Successful Authors

Will Dickerson
I am grateful to Writer’s Edge for the thoughtful service and guidance it provided to this novice writer. Not only did Writer’s Edge place my book proposal in front of a wide array of publishers, but the person who reviewed my book was very encouraging and offered much in the way of helpful advice. After heeding most of the advice and making some necessary changes in my manuscript, my proposal was accepted by Wipf & Stock Publishers. The book was then published and released in July 2021 under the title, The Fingerprint of God: Reflections on Love and Its Practice.

Patty Houser
Writer’s Edge Service! That’s what I tell everyone who asks me how I got my book published. I always thought the hard part would be writing the book. But the hard part was finding a publisher. I quickly became discouraged because most publishers no longer accept unsolicited manuscripts. At first I was skeptical, but figured I had nothing to lose. So, I took a chance. Two months later, I received a call from an acquisition’s editor at Bethany House, a subsidiary of Baker Publishing Group. Had it not been for Writer’s Edge, I wouldn’t be an author today. Thank you, Writer’s Edge!

Jolene Erlacher
Writer’s Edge was a godsend for me. I gave birth to twins in November and did not have time to pursue individual publishers. I prayed and told God that I was going to send my sample chapters to Writer’s Edge. If He wanted me to write this book, I needed Him to provide a publisher! He did!!! Thank you so much for your service!!!

Dr. James Banks
You were the means through which my first book, The Lost Art of Praying Together, was successfully published through Discovery House. I am now on my eighth project with Discovery House.
As a former first-time author, the service that you provide in opening doors is invaluable and unique.
God has used you to touch well over a million lives through the writing ministry He has so mercifully allowed me to have, and I’m deeply grateful. The opportunity to encourage others in prayer (especially the parents of prodigals) is Kingdom work.
Thank you, Writer’s Edge Service. I send this with a prayer that your work will continue to encourage and inspire many.

Dr. Sarah Sumner
Ever since I found the Writer’s Edge, I’ve been recommending it to other writers. It’s a very effective way of “getting found.”
Soon after I posted my latest proposal to them, two different major publishers [WaterBrook & Bethany House] contacted me directly. Although I ended up landing a contract with yet a third publisher [Fortress Press] whom I submitted a proposal to independently, I still think it’s worthwhile, even for seasoned authors, to post on the Writer’s Edge. For me it was a positive experience and well worth the money because I got personally acquainted with editors from two different publishing companies that I wasn’t connected to before.
So much of getting published is finding the right fit—the right publisher for your book. The Writer’s Edge can help you with that.

I was grateful to discover the proposal from Scott Hubbartt at Writer’s Edge. I always review carefully the recommended proposals from Writer’s Edge, and it’s rare that I don’t find at least one that grabs my attention. The contribution of Writer’s Edge benefits all of us in publishing.
Bruce Nygren
Senior Acquisitions Editor
Multnomah/Waterbrook, a division of Random House

Dr. Linda J. Solie
Thank you to Writer’s Edge for the invaluable service you provide unknown writers like myself in notifying potential publishers of our work! [My] reviewer was so encouraging to me I just wanted to thank that person and let them know what happened with this proposal. The book was published and released in September 2013 by Bethany House Publishers under the title, Take Charge of Your Emotions: Seven Steps to Overcoming Depression, Anxiety, and Anger.

James W. Miller
The Writer’s Edge was an easy and effective way to get in contact with just the right audience for Hardwired. The structure is user-friendly, the staff are accessible, and it worked exactly the way I hoped! They cut through a jungle of distractions and dead-ends to make publishing a reality.

Laura Frantz
After realizing how difficult it was to get an agent, I submitted to the Writer’s Edge. The day after my work was posted two major publishing houses contacted me and asked to see a partial of my historical fiction novel. Although this didn’t pan out, two more major publishers contacted me as well as several smaller houses. I realized then how well respected the Writer’s Edge is in the publishing industry. Within 9 months I had a 3-book contract with Revell/Baker Publishing Group.
If not for the professionalism of this wonderful service, I’m sure I would still be spending fruitless hours trying to find an agent and break into the market. I reccommend this service to everyone pursuing publication. I’m so thankful for all that the Writer’s Edge has done for me. — Laura Frantz

Melody Bacon, Ph.D.
Divorce is one of those experiences that everyone believes will happen to someone else. So what do you do when it happens to you? Melody Bacon, Ph.D. tells how you as a Christian believer, can walk through the valley of divorce and emerge better and not bitter.
Melody holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, with an emphasis in depth psychology, from Pacifica Graduate Institute and an M.A. in U.S. history from Cal State Northridge. In their private practice, Melody and her husband Ron (a marriage and family therapist), work with couples and individuals facing relationship challenges. They also conduct workshops for pre-engaged couples: Before You Pop the Question, and married couples: Happily Married After.