title: Inside the Creation Code:
author: Joseph M. Jones
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Prophecy • date submitted: 6.25.2010 • author id: JoJ4376010
word count: 200
There is a pattern woven into the very first chapter of Genesis which repeats itself over and over throughout the Old and New Testaments. This book explores more than fifty examples of that pattern and shows how it relates to the end times and the return of Christ.
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title: From Abraham to Armageddon
author: Tracy Tramm
category: nonfiction • subcategory: Prophecy • date submitted: 2.23.2009 • author id: TrT9837109
word count: 295
Natural disasters, food shortages and disease are on the rise; the global financial markets are rapidly spinning out of control and threaten to plunge the world into recession. But these are not the only dark clouds gathering on the horizon. The thunderheads on an ageless "spiritual" storm are forming in the Middle East, as millions of Muslims prepare for battle: a final clash in which Islam, they believe, is destined to emerge victorious. All that is missing is a leader: the "guided one," who is described in the ancient Islamic prophecies as the final savior and champion of Islam. It is said that he will emerge in a time of great chaos to lead Muslims in the conquering of the world for Allah - but that's just half the story. As more and more Western scholars delve into the ancient writings concerning this coming Muslim "messiah," it becomes increasingly clear that he bears more than a passing resemblance to the biblical archetype of evil known to Christians as the "Antichrist." The work interweaves history, Bible prophecy and current events to shed some much needed light on what the Bible actually says about the end times. From Abraham to Armageddon, merges history, Bible prophecy and current events to shed new light on end-times prophecy.
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title: The Approaching Country: An Expedition to Messiah’s Coming Homeland
author: Cliff Jennings
category: nonfiction • subcategory: prophecy • date submitted: 1.10.2014 • author id: JeC2077813
word count: 45,500
So many of us are keenly interested in Biblical prophecies related to times ahead and, in view of current national and world events, for good reason! Yet despite the avalanche of books on the subject, rather than feeling reassured and encouraged, we are sometimes left increasingly anxious about the day we live in.
Clearly, some good news is needed! And that’s exactly what God’s Word gives us. This study-adventure graphically examines what the "birth pains" of the apocalypse really lead to: the marvellous earthly kingdom of our Saviour and returning King, Jesus the Messiah. The borders of the Holy Land of the future will be fully explored, along with the how's and why's of its internal structure -- including the amazing province belonging to "The Prince."
The wealth of Biblical detail on this generally overlooked treasure strengthens our faith and hope with firm knowledge and grounded expectations. This work is heavily researched, and is richly illustrated with original material. It is also the first of four volumes that progressively probe the wonders of the Holy Land, the Sacred District, the capitol city of Jerusalem, and the Father's Temple, during the coming Millennial reign of Jesus Christ.
The author has enjoyed a 30+ year career as a mechanical designer, and is also a student of Biblical prophecy with an appreciation for the precision and infallibility of God’s Word. These skills and perspectives are brought together in the maps, charts and technical commentary presented. The Biblical evidence is plentiful and relevant; and the author treats it with respect and enthusiasm.
Affinity groups for this book include those interested in Biblical prophecy about the “end times;” in Israel’s role in future events; in geography of the Holy Land during our Lord’s coming reign.
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title: The Thrill of Hope - How the Truths of Eternity Calm Our Deepest Fears
author: Jonathan Brentner
category: nonfiction • subcategory: prophecy • date submitted: 8.8.2017 • author id: BrJ5231717
word count: 60000
So many believers today battle anxiety and feel the panic that comes from living in the twenty-first century. As evidence of this, the song Whom Shall I Fear by Chris Tomlin has over 54 million views on YouTube.
The purpose of The Thrill of Hope is to show how the scriptural truths of eternity calm the anxieties of believers and comfort the aches of their souls. The book provides a sound biblical basis for this joyous hope because in the pressure of today’s world believers need more than just optimistic platitudes, they need a confident expectation of eternity that enables them to connect that hope to the struggles and pain of their daily lives.
Bland assurances of the sweet by and by do little to stir our hearts or encourage us. It’s the thrilling specifics of eternity that comfort us in sorrow, relieve our fears, and reach to the deepest wounds of our hearts.
This is not wishful or fanciful thinking; this is how our thrilling hope operates; it gives us hope each morning as we step out of bed and purpose for the rest of the day. Furthermore, this is my story of how hope can bring meaning to the broken pieces of one’s life.
This book shows how a two-world perspective connects the anxiousness of believers with their hope for eternity. It also provides a firm foundation for what the Bible teaches about our hope and why they can have hope in its words. As such, it will appeal to those with a basic understanding of biblical prophecy as well as to those looking for hope in the midst of the apprehensions they feel.
Jonathan Brentner holds a BA in Biblical studies from John Brown University as well as an MDiv degree from Talbot Theological Seminary. After graduating from seminary, he provided Greek and Hebrew linguistic support for the NASB Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible before serving as senior pastor for six years.
Jonathan has written Adult Sunday School curriculum for David C. Cook since 1984. Several articles of his on prophecy have been published on the Rapture Ready website where they receive as many as 10,000 unique hits. He is the author of Shipwrecked Lives, which is due for publication sometime in mid-2018.
He currently teaches a popular class on prophecy at Grace Community Church in North Liberty, Iowa. He also maintains a blog on future things, Eternity Versus the Moment, which attracts visitors from several foreign countries as well as from the United States.
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title: Knowing Tomorrow Today: Glimpses of the future that will change your life
author: Merrick Brown
category: nonfiction • subcategory: prophecy • date submitted: 3.18.2022 • author id: BrMeKn4822
word count: 40804
Pandemics. Global warming. Heat waves. Cyber-crime. Terrorism. Famine. And who, really, expects things to get better? At least anytime soon? On the contrary, the future can look awfully bleak. However, the Bible reveals that we can be hopeful about the future! Knowing Tomorrow Today is a riveting account which outlines a most amazing prophecy from the Bible, which points to our day, and predicts that the next global superpower will be one that will last forever. It is a love story of a God who so deeply cares for us, that He risked it all by coming down into the messiness and brokenness of our human reality in order to save us from ourselves and the forces of darkness. In Knowing Tomorrow Today we are given a glimpse of the world tomorrow – a world in which good has forever triumphed over evil. The future will see heaven on earth – a blissful existence in which redeemed humanity forever enjoys endearing encounters with their Creator. Pandemics. Global warming. Heat waves. Cyber-crime. Terrorism. Famine. Yes, but there’s also this promise as well: “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.†(Revelation 21:4). That’s knowing tomorrow today.
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