ministry
author: Julie M. Reese
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.24.2008 • author id: ReJ1580108
word count:
We are all called to service, whether paid or voluntary, especially women married to men in full-time Christian service. This book addresses how we can survive in ministry when we experience criticism, disappointment, frustration, exhaustion, apathy, loneliness and sin. With thoughts and insights from other women serving in ministry, this book will serve as a guide to help Christian women in ministry excel, grow and thrive in their calling. The writer notes, "In 2004 God called my husband and me from our comfortable middle-class existence with four children into full-time Christianity ministry. Although this was a lifelong dream finally realized, my initial exhilaration was quickly replaced by feelings of emptiness, inadequacy, disappointment, loneliness, and the sensation that I was being stretched beyond all personal, emotional, and spiritual limits." The format presents three main sections of the book: Preparing for the Journey, Roadblocks, Pitfalls, and Detours, and finally "Survive and Thrive."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: An Understanding of the Lord's Prayer
author: Tony Chatowsky
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.24.2008 • author id: ChT3499008
word count: 81
A prayer given to the Jewish people about 2,000 years ago continues to be said by millions all over the world. This book offers a pause to study, reflect, and listen to what the Lord's Prayer is saying to us now. The Prayer's historical significance is considered, the four section prayers that form the complete Word are defined, and their relevance in this day and age is demonstrated. A chapter is devoted to living the Prayer. Every word in the Lord's Prayer is choice and pertinent to its meaning. Why say the Lord's Prayer? How does it help us? The text invites and encourages the readers to embrace their own understanding of the Lord's Prayer.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Sexual Desires:
author: Michael Bronson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.24.2008 • author id: BrM4920308
word count: 220
Many books have explored the dangers involved in any sort of physical intimacy before marriage, but what are benefits to the premarital relationship of these God-given, strong sexual desires? The early stages of a relationship require a tremendous amount of energy in order to develop properly, and the sexual drive provides that additional energy source. God's prohibition of premarital sex isn't about depriving the single man of satisfaction but is designed to benefit his current and future relationship with his spouse. Sexual Desires was written by the author while he was single and abstaining until marriage -- practicing what he's preaching.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Apostolic Authority:
author: Martin Schmaltz
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.23.2008 • author id: ScM3710308
word count: 100
From the formation of Adam, the purpose of mankind is to reveal the image of an invisible God in creation. As Adam was given dominion to rule the earth and speak as the representative of heaven, so is each born-again believer authorized by Jesus Christ to act as his representative. Jesus stated: "As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world" (John 17:18). Apostolic Authority presents to us the biblical truths of this sending and will empower us to fulfill the mission established from creation - to reveal God's image on this earth.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Prodigal for a Season
author: Allan F. Scarrott
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 9.23.2008 • author id: ScANonUS08
word count: 100
The book is intended to be a quick read for people who have a previous experience with the church and need to come back to their faith in Jesus Christ. With many illustrations and a retelling of the prodigal son story, the book looks at aspects of walking away from God--and then returning to him.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: A Little Faith
author: Corey Little
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.24.2008 • author id: LiC3060608
word count: 115
In today's society, it is appealing to find comfortable spirituality as a disconnected believer. Many young adults find themselves with a fragile faith that lacks spiritual maturity and understanding. The writer comments, "After being a devout Christian for 15 years, I was ready to scrap the religion I had blindly accepted. A Little Faith is a chronicle of my journey. It contains a progression from debilitating doubt to solidified ownership of faith. The purpose of the book is to provide challenging new perspectives and encourage personal exploration of key spiritual topics in order to discover a powerful, relevant understanding of one's faith."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
author: Danny Tunnell
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.24.2008 • author id: TuD7435408
word count:
A tragic event unfolded in Tennessee when a young, energetic preacher from a prominent and highly respected church family was killed by his wife. The author had met and known members of Matthew Winkler's family, always holding them in the highest regard. Upon hearing about Matthew's death, and his wife's (Mary) testimony at the trial, he was perplexed with others trying to comprehend the unfathomable, and to unravel the mystery of how this could happen; and it began to dawn to him in greater clarity that we had a misplaced emphasis in the church. The author truly loves the Church of Christ; he doesn't quarrel with its doctrines, he has no desire to abandon it, and yet he wants the best for all of its members. He believes that some souls may be in jeopardy, so in a sense this book is also about his own spiritual journey, back to a time when he was fully committed to Christ, when he worshipped only at the feet of Jesus, and nothing, not even something as noble as the church itself had displaced deity.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Personal Strategic Planning Workbook for Christians
author: Gregory A. Uhrich
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.24.2008 • author id: UhG1755208
word count: 110
The manuscript provides a practical step-by-step approach to personal strategic planning. It is a user-friendly workbook for Christians who desire to become the person God wants them to be and achieve the things God wants them to do. Today too many Christians are living lives that are aimless and unbalanced, and they will never reach the potential God has for them. This workbook, with its easy-to-understand and biblically-oriented steps, will motivate and guide Christians to discover God's direction and balance in the twelve Full Life Development Areas.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: God's Will Workbook:
author: Lee Baron
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.24.2008 • author id: BaL8530808
word count: 44
God's Will Workbook offers readers a method to determine God's top priorities for their life with ease and reliability. It follows a simple and natural Christian-based process that takes only about 6-8 hours to complete. This process has been widely used since 1987 and consistently refined over the course of 2 decades. It includes mainstream methods from all the most reputable sources as well as instinctive and common sense techniques that result in readers being extremely confident in their conclusions.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Faith-Work Window:
author: Richard Bouch
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.24.2008 • author id: BoR9287008
word count: 182
This work offers a Christian discussion of modern work in modern times. It argues that the working life is a compellingly important dimension of keeping Christianity vital, vigorous and engaged in the world. It explores why Christian concern for healthy personal and family life must confront work's tendency to spill beyond the workplace. It positions the working life as a means to spiritual formation and character development. Maintaining a consistent thread of reference to key Gospel themes of sin, redemption and transformation, it also discusses work-related tensions between varying views of mission, ministry and service.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: I'll See You in the Morning
author: Louise D. Flanders
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.23.2008 • author id: FlL3018808
word count: 240
The writer's son, Jonathan, who was born perfectly normal, suffered a stroke at seven years of age and was left permanently mentally disabled. I'll See You in the Morning chronicles the parents' spiritual journey following his stroke, weaving together the support and love of family, church, medical personnel, and community. It paints a picture of God's love and faithfulness during difficult circumstances. It includes humorous episodes and also explores tough spiritual issues such as: Why would God allow a child to suffer? Why hasn't God responded to our prayers? Why does God heal some and not others? The writer states, "There are many people who are hurting and discouraged for whom there may never be a "happy" ending. They need to know that in spite of this there is joy unspeakable and abundant blessings that await them if they will allow God to lead them through the journey."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Customer Service and the Imitation of Christ
author: Ronald R. Johnson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.16.2008 • author id: JoR4902408
word count: 150
In America alone there are 2.2 million customer service representatives (CSRs), and that number is expected to increase by 25 percent over the next 10 years. These millions have a peculiar spiritual need. On one hand, customer service work is hard on the soul: CSRs are yelled at by customers, rushed by their supervisors, and second-guessed by quality control managers. On the other hand, no other kind of work offers such unique opportunities to practice the imitation of Christ. Customer Service and the Imitation of Christ details both the dangers and the possibilities inherent in customer service work, and it encourages CSRs to embark on an adventure with God in the workplace.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Taking God Seriously:
author: Terry Wren
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 8.16.2008 • author id: WrT9562008
word count: 53
Taking God Seriously explores the question of obedience to God's word as it is presented through scripture, especially focusing on the example and teaching of Christ. It considers the nature of obedience, why obedience matters, how obedience is demonstrated, the importance of being obedient, and how to persevere in obedience.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Triumphant, Abundant Life
author: Bo Mitchell
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.25.2008 • author id: MiB3652608
word count: 200
During 2005 and 2006 the writer traveled across America interviewing 25 men all prominent in the Christian world. Their lives, their dedication to Christ, inspired this manuscript. "To sit at their feet and get humble, honest answers to searching questions about Christianity and life itself, deeply moved me. These men, including Mark Hall of Casting Crowns Henry Blackaby, and D. James Kennedy, have reached millions for Christ." The men the author interviewed include an orphan with dirt in the creases of his hands, a druggie, an alcoholic, one with dyslexia and ADD, and a black pastor who lost everything in Katrina except his dependence on and dedication to Christ. Then there's a great writer, teacher and speaker, read by millions, who never considered writing at all until challenged by a friend. Just days before the author wrote this book, Johnny Hunt, a pool room shark before Christ touched him, became president of a large Christian denomination. Surely the reader can say, "If God can do so much with these, ones who have failed as I have, surely he can give me peace, direction and meaning for my life." Out of the pages of this book and the lives of these men, can come answers to some of life's greatest questions.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Small Things Count!
author: Jackie O'Donnell
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.25.2008 • author id: OzJ9512308
word count:
Typical Christians wish for a better, more Christ-like world but feel that doing anything about it is beyond their capabilities. Small Things Count! helps them realize how many opportunities come their way each day to improve our world. It explains the "butterfly effect" of actions. Then it presents some principles of Christian social teaching, as well as simple, real-life actions readers can take which demand nothing more than their living out their Christian beliefs. The book includes lists, sample responses, templates, "How To" instructions, and other specific information. It is designed in context and style to allow the reader to understand quickly and say, "Hey! I can do that!" It is intended for personal use and for use by faith and social justice groups and is suitable as a gift for religious and other occasions.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Upward Unbound:
author: Thomas Ripaldi
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.21.2008 • author id: RiT2936908
word count:
Upward Unbound is about how to get more out of life amidst everyday living. Readers are challenged to live victoriously, grow spiritually and know God more intimately. What readers will come away with, once having accepted this challenge, is to see the possibility for a complete transformation to take place within themselves, and their walk with God.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: A Word to the Wise:
author: Brandon Cooper
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.21.2008 • author id: CoB6054008
word count: 125
Proverbs is among the most accessible and relevant biblical books for young adults. Its wisdom addresses the major concerns of the teenagers life --from sex to friendship, attitude to laziness - and does so with wit and vivacity. This book is the author's attempt to capture this wisdom, to present it to a largely post literate audience in a concise, biblical, and relevant fashion. A Word to the Wise tackles many of the most pressing issues facing teenagers today by drawing on the treasures of wisdom found in Proverbs and teaching them topically.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: All That Matters:
author: Jacquee Carter Jerome
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.20.2008 • author id: JeJ1894008
word count: 122
The purpose of All That Matters is to lead the discouraged believer into a spiritual walk characterized by the fruit of the spirit. The book is written in two parts. Part I is "The Journey," which details the writer's struggle with chronic pain, other hardships, and depression. "The Journey" reveals the resurrection power that eventually lifted her to a point of victorious living. Part II is "All That Matters" which digs deeper into the foundational scriptural truths and gives practical application to sometimes difficult concepts in regard to human suffering. The aim is to lead believers to genuine joy despite their circumstances. When God's grace is manifest in us, inexplicable joy and peace abound, a phenomenon of which the unbelieving world takes notice. The Church then becomes God's megaphone to a lost world, and Jesus Christ is revealed as truly all that matters.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Armor of Love
author: A. Elaine Boone
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 7.13.2008 • author id: BoA4954808
word count: 180
The writer uses the personal experiences of learned, conditional behavior and compares them with the love principles of God to show that we often don't realize our true identity in Christ. She writes that the church is weak in teaching and practicing these principles leaving that responsibility to parents who lack ability because they've had poor role models. Thus Christians have a poor sense of the love of God as shown in scripture.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Live Your Dreams Already
author: Jill A. Kravitz
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: KrJ1842108
word count: 140
Many people live their lives just going through the motions--working at jobs they don't really like just to survive. At some point early in life, many people get sidetracked and discouraged by life's circumstances and responsibilities. These prevent them from realizing their dreams. This manuscript encourages the reader that there is still hope. The author provides practical ways to connect to those dreams resulting in accomplishing God's call on their lives. God gave people different gifts, talents, personalities, and skills for positively touching other people's lives in profound, and even simple, ways for his glory. Using simple principles (such as courage, persistence, character, vision) and encouraging examples of very human biblical characters, it urges readers to change the way they think about themselves, their situations, and their dreams so they go for it.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: An Unfinished Life
author: Kenneth & Kathy Jackson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: JaK3732308
word count: 113
The work uses Ecclesiastes 3 to demonstrate that the one constant throughout all the changing seasons of life is our unchanging God. Personal illustrations are included to bring home the central point that even through the most pain-filled seasons, the journey with God makes life worthwhile. The reader is encouraged to embrace whatever season they find themselves in, and to trust in the sovereignty of God, knowing that he will lead them to a brighter day. The questions Solomon raises in the second section of the chapter are still relevant today.An unfinished life means learning to live with incompleteness. The perfection of our inner selves, our labors, and even our God-centered dreams are never really completed before eternity.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Happening
author: Leonard Hoffman
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: HoL7500108
word count: 300
The Happening is intended to be the first in a series of two or three books presented in a chronicle style. In this first book many of the mysteries of God are explored in a clear and easy-to-read style. Through an allegorical setting the characters experience a series of mystical events in which they encounter first-hand the wonder and nature of God unfolding before them throughout time. Some of the subjects addressed are: the triune nature of God, God's infinite goodness, the interaction between God the father and Jesus during his life on Earth, and how God uses each person's experience in life to prepare them to rule in this age as well as the one to come.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Perfect is Not a Four Letter Word:
author: Robert B. Correll
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: CoR2345608
word count: 126
It is reported that up to 80 percent of Christians (including ministers) are dissatisfied with their walk with Jesus Christ, but this does not need to be. Through scripture and anecdotes the reader is led to a place of being open to the possibility of seeing the fulfillment of God's promises in their lives. Heaven is a kingdom on Earth where we trust Christ completely for redemption just as we instruct the inquirer to place their complete trust in him for salvation.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Into the Fire
author: John B. Owen
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: OwJ2103708
word count: 100
The writer was Chaplain for the 2007 Naval Academy football team, which enjoyed one of its most successful and historic seasons in its 128 year history. Prior to each pre-game meal, the chaplain offered a brief inspirational message to the team and coaching staff. This manuscript is a collection of those reflections, each of which springs from the author's Christian faith, and is based upon a biblical passage or theme, but is also deliberately crafted to be relevant and meaningful to readers regardless of their faith backgrounds, on and off the field. Additionally, a narrative thread recounts the unfolding of the 2007 football season, offering a "behind the scenes" glimpse of the team and some of the more inspirational stories and players. Interweaving themes of service to God, service to others, and developing young athletes into men and women of character and integrity, this book will appeal to a wide cross-section of athletes and non-athletes alike.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Living Obediently in a Disobedient World
author: Rock D. Moore
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: MoR9267908
word count:
The book's premise is that there are many believers who are not successful in putting their spiritual beliefs into a realistic and practical lifestyle. This book highlights errors that have been embraced, which form barriers between us and our relationship with God. These barriers can be religious, self-subscribed traditions, or myths in which we have placed our trust. Each chapter examines and takes apart these misconceptions and reconstructs them into the truthfulness that God desires us to possess.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Little Book of Golden Retriever Theology
author: Rhonda McRae
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: McR3915708
word count: 54
If it's easy to believe God loves the whole world but may be difficult to believe God truly loves you, this book offers a fresh way of seeing God's love: through the eyes of a dog lover and a golden retriever named Sadie. Through this four-legged theologian, the writer's understanding of God's love has been reawakened. "In the book, I reflect on lessons I learned over the course of a year as I considered my relationship with God in light of my relationship with Sadie. The overarching theme is that God's heart is overflowing with love for me; I don't get on his nerves; and it actually gives him pleasure to give me pleasure. In the context of the master's loving heart, it also deals with issues such as the role of God's law and the consequences of sin. I believe many Christians - especially dog lovers - will relate to my experiences with Sadie. Hopefully they will also embrace in a new way -- or maybe for the first time -- that God truly delights in them."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Collected Letters of Brother Ebenezer
author: Susanne T. Ratliff
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: RaS3522308
word count: 120
These are the collected letters of Brother Ebenezer. He was of the Benedictine order and lived to be 77 years old. He now lives forever. This is a collection of 80 plus letters written by him to a variety of correspondents addressing issues ranging from how to deal with difficult people to distractibility in service.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Road
author: Linda S. Hayes
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: HaL3654908
word count: 217
The Road depicts the journey of 25 travelers on the road of forgiveness. Using allegory and a symbolic drawing, each traveler presents his or her true story of forgiveness and transformation. At the end of the journey is intimate fellowship with the king of kings.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: I Know Jesus, I Recognize Paul, but Who Are You?
author: Betty Alexander
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: AlB9723208
word count: 250
Why were God's chosen identified as mighty people? Only a few possessed such an identity a remnant lived out the elusive power that the majority missed. What are the things that keep saints from being recognized in this way? The kingdom of God is not seen, nor do we comprehend it so as to put into practice the mindset of God. The largest part of the Christian world is beat up and in despair waiting for 'pie in the sky.' This book offers some clear-cut definitions and boundaries that draw them closer to the truth of God with the aim of encouragement.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Prayer-Driven Life
author: Stephanie Blake
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: BlS7603308
word count: 233
Although many people would admit that there is value in prayer, few would say that prayer is the driving force in their lives. The Prayer-Driven Life examines some essential questions about prayer. What is prayer? Why should we pray? What difference does prayer make in my life? Using the prayers of the apostle Paul as a backdrop, the reader discovers that he/she can know God better through prayer. Just as Paul's life made a difference in the world because he was driven by prayer, so can yours. In the first part of the book, several general categories are noted in Paul's prayer life followed by ten important milestone markers. The rest of the book examines Paul's prayers in context, posing questions for reflection at the end of each chapter. Although designed for personal study, this book could also be used for group study.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Despise Not Prophesyings!
author: Anna L. Moffatt
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: MoA9880208
word count: 143
This manuscript addresses the function of the prophetic word for the believer today. It examines what the true prophetic word is, and what it isn't. Moses articulated the Lord's desire many centuries ago when he spoke "Would that all of God's people were prophets." Why did he say that? What importance to the kingdom of God is the prophetic word? Though God has given us a sure foundation for his word, Satan has counterfeited it as well. So much confusion reigns in the church today concerning the prophetic. This book is written as both a warning and an encouragement to bring us back to the scriptures as our blueprint.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: When Men Seek Wisdom From God:
author: Thomas H. Walker
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: WaT4787208
word count: 188
God's extraordinary way of revealing His truth is through ordinary people like you and me! Gaining wisdom should always be the goal of every person. It has been said that it is not what you know that counts, but what you understand. Knowledge is important, but it falls short in being able to reach the levels of understanding where answers to hard questions are found. Even though the canon of scripture is complete, man's understanding is just the tip of the iceberg in comparison to the truth that is lying underneath the verses. The Bible is an introduction to the mind of God. God's truth is inexhaustible, and to reach those greater depths of understanding one can only access with God's help. This help is available to all whom seek wisdom through the Heavenly Father. The manuscript offers answers to questions about biblical topics such as: Jesus' meaning of "greater miracles", the will: why we still sin!, the reasons for spiritual blindness, and an explanation of "Eat My flesh and drink My blood," and more.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Lacing Your Life with Meaning
author: Diane Theiler
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: ThD4004708
word count: 103
The manuscript explores what it would be like to find meaning in everything we do instead of waiting for it to find us! What a wonderful gift from God to be able to look at your life and see purpose and be able to work toward that everyday!
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Prayer Directed Life:
author: Mark McLeroy
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.25.2008 • author id: McM4001008
word count: 127
The manuscript looks at prayer from God's point of view and emphasizes listening over talking. As Christians, our relationship with God entitles us to come to him in prayer with the expectation that he will provide guidance for our lives, provide for our needs, and respond to our petitions. The book looks at how we can develop an effective prayer relationship with the Lord, what the Bible says about prayer, and how to create an environment that promotes an effective prayer life.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Empowered for the Harvest:
author: Norman & Debbie Przkbylski
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.25.2008 • author id: PrN2346408
word count: 260
The manuscript is designed to "empower the church worldwide for the work of ministry in the end times." Using 30 topics, such as personal destiny, the will of God, the disciplined life, relationships, sexual purity, spiritual strongholds, worship, unity and faith, the writer builds a life application assignment and prayer that is ideal for both individuals and groups. The format includes motivational stories, quotations and biblical examples to enhance these short, practical and easy-to-comprehend teachings. The authors have been long-term missionaries and share many experiences they faced on the mission field.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: New Dreams:
author: Patricia B. Sawyer
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.25.2008 • author id: SaP4632108
word count: 130
It's wonderful to get a second chance at life. The do-overs, made so popular on our television screens of late, come nowhere close to the do over that God offers through Psalm 37:4: "Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart." This scripture's power to transform is often overlooked by the average Christian and forms the focus of the manuscript.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Spiritually Speaking:
author: Darrell E. Ovenshire
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.25.2008 • author id: OvD4822808
word count: 323
Using the five facts regarding speaking in tongues which are found in the fourteenth chapter of First Corinthians, the writer seeks to help Christians better perceive how the Holy Spirit intends this supernatural gift, or sign gift, to be used today. It may also be referred to as a spiritual weapon, spiritual armor for spiritual warfare, glossolalia or the evidence of "the baptism in the Holy Spirit". The author suggests how the Holy Spirit may use those willing individuals, who so desire, to better serve their Lord and Savior through the use of this gift. He also shows how speaking in tongues may assist the spiritual growth of a Christian. Jesus becomes the example enabling the reader to more clearly see how the Holy Spirit worked in a Human as He accomplished the work and will of the Father.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Quiet, Please! I'm Thinking!
author: James Lee Beall
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.25.2008 • author id: BeJ4831308
word count: 250
Quiet, Please! I'm Thinking! contains thirty brief, readable essays, each with a one-word title. The essays look at terms used in churches but often not explained, and they offer simple meaning especially helpful for new Christians or seekers. Topics include gratitude, virtue, adversity, character, and love.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Guest
author: Kenneth Armstrong
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.25.2008 • author id: ArK7473508
word count: 175
This tells about a learned man who at a late time of life entered one of the worst prisons in the federal system. Immediately, he heard others being referred to as convicts, detainees, inmates, jailbirds, cons, and yardbirds, but he refused those descriptions and called himself a "guest" of the government. In his spare time he began to learn to write in a popular style, quite unlike the dissertations, theses, and books that he had written before. At one point shortly before his release, he decided to create a book that would combine three different forms of writing - including, a memoir of his prison experiences, poetry that developed out of prisoner interchange, and short pieces of fiction that mirrored prison life. He learned how to develop positive friendships with convicted murderers, bank robbers, rapists, kidnappers, con men, and common thieves. Although two of his closest friends hung themselves in despair, through those experiences he learned how to make poetry and reason out the senseless loss of life. The lock-downs, riots, shakedowns, and racial tensions provided a canvas for developing stories and poems that his friends read, passed from hand to hand, and then sent home to their loved ones. The Guest is a reports intense prison life showing how one man used his experience to reinterpret his life, his character, and his future contribution to others.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Playing Games with God
author: Robert M. Smith
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.25.2008 • author id: SmRNonUS08
word count: 250
An old saying goes like this: "We tend to worship our work, work at our play, and play at our worship." This striking malaise that we see in the secular culture around us is, at the same time, an indictment against the church in our day. Though being "saved" out of the futility of life in this present unregenerate society, Christians can often be found dragging some of the vestiges of our old manner of life into the church. It is precisely here that we run into problems. It is here that games - some very serious indeed - begin to take shape; some unwittingly and others quite deliberate. It is time to expose them and time to eradicate them.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Wind
author: Douglas Cooper.
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.25.2008 • author id: CoD9450808
word count: 177
The Holy Spirit is the most neglected and misunderstood doctrine in Christendom, yet after the cross it is the most vital and essential. The purpose of this book is to indisputably demonstrate that the filling or baptism of the spirit is not merely a teaching to believe in, but an enlightening, empowering encounter to be experienced each day. It is the throbbing heart of a vital, dynamic Christianity. The writer declares "To live 'in the Spirit' is everything" and offers to show readers how to do it.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: A Church Engaged
author: Dean Schoen
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 5.21.2008 • author id: ScD4983708
word count: 100
This book focuses on the role of fellowship in the local church. The writer states, "When we learned that my wife had cancer, we chose a church because it offered what we were looking for, a comfortable spiritual environment so we could rededicate ourselves to Christ. But we found much more than that. Our original intent did not include the necessity of fellowship. But there it was being extended to us. Would we be disappointed? Would they be disappointed in us? We gave ourselves over to this new fellowship, leaning on it to celebrate our victories, and ease our disappointments. We found fellowship, pastoral support, prayer, love, and encouragement. This church stood by us. My wife and I found we did not have to go through this alone."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: True Significance:
author: David G. Hoffman
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 4.23.2008 • author id: HoD3306408
word count: 200
Significance has much to do with self-esteem and there have been libraries filled with how to regain, promote or manufacture self-esteem in children, teens and adults. The basic premise of this book is that our significance as individuals does not come from a how-to-manual or some sort of inner quest, nor is it possible within the widely held belief that "man is the measure of all things" as first stated by the Greek philosopher Protagoras. This secular philosophy actually undermines any true search for meaningful significance. For man to know that he is significant he must understand his proper relationship to God. God is our creator. We are created in his image and not the other way around. He has done great things for us, not the least of which is seeking a relationship with us through his son. Our significance comes from a proper understanding of who God is theologically, what he has done historically and what he requires of us practically.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Becoming a River of Life:
author: Brian Kruis
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 4.20.2008 • author id: KrB8732208
word count: 250
Becoming a River of Life is designed to help train believers to become effective disciple-makers. The book uses a biblical model of disciple-making along with practical tools and lessons to help equip every believer to carry out the Great Commission. This book is user-friendly with simple lessons, discussion questions, and complete with scriptures which focus on the basics of Christian life and growth.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Ascending the Heights in Prayer
author: Debbie Przybylski
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 4.20.2008 • author id: PrD2346408
word count: 259
Ascending the Heights in Prayer is designed to release the potential of prayer and intercession. It looks at prayer from many angles with the added dimension of motivation, instruction, and inspiration. The author gives personal illustrations, quotes, biblical examples, and various stories to enhance these practical and easy to comprehend teachings on prayer. It contains 33 motivational teachings on prayer with a personal or group application and prayer at the end of each chapter, designed for strengthening the individual prayer life as well as developing group praying. Relating to everyday life experiences, this book on prayer seeks to be helpful for new as well as mature Christians and crosses all denominational, age, and cultural barriers.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Your Desire Shall be for Your Husband
author: Deb Messer
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.24.2008 • author id: MeD2940608
word count: 200
The work provides scriptural insight for wives seeking to become more like Christ in their relationships with their husbands. This book and study guide work together to bring scriptural truth to light through testimonies and examples. Scriptural principles are the guiding force in this book and readers are led to ponder, pray, and practice what they learn about sin, forgiveness, emotions, purity, and other topics related to their marriages. The testimonies of God's work are firsthand, real, and straight from the heart. Readers will relate to many of the struggles, triumphs, and the daily grind of working toward becoming more of what God wants a wife to become.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Mr. Murphy Meets Discipleship: Why being and building
author: Will Sanborn
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.24.2008 • author id: SaW6860108
word count: 140
The manuscript takes a light-hearted but practical approach to what goes wrong and why in the Christian life and in church. There are so many programs and so many promises available to Christians today when it comes to being a disciple and making disciples, but the reality seldom lives up to those promises. The writer seeks to encourage Christians who are trying to do well but who are frustrated with the results of their efforts.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Create In Me: Finding Your Art Spirit
author: William Squires
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.24.2008 • author id: SqW3524408
word count: 100
This book leads the reader on a search through scripture and the visual arts to discover a spirit of love and service that elevates and enhances a fallen sinful world. My thesis is that hidden in Scripture and in the exemplary creations of artists are revelatory clues for finding your personal art spirit. Art spirit is defined by qualities commonly known as fruit of the spirit. These gifts of God to the artist is each of us are positive joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control and love (Galatians 5:22-23).These virtues are the salt of the Holy Spirit living through us when we search, dare, invent and express ourselves in work and play.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Create In Me: Finding Your Art Spirit
author: William Squires
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.24.2008 • author id: SqW3524408
word count: 100
This book leads the reader on a search through scripture and the visual arts to discover a spirit of love and service that elevates and enhances a fallen sinful world. The writer's thesis is that hidden in Scripture and in the exemplary creations of artists are revelatory clues for finding your personal art spirit. Art spirit is defined by qualities commonly known as fruit of the spirit. These gifts of God to the artist in each of us are positive joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control and love (Galatians 5:22-23).These virtues are the salt of the Holy Spirit living through us when we search, dare, invent and express ourselves in work and play.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Coming Alive:
author: Martha Jane Petersen
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.21.2008 • author id: PeM2871108
word count: 180
Coming Alive: A Journey into Art is a personal narrative that seeks to inspire readers to claim their longings for creativity and art-making. "As I share how I, a minister, became a quilt artist over the last fifteen years, readers can look over my shoulder and find themselves in my hesitations, challenges and resolutions in finding God's will to make art. A colored photo of my work reflects the theme of each chapter and the creative process that produced each art quilt." Coming Alive seeks to welcome readers of different faith backgrounds into its narrative. Reflection questions at the end of each chapter help readers consider questions about the role of art in a life of faith.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Miracles from the Dust: God's Power to Heal Revealed
author: Beresford, R. Mellor, John
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.21.2008 • author id: MeBNonUS08
word count:
The writer states, "For the last eight years I have travelled almost continually, and in every country God has done incredible miracles. I have witnessed deaf ears hearing and blind eyes seeing. Other diseases, like multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia, which medicine has no answers for, have also been healed completely and wheelchairs cast aside as their occupants ran around the room! Many newspapers have published accounts of phenomenal healings and stories have also been broadcast on television. However, my life hasn't always been like this. I was an alcoholic and troubled teenager before I became a Christian at the age of twenty. Although I eventually became a pastor, I was cynical about the reality of God's healing power, and even when I saw a crippled man walk for the first time, I struggled to believe. But God took me on an amazing journey and, despite great personal tragedy, a river of healing began that continues to this day. From the red dust of the outback, and the dust of my broken life, God truly has brought amazing miracles."
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: SONshine in Your Child
author: Jim & Kathy Heiniger
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 3.20.2008 • author id: HeJ3271308
word count: 80
The intent of this book is to help parents train their young child to embrace the truth that Jesus Christ will live His life through them and encourage the child's spiritual growth over time. The writers start with the message that parents are role models for children's behavior and the critical element is faith in identifying with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Galatians 2:20). Provided are educational fun family games with skits, exercises, Parent Tips and manners. The goal is to assist parents in guiding children to a deeper spiritual life that is age appropriate.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: I Can Dance in My Underwear:
author: Rodney Nielsen
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.20.2008 • author id: NiR4635008
word count: 89
This is a study of genuine personal worship, the result of a series of sermons preached to Agape Christian Church of La Porte, Indiana and is intended to help the reader take his eyes off of himself or those around him and focus truly on Jesus Christ. Instead of gathering to secure a good feeling or to do the things we like, worship is a time to allow the elements of worship to help us connect with our Lord.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Navigating the Maze:
author: Wanda Puder
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.20.2008 • author id: PuW9505108
word count: 152
The writer summarizes, "Some people know their adult lives aren't working. The victorious Christian life? I don't think so! Have they ever asked the Lord to show them the root of the problem? Have they considered that their anger, judgmentalism, legalism, or addictions may be rooted in childhood pain? If they do recognize their past abuse, do they know the steps to become free?" In the 55 meditations, the author addresses real issues including rage, fantasy, and shame. She takes the reader on her journey to know and draw near to the heavenly Father after being abused by her own father.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Gift of Barzillai:
author: K. Joshua Christiansen
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.20.2008 • author id: ChK0307108
word count: 75
This is the first in a series of short books, about 8,000 - 10,000 words each, that look at how God worked through seemingly insignificant people in the Bible in significant ways. The Gift of Barzillai is about how and why Barzillai's gift of "walking with David" became so important to David in the days of his greatest trial that he singled Barzillai's son out for special blessing as he lay dying. Barzillai gave supplies to David when he fled Jerusalem; but more importantly, Barzillai spiritually walked with David as he attempted to deal with seemingly everything falling apart in his life (2 Samuel 15-19). Barzillai's son, Kimham, then used the land received as a blessing from David to build an inn which most likely would become the birthplace of Jesus. All of this exemplifies how important it is that we walk with others while walking with God.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: You Won't Cry Forever: Visions of Hope
author: Van Vradenburg
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 2.20.2008 • author id: VrV9500408
word count:
Each year, 15,000 children die in the United States. This book is CPR for their bewildered parents. The author, who lost his 13-year old son, gently introduces much-needed hope into a parent’s seemingly hopeless equation by relating how God has been a constant comforter to him. In the process God's own parental heart is revealed, as is His own qualification to be an advocate (God Himself lost His own son), and there is important emphasis on the certainty that life does not end with a funeral. Our culture's definition of life is re-examined and a Biblical perspective and the promises of the Lord Jesus are introduced. The author shares his own heartbreak. He shares how a present God comforts and sustains him on a daily basis, failing not once. The narrative is filled with hope for a sorrowed parent and offers vital perspective such a parent is desperate to hear.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Ten Life Choices:
author: Robert Perdue
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.24.2008 • author id: PeR2013608
word count:
Most people spend their lives planning to live, looking for life, trying to make life work or struggling with life. This is tragic because life is the point. It was God's first gift to us and it is what Jesus came to bring! 10 Life Choices reveals why we are missing life and gives the reader 10 practical decisions that everyone can make to recover the life they were always meant to live!
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Eye of God is Large
author: Erna Loewen-Rudgers
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.24.2008 • author id: LoENonUS08
word count:
Maria is a teacher in a small town in Canada. She applies for a teaching position in rural Kenya posted on the Internet. She applies, is interviewed by the president of Christ is the King Mission (CKM) and offered the position. At the airport near Nairobi in Africa, she is met by the directors of CKM in Kenya and taken to the small isolated community of Olituktuk, where she will live and work with the Maasai. Maria lives in a mud hut, teaches English to local children and rapidly becomes enmeshed in the Maasai culture. Her difficult relationship with CKM directors and disgruntled long-term missionaries tests her faith and forces her to rely on the Maasai community for support. Lane Williams, an experienced and well-liked, British community development worker in the area helps her process the differences between the Maasai culture and her own and becomes her friend. This novel reveals the complexities of living and working in a new culture. It exposes the incredible gap between the rich western world, the missionaries, and the Africans with whom they work. As well it explores the Maasai traditions and spirituality which have a profound influence on Maria's life.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Constructing a Loom Where Faith Can Grow:
author: Melissa Bacon
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.23.2008 • author id: BaM7220708
word count: 210
Subtitled: Gently using the liturgical year and daily planning to support your family in faith This notebook, with its questionnaires, study guides, facts and daily calendars, revives the richness of the liturgical calendar offering practical suggestions for its use in the daily worship of Jesus Christ and growing daily in the Light of Christ. Romans 13:12-14 tells us to "put on the armor of Light . . . put on Jesus." Likewise, Ephesians tells us that we are children of the Light and reminds us to live like it. But today's fast-paced rhythm makes it difficult for families to set aside time to come together everyday to celebrate their faith. As a result parents are not sharing their faith traditions, and children are learning that faith can only grow at Church. This notebook's aim is to assist families in designing home worship and lasting Christian family traditions.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Morning Wings:
author: Jim Teeters
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.23.2008 • author id: TeJ9806408
word count: 140
The work is a reflective journal written for those seeking personal and spiritual wisdom. The writer takes the words of wisdom found in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 and brings them to life with poems, personal stories, and exercises, to awaken the heart and to engage the mind. The book consists of 31 short chapters with black and white photos. It can be read by individuals or groups interested in self-improvement. The appendix offers a small group leaders guide on how to start and lead a study.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Covenant Promises:
author: Richard W. Murphy
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 1.23.2008 • author id: MuR3420108
word count: 210
Covenant Promises is the story of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as told by God in the book of Genesis through his prophet Moses. God chose these men to be his friends, and he offers us the same friendship that he gave to them. By studying the lives of these men, we get to see what it is like to be a friend of God. The life that God gave these men is the same life he promises us. They received the promises of the covenant God gave to them just as we can receive the promises of the covenant that God's son Jesus Christ offers us. The viewpoint challenges some of the decisions made by these men, exploring what we might do differently today by following New Testament teachings. This book is meant to lead the reader to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior through an understanding of God's covenant promises.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Why Can’t I Get It Right? A New Look at Christian Freedom
author: Roger Seymour
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 12.31.2012 • author id: ReT9176212
word count:
In his dual role as therapist and minister, Roger Seymour sees it all. He counsels the Christian worker fighting a secret shopping compulsion, the pastor addicted to pornography, the business professional plagued by self-sabotage. Their common plight is expressed in the anguished cry: Why can’t I get it right? Seymour has a surprising answer: There is no it ! The failure of Christians to live up to their self-imposed standards is a result of misdirected faith. As believers, we are constantly tempted to direct our faith away from the person of Christ. Our focus then shifts to our own ability - or inability - to do things right. Before we realize it, an obsession with behavior and performance has supplanted a total reliance on Christ. Seymour disassembles the preconceptions about Christianity that believers take for granted, and pulls back the curtain on the glorious liberty that Christ promised His followers. Then he guides readers through a rediscovery of the joy that comes through simple faith in Christ - plus nothing.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Butterflies on Cow Patties: Finding God in the Unlikeliest of Places
author: Elise T. Harriger
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 12.31.2012 • author id: HaE7872211
word count: 160 Pages
This is the story of finding God—not by sermon, not by religious talk—but by witnessing a brutal death. At only sixteen, the writer was a passenger in a car that hit and killed a young man who was fighting in a high school brawl in West Texas. The dramatic events that followed, including the ensuing murder trial and national-media coverage of the incident and the corresponding spiritual impact on the writer, form the basis of this story. The narrative explores the paradoxical truth that the darkest moments of our lives are often necessary for us to truly encounter the divine—that the beauty of the butterfly often comes with the dung of life. Through the lens of the author’s life, the reader will encounter potential responses, both creative and destructive, to the darkness around us. For the author, the traumatic events described in this story illuminated first the Cross and then a path to care for the suffering.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Cure
author: Steve Byrens
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • author id: ByS4907612
word count:
Popular TV shows like “America’s Funniest Home Videos†reveal a common aspect of human nature: We often act before thinking through our actions.Inside each of us there seems programmed a tendency to deny our weaknesses and vulnerability. Consequently we struggle to admit we need God. We don’t like to admit that we can’t make it on our own—we are in control! In the section of Scripture known as “The Beatitudes†Jesus lays out principles that work much like a doctor’s diagnosis process: By demonstrating the vast difference between the heart of God and the heart of man, He reveals our deep spiritual sickness—the folly of trying to live without God. Like a person who is sick with cancer, it is not until you receive your diagnosis and accept your disease that you become willing to take the steps necessary to find a cure. The book’s mesage is that cure that Jesus offers.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Tools for Effective Prayer: Mechanics, Dynamics, and Contents
author: Clarence Washington
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 1.31.2013 • author id: WaC8719213
word count: 130,478
Your current prayer life is "perfectly designed to produce the result you are getting" (Dallas Willard). Therefore, if you want a prayer life that will bring more glory to God, enable you to see God’s face more clearly than you have ever seen it before, and move God’s hand in your favor like never before—then you must start praying like you have never prayed before! Tools for Effective Prayer will teach you how to do that. This handbook allows believers to obtain information on the tools needed for effective prayer: the mechanics, dynamics, and contents of prayer. Effective prayer is, without a doubt, the key element to rising above a mediocre, ordinary Christian life. This book presents the hows and whys of effective prayer using the “KISS” principle—Keep It Simple, Saints. The subject matter presented is thorough and detailed, yet accessible for anyone.
Clarence Washington is a graduate of Luther Rice Seminary with a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies. He has several post-graduate courses toward a Masters of Arts in Biblical Studies. He has served as the senior pastor at Abundant Life Community Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for the past fourteen years and has a total of twenty-five years of pastoral leadership experience. He is a graduate of DeVry Institute of Technology with a degree in electronic engineering technology; he retired with thirty years of experience in the field of engineering.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: My Way or the Highway
author: Hope Anderson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 5.16.2013 • author id: AnH6126513
word count: 45,000
Before the Reformation, the church sold the keys to the kingdom of God for a fee. Today there’s no charge; salvation is given freely for the pittance of reciting a prayer. A prayer, one might add, that’s nowhere found in the Bible. At a time when discipleship is considered difficult and sanctification a dirty word, very few are learning to walk the narrow road of the Way.
The Way is a lifelong journey of surrender, of becoming the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ. It’s a place where disobedience is not an option and believers do what they say they believe because Jesus says, “…whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life,” and those who truly believe will walk as Jesus did. To merely say a few words and go on about our lives as before is to never have believed in the first place, and our eternal future is at stake.
Through everyday examples, witnessing to the Word, this book will help point you to the Way. It’s the highway of holiness and the only Way that leads us home. “My way” doesn’t exist. What road are you on?
Hope Anderson is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. She believes that as followers of Christ, we cannot merely read the Word and say we believe it. We must stand and walk by faith upon it, doing what it says in the midst of our everyday eat, sleep, and go to work lives.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Mother's Milk...nutrition for the faith of your child
author: DeeDee Cass
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 6.25.2013 • author id: CaD1938313
word count: 46,000
(Working title: Mother’s Milk…nutrition for the faith of your child)
There is a cry in the night that must be satisfied. Every mother has heard it. It’s a cry that pierces sleep and raises weary heads from pillows of comfort. It’s a cry that screams need and begs a mother’s help. This cry sounds from the soul of every child. It is a cry of hunger for God. Mother’s Milk satisfies the cry in the night.
Mother’s Milk is a personal collection of Biblical principles that serve tobuild and nurture faith in the next generation. The aim of Mother’s Milk is to teach mothers a unique and inspirational method of integrating scripture into the lives of their children. Seeking to maximize faith influence in the family, Mother’s Milk is designed to leverage a child’s conscience toward God and a mother’s desire to do what is right for her young.
By offering a study of wisdom from the Bible that will frame motherhood in a faith home Mother’s Milk will:
· Transform the family by developing a Biblical worldview;
· Equip mothers and children to apply scriptural principles to daily living;
· Maximize maternal influence to build godly character and integrity in the home.
DeeDee Cass has been a Community Bible Study Teaching Director for seventeen years. She has also provided leadership and teaching in Evangelism and Small Group ministries. Mother’s Milk reflects her passion for building faith in the next generation. It has been presented in her community as a class on scriptural parenting. DeeDee is the author of The Scripture Code…unlocking spiritual wealth.
Community Bible Study—over 100,000 members; personal network including readers of The Scripture Code.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Between Here and Glory
author: Katie Hoffman
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 7.24.2013 • author id: HoK7613713
word count: 55000
Most Christian women share the desire to make their lives count for something, not just here on earth, but for eternity. But then life becomes filled with unexpected and unavoidable situations, and they grow weary from the trials and the disappointments--and they wonder how to live fully for Christ.
At the same time, Jesus said He came to give life and that life more abundantly, thus Christians should be the happiest and most satisfied people on earth. So it becomes a great mystery to many Christians when they still feel unsatisfied and their hearts continue to ache even though they love God and are doing all they can to live for Him. It seems to not make sense.
In Between Here and Glory, Katie answers the questions, Why don’t I always feel fully satisfied? Why does my heart ache? with valid, scriptural answers. She explains how emptiness and unsatisfied longings do not contradict God’s promises but rather point us to the grace to come.
In the meantime, we often respond to these feelings of dissatisfaction, ache, and longing with self-pity and discontentment when we should be putting our hope fully on the grace and glory to come. We let the emotions distract us from Jesus instead of driving us to Jesus. But when we live with eternity in mind, these unsatisfied desires and longings make sense—becoming desires that God wants to fully satisfy, when the time is right. Understanding the future God has prepared for us opens our eyes to see just how deeply, how fiercely, and how eternally loves us.
Katie Hoffman is a Christian speaker for moms’ groups, women’s retreats, and other women’s events. Her website and blog www.katiehoffman.org lead women to a greater understanding of God’s Word, His goodness, and His sovereignty. Her platform includes over 1,600 Facebook fans and she has a regular newsletter for her email subscribers. Her self-published books The Joy of Living for Jesus and When a Mother Follows Christ were downloaded 22,177 times and sold 1,070 copies in 2012 on Amazon.com. She graduated from Calvary Chapel Bible College with her degree in biblical theology. Katie has been married to her wonderful husband, Todd, for almost 14 years, and they have four homeschooled children.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Stand Firm: Godly Counsel for the Last Days
author: Daniel Blair
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 8.31.2013 • author id: BlD7868113
word count: 244 Pages
In the coming days, a solid theological belief system may be our only hope for standing firm in our faith.
As we fast approach the end of days, we have seen an increase in demonic activity, an epidemic of psychological problems, and increasing pressure from the religious establishment to accept other belief systems in the name of tolerance. This ready resource will help the end-time saint remain faithful to Jesus in a predominately secularized world, enhancing the ability to recognize the devils schemes and to face intense persecution. Reverend Blair is convinced that God has given the Christian everything needed for life and godliness, and he supports this by offering practical application. So as you go along your way, return to this book again and again to drink from the fountain of knowledge concerning your salvation in Jesus Christ and godly counsel on how to Stand Firm in the last days.
Rev. Daniel W. Blair is an ordained Southern Baptist Minister and Christian counselor who has studied at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. His counsel has freed many hurting people from their emotional and psychological problems. Rev. Blair has published two previous books and has written numerous articles for a popular blog. The books presentation at future preaching events, to 700 followers on his blog, and thousands in social media will guarantee its success.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Getting Into the Shape of Your Life: Cycling and the Art of Spiritual Formation
author: Carl Hofmann
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 12.18.2013 • author id: HoC8002713
word count: 50,000
Getting Into the Shape of Your Life: Cycling and the Art of Spiritual Formation pairs cycling and Christian spirituality as conversation partners, encouraging a mutually enriching dialogue about deeper holistic health. Thoughtful writing clarifies ancient principles of Christian spiritual formation and draws upon interviews with experts in Boulder’s vibrant international cycling community. Scripture and quotations from Christian spiritual writers commingle with training tips from past and current cycling pros, inviting a transformative embrace of physical and spiritual fitness. The content is inviting to a wide array of cycling enthusiasts, from casual recreational riders to competitive racers, both Christians and spiritual seekers. Ringing throughout with a celebration of sport and relying on the belief that great conversations take place at the crossroads of the sacred and the secular, this book calls readers to nurture soul and body in community.
Carl Hofmann serves as Pastor for Spiritual Formation and Discipleship at First Presbyterian Church of Boulder, Colorado, a large, vibrant church in a town that is a de facto mecca for the cycling world. Carl has been an avid road cyclist for 15 years and enjoys his connections with professionals (active and retired) like Connie Carpenter, Davis Phinney, Andy Pruitt, Dale Stetina, Ted King, Frank Pipp, and others. Carl is coached by FasCat cycling in Boulder and has ridden most of the high mountain passes of Colorado, along with numerous centuries, organized, and charity rides.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Holy Heroes
author: Scott Bayles
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 2.27.2014 • author id: BaS6267514
word count: 40,000
Superheroes are everywhere. You see them on t-shirts, in the toy aisle of every major store, and even tattooed on the arms of enthusiastic fans. The biggest blockbusters for last ten years are comic-book movies. And it isn’t just ticket sales that are on the rise. Superhero costuming, or cosplay, has exploded into pop culture in the past few years. It’s a fundamental part of comic-book conventions, and image hosting web-sites are rife with pictures of enthusiastic fans clad in elaborate costumes, cowls and capes.
Written from the perspective of a lifelong comic-book fan and active costumer, Holy Heroes builds a bridge from the fictional world of superheroes to the one true superhero—Jesus Christ. Like modern-day parables, the stories of comic-book heroes like Batman, Spider-man, and Iron-Man are used to illustrate the timeless truths of God’s Word. Chock-full of family photos and tales of cosplay adventures, in conjunction with the stories of various comic-book superheroes, Holy Heroes unpacks those timeless truths and helps superhero fans connect with them in a relatable, relevant way.
Scott Bayles has over fifteen years of pastoral experience and has been a comic-book enthusiast for twice as long. He’s a well-known and well-respected costumer and, as founder of Costumers for Christ, Scott travels to children’s hospitals, charity events, and comic-book conventions all over the Midwest where this book could be sold.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Lessons in Spiritual Warfare Learned from a Hobbit
author: CliffAnn Perry
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 3.29.2014 • author id: PeC2794914
word count: 40,046
Have you ever longed for the adventure that Frodo faced as he set out with the ring? Do you wish for the close-knit fellowship of those who worked together to defeat Sauron? Did you realize that you have an enemy as deadly as theirs?
Lessons in Spiritual Warfare Learned from a Hobbit takes the reader on a quest to discover that many of the trials and temptations faced by Frodo and his companions are similar to those we face as believers. The book combines events in the story of The Lord of the Rings with scripture, personal testimony and life application.
We have an enemy who wishes to enslave us; we, like the hobbits, can learn to use our weapons and not give in to temptation. Let's travel together on a journey that will help you defeat fear, pride, lust and all the numerous trials your enemy throws at you. Come and get to know the power of the Lord of Glory who will teach you to stand and be victorious.
CliffAnn Perry has a BA in Christian Education from Asbury College and a Masters in Communication from Regent University. She is the program director and a founding board member of Creative Ministries, Inc. For over 35 years she has worked with ministry teams using the creative arts to teach, do outreach and train others to minister. They have touched the lives of adults, teens and children in 20 nations. This book is a creative effort to address many of the warfare stuggles she has faced and seen in the lives of those she trains.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: It's Not About You
author: R Thomas Collins II
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 3.29.2014 • author id: CoR7222314
word count: 80,000
We evangelical Christians have it all together. We’ve got God’s blessings poured out on us in volumes. We have the right house, the right clothes, the right car… We have God’s stamp of approval. What could we possibly be missing, or hiding?
Pride, putting ourselves above all others, is a trap set for everyone. We slide comfortably into it and soon don’t realize our world is built around us. We methodically build our landscape so we are the focus. Instead of building God’s kingdom, we build our own. In the process, we heinously dethrone God and steal His glory. But God, in His grace and mercy, has made a way to bring us to the place where it’s not about us and our kingdoms, but about Him and His.
Dr. R. Thomas Collins, II, MD is a licensed physician and expert in his field. He has published multiple articles and book chapters. He has spoken at national and international meetings as an invited speaker. Dr. Collins has been involved in radio, television, and web-based interviews and marketing. He has been a devout Christian for over 30 years and has served as an elder and teacher in churches of which he has been a member.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Three Word Wisdom
author: Bernard L. Potvin
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 4.29.2014 • author id: PoB3H5S914
word count: 40, 400 words
Three Word Wisdom contains 28 stories, each titled with three words. Each story tells one aspect of the particular way of being in the world Jesus identified as the kingdom of God--a way that brings about right and good relationship with others, self, the world we live in, and God. The stories are about being parents, teachers, friends, and spouses, and they touch on ordinary events that turned out to reveal extraordinary wisdom. Some stories are poignant; some are humorous.
The authors are a university professor and his graduate student; a male and a female; a father and a mother, a wife and a husband; an old and a young person; a western Canadian and an eastern Canadian; a seasoned Christian and a new Christian. Their lives intersected briefly in graduate school at the University of Calgary. They agreed to write two distinct but not separate perspectives on their experiences.
Bernie Potvin is a former pastor, recovering fundamentalist, university professor (Education), parent and husband, and published author (in the academic world). He has told many of his stories in conferences, keynote addresses, and workshops.
Joy is a mother, wife, health-care worker, and active writer. She lives in Newfoundland. Her stories invite the experiential nod from mothers, wives, and new Christians seeking to understand and live the principles of the kingdom of God.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Long Expected Jesus
author: Rick Thompson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 7.28.2014 • author id: ThR7301214
word count: 46923
This book was written with the Christmas season in mind but will resonate with believers all year long. It explores the many ways the Old Testament points to Jesus. Why is this important? One, because many followers of Jesus have a limited understanding of the relationship between the Old and New Testament and how all of the scriptures, not just the New Testament, point to the good news of the gospel. Second, this book will greatly enhance the experience of advent in preparation for the Christmas season. It is divided into 25 short chapters for each day of Advent and is intended to be read one chapter at a time beginning December 1 culminating on Christmas day. Readers will discover how to read the Old Testament in an exciting new way that will greatly enhance their spiritual growth as well as bring fresh meaning to the Advent season.
Rick Thompson has been senior pastor of Council Road Baptist Church in Bethany Oklahoma, a suburb of Oklahoma City, for more than eleven years. CRBC has been a leading church in Oklahoma for many years and has a membership of more than 3,000. He holds a D.Min. from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri, an M.Div. from Southwestern Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, and a B.A. in business from Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Dr. Thompson has served on the board of trustees for the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention for eight years and on the board of trustees for Global Action for nine years. He was the founding pastor of Colonial Church in Wichita Falls, Texas, where he served for twelve years. In addition, he has served as adjunct professor of New Testament, Old Testament, and Church History at Wayland Baptist University.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: New
author: Phil Baker
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 10.7.2014 • author id: BaP7702214
word count: 91,370
Working Title: New
When I began to study the Anti-Nicene Christian writings, I realized how seriously and literally the believers during the first three centuries took the words of Jesus, and how they let those words filter their understanding of everything else. A great crisis ensued in my heart as Jesus challenged me to take His teachings at face value as well, and let them be the lens by which I viewed everything else. I was a seminary student and full-time worship leader in a mainline denomination when Jesus simply asked me, “If your traditions and doctrines don’t line up with Mine, which of those should be put out to pasture? New wine must be poured into new wineskins.”
Though I didn’t fully understand it, I came to faith in Jesus with many old wineskins in the areas of His teaching, the Holy Spirit and the Old Testament. New reveals how those filters affected the way I interpreted the plain instructions of Jesus and the rest of the Bible, the messes that approach to reading the Scriptures caused, and how God graced me with new wineskins to receive Him correctly and live victoriously.
Working Title: New
Phil Baker is the pastor of New Beginnings Bible Church in Houston, TX, and holds an undergraduate and advanced degree. He has served as a student minister, worship leader and interim pastor. Phil writes a weekly devotional on the Ante-Nicene Christians, and is available to speak at churches, conferences and venues where this book is sold. Phil and his wife, Stephanie, live in Houston with their two children.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Unshaken: An ER Doctor's Prescription for Living with Power
author: Lina AbuJamra
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 11.14.2014 • author id: AbL6005614
word count: 42000
Why is it that we often know what to do, have great motivation for change, yet fail to follow through? Or we make changes in the moment that don't last past our current crisis? We all face tough seasons in our lives when our circumstances seem out of our control. We become discouraged and afraid. We feel shaken.We are not alone. No matter how strong we claim our faith in God is, when life is hard, we must decide whether we really believe what we say we believe. The answer we come up with will affect our feelings and our future far more than we can imagine. In this book I will help you understand the disconnect between what you say you believe and how you live. I'll also give you biblical strategies for change so that you will be able to stand strong, unshaken in the heat of the most daunting battle you might be facing.
I am an ER doctor, author, and speaker, and I help people live with power by connecting biblical answers to everyday life. I use the same skills serving patients in the emergency room as I do helping people build their faith and manage critical decisions.
I was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon, and now call Chicago home. I've written two books, Thrive: The Single Life as God Intended and Stripped: When God’s Call turns from Yes to Why Me? both published by Moody Press.
As a thriving single woman in my 40s, I want to invite others to experience the freedom and joy of following God’s unique plan for their life. Today I continue to practice medicine while running my nonprofit organization, Living With Power Ministries, a Bible teaching ministry that helps people get stronger. I share stories of faith at my popular blog livingwithpower.org.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Spirit and the Flesh
author: Roman Bej
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 11.11.2014 • author id: BeR2360814
word count: 74,000
“Some times are good, some times are bad”, as the old saying goes. It’s all too true, as life is full of peaks and valleys and being a Christian doesn’t exclude us from the human race. Christians share the same life experiences with everyone else with one important exception – the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit and the Flesh is a book that examines the Holy Spirit’s guidance and involvement in our lives. Each chapter focuses on everyday experiences that the reader can identify with, while at the same time touching on theological subjects that the Christian church has grappled with for centuries. The reader will discover how topics such as the sovereignty of God, human free will and total depravity have a bearing on their lives.
The Spirit and the Flesh is targeted to the millions of Christians who enjoy discussing biblical topics at their local churches, home groups and at coffee houses. To better relate with the readers, and to provide fodder for their discussions a short story written in dialogue format is inserted each chapter.
Mr. Roman Bej is life-long Christian who was raised in the Catholic Church, but now a non-denominational Christian, he attends several churches. He was a contributor to Victory Herald (a monthly e-zine), has taught Sunday school, and has been a youth leader. He has a strong passion for stimulating others to think about God and to reflect on biblical concepts. An independent thinker, Mr. Bej challenges readers to question what they may have heard in churches or read in other books.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Walk On: A Journey of Life and Faith from the Valley of Despair to the Mountaintop of Praise
author: Ronald Bracy
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 4.18.2015 • author id: BrR7825915
word count: 43,795
This positive study of the Old Testament book of Habakkuk is designed to help people struggling with the joys and sorrows experienced throughout life, grappling with the age-old questions of “pain and evil.” The Jewish people enslaved in the oppression of ancient Babylon asked, “How then shall we live—now?” (Ezekiel 33:10). Countless people ask the same question today. As a veteran of the Vietnam War, a military chaplain, a pastor, and a teacher, my ministry has occurred in various communities from military bases to rural villages to urban cities to college campuses to private high schools. Regardless of the locale, the question is always the same: “Where is God in the midst of my hurting?” When my son was killed during the War on Terror in 2005, the valley of despair became real to me. This valley was also real to the prophet Habakkuk. In his book the prophet reveals the truths of God's great message of hope. These truths form the content of my book and will help the reader to know there is a way out of the valley of despair; to know that “God is with them; and, to know they can eventually reach the mountaintop of praise. They will be able to "Walk On."
Dr. Ron L. Bracy is a veteran of the Vietnam War, a retired military chaplain and pastor, a teacher, and a coach. He flew 183 combat missions in Vietnam, has served at numerous sites around the world, and was on duty at the Pentagon on 9-11-2001. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the USAF Academy, and a Master's Degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, as well as a Doctorate of Philosophy degree in Biblical Studies and Ethics. Dr. Bracy has been a guest lecturer at biblical conferences and colleges. His book "Walk On" is a compilation of life experiences. He is the husband of Judith (nee Van Hyfte) Bracy for 48 years and has one daughter, one son (killed in the War on Terror), five grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. He has taught at colleges and graduate schools and currently teaches philosophy and ethics at a private Christian school.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Rising on the Potter's Wheel: Molding Disciples Through Conversation in Community
author: Jacob Caldwell
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 4.18.2015 • author id: CaJ4230115
word count: 150,000
Designed principally for small group use, this book presents weekly scripture readings alongside creative messages and corresponding discussion prompts crafted to challenge the mind, stir the heart, and compel readers to put their faith into action. Each chapter concludes with a prayer to add breadth and depth to the reader’s prayer life and a communion liturgy tying the message to the Lord’s Supper. While each of the fifty-two chapters could stand on their own, in the course of a year, weekly users would be exposed to key biblical concepts and motifs and would be challenged to pursue spiritual growth. Readers would enjoy creative and engaging exposition of key biblical stories while also being invited to think and participate in conversations about the nature of God, the human predicament, Christology, ecclesiology, etc. The accompanying prayers and communion liturgies would be aimed at broadening the audience’s image of God and enriching their prayer language. This is a resource for discipleship and theological formation.
Education: B.A. in Biblical Studies, Eastern University (St. Davids, PA); M.A. in Bible, Asbury Theological Seminary (Wilmore, KY); MDiv, Lexington Theological Seminary (Lexington, KY).
Professional: Ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) currently serving as the Senior Minister of First Christian Church in Owensboro KY.
Publishing: peer reviewed articles, devotional literature, and book reviews. Sampling of recent work: “Created for Peace.” In Fellowship of Prayer. St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2014; “Praying Like a Sinner.” In Fellowship of Prayer. St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2013; "The Viability of Christian Same-Sex Unions." Journal of Theology & Sexuality 16.1 (2010): 59-76; “Reading Luke for Community Formation Against Ageism.” Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Ageing 16.1 (2010): 211-19. Co-authored with Diana Caldwell.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The 10-Minute Guide to Bible Mastery
author: Katharine Wang
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 5.9.2015 • author id: WaK2218215
word count: 75,000
Using techniques learning research has shown increase recall and understanding, readers can learn the key parts of the Bible in minutes a day.
Most Christians desire to know the Bible better, but many are too busy to spend hours a day in study. By using techniques that learning research has shown boost recall and understanding, research suggests that instead of remembering, on average, just 10% of what they read, people could recall 30-60% and understand the material up to 80% better.
The 10-Minute Guide to Bible Mastery appears to be the first Christian living book designed around research into learning and memory. It applies techniques from learning research to the Bible in practical, ten-minute segments that empower readers to learn and remember the key parts of the Bible. Through unique methods that help create more connections in the brain, transfer material to long-term memory, and apply Bible truths to everyday life, readers can experience more from their time with God.
Katharine H. Wang is the founder of Master the Bible Ministries. She holds a M.A. in Theological Studies from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and a J.D. from Yale Law School. She speaks at events where the book could be sold, and Master the Bible Ministries will aggressively promote the book.
Choice Books is excited about the book, and has informed Katharine that this genre has sold well for them.
Potential endorsers include a biblical scholar (Dallas Theological Seminary, Yale University) and a learning and memory PhD (University of Colorado).
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Points of Grace: Empowerment for Hard Times
author: Stuart Cedrone
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 7.6.2015 • author id: CeS3279815
word count: 43,634
“My karma ran over my dogma.”
There are times in our lives when our hardness and dogmatism find a path back to us in the words and actions of others.
And when they find a path back to us, they have a way of breaking us.
Truly, what goes around comes around – as God’s word clearly states (Ob. 15; Matt. 7:2).
These divine appointments when our arrogance and insensitivity find a path back to us are always expressions of God’s love, not His punishment. We can thus be certain that the relevant trials that are associated with these times are intended to be – not curses – but, rather, blessings.
God’s principal objective in this activity is to break us of the self-destructive tendencies that surfaced in the lives of Adam and Eve as a result of The Fall:
• A proud arrogance that seeks independence from our Creator’s will
• A self-justification that offers excuses rather than honest confessions of truth
• An unhealthy fear of God that causes us to flee from His presence
“Points of Grace” are identified and developed in this work, and these spiritual insights provide empowerment to grow from these God-appointed trials rather than be crushed by them.
Stuart Cedrone is a retired IT Architect who has a Ph.D. in philosophy from The University of Connecticut.
He was a certified mental health professional in Johnson County, Texas (mental health case management), and he is currently a philosophical practitioner:
He is a published author:
Righteousness Inside Out: The Believer's Guide to Experiencing the Righteousness of Christ
(Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 1996)
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Never Ending Gifts: A Starter Kit for New Christians
author: Kris Lindsey
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 10.1.2015 • author id: LiK9565015
word count: 10,000
In this post-Christian era, many new believers have little or no church background. They don’t know what church is about and are embarrassed to ask questions everyone else seems to know. The Never Ending Gifts: A Starter Kit for New Christians gives new believers the basics they need to get to know God and confidently join in at church where their faith can grow.
When new Christians asked me, “Where are the other books the pastor talked about, like the book of Matthew?” and “What is a verse?” it made me think. What other book has books inside? And isn’t a “verse” normally part of a song? No wonder they were confused. Other new Christians said, “Before I start going to church, I need to clean up some things in my life,” and never went at all.
The Never Ending Gifts motivates new believers to jump into the Christian life by dispelling their misconceptions, giving them a glimpse of the treasures they’ll find, and providing basic information about the Bible, church, prayer, and more. Easy hands-on exercises help them find a church, read and underline their Bible, start a prayer journal, memorize a verse, and put together their testimony.
Kris Lindsey is trained in two discipleship methods, including “Navigators,” and was head of Discipleship Ministry at her church. She has discipled many new Christians, so she knows their apprehensions, questions, and needs. Kris has published several stories in anthologies, including Chicken Soup for the Soul, and has a B.A. in Social Work.
This little book is designed for any evangelical church to buy in bulk to hand to new Christians.
Once Kris has sample booklets, she will approach the District Superintendent (CA, AZ, NV, HI) of her denomination—her former pastor—to explore avenues to get the book out to the greater church. She’ll also present sample booklets in person to evangelical churches in the Sacramento and San Francisco Bay areas, and mail them, with a follow-up phone call, to other churches and evangelical organizations in the U.S. In addition, Kris will pursue getting the book into church supply catalogs.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Abide In Me: Being Fully Alive In Christ
author: Doug Early
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 12.9.2015 • author id: EaD9810515
word count: 22,350
The Christian Scriptures speak of a life qualitatively different from that which we see portrayed on videos, movie screens, and the pages of magazines. The Scriptures proclaim that we can experience “eternal life,” the very “life of God,” here and now. Most of us long for such a life. Yet we have also discovered that experiencing this life is not simply a matter of following seven specific steps or nine important principles. In this book, Rev. Doug Early reminds us that the way to the fullness of life that God offers has little to do with our striving and far more to do with receiving what is already at hand. Using the wisdom found in the First Letter of John, Abide In Me serves as a guide to experiencing a life of joy, purpose, and love. Readers are invited to explore the breadth and depth of the life that comes from abiding in the presence of Christ and attending to the Spirit of Christ abiding in each of us. For anyone wanting more in life but tired of working hard and getting nowhere, this book offers hope of experiencing the life of God in Christ, here and now.
Rev. Early has pastored the same congregation in Seattle for 20 years. He knows the reality of the struggles Christians face daily and the wisdom available from the Scriptures. He also has the ability to put the deep mysteries of life with God into words that are accessible and inviting, having preached roughly 1,000 original sermons. Rev. Early brings the full wealth of this knowledge and skill together in this book.
• Promotions through author’s existing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WordPress blog, email list / the congregation’s Facebook account and email list and Seattle Presbytery’s email list.
• Book launch party / promotion through Queen Anne Book Company.
• Press releases to local papers and blogs: Seattle Times, PI, Weekly, Stranger, Queen Anne News, Queen Anne View.
• Contacts at local radio, television stations, Kindling’s Muse podcast.
• Develop speeches / classes / seminars
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Vessels for Honor
author: David Wickholm
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 2.25.2016 • author id: WiD4543216
word count: 145000
Vessels for Honor is a practical and timely book about progressive sanctification based on the “pursue” and “flee” texts of Scripture. The Holy Spirit progressively changes us so that we increasingly bear the image of Christ. Central to our sanctification is that we study Jesus through the mirror of His Word. As He becomes our focus, something marvelous happens. We become like what we worship.
We are not passive in this process. Walking by faith is intentional and even aggressive. It is a choice - actually a series of ongoing choices every day. God has so ordained matters that life continually presents us with occasions for sanctification. Every day we must choose how to respond to opportunities to obey Christ and pursue the virtues or flee from sin.
We are not alone in this process. Jesus promised us a helper before He left: the third Person of the Trinity, God the Holy Spirit. His presence through His Spirit is what separates us from mere moralists or from a works-based salvation. When faced with a choice, to pursue or to flee, we have the Spirit and His power to walk in obedience. This makes all the difference in the world.
David Wickholm has taught adult Sunday School and small groups at a number of churches during the last 40 years. He is ordained as a Ruling Elder in South Dayton Presbyterian Church (PCA). He has a Bachelors of Science in Astronomy and Physics and a Masters of Science in Optical Science, both from the University of Arizona.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Living as a Spirit: Hearing the Voice of God On Purpose
author: Chris Palmer
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 4.9.2016 • author id: PaC4839016
word count: 81,000
Another book about hearing the voice of God? Yes, but this offers a fresh take. The content of Living as a Spirit: Hearing the Voice of God on Purpose is Biblically traditional, refreshingly practical, and humouously relatable for all ages. Some of the key features of the book are: how the spirit, mind, and body play a part in hearing God's voice, the difference bewteen God's voice and the Devil's voice, how divine providence works when we least expect, how God interupts our thinking through spontaneous thought, and that often times physical sensations may be the the result of something taking place in the spirit realm. Chris Palmer talks on the same level as the reader, guiding them through an unforgettable read full of crisp explanations of Scripture and arresting anecdotes that readers will treasure. Certainly, this will become the standard book on the voice of God in Christian literature for the next 20 years to come because of its depth, thoroughness, and enjoyability. Truly a book that contains old truths for the 21st century.
I am qualified to be the author of Living as a Spirit: Hearing the Voice of God on Purpose because of my:
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Your Life, Your Purpose, Your Path
author: Dan Boozan
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 8.1.2016 • author id: BoD3004016
word count:
Your Life, Your Purpose, Your Path is a Biblically inspired journey of self-discovery into your God-decreed purpose and path in life.
We begin with Jeremiah 29:11, “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’†To which we reply, “OK, what are they?†This book contains your answers.
Chapters include studies and exercises on notable events that changed the trajectory of your life, your education, how you handle money, work situations, marriage issues, family matters, friendships, social groups you adhere to, influential teachers, physical health, emotional well-being, nighttime dreams, virtues and vices inherent in your persona, and the opposition you will face by the world and satan in discovering your life, purpose, and path. At the conclusion of each chapter are questions that create “puzzle pieces†of your life.
I am the webmaster for the Christian Fellowship Group www.christianfellowshipgroup.org where I have a column promoting Your Life, Your Purpose, Your Path. I am an active Christian and an award winning public speaker who can readily speak before of groups, on radio, or on television. A sample presentation is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrXL5SPjzwI
My book is for the 75 million millennials who are at their peak of interest in discovering their life, purpose, and future path in life, as well as those seeking a spiritual path, who are in spiritual turmoil, and who want a structured path to finding their future.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Stop Killing Your Pastor, Start Getting Better Sermons
author: Ernest Bowman
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 8.1.2016 • author id: BoE4844616
word count:
Church members wish Sunday sermons were not so frequently boring and pastors wish their jobs did not so frequently lead to burn out. Church members change congregations and pastors change ministries, yet all too often discontentment is a sad fact of life in both the pulpit and the pew. Too many churches are slowing killing their pastors with unrealistic and unbiblical job expectations. A common consequence is overworked pastors with not enough time in the work week to prepare sermons that are fresh, clear, and applicable. Poor preaching is the natural result with grumbling common among members and vocational frustration among pastors. This unfortunate situation is common in many churches, but it does not have to be this way. This book is about how church members and pastors can work together to change these unbiblical and unsustainable expectations of ministry and reclaim God’s plan and blessing for our churches!
My name is Ernest Bowman and I am an Associate Pastor at Hunters Creek Community Church in Lapeer, MI. The suggested market for this book would be church attenders who are dissatisfied with the quality of preaching they hear on Sundays. Christians interested in purchasing a book of this nature would be people who sit under preaching that is frequently boring, dry, or formulaic, having little to say that applies to their lives. It is a book for people who are not satisfied with the status quo of poor sermons, stuck-in-a-rut pastors, and just getting by at church.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: BLESS: The Real Reason We Gain When We Give
author: Karen WalkingEagle
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 8.1.2016 • author id: WaK2203216
word count:
“It's more blessed to give than receive." Why is that? And, is this always true?"
In BLESS, we discover the sometimes surprising answers to these questions. In a nutshell, BLESS is about why we should care about becoming the answer to someone else’s prayer or need, and the amazing and unexpected things that happen to us when we do.
Drawing inspiration from the scriptures and the experiences of the famous and not-so-famous, BLESS offers insights that challenge you to reflect on why, when, how, and whom you choose to bless. It will motivate you to begin to bless those you might otherwise overlook—and to do so regularly, sacrificially, intentionally and, when possible, secretly. BLESS also explains why the personal decision to bless someone is not optional for anyone who claims to be a follower of Jesus, and seeks the most valuable of all blessings: an explosive growth in faith.
As an attorney and employee of the federal government (U.S. Department of Education), I help protect the rights of students with disabilities in our nation’s elementary and secondary schools, and colleges and universities. I occasionally teach adult Sunday School classes at my 1,000+ member church, and have completed a missions trip to Jamaica where I taught a course entitled “A Christian Approach to Problem Solving” and another entitled “How to Teach Sunday School” to low-income teens and young adults from rural churches around the island.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Games Christians Play: A Call to Personal Realism and Passionate Renewal in Believers and the Contemporary Church
author: David Carson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 8.1.2016 • author id: CaD3282616
word count:
The games people play are as old as human history. A game is a set of actions and interactions geared toward achieving some desired objective. Like all people, we Christians play games because we want to accomplish something, be right, come out on top, be accepted or seen as special, show off to others, or hide something about ourselves or our pain. Games range from being innocent to exceedingly unhealthy. Game playing can be conscious or unconscious, and intentional or unintentional. We are both initiators and receivers of games.
This book examines 36 games Christians play that are potentially harmful in our relationship with God, within ourselves, and toward others in and beyond the church. We also explore the underlying psychological, relational, and spiritual reasons we play games, and what we can do to substantially reduce them, thus fulfilling God's greater purpose in our lives and the church.
David K. Carson, Ph.D., is a Professor of Counseling in the Graduate Program in Counselor Education, and Coordinator of the Undergraduate Psychology Program at Palm Beach Atlantic University - Orlando Campus. He is a graduate of Texas Tech University (Ph.D.), Denver Seminary (M.A.), and The University of Colorado - Boulder (B.A.). Dr. Carson is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) in Florida and Colorado, an MFT and Mental Health Clinical Supervisor in Florida, and a Clinical Member and Approved Supervisor of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. He has authored and co-authored 96 publications, including six books.
David A. Lawson, Psy.D., is a Professor of Counseling and Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Counselor Education at the Orlando Campus of Palm Beach Atlantic University. Dr. Lawson is a graduate of Biola University where he earned his M.S. and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. He then spent time at The University of Virginia and was a professor of counseling at Liberty University for 10 years before moving to Florida. Dr. Lawson has written articles and book chapters on families, sexuality, and the integration of faith and science. He is also Pastor of Renew Church in Ocoee, Florida.
Suggested market for the book (fewer than 100 words):
1. Pastors, staff, and lay leaders in the church.
2. Christian lay persons who want to go deeper in their faith, personal growth, and relationships.
3. Leaders and workers in Christian organizations (missions, community development, charitable).
4. Faculty, students, and staff at Christian institutions (e.g., schools, universities, and seminaries).
5. Practicing Christian psychologists, therapists, counselors, social workers, and clinical supervisors.
6. Christian faculty and graduate students in counseling and related training programs.
7. Undergraduate Christian students in psychology and related disciplines.
8. Graduate programs in Christian leadership and ministry.
9. Christian leadership organizations (e.g., Christian Leadership Alliance) and training programs.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Unforced Rhythms - Taking the "Forced" Out of Time with God
author: Gwen Jackson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 8.1.2016 • author id: JaG4620316
word count:
The heart of this book comes from the author’s own spiritual journey, plagued by failure and defeat, striving to live up to spiritual expectations and forced practices that felt legalistic and lacking. The narrative of Unforced Rhythms offers a life-giving perspective that gives freedom to believers to engage with God according to their natural Life Rhythm.
While there is a daily Life Rhythm, not everyone lives life to the beat of daily. Others may discover they live life to the beat of a weekly/monthly rhythm, or a seasonal/yearly rhythm. Attempting to connect with God outside of one’s Life Rhythm produces false guilt and condemnation, keeping the believer stuck in chronic defeat. Readers will find relief as they begin to understand the uniqueness of their own Life Rhythm, a discovery that will give grace and permission to engage with God in a way that comes natural to them.
As an ordained minister, I have served for over 30 years in numerous ministry roles. I passionately pursue spiritual formation in individuals and groups in discovering the freedom of a growing relationship with Christ. I find myself naturally initiating through listening, learning, and loving.
Primary Audience: New believers to seasoned believers who struggle with feelings of failure and defeat over their daily times with God.
Secondary Audience: Millennials, who may have grown up in a home or a church where spiritual practices seemed legalistic or were viewed as measures of Christian maturity, will embrace a book that starts from a point of freedom rather than a set of rules.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Pilgrim Road: Signposts Along Faith's Journey
author: William Carter
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Spiritual Growth • date submitted: 11.12.2016 • author id: CaW1841116
word count: 42,500
A seasoned pastor turns to an ancient collection of biblical Psalms for spiritual wisdom. The fifteen Psalms of Ascent (120-134) offer a manual for growing in faith and discipleship. Just as they originally shaped the hearts and minds of ancient travelers on their way to Jerusalem, these prayer-songs can instruct contemporary pilgrims in moving closer to God. They warn us of distractions and hazards along the road, offer wise counsel, and point us to the God whose grace makes this journey possible.
Bill Carter has been a pastor for over thirty years. A graduate of Princeton Thelogical Seminary, he is a popular preacher, conference leader, and Bible teacher. Bill is also a professional jazz musician and founder of the Presbybop Quartet. With his musical friends, he travels widely to speak and make music that revitalizes the people of God. He is the author of several books, and has preached nine times on the Day 1 national radio ministry.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: INHERITOLATRY: The Final Obstacle to Completing the Great Commission
author: James Wise
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 12.9.2016 • author id: WiJ3277816
word count: Just under 24,000 words
This generation of evangelical Christians has been entrusted by God with financial resources well in excess of what is needed to complete the Great Commission. Most of this wealth is currently earmarked to be passed down to the next generation, without regard to financial responsibility or need, spiritual commitment, size of the estate, or God’s intended purpose for these resources. The four biblical inheritance principles outlined in this book will encourage God’s people to align their estate plans with His wisdom and commit part of this excess wealth to completing the work of the Great Commission.
I’ve been a financial advisor for thirty-two years, the last twenty-two of which have been specifically focused on financial, estate and philanthropic planning for Christians with above-average wealth. Professional education and certifications include Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) from The College for Financial Planning, along with Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP), Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) and Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) from The American College. I'm also a Certified Kingdom Advisor (CKA).
I currently serve as a Managing Director, Principal and Sr. Private Wealth Advisor with Ronald Blue & Co., LLC. I’m an ordained elder in the Presbyterian Church in America and have served on the Board of Directors of Chesapeake Theological Seminary and Slavie Federal Savings Bank.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Repurposed: Vintage Faith and Renewable Vision
author: rod parchman
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 12.19.2016 • author id: par3705216
word count: 26,000
Things will never be the same … settle with that. The old normal is snatched away and the rapid change in our world is disorienting, even disillusioning. Some believers disengage, stay home, and hunker down. As denial gradually gives way to despair, they occasionally peek out the curtains and merely wait for a rapture rescue.
With insufficient imagination, they limit God to the highlighted verses in their Bible. For them, God is as small as their favorite success formulas and catchy quotes – no bigger than their favorite Christian celebrity. A God so small inspires little trust and little fear, and so they grow small of soul and learn to fear lesser things.
The book insists that God is not hunkered down in the compound and is not playing it safe. Rather, the Spirit is outside, boots on the ground and bold -- fully engaging the hazards of a changing world. This chance-taker invites you to strap on a helmet and come along for a ride that is not without risk or pain. Risk-free living and guaranteed safety is otherwise known as fantasy. The honest offer comes with few guarantees other than the promise of surprise. You were born for this.
Rod Parchman is a minister with the Church of God (Cleveland, Tn), a former pastor with a Master of Divinity from Pentecostal Theological Seminary.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Spiritual Identity and Spirit-Empowered Life
author: Thomson Mathew
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 12.19.2016 • author id: MaT7403716
word count: 55,000 words
This book presents spiritual identity in three dimensions (identity, purpose, and power), each with five component streams, and provides biblically sound information with opportunities for personal reflection and group discussion to promote spiritual growth. Written for general readership from a non-denominational charismatic perspective, the book promotes identity in God’s family, purpose in God’s call and power in God’s Spirit.
Thomson K. Mathew is a graduate of Kerala University, India (BS), Yale Divinity School (MDiv, STM), Oral Roberts University (DMin), and Oklahoma State University (EdD). He has served as a pastor, chaplain, seminary professor, and dean. Currently he serves as professor of pastoral care and former dean of the Oral Roberts University (ORU) College of Theology and Ministry. He speaks at churches and conferences in and out of the United States. He is the author of several academic journal articles and book chapters, numerous articles, and three self-published (Xulon) full-length course readers: Ministry Between Miracles, Spirit-led Ministry in the 21st Century, and What Will Your Tombstone Say?
Mathew has potential access to 50,000 ORU alumni, current students, faculty, and staff, and the constituency of the global Empowered21 organization being led by ORU's president. Although this book is written for general readership, it has textbook potential in courses like the ORU general ed course "Spirit-empowered Living," which has 800 students enrolled each fall semester.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: An Intimate Collision - Encounters with Life and Jesus
author: Craig Lounsbrough
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 12.10.2016 • author id: LoC8010416
word count: 89,627
The writer contends that we fall desperately short of robustly conceptualizing, intimately embracing, and deeply interjecting the truths of scripture into the everyday realities of our lives as we live them out amidst the profound challenges of the 21st century. In a very real sense, this deficit has resulted in the Christian community lacking a voice that presents itself as strong enough and sufficiently legitimate to deal with the daunting challenges of our times. Subsequently, we miss a transforming infusion of what God intends for our individual lives and the broader culture. Consequently, we are left living out a blatantly lackluster and frequently hopeless existence that has little appeal and no power.
The premise of this work lies in the repeated observation that people are desperate to believe that somewhere there is a far greater reality to our portrayal of God and the Christian life than that which has been demonstrated. This yearning seems deeply inherent in many believers as they walk out uninspiring and ineffectual lives. Yet, at times this persistent longing seems ever more predominant in a culture that largely denies God, but unbeknownst to themselves, is yet desperate for Him. Tragically, the inability of the Christian community to potently exemplify the magnitude of this God has left both Christians and the secular community with a pasty and unappealing representation of God.
In an attempt to offset this crippling dynamic, this book was strategically written to intimately interweave deeply transformational personal events experienced by the author, with vividly portrayed scriptural accounts that share the same foundational principles. This striking blending of past and present in a moving literary format provides the reader a compelling sense of the profound relevancy of scripture by convincingly and potently importing it into the present. This structure serves to effectively integrate the relevancy of scriptural truths soundly into the stark and frequently foreboding realities of 21st century life. It is the writer's passion that this book pointedly brings infinitely relevant truths to both the individual, as well as a culture mired in darkness and paralyzed by hopelessness. In doing so, the possibilities are as vast as the God who hands them to us.
My background includes over twenty-eight years of experience as a counselor in a variety of treatment settings including psychiatric hospitals, schools for the blind, organizations for the physically handicapped, churches and outpatient settings. I also possess ten years of experience in pastoral ministry. I spent two years broadcasting in Christian radio and have published both nationally and internationally. To date I have published four books and have had a large number of other works published in a wide variety of magazines. I own an outpatient practice that provides counseling, coaching and consulting services to individuals, marriages, families, various businesses as well as church and ministry organizations. Additionally, I have developed an extensive Social Media arm that reaches 300,000+ individuals each month with a wide variety of quotes, articles, blogs and videos. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in Colorado, a Certified Professional Life Coach, and an Ordained Minister. I am a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors. I have completed the coursework toward a Doctor of Ministry degree in Marriage and Family Counseling at Denver Seminary.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Get DISCIPLED series
author: David Steel
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 1.10.2017 • author id: StD6018716
word count: 30,000
Get DISCIPLED is a ground-breaking discipleship resource for small groups and congregations. Based on an exhaustive synthesis of everything Jesus taught and modeled, the nine guidebooks in this series are designed to equip Christ followers to joyfully obey all that Jesus commanded.
Each guidebook is a six- or seven-week exploration of one of the nine outcomes of being discipled. These guidebooks address a different question each week, providing five daily readings and a set of small group discussion questions, all designed to facilitate three-dimensional transformation of our convictions, character, and conduct.
David Steel is a seasoned pastor with over twenty years of senior and associate pastor experience, specializing in small group discipleship and leader training. He earned his Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree in Discipleship through Talbot School of Theology. His passion for resourcing the church for effective disciple making is reflected in his website and blog at www.GetDiscipled.org. Dave has self-published several disciple-making books, including Seven Questions for Diagnosing Your Church’s Great Commission Health.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Stand Up! Take Your Rightful Place as a Child of the King
author: Laurie Blank
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 2.10.2017 • author id: BlL5501317
word count: 46,163
In the days of Jesus’ disciples, people were joining by the thousands what started out as a small Christian church. Why? Because the early Christians had something that they wanted. Life was different for the disciples of the early church. They had joy. They had victory! They healed the sick, cleansed the lepers, cast out demons and raised the dead, delivering the people who were willing to be delivered from the hand of the enemy who had kept them in bondage for so very long.
Yet most Christian churches today don’t see these things happening. Why is that? What has changed?
One of the main things that has changed is that most Christians don’t see themselves as the princes and princesses they are, as being children of the greatest King who lives forever; the Almighty God!
Instead, they see themselves as downtrodden, working to survive living “under the circumstances.”
This is not how God meant His children to live. When Christ sacrificed His life on the cross, He did so for our deliverance from “all the power of the enemy.” (Luke 10:19)
If we can learn to understand who God made us to be through Christ, we can see big changes for the better in our lives.
Taking your rightful place as a child of the King is not about living a problem-free life. Instead, it’s about gaining a thorough understanding of the nature of the God we serve. It’s about understanding the reason He sent His Son Jesus Christ for our deliverance, forgiveness and redemption. And it’s about learning to live life as a true victor through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Laurie Blank is an author, freelance writer, wife, mother and most of all, a daughter of the King. Laurie and her husband currently live in Minnesota and homeschool their four children. Laurie is a self-published author of a book on the power of prayer and long-time blogger, writing in the areas of Christian living and personal finance. Laurie’s professional career history also includes nearly two decades in mortgage and personal banking and business administration and management.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: When Prayers Are Not Answered
author: Emmanuel Okorley
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 3.10.2017 • author id: OkE4051717
word count: 100,300
We are living at a time in the history of mankind when human ingenuity has produced tremendous amounts of medical and technological resources to resolve many existential problems. Nonetheless, even with all those resources in place, there always come days of our lives when we are confronted with the suddenness of tragedies, the ubiquity of evil, and the stark reality of our mortality. The truth is, in spite of all those symbols and products of human ingenuity, we have moments of helplessness when we are compelled to look for help beyond our capabilities. Those are the times when most people turn to prayer. Because God is infinitely faithful, He routinely answers the prayers of those who call on Him for help. But while we must believe in God’s faithfulness and always have hope that He will answer our every prayer, we cannot deny that there are times when our prayers are not answered. My book explores some of the issues that may hinder prayers, such as the condition of the human heart, a culture of praying, the desires of our heart, our faith level, and the extent to which we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our prayers.
Dr. Emmanuel Okorley is a former college professor who taught educational statistics at the graduate-degree level. He is also an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is currently director and founder of GlobeAfrica, an organization designed to provide free skills training for orphans, refugees, and other underserved youths in Africa. Prior to teaching college, Dr. Okorley pastored a Church in New York City. As pastor and in his travels through the US, Canada, and Africa, he became aware that there are believers all over the world who seek divine intervention through prayer on a daily basis and become disheartened because their prayers are not answered. These and the many men and women who preach and teach about prayer in their churches would especially benefit from reading Dr. Okorley’s book.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Open Hearts: Recovering the Lost Christian Virtue of Transparency
author: Joseph Smith
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 4.17.2017 • author id: SmJ1775417
word count: 98000
Have you ever arrived at church feeling so stressed out, so off the rails, such an absolute train wreck, that you thought to yourself, “I can’t face these people” -- and your strongest wish was to rush back home and dive into bed?
What on earth is happening here? How has church become a place where we must leave our “real selves” at the door -- and pick them up when we leave, more burdened than ever with loneliness, exhaustion, and hypocrisy?
Open Hearts aims to remedy this situation.
Readers will be challenged to consider why we aren’t transparent -- including issues like perfectionism, blame-shifting, fear of man, and of course, pride and self-preservation. Likewise, the book shows how transparency works to unify the body and crucify sin, while also relieving the stress of pretending to be someone you’re not.
More important, Open Hearts points to transparency in Scripture -- in the lives of Job, Moses, David, Paul, and Jesus, among others; and it offers a practical framework for realizing openness in the body of Christ.
Imagine a life without the pretense and artificiality that cripples our fellowship -- a life where all believers are free to admit their sins and struggles, sharing their deepest needs in an atmosphere of openness and authenticity. That’s the kind of life you will find in this book.
Joseph W. Smith III is a writer, teacher, and speaker in Central Pennsylvania. His previous books include Sex & Violence in the Bible: A Survey of Explicit Content in the Holy Book (P&R, 2014) and The Psycho File: A Comprehensive Guide to Hitchcock’s Classic Shocker (McFarland, 2009). He was written more than 1,000 features for the Williamsport Sun-Gazette (daily, circ. 29,000) and leads discussions and seminars where his newest book could be marketed.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Christ, my Life
author: Michael Moorhouse
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 4.29.2017 • author id: MoMCA78B17
word count: 45000
Christ is my Master, my Lord and my Redeemer; but this is not sufficient.
My need is not for a Saviour who would purchase me, leave me a set of rules, and tell me to do my best. Also, neither was it His plan.
The Father’s plan, from the foundations of the Earth, was for His Son to dwell in me richly, for His Light to shine within me and to transform me from the inside.
No longer was I to struggle to do what was right; no longer was I to reach inside and strive to change myself; no longer would I be required to do the impossible. Such rest!
For the Messiah Himself would become the Light within me; all that is good and holy of God would dwell inside me. Life indeed would swallow up death; I would be recreated, transformed into His image.
But what could hinder such a wonderful transformation? Surely not my own flesh's efforts to change myself?
I am an ordinary working man, husband of thirty-one years, and father of four, born in Yorkshire, England. The only qualification that I have is that the Lord took hold of me and breathed through me.
As a university graduate, I have taught in schools; but I have also worked manually, from the trades to digging ditches. But I am just a reed blown by the wind, on a pilgrimage to find the genuine and avoid the counterfeits.
My desire is for the Lord to so live His Life through me that the Father is glorified. For my thoughts and desires to be so harmonised with His; that every aspect of my life is done, in Him, and of Him.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Take Every Thought to Prayer
author: Charles Wagner
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 4.29.2017 • author id: WaC0193017
word count: 24175
Take Every Thought to Prayer puts God at the center of literally everything. With 762 prayers about the thoughts and feelings common to the human experience, it will be hard-pressed for the reader not to find in this book prayers that resonate with whatever challenges they are currently facing. This book will be on the shelf of pastors, counselors, and ministry leaders who share it with clients who are seeking the true reasons as to why they are struggling in life. Charles Wagner has weaved the same Biblical theme into just about every prayer, that human beings suffer because they live in rebellion from God. Though the book has a very clear message about confession and repentance, the prayers are compassionate and understanding, speaking lovingly into hundreds of situations in which people suffer. The prayers reflect heartfelt cries to God from those living in the 21st century and convey the wisdom God has taught Charles through his own season of intense adversity.
Adversity – "When anything comes into our life that we didn’t want to happen and it’s not easy to deal with or get rid of." Definition by Charles Wagner.
In the year 2002, two years after the death of my father, I began a long journey through the wilderness. Depression. Hospitalization for suicidal ideation. Divorce. The sudden loss of a friend to drug overdose. Financial crisis. Loneliness. Health crisis. I shed a reservoir of tears over the years.
Where was God? Why did He never answer prayer over the course of a decade? Why was there no relief from my suffering?
He answered these questions for me.
“Thank You, God! Thank You for my adversity. Thank You for my suffering. You taught me about who You are. You taught me about Your love. You taught me about who I am. You taught me lessons about life, especially about my rebellion, unfaithfulness, and idolatry. You revealed to me my foolishness and my emotional and spiritual immaturity. You awoke within me a hunger to pray, especially for others. You gave me a desire to serve others in need. You called me to put to use the gifts and talents you have given me to touch others in your name.”
In the midst of my struggles, I longed for stories of hope about people who had overcome similar adversities like I had been experiencing. From that longing came a desire to gather “inspirational stories” from Christian and secular charities across the United States. “Gramazin” was born. My son Chad and I planned to travel the United States, volunteering in charities, raising awareness of inspiring stories of hope. We volunteered in Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, District of Columbia, New York, New Jersey, and Ohio, appearing on the evening news in both Morgantown WV and Cincinnati OH. However, something wasn’t right. We had missed the point. “No, that’s not it. That’s not what God has called us to do.” We put aside, for the time being, our mission that we had named the “Gramazin Journey”.
God put on my heart that what America needs more than inspiring stories are testimonies of how Jesus Christ changes lives. The testimonies need to be published online by churches. I knew what my calling was after I studied over 2,000 church websites and was shocked to see that less than 3% of churches publish testimonies on their websites. My calling is to encourage believers and churches throughout the US to publish testimonies on church websites.
The task was daunting. Yikes. Asking churches to publish testimonies on their websites was a paradigm shift. Few churches had given that any thought. Not one church website I visited had made testimonies prominent on their home page. Church leaders just don’t think about church websites like that. This would take time. It would take a lot of effort. Phone calls. Social media. Blogging. Emails. Newsletters. It began to dawn on me that I would need a long-term vision for “Gramazin” because it would take all that time to generate momentum and spark a movement. The idea came to me for a December 2020 nation-wide church celebration of Jesus Christ and the testimonies that He has created in the lives of believers across America. I would need, with God’s empowerment and direction, all of 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and most of 2020 to make this happen.
Sounded good. However, something was missing. Charles who? “Nice idea, Charles, but we don’t know who you are.” To tell the truth, nobody said that to me. In fact, the pastors I spoke with about my vision encouraged me to keep pursuing it and not quit. They expressed that they felt I was being obedient to God and He had called me to this purpose. However, I sensed that I needed something that would be the pre-cursor to Gramazin, something that would open doors for Gramazin. I needed something that would intrigue believers and pastors across the US. I just had no idea what that would be. Gramazin simmered on the backburner of my life.
In August 2016, God called me to leave my home in Pennsylvania, move to Cape Ann Massachusetts, and to marry my dear friend Karen, who I had known at Gordon College thirty-three years before. As I settled in to married life and my new home on the New England coast, the thought that my wild year of astonishing change would be capped by the writing of this book was nowhere in my head.
During my move to Massachusetts, I came across two books that had been gathering dust on my bookshelf. A friend had given me in the early 1990s a copy of the Book of Common Prayer. I also had a book of the poetry of Robert Burns that my father had purchased in Scotland during World War 2. The two books inspired me to write a book of prayers, about every topic imaginable, that people could carry around with them.
The inspiration for the book was intensified as Karen and I walked each day around the very scenic New England coastal village where we lived. This was the kind of place where authors lived and wrote their books. I was very grateful for the incredible blessings God had flooded into my life and I wanted to express my thankfulness to Him. I could do so by writing that book of prayer. Finally, after settling into my new married life in Cape Ann, I was eager to resume the advancement of Gramazin. The book of prayer that I had in mind seemed an excellent opportunity to spread the word about testimonies and Gramazin across the US.
On September 14, 2016, eighteen days after my wedding to Karen, I started to type. Day after day, week after week. Karen, who read and discussed the prayers with me, continuously encouraged me to keep writing. The entire book was prayerfully completed by Christmas 2016.
This book is dedicated to my heavenly Father and to His Son Jesus Christ. I am stunned by their grace in my life. Literally stunned. Speechless. I have experienced a miracle of answered prayer that proves Ephesians 3:20. They have done immeasurably more in my life than I could have ever asked for or even imagined! How can I say thank you? This book is a start.
This book is dedicated to my wife Karen, her daughters, and my amazing children Chad and Stephanie. It is dedicated to the counselors, mentors, friends, and extended family who kept me going through a very difficult season of life. It is dedicated to readers who are experiencing intense emotional or spiritual pain as they struggle with adversity in their lives.
It is also dedicated to my mother, Eleanor Wagner. The woman kept me alive in my darkest hours. The woman continuously believed that God was working in my life, even when the evidence was not very apparent. The woman bathed me with prayer. The woman inundated me with Bible verses, written in her handwriting on pieces of paper, many I have saved for remembrance and posterity. If this book is a blessing to you, please thank God for a godly mother who trusted that faith in God was real and applicable to the problems her son was facing. May her name be honored.
Before I wrap this up, I have a few housekeeping chores to complete.
- Do you know who needs this book the most? Me! I continue to struggle with being my own god. I continue to have moments of doubting God’s character. I continue to be tempted to value other things more than God. My friends, this book is as much a schooling and daily reminder for my corrupt heart as it is for anyone else. I am amazed at how my heart so easily defaults to “I can do things on my own without you, God!”
- Some of the prayers in this book are written from personal experience. For example, I’ve been suicidal, separated, and divorced. Other issues in life, such as homelessness or having a loved one incarcerated, I have not personally experienced. I’ve attempted to apply the lessons God has taught me to those issues, imagining how I would feel if I were in that situation.
- I have attempted with this book to connect to as many people in as many life situations as I can. Hence, there are 762 different prayer entries making this a long book. It is sort of a reference book, something you pick up off the shelf, making use of the section headings and the index of prayers when you have a thought you are dealing with. You can thank my wife Karen for reducing the length of this book, as it was her advice which led me to set a limit to one page or less for any one prayer.
It is the fall of 2016. I know not my future. The Lord could take me home at any time. He could lead me in directions totally foreign to me this hour. However, as I write this, Gramazin is the calling He has given me. It is my prayer that this book opens doors for Gramazin. It is my prayer that believers across America consider the message God has put on my heart, that they need to share their testimonies with a hurting world. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it became the norm for the unchurched to know they can find testimonies of hope front and center on local church websites? Let’s make this happen!
Charles Wagner
Founder of Gramazin - www.gramazin.com
Cape Ann Massachusetts
Christmas 2016
Marketing - Please visit www.gramazin.com. I am on a mission to encourage churches around the US to publish testimonies on the home page of their websites. I will be contacting thousands of churches between 2017 and 2020, with the idea of a nationwide church celebration of testimonies in December 2020. This book, as well as additional books in the pipeline, is a piece of the larger vision.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Discovering Jesus in a Chemistry Lab (52 Reflections from a Bench)
author: George Hill
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 5.12.2017 • author id: HiGCW11317
word count: 118000
A retired scientist shows how the inner work of Jesus in us is apparent throughout the creative laboratory work of a research chemist.
Christians believe that the worldviews of faith and science are linked; but the connection often appears strained. If the theories of science take time to digest, could its practical world reveal simpler truths? Could we discover modern parables for biblical living within the working lab?
My book is non-controversial and contains not science itself but 52 reflections on words and processes used in practical research chemistry. Remarkably, many are words we also use both in ordinary life and of our Spirit-led spiritual growth. Could the preparation, transformation, and purification of a potential novel medicine (of the sort I spent my career trying to discover) speak subtly of how God’s new creation forms from us in Christ? Molecules have no minds and God does no harsh experiments; yet do we need our inner essence distilled, our very natures powerfully re-created and our minds crystallized around His perfect example, so that we can face our final weighing and analysis?
My reflections (each around 2,000 words) can stand alone, but together trace a modern research chemist’s building of a chemical product that just conceivably might heal millions. Books which connect the science of chemistry with anything reflective, let alone Christian faith, are very rare – yet there are millions whose lives or memories touch both worlds. Even non-scientists may enjoy recalling school chemistry and reading the many scientific and secular quotations which accompany this study of biblical truths and of the work of Jesus in us. Each Reflection is accompanied by a (b&w or color) image of mine from the Holy Land.
I am a former research chemist (retired in 2012), happily married with three adult children, a Christian from age 11 and a Baptist. I have just one traditionally published book, which is not faith-related: Alderley Park Discovered: History, Wildlife and Pharmaceuticals (Carnegie Publishing, Lancaster, UK, 2016) (378 pages, c.500 illustrations, £30 in the UK). This is the popular science (and social) history of the leading global pharmaceutical research laboratories for 60 years of my former employer AstraZeneca. It includes the dramatic inside stories of many famous medicinal discoveries there in heart, antibiotic and cancer drugs (two of which teams I worked on). Around 700 copies have been sold. My current author platform is thus mostly not Christian. I published 3 scientific papers and was named on 9 more. However, I have no academic title. I also self-publish Christian novels.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Unlikely Pilgrim: A Journey into Intentional Community and Back
author: Edward Sabin
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 9.26.2017 • author id: SaE2112217
word count: 70000
In the mid-20th century, my father, a Unitarian minister named Ray Sabin traded in his ministry for life in an intentional religious community in the wilds of South America. It was a huge risk, requiring him and his family to leave everything familiar behind. It wasn’t a move made lightly. Ray tried to connect with his New England congregations for years, but his ideas clashed with churchgoers’ more conservative views. The more he talked about racial discrimination, the threat of war, or injustice in America, the more church attendance dropped. After seven years and two churches, Ray convinced his wife and children to move to the Bruderhof, or the Society of Brothers, an intentional community in Paraguay, where some 600 European and American expatriates sought to forge a life of community based on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. The move ultimately failed, facing Ray with difficult decisions—but the journey both there and back proved transformative for him and the family. Ray provides vignettes of the many extraordinary people he meets along the way.
Ray kept a journal from the beginning of his ministry until his death in 1974. Focusing on the years 1946 to 1956, Unlikely Pilgrim draws on his journals, letters and personal experiences as a family. Photographs add life and color to the text. Like my father, I’ve been a jack of all trades as sociologist, newsletter editor, technical writer and statistician--in the process authoring a number of publications. A writer and editor, Amy Woods Butler, is helping with the project. We developed a website www.seekingtogether.net to publicize Unlikely Pilgrim. We are committed to market the book every way possible.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: RAW: Inner Workings of a Reborn Soul
author: Rebecca Mills
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 9.25.2017 • author id: MiR4305417
word count: 70263
Sometimes you need a good friend and a cup of joe to hammer out the tough questions in life. When emotions heighten and circumstances shift, it’s hard to know where your faith fits in. Like chatting it up over coffee with a close friend, RAW invites readers to process through the tough questions in life. Why do good people suffer? Is the church still relevant? Why am I stuck in life? Covering a variety of theological topics in a simplified, conversational manner, the book encourages the reader to find value in vulnerability, strip away religiosity and become RAW with their deepest emotions.
RAW applies theological truths to evaluate life circumstances through the lens of scripture. Using true stories and contemplative processing, the reader journeys with the author through a variety of life experiences and nagging questions. The reader is encouraged to move beyond superficial Christianity, address darkness in their heart and embrace transforming peace. Those tethered by haunting doubt, fear or uncertainty, will find answers that propel them to powerful Christ-centered living.
Rebecca Mills is a certified Nuclear Medicine Technologist who carries a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies. Although holding a “tent-maker” profession by day, her heart’s true passion is to share the love of Jesus to others. Rebecca’s been active in her community by leading worship, Bible studies and spiritual formation activities. She was the keynote speaker at the Lovely Women’s Conference and recently returned from a mission trip to Haiti.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Spiritual Design: Lessons from behavioral science to help deepen your spiritual practice
author: Stephen Wendel
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 11.14.2017 • author id: WeS6030217
word count: 50000
We all sometimes struggle with the gap between our spiritual intentions and our actions. This book applies lessons from behavioral science—the interdisciplinary study of how people make decisions in their daily lives—to help close that gap. It describes how to employ the process of Spiritual Design: intentionally designing your environment to support spiritual growth.
In the book, you will discover a wealth of research to make it easier to take action in your spiritual life, whether the goal is to pray regularly or to follow a personal calling. For example, you’ll learn how to remove hassle factors that increase procrastination, use temptation bundling to support long-term but difficult choices, and make social commitments to help follow through on commitments.
You’ll also learn about breaking bad habits and avoiding moments of weakness one comes to regret. Bad habits are particularly pernicious because we often can’t overcome them with sheer willpower: they aren’t necessarily defects of character, but rather are mental shortcuts gone awry. When we understand how bad habits are triggered, we can more wisely work around them.
Spiritual Design doesn’t assume that we have full control over our lives—spiritual or otherwise. It instead assumes that God’s grace surrounds us and enables us to reach Him. Nevertheless, we can do our part. We can turn our hearts to God, and make it easier to both deepen our spiritual understanding and to act accordingly. We can and should ready the soil of our hearts for the divine seed to grow and flourish. This book provides tools to help prepare the way.
I am a behavioral scientist, and lead a team of researchers who design products and communications to help people overcome behavioral obstacles in their lives. I’ve authored two secular books on applying behavioral science (Designing for Behavior Change and Improving Employee Benefits), and founded the largest national non-profit organization on behavioral science and product design. I personally am a Quaker, but the book does not assume or advocate a particular set of religious beliefs. Instead, it offers practical lessons on applying behavioral science in one’s own spiritual practice: regardless of one’s beliefs or denomination.
The book’s primary audience is lay people, who have a sincere desire to deepen their faith and spiritual practice, but struggle to do so in their daily lives. In addition, the book can be of interest to pastors and clergy who seek to better understand some of the behavioral obstacles that their members may face.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Who Do You Say I Am? Personal life stories told by the LGBTQ community
author: Carol Gibbs
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 11.25.2017 • author id: GiC2109317
word count: 74900
There is a growing intolerance in our world today, revealing a fear and hatred that is isolating large groups of people and making them targets of persecution and violence. While our culture is not new to persecution, the violent nature it has taken on is frightening. How is the church to respond?
The LGBTQ community is one of the many groups of people that have endured the pain of persecution and violence. Who Do You Say I Am? is a collection of heart rendering life stories shared by members of the LGBTQ community. They long to be known and loved and have chosen to be completely transparent and vulnerable, sharing their greatest struggles and victories, with the hope that their stories would be a catalyst to changing hearts. Enter deeply into each story and allow your heart to be changed.
Who Do You Say I Am? is an expression of my heart in response to the persecution that my family received from the church because my son is gay. It is out of a heart of love for my family and for the church, that I write my very first book.
I believe that family and faith are the most important things about me. I am a wife, mother, mother-in-law and a grandmother. I view my family members as gifts, and treasure every moment with them. I am also a follower of Jesus, committing my time and talents to justice issues and serving others wherever I find myself.
An educator by schooling and experience, I passionately use my training and gifts to empower others to embrace their God-given purpose. I devoted ten years on staff at a large non-denominational church, preparing, sending, and caring for people who brought the love and compassion of Jesus to those in need overseas. Earlier in my career, I formed young minds by teaching in middle and elementary school.
I have a bachelor of arts degree from Goucher College, and a master’s degree from Towson University, both in Towson, Maryland.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Simple
author: Brian Holland
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 3.13.2018 • author id: HoB9170118
word count: 20500
What if we’ve made it too hard? What if we’ve made following Jesus more complicated than it’s supposed to be? The truth is if you want the front row seat to the miraculous, you have to be faithful in the mundane. But how do we do that? It all comes down to just one thing. It’s not easy, but it really is simple.
Brian Holland has been in vocational ministry for the past 24 years, first working with middle school and high school students. After 17 years of working with youth he worked with young adults for 6 years. He is currently the campus and teaching pastor of the Claremont campus of Purpose Church in southern California. Purpose Church is a multi-campus, multi-ethnic and multi-generational large church (approximately 5,000 members) in the heart of southern California. He also speaks at camps, retreats, and conferences throughout the year all over the United States and in Canada.
The most important thing to know about Brian is that he’s simply a work in progress, lavished and smothered by God and his grace — a ragamuffin on the ride of lifetime with Jesus.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Praying for My Basal Ganglia
author: Jeff Peabody
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 3.20.2018 • author id: PeJ9802318
word count: 30000
The armor of God is a cherished biblical metaphor. But how does it translate into real life? Using his own battle with OCD as the lens, J.D. Peabody examines the armor from the perspective of someone struggling to wear it. Praying for My Basal Ganglia takes readers on a personal exploration of what it means to trust more fully in God’s total protection.
J.D. Peabody is the founding pastor of New Day Church in Tacoma, Washington, which he planted in 2003. He received his MDiv from Fuller Seminary. In the past, he has written for Worship Leader, Leadership and First Things. On the creative side, his screenplay about the life of George Mueller won the grand prize Kairos Award presented by MovieGuide. He has also completed a Middle Grade Fiction novel, and co-wrote Jordin Sparks' finale song for American Idol.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Sixty-Six
author: Michael Geile
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 7.14.2018 • author id: GeM4510318
word count: 45000
How many non-Christians have read the Bible? How many might think about reading it and considering its claims, but are overwhelmed by the 1000+ page investment? In fact, how many Christians or those considering the claims of Christ are discouraged from taking on a full read of the Bible? What if you could pick up a short book and, in a few hours, attain a view of what is in the scriptures – in words that are closely factored from the scriptures and not simply the opinion of some author?
Sixty-Six is a compression of each book of the Bible into a single page. It factors out aspects that relate the character, words, and actions of God while attempting to omit no controversial subjects – then stitches these together. I have compressed the text; most of the words contained in this book are from the Bible itself. The objective of this work is to give a reader an entry to the scriptures; to entice them into a reading of their own copy of the Bible.
Mr. Michael Geile holds Master of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics. He is active in his local church and decided that the this “quick access” culture could benefit from a view of the Bible that wasn’t just the words of yet another author – to enhance access and induce interest by Christians and non-Christians in the Bible. The market for this is anyone who might want to wade into the scriptures and the goal is for Sixty-Six to draw the reader into their personal copy of the Word.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Beauty of the In-Between: finding God in the silence, the struggle, and the in-between places
author: Matt Nelson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 7.31.2018 • author id: NeM7410518
word count: 60000
We are full-blown clarity addicts. We’re consumed with achieving our dreams and arriving safely at our destination. But in-between our dreams and our reality is something called life. And life is full of ups and downs, zigzags, uncertainties, struggles, seasons of doubt, waiting, and times where we feel as though God has completely forgotten. In the life of King David, we get a front row seat to this not-so-direct journey of discipleship that God often leads us down in order to shape our hearts and future. It’s also in the in-between where we discover our identity (pasture), we learn the indispensable lesson of surrender (cave), and we discover that even in the midst of all of the so-called detours we can find a greater purpose (palace). The Beauty of the In-Between is about learning to love where you are and not where you want to be. It’s about finding joy, life, and contentment in the middle of the process and the in-between places we can so easily despise.
Matt Nelson is the Founder and Lead Pastor of City Church, located in the urban core of Tulsa, OK. He holds an undergraduate degree in biblical studies and a Masters in Theology. Matt serves as the Executive Director of Seed Network, a church planting organization, and also travels the world training church planters as a part of Church Multiplication Network (CMN). He has spent the last 14 years of his life working with church planters and strategizing to reach and disciple Millennials.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Why You Should Exercise, Eat Healthy, and Die Anyway
author: William McNeely
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 8.14.2018 • author id: McW6580418
word count: 200000
Why You Should Exercise, Eat Healthy, and Die Anyway is about understanding the wonderful design of the human body in accordance with the story of Scripture. Scripture tells us that creation itself was once very good but is now fallen, and we feel that tension into the depths of our bones. To truly understand the human body and why we should take care of ourselves, we need to first understand the reality of creation itself.
William McNeely explains how we all live in accordance with a view of the world (i.e. world-view) – and truly understanding it establishes the character one will form in their heart, mind, soul, and strength.
William McNeely is a Resistance Training Specialist® and author. He has published articles on popular websites and written a Christian based strength training philosophy book he self-published. He is the former owner of one of the most successful privately-owned strength training gyms in the country, STRONG Gym. His wife, Ny, has worked as a Youth Minister in the church and as a Young Life Area Director. Mr. McNeely is well known in the fitness community.
He also has a blog called “understandingStrength.com” and is an author at “garagegymreviews.com” – which has over 50,000 followers.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Disciple Making: A Beginner's Guide to Pre-evangelism, Evangelism, and Discipleship
author: Kenneth Smith
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 10.4.2018 • author id: SmK3780118
word count: 85864
As Jesus began His public ministry, He extended personal invitations to those who would become His disciples. As Jesus prepared to relinquish His ministry after three years, He commissioned His disciples to go and make more disciples. These statements from Jesus are some of the most well-known in the Bible, yet most Christians are not involved in being a disciple or making other disciples. Unfortunately, the church has focused on making members instead of disciples.
A significant reason for this omission is that most Christians have never been discipled and, therefore, do not know how to be a disciple or make a disciple. In other words, they do not know how the disciple-making process works. Also, getting started is much more difficult than in previous generations. Disciple-making consists of pre-evangelism, evangelism, and discipleship, and beginning our task usually requires considerably more pre-evangelism than in the past.
Disciple-making is written for people who aspire to be discipled or commence a disciple-making ministry within their local church. This book serves as a roadmap to help you get started, point you in the right direction, and show you what the destination looks like.
Kenneth Smith (MPH, Univ. of TN; M. Min., Southern Evangelical Seminary) serves as the Minister of Discipleship at his home church in Tennessee and volunteers with Ratio Christi (a campus apologetics ministry) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Caleb Smith has a BA from Maryville College in Maryville, TN. He also has a Master’s of Philosophy from Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. Caleb’s goal is to earn a Ph.D. in Bioethics.
Kenneth and Caleb are involved in speaking and teaching on various Christian topics such as apologetics, worldview, theology, world religions, ethics, church history, and pseudo-Christian cults.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Approaching God in Worship
author: Robert Ingram
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 11.4.2018 • author id: InR4571018
word count: 346000
Too many Christians sit in churches Sunday after Sunday, some their entire lives, and never experience any connection with God. Worshipers may connect with their pastor, or with friends in the congregation. They may connect with the church's theology, worship style, music, or some of its ministries. Yet while they certainly hear many people speaking about God, they may never hear God speaking directly to them. For too many, the presence of God is a theological concept, not a reality that they have experienced.
Approaching God in Worship shines light on the many tools we have in our various worship services that help the average person in the pew connect with our Creator and God. Using a multitude of scriptural citations and quotations from contemporary authors, this text provides insight to transform the worship experience. Worship is not about entertainment, nor is it about educating the worshipers or forming Christian morals. Worship is about worshiping God. Only when people connect with God in worship will God, and their worship of him, become real and vital to them.
Approaching God in Worship will be helpful to both lay people and clergy. It is designed to be used by individuals studying alone, or with a study group meeting for 14, 35, or even 70 sessions. The manuscript is complete, and it could be divided into two volumes to make the price more accessible. A separate leader's guide is also complete and available for study groups.
There are books on the theology and practice of Christian worship; histories of worship; works on how to plan and prepare worship services; books promoting traditional, contemporary, blended, emerging, and other styles of worship; and lots of devotional books for spiritual growth. Approaching God in Worship brushes against all these genres, but it is the only book offering worshipers guidance on how to use the worship they encounter to recognize, experience, connect with, and enjoy God. This is not about changing the services, but learning to use what already exists in the worship services at every Christian church. This is about empowering the average person in the pew to take up their worship tools and approach the Holy One.
Robert Ingram is the author of eight published books, and a major contributor to a ninth. He is an ordained United Methodist pastor who has planned and led worship in congregations as small as 15 and as large as 3,000. Graduating from The Ohio State University and The Methodist Theological School in Ohio, he has earned a bachelor’s, two master’s, and a doctoral degree, with his doctorate and one of the master’s degrees focusing on worship. Six of his published books provide practical resources to pastors and lay people who are planning and leading worship, so his name will be recognized by many leaders in the church. He has served as a national officer of the Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts. Having traveled to 11 countries outside the U.S., Ingram thinks and writes outside the provincial “box” to reach out to English-speakers around the world. Being a full-time writer, while retaining his ordination and credentials in the church, Ingram is also available for book-signings, workshops and speaking engagements.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Not-So-Great Expectations
author: Christine Deken
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 11.13.2018 • author id: DeC4323518
word count: 43000
“There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death” Prov. 14:12. We are hopelessly sick with incorrect expectations about God, life and other people. In the words of the proverb, our way appears to be right. We think through a personal paradigm and often cannot see another perspective. Wrong, high or unrealistic expectations cause unnecessary destruction in our emotional lives and relationships and plague all humans in various seasons, stages and spheres of life.
But God has communicated truth that transforms our thoughts. This book comprehensively explores common but wrong expectations and applies God’s perspective to each. It provides a practical resource that will develop the ability to more quickly recognize expectations; rehabilitate our thoughts in accordance with the truth; and replace misguided expectations with a secure and steadfast hope in God thereby moving us toward greater emotional and relational health.
Christine Deken holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, a Juris Doctor and Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. She practiced law for eight years and has published in the legal field. She authored the first three volumes of the published eight volume legal reference entitled, The Ohio Civil Practice Manual. She continued to update and revise this publication for 19 years. Christine was widowed at 23, has been married for 34 years and home-educated her five children. She currently leads a small group Bible study and teaches as adjunct faculty including a class on expectations at Xenos Christian Fellowship, a 5000-member church. She recently taught a breakout session at the Xenos Summer Institute, a conference attended by many non-Xenos members.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: When Prayer Seems to Fail
author: Michael Canion
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 1.15.2019 • author id: Cam3013519
word count: 25000
When Prayer Seems to Fail, is a very insightful, practical, and personal book about prayer in general and when it seems to fail in particular. It answers question such as, why is it that my prayers seem to go unanswered? Am I praying wrong? Does prayer really work? What is prayer? How do I pray effectively? Why have I lost my desire to pray? This book will answer these questions and many more.
I am a pastor with more than thirty years of experience. This book is extremely personal, it gives the reader insight into my personal struggles and victories as it pertains to prayer. The lessons that I have learned about prayer over the years have been life changing and the numerouse communictions from people who have read the book speaks to the relevance of the book. I find that to many people, prayer is a mystery; such a mystery that they had stopped even praying. This book will explain prayer and ignite or reignite a passion for prayer.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Conversations with God: Relating to Him through His Word
author: Michael Benefield
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 2.8.2019 • author id: BeM7731619
word count: 32500
God is a real person. So how do you learn to relate to Him? We learn to relate to the Lord primarily through the message He has left for us—the Bible. If you want to hear from God, the Bible is the place to start. Through it, He speaks to us, He saves us, He guides us, He encourages us, He answers our questions, and He helps us to learn, grow, and change. However, for any relationship to work, it must be two-way. There must be conversation.
That is what this book is about, Conversations with God! It will provide a simple process you can use to understand the Bible and relate to God more closely through it. Through a series of multiple readings, or listenings, you will learn to hear from the Lord. Along the way, you will pray to God about what you hear, ask Him questions about it, and express to Him your understanding of His message. This is your part of the conversation. It will help transform your time in the Bible into a conversation with the God who loves you!
Michael Benefield holds degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary and Grace School of Theology and has been involved in professional ministry for over 12 years. Mr. Benefield served as Discipleship Pastor at Conroe Bible Church for 6 years and currently works for a non-profit serving at-risk youth in southeast Texas. Mr. Benefield also maintains close ties to Estonia where he served as a church consultant. He will speak at his first conference in Spring 2019.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: What Every Christian Should Know About the Trinity
author: Rob Phillips
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 3.29.2019 • author id: PhR6510119
word count: 67000
There’s little doubt that the doctrine of the Trinity is mysterious. Some would say it’s mind-boggling, or that it violates logic. After all, it claims that God is three and yet one. How is this possible? Charles Taze Russell, founder of the organization that became the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, rejected the Trinity as unreasonable. Joseph Smith, who established the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, redefined the Godhead and invited us to join it. Other counterfeit forms of Christianity, as well as some Christian sects, embrace the Trinity yet fail to biblically describe how the one true God exists as three distinct but inseparable, co-equal, co-eternal persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
So, it’s important for followers of Jesus to understand, as best we can, the triune God who created us, loves us, and redeemed us. Rather than view the doctrine of the Trinity as a stumbling block to belief, we should explore the triune God and enjoy the majesty and the mystery of this one divine being who has eternally existed as three co-equal, loving, selfless persons in whose image we are created.
What Every Christian Should Know About the Trinity is designed for pastors and laypersons for personal or group study.
Rob Phillips directs the statewide apologetics ministry of the Missouri Baptist Convention. He is the author of seven books: The Apologist's Tool Kit; What Every Christian Should Know About Salvation; The Last Apologist: A Commentary on the Epistle of Jude for Defenders of the Christian Faith; What Everyone Should Know About the Afterlife; What Every Christian Should Know About Same-sex Attraction; What Every Christian Should Know About Islam; and The Kingdom According to Jesus: A Study of Jesus' Parables on the Kingdom of Heaven.
Phillips is certified in Christian Apologetics by the North American Mission Board. He travels and speaks extensively, with a focus on helping local church members become better equipped to defend the Christian faith with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15-16).
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Trivial Life: Escaping the Default Mode of the Human Heart
author: Jason Lancaster
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 4.26.2019 • author id: LaJ7190119
word count: 27000
Do you feel that your life often trends toward the trivial? You have the best intentions to redeem the time, invest in others, and live sacrificially. But you are often distracted, self-absorbed and dabbling in that which is meaningless. Why do you keep falling back into the same old pointless traps? Because the default mode of the human heart is bent toward triviality. But what if there were some kind of work-around, intentional reset, or deliberate action to move away from triviality to a life of meaning and purpose? What if you could push back against the default mode of the human heart and live a life of consequence as you engage critical aspects on a day-to-day basis? The good news is that God is not a trivial God, nor did He create you for a life of triviality. Though you have gone in search of your own way down the road of triviality, God has intervened through the person of Jesus Christ. Now through faith in Jesus you can live a God-consumed life that not only brings good to you and others but ultimately glory to God.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: As Christ Loved the Church: Shepherding Your Wife with the Love and Grace of Jesus
author: John White
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 4.29.2019 • author id: WhJ5354619
word count: 21500
As Christ Loved the Church is a gospel-centered, pastorally winsome, and accessible book for men who are married or engaged. With pithy language, personal anecdotes, and gripping illustrations, the reader will be offered practical advice on caring for and nurturing their spouse toward joyful maturity in Christ. Many books on marriage are pragmatic and largely needs-based, a focus that leaves many readers thirsty for the grace of God in Christ that propels them into sacrifical love of others. As Christ Loved the Church, however, balances the imeratives of Scripture with the glorious indicatives of the gospel of Jesus. More than a how-to manual, this book guides the reader as a disciple who is being lovingly trained by a mentor.
J. Aaron White is the Senior Pastor of River Hills Community Church (Evangelical Free Church of America) in Janesville, Wisconsin. He is married to his highschool sweetheart, Tanya, and they have five children ages birth to thirteen. White holds a Bachelor of Science in Communication Studies, a Master of Theological Studies in Systematic Theology, and a Master of Theological Studies in Practical Theology. He has self-published five books, three of which gained endorsements from: Dr. Tom Schreiner (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary), Dr. Bruce Ware (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary), Marty Machowski (author of The Ology and Old Story New by New Growth Press), Greg Gilbert (author of What is the Gospel? by 9Marks), and Milton Vincent (author of A Gospel Primer for Christians).
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: A Hope-Filled Life: The Significance of Hope in the Life of a Believer
author: James Wilkes
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 5.17.2019 • author id: WiJ0276219
word count: 35000
A Hope-Filled Life is a book of practical teaching on the subject of biblical hope. Biblical hope is not an abstraction. It is an actual gospel grace that produces joy and endurance in our lives. A Hope-Filled Life defines biblical hope and provides a practical theology for a life of hope in our sovereign God. The reader will be encouraged to see hope as a stabilizing force for Christian living. It is important for every Christian to understand that the race set before us has an end. By God’s grace, we will finish the course. Hope is one means that God uses for our perseverance. Although hope is about our confidence in God’s future promises, it is also a present reality in our hearts. The final outcome has been secured by Christ alone. In reality, He is our hope. Hope is not an option, and there are many biblical truths concerning hope that will strengthen the Christian’s heart. Discouragement, fear, and pride are some of the enemies of hope.
I have pastored in Massachusetts since 1982. I have a bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies. I served in one church for twenty-eight years and have pastored for seven years in my present pastorate, Grace Community Chapel, Seekonk, MA. I also taught theology and expositional preaching for many years in a local Bible institute. My focus for many years has been expositional preaching through the books of the Bible. I do have some ministry contacts through which this book could be promoted.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Temptation with Purpose
author: Ackah Toffey
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 6.24.2019 • author id: ToA4413619
word count: 67500
The book, Temptation with Purpose, was inspired by the voice that came from heaven following Jesus’ baptism, saying: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” and the temptation that followed. It is intended to motivate believers to rise to an intimacy with God to his pleasure. Using the declaration of God’s pleasure in his beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and the temptation following his baptism, the book portrays Jesus’ life of love, humility and obedience. Therefore, it is based on a triune principle of love, humility and obedience as a model of Christ-like living. It challenges believers to pursue, in the power of the Holy Spirit, excellence in love, humility and obedience, while providing the benefits of such virtues. Furthermore, it discusses lifestyles that may sear the heart of a believer to a distant relationship with God. Also, it encourages believers to rise above pain and distress and thereby surrender to God for manifestation of the purpose of God in diverse kinds of trials and adversities. Additionally, it emphasizes the utter need to trust and depend on God, as he shapes one in the “wilderness experience” for an intimate relationship. Lastly, it provides principles for overcoming temptations.
Dr. Ackah Toffey is the author of an article titled, “Delight in the Lord,” Pentecost Herald, 2007. He is a good public speaker and an inspiring Bible teacher. He has written three manuscripts, namely, “Though armed with Bows,” “Temptation with Purpose” and “Lessons at the Lake with Jesus Christ.” Dr. Toffey’s affiliation with the Church of Pentecost, USA, and other affiliated churches throughout the world provides a platform of large audience for the book.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
author: Lon Hider
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 7.15.2019 • author id: HiL4985419
word count: 90000
Every year more and more people drop out of Church but not the pursuit of spirituality. Those in this growing exodus depart with a haunting question. How do I construct a spiritual life when I am suspicious of the Church?
After Amen helps us reconstruct our faith on the “hidden in plain sight” genius of Jesus buried under the transactional matrix of the Church. His innovative way of relating to God can resurrect our spiritual aspirations and set us on the path to true discipleship.
Pastor, church burnout and hopeful seeker, Lon Hider uncovers a thoroughly biblical way of relating to God. He suggests a way forward through the non-transactional, relational theology of Jesus. This book will help all of us:
• Identify the root of your disappointments in a crumbling Churchianity.
• Learn the prayer practice of Christ that provides a growing connection to God, our best selves, and others.
• Walk a non-shaming path toward your deepest humanity.
• Engage us with others in seeking a better world.
By the end of After Amen, you can find a new beginning for your faith journey based on the radical genius of Jesus rather than the failed expectations of your church experience.
Dr. Lon Hider is a Pastor with two advanced theology degrees and over 30 years of leadership and pastoral experience with 5 churches. He has a reputation as an outstanding speaker and teacher. He writes constantly, having just finished his doctoral dissertation on the future of the church in rural America and before that writing over 1500 sermons and 5 seminars. He received rave reviews on his writing and the prospectus for this book from his mentor Dr. Leonard Sweet. Dr. Sweet has a large following and has published over 60 books and written more than 80 prefaces/forwards for other published authors.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: God Calling: Spiritual Direction for People in the Real World
author: Jeff Kilmartin
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 7.14.2019 • author id: KiJR3E2A19
word count: 135000
Robust. Confident. Christlike. Generous. Decision making with conviction. These marks characterised the NT churches, and the saints in them, to a remarkable degree. Is it too much to think we can have the same reputation for our churches today?
We have the same God, the same Christ, the same Spirit in us, as they had. The same confidence, maturity, and generosity can also mark our own lives and that of our churches.
This work encourages us to make a close, faithful reading of the Scriptures to see how the NT saints made decisions, prayed (and did not pray!), were filled with the Spirit, understood the will of God for their lives, gave, and carried on the work of the Kingdom. It will also show how the NT saints differed from those of the OT, how the coming of Jesus and his Spirit changes the way God relates to his people, and how that affects our theology and reading of Scripture.
In a time marked by individualism, materialism, indecision, and hyper-spirituality, God is calling us to come home to the whole of the Scriptures and recapture the genuine spiritual direction he provides for living in the real world.
Dr. Jeff Kilmartin has served in Christian ministry for over 25 years, first as a church pastor, and presently as a missionary. He lectures in seminaries, preaches in churches and conferences, and serves among an unreached people group in Central and West Africa. He has a large list of supporting churches and individuals respecting his mission work.
The issues presented in the book have been the focus of his writing and speaking for the past 20 years.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Journey with Bunyan's Pilgrim
author: Ann Coker
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 7.22.2019 • author id: ACo4625919
word count: 24700
(Working Title: Journey with Bunyan’s Pilgrim)
You know about John Bunyan’s classic The Pilgrim’s Progress, but have you read it? You might have started it, lost interest, and put it back on your bookshelf. Would a guide help you? Journey with Bunyan’s Pilgrim is structured as a devotional guide containing comments about Pilgrim’s journey, Scripture references Bunyan used, a takeaway relating personal experience, and brief journal space for your life application.
As the reader, your personal life connects with Bunyan’s Pilgrim: how Pilgrim’s journey and yours intersect; how Pilgrim and you relate to Scripture; what Pilgrim learned; what lessons Pilgrim taught you; and what areas on your journey still need work.
The value of connecting Scripture with life is easily adapted when reading through The Pilgrim’s Progress. Bunyan’s Scripture references relate to anyone’s personal life (past and present). The added value of journaling gives thoughtful and concrete application, connecting Scripture and life experiences. Knowledge brings understanding which results in wisdom.
Journey with Bunyan’s Pilgrim is structured for thirteen weeks, six days per week. Designed to be a devotional journal, the book includes text and blank lines for reader input.
Ann L. Coker graduated from college twenty years after completing high school. She was managing editor of Good News magazine, and contributed to The Woman’s Study Bible, Thomas Nelson. Currently she writes for devotional publications, periodicals, and her blog (abcoker.blog). She has served the pro-life cause in several agencies. Ann is married to her favorite preacher, developing lifelong friendship during their college and pastoral ministries. Ann is a member of Heartland Christian Writers in Indianapolis, IN.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Gospel: A Redemption and Restoration Story
author: Michael O'Dowd
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 10.12.2019 • author id: OM1252019
word count: 90300
In the first chapter of Romans, Paul teaches that the gospel is a message which brings “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” If you’re a follower of Jesus Christ, then you’ve believed this gospel message at some point in your past, but do you know that this gospel isn’t trapped in your past? That it remains the power of God in your life to bring the good work He began in you to completion? Sometimes we forget that the gospel is rooted in the Person who saved us “in accordance with the Scriptures” and that those Scriptures tell an amazing story, from Genesis to Revelation, of the marvelous wonder of the person and work of Jesus Christ. The gospel truly is a redemption and restoration story; in fact, it is the greatest story ever told! Come rediscover the marvelous wonder of your Savior and the salvation He brings by rediscovering the power of His story!
Mike O’Dowd is the pastor of Leptondale Bible Church in Newburgh, New York. He holds 4 advanced degrees to include a Masters of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. A retired Air Force Colonel and fighter pilot, Mike’s life experience entails numerous opportunities to lead, extensive exposure to combat and extensive experience leading and teaching in a diversity of churches and denominations by virtue of more than a dozen moves, courtesy of the military! Mike and his family have done life “very real” along with God’s people whom he and his wife Lucia have served faithfully for nearly 3 decades, and it is for God’s people who have done life “very real” that Mike writes.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Living a Deeper Faith
author: Pamela Myers Palmer
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 10.29.2019 • author id: MyP6049119
word count: 55000
I explore twelve areas that we as Christians should practice and cultivate to enhance our spirituality and walk with the Lord. These are mentioned consistently throughout the Bible, centuries of believers before us fostered these spiritual areas, and personally, I have found my own faith has benefited when I live out such ways with a right and godly perspective. Along the way, I share my own stories, the accounts of biblical heroes of faith, and spiritual vignettes of people I have met. Their names and minor details have been modified or omitted to protect their privacy.
God invites us into a relationship with Him--one that we need to tend to, just as any other relationship. Our relationship with God changes us from the inside out, and eventually, our faith produces faithful living. This book is not a step-by-step guide or list of do’s and don’ts. Instead it will highlight areas we can nurture to help foster our relationship with God. The hope is that reading the pages ahead will take you on a journey that inspires you to live your faith in ways that honor the Lord, help you get to know God better, and hopefully draw others to Him.
My faith has been the foundation of my life. God’s presence in my life has shaped it in ways that I cannot even fully understand or know. This is my attempt at sharing what I have learned about God and how my faith has been strengthened through the lens of my upbringing in the church, biblical studies, and my experiences in ministry. I have much more learning to do, and a whole lot of transformation is yet to be done in my heart and life. Developing these areas have helped me figure out who I am and the kind of faithful life I choose to live.
At the end of each chapter, I include three sections. The first section, Moving Forward, gives readers a starting place for how they can grow in that certain area. The Reflection Guide follows so that this can be a book that prompts readers to reflect on their own faith walk, and perhaps one they may read and discuss with a best friend, spouse, or small group. Finally, each chapter ends with a list of Scripture references pertinent to the topic, so that readers can pray those verses over themselves and their lives. Praying God’s Word can bring about powerful change.
Enriched by having faith in Christ Jesus, I came to write this book with the mission to inspire others to have a real relationship with God, develop their trust, and ultimately, to live each day motivated with an unshakeable and unstoppable faith. I am nowhere near having it all together, but I’m passionate to share God’s word in hopes to encourage others to follow Him more closely. I have spent years in ministry from leading Bible studies, witnessing to homeless men and women on the streets of Chicago, sharing God’s love with inner city youth in California, and more recently, to being at the bedside of those who are sick and dying. I have counseled and mentored many who are in search of something more, and are no longer satisfied with what this world offers them. I have sat with those who have been hurt and suffering because of the brokenness of this world and the consequences on their choices.
Ministry Highlights
2012 – Current: Hospital Staff Chaplain, Christ Medical Center, Oak Lawn, IL
2012 – Current: Ordained reverend with the Evangelical Church Alliance
2018: Planning team for the ME: Mom Equipped Conference, La Grange, IL
2008-2012 (intermittently): Program Director, Youth Academics and Spirituality programs, Bayshore Chrsitian Ministries, East Palo Alto, CA
BA, Biblical and Theological Studies
North Park University
Chicago, IL
MA, Counseling
Denver Seminary
Littleton, CO
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Re-entering Eden: Christian Meditation in Nature
author: Colleen Warren
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 11.7.2019 • author id: WaC4695319
word count: 58351
What if Eden were not lost, but instead we have just walked away from it? That is the central premise of this book, Re-Entering Eden: Christian Meditation in Nature. In creating the natural world and that first perfect garden space, God imbued them with qualities that enlarge our capacity to sense his presence: silence, stillness, and solitude—attributes which nature still embodies today. Meditation in nature heightens our attentiveness to these qualities in our natural surroundings and cultivates them within our souls. Drawing on research that shows the benefits of exposure to nature as well as research that indicates the effectiveness of meditative practices, Re-Entering Eden argues that combining the two re-creates the environment of Eden, a space where walking with God is still possible. Grounded in the Biblical celebration of meditation and entrenched in an unapologetically Christian vision of nature, Re-Entering Eden clears a path through natural landscapes that leads to spiritual renewal, peace, and a deeper relationship with God. Offering the author’s own meditations on nature as stimulus for the readers’ own, this book will jostle readers from their “inside” complacency and motivate them to discover the spiritual atmosphere of nature and to initiate the transforming discipline of Christian meditation into their lives.
I hold a PhD and have been teaching composition and literature at Taylor University for twenty-seven years. I have published a book, Annie Dillard and the Word Made Flesh: An Incarnational Theory of Language, have had several literary criticism articles as well as creative nonfiction pieces published in journals, an anthology, and online, and have been invited to read papers at over twenty-five literary conferences. These conferences, as well as my position as editor of the international newsletter for the Flannery O’Connor Society, my blog, my involvement in women’s Bible studies, and my teaching position at Taylor, afford multiple opportunities for promotion of my book.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Sanctification: A User's Guide to Becoming More Like Jesus
author: Thomas Hawkes
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 11.22.2019 • author id: HaT2821219
word count: 98000
Sanctification: A User’s Guide To Becoming More Like Jesus, offers the modern reader a deep understanding of precisely how one can grow in likeness to Jesus Christ. Based upon a careful study of the teachings of the Bible, John Calvin and other Reformers, drawn from the author’s Ph.D. studies, Sanctification presents a clear and compelling biblical approach to daily practices and orientations which will actually assist the Christian in spiritual growth through relying on the grace of God to transform them. Starting with a framework for understanding what holiness is, it teaches how to: desire holiness, rely on God’s grace, apprehend God’s life altering love, grow in faith and repentance, deny one’s self, and engage the church. While many books on sanctification emphasize one or two aspects of the Christian’s growth in holiness Sanctification presents a complete approach to a biblical lifestyle which helps one grow in grace, and thus in holiness.
1. Education :
2014 Ph.D., Historical Theology, London School of Theology.
2006 MA, Reformed Theological Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
1985 MATS (Magna Cum Laude), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA.
2. Work experience
2016 to present: Director, The Center for Church Planting, Reformed Theological Seminary-Charlotte, NC.
1994 to present: Founding Senior Pastor, Uptown Church-PCA, Charlotte, NC.
1991-1995: Founding Director of The Arrow Leadership Program, Leighton Ford Ministries, Charlotte, NC.
1986-1990: U.S. Director of Church Growth for the Presbyterian Church in America, Atlanta, Georgia.
3. Publications
Laying Firm Foundation: A Manual for Church Planting, PCA, 1988.
John Calvin’s Theology of Sanctification and the Genevan Academy, Paternoster, 2016.
Forth Coming: “John Calvin: Prophet of God’s Love,” Westminster Theological Journal, 2020.
4. Marketing: Dr. Sincliar Ferguson has agreed to write the forward. I teach at RTS and at various seminars.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Thy Kingdom Come
author: Patrick McFall
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 12.9.2019 • author id: McPCB11619
word count: 55000
The principles and philosophies of the Kingdom were established in the first recorded sermon by Jesus: the Sermon on the Mount. Every New Testament writer wrote about them. Early Christians were pressed to live according to these magnanimous standards. They took the message so seriously that they suffered untold afflictions, even death, counting it joy to suffer atrocities for Christ.
Today, our standards have changed, but God’s standards have not. This book seeks to re-establish God’s standards based on the teachings of Jesus about His Kingdom.
Jesus preached about the Kingdom a lot! He said that the Kingdom is more important than food, home, and clothing. This is what makes this topic so fascinating, that something can be more important than the things we need to survive.
This book helps to explain this dynamic, and that makes it an important tool for Christians trying to grow in the things of God. It uncovers many hidden mysteries about the Kingdom of heaven, and tackles some tough questions relating to it. While some of these questions are academic, most are practical and instructional, helping us live the Kingdom life that Jesus championed.
Thy Kingdom Come provides guidance on the spiritual, academic, and economic aspects of Kingdom life for Christians. Reverend Patrick McFall is uniquely qualified in all of these areas.
He is an Associate Minister and an entrepreneur. His ministerial experience dates more than thirty years. His professional experience includes executive management in commercial banking, offshore banking, and external auditing. His academic qualifications include American CPA, Canadian Securities, and Executive MBA.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Unraveled: Torn By Life, Renewed in Faith
author: Andrea Mercier
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 12.13.2019 • author id: MeA6152319
word count: 31,000
Have you ever questioned God’s goodness and doubted His love for you? In Unraveled: Torn By Life, Renewed in Faith, Andrea shares from her own personal experience of walking through spiritual warfare, infertility, a miscarriage, more than one health crisis, becoming a special needs mom, and being an Army wife. After years of wrestling with God through real, raw emotions and the deep questions of the faith, Andrea has come out with a fresh perspective that rests on the eternal goodness, love, and faithfulness of God revealed to us in Scripture. Our deepest times of sorrow can actually be used to remake our faith in a new way, a good way, a holy way. Satan desires to destroy our faith in these times, but God desires to bring our faith to completion through suffering. Through examining the Scriptures and sharing the honest details of her own heart being torn, Andrea encourages her readers to not give up but to press deeper into Jesus, believing Him and obeying Him even when life doesn’t make any earthly sense. This is our destiny where sin is exposed, hope is restored, and our freedom in Christ is realized.
Andrea is a women's speaker, minister, author, mom to a beautiful boy with autism, and wife to her handsome Army Chaplain husband. She holds a Masters of Divinity from Northern Seminary and is connected to the Kern Family Foundation through her time at Northern. She currently serves as the Family Ministry Director at a church just north of Peoria, IL. She speaks at women's events where her book could be sold. Find her at www.andreamercier.com.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Pretend Christian:How I Went from Stale Religion to Life-Changing Relationship — And How You Can, Too
author: Deirdre Reilly
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 12.18.2019 • author id: ReD0186719
word count: 24370
“The Pretend Christian: How I Went From Stale Religion to Life-Changing Relationship — And How You Can, Too” takes the reader on the author’s personal journey of the discovery of the truth of Christ, and vibrantly expresses the truth of the Christian faith even as an ever more secular and progressive society seeks to erase Christ and foundational Biblical truths.
“The Pretend Christian” is a short book specifically geared for those people who have heard about God and Jesus but find Christianity trite, old-fashioned, unbelievable, or simply too good to believe. It is also for people who have been hurt by religion or "religious" people in the past, but are nonetheless craving something they can't quite put their finger on — that indefinable longing that nags at the corners of modern life and asks, is there more? This book seeks to meet them in that place before a personal acceptance of God and His son Jesus, and offers understanding and respect for their journey and the experiences that have turned them off to faith.
In “The Pretend Christian” Reilly shares her own experiences as she searched for the truth, including almost 20 years where she professed Christianity while having no relationship with Christ. Reilly is just like most of her readers; she is not a pastor or religious scholar, but an average person — one who now experiences God’s grace, and wants to share it with others. Reilly especially speaks to those in any kind of spiritual limbo, and shares both the good and the bad experiences that led her to a lasting, life-changing faith.
In addition to sharing her own journey, Reilly includes two practical “takeaways” at the end of each short chapter; one for the “searcher,” and one for the Christian who may encounter them.
Deirdre Reilly is a writer and journalist whose written work on family, faith and parenting has been carried by both regional and national publications including Fox News and Dallas Morning News. She is a member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists, and received a Massachusetts Press Award for her long-running nationally syndicated family humor column. Reilly has been both a radio and television guest for her views on modern-day parenting, faith and politics — most recently on Glenn Beck’s “The Blaze” cable television network and the nationally syndicated “Morning Glory” EWTN radio program. She has interviewed people of faith including Franklin Graham. Reilly's last staff position was as senior editor overseeing content in the Faith vertical for LifeZette.com.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Knife Edge: Learning to Walk to Narrow Road with Jesus
author: Sofia Nygaard
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 2.11.2020 • author id: NyS9807720
word count: 110450
In Matthew 7:14 we read: "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." It is not just the gate that is narrow, but the road we take as we follow Jesus is narrow. This narrow road does not have walls on either side that keep us from stumbling. The narrow road is, because we have free will, a knife edge with a ditch on each side that the enemy of our souls ceaselessly tries to lure us into. We must listen to the Apostle Paul's admonition in 1 Corinthians 10:12, "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!"
Jude testifies (Jude 1:24) that God alone can keep us from stumbling. He has made the way, through Jesus, to enter the narrow gate, and the way, through the power of Christ's Spirit in us, to stay on the narrow road, that we may reach the finish line of the race marked out for us (Hebrews 12:1). The Knife Edge: Learning to Walk the Narrow Road with Jesus will help train your eyes to be fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, and train your ears to hear the voice of God's Spirit more readily, that you may stay in step with the Spirit, growing more like Christ each day.
I was a Mortgage Consultant for 15 years and left that career in order to work full-time for God. This is my first book and commission from God, but others are in process as I continue to study, teach, and grow closer to God.
I am a born-again Christian who has been commissioned by God to write this book: a prophetic message to urge Christ's body wake up (Revelation 3:2) in these last days. My message is encased in thorough scripture-based teaching to lead Jesus's disciples to a deeper walk in Him as they understand the importance of finishing their race. This book has been completely inspired by the Holy Spirit. I have no theological education or professional experience, only a deep and abiding love for Jesus that fuels my desire to carry out His will. My prophetic teaching ministry is currently carried out as a small group and women’s bible study leader and teacher.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Your Prayer Life Can Hurt Less: Using the Enneagram to Find a Form of Prayer that Works for You
author: Richard Griffin
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 3.27.2020 • author id: GrR0308620
word count: 65248
Christians want to pray, want to experience connection with God through Jesus. The prayer forms the Church has given them, however, don’t work for most of them. A small percentage are nourished by the standard Quiet Time format or the ACTS approach, but many, many more of us live in silent shame about our prayer life. My book teaches Christians forms of prayer that specifically fit them; forms that express who God made them to be, sorted by Enneagram Personality Type. It’s written for Christians who are in the First Half of life, before they pass through the Dark Night of the Soul, so they can build a personal history of experiencing God and connecting with Him; a history they can draw on when God puts them into the Dark Night and withdraws the sense of His presence from them.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Fingerprint of God: Reflections on Love and Its Practice
author: Willard Dickerson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 4.18.2020 • author id: DiWiTh8120
word count: 44000
Some would argue that we live in a dog-eat-dog world in which there is nothing but energy and matter. Those who know how to survive and reproduce pass their genes along to the next generation. Those who don’t have their genes culled from the gene pool. But if that were true, where did selfless love come from? And how did it become one of the basic necessities of human life? What exactly is love anyway? Is the existence — and necessity — of selfless love evidence that we really were created in the image of a loving God? Is love something like God’s fingerprint on our lives? Is it proof that He was here and that He made us in His image — to love and to be loved? If so, how should this fact affect our lives? What does this love look like in practice? And if God loves us so much, then why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Ministry of the Unveiled Face
author: Janet Fichter
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 8.5.2020 • author id: FiJaTh18720
word count: 10000
The simplest and most profound insights from God come in times of prayer and Bible Study. One such moment for me became the impetus for this book as God used 2 Corinthians 3:18 to bring the insight that we Christians are called to unveil the goodness of Christ to others through everyday interactions. It is a call to ministry for all Christians to embrace those face to face opportunities God brings our way, speaking and praying words of hope and truth that bring light into dark and veiled places. This book simplifies a call to ministry by building upon the familiar verse, in 2nd Corinthians: “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another, for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.†(2 Corinthians 3:18). The Ministry of The Unveiled Face is basic: because Christ is in us, we are to be the unveiled face that reveals God’s beauty and goodness to a hurting and confused world.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: I'm Available Lord, Use Me!
author: Anne Farnum
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 8.22.2020 • author id: FaAnI'20320
word count: 58300
Working Title: I’m Available Lord, Use Me! In today’s world, we are being pressed to answer this question: Do we truly believe in God and His love for us, and are we willing to sacrifice doing life “our way†as a result? If we were to answer truthfully, we might have some trouble. If you are like me, you want to be more like Jesus and submit to the Spirit, but you find it difficult to let go of this world. We are not alone; many fellow believers struggle with this question, and many of the men and women of the Bible struggled too. Peter is one of the noteworthy examples of a man who struggled yet overcame the question of availability. In this book we will look at Peter’s life--how he met Jesus and became transformed while following Him, becoming a man available to His God.  We will learn about people of the Bible and their faith journeys, and will be challenged to be honest about where we are sheltering. We will discover truths relevant today, nuggets of truth that give us renewed courage to navigate this life.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Worth No Less
author: Jason Thompson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 8.24.2020 • author id: ThJaWo20520
word count: 37000
When I got divorced in my late twenties, my identity as a “good Christian†was shattered. I felt lost and broken, and while I clung to God for healing, it broke my heart that I was now worthless to God because of my divorce. I was convinced that my sin and shame made me unqualified to do anything significant for God’s Kingdom. To my utter astonishment, I was called into full-time ministry as a pastor just a few years after my divorce. God opened my eyes to the truth that our past sins and circumstances do not disqualify us in His eyes. In His eyes, we are worth no less, and He longs to partner with His children to do great things for His Kingdom and glory. It is my hope that every believer and every church will recognize the potential of all of God’s children and embrace God’s command to disciple and equip all of His followers.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Christian Life: Living in the Panoply of God's Grace
author: Stephen Button
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 11.30.2020 • author id: BuStTh30920
word count: 128400
One-Sentence Description: Exploring the impressive collection and display of God's grace in the Christian's life. Theme(s): The primary theme is grace. However, there are multiple themes that are highlighted in view of grace. These include: salvation, sanctification, happiness, persecution, endurance, discipline, abiding in Jesus, repentance, the fruit of the Spirit, eternal security, reward, and others mentioned in passing. Summation Quotes from the Book: "God's grace is more than sufficient, it is abundantly available to all that belong to Him. There is a reservoir of grace that will never empty. When Jesus said, "My grace is sufficient," He was saying there is nothing else that will compare with it, nothing else that will replace it, nothing else that will embody it. Grace is sufficient because there is nothing that can be added to it, supplement it, or enhance it." "The purpose of this book is to help you evaluate your spiritual health by seeing what it is that contributes to it and what areas may need attention. As the saying goes, 'if you have your health, you have everything.' Spiritual health is eternally more important than physical health." Brief Description: This book is an exploration of the Christian Life as it experiences the abundance of God's grace. Grace is the display of God's love that far exceeds our imagination. The subtitle of the book is: "Living in the Panoply of God's Grace." Panoply, which means a complete or impressive collection or display, is not a word used in everyday conversation, which is why I chose it. God's grace is anything but common. There is not a moment nor an aspect of our life that is not touched by God's grace. Each chapter deals with a different aspect of the Christian life. Beginning with the need to experience the need for saving grace, the bulk of the book deals with the growth and development of the Christian life through sanctifying grace. The book explores the means by which the Christian life is nourished and grows because of God's grace. The Christian life can be a balanced, harmonious, happy life all because of God's grace. There is a purpose to the Christian life, which requires discipline and endurance in order to be effective. Ultimately, the Christian life is a relationship with Jesus, who produces in us, through our union with Him, qualities that reflect Him. There is a reward for living the Christian life, experienced now and expected in the future. God's grace is evident in all of this and is the basis for security we have in Him and the hope of eternal life, living in the presence of God forever. The Christian life could not exist were it not for the impressive collective display of God's grace. Unique Features: In this book you will find: a discussion of how to identify good literature and avoid bad influences an exploration of theological extremes that cause tension and can lead to imbalance in the Christian life an explanation of the relationship of the Law to grace how to set spiritual priorities concerns about the excesses of worship, focusing on the importance of remembering who it is we worship how to a Christian can be happy, since happiness is a major ambition of most people. ten progressive forms of persecution the priority of embracing persecution four purposes of discipline and five principles of enduring in the Christian life seven evidences of what it means to live an effective Christian life four kinds of spiritual fruit the difference between worldly sorrow and godly sorrow the difference between penance and repentance the composite nature of the "five crowns." the relation of the five crowns to the fruit of the Spirit Genre of the Book: Portions of the book are informative, challenging, convicting, and encouraging. This is not a theological work, but hopefully reflects sound theology. This is not an exegetical work, but hopefully is based on sound interpretation. This is not a devotional book, but it is hoped it will cause the reader to meditate upon the truth of God's word. In essence, this book is a survey of themes in an overview of the Christian life in the context of God's grace as seen in the different phases of the Christian life. The Scripture which headlines each chapter forms the foundation for the discussion in that chapter. Although some passages have no direct reference the word grace, they are used because they are best understood in light of God's grace. There is not an exegesis of the passage, because the purpose is not necessarily to give a definitive interpretation, but to increase the reader's inquisitive instinct to pursue the theme in greater detail and find more ways in which to identify personal application.
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title: Who Told You That?
author: Laurie Neill
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 12.4.2020 • author id: NeLaWh31220
word count: 49500
“Who told you that?†That was God’s question to Adam and Eve, and it is his question for the reader. Life experiences may leave us believing we are a failure, unlovable, stupid, or worthless. God asked us, “Who told you that?†This answer to that question has the power to change our lives. Was it a parent, teacher, ex-spouse, coworker? Certainly it was not God. This book invites us to examine what misbeliefs may be holding us back from a life of peace and joy in Christ. Through personal stories and examples, this book offers practical ways to recognize the lies of the world and battle them with the truth of God. The reader becomes familiar with Satan’s weapons of deceit and learns how to combat them. After each chapter, a three-step process called, “The Lie Detector,†explores misbeliefs, argues against them, and replaces them with the truth, paving the way for the Fruit of the Spirit to manifest itself in one’s life. It is not people, circumstances, or material possessions that determine happiness; rather it is what we believe about such things that matters.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Hunting Truth
author: Chris Harman
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 12.9.2020 • author id: HaChHu31320
word count: 72000
Imagine finding joy unspeakable through a simple hunt in the mountains. It is a beautiful crisp late October morning. With shotgun in hand, Chris and his young Brittany bird dog, Maddie, head into the mountains. Maddie’s excitement boils over as grouse season has finally begun after a long dry summer. The beauty of the majestic Blue Ridge Mountains and the vibrant autumn leaves teach us that there is an almighty God who created all things, therefore we are accountable to Him. As we search the mind of our creator we see that he is a loving God who desires for all mankind to be saved--and has provided a way. While hunting truth we find that personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As that relationship grows we learn His plan and His purpose through nature and through the experiences along the way. These help us grow as Christians, and by knowing His will for our lives we can find that unspeakable joy.
Chris Harman is a third generation bird hunter and a 20-year Bible teacher. Chris likes to use his beloved bird dogs and experiences to teach the simple truths of God’s Word to outdoorsmen that they might be saved and better serve the Lord. Chris is also a businessman of 30 years and plans to use his years of experience of management and marketing to bring the gospel to the outdoorsmen, glorifying God.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Deep Discipleship - Outer and Inner Transformation: A Practical and Comprehensive Guide
author: Stephen Lim
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 12.11.2020 • author id: LiStDe31620
word count: 70000
Rick Warren observes, “One of the greatest problems in churches today is the perpetual immaturity of members.†Barna concludes, “Stunningly few churches have a church of disciples.†Unfortunately, weak discipleship thwarts Christian growth and mission. We need to develop strong, mature, and fruitful disciples through deep, whole-life discipleship. We accomplish this by using effective means and motivation, and by overcoming serious hindrances to it. This book provides fresh and essential insights for effective discipleship: ◠Develop a concise and comprehensive understanding of the means, motivation, and goals that believers need to become and make disciples. ◠Pursue inner transformation—of worldview, ultimate love, and character—along with outer change in beliefs and behavior. ◠Pursue whole-life discipleship instead of focusing only on selected areas. ◠Use two ignored but vital means—growing through ten circumstances of life and connecting spiritual with personal growth. In addition, we need to enhance traditional means. ◠Use six sources of motivation—too often an inadequate factor. ◠Expose & overcome four major hindrances: inherent difficulties, personal issues, cultural seductions, and subtle misbeliefs and micro-practices that misdirect us.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Feeling It
author: Brad Sturm
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 12.13.2020 • author id: StBrFe31820
word count: 65000
So many of us know what it feels like not to "feel it." We know what we should feel. We know what a child of God is supposed to love and hate, what is supposed to make them excited or sad. But these feelings aren't there. We wonder, where is the power to change? Where is the joy? Where is the passion? And in the meantime, we just go through the motions. This book explores what has been to me the most joy-creating, life-liberating truth in the battle to feel it again in my life, and the life of my friends. It is an exploration of what it means to be created in the image of God. It looks at how we were created to live, day to day, in an intimate relationship with our heavenly Dad. The aim of this book is to provoke thought, to encourage, and to challenge so that we can again live Feeling It.
I graduated from Moody Bible institute with a BA in systematic theology in 2005 and served in Costa Rica and central Mexico from 2006 to 2016 as a missionary with my wife and seven kids. I've served in the Alaskan interior as a pastor/missionary since 2017. I've written articles for the missions magazine of Christian Missions in Many Lands. I regularly speak at missions conferences and churches throughout the United States and Mexico, and have self-published the book I am bringing before you now.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Unlearning: Your permission to think the backwards way
author: Paul Bartlett
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 2.17.2021 • author id: BaPaUn35820
word count: 40000
How to Ride A Backward Bike Give yourself permission to think differently! What if what you believed to be true was based on wrong foundational thought? Is it possible to truly grow as a person if all you ever do is add knowledge upon knowledge? Even as a person of faith, Pastor, or Christian leader! One of the great challenges Jesus faced was to teach communities steeped in historical tradition a new way of thinking, helping them unlearn deeply entrenched views forged by generations of tradition, religion and culture. Drawing on biblical principles and the experience of learning to ride a backward bike, thought-leadership expert Paul Bartlett will explain how God transforms our thinking. This profound thought of 'unlearning' will equip you to embark upon a significant journey that will help change the direction of your life for the better, whether it is in your personal relationships, vocation, faith or leadership. Paul Bartlett has spent over thirty years as a leader in faith organisations, serving his community and the author of the widely sold book Thank God It's Monday which is transforming how individuals and churches around the globe engage with their communities.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Secrets from the Parable of the Sower
author: Matthew Muse
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 2.26.2021 • author id: MuMaSe2121
word count: 20000
Jesus exhorts us to study the parable of the Sower in Mark 4, “If you can’t understand the meaning of this parable, how will you understand all the other parables?†True seed is the Gospel. We find this theme all through the Bible. The substance of the soil, on the other hand, doesn't seem evident. However, the Bible describes the singular attitude of those with prepared hearts as often and clearly as it does the Gospel. You just need to know what to look for. When we understand who good soil represents, answers to many questions become clear. What is maturity? How do we mature? How do we effectively pray for ourselves and others? What do we look for in Christian fellowship? What is worship? What is good fruit? How do we endure temptations while seeds in bad soil can not? How were the first temptations designed to directly oppose a prepared heart? How do many Christian leaders pander to seeds in rocky and weedy soil? Why do so many fall away or become fruitless? The answers to these questions and more come alive once we define good soil.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Life with a Limp: Walking and Growing Through Suffering
author: David Stevens
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 4.3.2021 • author id: StDaLi6021
word count: 110000
Working Title: Life with a Limp: Walking and Growing Through Suffering Everybody walks with a limp. From cradle to casket, life is filled with physical, psychological, and emotional pain. Some may hide their limp better than others. Nevertheless, the limp is there. Suffering is no respecter of persons. While suffering afflicts our bodies and emotions, the problem of suffering afflicts the mind. When confronted by tragedy, one might ask: How did this happen? or How can I survive this pain? Eventually the more philosophical questions press in upon our minds: Why did God let this happen? or How can I trust a God who would let my child die? While all walk through suffering, only some grow through suffering. This is my story of limping through doubt, loss, and grief following the death of my firstborn son. More importantly, it’s the story of how our limp in life can help us grow more in love with our suffering Savior.Â
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: God Inspired Life: Living Purposefully Through The Six Challenges Of Life
author: Godfrey Kesari
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 4.25.2021 • author id: KeGoGo8321
word count: 72300
God-Inspired Life: Living Purposefully through Six Challenges of Life will challenge readers not to live a self-inspired or others-inspired life, but a God-inspired life. Why? It can reduce unrealistic expectations or confusion and lead to a holy way of life. Understanding God’s purposes for the six different challenges of life will help readers to be more content, holy, and peaceful. The six challenges, as identified in this book, are: (1) maintaining our relationship with God, (2) maintaining our relationship with each other, (3) understanding God’s call, (4) overcoming temptations, (5) enduring suffering, and (6) preparing for heaven. Often in this world people can get confused about their purpose, passion, priorities, and perceptions. We face so many ungodly distractions, and life can become messy. Well, nothing can revitalise your life more than rededicating it to God. Seeking God’s help will guide readers in the right direction and bring the peace and light of God into their lives. This book will be a pointer toward what a God-led life will look like in our world today.
I have been a parish priest for 22 years - 7 years in India and 15 years in the UK. I am also the Inter-faith Adviser for the Diocese of Chichester. I have taught theology in the past for different churches and TAFTEE. I have published one book in the past. I obtained my BD from the United Theological College, India, a ThM from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a PhD in Theology from the University of Birmingham, UK. I have lived for many years both in the India and UK, and the manuscript will reflect my experiences of life both in the East and West. My passion is to see people come closer to God in Christ. The proposed book will encourage readers to do this.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Open, Ready, Brave: In Pursuit of God's Call
author: Mark Moore
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 6.22.2021 • author id: MoMaOp14621
word count: 15000
Discerning the call of God is one of the most pressing tasks in the Christian life. For many Christians, the quest for God’s call feels like a never-ending treasure hunt, rife with danger, detours, and fake gold. Adolescence, middle age, and later life seasons offer new and unknown questions and invite us to seek again and again the call of God. Many find discovering the call of God in these seasons difficult. Life’s questions overwhelm us. Fear and indecision set in. The many directions life can take create a sort of paralysis, a motionless fear of choosing the wrong direction. Open, Ready, Brave provides practical wisdom on how to discover and pursue the call of God in every life stage. First, we must open ourselves to hear the call of God. Second, we must be willing and ready to act when called. And finally, we must take action with courage and confidence. God is calling. Be open. Be ready. Be brave.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Disciple Dilemma (How Christian Traditions Are Bankrupting Discipleship)
author: Dennis Allen
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 7.21.2021 • author id: AlDeTh16921
word count: 80000
Synopsis: The studies and the newspaper headlines tell us something is amiss for followers of Christ. Desertion, disunity, timidity, nationalism, spectatorship and abuses, among others, are demonstrable, common and close by in our Christian communities. Christ told his people to make disciples. Christian culture, traditionally, produces members. Which is one small tradition with large consequences for discipleship. And that tradition, along with several others, looking back over sixteen hundred years have too often bankrupted Biblical discipling. What are these traditions that silence, shun or slough off discipleship? How do they get a pass as good and right and normal in Christian community?  Do we stick with culture and traditions we own today and hope it all gets better? Or, do we need to think about a massive reboot for our faith communities to flourish discipleship? Welcome to the disciple dilemma. Gap Analysis: This is a book aiming at a gap. Of the contemporary discipling books we’ve researched the published material clumps largely in one of three points on a triangle, with an empty space, the gap we want to address, in the middle, where The Disciple Dilemma is positioned. The gap, we argue, is the root cause in declining discipleship. One point on the triangle would be books talking to the behavioral aspects of discipleship, meaning personal growth and behaviors for an individual as a disciples. In other words, “Here’s how to be a better disciple.†My favorite examples in this space are Dann Spader, Four Chair Discipling, (Chicago, Moody, 2014), Bill Hull, The Complete Book of Discipleship (Navpress, 2009), Hugh Hewitt, The Embarrassed Believer (Nashville: Word Publishing, 1998) and Francis Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live?, (Ada, MI, F.H. Revell, 1976) The second point of the triangle represents books defining programs and techniques leaders can utilize. “Use these tools and fix or improve your group discipleship efforts.â€Â Books I think about in this space are Thom S. Rainer and Eric Geiger, Simple Church: Returning to God’s Process for Making Disciples (Nashville: B&H Books, 2011), Chuck Broughton, Design for Discipleship, (Colorado Springs: The Navigators, 1973, 1980, 2006), Sherry Weddell Forming Intentional Disciples (Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, 2012). The third point of the triangle represents books about contemporary, or at least fairly contemporary diagnostics, looking at the societal trends that are eroding churches, parents and missionaries’ discipling efforts. “We have to fix these big issues to get at better disciples, and at better Christianity.†Recent books speaking to this area of the triangle illustration are Rod Dreher, The Benedict Option, (New York: Penguin Random House, 2017), R.R. Reno, Return of the Strong Gods, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Gateway, 2019), Jonathan Wilson Hartgrove, Reconstructing The Gospel, (Downers Grove: IVP Books). Where’s the gap? The middle space outlined by those three triangulated points. In other words, the gap is in talking to the crucial role leaders play to conform a Christian community toward personal discipling, toward disciple making and toward dealing with the supporting parts to flourish discipleship. Leaders are the change agents in defining mission and culture – the driving force in any community trying to make people better, stronger and more mature. No one seems to be coaching leaders on that role – which is absolutely not the role of making disciples, but supporting them. I’m concerned many theologians and even their lay leadership have little grasp about forming organizations that motivate missionally focused disciples. That sounds odd probably, since churches and para-churches always talk about missions. But getting leadership to stay in their appointed lane so as to flourish a supporting organization (versus running a kind of mass production discipling factory) is a rarely addressed issue. This is to say leaders must intentionally develop and sustain an organization about disciples if disciples are to flourish and make disciples. This kind of organizational definition is my professional space.  Helping organizations grasp their real mission, get the right people doing the right things, and max-performing the results through people. Leadership does not have the responsibility to make disciples in the Bible. Disciples of all stripes are to make disciples. A closer look at that critical nuance, which is Christ’s mission for individuals and the New Testament’s teaching on Christian community seems to be missing from the books we see on the shelves and servers about discipleship. The Disciple Dilemma surveys many of the wonderful books on being a disciple, the books on program-based discipling and the books on big issues and causes impeding discipleship. That gap, in the paucity of books describing old traditions that proved unworkable toward discipling (but the traditional way to keep the excitement, and peace) is the place to focus.  In my view there are few talking about this gap, with the most closely aligned example being Carl Wilson, With Christ in the School of Disciple Building (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978). Target market This book is written for formal and informal leaders in Christian communities. Pastors of course, but equally, men and women who lead in small group and in youth settings, and as ministers, elders, deacons, trustees and Boards. We think leaders will resonate with this material, recognizing the significant exodus among the so-called Dones and Nones, and trying to work with spectators, woke and woeful alike. A recurring theme among pastors we engaged with was “we don’t really understand why discipleship does not take, and we don’t know how to change thatâ€. The Disciple Dilemma is intended to look at the trends, numbers and stories that make believers go quiet in the marketplaces, go inert in spiritual growth, or remain unwilling to talk about the reason for the hope within them with people. The Disciple Dilemma offers a path forward for leaders to escape the dilemma’s effects, to recenter mission, culture, strategy and execution in their communities, reinstating the fuller life of disciples, to live as Christ called us to live in personal sanctification and making more disciples.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: When God Said Hello
author: Rachel Booth Smith
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 7.21.2021 • author id: BoRaWh17121
word count: 45000
What if we’ve misunderstood the greatest introduction ever written? The creation story was a radical (and true!) way to introduce the ancient world to God’s character and priorities, but often we approach it as a science manual. Discover how God makes His introduction using an out-of-print genre designed to speak directly to the ancient Israelites. When we set aside our modern concern with the how of creation and focus on the Who, we can gain a dynamic understanding of our Creator’s character and, in the process, meet God as we never have before. Join veteran Bible-Study teacher and Master of Divinity student Rachel Booth Smith as she adopts the mindset of a holy eavesdropper and leans over ancient Israelites’ shoulders as God tells Israel who He is. Using archaeology findings, language discoveries, and genre exploration, Smith shares insights that have not been widely introduced to the greater Bible-reading public. When God Said Hello, is for those who want to steward the Word as sacred literature, and also want an approachable, faithful, and scholarly understanding of creation.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Journey: A blueprint of how God is working to accomplish His purposes in us
author: Gary Khan
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 8.23.2021 • author id: KhGaTh20321
word count: 45000
Day by day, God is using the journey of life to build us up and forge us into the image and likeness of His Son. Abraham was a man who went on a journey, and from his journey we catch glimpses of how God shaped him. We can learn a thing or two about the processing of God from Abraham’s life that may help us on our own journeys.
Gary Khan is a second-generation pastor. He graduated from Bible College in 1990 and has pastored at the same church for the last 31 years, 10 as the youth pastor and the remainder as the lead pastor. Gary is an occasional writer for The Message of the Open Bible (the magazine for his denomination). He also serves as a coach for pastors and leaders in his denomination and is a member of the National Board of Directors. The Journey is the result of a desire to encourage and inspire people to live fully in the calling and purposes of God for their lives as well as to encourage and coach other church pastors and leaders.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Realm of Relationship
author: Joseph Helble
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 9.20.2021 • author id: HeJoTh24821
word count: 68000
The purpose of this book is to help men and women enter into the kind of relationship with God as described in the Bible. The following scripture passage shows the focus for this book. Matthew 22: 36 -40, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?â€Â Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.†If all of the law and prophets are founded upon these two commandments, then relationship is the foundation for of all of life.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Empowered Manhood: Rediscovering Courageous Masculinity in the Light of the Gospel
author: Mike Hatch
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 10.27.2021 • author id: HaMiEm27421
word count: 16000
Men today are dis-empowered. Lost and groping in the dark, men are driven by fear and insecurity. We’re isolated within a sea of shallow acquaintances, and we lack a centered identity that would otherwise provide the confidence we need to lead our families well or maintain personal integrity. As a recovering pornography addict, Pastor Mike Hatch reveals the three stages of Empowered Manhood that led him from being a slave to fear and insecurity to freedom and courage in the light of the gospel. You’ll discover how being Known by God, Grown by God, and Owned by God will provide contentment in any circumstance, courage to embrace your transcendent purpose, and freedom to live fearlessly.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: I Am
author: Stephen Barber
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 10.27.2021 • author id: BaStI 28721
word count: 64000
(Working Title: I Am) This book was written with simple goals in mind. The world needs to know the spiritual fitness of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to lead everyone into the presence of God. This book was written to provide the reader with a short but intense look at Jesus Christ. Who was Jesus? Was he special? Did he have a message that we need to hear? The book starts out by examining the qualifications of Jesus Christ, outlining his role in creation, exploring his capacity to lead, and delving into the power of The Resurrection that resided within him. Next, the author presents each reader with biblical truths to guide informed choices about eternity. Will it be a lifeless place without God’s presence, a place of loss and deprivation? Or, will eternity be filled with the life-giving presence of God in a place of wonder and beauty? This book makes it clear that Jesus chose to come to us so that as we walk through our lives we can search out the beauty and love of God - and make our own choices - for eternity.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Learning to Walk
author: Loren VanGalder
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 11.29.2021 • author id: VaLoLe30521
word count: 47564
How can you be sure that you are “in Christ� The Bible says that the test of a living faith is to walk like Jesus walked: By this we may be sure that we are in Christ: whoever says, ‘I abide in him’, ought to walk just as he walked. (1 John 2:5-6) Amazing as it sounds, you can walk like Jesus! It’s God’s will for you, and he will help you do it. This book, the first of four volumes in the series “Walk like Jesus walked,†starts with a call for a radical decision to follow Jesus and become his disciple. From the words and example of the Master, you will learn about faith, hope, and love, and how to have a living relationship with him.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Come and See
author: Kellie Laskowski
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 2.14.2022 • author id: LaKeCo1722
word count: 88000
If you’re a Christian, you’ve heard of Jesus and probably know plenty about him. But have you ever met this man and had your life wrecked? I hadn’t either.  Perhaps you stand on the fringes of the crowd, watching as blind beggars elbow their way to the center of the crowd to be healed by Jesus. You wonder at these outcasts who later exit the crowd, transformed into some of Jesus’ most passionate followers.  Jesus offers spiritual vision to everyone. He stands within reach, willing to heal, give rest, and restore life. But, the path seems complicated. So you stay where you are—intrigued, but not altered. Dare to leave the fringe to encounter Jesus. Set down your offerings, leave behind your rules, and come to him with nothing. He’s ready to give you everything. The Bible contains the map, the tools, and the passion for finding him. Four life-changing tools brought me to the center of the crowd to meet Jesus. Let me show you the way. Come and See.Â
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: What Are You Thinking? A Guide to Right Thinking and Christian Meditation
author: Matthew Byrd
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritual growth • date submitted: 4.12.2022 • author id: ByMaWh7022
word count: 35700
We all struggle with sin. If you say you don’t, remember that lying is a sin! But are you trying to fight the battle in the wrong arena? Sin starts in the mind, not the heart. And it is in the mind—the secret battlefield—where sin must be defeated. By embracing biblical principles of right thinking, you can apply Jesus Christ’s victory over sin to your own life. You can live free from the wrong thinking that plagues fallen humanity. What Are You Thinking? confronts an epidemic of wrong thinking, especially in the minds of American Christians. What’s the source? How do you identify it? And, most importantly, what can you do about it? There’s a biblical plan plainly laid out in the Scriptures. Learn how to follow the call of God to reorient your thinking. Then learn how to apply right thinking through Christian meditation, a powerful but often neglected tool to focus your mind on the person, Word, and works of God. Change your thinking and your life will yield abundant spiritual fruit!
Dr. J. L. Williams pioneered cross-cultural training of indigenous Christian leaders in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. His writings on Christian leadership and discipleship represent decades of gritty, practical insight into God’s Word and world. The ministry he founded, now called Feed the Hunger, recruits more than 20,000 American volunteers each year to pack food for those in need. This book targets Christians, whether depressed, desperate, or determined, to gain control over their thought life.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Best Story Ever Told
author: Daniel Lee
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 11.21.2022 • author id: LeDaTh30322
word count: 8500
The best story ever told is a true story about humanity, our world, and the Savior whom God sent to save us. “But who is God?†Take a journey through a handful of observations about the world and learn about the Creator God as creation is joined together with the theology of the Bible. From familiar to the unfamiliar, from nature to theology, from creation to the Creator, discover the stunning truths about God seen in the world and clarified in Scripture. Moreover, observe our broken world and the misery of the human condition. Consider our need of a Savior and learn the best story ever told found in the Bible. Stretching from the origin of the world to the end of this world and heaven to come, the Bible reveals God's promise (and fulfillment!) to send the Savior, the true hero who turns the hearts of rebels back to God and ushers them into His divine blessing. This is the story of Jesus Christ, the best story ever told, a true story, rooted in history, confirmed by prophets and eyewitnesses.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: The Eternity Focused Life: Squeezing the [Eternal] Life out of Life
author: John Hargrave
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 4.10.2023 • author id: HaJoTh6423
word count: 45000
“Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.â€Â In these words, Jesus unabashedly offers the invitation to every believer to squeeze eternal treasures out of this life, treasures that will be enjoyed for all eternity.  In The Eternity Focused Life, the author explores biblical insights into a coherent lifestyle in which the pursuit of eternal treasures fits into the daily activities and pressures of life. Believers need to expand their vision to encompass eternity. That vision is established on one’s God-appointed purpose in this life and an awareness of the God-placed opportunities in their life journey for securing His promised rewards.  In the context of daily life, the author explores how believers can use the resources God has provided to make an eternal impact for the kingdom in this life and store up treasures in the next. With a preview of what life will be like in eternity and what "treasures" await them in heaven, the author arrives at the core message of the book; practical insights and wisdom on how to use their spiritual giftedness, their work life, and their financial resources to prepare for a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Â
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: His Power, Our Weakness ~ Encouragement for the Biblical Counselor
author: Beth Baus
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 5.2.2023 • author id: BaBeHi8923
word count: 52502
With refreshing and raw honesty, Beth Ann Baus pulls back the curtain on her own personal experience as a Biblical Counselor and guides other counselors toward more effective servanthood. Weaving the biblical narrative of Moses and the Israelites wandering in the desert into each chapter, she deftly compares their trials and tribulations to those of any modern-day ministry leader. Just as Moses led the people of God, even while they grumbled and complained, those leading in various capacities in ministry leadership need to be reminded that Jesus is the savior, not us. Ministry leaders are just as tempted to grumble and complain about God's imperfect people. The author gives practical and biblical counsel on how to deal with unmet expectations, spiritual warfare, burnout, feelings of failure, the temptation to gossip, and more. Each chapter includes a section called "What's in your toolbox?," which includes Scriptures to equip counselors to counsel more biblically. The "Encouragement" section offers pointed truths and reminders from the Bible as a whole on how God works both in the counselor and counselee. In the last section on "Personal Reflection," the counselor is guided through introspection to examine his or her own heart in practical application
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Sanctified Motherhood: Growing Closer to Christ Through the Everyday Moments of Mom Life
author: Alexandra Jensen
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 5.10.2023 • author id: JeAlSa9723
word count: 42100
Motherhood is a gift, children are a blessing, but some moments in motherhood feel monotonous, stressful, and overbearing. Mamas, we need to lean in on Jesus Christ like never before! By cultivating hearts of thanksgiving, by purifying our lives, and adopting daily disciplines that reorient the arrows of our hearts to point toward Jesus, we can be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Encounters with the Spirit World
author: Fred Dickason
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 5.26.2023 • author id: DiFrEn13023
word count: 27682
Encounters describes actual stories of Christ's setting people free from demonic bondage. I present cases from my own files of over 50 years and those of other counselors. I draw principles and applications from the stories. Content from the outline: Introduction Chapters  How Did I Get Involved?  Reality of Demons Manifestations in the Occult Illnesses and False Healing Mental and Emotional Disturbances Demonic Harassment Witchcraft and Satanism Violence and Addictions Protection and Deliverance Testimonies of Freedom Enjoying Freedom Dealing with Personal Opposition Notes Selected Bibliography I believe this is a unique approach from a conservative evangelical point of view from someone who is fairly well acquainted with the spirit world from a biblical perspective. It should not be shocking; but it should wake many up to the reality of spiritual warfare and the power of the Lord Jesus to set people free from harassment, disturbance, and bondage. I want it to be an instrument of ministry of freedom in Christ. The last two chapters provide personal help to enjoy freedom.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Discipleship Primer: A Christianity Basics Workbook
author: Josh Miller
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 6.21.2023 • author id: MiJoDi14223
word count: 38176
Embark on a transformative journey of faith with Discipleship Primer—a self-guided, grace-centered workbook for those hungry to deepen their understanding of the Bible and strengthen their walk with Jesus. This book isn't about telling you what to believe or how to act as a Christian. It's about empowering you to explore the Bible's truths for yourself. Filled with numerous Bible verses and thought-provoking questions, it invites you to discover what God has revealed in His Word. As you navigate this workbook, you'll uncover profound insights into the nature of God, the significance of Jesus' work in salvation, and the power of personal growth through sanctification and the body of Christ. You’ll also taste the joy of a vibrant prayer life and learn how to experience Christ's victory over sin. Discipleship Primer will guide you into a deeper relationship with Jesus and equip you to be part of His mission – to make disciples of all nations!
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Friendship with Jesus: An Imaginative Prayer Journey
author: Dan Heavenor
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 9.16.2023 • author id: HeDaFr22723
word count: 69000
What does it mean to be a “friend of Jesus†and how does that happen? In John 15:15 Jesus calls his disciples “friends†rather than slaves. What does this mean and how can we experience it? This book offers a framework to experience friendship with Jesus in a way similar to how we experience all our friendships. Every friendship has a beginning; we hear about someone, we meet them, and we begin to do things together. As the friendship develops, we learn to trust, we slowly open up our hearts, and our affection for our friend grows. Intimate friends share their lives with each other, are honest about their longings and failures and are even willing to lay down their lives for one another. All this happens slowly over time. In the Gospels, Jesus reveals this friendship development dynamic with his own friends – and invites us into a similarly real and meaningful friendship with him. This book invites the reader into a practice of imaginative prayer as the means by which we can enter into a profound experience of friendship with Jesus. We have “invited Jesus into our lives.†Now, allow Jesus to invite you into his!
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Revelationship: How God Reveals Himself As He Pursues Us For Relationship
author: Randy Colver
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 10.9.2023 • author id: CoRaRe24623
word count: 21264
Discover transformative intimacy with the Christ who pursues you. Revelationship will open readers to encounters with Christ in all the ways He reveals Himself. Our spiritual lives languish if we limit the ways God can reveal Himself or emphasize one form of revelation over another. Revelationship—God revealing Himself to us as He pursues us for relationship—will restore intimacy with Christ in the church. Our hope is that this book will act as a primer of sorts to guide Christians to transformational intimacy with Christ. Revitalize your intimacy with Christ and return to your First Love Open yourself to encounter Christ in all the ways He reveals Himself Restore intimacy with Christ in the church as Christ reveals Himself to transform us Restore intimacy with Christ in the church as Christ reveals Himself for the purpose of relationship Renew your pursuit of Christ as a response to His pursuit of you When you embrace Christ’s revelations of Himself —His character and His obsession with you—He will meet your deepest needs, wrestle your deepest questions, and heal your deepest hurt. In a world deconstructing, Christ reveals Himself—the indestructible cornerstone of all that it means to thrive. When you embrace Christ’s revelations of His character and His great passion for a relationship with you, He personally and uniquely meets your deepest needs, wrestles your deepest questions, and heals your deepest hurt.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Shyam's Gospel
author: Shyam Winston
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 10.12.2023 • author id: WiShSh24923
word count: 80000
Shyam’s Gospel is a simple paraphrase written in contemporary language for a leisurely reading without deviating from the original text, content or meaning. It interprets, applies and re-illustrates the gospels within the text itself to keep it compact. It collates all the four gospels into one seamless story in contemporary language devoid of all traditional Biblical terms, with words even a first time Bible reader will be able to understand. There are many versions of the Gospels but there are no interpreted or “cooked and ready to eat†version melding the four Gospels in their entirety. It is a synergised version that collates not only pericope duplicates but also similar episodes and teachings to present a compact narrative. It regroups the episodes in Jesus life and his teachings topically in a story format, within a broad chronological order. It’s the complete story, not a single verse or a thought presented in the four Gospels is left out. Depending on the context in which each author uses the verse or thought they are placed in an appropriate episode in Shyam’s Gospel. More about the book and it’s uniqueness in the Introductory chapter to the Book.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Days With Jesus: Making Sense Of Our Lives From The Greatest Man In History
author: jim jackson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 10.20.2023 • author id: jajiDa25423
word count: 95000
This book offers encouragement to the reader to understand the impact of the life of Jesus. It presents his life and times with a focus on applying biblical principles, leading the reader toward life transformation. Jesus is the most popular, pivotal, and central person in the history of the world. Unfortunately, most people do not have a clear idea of who Jesus was as a man, what his mission entailed, and what it means to their daily lives. Sadly, this includes many who consider themselves Christians and attend a church but have a very superficial or inadequate view of Jesus. As a culture, we are currently riding a wave of curiosity and fascination with Jesus. This is evidenced by the worldwide hit series ‘The Chosen’ that chronicles the life of Jesus, and various best-selling books and podcasts—including the Joe Rogan Experience, which is the most-listened to podcast in the world. Where there was previously resistance and skepticism by former generations, Gen Z is open to spiritual things, especially as it relates to the life of Jesus. Thus, the purpose of Days With Jesus is to capitalize on this movement and help readers, both in and outside the church, connect with Jesus through scripture and his cultural context. This book will be a catalyst for discovery and personal growth as it has discussion questions at the end of each day for one person, a small group, or a whole church campaign. It is both documentary and devotional or, ‘docuvotional’. Special Features: Website: I designed a website to connect with the book and myself as the author as I take teaching trips to Israel with groups of all sizes. This has been an amazing tool to help people understand Jesus and sell the book. www.DaysWithJesus.com Videos: I took over 20 videos on-location in Israel which coincide with many of the days in the book. These will be accessed by a person’s phone with a QR code on the top of the page. Or, if the technology exists, to have the video embedded in the digital version of the book as they read. One video example is this one from Youtube.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Mindset of the Redeemed
author: Sherri Yoder
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 10.27.2023 • author id: YoShMi26723
word count: 48000
Jesus called you. You received Him. He saved you from your sins. You believe all of that. Yet, there's something missing. It's like you can't get it right, no matter how hard you try. What's wrong with me? Why do I say "yes" to what isn't good for me? Where is the joy of my salvation? Am I just broken? Mindset of the Redeemed speaks to the one looking in the mirror asking these questions. It's for the one who loves Jesus yet feels bound to a less-than-abundant life, the one who fears this just might be... as good as it gets. Mindset of the Redeemed reminds you who God created you to be. Chances are you've been operating under a mindset of misinformation - lies about who God is, and who you are to God - without even realizing it. The truth is that you're redeemed. This book teaches you how to reclaim that truth; how to spot and reject the lies; and how to renew your mind and start living the life of the Redeemed.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Neglecting a Great Salvation: An Exposition of the Book of Hebrews
author: Michael O'Dowd
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 11.29.2023 • author id: O'MiNe29923
word count: 82000
The Christian’s salvation is a full orbed work of God. He has saved us. He is saving us. He will save us. Our salvation is deliverance from sin’s consequences, power, influence, and ultimately, sin’s presence, all by God’s grace through our faith in Jesus Christ, and the believer experiences this great salvation progressively, from the moment they believe unto its full fruition through resurrection. It’s a great salvation the believer cannot lose, but it is a salvation the believer can choose to neglect at the cost of blessings in this life and rewards in eternity. With a pastor’s heart, the inspired writer of Hebrews fervently seeks to turn his readers from a course of neglect back to a thriving life in Christ, and the urgency of the spiritual problem is made clear to the reader by his repeated warnings, admonitions, and impassioned appeals. With a pastor’s heart in kind, Pastor Mike seeks to make the same spiritual connections with believers today who may be neglecting their great salvation as well.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Missional, Merciful, Worshipful Christians and their Churches: A Study of Luke Chapter Ten
author: Barney Wiget
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 12.9.2023 • author id: WiBaMi30723
word count: 54000
Missional, Merciful, Worshipful Christians and Their Churches: A Study of Luke Chapter Ten In this one chapter of Luke’s Gospel, we have three of the most important, if not the most important matters for those who follow Jesus, individually and collectively, a three-pronged approach to following the King and advancing his Kingdom. What would it look like if we arranged our lives to prioritize such first order things like reaching out to people outside the walls of the church, serving the hurting and marginalized, and pursuing a deepening intimacy with God in worship? Practiced in tandem, these three seminal Kingdom principles make for wholesome Christians and healthy churches. Our culture is desperate, maybe more than ever, for authentic expressions of faith that look more like Jesus. This book will help you gauge where you and your church are today concerning these three pivotal mandates and illuminate a path forward. In a word, you’ll become more missional, merciful, and worshipful.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: On Holy Ground: Finding your Sacred Purpose
author: Keith Anderson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 12.9.2023 • author id: AnKeOn31023
word count: 51000
Book Description: Reading your life story, practicing deep inner spirituality, and discovering your identity as the beloved of God motivates Christian followers of Jesus to enter the arena in our divisive culture to live as people of justice, grace, conviction and grace. We are moved to seek the kingdom of God as our priority as we address those issues that are so charged and divisive today: race, inclusion/exclusion, individualism, violence, and trauma. When we know our identity as the beloved of God, our lives take on practices that are urgently needed in our divisive culture today: thoughtful theological hospitality, discourse, and convictional practices of reading life as story and joining a movement to boldly proclaim Abba’s love. In this book I re-imagine vocation as spirituality that leads to sacred purpose.. I contend in a pastorally conversational style that vocation is a large and vibrant way to live according to Yahweh’s priorities through an intimate, lifelong companionship with Abba. Scripture, spirituality, and vocation form an ecosystem in which we understand that Scripture (the living word) points us to relationship with Jesus (the incarnate word) who calls us to vocation (a lifelong relationship of sacred purpose with Abba). Hunger for purpose is everywhere; hunger for sacred purpose is embedded in imago dei, our identity as ones created in the image of God. A subtheme of the entire book is to counter biblical illiteracy by teaching us all how to read scripture with a historical imagination. Too many today have reduced vocation to job, marketplace, and career placement. As spirituality, vocation is nothing less than companionship with Abba through the Holy Spirit. My own search tells me we find our sacred purpose in God’s world in at least these ways. In our spiritual identity as the beloved of God (“make yourselves at home in me ”). In the presence of God, Coram Deo. (Literally in the face of God where greater forces are always at work). As we are called to live all of life Soli Deo Gloria (this is our meta calling). As we recognize our intersectionality with others, we move from only asking, “Who am I?” to “who are we as God’s people in community and in the larger cultures of the world.” We embrace God’s sacred purpose for diversity, unity, and healing of our many human divisions. At our altar(s) in the world, our individual callings in ordinary time and place.\ Over a lifetime of kingdom choices. There are two subthemes: addressing the epidemic of biblical illiteracy and teaching readers how to practice historical imagination as a means of reading scripture as personal, revelational, and an ongoing conversation with Abba.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Mere Spirituality: A Rational Embrace of the Supernatural in the Crisis of Our Age
author: Joshua Spatha
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 4.19.2024 • author id: SpJoMe7724
word count: 69000
Western civilization is decadent and in decline and Western man is in an existential crisis. While the Enlightenment began with an explosion of energy fortifying the pillars of natural sciences, philosophy, and spirituality, increasingly the West has tried to precariously balance an enormous and complex society on but a single pillar. As science gained preeminence in society, materialism soon followed, creating an anemic worldview and existence devoid of moral virtue and meaning. In our pursuit of shallow technological achievement, the spiritual was sacrificed for the superficial, but man longs for something far deeper. Suffocating in the spiritual vacuum of his own making, modern man has grasped at surrogates, but there is no substitute for breath. As the West continues toward collapse, we may want to consider the possibility that to pull back from the brink, we’ll have to return to where we deviated and embrace ancient biblical wisdom, historical models, and spiritual practices which have stood the test of time. If we do, we may find that what was lost actually enhances what was preserved. For spirituality and rationality are not mutually exclusive, but two halves of the whole.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: Invitation to Adventure: Because if the Christian Life is Boring, You're Doing it Wrong
author: Jonathan Mahlstedt
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 9.27.2024 • author id: MaJoIn23924
word count: 22000
Think a Bob Goff book for teens. If you work in youth ministry or are a Christian parent of a teen you’ve probably seen the gloom statistics. Teenagers in America are leaving the church in record numbers and the jury is out on if and when they will come back. Perhaps part of the reason is the version of Christianity many teens grew up with feels boring and lifeless. Certainly, the life God invites teens to is more than staying out of trouble and being good, but if there is more, what does that look like? What would a compelling life of adventure following Jesus look like for today’s Christian teen? This is the question my book attempts to answer. This is the book I want every teenager going through my youth ministry to read. Through short, engaging, chapters I attempt to paint a picture of what a life following Jesus could look like. I challenge teens to live a life that is not necessarily easy, but a life that is full of meaning and adventure. I believe youth pastors and parents will find this a valuable resource to read with their teenagers, and teens will find this engaging enough to stay with it until the end.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: With Jesus from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday: An Eight Day Course in Leadership
author: Rudy Gonzalez
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 12.2.2024 • author id: GoRuWi30924
word count: 21623
With Jesus from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday: An Eight Day Course in Leadership (working title) focuses on a key time period that all four canonical gospels recognize (the four gospels commit 30 percent of their narrative to it). While Evangelical Christianity tends to focus on what is popularly known as “Easter weekend,” Friday through Sunday, the biblical gospels place their combined focus beginning with Palm Sunday, also known as Jesus’ triumphal entry, and continuing through to Jesus’ crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection on the eighth day. Throughout that eight-day time frame, Jesus has a unique and specific mission to fulfill and so the words that he says and actions that he takes have significant implications for leadership, especially in difficult and extreme situations. This book takes an approach similar to that of Talmadge Boston’s recent book, How the Best Did It: Leadership Lessons From our Top Presidents. Like Boston does with former presidents with proven leadership qualities, this books seeks to discover general qualities, specific decisions and actions, especially actionable insight, distilling leadership lessons from Jesus’ words and deeds, useful for those whom God has called to lead His church and/or Christian institution, etc.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.
title: GET BACK ON: What to Do When Life Bucks You Off
author: Marty Mosher
category: nonfiction • subcategory: spiritualgrowth • date submitted: 1.18.2025 • author id: MoMaGE35224
word count: 40000
Life bucks. When it does, is there a way to get back on? Life bucks. Folks say “Just get back on”, but how can we when we’ve bit the dust? Sometimes it’s the ride we chose...sometimes the ride others chose for us. Either way we all get bucked off in the ride of life. The fall hurts so we hold on tighter, or maybe don’t even try again. But there is a better way...a way to get back on. This Cowboy look at Jesus’ Beatitudes teaches the choices to make to get back on when life bucks you off.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.