
title: Onto the Roof:

author: Faith A. Fitt

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Missions/Travel • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: FiF8502212

word count: 375


The manuscript is based on the true story of a young woman whose disappointment romance propels her on a journey overseas. When her fiancé breaks off their relationship, Ann Birkeland decides impulsively to move to China and become an English teacher. Full of scruples and American habits, she sets out gracelessly on the journey of a thousand miles - miles which involve planes, trains, bicycles rickshaws, and sometimes yaks. As she grapples with the realities of living, working, and sharing her faith under a crumbling communist regime, the culture, church, and social structures of the East come vibrantly to life. Through interwoven stories, {ITL}Onto the Roof{NRM} exposes the realities of life outside the United States and invites the reader to co-live the challenges Ann and her students face, from exam day jitters to racial discrimination, from hilarious friendships to the sacrificial passion of the underground church. This timely book demystifies the movement to teach English as missions, and through humor and poignancy, encourages readers to live with God in their own precarious places of obedience.

About the Author
Faith Fitt has worked as a teacher and teacher trainer in the United States, China, Nepal, and Saudi Arabia. She holds degrees in biblical studies, English composition, and English teaching, and is currently completing her PhD in higher education. Faith grew up on the mission field and is committed to promoting international awareness and a global concern within the American church. Faith uses stories like those in {ITL}Onto the Roof{NRM} to encourage and challenge Christians to listen to the heart of God, and to respond with courageous obedience.

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title: A Christian View of Basic Hinduism

author: Paul J. Pathickal

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Missions • date submitted: 1.25.2009 • author id: PaP0766609

word count: 185


Hindus number about 15% of the world population. India, where most of them live is closed to Christian missions. But the Lord in his wisdom has brought out about 50 millions to the outside world. In order to communicate the Gospel to them a sympathetic appreciation and understanding of their religion and culture is necessary. This study is an attempt to acquaint the reader with the rudiments of Hinduism so that he can converse with the Hindus intelligently about Jesus Christ.

About the Author
Paul (Poulose) J. Pathickal hails from an evangelical Christian family of Kerala, South India. He holds an M.A. in English Literature from Agra University, Agra and M.Div., Th.M. and D.Min. from Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His experience includes teaching English in a secular college and Bible, Theology and Missions in three Bible colleges. He is an ordained minister of the St. Thomas Evangelical Church of India and is a speaker at Christian conferences.

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title: PrayerWalk Beijing:

author: Nathalie Jeter

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Travel/missions • date submitted: 1.21.2008 • author id: JeN2346408

word count: 110


This pocket-sized guidebook with a spiritual twist combines prayerwalking and tourism. In seven theme walks, this guide to Beijing (China) weaves useful travel advice and historical facts with prayer points and Bible references for Christian travelers to keep in mind when praying for the city's inhabitants. It features the most popular tourist destinations as well as little-visited areas of particular interest to believers and will appeal most to travelers who want more "behind-the-scenes" information than ordinary guided tours or guidebooks can provide. Prayerwalking--a combination of actions as old as time, praying and walking--can be a silent activity. This makes it an ideal "undercover" way to make an eternal difference in a foreign country, especially one that is hostile to evangelism.

About the Author
Nathalie Jeter, daughter of missionaries to France, was nicknamed "metro queen" for her ability to navigate foreign visitors around her native city of Paris. The PrayerWalk guidebook series merges her experience leading tours and her passion for intercessory prayer. PrayerWalk Beijing is a product of her first-hand experience in China, with insight from Chinese nationals. The author holds MA degrees in journalism and government and is currently affiliated with Pat Robertson's Regent University and CBN. China is increasing in popularity as a tourist hot spot. In fact, China has seen such exponential growth in overseas visitors that the World Tourism Organization predicts it will overtake France as the world's top tourist destination by 2014. PrayerWalk Beijing is the first in a series of guidebooks for the world's most popular tourist destinations. Other books in progress include PrayerWalk Paris, PrayerWalk London, and PrayerWalk DC.

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title: Sovereignty, Grace, and Glory

author: Bob Lenz

category: nonfiction • subcategory: missions • date submitted: 7.11.2013 • author id: LeB4944113

word count: 52K


CONCEPT STATEMENT - This book will address the three aspects of the character of God, which I believe are necessary for believers to understand in deepening their knowledge of God, and for unbelievers to understand in accepting God’s plan for salvation. The three aspects are the sovereignty of God, the mystery and beauty of His character; the grace of God, His modus operandi in dealing with His world; and the glory of God, His magnificence and ultimate purpose for His creation.


About the Author

Twenty Years as a missionary in Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Teaching at a Bible School. Preparing courses and translating them into Indonesian in all branches of Bible and theology. (1964-84)

Three years teaching at Moody Bible Institute in the Dept. of Missions. (1984-87)

One year teaching at Asian Theological Seminary in Manila, Philippines. (1988)

Several years teaching modular course on the Biblical Theology of Missions at Nipiwin Bible Institute, Nipiwin, Sask. Canada. (approx. 1992-1997?). Wrote a 93 page book on the Biblical Theo. of Missions.

Missions Pastor in local church (2002-2007).


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title: Field Report: What Women Missionaries From the Past Have to Say to Us Today

author: Mari Chevako

category: nonfiction • subcategory: missions • date submitted: 11.11.2014 • author id: ChM5321214

word count: 90,200


What I love most about church, being part of the body of Christ, is the way we live in community with others and imbibe lessons from them about how to live this life. Overall, the women who have informed my thinking about being the kind of person I want to be more than anyone else are missionaries. I have met a large number of strong women who have endured through great difficulties, who have trusted God for great things, and who have drawn closer to His heart than most other women I know. And so I want to pass on to you what I’ve learned.  More than that, I want to open my hand and share my mentors with you. It’s quite easy for me to do it, since the women among my missionary acquaintances I’ve chosen to share are as equally available to you as they are to me, existing as they do in the pages of history. Please understand that what I have to offer is not, strictly speaking, history.  Rather, I am inviting you into a conversation by crafting brief monologues that allow these women to speak and by reflecting on what they have to say.

About the Author

Mari Reitsma Chevako holds advanced degrees in writing. She is a university ESL instructor who was missions pastor of a large Midwestern church for nearly twenty years and who still commits herself to praying for and teaching about missions. She has connections with women around the world who are eager for the kinds of insights offered in this book about how to better serve God wherever God has placed them.

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title: Salmon Swimmers, Swimming Upstream to Fulfill God’s Purposes for your Life

author: Dr. Mary Lou Codman-Wilson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: missions • date submitted: 3.10.2015 • author id: CoD6018815

word count: 52,571 words


Salmon are overcomers. They swim upstream overcoming incredible obstacles to reproduce at the spawning ground of their birth. Christians must also be overcomers as we swim against the values and pressures of this world to establish God’s Kingdom. The obstacles Christians face can be internal or external—cultural compromise, familial expectations, secular norms, overt evil, religious boundaries, myopic consumerism, and unresolved emotional baggage. Separately or in combination they can hinder believers from fulfilling God’s goals for the global church: To love God. To make disciples. To persevere through suffering. To love across borders. To live the Kingdom.

When we make the salmon’s journey an allegory for our own—having an image in our minds to hold on to—we can be inspired to press on as emotionally and spiritually healthy disciples who fulfil God’s call on our lives.


About the Author

Mary Lou Codman-Wilson holds three advanced degrees. Her Ph.D. is in Pastoral Psychology, Psychological Anthropology, Christian Education and Buddhism. She is an active Pastor, blogger and lecturer. Her previous book is Of Bananas and Hard-Boiled Eggs, Thriving in a Foreign Culture Through the Journey Toward Biculturalism.

Dr. Codman-Wilson has broad experience teaching and discipling people of different cultures through various networks—which give her a diverse marketing platform. She has pastored 4 churches, served on staff with InterVarsity, and taught in seminaries, conferences and churches across the U.S. and Asia. Her blog (marylousreviews.blogspot.com) and posted sermons reach people worldwide. Salmon Swimmers has also been endorsed by leaders in InterVarsity, Compassion International, several U.S. denominations, Navigator staff in Asia, and SCUPE (Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastor Education).

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title: Five Minutes with a Muslim: Practical Helps for Sharing your Faith


category: nonfiction • subcategory: missions • date submitted: 2.7.2017 • author id: GHC3713017

word count: 6,000


Jesus shared of the coming Kingdom of God as he moved among people, ate with them, healed them, taught them, and loved them. We do not share the Gospel in a vacuum but in relationship. A Muslim will be quick to spot a Christian who is just out to “chalk up” another soul for the Lord, while the one who knows you first as a friend will be many times more open to not only crossing the bridge with you as you share but also accepting Christ in faith.

“How do I get started?” “Give me something I can work with?” These are just a couple of the questions Raouf and Carol Ghattas heard from Christian believers who really did want to share their faith with Muslims but struggled with how to begin. Though they consistently shared that there is no "silver bullet" in Muslim evangelism, this small book is their response to those who asked. Five Minutes with a Muslim provides proven and practical bridge-crossing conversations from their 25 plus years of experience in working with Muslims. This book, along with one’s personal testimony and the leadership of the Holy Spirit is a powerful combination of tools to reach Muslims for Christ.

About the Author

Dr. Raouf (D.Min, M.Div.)  and Carol (M.Div) Ghattas served for over 20 years in the Middle East with the International Mission Board, SBC. They are published authors and experienced speakers. Dr. Ghattas passed away in 2015. Carol continues to write, speak and serve in the Arabic Baptist Church they founded. She also blogs: lifeinexile.net.

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title: My African Dream

author: Mark and Pat Roser

category: nonfiction • subcategory: missions • date submitted: 2.10.2017 • author id: RoM4514017

word count: 80,000


A True Story in every sense of the word

I returned my hard-earned scholarship and went to war-torn Zimbabwe. A beautiful schoolteacher, Patricia, carried her wedding gown across the ocean to marry me. Told through both our eyes, we witnessed all the dramatic wildness of the African saga: animism, colonialism, poverty, tribalism, war, dictators, refugees, AIDS. Not just where Africa has been but where she’s headed - more Christians in African than North America because of the miraculous, redemptive power of Jesus Christ.

  1. three decades, My African Dream is an epic adventure of firm faith and loyal love, chronicling how a family, a nation, and a continent are changed and emerge in a world vastly different from what they entered. And this is not just the story of Africa but History; a narrative of how a loving, holy Creator-Redeemer rescues us and transforms our world.

Our memoirs open a wide window into the soul of Africa, telling her real story, close-up. You will laugh and cry as you experience this roller coaster ride in a land on the brink of anarchy. Our story may even change your view of the world and your place in it. This is vital reading for anyone wanting to understand Africa and Christian missions.


About the Author

We lived, did mission work, and raised four children in Africa, starting churches, running a four-year Bible school, and supporting AIDS orphans. Mark has written three books, and his books have sold over 10,000 copies. Our mission requires a thousand copies for partners and speaking tours in USA. We understand the African mindset by virtue of our close daily interactions with Zimbabweans over a period of twenty-two years as permanent residents and mentors. Our book is a huge help to anyone who wishes to understand the people of Africa.

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title: #ReachGlobalYouth: This global generation finding Truth

author: Luke Greenwood

category: nonfiction • subcategory: missions • date submitted: 6.26.2017 • author id: GrL5405717

word count: 40.000


We are the global generation. Urbanised and connected, we believe in freedom, equality, democracy and justice. We are free and in control. We are tech savvy, artists, and activists. We love image, beauty and quality. We are open minded, spiritual, tolerant and diverse. We want change and we want more. We want everything now, but really, we don’t know what we want…

We have never been so close and at the same time so far from each other, never before so confused by life, it’s meaning and it’s purpose. We don’t know what to believe anymore. We are the global youth culture and this is our cry.

God is on a mission and his heart is broken for this lost generation. The message of his love, the Gospel, is for everyone, and it is not right that young people today don’t get to hear because we’re not making it accessible to them. They don’t come to us, so we need to go to them. As Jesus’ church, we need to realise the changes in mindset and lifestyle and the need for a paradigm shift in missions.

About the Author

British by birth, Luke grew up in Brazil, as a son of missionaries. A graduate of Music Therapy at the Faculty of Arts of Parana, Brazil, and Missiology at All Nations in Hertfordshire, UK.

Whilst at university, Luke founded an outreach to the drug trafficking and prostitution zone of Curitiba. From 2005 he joined the band No Longer Music on evangelistic tours through Europe, South America and the Middle East, sharing Jesus where the gospel is rarely preached, from music festivals and nightclubs to central squares of European capitals and closed Islamic countries. In following years, Luke also served in pioneering missionary projects to youth culture in London, São Paulo and various locations in Europe.

As Steiger European director, Luke regularly speaks about missions to the Global Youth Culture, with an annual reach of around 15.000 people, and regularly contributes to blogs and podcasts with a reach of around 70.000 online. Endorsements from David Pierce (Steiger founder), Brian "Head" Whelch (Korn), Evi Rodemann and other European mission directors.

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title: Obedient Nations

author: Stephen M Spaulding

category: nonfiction • subcategory: missions • date submitted: 2.9.2018 • author id: SpS8092318

word count: 80000


Our God is a missionary God—that’s something that all Christ-followers can agree with. This same group would say that Jesus, before he ascended to heaven around 30 AD, gave us what we now call the “Great Commission.” Again, we can all agree. But, what exactly is this task he left in our hands to do?

Was it to "evangelize"? Win the lost? Make disciples?  Plant churches, or start “church planting movements”? Reach the last “unreached people group"? Or show justice, love mercy, or, in some ways, establish the Kingdom? This book seeks to step back, reexamine our biblical text, and find some missing pieces to the task, and the passions of God behind it, which he left in our hands to do in collaboration with him.

I summarize this larger task with the simple, if radical, phrase "obedient nations." I set out to defend it from Scripture but also then explore other realms that intersect with this idea. I conclude by asking the “how to” question, related to this commitment to obedient nations.

Join me as we take on this adventure--a search for a better way of describing this big-picture task we’ve been given.


About the Author

Steve Spaulding, born in Asia, holds an MA in missiology from Fuller Seminary. As a missionary, Steve has visited about 40 nations, teaching and motivating church leaders around the DAWN vision of nation discipling through saturation church planting. He also founded SEANET, a global network seeking better ways to reach Buddhist peoples. Steve has also taught graduate courses internationally with Development Associates Intl. He’s shared this obedient nations vision with leaders in many venues in the past decade; versions of this vision are published in various missions journals. Now he has an interactive blog-site: www.obedientnations.com

Steve is married to a teacher, Marna, and they have three adult children.

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title: Desire of All Nations: Offering Christ to a Guilty World of Shame, Fear, Bondage, and Weakness

author: E.D. Burns

category: nonfiction • subcategory: missions • date submitted: 6.19.2020 • author id: BuE.De14020

word count: 45000


Are there cultural keys to unlocking hidden treasure in the biblical gospel? Has Western culture hijacked the Bible from its Eastern roots? In what ways and to what extent should missiologists and theologians repackage the gospel message based upon the dominant cultural value systems of a people group? What is the center of the gospel according to the Bible itself and the history of the Holy Spirit’s illuminating work in church history? And how does that center hold together and address dominant global worldview orientations and their derivative cultural value paradigms? This book will argue that trust alone receives Christ Himself through the benefits of His righteousness and substitutionary work that conceptually correspond to the aspects of God’s image valued in cultural orientations. Commonly held paradigms, such as shame/honor, fear/power, and guilt/innocence, are helpful approximations of cultural values, but they need to be upgraded and centralized around the biblical gospel. This book aims to offer Christ to a guilty world of shame, fear, bondage, and weakness.

About the Author
E.D. Burns, PhD, has been a long-term missionary in the Middle East, East Asia, Alaska, and Southeast Asia. He is a professor at Asia Biblical Theological Seminary, and from his international location, he directs the MA in Global Leadership program at Western Seminary. He requires his books for his students in the programs he directs. He is the deputy director for content and collaboration and the theological consultant for the Lausanne Movement, which is an ideal global network through which to publicize and promote books. A contributor to blogs such as The Gospel Coalition and Desiring God, Burns has published numerous articles and two other books: A Supreme Desire to Please Him: The Spirituality of Adoniram Judson (Pickwick), and The Missionary-Theologian: Sent into the World, Sanctified by the Word (Christian Focus). As a missionary, Burns regularly speaks at supporting churches and conferences all over the US and even Europe.

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title: When Doors Close: Changing Course in Missions without Losing your Way

author: Carol Ghattas

category: nonfiction • subcategory: missions • date submitted: 8.28.2020 • author id: GhCaWh20920

word count: 50000


I didn’t want to hear these words: “You have ten days to leave the country.” I was five months pregnant with our first child. People were coming to the Lord, and so many good things were happening. Did God not call us here? What do closed doors mean for life in cross-cultural ministry? After completing When Doors Close, readers will have new insights and tools to help them face their own potential obstacles to service while realizing they are not alone in their struggles.  

About the Author
With an MDiv from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and thirty-plus years of missions experience, Carol Ghattas is qualified to speak on closed doors in ministry. Even before leaving for the field, Ghattas and her husband, Raouf, changed assignments three times. A sign of things to come, they lived in five different countries during their twenty years of service. Security concerns brought an early return to the United States, where they started the Arabic Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. When Raouf died suddenly in 2015, even the door of serving together was closed. Carol and Raouf co-authored A Christian Guide to the Qur’an (Kregel 2009). She has also published three novels which show how Muslims can come to faith in Christ. Her most recent book is A Life Surrendered (XulonPress 2017). Carol is a contract writer for Missions Mosaic Magazine, maintains a blog, lifeinexile.net, and is a sought-after speaker.

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title: In the Shadow of the Qur'an

author: Edward Hoskins

category: nonfiction • subcategory: missions • date submitted: 10.31.2020 • author id: HoEdIn27420

word count: 75000


Imagine what it would be like to walk into a mosque, receive a warm welcome from the imam, and have an open and respectful conversation about what lies at the very center of Muslim teaching. Now imagine having that same conversation thirty-two times over. Think what you would learn!  That is exactly what the author did, and this book is the fruit of those remarkable conversations. In order to navigate today’s dangerous world, it is essential for Christians to have more than a kindergarten understanding of Islam.  This book helps provide that understanding.  It is the result of a complete review and evaluation of the most popular Qur’an commentary for Muslims in the world today. Both the Bible and Qur’an share common prophets, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jesus, and others.  The author presents twelve such prophets and highlights the “shadows,” or what is missing from the Qur’an versions.  Focusing on stories and their contexts, this book gives Christians new insights into the Qur’an as well as practical ideas on how to relate to Muslims and share biblical truth with them.

About the Author

Dr. Ed Hoskins is a retired physician and currently on staff with the Navigators.  He has published a magazine article as well as two popular books on Islam (A Muslim's Heart and A Muslim's Mind).  He and his wife have been involved in reaching out to Muslims for forty years.  Dr. Hoskins has been a main conference speaker for the Navigators and Crescent Project.  His books have been marketed through five Christian organizations plus Amazon.  This book could be sold through these same venues.

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title: Born to Shine: Loving Jesus and the World with Intentionality and Excellence

author: James Loftin

category: nonfiction • subcategory: missions • date submitted: 3.6.2021 • author id: LoJaBo3521

word count: 60000


The brokenness and fragility of the planet has become clearer during these days of pandemic, economic struggle, injustice, and hateful language. Darkness seems to be winning, but God is not ignorant or impotent. Since the days of Abraham, God has used people of faith to bless the world and bring transformation. Something, however, must change in the way Christ followers today see ourselves and in the methods we employ as partners in God’s mission. Jesus beckons his followers to build higher lampstands, lives that have maximum impact on the needs of the world for the glory of God. Although many pastors, authors and mission leaders highlight the need of the Church to do more ministry with those who are beyond the walls of our Christian communities, these voices are often heard only as calls to “do more”. Born to Shine is an invitation and a process to shine brightly – even as the moon faithfully reflects the light of the Sun. This is not a call to serve more but to serve smarter. With intentionality and a commitment to excellence, Christ followers can impact darkness in ways that address root problems and bring real solutions that affirm the worth of individuals and bring God great glory. We are the light of the world.

About the Author
James Loftin is a veteran leader, mobilizer and coach in the areas of outreach and mission. He served for over fifteen years as minister of missions in large churches, and in 1999, he became the Dean of the Chapel and Director of Missions at the Orlando campus of Asbury Theological Seminary. He founded FollowOne International in 2004 and continues to serve under this umbrella. FollowOne provides coaching for church leaders and families who want to have maximum impact on the world. In addition to learning and serving in over 40 countries, Loftin holds an undergraduate degree in sociology and a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary. He is also an elder in the United Methodist Church. James Loftin has three adult children and five grandchildren. He and his wife Wang Xin spend most of their time in East Asia.  

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.

title: Mobilizing Gen Z for Missions

author: Jolene ERLACHER

category: nonfiction • subcategory: missions • date submitted: 4.3.2021 • author id: ERJoMo6221

word count: 35000


This book discusses the current context of missions, looking at cultural shifts in America and the world, as well as resulting changes in the church and emerging trends in missions that are impacting the next generation. Traits and characteristics of Gen Z (b. 1996-2010) are presented, followed by strategies for effectively engaging Gen Z in missions. The final section of the book considers implications for the future of missions as we mobilize the next generation to serve. Qualitative interviews with Gen Z missionaries, mobilizers, and missions leaders, and stories from the authors’ experiences bring to life the perspectives of those serving in missions today and help facilitate a conversation around current and future trends in missions.

About the Author
Dr. Jolene Cassellius Erlacher is an author (Millennials in Ministry, 2014; Daniel Generation, 2018; Spanish edition, 2021); speaker and consultant at Leading Tomorrow (leadingtomorrow.org); and adjunct graduate faculty at North Central University (MN), Bethany Global University (MN), and Southeastern University (FL) where she teaches ministry leaders. Jolene was a missionary kid and has been researching, writing, and speaking on next gen trends in ministry contexts for fifteen years. She speaks at missions conferences and consults with missions agencies and other ministries. Katy White is a mission mobilizer helping the emerging generation find their place in God's global work. For almost a decade, she has worked in non-profit leadership and the local church to ignite a passion for missions in the lives of young adults and to shepherd them all the way through the process from initial exploration to thriving on the field. Katy currently serves with GoCorps (gocorps.org)

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title: Such a Task: Staying the Course in Missions and Ministry

author: Alan Goddard

category: nonfiction • subcategory: missions • date submitted: 4.19.2023 • author id: GoAlSu7223

word count: 42600


There are few things I have found more heart-rending over three decades of mission work than seeing a fellow laborer gradually lose steam. I watch as a defeatism grows from the hardships, then a questioning of whether this work is the best fit. Devotional time with the Lord grows cold. Gradually, vision starts to erode and there are worries over whether it’s too late to switch into another career. “Is this it? It used to be more fun before my friends left. Maybe if I had as good a leader as that person on that other team…” Then the dooming thought lodges, maybe God didn’t call me to this after all… Such a Task is an examination of aspects of “apostolic ministry,” the ministry of being “sent ones” in missions, church planting, and other forms of vocational ministry. It takes its name from the centerpiece scripture 2 Corinthians 2:14-16, “Who is equal to such a task?” The purpose is to clarify and strengthen the reader’s understanding of calling to result in greater longevity in the work. The approach of the book is to meditate on characteristics of apostolic ministry as taught by Paul in 2 Corinthians. Paul’s defense and explanation of his ministry is one of the main themes of the epistle; each chapter in Such a Task examines a different characteristic he raises.

About the Author
Alan Goddard has served as a missionary with Campus Crusade for Christ/Cru for 35 years. He cut his teeth as a campus minister in the USA before pouring out 15 years of his life in East Asia, serving first as a campus team leader then as a regional director overseeing ministries in five provinces. Since returning to the US in 2011, he has directed the Cru ministry at the University of Georgia. While overseas, he had the distinct privilege of seeing his role indigenize, not once, but twice in less than 11 years, such was the speed of the revival in China at the time. Alan has traveled widely throughout China and India establishing missionary partnerships and coaching teams, and has visited or served in 21 countries. He is largely fluent in Mandarin Chinese and is the only missionary he knows who has been hit by a dump truck (see chapter 2). Since 2001 his responsibilities have included serving on the design and leadership team for Cru’s training for new overseas missionaries called “XTrack.” This training has been a passion of his for over twenty years. He has personally coached scores of new missionary candidates while being tasked with developing the Biblical and devotional component of the training, which largely gave rise to this book. Alan holds Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E) from Georgia Tech and a Masters of Arts in Biblical Studies (M.A.B.S.) from Reformed Theological Seminary.

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title: Sowing with Intent: Jesus’s Galilean Harvest Movement as a Model for Missions

author: Kevin Greeson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: missions • date submitted: 12.14.2023 • author id: GrKeSo31723

word count: 31797


Modern biblical scholars have declared that Jesus’s original intent for the parable of the sower, lost in the second century, can be known today. These same scholars come up short in declaring their supposition for Jesus’s original intent for delivering the parable. Using hermeneutics, Sowing with Intent, demonstrates Jesus’s original intent for delivering the parable of the sower and models its usefulness on the mission field. The phenomena of a harvest movement catalyst, often referred as “Person of Peace,” is core to mission strategists seeking to launch movements among unreached people groups. Sowing with Intent provides a hermeneutical foundation for using Jesus’s parable of the sower as a missionary’s ministry approach for entering new mission fields and offers a practical guide for implementation.

About the Author
Dr. Kevin Greeson is a veteran missionary, 30 years of experience, and is a popular speaker on the topic of church planting movements among Muslims. He is the author of Camel: How Muslims are Coming to Faith in Christ (2010). Kevin is a member of a Southern Baptist church and graduate of the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (1984) Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, 1988), Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest, 2021)

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at info@writersedgeservice.com for contact information.