Self Help
title: Life's a Pain:
author: Todd Rettberg
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: ReT9176212
word count:
Physical pain affects everyone, but most people prefer not to talk about it, beyond the occasional complaint. For Christians, pain serves a divine purpose which we ought to embrace. But first we must look at it directly, understand it, and accept it as part of God's mysterious plan. {ITL}Life's a Pain{NRM} takes a realistic, compassionate, and humorous approach to the subject from the vantage point of a chronic pain sufferer and Christian pastor. It addresses three groups of people with vital messages for each: those who experience chronic pain, their caregivers and loved ones, and those who encounter people in pain through their daily lives-in other words, everyone. The book seeks to comfort those who suffer, encourage their loved ones, and inform those who see the suffering of others, but don't know how to respond.
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title: Laura and Me
author: Sylvia Peterson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: PeS9838812
word count: 375
The author, a volunteer prison chaplain was asked to see Laura McCollum, one of only a few women in the United States who are indefinitely imprisoned under the civil commitment laws for serial sex offenders. The author agreed and also had a second agenda. She was an incest survivor. For three decades the author had stubbornly refused to forgive her own perpetrator until she knew why people commit this horrendous crime. Could a woman tell her? This is the true story of their emotional and gripping journey together from suspicion and revulsion, shame and anger to understanding, forgiveness, unexpected grace and healing for them both. (Note: This manuscript has been written with Laura's full knowledge, support and permission. "If our story will help someone else who was hurt as a child, I want you to tell it."
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title: Business Professionalism
author: Bruce Strom
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: StB8364612
word count:
This is a guidebook that gives clear, measurable benchmarks for success in the modern corporate workplace and allows business professionals to develop their skills to the fullest capacity. It attempts to provide a systematic framework for personal development in the workplace and techniques that allow professionals to assess their continual life growth and improvement. From professional formation and self-management to ethics and communication, the book covers the key areas in which successful business professionals must thrive. {ITL}Business Professionalism{NRM} will appeal to for-profit and non-profit professionals alike.
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title: Thirty Things Good Teachers Know and Great Teachers Do
author: Marcy Hayes
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: HaM7440312
word count: 90
In thirty chapters, this book presents thirty things a good teacher does to manage herself and a classroom of students. The author specifically describes a discipline plan with rules, consequences, and rewards she has used with success. Christian principles and scripture support every chapter. The teacher is encouraged to prepare, recognize her limitations, and become the person she would trust and follow if she were a student in her own class. Many examples show the author's frustrations, failures, and lessons learned. The author captures the fears and struggles most teachers face in the public school setting. For instance, in the chapter on "Dealing with the Three D's" (disruption, disrespect, and defiance), she gives the reader insight and wisdom about the best way to deal with each one. She shows a dialogue exchange between a teacher and the noncompliant student. She shares the value of meditating on scripture when she feels threatened.
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title: A Pretty Ugly: The Two Sides of Infertility
author: Sharlene Olson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: OlSNonUS12
word count: 200
There are two sides to every story. James knew this when he penned the divinely-inspired words: "Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." Infertility is definitely a test of faith. It can try the strongest - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It can send the most unwavering into a state of doubt and despondency. But it also has the potential to send a person on a voyage of faith, discovery, and growth. It is estimated that one in seven couples in North America will struggle to conceive. This manuscript explores the complex emotional and spiritual journey that women in particular experience when faced with infertility. It is written to encourage the woman who feels misunderstood and socially isolated, while carrying an intense but quiet grief. This work is intended to help women keep their sanity, as well as their faith, as they deal with painful and sometimes conflicting emotions. On the one hand, for example, they may experience happiness for their pregnant friends and family members. On the other hand, they may simultaneously struggle with sadness and envy. This manuscript attempts to deal openly and honestly with the sometimes not-so-pretty emotions that accompany infertility. At the same time, the tone offers encouragement and hope to persevere to a place of beauty. Sharlene has been on this journey of growth and discovery, so her approach is poignant and sensitive while including touches of humor.
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title: Living in Freedom: Winning the Battle of Overeating
author: Bonnie Davis
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 7.31.2012 • author id: DaB9342010
word count: 276
Most people who struggle with overeating and losing weight do so because they cannot consistently resist the compelling urges driving them to overeat. As a result, many people suffer with food issues and dieting failures most of their lives. The purpose of this book is to expose the spiritual nature of overeating and promote weight loss by equipping individuals with a step-by-step spiritual battle plan, and a new approach to eating, that will enable them to live a life free of spiritual bondage and excess weight. The book begins with the author sharing her own twenty-two year battle with overeating, assuring readers there is hope for them, and reminding them they are not alone.
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title: How to Live Long and Like It:
author: Jim Heckathorn
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: HeJ8352512
word count: 296
Aging individuals need to ensure that they can live long and like it. The diet plan is not only culinary fare but a lifestyle plan that has been successfully pursued in various cultures and by American centenarians as depicted in their biographies. The aging process is explained along with adequate knowledge to enable individuals to overcome the various debilitating aspects of aging. The reader will learn how to maintain mental, spiritual and physical health; prevent, manage and cure dreaded diseases and affordably maintain an extended comfortable lifestyle. It is a survival guide for wholesome Christian living in our present age.
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title: You, God and Your Money:
author: Bryce Bartruff
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 1.31.2012 • author id: BaB0808012
word count: 224
This book seeks to help believers establish a Christ-centered perspective of finances. Based on the premise that God is the owner of all, readers are guided through a process that allows them to take the actions necessary to live comfortably with the resources God has provided for them. Each chapter contains practical principles, no-nonsense tools, and thoughtful exercises that can be adapted to personal circumstances. Based on the author's one-day seminar titled "Fiscal Fitness," he discusses how to remove the financial stress that typically results in family arguments, using fun approaches for removing debt, and how to accumulate enough wealth to be financially independent while maintaining a wholesome Christ centered lifestyle. Discussion questions and assignments are included for use in a group setting.
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title: How to Have a Quiet Heart
author: Jean M. Green
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 1.31.2012 • author id: GrJ2115812
word count: 326
The work modernizes The Quest for Meekness and Quietness of Spirit, by renowned author and Bible commentator Matthew Henry (1662-1714), to make it understandable to today's Christian. The premise is that deep, lasting peace (a rare quality, even among believers) is found by following so closely after the meek and lowly Jesus that we take on his nature, which is always at peace. His nature in us then causes us to behave in ways that promote peace with others. To encourage readers to seek a meek and quiet heart, the book explains what it is, the value God places on it, the benefits of having it, the consequences of not having it, and how to attain it. Rich in scripture, the classic takes its readers beyond today's inadequate self-help techniques (e.g., anger management and assertiveness training) and equips them to face any circumstance with calm assurance and trust in God.
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title: Broken Hearts
author: Noreen McCormack
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 11.30.2011 • author id: McN3225911
word count: 100
This is a true story of a son's suicide and a mother's struggle to heal her broken heart. It depicts a life after death battle for peace again.
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title: The Road to Grace:
author: Mike Genung
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 11.30.2011 • author id: GeM8091807
word count: 226
The reader first finds the tools needed to break free from bondage to sexual sin with a straight-forward, biblical approach. But this is just the beginning, as true freedom comes from the heart. The book delves into the wounds and lies in the heart that block the reader from receiving God's love and then guides them to the place of receiving it. Written from personal experience, the author provides his story and that of others to illustrate the battle to overcome sexual addition. The reader is also shown the devastating effects of sexual sin on their spouse, and is encouraged to make healing of the marriage part of the journey.
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title: How to Have a Quiet Heart
author: Jean M. Green
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 9.30.2011 • author id: GrJ2115811
word count: 400
The work modernizes {ITL}The Quest for Meekness and Quietness of Spirit{NRM}, by renowned author and Bible commentator Matthew Henry (1662-1714), to make it understandable to today's Christian. The premise is that deep, lasting peace (a rare quality, even among believers) is found by following so closely after the meek and lowly Jesus that we take on his nature, which is always at peace. His nature in us then causes us to behave in ways that promote peace with others. To encourage readers to seek a meek and quiet heart, the book explains that what it is, the value God places on it, the benefits of having it, the consequences of not having it, and how to attain it. Rich in scripture, the classic takes its readers beyond today's inadequate self-help techniques (e.g., anger management and assertiveness training and equips them to face any circumstance with calm assurance and trust in God.
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title: Total Home Makeover
author: Renee Metzler
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 9.30.2011 • author id: MeR1777211
word count: 340
This is a complete home management course designed to help the reader achieve success in just 20 days but meant to last a lifetime. It seeks to retrain habits to create order while offering daily renewal. The course proceeds through three key phases transform the reader, transform the family, and transform the home. During each of the 20 days, the reader receives three things: 1. A daily renewal which is designed to nurture one's personal relationship with God. 2 "Let's Chat"- a coaching session in which the writer teaches the reader about one key to successful home management. 3. "Get Moving" - a short list of action steps for the reader to apply what was just learned. The book also incorporates "Joy Tools" (practical ways to bring joy to everyday tasks) and stories and wisdom from the author's life.
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title: Flecks of Gold Along a Path of Stone:
author: Craig D. Lounsbrough
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 5.31.2011 • author id: LoC8010411
word count:
We live in a terribly complex world. Yet, it is the simple truths upon which life, with all its complexity, is constructed. Sadly, these simple truths are often lost in the complexity of life, or they are deemed grossly inadequate. The truth is that simple truths make for remarkably profound changes. The simple truths remove massive obstacles and provide stunning clarity to life's challenges. The simple truths inspire us and ground us in something that is core to who we are; something unchangeable and unshakeable. This book is about simple truths richly explained, practically expanded upon and relevantly integrated into life's realities in a manner that brings fresh insight and desperately needed resources to all of us who struggle. As a means of reflecting the concept of simple truths, the structure of the book itself is likewise simple and clean, being a compilation of forty-one brief chapters designed to provide the reader daily thoughts.
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title: Employed by God:
author: Tracy S. Deitz
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 5.31.2011 • author id: DeT2240711
word count: 150
Fired from her job, Tracy watched a dream of succeeding in a new career disintegrate before her eyes. She wondered why God hadn't protected her from injustice. This book chronicles Tracy's journey through true encounters in settings ranging from a maximum-security prison to a campsite on a Mongolian steppe. See how ordinary people, holding on to Christian ideals, taught her how to stand firm in the midst of adversity. Each chapter is organized along a verse of Psalm 23 and ends with questions for small-group study.
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title: Empowered:
author: Linda J. Solie
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 5.31.2011 • author id: SoL5541611
word count: 250
Empowered teaches readers how to gain control over their emotions by capitalizing on three types of relationships: 1) the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, 2) a relationship with God, and 3) relationships with people. The book is divided into four parts. Part I presents the "Seven Steps to Changing Feelings and Behavior." This cognitive/behavioral tool enables people to identify problematic thinking that creates painful moods and undesirable conduct, and then turn it around. Part II explores how Jesus Christ provides a solid foundation for emotional health, guidance on avoiding hazards, and hope in the face of "hopeless" challenges. Strategies for cultivating a satisfying relationship with the self, friends, and a spouse are presented in Part III. Empowered closes by demonstrating how to use all of these relationships to overcome depression, anxiety, and anger, and to ultimately find joy.
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title: Your Potential Finally Uncorked
author: Stan Akins
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 4.30.2011 • author id: AkS3254711
word count: 80
The theme here is understanding and developing God's unique design for us. The manuscript begins by connecting the reader with God, and explains how we make our past a plus, rather than a negative. It teaches how to maximize our strengths and become a person of influence. It also teaches how to become a master at relationships, how to discover a personal mission in life, and how to put everything together into a workable package.
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title: The Infertility Survival Handbook:
author: Sharlene Olson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 3.30.2011 • author id: OlSNonUS11
word count: 200
It is estimated that one in seven couples in North America will struggle to conceive. This manuscript explores the complex emotional journey that I believe women, especially, experience when they are faced with infertility. A compact "survival manual, " the work is intended to help women keep their sanity, as well as their faith, as they deal with painful, sometimes conflicting emotions such as: anger, envy, fear, sadness, hope, doubt, shame, loneliness, and helplessness. It is written by someone who has spent considerable time struggling at an emotional level with infertility herself, so it remains poignant and sensitive in spite some touches of humor. Each chapter offers a "hindsight advice" section as well as a "blessings in the trial" section. The tone offers encouragement and hope to persevere in the face of infertility.
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title: The Sacred Path Through the Scary Cancer Woods
author: Naomi Mitchum
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: MiN7707911
word count: 300
This manuscript is about doing more than just getting through cancer; it is about taking a sacred walk through cancer with a loving God who is always with a person. The loving God of with can change the environment of an illness making the journey a sacred walk. Beyond two chapters defining spirituality and suggestions for making the walk easier, part of the sacred walk is pertinent information about body image, finding balance in life in the midst of a breath-catching diagnosis, dealing with caregivers, information for caregivers, dealing with fear by meeting great chickens from the Bible and trying research-based creative actions to further healing. Simple word-a-day devotionals form a section of the book. Cancer patients suffer fatigue and, during treatment, often have mind fog, so the devotionals are easy reads and provide daily biblical thought with the possibility for further reading if one is able. A focus prayer introduces each chapter to relate to the forthcoming information in that chapter.
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title: Maybe God is Trying to Tell You Something:
author: Eugene A. Blair
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: BlE4810111
word count: 60
People seeking to discern their call for entering full-time Christian ministry must be clear about God's call on their lives. They must have a means of reflection and a way of asking specific questions of themselves and others about what skills, gifts, and graces they bring to the task. Clarity about the call to ministry will allow people to enter the process with assurance. Having examined the critical issues of personal call and skills for the task, they can say yes or no to the call and move forward in peace. Using personal experience from thirty years of ministry, the author presents this book's attempt to outline these critical issues and offer tools for reflection and prayer on the call to ministry.
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title: Simple Forgiveness
author: Sharon Routt
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 1.31.2011 • author id: RoS8002711
word count: 60
This is a primer on forgiveness; its brevity invites readership. The author first tackles the misconceptions about forgiveness and then contrasts the benefits of forgiveness and the consequences of unforgiveness. SimpleForgiveness will appeal to those in our fast-paced culture who prefer their information straight up and undiluted with numerous stories or psychological jargon. By placing scriptures pertaining to forgiveness in a single chapter, the book will appeal to Christians and non-Christians. Simple Forgiveness addresses the universal need of overcoming the emotional pain caused by another's actions. For some it will awaken them to this topic, for others it will clarify it, but for everyone it will instill the concepts of empowerment and personal freedom that come with choosing to forgive.
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title: The Shining One
author: Allan Thomas Gibson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 1.31.2011 • author id: GiANonUS11
word count: 33
This penetrating story shows the slide of self-obsession into hatred for and destruction of anything or anyone else who seems more beautiful or greater. Discerning readers will soon identify the "shining one" who worships himself as Satan, determined to destroy the beautiful earth and humans God has created.
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title: 10 Biblical & Business-Based Principles to Manage
author: Vanessa C. Smith
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 1.31.2011 • author id: SmV6065311
word count: 247
The book seeks to equip the reader with biblical and business principles using an interactive journey to achieve his financial goals. All of us want to improve financially in some kind of way. Perhaps we need more money to get out of debt, learn about investments, reduce our taxes, go into business for ourselves, or do something else financially.
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title: An Autumn's Journey:
author: Craig D. Lounsbrough
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 11.30.2010 • author id: LoC8010410B
word count: 110
There are numerous books on grief as part of life's journey. The fresh premise attempted in this text is to provide a biblically responsible, inherently creative look at grief as something profoundly bigger than the pain it causes. The intent is to look deeply at grief and loss from a variety of unusual life perspectives, illustrated by a number of the author's experiences, including that of his mother's death. In this gentle framework, grief is presented as the natural, aggressive and purposeful outworking of God in the life of his people to bring growth to those courageous enough to look beyond the pain and see the growth opportunities. This does not eliminate the pain inherent in grief, but weds it with purpose that in turn breeds a sense of anticipation.
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title: Used:
author: Daniel Nehrbass
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 11.30.2010 • author id: NeD9270810
word count: 200
We are always being used. It is not a question of whether we will be used, but by whom and for what purpose. We are used by others and by the devil, but we can determine to be used by God. In my experience as a counselor and pastor I have found that a significant transformation occurs in people's lives when they realize they have been used by others, but can now be used by God. This realization leads to a new sense of purpose behind every relationship. The husband asks God, "How will you use me in this marriage?" The mother asks God, "How will you use me in my child's life?" This book is story-driven. Each chapter contains a story of people who found purpose as vessels for God's use. The book challenges readers to redefine their purpose in life and in relationships in terms of how they will be used by God.
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title: The Treasure of Strength in Adversity
author: Vasil Zavgorodniy
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: ZaV9562110
word count: 248
Pastor Vasil Zavgorodniy was brought up in Evangelical church in the former Soviet Union. Pastor Vasil was persecuted by KGB and sentenced to jail/labor camp for his faith in Jesus Christ. He testifies about his trials and tribulations, experiences that he went through in labor camps. The testimonies are addressed in order to lay people relate and find hope and renew faith in Jesus Christ.
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title: A Mourning Road:
author: Betty McCutchan
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: McB7550309
word count: 111
A Mourning Road focuses on the subject of grief and mourning life's losses. The writer encourages readers on their walk through their "valley of the shadow of death," experiencing the various emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual events that accompany loss.
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title: You and Your Options
author: Palmer Becker
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: BePNonUS10
word count:
You and Your Options is a self-study and life-planning guide that helps the readers write a mission statement, choose a future option and make specific plans to reach it. Ten four-page sessions help readers to assess their interests, abilities, traits, personality, values, relationships, mission, realities, options and goals. Each session has a one-page narrative introduction leading into two exercises, which are analyzed for reflection and placed on a master chart for decision-making. Ten additional (optional) exercises provide specific insight and application for readers desiring involvement in the church.
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title: Devotions for Change:
author: Timothy Heald
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: HeT8368710
word count: 365
This collection of daily devotions is designed to give insight into changes that can be made in daily life as we continue giving our hearts to God. The premise of these devotions is that by giving God our desires and emotions in addition to our intellect, we can continue the change that began when we first accepted Christ as Lord. The devotional is divided in to three sections: 1. Changing the Inside World -- devotions on introspective change. 2. Changing the Outside World -- devotions on external change within the world. 3. Changing Relationships - devotions on change in our relationships. Each devotion consists of three parts: Scripture, application, and "Turning it Over" -- a five-step meditation and journaling exercise to help turn events, actions, emotions and desires in life over to God. Readers are encouraged to repeat any devotion until they have turned those areas of life over to God.
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title: Hope Stands
author: Sam Kee
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 9.22.2010 • author id: KeS6004710
word count: 171
To the person who demands, "Just give me one good reason to go on." the writer offers ten. Hope Stands is about discovering solid hope that will never leave. Hope is as tangible as a man standing up before your eyes, in whatever situation you find yourself. Other studies on the resurrection focus mainly on objective evidences for it. This book goes further by considering the subjective impact of the resurrection, starting with the first followers of Jesus. In John's gospel we not only discover objective reasons to believe in the resurrection, but we also learn how the resurrection can impact the various emotional conditions in which we find ourselves. The aim is to give the reader courage to live because he or she knows that hope stands always.
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title: Do the Love Thing: How to Become a
author: Dr. Marvin Sprouse
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-Help • date submitted: 7.24.2010 • author id: SpD7610410
word count: 141
Love is treated as an action verb, proposing that "love God plus love thy neighbor equals being attractive through virtue which equals being a lover and being lovable," in the writer's formula. This is written to help the reader become actively involved. Biblical verses and examples support the thesis.
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title: Jesus Made Me Kosher
author: Jerome Kaplowitz
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 1.19.2010 • author id: KaJ3813910
word count: 114
In eleven chapters, the book seeks to lead the reader along a unique journey into the character of God. Each chapter details personal and individual experiences of spiritual reality, embellished biblical stories and enhances them with famous quotations.
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title: Ordinary Joes and Underdogs:
author: Noelle Ingram
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 11.26.2009 • author id: InN3540609
word count:
Within all human beings is a whisper telling them they are capable of extraordinary things. Over the course of life, often this subtle voice is suppressed and overlooked. Imagine if that tug at the soul was God beckoning us to do the things he truly designed us to do. Throughout the Bible, God called imperfect characters to be players in his story. He used the adulterer, the traitor, the doubter, the young man with a speech impediment, the Christian-hater or the unwed mother to make things happen. God does the same today. He calls on us, the ordinary Joes and underdogs, to do his work. Where humans see impossibility, God sees a bigger and better miracle. Listen to your whisper. You have been handcrafted by God for specific purposes. Give a voice to your life and face the fears that keep you from doing the extraordinary. Uncover and live out the true call on your life.
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title: Gone Fishing!
author: Marilyn Meiners
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 10.26.2009 • author id: MeM1810309
word count: 155
As we consider the words of Jesus, "Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men," we might ask ourselves, "Why are there so many "fish" in our world that have not, as yet, been caught and brought into the Kingdom of God?" Is it, perhaps, because people are not well equipped in the area of evangelism? The author shares practical how-to information. The author helps the reader write their personal testimony. The author shares many personal stories for encouragement. Scripture is used as the reader studies the life of a Bible character, then writes their personal testimony as it would sound today. Seven principles taken from Acts 8:26-40 are also looked at in detail. Each chapter in the book concludes with a "THOT TO PONDER" as the reader is challenged to consider how they will apply the chapter information to their life.
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title: Teaching Teens (Is Not) For Dummies:
author: Paula Sparks
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 9.24.2009 • author id: SpP3469009
word count: 201
Tips, techniques, practical ideas, and encouraging anecdotes are given to encourage committed high school teachers to stay in the profession. A distinctly conservative viewpoint is used with basic overall methods, but current hot topics are treated to encourage teachers to take back their autonomy to teach the truth. Many works on teaching are cited for facts and statistics; also opinions and ideas of surveyed teachers are included. An appendix lists sources so that readers may further research ideas in the book. It is the wish of the author that large margins be left to allow readers to scribble ideas as they read the content. Especially relevant for all who relate to teens.
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title: Spoken For
author: Danielle Bivins Treece
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 5.24.2009 • author id: TrD3766309
word count: 325
Young people can attend church, study the Bible, receive salvation, and love God, yet still not have their heart "spoken for." When our identity is in Jesus, we understand that the goal of our salvation is likeness to him. Our lives will change, not just around the margins but at the core. In Philippians 3:4-14, Paul describes his life before it was "spoken for" by Jesus and goes on to describe profoundly what it means to be found in him and known as his. As the culture saturates our youth at younger ages, we must be faithful to provide a greater influence by "rightly dividing the word of truth" for this generation. This book addresses issues youth face: when God doesn't seem real, when my heart rebels, how to trust him, instant gratification, having fun, an undivided heart, a surrendered heart, outward pressures, suffering, pain and evil, becoming a servant, and living to reach others for Christ, regardless of vocation.
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title: Priorities and Practices in Building Wealth:
author: Stephen C. McCutcheon
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 3.26.2009 • author id: McS3011709
word count: 250
This is a book of inspiration and instruction formatted to address each issue in a separate "book." The premise of Book I is that God established priorities for our receiving his financial blessings, and Book I discusses, with scriptural authentication, these priorities and the biblical principles established regarding finances. The biblical priorities for realizing and retaining God's favor can be grouped under Stewardship, Diligence, Humility, and Discretion. The author's personal testimony and profiles of five business people are set forth as examples of these basic principles. Book II is a practical guide to building wealth in the stock market. A chapter is devoted to financial planning commensurate with each person's wealth-building goals. The vocabulary and economic and investing concepts are discussed which are essential to navigate in the investment world. Later chapters also teach the reader step by step how to research the economy, analyze a stock, and build and manage a portfolio of securities along with addressing common investor mistakes and dealing with emotions.
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title: Whatever is Lovely:
author: Marsha Maurer
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 3.25.2009 • author id: MaM3090709
word count: 186
Tuned to today's most popular "make-over" trends, the author offers women advice for transformation within and without. The principles of design for improving homes, gardens, and wardrobes are translated into virtues to enhance women's lives and relationships. Geared to today's economy, the book emphasizes priceless values at little to no expense. Brief vignettes on 52 elements of design, such as basic black, detail, light, perspective, simplicity, vintage, and economy, are quick reading for busy women. Readers are inspired to cultivate refinement, beauty, and harmony as they fashion their lives and spiritual values. The author's personal reflections, Bible passages, and quotations from ancient to contemporary prompt readers to make discerning choices in designing the women they desire to become. Inspiring women of all ages, the author weaves the treads of women's variegated selves with intellect and elegance.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Yes, I Can Set My House in Order!
author: Keith K. Carter
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 3.24.2009 • author id: CaK7301209
word count:
In tough economic times, financial stability is on everyone's mind. Here Keith Carter offers individuals and families detailed, streamlined instructions on making smart financial decisions and reaching God-centered goals. This book also outlines specific tips for developing a vision, eliminating debt, buying a car or home, investing, and planning for the future--all based on solid, proven principles from the word of God.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Growing through Grief
author: Janine S. Fair
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 2.23.2009 • author id: FaJNonUS09
word count: 155
Losing a partner to death at a young age is a devastating experience. This book is a personal account of a journey through grief after the sudden death of a husband in 2004. The writer looks at the major themes of grief and reports how she struggled and grew through them. The work includes questions and exercises and provides opportunities for readers to reflect on the uniqueness of their story. Throughout there is a strong but gentle call for readers to use their grief as a catalyst for growth and to view it as a gift from God, avoiding traps and pitfalls of grief, the snare of loneliness, allowing others to support us, recovering a sense of self, and forging a new identity, as well as looking at how to overcome negative beliefs and setting new priorities.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Working the Puzzle of Life:
author: Peggy L. Karlosky
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 1.31.2009 • author id: KaP3850608
word count:
Based on the view that God has a destiny or design in mind for each person's life, this manuscript notes that life is like a puzzle in that the choices or reactions that people have in response to life situations determine what the puzzle becomes. It provides a comprehensive and powerful review of psychological study and biblical truths that explain what promotes our life towards God's plan. Our puzzle can become distorted through many means, which this book identifies, explains, and illustrates with real life stories. These will illustrate various psychological outcomes of such distortions such as strongholds of anxiety, emotional instability, depression, addictions, unhealthy life roles, and various perversions. A major theme explored is how people can become what is referred to as a "dark puzzle": someone who has given into the core characteristics of Satan in such prolonged or pervasive ways that they have become "under the influence" of evil. Several case studies are used as illustrations and helpful tips are given to those in a relationship with a "dark puzzle." Other chapters describe keys to working the puzzle successfully and others describe the outcomes of working the puzzle successfully. The message of the book is hopeful, yet provides clear evidence that we can sabotage our life from becoming what God intended.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: God Help Me, I've Been Laid Off!
author: Mary Kaarto
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 1.31.2009 • author id: KaM7744909
word count: 192
The author asserts that the Bible teaches readers how to respond to a layoff in a way that is pleasing to God and allows them to experience the many promises found in His Word (Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 29:11-13, for example). By doing so, they enter into a more personal relationship with him, and become the effective witnesses we are called to be. Incorporated throughout the book are brief examples of the author's experiences with God during two layoffs totaling nearly four years. She indicates the lessons learned and sets forth examples of how God restored the "years the locusts have eaten" to her life. Helpful information for family members and friends of the laid off individual is included, as they navigate emotional and lifestyle changes resulting from the layoff.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Seven Secrets for Success in the Workplace
author: H. David Schuringa
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 12.25.2008 • author id: ScH4941108
word count: 90
Seven Secrets is a popular and practical explanation of the Christian work ethic. With rising unemployment and under-employment rates only the best employees will find and keep the best jobs. Many today have no idea how to succeed in the workplace. Some imagine that having ten jobs in ten years gives them experience in the workplace. It is not difficult to succeed on the job, but you have to know the secrets for success. The manuscript also includes a study guide and an appendix on hints for writing a resume. The book is suitable for those who would like to do better in the workplace, for those who would like to climb the ladder of success, for parents to share with their kids, for study in small groups in the church, at the workplace or even in school.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: The Transformed Mind: A Practical Guide for Developing
author: Philip E. Dow
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 12.24.2008 • author id: DoPNonUS08
word count: 70
The aim of this book is two-fold: first, to inspire a desire for virtuous thinking habits; and second, to give the practical tools necessary to effectively begin developing life-transforming and God-honoring intellectual character. Every day we make a multitude of apparently insignificant choices concerning not just what we think about, but how we think. However trivial they may seem, these decisions put us on the road toward either good or bad intellectual character, with profound implications for every facet of our lives. For instance, consider the consequences across the life of a Christian whose thinking is habitually lazy instead of tenacious, or biased instead of fair-minded, or careless instead of careful, and so on. This short book fleshes out the genuinely staggering implications that our thinking habits have on our lives and offers practical help towards improving the character of our minds.
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title: 100 Lists to Make Your Life Count
author: Dathene Stanley
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 12.24.2008 • author id: StD0535908
word count:
"Why can't I ever get it right?" "Why does life have to be such a struggle?" "Is my life important?" With the help of historical and inspirational stories, 100 Lists to Make Your Life Count encourages the reader to find his own answers to tough questions by reflecting on personal experience. The strategy of list making takes the reader on a journey that leads to a healthy self-image, exciting possibilities, and a faith that empowers. A humorous thread facilities the process of self-awareness and makes the journey fun.
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title: Where is God:
author: Neville Kirkwood
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 11.21.2008 • author id: KiNNonUS08
word count:
Many people who are in hospital and facing a bleak prognosis about the future ask questions particularly about God's role in their physical condition. Job asked similar questions. In 77 vignettes using Job's experience and the experiences of Jesus as found in Luke, the questions are faced. They are in the form of vignettes so that a patient who has lost the capacity for long periods of concentration may read perhaps only one a day. This will enable the patient to begin to relate in a more positive way.
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title: Strength When I am Weak
author: Laura Ferrell
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 11.19.2008 • author id: FeL4537108
word count:
The manuscript is written for persons who struggle with weight and are looking for real solutions instead of quick-fix diets. The book is set up in twelve chapters, with seven daily scripture and practical tips to stay motivated and positive. Emphasis is placed on focusing the mind on one's goal and realizing that God is ready to step in to help one's success.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Getting a Grip: Identity
author: Lynne Fox
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 10.25.2008 • author id: FoL9430608
word count: 300
"My only regret in life is that I'm not someone else," observed Woody Allen. Has his regret ever crossed your mind? Problems with self-worth are rampant and potentially devastating, sometimes masked but rarely absent. Woody Allen was right. Every person needs a new self. Our ravenous hunger for self-esteem has generated numerous books on self-worth, but many of us, including Christians, identify with every ugly thing we do. We think our flesh defines us. Getting a Grip: Identity offers a better option. We can't live a new life if we think we're an old self. By convincing us that we, at salvation, have actually become new creations, Getting a Grip: Identity gives us the foundation to live a new life. The writer intends this book to be biblically based emphasizing Who and what defines us--not a changed lifestyle but a changed self. This is the first book in a series on counseling issues.
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title: Fig Leaves and Bushes:
author: R. Allen Lish
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 10.24.2008 • author id: LiR2170108
word count: 375
The manuscript intends to bring psychological knowledge through a Christian application into real life use for the common reader. The overt purpose is to prepare the reader with knowledge and understanding in service of their efforts to live with, work with, and perhaps love very difficult personalities. A secondary intention is to take the reader through a personal journey, deepening their understanding of their own "brokenness," broadening awareness of their need for gracious relationships, and further preparing them to facilitate redemption through relationship with others.
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title: Let's Get It Started:
author: Kelly J. Stigliano
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 10.24.2008 • author id: StK3206508
word count:
Written for single mothers, and most especially for newly divorced moms facing raising children alone, the manuscript is a simple guide with practical advice and includes anecdotes about single moms who are making life work for themselves and their children. It can also be used by churches as a study guide in singles group ministries
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Where is The Truth?
author: Pamela Harrelson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 8.24.2008 • author id: HaP7044808
word count: 160
This is a compassionate outreach to Christians and non-Christians who experience repeated defeat in overcoming medical obesity. It also speaks to people who struggle to make any kind of change from an addictive, emotionally-obsessive rut to a system of self control that is not solely reliant on will-power. The book is based on the writer's personal experience and her educational history as a personal trainer and certified nutrition consultant. The target audience is not only the obese and those who love them but the depressed post-op gastric by-pass patient who has regained their weight or in the perplexing process of doing so. There is an appeal to popular media to change their approach to the public regarding various weight loss surgeries. The bariatric profession is asked to recognize that extremely rapid weight loss has seldom, if ever, produced lifetime peace for the obese.
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title: Slaying the Monster Step by Step:
author: Teresa S. Smith
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 7.25.2008 • author id: SmT2255408
word count: 315
Slaying the Monster Step by Step is the riveting firsthand account of what it takes to overcome depression, with self-help information and discussion questions ending each chapter. Smith escapes a childhood of domestic violence; this begins a compelling journey filled with twists and turns. An idealistic, Midwestern, white woman, she must choose between her family's approval and her love for a southern black man. Smith's ongoing battle with depression causes her to passionately fight for her life, marriage, child, and faith. An ordained United Methodist minister, Smith demonstrates it is possible to move from suffering--via faith, as well as modern and alternative medicine--to a place of peace and hope.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: The Real Prince Charming
author: Michelle Raftery
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: RaM7516508
word count:
This manuscript addresses the common misconceptions young women have about intimate relationships with men. It directly addresses unrealistic expectations many women have of dating and marriage relationships while underscoring the importance of being individually whole before attempting to become involved in a relationship. The Real Prince Charming begins with common misconceptions and then delves into warning signs for potentially dangerous relationships. It then deals with purity, the desire to be rescued from current circumstances, and the unique personality God designed for everyone. The work ends with what to do until one finds a mate.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: On the Light Path? The Best Practical and Spiritual
author: Lissa G. Raines
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: RaL2958209
word count: 175
After years of being taken care of, young adults suddenly need to take care of themselves. They are experiencing relationships, love and money in new ways and often learning the hard way. They are forming habits and patterns that remain for the rest of their lives. The basics for successful living are rarely taught in school. On the Light Path? provides tips and practical insight for living in line with God’s Word and principles. It makes a great gift book for graduations, engagements, marriages, birthdays and Christmas. While many young adults wouldn't read several self-help books, they would read one handbook that covers several topics relevant to successful living. Part one, The Practical, covers relationship realities, money, lifestyle, and personalities. Part two, The Spiritual, covers authority, God's will, honesty vs. lies, and spiritual reality.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Making Leadership Matter:
author: Rick Mathis, Ph.D.
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 4.20.2008 • author id: MaR3737908
word count: 144
The theme of this book is that spirituality, or closeness to God, is essential to effective and ethical leadership. The work offers practical tips in such areas as organization, work-life balance, and communication. These tips are enhanced by a decidedly Christian spiritual focus that emphasizes our need for meaning. We live in difficult times, especially for leaders. Rapidly advancing technology, globalization, and increased litigation are just a few of the many concerns facing us today. Such complexities may actually deter people from wanting to become managers, supervisors, clergy, and civic leaders. Yet now more than ever we need people in leadership who are concerned with leading others effectively and purposively.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Dearly Beloved:
author: Jean Darby
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 1.24.2008 • author id: DaJ9600108
word count: 92
This book is a heart-wrenching story of a husband's slow decline into the world of Alzheimer's disease. The view point is that of the writer, Jean Darby, as she tells of her husband's daily happenings as they battle the disease together. She offers tips for everyday living and tells candidly of the surprises that come with the disease. Throughout its pages Darby emphasizes the need to stay in love with one's suffering spouse. The book was previously published.
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title: How Could a Loving God Permit Suffering?
author: Todd David Weiner
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Self-help • date submitted: 1.23.2008 • author id: WeT1950808
word count: 210
The writer has attempted to provide: 1) A unique, in-depth devotional study of God's character traits that relate to solving the mystery of why he allows suffering; 2) Numerous uplifting stories of how people emerged triumphant over tragedy desirous to lead others by the hand through the horrors of post-Eden life back to the God of love; 3) A candid, inside look at his family's battle to cope simultaneously with suicidal depression, an odyssey in the world of childhood cancer, and the devastation of divorce; 4) A novel, comprehensive guide that connects the hurting reader to helping ministries.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: The Journey to Heal: Seven Essential Steps for Healing from Childhood Sexual Abuse
author: Crystal Sutherland
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 12.24.2013 • author id: SuC2816513
word count: 60,000
Am I worthless?
Do I matter to God?
How do I get past the pain?
Is it possible for me to have meaningful relationships?
These questions, along with many others like it, can carve a deep hole in the soul of a woman who was sexually abused as a child. The lies believed, and the pain felt inside become too much to handle on our own and we find ourselves making choices that lead to more pain, and other forms of abuse.
While there is no simple formula for healing, there are essential steps that can be gleaned from God's Word. The Journey to Heal is a guided study for adult female survivors who are tired of just coping through life, and are ready to truly live! The author writes candidly and openly from her personal journey of healing over the past fifteen years, and speaks as a friend to other female survivors; offering answers to some of their deepest questions.
Healing from childhood sexual abuse is a long, and often misunderstood, painful process the author is all too familiar with. However, wholeness is possible when we place our hope in Christ and take certain, key steps along the way.
Crystal Sutherland is a survivor, Christian author, blogger, and speaker for women’s interests. She holds a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, and has served in ministry for the past fifteen years. Crystal has published various articles for Christian blogs, as well as writing a Bible study for female survivors, that she currently facilitates through Elevation Church, in Charlotte NC. She is also the co-founder of “Inspire”, a non-denominational women’s ministry that serves the Charlotte community.
Between blogging, various speaking opportunities, and a growing social media presence Crystal has a combined reach of over 500K readers per month, with a little over 16k of those being unique site visitors. She feels her book will reach thousands through her current circle of influence, as well as her intentional and personal promotion through the women’s ministry outreach partners she serves in her local community, as well as media, counselors, and ministry leaders.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: What's In Your House to Avoid Debt Traps?
author: Ramona Patterson
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 2.25.2014 • author id: PaR2822914
word count: 25,000
God has promised to multiply our wealth so that we can live victoriously and radically finance the gospel. But unfortunately, believers are as weighed down with debt as unbelievers, and it’s caused the wealth God promised us through His covenant with Abraham to instead evade us. As a result, God not only wants to reveal to us His plan for turning our finances around, He wants to position us to rise above every oppression and break debt’s deadly grip over our spirits, minds and finances.
Coming out of debt is NOT rocket science! It’s as spit simple as picking up shiny new quarters in your front yard. Yet, many are trapped dangling hopelessly from the noose of debt’s daunting gallows. Making one rash spending decision after another, most aren’t aware that fear of failure is the culprit. So they aimlessly gallivant toward the first smiling lender’s face, waving the flag of surrender and screaming: “Here’s my financial dilemma; do whatever you can with it.” As ravening wolves swoop in to capitalize on their misfortune, consumers are left dumbfounded, trying to figure out years down the road, why they’re still overwhelmed with debt. Surprisingly, the money leeches we unknowingly aid and abet under our own roofs are sucking the life out of our wallets as vehemently as bill collectors.
This book explores a variety of practical debt-tackling solutions and sheds light on self-inflicted debt traps. It also warns of traps designed by our multi-billion dollar financial industry to keep us hustling backward. God expects us to become debt free, so we can bless others and fulfill His purpose for our lives. If you’re willing to try new strategies, God’s got the perfect plan for bringing you out of debt forever.
Ramona Patterson has a journalism career spanning more than 25 years in which she worked as a beat reporter for Knight-Ridder Newspapers and American City Business Journals before joining NBC News as a national desk script writer. She has also written for national and local magazines and managed church publications.
As a banking executive, she developed communications strategies to boost mortgage sales. Her job was to convince a 5,000-member sales force that every new product and change the bank launched was in their best interest whether true or false. Capitalizing on the “What’s-in-it-for-me” strategy, she became highly skilled at it.
Then the bottom fell out, displacing her in a big banking merger. Scrambling to find employment, she landed on the lower rung of a major auto finance company as a bill collector where she began to gain priceless insight into the dynamics of the sales game and tricks of the trade.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: The Woman's Guide to Reasonable Faith: Tranform Your Faith from Ordinary to Extraordinary
author: Patty Houser
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 2.28.2014 • author id: BuP2201514
word count: 55,000
A Woman’s Guide to Reasonable Faith: Transform Your Faith from Ordinary to Extraordinary is like an easy-to-use travel guide that introduces Christian women to apologetics in language women best understand, woman to woman. It helps women transform their faith from ordinary to extraordinary and equips them with the critical thinking skills and necessary theological and philosophical foundation essential for successfully engaging their minds in their faith. It helps them understand the role belief plays on their behavior and the implications a lack of engaging their minds in their faith has not only on their lives, but also on the lives of their kids if they have them. Finally, it is a book that helps them effectively share and defend their faith with their unbelieving family and friends by equipping them to present the truth in a persuasive, yet relational way. It includes the experience of a woman, wife, and mother who came to Christ after a ten year journey through the world of apologetics, holds a Master’s Degree in Christian Apologetics, and has taught it to thousands of women over the past ten years.
Patty Houser is the Director of Women’s Education for Solid Reasons and speaks at women’s conferences, seminars, and outreach events where this book could be sold. She holds a M.A. in Christian Apologetics with highest honors from Biola University, and studied apologetics under some of the best in the field such as Dr. J.P. Moreland and Dr. Gary Habermas. She also wrote her Master’s Thesis on the Emerging Church under R. Scott Smith. She is a member of the International Society of Christian Apologetics, the Evangelical Theological Society, and the Evangelical Philosophical Society.
She has been featured on Truth Talk Radio, Evangelical Seminary Blog, Biola University Magazine ("The Art of Reasoning Well," Winter 2013), Live Boldly Now, and has spoken at the Evangelical Philosophical Society (EPS) Apologetics Conference, where this book could also be sold.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Achieving High Performance Friendship: A Book for Men
author: John Vawter
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 4.9.2014 • author id: VaJ8525814
word count: 74,000
Jesus is the model for friendship. This is seen throughout the New Testament in His interaction with his followers, disciples, and friends.
And yet, many male followers of Jesus today have very little meaningful interaction with other men. Some say they have no friends. Others say they have many acquaintances but few if any friends. Why is this so? Achieving High Performance Friendship addresses that very question.
Co-written by two men who have been friends for 30 years, the book also explains the differences among acquaintance, “pal”, friendship, and genuine friendship. The reader is given principles and action steps to follow to develop and enhance Christ-like friendships.
Each of the ten chapters explains and discusses a principle, includes personal stories illustrating that principle, incorporates examples from the life of Jesus Himself, and finishes with challenging questions for small group interaction.
Dr. John Vawter and Dr. Jim Wetherbe have been friends for 30 years. John has been in ministry as a pastor, seminary president, and consultant for 48 years, and Jim is a highly regarded professor, author, and consultant in management of information technology. Both are have traveled and spoken extensively internationally. Between them they have authored 35 books. Their combined experiences allow them to create a book that is used both in men’s study groups and for evangelism—using Jesus as the model for friendship.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: The Pastor's Persona
author: Jonathan Golden
category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 4.15.2015 • author id: GoJ2860115
word count: 51,000
Preparation for parish ministry is more than simply learning a certain skill set—exegesis of scripture, thinking critically about theological issues, thinking ethically about social problems, effective proclamation of the Word. While such skills are essential, another often overlooked aspect of parish ministry involves navigating the often problematic psychological dynamics of the pastoral persona, that set of role expectations, normally present in all relationships, that make up the unspoken parts of being a pastor.
Relationships are inherently messy, and nowhere is this more evident than in the pastoral ministry. In no other profession are person and persona—individual and role—more enmeshed than in the pastorate. And in no other profession are persons expected to live so strongly into their professional persona than in the parish ministry.
This book looks at these persona role dynamics and the resulting dangers of identifying too strongly with one’s professional persona. It also explores healthy ways of managing self-care while living in the pastoral role.
Dr. Jonathan Golden is a Licensed Professional Counselor as well as a National Certified Counselor. He has an MS and Ph.D. in pastoral counseling from Loyola College in Maryland, and an MDiv from Duke Divinity School. His doctoral dissertation was on spirituality as a predictor of burnout among United Methodist clergy, and his research was published in The Journal of Psychology and Theology in 2004. Dr. Golden has worked as a staff therapist with Methodist Counseling and Consultation Services (MCCS) since 2002. Prior to that he worked both full time and part time in the local parish, serving churches in Western North Carolina and in Baltimore, MD.
Dr. Golden works with the Boards of Ordained Ministry of several conferences of the United Methodist Church in their candidate evaluation process, and is available for workshops and speaking engagements. More personal information can be found at the MCCS website (
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Parent Trap: Thinking Errors that Undermine Parents Effectiveness
author: David Simonsen
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 9.25.2015 • author id: SiD9851615
word count: 23,000 currently
Parenting is difficult. There are no formulas or easy tricks to make children behave or listen. We beleive that knowing why you do something is half the battle. We have found through our years of experience that if a parent knows why they do something they may be more likely to change that behavior and in turn help thier children.
For 16 years David has been helping people work through challenges in their lives. This experience has given him the ability to get to the source/s of the challenges quickly and efficiently. He uses humor along with directness to help people get back on track in their relationships. David has his Ph.D. in Psychology and M.S. in Marriage and Family therapy. He has been married 20 years and has 6 kids.
Dan has been in private practice for almost 4 years doing family therapy. He works with at-risk you and their families. He has been married 2 years and has a 4 month old. He is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor Associate currently working on his second masters to become a hospital Chaplain.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: When Sunday School Answers Don't Cut It for Our Questions
author: Janelle Alberts
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 10.12.2015 • author id: AlJ4402215
word count: 20,000
With a growing number of Americans classifying their religious affiliation as none, the truth is out that “pat” Sunday school answers are not cutting it for questions like:
- Why do Christians say their God is best?
- Does evolution contradict the Bible?
- Why do Christians say forgive, then behave as if they never forget?
- Are the Bible elite really the moral elite?
- How do I love my neighbor as myself?
When Sunday School Answers Don’t Cut It for Our Questions sets out to briefly address five regularly posed, but rarely answered questions about the God of the Christian faith, specifically for an audience honest enough to admit what they do not believe. Answers are provided through just-a-little-different-than-I-thought-they-would-be storylines of five Bible characters, whose plot twists go beyond “pat” Sunday school answers.
In a culture where the Bible is a number one best seller, but almost nobody actually reads it, this book gives the reader a gift of simple, clear, dinner party Bible trivia and beyond.
Way beyond.
Janelle Alberts spent her early career writing corporate messaging documents and localizing crisis communication strategies for Microsoft and later UPS. With her propensity for boiling down complex concepts without diluting their substance, Alberts wrote her first Bible-assessing faith column in 2010 for the Akron Beacon Journal. She now writes a monthly column for Christianity Today’s Gifted for Leadership, articles for Today's Christian Woman, and recurring guest blogs for
After spending thousands of hours in Sunday school environments, and hearing about how and why unbelieving contemporaries are rejecting God, Alberts observed that believers may be misinterpreting unbelievers’ motives. Many simply have questions that have not been answered.
In When Sunday School Answers Don’t Cut It for Our Questions, Alberts sets out to answer five regularly posed, but rarely answered questions about the God of the Christian faith, specifically for an audience honest enough to admit what they do not believe.
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title: Wheels of Wisdom: Life Lessons for the Restless Spirit
author: Tim and Debbie Bishop
category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 3.19.2016 • author id: BiT3717916
word count: 60000
Looking for more out of life?
After three tours totaling over 10,000 miles, Tim and Debbie Bishop have discovered wisdom and truth from the seat of a bicycle. In Wheels of Wisdom, the authors share the life lessons they learned on the open road.
When you\'re looking for enlightenment, you can find it almost anywhere, be it from watching two herons saunter across a Florida road, pedaling to a dead-end in a Kentucky tobacco field, or observing eagles flying overhead in Montana. In each lesson of this book, you’ll find practical insights, inspiration, and encouragement—along with personal reflection questions that will help you:
- Adopt the right mind-set
- Conquer fear, worry, and inaction
- Overcome obstacles
- Relish life’s journey
Certain principles are universal whether you are bicycling across America or chasing your own lifelong dream.
Wherever you are in life, Wheels of Wisdom will give you a fresh perspective and new motivation for your own adventure. Not only will you travel vicariously to new places and meet new people, you’ll also experience some genuine “God moments” and have some fun on the way.
So, pack up your dreams and passions and come along. It’s time to learn on the open road!
As first-time newlyweds in midlife and volunteers for TheHopeLine, the Bishops bring a refreshing brand of hope to the conversation while mixing adventure and fun with deeper truth. They are seasoned Christians and accomplished professionals who understand people and their issues. According to Dave Anderson, Director of Rescue for TheHopeLine and author of the book\'s foreword, \"the Bishops know what it takes to come alongside people, listen to them, and encourage them to make some [difficult but necessary changes].\"
As experienced authors/publishers, the Bishops know how to pitch media, conduct interviews, and persist with online marketing. A teaser ebook, Metaphors in Motion, is queued up for simultaneous publication.
Wheels of Wisdom has already been endorsed by New York Times bestselling author Dan Miller, Heather Randall, CEO of Christian Women Alliance, and Dave Anderson of TheHopeLine. Jim Sayer, executive director of Adventure Cycling Association, intends to endorse the book.
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title: Searching for Wisdom, Finding Our Father
author: Conrad Hilario
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 5.19.2017 • author id: HiC4322917
word count: 50000
It’s easy miss when you read the book of Proverbs. Solomon addresses his children, dozens of times. Since he fathered an untold number of children, Solomon carpet-bombed them with a collection of his wisdom.
This small detail contains particular relevance to our culture. Large numbers of Americans grow up in a broken and single-parent homes. As a result, many people in our culture long for guidance in confusing areas such as sex, managing money and building lasting friendships.
In Searching for Wisdom, Finding Our Father, teaching pastor Conrad Hilario uses our heavenly Father’s wisdom from Proverbs to fill in the gaps left by our earthly parents.
Practical and straightforward, this book aims to come alongside both those who grew up in broken homes and those who grew up in intact homes, those who received little to no guidance from their fathers and those whose fathers were lovingly involved.
No matter our background, Proverbs brims with practical life lessons from our heavenly Father.
- Conrad Hilario grew up on the streets of Chicago. He met Christ at the age of 17 while incarcerated. Twenty years later, he serves as a teaching pastor at Xenos Christian Fellowship –a church containing nearly 6000 members. He teaches a weekly service containing hundreds of college-aged people. And he speaks at the annual Xenos Summer Institute, featuring world-class Christian speakers and drawing thousands of visitors from around the world. He completed his Masters of Christian Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He and his wife Hilary currently live in Columbus, Ohio, with their two sons.
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title: Profoundly Changing the Way We Live
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 10.27.2017 • author id: WHW3007517
word count: 38000
Not your typical self-help manual, Profoundly Changing the Way We Live addresses spiritual life, relationships, vocation, calling and purpose, recreation; and physical and emotional health by blending life principles drawn from Scripture with current scientific research and the inspiration of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Scripture provides the foundation and framework for addressing each area of life, and secondary sources such as anthropology, medicine, and psychology considered from the light of the Scriptures add valuable knowledge. God has provided us with two books: the first is his written revelation, the Bible; the second is the book of science. We are wise when we explore both.
The qualities of joy, peace and richness of life, inevitably elusive when pursued directly, are presented as a natural by-product of living for Christ – i.e., found in wholeheartedly seeking to know, enjoy, worship, and serve God. It is upon this foundation that biblically, scientifically-informed choices in each major area of life reap the personal harvest that God intended.
Amy White, M.A., LMHC
Amy holds a B.A. in Psychology, Skidmore College, and M.A. in Professional Psychology, Geneva College. She has served in executive roles for two non-profit agencies, and is licensed as a mental health counselor in the states of Georgia, Pennsylvania and Florida. Amy has extensive experience as a coach, counselor, co-strategist, and as a therapist in private practice, and in the inpatient and outpatient clinical setting. Public speaking has included universities, churches, and national conference workshops.
William H. White, Ph.D.
Bill’s education includes a Ph.D. in counseling with a minor in psychology, formal study in theology, and national certifications in health and exercise science. He has worked extensively with pastors and the general public in the role of life/health coach. He has taught both in the university and seminary settings. Bill has served a total of more than 30 years with national ministries including Young Life Campaign, Ligonier Study Center (now Ligonier Ministries), and Christian Care Ministry in Melbourne, Florida. Not one to sit still for long periods of time, Bill has over the years served as a volunteer fireman and paramedic, and continues to be active in the martial arts as a 4th Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do.
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title: The Business of Your Life: A Young Christian's Guide to Financial Literacy
author: Keith Brown
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 2.10.2018 • author id: BrK5511318
word count: 53000
The Business of Your Life: A Young Christian’s Guide to Financial Literacy is the only non-secular, financial how-to-book composed specifically for juniors and seniors in Christian homeschooling and academies. Its theme is administering personal finances in the professional manner of business owners.
The author teaches the practical skills necessary to formulate an effective budget that blends seamlessly with Christian fundamentals, and ushers readers through banking, 2018 income taxes, risk management products, securities, and tax-qualified savings plans.
Beyond that, Brown offers personal organization and self-development tips, encourages critical thinking, explores the coming workplace, and teaches students how to create and interpret their own personal financial statements—thereby allowing competent cash-flow regulation and a continuous measurement of net worth.
About the Author
Keith Lloyd Brown received a parochial education and majored in accounting following military service. Early in his career, he served as a corporate treasurer and managed real estate but found his niche as a registered representative for a national financial planning firm. His focus now is guiding young men and women of faith to confront financial challenges in the secular world.
Through his proprietary marketing research, the author has lined up twenty-four Christian-academy curriculum directors (out of a sampling of 168 campuses), who have a genuine interest in the manuscript’s expanded outline. Fifteen, who lead a total enrollment of more than fifty-one hundred students, have asked to be contacted after the book is in print. Inspired by this confidence rate, the author has developed a mailing list of four thousand schools in his target market and expects it to top out near six thousand.
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title: David the Desperate/How a Famous King Overcame Chronic Discouragement (Maybe Even Depression)
author: John David Adams
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 9.17.2018 • author id: AdJ4791818
word count: 8200
Reading another person's journal can be both fascinating and a bit awkward, especially when the pages reveal details of personal pain and heartbreak. That is, unless the writer has given you permission to read. Thankfully, David, the author of nearly half the Psalms, wrote them to be shared and sung publicly. Three thousand years later, many are finding that reading the Psalms of David, his “diary” of sorts, in which he poured out his heart before God, has an uncanny way of comforting and restoring hope to the most troubled of souls.
Though he was an anointed leader with an unparalleled passion for God, David’s writings reveal that he often struggled with discouragement and complex moods. Some might say he was clinically depressed, way before clinics ever existed. In fact, the Psalms help us see that, for David, this daily conflict with internal giants was more vexing than that bully of a man, Goliath, whom he gloriously defeated in the Valley of Elah.
The beautiful thing about David’s story is that in spite of all his internal rumblings, David was never defeated by despair. In his darkest hours, David’s core beliefs about God and his unvarnished way of approaching Him seemed to always lead his heart to a better, brighter place. He practiced a unique but wonderfully effective form of therapy for his high-mileage heart. That hope-renewing therapy is outlined in the pages of this book.
Disclaimer: The purpose of this book is not to criticize or diminish the value of contemporary treatments for what seems to be an expanding range of mental and emotional disorders. Rather, the aim here is simply to expose and highlight a private side of King David’s story that perhaps has gotten lost to the more sensational aspects of his life. In so doing we will gain helpful, practical insight into how the ancient hero coped with his internal restlessness (something just about all of us deal with from time to time) long before the arrival of psychiatrists or Prozac.
J. Dave Adams is a pastor and writer with a passion for encouraging people in their relationship with God. One of his signature ministries is in highlighting the hope that is ours in Christ, no matter how difficult the circumstances might be. In his twenty-plus years of pastoring, he has served two churches, one in rural Indiana and one in southern California. He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (MACL) and is currently a doctoral student at Talbot Seminary/Biola University. He is the husband of Tawnia and has five children, Makenzie, Abigail, Johnathan Sage, Olivea, and Ruby Rain.
The potential market for this book would include the growing percentage of the U.S. population struggling with depression and related issues (anti-depressant use is up 65% over the past 15 years). As part of the self-help genre, this book would tap into a market covering a wide range of ages, as recent trends reveal that more and more young adults are struggling emotionally just as middle-age adults. While the market would most likely be females, as they tend to read more, David, the well-known male subject of the book may also provoke the interest of a potential male readership. In addition, the book could quite conceivably serve as the origin of a Bible-study or small-group curriculum.
For promotional purposes, my hope would be to gain supportive endorsements and recommendations from members of my educational communities - the esteemed Dallas Theological Seminary (e.g. Pastor Louie Giglio, Old Testament Scholar Ron Allen, New Testament scholar Daryl Bock) as well as Biola University/Talbot Seminary (e.g. Sean McDowell) where I am pursuing a doctorate. In addition, I have recently waded into the world of blogging whereby to expand my brand and platform as the primary contributor to a Christian devotional site called
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title: Griefs We Bear
author: Michael Washington
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 12.31.2018 • author id: WaM6020118
word count: 65000
It’s normal to love people we’re in relationship with, and it’s just as normal to grieve when they go. Rather than losing a loved one, bearing our griefs of such losses becomes a way of continuing to love the one who has gone. Grief lets love continue in the best way possible. My work, GRIEFS WE BEAR, explores relational loss and how loss is transformative for a person’s relationship to self, God, and others. I show how grieving becomes a way to keep loving those who are gone, and I write about reflective practices Christians can use to grieve and love. After all, loving is what matters. Grief signals, underlines, and boasts of love so that bearing griefs becomes a way of participating in love for those who have departed.
I am an ordained Evangelical Covenant pastor serving as a hospital chaplain and clinical pastoral educator at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. I’ve pastored for 16 years and served in chaplaincy for 4 years. I’ve taught as adjunct faculty in two Chicago-area seminaries for 7 years. I’m a Certified Educator with the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc. I have completed degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (BS in psychology), Wheaton College (MA in theology), and Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary (MDiv in pastoral counseling). I’m a second-year PhD student studying pastoral theology, personality, and culture.
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title: Different. A practitioner's view of leading as a servant.
author: Bruce Ratzlaff
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 12.31.2018 • author id: RaBT2X1X18
word count: 40000
Through a step-by-step process, a visual framework for understanding (a Biblically supported diagram) the component parts of Biblical Servant-leadership is examined in contrast to the known ways of leading. Jesus said in Matthew 20:26, “among you it (leading) will be different . . .” This statement begs the question: “different” in what ways? Each time Jesus spoke of leading as a servant, he did so in contexts of comparison to the known way. “Different” extensively links scripture passages to understand each of the elements of “different” as Jesus intends. Through its framework for understanding, “Different” provides unusual clarity on this topic in a direct, practical and growth oriented approach that is equally challenging and encouraging, from the real-world perspective of the Christian practitioner/leader – and helpful for real-life leading. We won’t understand Biblical Servant-leadership until examining all that is different about it.
Bruce considers himself as a leader practitioner with a successful career span of over 40 years in the financial services sector and as a business owner. With an MBA as formal credentials, Bruce’s leadership credentials include being CEO for three organizations: a Life Insurance Company, a Chartered Bank, and a Christian charitable foundation. In addition, Bruce also served on numerous church, non-profit and corporate Boards as Director or elder.
Parallel to Bruce’s interest in leadership (an affirmed spiritual gift), Bruce has been a student of God’s word from the time he became a Christian at the age of 19. Following God's life-call in the marketplace, his foundational purpose was to lead Biblically and represent Jesus in his secular work environment and demonstrate authentic Biblical Christian leadership. This passion has opened doors of leadership development seminars, coaching, counselling, a consulting practice and a book about servant leadership written for church leaders in Nepal (and translated into the Nepali language).
Working together as a couple, Bruce and Verna Ratzlaff have an emerging practice in training leaders in Servant Leadership (domestically and abroad) which will be a key base for marketing the book "Different." See the web sites "" or "" for an early glimpse of their web presence. But please understand, the website is still in its early humble beginnings - we're still working on it!
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title: The Athlete Exit Strategy: A Forty-Day Journey Designed to Help Athletes Adapt to Life After Athletics
author: Erik Hansen
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 4.29.2019 • author id: HaE9301319
word count: 39000
Athletes are provided tremendous resources and support leading into their athletic careers but very little, if any, at the end. Athletes often feel as though they’ve been brought to the edge of a cliff, having no idea what’s on the other side because they’ve never known life without athletics. The Athlete Exit Strategy is a forty-day journey designed to help struggling athletes adapt to life after athletics.
Erik Hansen He is a former collegiate athlete who struggled to adapt to life after athletics and seeks to help others through that process. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, a Performance Enhancement Specialist from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, a Level Three certified coach from the American Swimming Coaches’ Association and has his Master’s of Science in Physical Education. He is currently a strength and conditioning coach and swim coach at a private boarding school in California where he lives and works. He and his wife have been married for thirteen years and have two children. In his spare time, he leads small group Bible studies in his church and in sports ministries.
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title: Don't Pop The Porn Pill: Use Your God-given Gusto
author: Matthew Albano
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 7.23.2019 • author id: AlM0764419
word count: 78000
This was the username of choice created by a student while playing Kahoot in one of the high school Algebra classes I co-teach in. Being out of porn for a while, and letting this book “rest,” I forgot the significance of this venture. But while editing it and being a new Special Education Math teacher, I did begin to wonder how many students were using porn on a regular basis in this 1-click-access Age and how it affected them in school.
So …
If you have used internet pornography within the last year, keep reading. If you have used magazine pornography within the last year, keep reading. If you have used self-fanatical pornography within the last year, k-e-e-e-e-p reading.
It is always really annoying when someone says, DON’T DO THIS, but then never tells you what to do instead. Whenever we don’t do something, there is a vacuum to be filled. So if I say, “Don’t use pornography,” I have to tell you what else to do as an alternative. That is exactly how I started this book, with the title: Don’t Pop the Porn Pill. But then I thought to myself, “What should be done instead?” The answer is Use your God-given gusto! God states his commands in this manner - DON’T commit adultery, DO love your neighbor as yourself, DON’T give false testimony, DO love the Lord with all your heart mind soul and strength, …
This book is not a novel, but it is a novelty. The word “novelty” will be one of the main themes streamed throughout this book. In this era of the Information Revolution when internet pornography is so accessible, sex is deemed a biological and psychological need, and the marriage age growing and growing, how do men stay sexually pure to honor God? How do we deal with these “feelings"? How do we release this God-given gusto?
My name is Matthew Albano. [1] I have been chipping away at for the last 4+ years in order to glorify the living God and release my God-given gusto. I am definitely not a pure writer: I have a math and physics background as I was a PhD student in mathematics at Rutgers–Newark for several years. So each book I write must have at least some pictures in it as I love to create art, communicate through illustrations, and compactify data via diagrams.
The thesis of this book is three-fold: In this era of the Information Revolution when internet pornography is so accessible, sex is deemed a biological and psychological need, and the marriage age growing and growing, how do men stay sexually pure to honor God? How do we deal with these “feelings?” How do we release this God-given gusto?
Additionally, if we have already fallen prey to the addiction of internet pornography, how do we gain freedom?
I know, I know … haven’t we heard it all before?
“Lust is wrong.”
“Wait till marriage to have sex.”
Yada, yada, yada …
Wait. Listen.
Quite simply, this book is a novelty – a first of its kind. Not only has there not been such a book written by a young 30er who has not yet had a ring threaded onto his finger, but the rigor and depth had yet to be developed – until now. Moreover, this book is written by a man who actually went through pornography addiction, who actually went through the pains of withdrawal, and who actually gained freedom: So I know what I am talking about. And I know how hard it can be at times, as a man, to not be married after the age of thirty to enjoy God’s gift of intimate relationship with a woman.
Because of these credentials and more, this book is needed in these times to encourage men to keep the marriage bed sacred at any age.
Going back to the depth and rigor, you will see original diagrams compactifying the different uses of words in the Bible being traced back to their Greek or Hebrew roots, and you will see illustrations that present complicated ideas very simply. I, additionally, have classified the five categories of emotions that present themselves for using pornography. This book has original research.
[1] The manuscript is already complete and consists of ∼ 78,000 words.
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title: You Have To Die To Get To Heaven/ A Message of Hope
author: Jane Goughnour/Jane Amelia Smith
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 9.18.2019 • author id: GoJ2445019
word count: 28898
We all live with death every day of our lives.Most of us, including myself, have experienced the death of loved ones, while others await their own pending death. These turn of events need not leave us in despair,for the true God who values each and every one of us beyond measure has given His promise that just as He resurrected His only son, Christ Jesus, we too will be resurrected if we but believe on Him. Both God's visible and invisible world cry out the truth of His eternal presence. Neither personal predudice nor popular ideology can erase the true God from that which He alone created. If we but seek we will find, reading the Holy Bible and familiarizing ourselves with those revelations through Quantum physics and other phenomenon will help to open our eyes to the endless possibilities given us through the one true God.
Jane Amelia Smith was born and raised on Long Island, New York. After earning an M.A. degree from New York University, she worked in the field of Health Promotion. She holds a Public School Teacher, as well as a Registered Nurse license. She served ten years as a reservist in the U.S. Army Nurse Corps, receiving an honorable discharge at the rank of Major. Through the years her church affiliations have included both the USA and the American Presbyterian Churches, as well as the United Methodist Church. While attending the United Methodist Church, she provided support to those suffering loss, through serving as a Stephen Minister.This is her third Christian book publication, the first two books were self-published. Widowed in 2007, she remarried in 2016, and now resides with her husband in Lexington, Virginia.
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title: The Attitude Book: How to Have a Good Attitude for Life
author: Chris Thurman
category: nonfiction • subcategory: self help • date submitted: 11.18.2019 • author id: ThC7875919
word count: 60000
My area of expertise as a psychologist and author is in the area of faulty beliefs and renewing the mind. This manuscript is an extension of that interest. It focuses on helping the reader understand the importance of attitude in life; the toxic attitudes that damage our emotional, relational, and spiritual health; the healthy attitudes that can help us live a meaningful and healthy life; and how to move in the direction of a good attitude for life.
I have a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from the University of Texas. I was a college professor at the University of North Texas for three years, served as a psychologist at the Minirth-Meier Clinic in Dallas for six years, and have been a licensed psychologist in private practice in Austin for the last twenty-eight years. Over the forty years I have been in the mental health field, I have conducted hundreds of full-day seminars for corporations and churches around the country.
I am the author of seven books: The Lies We Believe (Thomas Nelson, 1989); The Truths We Must Believe (Thomas Nelson, 1991); If Christ Were Your Counselor (Thomas Nelson, 1993); The Lies We Believe Workbook (Thomas Nelson, 1995); Self-Help or Self-Destruction (Thomas Nelson, 1996); The Lies Couples Believe (David C. Cook, 2015); The Lies We Believe About God (David C. Cook, 2017); and The Lies We Believe (Thomas Nelson, Completely Revised and Updated 30th Anniversary Edition, 2019) and The Lies We Believe Workbook (Thomas Nelson, Completely Revised, 2019).
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title: Healed
author: Kirby Bewley
category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 6.22.2020 • author id: BeKiHe14120
word count: 10800
Healed. is a Bible study designed for women who have experienced sexual abuse. This six-week Bible study takes readers through the process of learning about the impact of trauma and how they can be healed from its effects. The study is designed to be completed each week, individually or in a group format. Videos are available to enhance personal study and encourage discussion. The study starts with education so that readers can understand how their trauma symptoms manifest in their relationships with others and their relationship with God. Each chapter focuses on a skill or technique that helps with the healing process. Chapters guide readers through necessary steps to healing including anger management, building healthy relationships, understanding their God-given identity, and the practice of forgiveness. Healed. offers practical techniques that are often taught in therapeutic settings, bringing these skills into the homes of thousands of women fearful of accessing these therapeutic resources. Through the use of Scripture and biblical teaching, readers are taught to understand God’s desire to help each of us heal from the devastating effects of trauma. This study is accessible for a wide variety of readers by its use of easily understood language, clear headings, and well-designed format.
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title: Transformative Leadership: How Jesus Began a Movement That's Still Changing the World
author: David Alford
category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 8.29.2020 • author id: AlDaTr21120
word count: 75000
Title: Transformative Leadership: How Jesus Began a Movement That’s Still Changing the World Most leadership resources offer some combination of philosophy, principles, and methods. These are helpful but what most leaders actually need is a system of leadership that integrates a philosophical framework with guiding principles and practical methods. Very few resources offer this type of comprehensive system, but the Bible is one of them. The elements of its system can be observed in the stories of all of the leaders in the Bible, but it’s most fully revealed in the life of Jesus. Jesus was clearly the most effective leader in history. He founded a movement that won over the Roman Empire in 300 years, now numbers 2.4 billion followers, and continues to grow nearly 2,000 years after his death. No other leader comes close! Jesus’ leadership is clearly worth a closer look. Using Jesus’ model and the examples of other leaders in the Bible this book explains how to put Jesus’ transformative practices to work in your leadership.
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title: The New Man:Â How to Experience Permanent Freedom from Pornography
author: Sathiya Sam
category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 4.24.2021 • author id: SaSaTh8321
word count: 90000
It's the epidemic no one is talking about. Men struggle with it. Women struggle with it. Young and old, rich and poor. Christian and non-Christian. It has been around for centuries, but the rise of technology has given it a stranglehold in every facet of society. Pornography has demoralized our culture and multitudes are suffering in silence. Not anymore. Sathiya Sam is on a mission to share how he overcame a 15 year addiction to pornography without internet filters, accountability partners or more spiritual disciplines. While many are choosing superficial solutions, Sathiya outlines a systematic approach for resolving the root issues of pornography and other sexual misbehavior, achieving long-term freedom in the process. In this book you will learn: -How to handle the shame of pornography -A process for managing your thought life -Tools and principles that uproot underlying issues -How to experience greater intimacy with God and loved ones This system for recovery has helped people from all walks of life experience new levels of permanent freedom. You can experience it too.
-Honours Bachelors of Science in Biological Sciences -Ministry Certification from Catch The Fire Toronto -Life/Addiction Recovery Coach -Motivational Speaker
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title: Joy Where You Are
author: Kailee Wentroble
category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 5.12.2021 • author id: WeKaJo10021
word count: 59500
This book describes my journey through adolescence and the beginning of young adulthood. I cover topics including teasing, anxiety, discontentment, and depression. The purpose of the book is to lead young girls through the process of finding joy even in the midst of hardship, while also learning to rest in contentment, peace, and a newly-found trust in God.
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title: The Undivided Leader: Cultivating a Relationally, Emotionally, and Spiritually Healthy Self
author: Ryan Seler
category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 11.23.2021 • author id: SeRyTh29321
word count: 14000
How many leaders have you followed where something was “off?†Perhaps it was their relationships with other people. Maybe they were emotionally wild, like a roller coaster. Was their leadership like a spiritual desert, dead and dry? The Undivided Leader is a culmination of my life and leadership experiences so far. It is a simple handbook to guide leaders (whether fresh or seasoned) towards cultivating a relationally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy self. It is presented as a succinct, light-hearted, and easily digestible book that moves readers towards a holistic and undivided self. Each section follows a similar form—an outline of health in a specific area, a list of pertinent characteristics that demonstrate health, and steps to cultivate these attributes in one’s own self. In many ways, it is a book on “followship†as much as leadership. How to follow what our deep “selves†are telling us and ultimately, how to follow the Lord as we lead. My hope is that, no matter the leadership pedigree, each reader will finish feeling encouraged, inspired, and prepared to take the necessary steps towards developing a healthy relational, emotional, and spiritual health.
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title: Unbreakable: Discovering Profound Peace and Rest in Singlemotherhood with a Limitless Jesus
author: Melissa Buffaa
category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 1.3.2022 • author id: BuMeUn33721
word count: 45000
How do you climb from a place of immense inadequacy to a place of peace, despite your unexpected circumstance of singlemotherhood? In a time where divorce is more prevalent than ever before, we as Christian women are finding ourselves on a path we never imagined: singlemotherhood. This new, yet unanticipated, journey can saturate our minds with rejection, stress, and worthlessness to the point of feeling completely broken. Melissa once believed that struggle and heartbreak was the only path as a single mother, but she has emerged from the cave unbroken upon discovering a peace and healing that can only be found in Jesus. Unbreakable will help us renew our mindset from feeling overwhelmed and exhausted to energized and anchored. Melissa will share her unique journey of how she transformed from the brokenness of a divorced, single mother missionary to a strong woman in the Lord conquering motherhood. Most of all, Unbreakable will remind us that we are complete, exactly where we are.
Melissa Buffaa is founder of Acacia of Hope, a ministry that has changed countless lives over the past ten years. The ministry recently built two churches in remote villages in Africa. She has spoken at a number of churches, societies, and social groups about her life’s purpose. Melissa also has a passion for supporting and encouraging single mothers in Africa and America through ministry and her online platform, Strong Single Momma. She desires to see all single mothers rediscover themselves with limitless peace found in Jesus. Because of her powerful message, she has over ten people with 130,000+ potential audience views that are committed to sharing this future book. A percentage of sales will be directed to single mother ministries in Africa.
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title: Breaking Sin's Grasp, Your Temptation Doesn't Define You
author: Jim Domen
category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 3.27.2023 • author id: DoJiBr5223
word count: 37000
Men are entangled in sinful desires and Breaking Sin’s Grasp gives simple, basic, yet profound ways of living in freedom and not allowing a man’s temptation to define their masculinity. Men’s battles with sugar (Obesity), sex, pornography, depression, other beliefs, and substance abuse, are a few of the transparent stories to connect with the reader’s heart and mind to move men from stagnation to activation. Mothers’ and wives’ prayers are weaved throughout bringing hope how God answered their cries to heaven. It’s a quick read with accompanying workbook, accountability group material, and an option for video on-line coaching and retreat options.
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title: From Hydrocodone to the Holy Spirit – Conquering the Illusion of Happiness
author: Rodney Corriveau
category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 9.23.2023 • author id: CoRoFr23623
word count: 50000
(Working Title: From Hydrocodone to the Holy Spirit -Subtitle: Conquering the Illusions of Happiness) Drugs, booze, and partying – could there be anything better to live for? Although Rod tried to establish a relationship with the Lord serval times throughout the course of his life, his short-term pleasure seeking, along with satisfying his worldly-inspired impulses continually took precedence over any meaningful and lasting relationship with God. One fateful night changed this cycle. Being committed to a mental ward while high on drugs acted as a reality check – a veritable slap in the face for Rod; but it was relinquishing the reins of his out of control life over to the Lord as he sat locked behind the padded walls of his cell he shared with a schizophrenic roommate that inspired transformation in his life.
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title: Widow Goals - Steps to Finding Peace When Your Spouse Dies
author: Michelle Bader Ebersole
category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 11.25.2023 • author id: BaMiWi29723
word count: 55000
How do you fill the giant-sized hole in your heart when your husband dies? What steps can you take to move forward? As widows, we can feel lost, shattered, and overwhelmed. So, how in the world do we go on? How do we lift our heads off the pillow to face life without our spouses? How can it be possible? In Widow Goals- Steps to Finding Peace in God When Your Spouse Dies, Michelle Bader Ebersole shares thirty tangible and practical goals that have helped her survive her season as a widow. From the very first goal of getting out of bed to the final goal of realizing you are a warrior, Michelle guides readers one step at a time on how to survive as a widow. The reader can read this book all at once or take each goal as it pertains to their specific journey. The goals are based on personal experience, research, and scriptures and will be just the thing the heart of the widow needs to hear in her current season. In this book the reader will: -Discover how not only to survive but thrive and find peace in God after losing her spouse.. -Understand what to fill the huge hole in her heart with. -Learn how to find her new purpose in life now that her soulmate is gone. -Explore who she is without her husband. -Release the why of what happened and find peace in trusting God. -Realize that she was chosen to love her husband until his last breath.
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title: A Game Plan for the Fourth Quarter: For men in their golden years
author: Loren VanGalder
category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 7.6.2024 • author id: VaLoA 17024
word count: 47043
I’ve been working with men for almost fifty years. Twenty-one years as a Federal Prison chaplain. Counseling. A father to many father-less men. In “retirement” I realized that a lot of men my age and older were really struggling. Health problems. Marriage issues (or death of a wife). Changes in their sex life. Missing work and career. Money problems. And it seemed no one really cared, or knew what to say. As I tried to find books that addressed “golden age” men, I found cars of the sixties, financial planning in retirement, and dealing with ED and prostate issues. Meanwhile, men were spending what was supposed to be those “golden years” depressed, wasting time on the internet, addicted to porn, and even committing suicide. This book addresses the changes going on in your life, what you’re feeling inside, which you probably have no one to talk to about. As death gets closer, we start thinking about heaven. What do you think about God? How can you be sure you’re going to heaven. We’ll learn some lessons from the later years of men in the Bible and see what God may have for you. All the angles possible to make your senior years as fulfilling as possible.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Leadership from Within: Navigating the Path Toward Soul-Driven Success
author: Dr. Greg Woodard
category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 10.18.2024 • author id: WoDrLe26024
word count: 50000
As a seasoned military chaplain and leadership coach, my days were full of conversations with leaders who accomplished monumental goals only to find that their purpose still eludes them. They often wonder what it was all for. An antidote to lessening this wondering among leaders is living and leading purposefully. True purpose is a complex tapestry woven from the threads of soul care, comprising spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational rhythms. By cultivating holistic soul care, leaders can establish a flourishing personal and professional life giving our lives meaning and fulfilment. Leadership from Within is holistic requiring evaluation and work in all four critical life rhythms and is essential to a well-tended soul and purposeful leadership.
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title: The 60 Day Bride: Faith-filled Wisdom for Dating, Healing and Finding True Love
author: Kortney Fitzhugh
category: nonfiction • subcategory: selfhelp • date submitted: 12.27.2024 • author id: FiKoTh34024
word count: 37000
Career-driven, faith-filled, and fiercely independent, Kortney thought she was doing everything right to prepare for her "God-sent" husband. But after a decade-long marriage ended and singlehood stretched into years, she began to wonder if love was still part of God’s plan for her. Then, in a whirlwind of faith and timing, everything changed. With just three months of dating, Kortney found herself walking down the aisle—defying expectations, dismantling fears, and uncovering the beauty of God’s unique plan for her life. 60-Day Bride is more than Kortney’s love story; it’s a roadmap for women navigating the highs and lows of dating while holding onto faith. Through candid reflections, humor, and heartfelt wisdom, Kortney shares the lessons that transformed her life—from healing past wounds to embracing intention, and finally recognizing how faith-filled preparation meets divine timing. If you’re ready to date with purpose, silence the myths holding you back, and discover how God’s plans for love can exceed your wildest expectations, this book will inspire and empower you every step of the way.
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