Current Issues

title: God, Gender, and a Fallen World

author: Jerry Frederick

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: FrJ4740812

word count: 290


Little of the literature written over the past 40 years on the gender debate has taken into account the implications of a fallen world. That raises a problem fitting seemingly contradictory texts together into a non-contradictory position statement. Most, if not all, interpreters follow the pattern of using some texts and ignoring others. This book attempts to fit all the scripture texts referring to gender into a consistent pattern, starting from Genesis 1:26 and 27 and continuing on through I Peter. The writer states, "I think the egalitarians have wrongly attempted to write off many texts as being of "limited application" while the complementarians have had an unbiblically low view of women and are practical Arians in their view of the gender issue. In both cases, the value system of the fallen world where we live has been unconsciously and largely accepted as normal and proper. This book deals with the presuppositions we bring to the gender debate and to how we read the Bible. I attempt to interpret, in context, the main biblical texts dealing with gender."

About the Author
Jerry Frederick, a pharmacist, became a Christian in college through the influence of his chemistry professor and later worked on staff with Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship for 10 years. He writes, "I have already submitted several chapters of this manuscript to one major publisher, and the editor described it as thoughtful, thoroughly biblical, persuasive and winsome as well as one of the top 15% of manuscripts he has received this year - and publishable."

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title: Moral Dilemma

author: Paul Justensen

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: JuP8401412

word count: 200


Subtitled: {ITL}Moral Dilemma: What Every Non-Lawyer Should Know About Morals, Marriage and the Supreme Court{NRM}. Is gay marriage a civil right? With courts across the nation striking down bans against gay marriage, the debate surrounding the right to privacy is reaching an all-time high. But where can ordinary, God-fearing Americans find an easy-to-read breakdown of the important consideration at stake? How is it that a country founded on Christian values is now undermining society's most important institution - the family? {ITL}Moral Dilemma{NRM} answers these questions, and offers an accessible, easy-to-read analysis of transformational Supreme Court cases impacting morality and marriage in America, and identifies the root issues fueling this critical debate. This book is for those who want to contribute to the public debate on gay marriage and help restore America's moral foundations. The time for action is upon us, and {ITL}Moral Dilemma{NRM} offers simple ways that all can get involved in securing for ourselves and our posterity the blessings that God has given us in this great country.

About the Author
Paul Justensen is an attorney and author. He graduated with honors from the University of Iowa College of Law and practices law in Salt Lake City, Utah. He has authored various literary works appearing in academic literary journals, including {ITL}The Journal of Corporation Law{NRM} and {ITL}The Outlet{NRM}. Paul and his wife, Ashley, reside with their three daughters in Centerville, Utah.

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title: In This Sign Conquer

author: Coleman Lewis Coates, Sr.

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 7.31.2012 • author id: CoC3701312

word count:


Opposing Christian support for war is like trying to board a speeding train. Instead, this book, "returns to the station," inviting readers to re-evaluate basic beliefs such as: How does God himself confront evil in Christ? How should the church confront evil? What is the purpose of the Church? Trust in God is the thread that binds the Old Testament to the New Testament. Even the Israelite occupation of Canaan meets none of the modern concepts of a "just war." This book concludes that Christians need not avoid practical realities such as loving their own dead and wounded even while refraining from war. The time is right for evangelicals to talk about the ethics of war-talk which has often been restricted to "peace churches."

About the Author
Coleman Lewis Coates is a retired minister in the Presbyterian Church USA. He holds a BA in anthropology from Wheaton College and continued graduate study at the University of Illinois. He has been an editor with David C. Cook and with the Follett Educational Corporation. Coates collaborated with John Perkins on his autobiography {ITL}Let Justice Roll Down{NRM}. He holds an M.Div. degree from Reformed Theological Seminary and has served as a psychiatric chaplain and a church pastor.

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title: Evangelicals as Social Decadence Promoters

author: Jerry Kelley

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 6.25.2011 • author id: KeJ8090711

word count: 254


Francis Schaeffer said that "Christians have mistakenly seen the evils of our society (abortion, euthanasia, pornography, etc.) as isolated bits and pieces and have failed to see these social ills are all natural outcomes of a humanistic worldview build on the foundation of evolutionary naturalism." Evangelicals still lack a unifying simplicity in our social/political struggles. The challenges seem to be so many and daunting. What if Schaeffer is right and we are focused on the symptoms and not the ultimate cause? Then we should be asking, What is the primary propagation of humanistic secularism -- Godlessness? While the practice of traditional religion is excluded from public schools, religious instruction from lifestyle choices to casual conversations can never be excluded. In one form or another, directly or indirectly, someone's religion is always taught. Unfortunately, in our public schools children learn to make decisions from the doctrine of void or the exclusion of God. When God is deemphasized, mankind becomes a god with the mistaken belief that morality, definition of the family, public policy, etc. can all be determined without God. It's time for evangelicals to rethink: 1) Is religious neutrality in public schools even possible? 2) What are the social, cultural, and political ramifications of a secular religious education of void - the exclusion of God? 3) Is there one fundamental unified response that can affect everything to the glory of God? The manuscript asserts the answer is yes!

About the Author
In his first public debate, as the North Santa Barbara county representative for School Choice, the writer debated two opponents simultaneously on School Choice. He received a political appointment to the Republican State Committee in Sacramento as a result of his published letters to the editor and political activism. With multiple science degrees and experience as a senior electrical systems engineer on the Titan IV rocket, Jerry applies a logical, systematic, and biblical approach to understanding how our social systems and public policies lead to decadence and sadly how evangelicals promote it.

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title: Accidentally Green

author: Hilary Kimes Bernstein

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 11.30.2010 • author id: BeH4308110

word count: 250


Many parents are unaware of easily accessible dangers that harm their children. During her first pregnancy, author Hilary Kimes Berstein was astounded to learn how toxic chemicals are included in everyday products. These same chemicals cross the placenta during pregnancy, cause birth defects, and continue to harm a child once born. As she began to investigate safer options, her parenting decisions began to change. While she hadn't set out to be an environmentally conscious mother, her choices became more and more green - quite accidentally. Instead of feeling compelled to help the environment, the author wanted to try to protect infants by alerting other parents to common dangers. After all, what's the point of saving the environment if parents can't even save their children from the dangers of an unhealthy world? Accidentally Green will help Christian parents understand current issues then formulate healthy, frugal, and environmentally friendly decisions that honor God.

About the Author
Hilary Kimes Bernstein wrote hundreds of articles and columns as lifestyle editor during her 10-year tenure at The Gazette, a daily newspaper in Medina, Ohio. In 2003, she was awarded second place as Associated Press' Best Columnist in Ohio. Previously she was a staff writer at Christian Mission magazine and an editorial intern at Release magazine and Worldwide Challenge magazine. Hilary graduated from Otterbein College with a bachelor of arts, cum laude, in journalism.

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title: The Lavender Lie:

author: Marvin, Rusty Sprouse & Walker

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: SpM7610410

word count: 105


The Lavender Lie is the deeply personal story of Rusty Walker's experience as a hard core homosexual, his redemption and escape from that lifestyle, and his current ministry. It begins with him picking up a "trick" who fired six shots at him in his car, and yet Rusty lived. Rusty was an HIV-positive male prostitute. His "Damascus Road experience" was a true miracle. Rusty's book describes his early abuse from his dad, his sex life at Baylor University, along with the stories of how one Baptist pastor he met was a practicing homosexual and another was a latent homosexual with a homosexual staff at a large Fort Worth church. This true story covers so much new ground that it will be, to many, an expose. It is all about love - God's love for sinners who repent and his willingness to help any and all escape from their sin life. More than anything else it is a story of how Rusty was fulfilled, for the first time in his life, by the love of God. The target reader is the homosexual who wants to escape, the bewildered family member and the church members where the homosexual turns for help. Rusty's "Escape Plan" includes serious Bible study, forgiveness for all, abstinence from homosexual sex, church membership and getting married.

About the Author
The Lavender Lie is written by Rusty Walker, with Dr. Marvin Sprouse, the dean of Bible-based counseling studies at a seminary. All the other Christian books on this subject were written by men who visited the sins of the homosexual life. As he says, Rusty "bought the T-shirt and drank the Kool-Aid." Word is spreading already about the release of this book, and one 4000-member church already wants Rusty to come and speak to the congregation. Rusty is a high-energy speaker and is 100% dedicated to bringing the message of this book to Christians.

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title: Activating the Passive Church: How to Replace

author: Dennis McCallum

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 4.24.2010 • author id: McD4322910

word count: 280


This vision of the church as revealed in the New Testament is adapted to twenty first century America. The author is not imagining how it could be, but speaks from forty years of experience in house church leadership where people take body life and discipleship seriously. The text compares organic versions to institutional versions of church life. It covers the major areas of biblical teaching on the essence of the church while avoiding lengthy discussions of areas that divide, like church polity or sacraments. The goal is to excite readers with the possibility of a return to radical community right in the middle of urban life.

About the Author
Author Dennis McCallum has a BA from The Ohio State University, and an MA from Ashland Theological Seminary. He leads a large (5000 attendance) networked church, Xenos Fellowship, that centers its ministry around disciple-making. The published author of 7 books with combined sales of over 250,000 copies, the most recent book (2009) sold 18,000 in six months. Previous titles include: Christianity: The Faith that Makes Sense (Tyndale House), The Summons, Walking in Victory (both Navpress), The Myth of Romance (Bethany), and The Death of Truth (Bethany). An active internet exposure (90,000 views of Youtube sermons) would provide market leverage, plus the author's organization will pre-order 4000 copies.

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title: Called to Serve

author: Christine Ryktarsyk

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 10.28.2009 • author id: RyC7824709

word count: 700


This is a true story of an Army wife's experience during the year of her husband's deployment to Iraq. As the wife of a medical company commander, who is responsible for lives during war, she has duties to the military families left at home. Through narrative passages, transcribed tape recordings, and email letters, the story of her faith and service "at home" unfolds. She battles fear, loneliness, parenting and marriage issues, leadership concerns, exhaustion and insecurity. The reader gets a personal and emotional look at deployment and military life through the eyes of a mother and her children. The intent behind the story is to convey the importance of encouragement and love. Many sinful choices are due to coping with pain. Relying on God and using his strength to build community, the wife in this story discovers strongholds in times of suffering.

About the Author
Christine Ryktarsyk, a prior Catholic school teacher and veteran of Operation Desert Storm, is an Army wife and mother of four children. She grew up in Frederick, Maryland as the second oldest of seven children. Her degree in Education, training in psychology and counseling, and military experience contributed to the writing of this book. Having been a letter writer for years, Christine's family encouraged her to save correspondence during her husband's deployment to Iraq. These letters and tape recordings are woven into this story. Her husband currently serves at Ft. Carson, Colorado, where she's a member of his Family Readiness Group. Christine writes for the Woodmen Edition, available online at:, and her children's book of poems is available through Discipline with Purpose. She and her family are active members of Holy Apostles Catholic Church in Colorado Springs, CO.

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title: In the Beginning . . . God or Dirt?

author: Salvatore Giardina

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 9.24.2009 • author id: GiS8520209

word count: 180


This book seeks to enable many people of diverse educational background to understand that the information explosion provided by current technology is constantly yielding scientific evidence in support of the Bible's account of creation. The author presents subject matter pertaining to origins in a readily understandable manner, encouraging the reader to make personal conclusions from the simplicity of the overwhelming evidence. Illustrations, tables, and images reinforce the text. Sufficient references, including web sites are provided for those who desire further information.

About the Author
The author was a former scientist and registered professional geologist in Arizona. He authored six professional publications in engineering - geology and has written numerous technical earth science reports for government agencies and private corporations. He holds a BS in mechanical engineering and a MS in geology. Currently he is a licensed pilot instructor and is the founder of New Creation Ministries. Writer's Edge previously accepted this book in 2004. The author presents updated information and an expanded text and illustrations.

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title: Sexual Insomnia:

author: Nathanael Stump

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 8.23.2009 • author id: StN1706809

word count:


Solomon the wisest womanizer writes in Song of Solomon this warning, "Do not arouse or awaken love until the time is ripe and you are ready (2:5, 3:7, 8:4). The writers states, "From a pregnancy center waiting room to skinny dipping on a missions trip I realized my life was more like sexual insomnia. I found myself, even after marriage wide awake in this call to let love sleep. And I found that I was not alone. These are stories of sexual insomniacs: teenagers, college kids, dads, pastors and husbands limping together as wounded healers towards a new call in our 'sexcetera' culture. It is ultimately a call to walk into the waterfall of grace and away from settling for a drop from a rusty spigot."

About the Author
Nathanael is a national speaker with pure freedom and author Dannah Gresh (the bride wore white, purefreedome,org) encouraging students to see purity not just as a sex thing, but all about life. He is also the sexual integrity team manager for a crisis pregnancy center in State College PA, presenting abstinence with an edge in public schools. His article "Ping Pong of the Thong" was published with Pure Freedom magazine. He also writes for the pregnancy center's quarterly newsletter addressing hot topics concerning teen sexuality.

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title: With Paul in the Empire:

author: Linford Stutzman

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 6.19.2009 • author id: StL2280209

word count: 210


This book, developed during a 15-month period sailing the Mediterranean routes of Paul's mission journeys recorded in Acts, gives a researched yet lively perspective on Paul and his accomplishments within the Roman Empire. Readers are invited to look at the Roman Empire, Jesus and the Kingdom of God, and our own world from Paul's point of view. The goal is an introduction to Paul, the explorer of the Empire and entrepreneur of the Kingdom, that offers a relevant model of cultural engagement for contemporary western Christians who, like Paul, are citizens of powerful and glorious empires.

About the Author
Stutzman teaches culture and mission at Eastern Mennonite University, directs the Biblical Lands Educational Study and Service program, and leads semester study programs in the Mediterranean and Middle East for EMU. He has written and edited numerous books, including SailingActs: Following an Ancient Voyage which has sold approximately 5,000 copies since October, 2006. With his wife he has given over 100 presentations in churches, conferences, retirement centers, schools and at retreats during the past 3 years.

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title: When the Lion Prowls

author: Scott L. Wiswell

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 4.25.2009 • author id: WiS6714709

word count: 163


Subtitled A Christian Guide to Preventing and Dealing with Sexual Assault for Women, Parents, and Pastors provides information for women, parents, and pastors on ways to prevent and deal with the crime of sexual assault. By providing insight on how rapists commit their crimes, the book conveys ways to recognize and deal with a dangerous situation. A comparison is made of the tactics and motivations of a rapist to the evil of Satan. This book provides practical ways that parents, friends and pastors can minister to someone who has experienced sexual assault. The goal is to provide wisdom and peace and overcome fear and embarrassment.

About the Author
Scott L. Wiswell is a 28 year veteran of the Wichita Police Department. Currently he is assigned to the sex crimes section, and has been in that position for the past 18 years. He has successfully investigated several serial rape cases. He is also currently an elder serving at Countryside Christian Church in Wichita, KS. He holds a bachelor's degree in US History from Wichita State University.

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title: One Test - One Identity

author: Linda Kelly Williams

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 3.24.2009 • author id: WiL1912009

word count:


This book is an attempt to: 1) Demonstrate the authenticity of scripture. There is no subject that is being used to undermine the infallibility of the Bible (and thereby destroying our foundation for morality) more than the subject of slavery. By accepting the American version of slavery as biblical, we smudged our image as "little Christ." The book addresses slavery in scripture. 2) Give the Church in America a practical way of strengthening our identity with Christ and thereby restoring our ability to make a moral impact on our nation. Our identity with Christ was marred in the past by upholding segregation and is being marred in the present by Black Liberation Theology. The book will provide practical ways for us to strengthen our identity as one body.

About the Author
The writer states, "I'm an African American female who has experienced racism from white Christians and hostility from blacks both Christian and non-Christian. The hostility has come because I've put the principles of scripture above everything else, including making history and a fallen economy. I've seen first hand the devastating effects a divided church has had on the moral condition of this country. I've also spoken with many Christians who believe that our identity with Christ (as one body) had nothing (or little) to do with it. How wrong they are. I have a B.S. in Bible from Philadelphia Biblical University, and a certificate in Elementary Education from the Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania. I've also completed forty credit hours in Philosophy at Temple University."

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title: Into the Mud:

author: Christine Jeske

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 12.25.2008 • author id: JeC5319008

word count: 200


If we follow the stereotypes in the media, the African continent is little more than AIDS patients, malnourished babies, child soldiers, and a failing attempt to imitate the West. Christians today show increasing concern for poverty and injustice, but their sources of information often focus on trite feel-good solutions or shocking news that bleeds. This book shows real people living neck deep in some of Africa's most difficult issues, but with hands, minds, and hearts rooted in God's kingdom. Each chapter offers a true story followed by discussion questions to challenge book study groups, development students, mission teams, and individuals. Stories reflect broader issues of development, including racism, small business development, local religions, health care, roles of foreigners, and more. From grandmothers teaching their neighbors to sew to foreign volunteers with SUVs stuck in mud, the stories show the kingdom of God emerging in the thick of life’s mud.

About the Author
The primary target audience for the book is Christians aged 18-35 years joining the growing movement of Christians concerned about international justice. A secondary audience consists of individuals who are outside of institutional Christian faith but share interests international justice. Christine Jeske has seven years experience in microfinance, refugee resettlement, and development in the US, Nicaragua, China, and South Africa. She teaches development and anthropology at the Evangelical Seminary of Southern Africa. She holds an MBA in International Economic Development from Eastern University. Jeske writes extensively for magazines including Relevant, MomSense, On Mission, The Lookout, Overland Journal, Christian Living Today, and Country and biweekly newspaper columns. She speaks frequently about development at churches and venues such as 2006 Calvin College Faith and Development Conference. Jeske was awarded the 2008 "Forward Under Forty Award" for outstanding achievement as an alumna of University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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title: And Where Was God?

author: Robert C. Greer

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 10.22.2008 • author id: GrR6019008

word count: 184


The writer explains: "On February 14, 2008, my stepson and my wife's son, Daniel Parmenter, was shot and killed at Northern Illinois University. Four others were shot and killed in the same tragic event. The shooting gained nationwide attention. Needless to say, it was a traumatic event for Linda and me. Soon after the shooting, I began asking the question: Why would a good and loving God allow such horror to enter our lives. The manuscript is an unfolding of that question (what theologians call the theodicy question). Because the shooter-- Steven Kazmierczak--was infatuated with the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche (particularly The Antichrist), I read and compared that book with the sayings of Jesus. This exercise of contrasting Nietzsche with Jesus had a key in my healing process and coming to grips with the 'why question.'"

About the Author
Robert Greer is a previously published author, having written Mapping Postmodernism (2002) with InterVarsity Press. Greer holds a Ph.D. in theology from Marquette University an a M.A. from Wheaton College. He previously served as a missionary among the Aztec Indians in central Mexico and as a pastor of three Protestant evangelical churches.

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title: They Are Men and Not God: What Americans

author: Marilyn Maye

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 7.25.2008 • author id: MaM1046608

word count: 200


This collection of meditations explores ancient Egypt's role as a superpower, as seen in Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation. The biblical portrayal of Egypt offers wisdom to people who live in nations that are world powers. People who aspire to emulate the values of these nations would do well to heed that wisdom, also. In each chapter, the reader learns more about the contrast between human superpowers and God. He alone is sovereign, and our view of ourselves and others must always be moderated by that truth. Useful for inspirational, devotional, or study purposes, the writing reflects the holiness tradition, yet challenges conventional thinking. It does not presume that the reader has prior Bible knowledge; background information is carefully explained.

About the Author
Marilyn Maye's perspectives are shaped by diverse experiences. Born in Harlem into a Holiness pastor's family, she is currently a lay leader in the Church of the Nazarene. Experienced in both community organizations in New York City and short-term missions in Africa, she and her husband co-authored Orita: Rites of Passage for youth of African Descent in America. Her earned degrees from Swarthmore College, Columbia, and Harvard Universities prepared her to teach in urban schools, to serve as assistant superintendent of schools, and to be a university professor and education consultant. She has also been a local government official and a technology consultant.

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title: The Crumbling Empire:

author: John, Katherin Ford

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: FoJ3423808

word count: 160


This book tackles societal issues such as electoral reform, energy, health care, immigration, and more. It begins with an unrevised history of the United States and its founders, and takes readers on a journey through two hundred plus years of democratic leadership. Seven chapters provide comprehensible explanations and answers to many major US problems. The final chapter (Chapter Nine) reveals the underlying cause of all these issues and why this empire, the US, is crumbling: the abandonment of our Christian roots and principles.

About the Author
The Fords are published Christian authors who wrote, The Ultimate Dilemma: Creationism vs Science (2003). John was a college professor and a successful businessman. Katherine has worked in business management and worked in journalism at a local level.

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title: Stories We Told Across Enemy Lines: Gay and Straight, the

author: Peggy Green

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 4.30.2008 • author id: GrP3370108

word count: 210


Left and Right, gay and straight, they come from churches with blood-letting differences about the Bible and how to use it, about sexuality and how to express it, about the human heart and how to handle it. Crossing enemy lines, they take turns teaming up - to share God and share power, to pose the question and get the story. When a gay Catholic and an evangelical minister brave the topic of "sexual identity," eight people, who shatter stereotypes, reveal "heroes' journeys" that bridge the gap between the Christian Left and the Religious Right. Of the fifty pairs and seven groups that comprise the three-year project, "First Be Reconciled," these eight people - Asian and Caucasian, pastors and seminarians - are pioneering a nine week dialogue. In the end, they will find their differences far less compelling than that simple truths at which they arrive. Provided with the words of the participants.

About the Author
The author has facilitated dialogue and built leadership teams across "enemy lines" since 1991. Including an invitation from "Sixty Minutes," she has attracted national media attention. Contributing author of Positive Approaches to Peacebuilding, she has appeared on radio and television, in newspapers coast to coast, and delivered seminary talks and sold-out conferences. Including the multi-denominational Graduate Theological Union, her network includes a national, ecumenical advisory board of evangelicals and progressives. She is currently writing a workbook.

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title: Baby Boomer Grandmas

author: Nutter, Marilyn Dippel, Judy, &

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 4.18.2008 • author id: DiN9740408

word count: 150


The target audience includes Boomer grandmothers since it parallels their changing and challenged lives, illustrated through true-life stories and active faith. Boomers professed they wouldn't get old, yet their final third of life is here! Passionately trying to come to terms with this new age and stage, Judy and Marilyn speak to the hot topics this new breed of grandmothers are talking about. Each page resonates with frank reality of the joys and the issues: grandmothers who "love and rock," and women who are seeking to be immersed in God's best for their lives. It looks at valued traditions, strengths and joys, and a myriad of demands -- career stressors, relationships, aging parents and fading hormones. Once again Boomer women are groundbreakers, zealous about being grandmothers, yet determined to seek fulfillment in other areas of life.

About the Author
Judy Dippel, a "Baby Boomer grandmother" of three, has worked in the fields of medicine, education, international adoption and corporate America. She's the author of Refreshing Hope in God: A Mother's Journey of Joy and Pain, and co-author of The Art of Authentic Friendship: Real Women, Real Challenges, Real Solutions (release July 2008). She is a contributing author to But Lord, I was Happy Shallow, Laundry Tales to Lighten Your Load and The One Year Life Verse Devotional. Judy is a frequent conference and retreat speaker. She feels privileged to encourage women to build stronger relationships, including those with God, family, friends and grandchildren. Marilyn Nutter ( is a mother of three grown daughters and "Baby Boomer grandmother" of three. She has served as a MOPS mentor in her church and is a licensed speech-language pathologist and former college faculty member. She has witnessed first-hand the struggles and joys of Boomer women juggling career, family and aging parents. Marilyn has been a contributor to compilations including Chicken Soup for the Mother of PreSchooler's Soul, Life on Purpose for Mothers and Laundry Tales, and e-zines. She is the author of two books, Dressed up Moms' Devotions to Go (2006) and Tea Lovers' Devotions to Go (2007). Marilyn enjoys speaking and sharing about the extraordinary treasures found in ordinary days and encouraging women to seek and live out God's personal best for their lives.

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title: Cursillo:

author: Brian V. Janssen

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 2.21.2008 • author id: JaB5123808

word count: 260


The Cursillo movement has been a steadily-growing phenomenon since its inception in Roman Catholic Spain in the 1940s. It has spread into many Protestant and Evangelical churches in the United States under various names (Walk to Emmaus, Tres Dias, De Colores, Via De Cristo). The weekend initiation is often a deeply-felt experience that boasts of many conversions and recommitments. Since there is little evaluative literature on the Cursillo movement, the author draws together the scattered books, pamphlets, manuals, dissertations, and journal articles for a comprehensive analysis. He finds serious theological concerns and ethical questions about the methods employed. The author conducted interviews with past participants confirming many of these conclusions but also raising a challenge to the church. Many Cursillo participants do not perceive vital faith in their local churches. The Cursillo attempts to perform the work of the local church in a concentrated form which might initiate some of the unhelpful results. The church would be better served by seeking to revitalize its ordinary ministries of Word, sacraments, prayer, community, and Sabbath observance. This focused study holds broader implications regarding spiritual retreats in general: recognizing psychological manipulation, exploring the efficacy of emotionalism, and safeguarding the integrity of one’s methodology.

About the Author
Brian Janssen is a graduate of Wheaton College, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Covenant Theological Seminary (DMin). From his youth he has participated in and led various weekend renewal experiences like the Cursillo. His doctoral dissertation was the culmination of over ten years of scholarly and practical research into the Cursillo method. A pastor for over twenty years, Brian serves in the Presbyterian Church in America. He is married and the father of three children.

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title: Does God Exist?

author: Terry Brown

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Current Issues • date submitted: 1.23.2008 • author id: BrT6414508

word count: 300


The book objectively presents the best arguments for and against a Creator both from philosophical and scientific disciplines. The arguments are developed chronologically and presented in understandable terms. Arguments from both hard and soft scientific venues are examined. A brief, historical development of the scientific principles underpinning arguments bearing on the God question can be understood by any reasonably intelligent person not possessing a science background. Approximately one-third (100 pages) of the material is devoted to philosophical arguments developed by atheist, deist and theist philosophers throughout the ages in readable language designed to hold the reader's interest. Included are arguments of current popular secular authors. The manuscript has been thoroughly reviewed by PhD philosophers, a nuclear physicist and an evolutionary biologist.

About the Author
Terry Brown works as a CPA, JD, while maintaining a lifelong interest in quantum mechanics, cosmology and metaphysics and has an extensive library on the subjects. He has extensive links to the Catholic Church and related organizations. The author is an engaging speaker and has spoken at various professional seminars and has conducted programs for social organizations on other topics. The author has assisted his wife in the promotion of her published books and her seminars.

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title: You Can Beat Diabetes

author: Craig Polston

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 7.6.2013 • author id: PoC2240713

word count: 27,050


At some point in the recent past, you or someone you love, drifted over an invisible line, into a world that was completely foreign - of finger pricks and glucose monitors, vials and syringes. You didn’t want to. You didn’t mean to. Nevertheless, this world of diabetes has become your new reality. But what if it wasn't too late to regain your health? What if there was still time to get back to the other side of the line? In this inspiring and instructive new book, Craig Polston shares his story of contracting diabetes, and the steps taken to regain control, and live today like a person without the disease. Craig believes that it is possible for almost any newly diagnosed person to beat type 2 diabetes - if they are prepared to do what is necessary. Are you willing to fight for your health? Get ready to be inspired. You can do it! 
Forward by Steve Reynolds – author of the widely acclaimed book Bod4God, as seen on Fox News, The Today Show and NIGHTLINE.  
Contribution by Dr. Karl Nadolsky, co-creator of Glycosolve. 

About the Author

A Word from the Author

When writing You Can Beat Diabetes, I was concerned about the reader’s perception of credibility with regards to this book. While my experiences are real, and my personal research, and implementation of a system based on that research, is real—I am not a doctor or a dietitian. I’m a pastor. With this in mind, I sought out well-qualified specialists who would contribute to this work, either by sharing their own personal knowledge, or by reviewing and recommending changes to the manuscript, based on their professional training and experience.

For this reason, You Can Beat Diabetes was reviewed by two dietitians before publication, to ensure that any information, pertaining primarily to diet, is accurate and dependable in the practical parts of this book. In the areas that add a more functional application to beating diabetes (nutritional supplements, probiotics, etc.), I refer to written and video works by the appropriate physicians.

Lastly, I am incredibly grateful to Dr. Karl Nadolsky for his addition to this book, as well as Pastor Steve Reynolds, author of Bod4God, for writing the forward. All of the contributors are experts in their respective fields and beyond busy. So I appreciate the time they invested, believing that this book can make a difference in the lives of its readers.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Push Back the Dark: Companioning Adults Sexually Abused as Children

author: Elizabeth Altmaier

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 3.3.2014 • author id: AlE5224614

word count: 60,000


Hearing about childhood sexual abuse both frightens and compels Christians. Widespread media coverage has the unfortunate effect of motivating fear-based responses, such as rapid implementation of a child protection policy by church leaders, to conclude that “we have taken care of that.” However, an accurate understanding of the tragedy of childhood sexual abuse requires digesting mental health scholarship and contemplating emotionally challenging content. The goal of Push Back the Dark is to foster:

  • insight regarding immediate and long-term consequences of childhood sexual abuse and additional spiritual consequences for children abused within an overtly Christian context (e.g., family, church);
  • a disentanglement of controversies concerning “false memories” of childhood sexual abuse that incorrectly influence Christian response;
  • a direct consideration of ways in which a church may be creating an environment where child victims and adult survivors are silenced;
  • effective ways to companion victims as they develop meaning-based recovery and healing, including forgiveness;
  • resources for victims, and helpful resources for victims’ spouses and family.

The book accurately describes psychological consequences of childhood sexual abuse and uses that information to challenge ingrained stereotypes and wrongful decisions, building a compelling call to respond to adult victims of childhood sexual abuse.

About the Author

Elizabeth Altmaier writes, "I have BA, MA and PhD degrees in Psychology (Wheaton College and Ohio State University) and I am a professor at the University of Iowa. I conduct research on post-trauma adaptation including the roles of forgiveness and posttraumatic growth. I am also a "survivor" in the vernacular of the mental health profession. I am an incest victim; the perpetrator was my father. I believe I am "multi-lingual:" I am grounded in psychology, I have a Christian worldview and commitment, and I have extensive personal experience. As a writer, I have edited and written books, chapters and articles. I believe my writing style is straightforward in nature and suitable for the engaged reader. 

"I have taught a well-received seminar on Forgiveness and consider that a means of promoting this book. I have presented at many conferences and enjoy that interaction; I am also positively reviewed as a teacher. I am present in social media, I have knowledge of affinity groups who would be interested in this book, and I continue to maintain a presence in academic publishing."

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title: Is The New Religion Health and Longevity

author: David Lightsey

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 3.29.2014 • author id: LiD9330614

word count: 60,000 - 80,000


  1. What Is The Book About -The Need:
  • $200 billion spent on obesity/yr with limited results.
  • $30 billion spent on organic foods, a completely fabricated market.
  • $291 billion spent on anti-aging per year yet we still age
  • $30 billion spent on supplements per year with little to no benefit.

Health, fitness and anti-aging issues dominate our culture and have risen to a cult level of obsession for millions of people. Surprisingly, the fabricated nonsense and misinformation about these issues is just as prevalent in the Christian marketplace as it is in the secular. Both markets tend to misrepresent scientific data as well as scripture, often completely fabricate ‘research’, or simply attempt to apply the incorrect worldview of evolution to their health and fitness practices. Many consumers hope somehow, to tweak where “Mother Nature” has failed, attempting to extend their lives or improve their physical circumstances. 


Whether it is Dr. Oz on national, mainstream television, Pastor Rick Warren asking his members to go organic, or Pat Robertson selling his ‘age-defying protein shake’ through his CBN 700 club program, the end result is the same: millions of consumers both secular and Christian are being fleeced and exploited by junkscience, myths, and misinformation. This past week, I became aware of Oprah Winfrey’s announcement that she will be marketing her own brand of organics, called ‘Oprah’s Organics,' a market that I will show in my book to be completely fabricated. 

To illustrate the excessive obsession over these issues, consider the comments published by the Dole Nutrition Institute (the educational department of Dole Food Company, and the largest fruit and vegetable producer and supplier in the world). They state that, “If health is the new religion [my emphasis], then the combination spa/clinic/hotel and wellness center being built on 20 acres across from Dole Headquarters in Westlake Village, California promises to be its Mecca [my emphasis]” (

John MacArthur, of Grace To You Ministries also stated the following: “But we have literally made a God out of health and longevity …”Continuing, he states that, “we’re a generation of people literally almost cultic about exercise, almost out of control about vitamins and supplements and health … we preoccupy ourselves with the body” (Anxiety-Free Living, Part 2, Luke 12:25-31).

But just how much of this “new religion” theology is actually true in the first place? Just how duped are those who embrace all the dead-end myths and misconceptions that are the foundation of this ‘new religion’? Why do seemingly intelligent people embrace so much misinformation?

About the Author

 I have been a consumer advocate for the National Council Against Health Fraud ( since 1988, as well as a Food and Nutrition Science Advisor to the award winning consumer advocacy web page Quackwatch (  My role with both organizations is to respond to health misinformation in the media and act as an objective source of sound science information to inquiries from the media, athletic organizations, educators, universities, etc. I am also a voting member with the Creation Research Society (


I am a published author and I have appeared on NBC Dateline, CBS Evening News, investigative work for ESPN's Outside-The-Lines, ABC News, CNN, CBS This Morning, Consumer Publications, Peer Review Journals, Newspapers, Radio, Lectures, and University / Private Organization Assistance. Many examples from a full proposal.

I am 58 y/o and a well seasoned junkscience spotter with formal degrees in Nutrition, Biology and Exercise Physiology with over 25 years experience in the medical and consumer education field.




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title: The Gospel According to Stephen Colbert

author: Richard Braaksma

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 6.24.2014 • author id: BrR9004514

word count: 30,000


Comedian Stephen Colbert is best known as the over-the-top “fake news” pundit on the satirical hit show, The Colbert Report.  Achieving record ratings and a massive fan base, the show has been a vehicle for Colbert to become a larger than life personality and a household name.  His sweeping satire, political bent, religious views, and cultural critique have led people to call him everything from “comedic genius” to “ideological fanatic.” 

More than simply looking at the religious beliefs of Stephen Colbert, this book unpacks the message behind his comedic art and the role of comedy itself. It draws out biblical themes and ideas, including the doctrine of sin, truth and revelation, and comedy and sarcasm in the Bible. This book is an analysis and celebration of the art of Stephen Colbert as prophetic truth-telling.

In 2015 Colbert will have wrapped up the program that launched his success to take over The Late Show from David Letterman.  This examination of the man and his message is both timely and relevant.

About the Author

Rich Braaksma holds a Masters Degree in Theology.  Over the last 15 years, Rich has worked as a church planter in Venice, California, owned a coffeehouse, played professional blackjack, and operated a record store.  He has been a public speaker in dozens of venues, has published articles in Christian magazines, and was a contributor for a book commissioned by his alma mater, Regent College.  Rich currently serves as pastor of Hillside Community Church in Calgary, Canada. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: God Places the Lonely in Families: Adopting Children Through the Foster System

author: Adam and Jamie Clark

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 12.29.2014 • author id: ClA7403614

word count: 30,000


"God places the lonely in families" (Psalm 68:6 NLT).  Adam and Jamie Clark, have been blessed with twelve children, ten of whom were adopted through the foster system and who were mostly between the ages of eight and twelve at the time they were adopted. When they took their first steps into the adoption process, Adam and Jamie were eager to learn from others who had blazed this trail before them. Searching libraries and bookstores for any wisdom that might help avoid known pitfalls and apply proven practices, they quickly found many publications on the adoption process, some on adopting infants, and plenty providing advice on international adoptions. However, books providing counsel on adopting foster children (especially older children), were hard to come by.  What you hold in your hands is their humble attempt to write the book they hoped to have found when they embarked on this journey. The lessons and real-life examples that you find in these pages were forged in the ups and downs, laughter and tears, successes and failures over the last sixteen years.

About the Author

Jamie and I have twelve children, nine boys and three girls.  Eleven have been adopted and one of whom we have legal guardianship, and hope to adopt soon.  Ten of our children were adopted through the foster care system and most of them were over the age of eight when adopted (some as old as twelve years old).  We have been blessed with diverse family: while Jamie and I are both caucasian, two of our sons are African American, a son and daughter are hispanic, one is of Native American decent, and the rest are caucasian.  God has taught us so much about ourselves, about our children, about the beauty of diversity and about the adventure of a life given over to Him.  We want to share our learnings with others, especially parents considering adopting through the foster system.  We also want to "de-myth" the foster/adoption process, as there are many horror stories and exagerrations that scare off many would-be adoptive parents.

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title: Depression In The Church: Is It Spiritual, Or Is It Physical

author: Alison K. Hall

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 2.12.2015 • author id: HaA2455115

word count: 24,000


“I knew what was wrong with me. I must have had a stroke.”  As a nurse, Alison K. Hall recognized all the signs: mental changes, severe headache, slurred speech. She was not prepared for the diagnosis that she received.  Blindsided by major depression after the birth of her third son, Alison found her mental, physical, and spiritual health all brutally attacked.

Physical depression is rarely talked about; it’s painfully hidden by those who experience it. Alison blows the lid off the hidden mystery. Exposing four areas where the enemy is sabotaging Christians, she offers insight and biblical counsel to fend off these deceptions and misconceptions. This is a must read for those suffering from depression as well as anyone involved in church ministry.


About the Author

Alison received her BSN in nursing from Liberty University in 1996. She married her husband, Robert Hall, in 1998. They have three sons and one daughter. She is a fifth-generation Christian, grew up in the church, and has an education from a Christian university in nursing, yet was completely unprepared for the all-consuming pain she experienced when she suffered from major depression after the birth of her third son. Her desire is to share what she has learned about this illness to the glory of God.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Christian's Role in the Obesity Epidemic

author: Lainey Greer

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 7.25.2015 • author id: GrL3793215

word count: 16,000


Christians are to be lights in the world, pursuing Christlikeness, and setting the example of a transformed life. Our lives should inspire others to seek a relationship with Christ. Unfortunately, when it comes to matters of health, our behavior sometimes contradicts our convictions.


In the United States, much of the “most religious” states are also classified as the “most obese.” It seems our outward appearance fails to reflect the inward change that has taken place. We are enjoying excess and seeking satisfaction as the world. So where is the difference we claim our faith makes? God’s power isn’t limited to converting our souls. He desires to change our whole selves.


No matter the cause, issues like obesity do not strike overnight and every person must diligently battle for health. Should not the Christian, through the Spirit, fight on a whole other level compared to those who have no divine empowerment? Yes, and as we should not be enslaved to anything, motivation from scripture and practical know-how is crucial. Lainey Greer, nutritionist, trainer, minister, will shed light on why tackling weight struggles is like just battling anything else in the Christian life.

About the Author

Lainey Greer, college and missions minister with ten years experience as a certified personal trainer, holds a bachelors degree in Exercise Science and masters in Christian Leadership. She has fifteen years of ministry experience in which she has seen the need to educate all people, especially Christians, about the necessity to care for their bodies. Her goal is to help believers understand why it is imperative to lead the fight against the growing obesity epidemic.

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title: An Encounter that Changes Everything

author: Nora Benny

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 1.12.2016 • author id: BeN7706715

word count: 26,000


(Working Title: An Encounter that Changes Everything)

Jane is one of many who have to deal with emotional wounds… Like many of us, she did not realize the root of her behavior. While treatment focuses on relieving symptoms through medication, therapy, or self-help. However, they cannot treat the spiritual condition of the soul and/or the heart. Wounds are like an onion, having many layers. Each layer represents a memory, an emotion or an experience. Intense emotions, such as anger and fear, can affect our bodies at the cellular level.

God cares about the condition of our hearts. The story of King David illustrates this as well. Nevertheless, no matter what we are going through, one thing is for certain, God knows what it feels like too. It is very important that our mind be brought into harmony with the mind of God, as He desires for us to walk in total restoration. Once we recognize our wounds, we can choose to do something about them. We can ask God to help us, as we continue to be involved in the process. The Word of God is so practical and full of principles. We are not 'spectators,' but collaborators in the inner healing process.

About the Author

Dr. Nora Benny holds a doctorate in clinical psychology. With over 20 years of experience in the mental health field, she has worked with adults, children, and families. Dr. Benny speaks to a variety of audiences from believers to nonbelievers. She is part of several ministries at her local church in Houston, Texas. She also has a blog called “Simply Nora: From My Heart to Yours” whose audience is very diverse.

Dr. Benny is passionate about the transforming power of the Word and the Holy Spirit.  She tackles emotional, psychological, and physical issues from God’s perspective.  She also discusses the impact of emotions, prayer, meditating on scripture, and the work of the Holy Spirit on the brain and human body.

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title: An Exceptional Dream: God’s Vision of America

author: quentin skrabec

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 2.14.2016 • author id: skq4353716

word count: 90,000


Exceptionalism is interlinked with our nation’s blessings. More importantly, Christianity and American exceptionalism are interconnected. The fate of our American churches and our country’s future depend on our very belief in exceptionalism. Our capitalistic economy and exceptionalism are also linked through acceptance of basic freedoms.

Even when you strip away legend, myth, and Christian bias, America’s founding, creation, and development is unique in world history. Quite simply, it is the only country, without being a theocracy, to recognize that our rights come from God. We were founded as a Christian nation without a requirement to be Christian. While recognizing God as the source of rights, we required no belief in any one God to have these rights assured. The link to Christianity is not to the exclusion of other religions but the foundation of their inclusion.

The evolution of the concept is just as important as how Americans came to accept exceptionalism. It was every bit a spiritual movement as an historical one; the work of the Holy Spirit can be seen in our history. The concept of exceptionalism grew exponentially prior to the Civil War and was widely accepted by the early 1900s.

About the Author

Quentin Skrabec is a successful writer and conference speaker, and in 2013, won the American Library Association’s award for Most Notable Business Reference for The 100 Most Significant Events in American Business. Dr. Skrabec has written over 20 books including the application of religious values in business. In addition, he is often quoted in the Wall Street Journal and Business Investors Daily. His professional degrees include master's degrees in business and engineering as well as a Ph.D. in business, and he is currently working on a Ph.D. in Theology. He presently teaches business and business ethics at the University of Findlay.

Dr. Skrabec has a strong network of speaking conferneces, university associations, and church ties.

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title: Not A Male Fail

author: Steve Hinkle

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 8.1.2016 • author id: HiS6043516

word count:


Steve shares his story and how he struggled with the often commonplace idea that masculinity is defined by athleticism, brawn, hunting, and toughness. At an early age, he began his search for identity and examined the discourses of Christian books on the topic of masculinity and found excerpts that made him question his identity and his Creator.

What does the Bible say about masculinity? How has culture or Christianity defined or dictated our gender stereotypes? Is there room for the boys and men who don’t seem to fit the macho mold? In a world of bullied masculine ideals and expectations, the correct answer is not to man up. This book drops the idea of failure and compassionately addresses the personal, practical, and biblical issues surrounding masculine identity and offers hope amidst a world of macho stereotypes. 

About the Author

Steve Hinkle has worked closely with and ministered to teenagers and adults as a pastor, church planter, youth pastor, and educator for over twenty years. Steve and Suzette have been married for fifteen years and are the parents of five children. Steve has presented the message of this book to a growing audience and has been a featured writer and contributor to many online communities including: The Good Man Project, Christians for Biblical Equality and 

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title: More Than Don't Have Sex: What The Church Didn't Tell You About Singleness

author: Justin Campbell

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 3.23.2017 • author id: CaJ6301117

word count: 66,000


More people in our culture live single than ever before. This is a recent cultural trend that has put Christian singles, in particular, in a bind. Most of what we have been taught by the Church, while well intentioned, is misguided, unhelpful, and often harmful to our walk with Jesus. These teachings often cripple our futures as singles or marrieds. The purpose of this book is to equip Christian Singles (men in particular) with the theology, knowledge and skills to navigate the current culture while holding true to following Jesus.

I’m extremely passionate about this subject for several reasons.  First and foremost I was unmarried until I was 41 years old.  I have been through many of the cycles that Christian singles face all the while I was in full time ministry.  When I was in my mid thirties I began to realize that most of what I had been taught was not very helpful, and even harmful.

This book offers a completely different conversation than anything else I’ve seen in this market.  I state up front that I don’t have all the answers, but I know for certain we need a different way of talking about this context of life. 

About the Author

For over 20 years on Young Life staff, I have worked with directly with hundreds and indirectly with thousands of people now aged 18-40.  I have walked with and mentored many young men and to some extent women.  I have spoken to churches in different contexts on this material.  

People have expressed thanks for receiving words for the struggles they faced, for being different than everything else they had been told, for offering practical help on matters singles face, and for giving them a different framework to pursue marriage or celibacy.

I currently write a blog with over 200 posts on this subject.  I have also written a few guest posts for some other sites.  I feel that both my style and ability to write conversationally will translate well to the book.

I have spent my ministry career speaking and teaching on many different topics in all kinds of contexts.

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title: The Boundaries of Science: Human Significance in the Face of What Nature Can and Cannot Accomplish

author: Eric Hedin

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 7.9.2017 • author id: HeE4730417

word count: 78000


The Boundaries of Science encompasses a conflict. Succinctly, it is a conflict centered on the common sense thesis that nature is limited in what it can accomplish naturally. Why should such a statement be controversial? Perhaps it is because the significance of our lives—whether or not our lives have any ultimate meaning—depends upon the answer to this question: “Is nature all there is?” Naturalism asserts that the answer is “Yes,” that the universe and everything in it, including all of life, is the merely the result of the laws of nature, or, as some put it, “chance.” However, as we will discover by examining the nature of the universe, the laws of nature and chance interactions of matter fall short of providing a reasonable explanation for life and the cardinal characteristics of what makes us human. “Chance” interactions between the particles of matter in our universe have been vastly oversold as a means of naturally producing the complex assemblies of atoms found in all living things. The boundaries of science testify that the universe and our lives are the result of design and ultimate purpose.

About the Author

Eric R. Hedin (Ph.D., Physics, 1986, University of Washington) taught The Boundaries of Science course at Ball State University for six years, showing that the laws of nature are insufficient to explain life and the universe. In 2013, militant atheists launched an attack against the course, resulting in national media attention. This book tells my side of the story, presents the science behind the thesis that naturalism is limited, and affirms God as the Creator.

Unique to this book is its broad scope of discussion that includes analysis of scientific evidence from physics, cosmology, astronomy, biology, information theory, neuroscience, the physics and philosophy of beauty, and personal testimony from Christian experience. Within the context of these fields of science, I address many of the commonly held atheistic assumptions and objections to the premise of divine design without giving them undue attention.


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title: Before the Water Is Spilled

author: Patrick Boyle

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 8.25.2017 • author id: BoP6580317

word count: 16000


Hospice care is increasingly becoming a viable option for many seeking comfort and care at the end of their lives. All studies indicate that this trend will continue to increase and that more and more people across the world are benefiting from hospice services.

Chaplains and spiritual counselors, along with social workers, nurses, and home health aides make up a part of every hospice team. In this collection of true stories, hospice chaplain Patrick Boyle shares touching experiences he has had with patients and their family members during this unique period in their lives.

In this hope-filled book of short and highly readable vignettes, the reader will find that though there are emotionally and spiritually challenging experiences for both the hospice patient and their chaplain, there are plenty of times of laughter, profound connections, experiences of God's mercy, and signs of His work in the life of these individuals.  

About the Author

Patrick Boyle holds a master's degree in theology. He currently serves as a hospice chaplain, and has been in that role for over 5 years. Prior to that he was a pastor and teacher in South Korea.

Potential Audience: The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization reports that between 1.6 and 1.7 million individuals received hospice care in 2014. These numbers are on the rise and many people are interested in learning more about hospice care and how it operates. This book will be of interest even to those outside of the hospice world as it also provides a devotional and inspirational glimpse into the pastoral care offered to patients and their families.  

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author: Jeffrey K. Greenberg

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 1.3.2018 • author id: GrJ6018717

word count: 140000


SCIENCE VOCATIONS FOR CHRISTIANS AS KINGDOM SERVICE is a unique vision-project for inspiring and recruiting Christian high-school seniors and those beginning college. It is a strategic effort to fulfill a need of great significance, especially among more conservative Christ followers. It is now widely recognized that the church, especially among evangelicals, is badly underrepresented among those who will provide critical science and technology capabilites for a challenging future. Our premise is that Science is a gift from the Lord to fulfill our stewardship commission, as calling-vocation. 

The authorship is divided among a team of pastors, professors and other teachers, consulting scientists, and leaders of Christian organizations, with a great collection of  profile-stories from Christians in science. The more than forty contributors include some very distinguished and well-known individuals. The tone of the writing is pastoral in a desire to effectively reach out to young people and their key "influencers" with intelligent but heart-motivated encouragement. The book is associated with a larger initiative that includes a comprehensive website and a mentoring bureau. Organizational partnership includes the American Scientific Affiliation, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, BioLogos, and several major evangelical liberal arts institutions.

The book's organization consists of three main divisions: 1) Preface-Forward and two introductory sections, THEOLOGICAL JUSTIFICATION (authored by four pastors) and VOCATION AND SCIENCE (authored by two practicing scientists); 2) a collection of personal profile-stories from science-related individuals, written specifically to share the strong link between faith and diverse sciences (the profile format was selected by undergraduate student interns as the most effective method of influencing decsions about college majors); and 3) a resource-appendix, providing concrete advice on sources for internships, research opportunities, summer employment, and later searches for graduate school education and full-time employment. Special consideration is given to the place of science in ministry, both volunteer service and salaried. The book is a service, a resource, and in essence, an apologetic for science.

About the Author

Jeffrey K. Greenberg, PhD, is a geologist, environmental scientist, and professor of 32 years at Wheaton College in Illinois. He previously served as a State Geologist for Wisconsin and on the faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has been closely involved in congregational missions organizing and has served as supervisor for many undergraduate science majors on site, applying the love of Jesus in community development science projects (Haiti, Tanzania, Kosovo, South Africa). He was twice President of the Affiliation of Christian Geologists and is the author of many scientific and faith-related books and articles. He coordinates this book project as a co-recipient of a Templeton Foundation-Fuller Seminary STEAM grant for project design.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Elders at the Gate: Finding Meaning in Mending the Generational Links

author: Ray Blunt

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 1.3.2018 • author id: BlR2230817

word count: 45000


Something is broken. The younger among us are disconnected in an over-connected world—lonely, slow to mature, and often anxious and depressed even while abandoning faith. The older among us have long years ahead, but toward what end? Neither group has discovered that both the wisdom that is needed for a full life and the meaning that has been built into the last phase of life are key to God’s good design for the generations--a design that has all but been obscured in the search for individual happiness. Today’s elders at the gate can become the mentors they were supposed to be that will begin to help repair the broken links.

About the Author

I am in the third  third of life, and for almost thirty years my focus has been on helping to grow the next generation of servant leaders. For the last eight years I have taught philosophy, sociology, and theology at Ad Fontes Academy in Centreville, VA, a classical Christian school, and before then I consulted on leadership development for 15 years and taught leadership at Gordon-Conwell Seminary. My first vocation included 35 years in public service in the Air Force and in the Department of Veterans Affairs—the last 17 of those years as a Senior Executive. I have published several articles on character, developing leaders, and mentoring. I wrote Crossed Lives, Crossed Purposes: Why Thomas Jefferson Failed and William Wilberforce Persisted in Leading an End to Slavery (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2012) and contributed a chapter, "How Leaders Are Grown," to The Jossey-Bass Reader on Non Profit and Public Leadership, James L. Perry, ed. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010). Education background: 1964 graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, B.S. in Engineering and Political Science; M.A. in Comparative Economics, Missouri State University, 1968; MTS, with Honors, Wesley Theological Seminary, 2014. 


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title: ONE NEW MAN--Good News for Israel & the Nations Together

author: Ariel Laurence Blumenthal

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 2.28.2018 • author id: BlA9431318

word count: 59000


“Why are some Christians so crazy about Israel?  Others seem to be more pro-Palestinian, and still others could care less. What’s it all about?  What does the Bible really teach?”

“Do Messianic Jews still keep the Old Testament laws of Moses? Are they really Christians?”

“In Christ, there is neither Jew nor gentile…so why all the fuss about Jewish identity and Jewish ‘roots’?”

These kinds of questions are widespread among Christians around the world today—and it is nothing new!  The issues of Israel, “Torah” observance, and the relationship between Jews & gentiles in Christ were also the cause of much controversy two thousand years ago as documented in the New Testament.  In our generation, the rebirth of the State of Israel,  of Jewish faith in “Yeshua” (Jesus), and the Arab-Israeli conflict again bring all of these questions into sharp relief.

At the center of the controversy stands the Apostle Paul, who in his ministry and teaching had to contend with these issues more than any other New Testament figure.  One New Man describes how, by the Holy Spirit, Paul answered these questions as the newborn church of Jew and gentile came into being before his very eyes; and as God was redrawing the very boundaries of what it means to be “Israel.” 



About the Author

Ariel Blumenthal serves as co-pastor of Congregation Ahavat Yeshua (Love of Jesus) in downtown Jerusalem, and leads the outreach to East Asia for Revive Israel Ministries.  Ariel has a BA in East Asian studies from Duke University, and a master's degree in Biblical Studies from Yale Divinity School.  He preaches and teaches the Bible in his native English--as well as Hebrew, Japanese, and Chinese.  Ariel speaks at many Christian conferences and churches both in Israel and in the Far East.  His experience in the Messianic Jewish movement, missions, and pastoring uniquely qualifies him for writing this book.  He looks forward to selling One New Man through the Revive Israel web site and Facebook page, whose English-language followers number in the tens of thousands.   

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title: A Clock on the Oven: A Women's Guide to the Gender Role Debate

author: Anna Pistor

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 5.12.2018 • author id: PiA4817618

word count: 45000


The debate over the role of women in ministry has moved beyond the cloistered walls of seminaries into the everyday world of local churches. The issue has grown to such a fever pitch that certain respected evangelical leaders have positioned their views as tantamount to orthodoxy itself, leaving women feeling understandably bewildered.


In a culture inundated with reports of women being exploited by men in positions of power, is a focus on women’s proper gender roles advancing or hindering the gospel message? What’s a woman to do? And how did it come to this? Many women, especially those with careers or young children (or both), find it understandably difficult or daunting to invest the time needed to understand the complexities of the debate between complementarians and egalitarians.


By succinctly summarizing the debate in an engaging manner, A Clock on the Oven will awaken readers and familiarize them with the major issues, challenge them to consider how women’s roles have been arbitrarily restricted, and offer a way forward utilizing clear biblical principles based on spiritual gifts. Combined with practical advice, this approach will encourage women to live out their faith in Christ by utilizing their spiritual talents and resources.  

About the Author

A Clock on the Oven is distinct from many books on gender in the Christian church in that it navigates the scholarship in an accessible manner and proposes a way forward. This book is written for ordinary Christian women by one of their own, because the need is there and has yet to be met by an accessible centrist author who is writing to educate rather than champion one side of the debate over another.


Anna holds a degree in English literature, is the mother of two young children, a part-time Compliance Officer, and an avid reader of every book that she can acquire on the topic of gender roles in the church.

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title: Image of Gold: The Tyranny of Idolatry


category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 5.22.2018 • author id: LUE1897618

word count: 60000


This book identifies and addresses the idolatry of civil government that exists today both within the Church and in the larger society.

About the Author

I graduated from Embry-Riddle University with a degree in Aerospace Engineering before commissioning as an officer in the United States Air Force.  I spent about eight years serving on active duty, first as a B-1B Lancer pilot and then as an MQ-9 Reaper pilot.  I then was hired by the Pennsylvania Air National Guard and currently serve full-time as a Major and an MQ-9 evaluator and instructor pilot. 


During my military career, I earned a Master of Military History degree from Norwich University and a Master of Divinity degree from Liberty University.  I also graduated from both Air and Space Basic Course and Squadron Officer School and am now enrolled in Air Command and Staff College.  Additionally, in 2015 I authored the Christian fiction novel Into the Tempest, published by Westbow Press.


I also serve as an elder/teacher at Hilltown Baptist Church, a congregation of about 300.  I have partnered with another Christian to launch a podcast in September that addresses theological and cultural issues from a biblical perspective.  

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title: There's a Pile-up on the Broad Way

author: Thomas Graffagnino

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 9.22.2018 • author id: GrT3011518

word count: 35000


There’s a Pile-up on the Broad Way is a collection of sharp warnings for our culture, which is out of control and careening through guardrails. Targeting both seekers and believers, it is written in response to liberal and often destructive current trends. This collection of essays and poems encourages Christians to re-examine, undergird, and defend beliefs that are being threatened and degraded by increasingly hostile worldviews. The writing is also aimed at piquing the interest of those who may be sincerely seeking what Francis Schaeffer called “true Truth”. The pieces are written to encourage the honest seeker to consider the fundamental truth claims of the Bible’s gospel message.  In that sense, it is an unconventional, often provocative, and uniquely presented book of Christian apologetics. . Writing from a conservative , Bible-believing perspective, Tom Graffagnino uses parody and satire to  target secular humanism, post-modernism, and  “progressive” philosophies of man. One reader’s description of Graffagnino’s poems and pieces claims they “ are astoundingly relevant and piercing. He's a passionate Christian and a fierce critic (wonderfully fierce) of the liberal, politically-correct cancer that is metastasizing throughout mainstream denominations…. He can scorch the insanities of this age with verse " – Dr. Peter Harrington (retired Methodist minister)

About the Author

Tom Graffagnino is a layman, author, and artist. With a masters degree in fine arts, his work has been widely exhibited in galleries and museums around the country. His first book, “Wilderness to Water”, was self-published and has received favorable reviews and endorsements from Christian theologians, authors, and apologists including Dr. Gary Habermas, Douglas Groothuis, Dr. John Frame, Timothy McGrew, and Frederica Matthews-Green,  among others. Originally from Columbus, GA, he now lives with his wife, Jane, in Canton, GA.

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title: From Scattered to Gathered: Walking with God when you have ADHD

author: Tamara Rosier

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 10.25.2018 • author id: RoT4930118

word count: 55000


We love our God — but many of us feel that we just don't measure up. How can we?  It takes so much energy just trying to look like a normal Christian. Forget the obvious ADHD symptoms of daydreaming, feeling restless, battling boredom and impatience, or even getting to church on time. Those are small issues compared to the deeper —and scarier — emotional warfare tactics we use on ourselves.

This book is an invitation to understand yourself, your ADHD, and how that affects your spiritual journey.

Learn how many of us — Christians with ADHD— feel like frauds or fakes when we compare ourselves to other Christians. Observe how many Christians with ADHD use anxiety, shame and even self-loathing as coping mechanisms, to motivate themselves spiritually. Explore ways to change these patterns.

You are not alone. This book is designed for you to learn about your ADHD and how it affects your faith.

  • Read about how others have had similar struggles and what they have learned.
  • Explore how the “bad tools” (anxiety, procrastination, shame and self-loathing) created by an ADHD mind can be affecting their understanding of God and their spiritual walk.
  • Identify unhelpful thought and emotional patterns and apply strategies to change them.
  • Create new habits of thinking and new practices that encourage you to walk with  meaningfully with your God.
  • Learn how to motivate yourself using the “Solve-it” Grid.

The goal of this book is to help followers of Christ develop a rich relationship with their God — without the confinement of their ADHD-patterned thoughts. This book helps individuals make sense of ADHD behaviors, impulses, and emotions, and to create strategies to manage them so that they add to their spiritual journey.

About the Author

Dr. Tamara Rosier has been a college administrator, a professor, a leadership consultant, a high school teacher, a national public speaker, and an ADHD coach. Dr. Rosier has developed valuable insight into the ADHD life and how it affects spiritual development.

She received her Ph.D. in Teaching, Learning and Leadership, teaching educational psychology and researching metacognition, cognitive dissonance, social intelligence and other topics related to learning.

As a co-founder of Acorn Leadership Consulting, Tamara has successfully worked with numerous companies, churches and nonprofit organizations to facilitate leadership and organizational development.

As founder of the ADHD Center of West Michigan, she coaches individuals, groups, and parents as they manage their ADHD symptom, improving interpersonal effectiveness, capitalizing strengths, and bridging performance gaps. She has published articles about ADHD and is a requested speaker at conferences.

As the president of the ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO), she leads a board of ADHD professionals as they promote awareness of ADHD coaching and its value to people living with ADHD, provide up-to-date resources to our members, and serve as an informational link about ADHD Coaching to the general public and other professionals working with people who are affected by ADHD.

Through the book, From Scattered to Gathered, Dr. Rosier envisions creating communities of support through churches, websites, blogs, and other virtual groups. Some of the worksheets from the book will be available on the book's website. 

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title: Life Issues, etc (Engaging the Culture)

author: Sarah Bowen

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 11.12.2018 • author id: BoS1610518

word count: 45187


You’re pro-life. You vote, sign the petitions, and perhaps support a life-affirming organization. But what does it really mean to be pro-life?

Over the next twelve weeks, you will have the chance to find out! You’ll work through tough topics like abortion, euthanasia, and eugenics, learning the history of topics never mentioned in school. Then you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate with others and experience defending your pro-life beliefs. Finally, you’ll be able to examine your role in this movement and discover practical steps you can take to relegate abortion, euthanasia, and eugenics to the ash heap of history.

Each week begins with Scripture and interweaves learning, discussion, and humor as you tackle tough topics.

This material will challenge your congregation and may cause participants to feel uncomfortable. But one thing is certain: they will emerge with new confidence and a readiness to truly value life.

About the Author

Sarah M. Bowen is the executive director of a Pregnancy Medical Center in Western Pennsylvania and has been sharing the message of life with local churches for over ten years. Sarah has a website, a new blog, and is building a following on social media. Sarah has local and national connections in the pregnancy help movement that can assist in the promotion and selling of this material.

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title: Wanderlust

author: Stephen Anderson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 11.26.2018 • author id: AnS208818

word count: 50673


Every day we are constantly bombarded with waves of sexual distractions that make it impossible to remain connected to the truth. This distraction becomes a life-long addiction for many. Growing up in today's hypersexualised online world means explicit content is being consumed in quantities and varieties never before possible, sabotaging sexual responses and giving rise to a generation of young people completely unprepared for relationships, marriage, and parenthood. For more than two decades I have experienced how my sexual preferences had unknowingly been shaped by unrealistic sexual conditioning. Wanderlust is my journey of discovery from a lustful life to lust for life.

About the Author

I would say that my authority on writing this subject is based on my own experiences, having been an addict. The reason I wrote this book in the first place is that I could never find anything that addressed the subject in a way that felt relatable. Everything I read was usually written by a pastor or someone from the cloth and it was a recovery plan of some sort, predominantly focussed on the theme of porn. This book isn’t about being caught with your pants down. This book covers far more. It tackles themes that are relatable, and I have yet to see addressed in book form. Firstly, it’s written from an addict’s perspective, but it’s not about a recovery plan. It’s all the steps before that which are left out. It’s understanding first before you get there. 


I’m not interested in writing one book and stopping there. This subject was part of my life for so long that it will continue to be but in a healthy way. I want to move into a place where I can help people by continually addressing this topic and build a platform from there.


I understand that having a good story is what sells. I’ve spent the last 18 years working on brand stories. As a Creative Director at a multi-national agency and a copywriter by trade, I’ve tirelessly brainstormed, pitched and created campaigns that sell (which you can view here The insight and authority I have on this subject is the reality of my own experiences in having been an addict myself. And, nothing sells better than word of mouth.


I believe in the authority of the Christian scripture for my life and practice. I hold the essential orthodox Christian beliefs as best expressed in the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed, as well as the Evangelical Statement of Faith.







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title: The Bible and Dancing

author: Alan Dickinson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 3.25.2019 • author id: DiA9263719

word count: 10000


This said author and his lovely Christian bride love to dance. Is that acceptable to our caring and gracious Heavenly Father (Abba)? Some believers love to dance just as we do, while other good believers feel that it is a sin'and/or a error in good judgment. What do you as a Christian think?

And, more importantly, much more importantly, what does our infallible and all knowing God say about dancing? Herewith in this short, simple, and easy-to-understand current issues Bible study guide the author describes from Holy-Spirit-inspired Scriptures just what God has to say. Its many Bible references include "And David was dancing before the (His) Lord with all of his might, and David was wearing a linen Ephad (vestment clothing)" (2 Samuel 6:14).

About the Author

Professor Alan Dale Dickinson is an internationally known Christian and mystery novelist. He is a long-time, devoted follower of Christ Jesus, albeit, he is the first to admit that he is a "imperfect and slightly flawed" (by this crazy old world that we find ourselves living in) believer. And that he is just an ordinary sinner saved by His loving and soverign God's infinate mercy and grace. 

Furthermore, all of Professor Dickinson's study guides, self-help books and novellas, are Spirit-inspired as well as biblically-based. Also Professor Dickinson is a retired vice president and business banking manager from the World Corporate Lending Gruop of Bank of America (the largest bank in the United States).

Professor Dickinson has authored and self-published forty plus Christian books, fictional mysteries, and Bible study guides. These said publications were published on Amazon and Kindle eBook and sold in more than twelve  countries all around the world. 

He once had a office on the Queen Mary oceanliner in Long Beach, California and also made a $100,000,000.00 [One hundred million dollars] loan to the Hershey Chocolate Company in Pennsylvania. 

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title: Savannah: The Spirit World Battle for the Soul of the City

author: Michael Mancha

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 6.5.2019 • author id: MaM9176319

word count: 94450


My book is a work of narrative non-fiction. It consists of 94,499 words. At the center of this writing stands a beguiling figure, Savannah, of the State Georgia, known as “A beautiful lady with a dirty face” and “The Most Haunted City in America”. Her intricate and intriguing history reveals a city subject to the licentious appetites of her leaders and the sinister workings of a spirit enemy bent on her demise. Countering that has been the presence and efforts of a divine entity seeking to gain the cooperation of ordinary citizens so they, and their city, might be guided onto the pathway of an extraordinary destiny. Within the pages of this book, the reader is provided the means to identify the predetermined plan for their city and the hinderances that have robbed it of promise. Also given are the Seven Keys, made available by the Son of God, that can enable every citizen to deal with our spirit enemy and play a decisive part in the prospering of their city.

About the Author

I presently spend my time writing and working as an independent private investigator. I have a ministerial background with the Assemblies of God and as a school / team leader with Youth With A Mission - Los Angeles. I have traveled and ministered extensively in Russia, Estonia, Asia, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico. I have been privileged to lead worship gatherings in the local church and while with YWAM - Los Angeles. More recently, I co-founded The 13th Colony Patriots, a conservative political group based in Savannah, GA, and led teams to Washington, D.C. to support conservative issues and to protest proposed "leftist" legislation.

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title: Bully Pulpit – Delusion and Domination in a Top Hundred Church

author: Nicolas Gold

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 6.21.2019 • author id: GoN2973219

word count: 200000


There is a crisis in the churches. The #MeToo and #ChurchToo Movements are sweeping through both religious and secular institutions. We’d like to think our pastors are above reproach. Yet too often our leaders are authoritarians seeking to further personal agendas. In churches, seminaries, and other Christian institutions, leaders have been found to be bullies who mercilessly plow their way through anyone who raised concerns, only to be protected by their “accountability.” Just when the world seems to need the gospel the most, Christians are struggling with abusive authority that hinders the advance the Kingdom of God. When corrupted powers are expanding their reach throughout the culture, the Church is buckling under the weight of corrupted authority. How can we deal with idolatrous powers when we have the same false conceptions of authority as the world in our churches? How do we properly engage the powers? How do we effectively proclaim the gospel when we are confronted with bullies in our own institutions? This is the story of how God used people to redeem a congregation from powerful bullies. This is the story of Bethpage Church.

About the Author

Nicolas Gold is a pastor who has served in churches of various sizes and denominations across the United States. He holds a degree in history and an advanced degree in theology and biblical studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  His wife, Lisa, is a writer and speaker who has served in churches and as a missionary.

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title: My Servants Would Be Fighting: A Meditation on the Gospel and the Kingdoms of the World

author: Storm Bailey

category: nonfiction • subcategory: current issues • date submitted: 2.24.2020 • author id: BaS5210120

word count: 35000


There are plenty of books telling Bible-believing Christians who to vote for or what policy positions to adopt, and plenty of other books taking Christians to task for who they already voted for or what positions they have already adopted.   This book does neither.  It is a meditation on the gospel, the political systems of this world, and biblical discipleship.  My Servants Would Be Fighting aims to articulate a vision of faithful evangelical political participation without taking sides on particular political policies or parties. 

The way in which we engage the kingdoms we happen to live in communicates something about the nature of the Kingdom of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ--which we serve and proclaim foremost.  Getting our policy positions right is important, but if our politics obscure or misrepresent the gospel, what is gained?  This book is about getting, and keeping, first things first.

About the Author

Storm Bailey is Professor of Philosophy at Luther College (BA: Wheaton College; MA, PhD: University of Wisconsin-Madison), with expertise in ethics and political philosophy.  But this is not an academic book.  It is--in execution and intended audience--much more an extended sermon than an academic essay.  The author is a popular college professor (since 1995), and a teacher (sometimes preacher) in the evangelical church for over 40 years--most recently in Decorah Covenant Church, which he helped to start in 1998.

[no social media presence to speak of;  my reputation, such as it is, is as a speaker in formal and informal settings]

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title: Let the Earth Bring Forth: Making Sense of the Book of Genesis in this Modern Scientific World

author: Bradlee Williams

category: nonfiction • subcategory: currentissues • date submitted: 5.26.2020 • author id: WiBrLe11820

word count: 105000


If you have ever wondered if the Book of Genesis and science can agree, this is the book for you. Let the Earth Bring Forth: Making Sense of the Book of Genesis in this Modern Scientific World explores current mainstream science and biblical text to find agreement on what happened, when, and where. It starts at the Big Bang and continues to the arrival of modern humans; but it doesn’t stop there. It continues to explore the patriarchs, Noah’s flood, the Tower of Babel, and the lives of Genesis’ main characters. And it shows us that every word in Genesis is more incredibly in sync with modern science than anyone could ever have imagined! This book introduces several new ideas never before put in print. The book focuses on what the biblical text actually says rather than what people think it means, and looks at the oldest Hebrew text when necessary to determine what it actually says. It reports mainstream science as documented by major professional and educational outlets, and does not seek convenient minority hypotheses to fit a preconceived narrative. Many of these ideas are unique, even revolutionary in the context of the public science vs. religion dialogue.

About the Author
I grew up in a family that was very active in an evangelical denomination whose articles of faith say nothing about how or when the universe and the earth were created, or how life developed over time. For as long as I can remember, I have always thought the Bible and science were fully compatible. They tell exactly the same story, and they share the same historicity. What science has learned over the last 200 years is astounding – and reliable. And, at the same time, all of the stories in Genesis are fully consistent with modern science, and are historically accurate. After I obtained two degrees from the University of Michigan (BS in Engineering and MS in Public Systems Engineering), my career path took me into transportation planning and engineering. I was fortunate to participate in projects spanning four continents. While my education and experience did not bring me notable expertise in scientific or religious specializations, it did allow me to develop my aptitude for analysis – studying information developed by others and figuring out the story the information has to tell. This skill I used throughout my career in identifying needs and finding solutions. Toward the end of my career I put my analytical skills to use in exploring the similarities in what science and the Book of Genesis are telling us about creation, the development of life, and the arrival of mankind. My motivation to do this came from two books. The first was Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from its Cultural Captivity by Nancy Pearcey. She stressed the importance of a Christian world view in which everything in life is seen as coming from God and following laws that were written by God. This world view includes how we look at evidence, how we understand what science tells us about the evidence, and how we make all decisions over our lifetimes. The second book was The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey by Spencer Wells. He described the history of mankind as learned from our genetic evidence. He concluded that the first modern man lived more than 150,000 years ago and mankind lived almost exclusively in Africa until around 50,000-60,000 years ago when the first permanent out-migration headed east along the coast of India. This book challenged my understanding of Genesis and prompted me to look into the text more closely. The results of this exercise are documented in Let the Earth Bring Forth: How to Make Sense of the Book of Genesis in This Modern Scientific World. I intend to engage in an active campaign of interaction within existing apologetics blogs with the intent of offering a link to my own blog in which I will provide some snippets from the as yet unpublished book. In my career I am known as an excellent public speaker, and expert in using presentation slides to highlight messages. These might be useful skills to use in the marketing plan.

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title: Jefferson Must Be Spinning: What We Know Now That We Did Not Know Then

author: Charles Brewton

category: nonfiction • subcategory: currentissues • date submitted: 6.9.2020 • author id: BrChJe13120

word count: 73000


Thomas Jefferson bought a Qur’an in 1765 to help him study law. Later, as one of the writers of the Declaration of Independence and one of the founders of the US Constitution, he fought for Muslims to have the civil rights that we all enjoy. However, few people realize that Jefferson wrote disparagingly about the religion. He was on the right track with his criticisms, but he did not know how deep the issues were. Jefferson Must Be Spinning is the first book to analyze the mechanics of Islamic beliefs and explain how they undermine our capitalist free market and free speech society. Another first is the use of the Product Life Cycle and the Product Growth – Market Share matrix, both business techniques that indicate where the worldwide religions are heading and what strategies they can employ. Islam is not only a religion; Muslims will tell you point-blank it is a “way of life.” By exploring the cumulative behavior of Muslims, the book will address that way of life and how it assails the fundamental beliefs we hold dear in this country. This book will explore the influence of Judaism and Christianity on Islam, and rituals and behaviors are explained from a Western point of view.  For example, Islamic scholars claim that certain prophecies from the Bible tell of Muhammad’s arrival. Those are explored, as are Islamic beliefs on abortion, honor killings, homosexuality, and pedophilia. Many Islamic principles on law and governance were formulated during Muhammad’s lifetime and the period after, so early Islamic history is researched. There are many facets to this religion that even knowledgeable Christians are not aware of. After reading this book, readers may not change their views on Muslims, but they will better understand Muslim behavior they see in the news media.

About the Author
Charles Brewton, Ph.D., is an American professor of business strategy. He has worked in line and staff management positions in private industry and government, and as a professor of business teaching marketing, business strategy, and business ethics. He has authored over 30 articles, both refereed and non-refereed. For the last 13 years, he has presented lectures in international business and marketing to MBA students in Vietnam. The primary audience of about 44 million people would be Christian laypeople who want to know more about Islam. Islam is a “way of life,” and this book discusses more of the way of life than the religion itself. Christians, and even the American public at large, know little about the mechanics of Islam, how it works, and what values Muslim leaders pursue. The secondary audience of about 30 million people would fall among professionals such as lawyers, pastors, legislators, mayors, city council members, law enforcement, social workers, human resource managers, politicians, international business managers, bankers, and any job position that deals with Muslims.

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title: The Third Temptation

author: Austin Rogers

category: nonfiction • subcategory: currentissues • date submitted: 7.2.2020 • author id: RoAuTh15520

word count: 131000


Using Christ's third temptation in the wilderness as the overarching metaphor, the core thesis of the book is that, today and throughout history, Christians have given in to the temptation to abdicate much of our own God-given duties to the government. The duty of Christ could not—and the role of the church cannot—be carried out through the channels of the state, and the God-given responsibilities of the state cannot be carried out through the methods of the church. It is the role of the church to care for the poor and to promote moral reformation in society, and to outsource those duties to the state is to succumb to the Third Temptation.

About the Author
I graduated from Biola University with a degree in Cinema and Media Arts as well as minors in Biblical Studies and Philosophy. I also earned a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Western State Colorado University. My writing has been published in Alimentum Journal, and I write regularly for the finance website Seeking Alpha. Recently, I became a (paid) regular contributor to the Libertarian Christian Institute.

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title: Transforming Relationships

author: Rabih Sabra

category: nonfiction • subcategory: currentissues • date submitted: 8.5.2020 • author id: SaRaTr18920

word count: 48500


Racism, greed, and politics- these are skeletons from the past that have come to haunt the Church, and the younger generations are demanding answers. In the United States, the African-American community is making severe charges against the “white church.” In the Middle East, the Church has negotiated a secular compromise that has gutted its testimony. Is the Church going to continue in denial, or is it going to face the issues and deal with them? It is a time of reckoning for the Church; God is using current issues to confront His people with the need for real spiritual transformation, as commanded in Romans 12:2, “do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” In this book, I explore the history of transformation, or the lack of it, among the people of God and how it forms the foundation for our transformation story today. I state the reasons we need to change through the gospel of Jesus Christ, both personally and for the Church as a whole. I also propose a pathway to transformation through relationships. The traditional approaches to transformation focus on the character of the believer as the primary driving force in the process of transformation. This book brings a needed balance by focusing on relationships in the Church as the context of transformation. With examples from Complexity Theory, the way we relate to one another has as much, if not more, impact on our behavior and the community.

About the Author
Dr. Rabih Sabra holds a doctoral degree in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Seminary and a Master of Arts in Neuroscience from Rice University. He is the CEO of CBS Lebanon, a non-profit organization registered in Texas. As a church planting team leader in Lebanon for twenty years, he planted and led the first church in the thousand-year history of the Druze, established the Access Technical School, and Access International School (K-12). He also served as the Pioneers team leader for Lebanon from 1996 to 2008, and the North Africa and the Middle East Co-Area Director for Pioneers from 2008 to 2011. Born to a Druze family in Lebanon, he emigrated to the USA in 1977. He is an experienced leader who can operate comfortably in the western and eastern contexts and offers a unique perspective of the church both at home and in cross-cultural ministry. CBS Lebanon’s marketing reach consists of a loyal support base of four churches in Houston and several other fellowships and individuals in the United States, Switzerland, and Germany. We also have over 7000 followers on the school’s Facebook Page, mainly in Lebanon and Syria. Our website, or, draws more than 3000 new users every month, driven by traffic from our Google Ads grant of $10,000 per month. Dr. Sabra’s blog has more than 35,000 reads between August 2019 and July 2020. In the first week of July 2020, Dr. Sabra built and published a new app called the Worship App, which is available on the web and soon on the Google Play Store and the App Store. It is a compliment to his proposed book on transforming relationships. Dr. Sabra continues to engage the churches and believers through his monthly blogs and newsletters and hopes to resume personal speaking engagements after the COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted.

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title: PAWNED: Redeeming Sexuality and Restoring the Sanctity of Sex


category: nonfiction • subcategory: currentissues • date submitted: 12.1.2020 • author id: FOGAPA30620

word count: 76000


A relentless and calculated war on sexuality rages around the world and in spiritual realms. Immoral sexual ideologies and practices have breached biblical battle lines, clouding the hearts and minds of humanity in a fog of sexual confusion. People need a definitive scriptural compass, commanded by wisdom, to help them establish healthy sexual parameters and perimeters in their lives and marriages—a compass keeping them holy and their marriage beds pure. Without a true north (sound biblical teaching on sex and sexuality), people will, undoubtedly, turn to social and cultural norms or rely on their own carnal judgments to determine what sexual practices are and are not acceptable. Pawned is that compass!

About the Author

DR. GARY FOSHEE is a minister, counselor, speaker and author of The REDMADAFA. An expert in biblical sex and sexuality, he travels all over the world speaking at conferences, churches, men’s and women’s groups, and addiction centers. His seminar, “The Heart of Sex,” teaches God’s design for sex and how to keep the body and marriage bed pure. He has served as a chaplain for over 20 years in the United States Navy and Marine Corps, serving at Air Wings, ships, hospitals, and SEAL Team FOUR. Dr. Foshee is also a board-certified chaplain who specializes in mental health and emergency medicine. He has been married to his wife, Julie, since 1997 and they have four sons: Aspen, Gabe, Sport, and Summit.  

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title: Bankruptcy of the Spirit

author: Thelma Jacks

category: nonfiction • subcategory: currentissues • date submitted: 4.24.2021 • author id: JaThBa8121

word count: 42000


Bankruptcy of the Spirit is a coming-of-age story against a backdrop of inherited trauma.  The inherited trauma is a result of years of institutional racism enforced by Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws, first learned by the author’s surviving ancestors and then passed on from one generation to the next.  These Codes and Laws are not “dead.”  And, in some states, these laws are still on the books.  They manifest themselves in a variety of 21st century ways: unadjudicated police shootings of unarmed American males of African descent, derogatory characterizations of Americans of African descent and their culture, the cradle to prison trajectory for American males of African descent, etc.  The story pivots on how one African American female overcame this psychological murder through cultural and spiritual maturity. The transformative qualities of this manuscript suggest that racism is not overcome solely by law and regulation (behavioral change) but also must include a change in the spiritual arc of Americans---Americans of all descents.  Disparity and inhumane treatment of Americans of African descent and other marginalized people will continue without this added component.

About the Author

Thelma is the author of Bankruptcy of the Spirit, a peek into the ordinary life of a female American of African descent, examining the impact of Inherited trauma and her path to diminish its effects.  Through observation techniques learned in her training in Research/Evaluation, Thelma takes her own experiences and those seen at Philadelphia-based historically Black institutions such as Stephen Smith Home for the Aged and Women’s Christian Alliance to fashion this story.

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title: Transforming Blue Culture to Save Black Lives

author: Timothy Paul Jones

category: nonfiction • subcategory: currentissues • date submitted: 6.23.2021 • author id: JoTiTr15121

word count: 57000


Nearly all attempts to reduce police brutality have focused on external factors such as rules, policies, and punishments. Such reforms may be needed, but a far more important factor has been overlooked: the internal culture of police departments. The internal culture of police departments contributes to social distance, unchecked power, and social structures that negatively stereotype persons from ethnic minorities, particularly African Americans. Changes in leadership can result in changes in culture that can transform these internal dynamics. This book provides a solution that shows how police officers can serve as shepherds of their communities rather than merely enforcers of law and order. The book is grounded in the research and experiences of an inner-city pastor and a twenty-year veteran of a Cleveland-area police department, both of whom are husbands and fathers of multiracial families. The solutions that Dan and Timothy provide are steadfastly theological and grounded in their Christian faith; at the same time, their solutions are applicable and transferable far beyond those who are Christians.

About the Author
Daniel Reinhardt: Ph.D. in education, twenty years of service as a law-enforcement officer. Dan wrote his doctoral dissertation on Christian responses to the problems of police brutality toward minorities. Timothy Paul Jones: Ph.D. in education, teaching pastor at Sojourn Church Midtown, professor of apologetics, director of Dehoney Center for Urban Ministry Training, author or editor of more than a dozen books including Perspectives on Family Ministry, Perspectives on Your Child’s Education, Family Ministry Field Guide, and The God Who Goes Before You.

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title: The BEST FACTS: Apologetics for Every Believer

author: Nathaniel Herbst

category: nonfiction • subcategory: currentissues • date submitted: 3.25.2022 • author id: HeNaTh5822

word count: 40000


The BEST FACTS is a basic introduction to Christian apologetics. This material is fun to learn and easy to understand and remember. It equips believers to deal with doubt and defend their faith.  So many Christians are unprepared for the questions skeptical friends might ask. Having the right answer at the right time can be a game-changer. There are countless other good apologetical resources but this workbook is unique. Many apologetics books can average hundreds of pages each! They use big words many doctoral students might not understand. They are also typically focused on a single topic.  The BEST FACTS is different. It is short, simple, and comprehensive. It gives readers a cumulative, easy to remember, and coherent defense of the Christian faith. Most of the content in this book is not new. The evidence and arguments it contains are well established facts. The BEST FACTS just assembles it all in a shorter format that is easier to understand and remember.  This is a great resource endorsed by leading apologists like Josh McDowell, Frank Turek (Ph.D.), Michael Licona (Ph.D.), Gary R. Habermas (Ph.D.), Jason Jimenez and others.

About the Author
Nate Herbst, the primary author, has a a Seminary degree, a Ph.D., and has spent most of his life involved in Christian ministry. He previously hosted the God Solution, an apologetics focused radio show. In 2018, he co-founded the Great Commission Alliance (GCA), a ministry that trains thousands of believers all over the globe in evangelism and discipleship. Many GCA team members contributed in different ways to this project as well. 

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title: The Journey to Unity: Understanding the Power and Influence of Our Biology and Shared Humanity

author: Pascal Losambe

category: nonfiction • subcategory: currentissues • date submitted: 5.25.2022 • author id: LoPaTh11722

word count: 71000


The impetus to our book is traceable back to our youth. Although growing up on different continents, my co-author (African American) and I (African) have been all too aware of our skin color(blackness) and the structure of societal attitude surrounding it. Now as adults, we embrace the notion that we are more alike than different. However, this concept of shared humanity is largely ignored as our communities remain steeped in bias and division. As scientists and Christ-followers, my co-author and I understand that our need to belong is hardwired into us biologically; humans are physically designed by God for interdependence. Journey to Unity will explore why we act or feel a specific way from a scientific perspective, specifically looking at how our brains cause us to think and act in particular ways. We will show how we can use that knowledge to adjust our words and actions to make this world more inclusive for all.

About the Author

Dr. Pascal Losambe is the Co-Founder, Chief Content Officer, and consultant for Synergy Consulting Company. Dr. Losambe has a bachelor’s degree in molecular biology and biochemistry from Middlebury College and a Master of Science in biology with a focus on Neurobiology from Boston College where he received the Donald J. White award for teaching excellence, a distinguished honor given annually to graduate instructors. He has earned his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Purdue University with a focus on cultural competence.  His master’s thesis was on how Toll-like Receptor Mediated Immune Activation of Monocytes is Increased During Acute SIV Infection and AIDS. Additionally, he wrote a dissertation on cultural competence in education. Dr. Losambe has worked as an educator in several private schools and has previously served as a Diversity Coordinator. He has led strategic vision initiatives for various institutions and has conducted multiple workshops on cultural competence at national and international conferences. Dr. Losambe’s achievements include the Mosaic Award in 2018 and being invited onto the Purdue University Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Advisory Board, the Purdue University Fort Wayne College of Arts and Sciences Advisory Board, the Young Scholars Academy Board, and the Heart of Character Leadership Committee. He previously served on the Independent School Association of the Central States Equity and Justice Committee Board. Crystal Losambe is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Synergy Consulting Company. She received a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a concentration in healthcare management in 2008 from Mercer University, and a master’s degree from The Ohio State University, College of Nursing in 2011. She currently practices as a nurse practitioner certified in Family Medicine and Rheumatology Nursing. Mrs. Losambe has clinical experience in a variety of specialties, including rheumatology, neurology, hospice/palliative care, primary care, opiate addiction medicine, and bariatric medicine. She is pursuing a Doctoral degree in Nursing Practice with a certification in Healthcare Leadership at Ohio University. She has presented on various healthcare topics on national and regional/local stages. Together, Dr. and Crystal Losambe consult and present to churches, companies, and other organizations on various topics related to diversity, equity and inclusion, educational leadership, and organizational culture. Dr. Losambe is the primary presenter for the United Front Initiative, a city and regional program with the goal of bringing unity and reconciliation to the region (from corporations to churches and educational institutions). Dr. and Mrs. Losambe are the curriculum developers for this program. This regional initiative has reached over 500 companies and 10,000+ people in its first year.

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title: Preparing for Persecution

author: Reed Waggoner

category: nonfiction • subcategory: currentissues • date submitted: 7.26.2022 • author id: WaRePr17622

word count: 80000


The cultural climate in the United States of America has shifted away from biblical values at an alarming pace over the past several decades. The once privileged place of Christianity in American life has all but evaporated. For the first time, talk of persecution in America seems plausible. What, if anything, can Christians do to prepare? Preparing for Persecution contends that the church can prepare for persecution by putting on a biblical mindset--but the mindset-shift necessary for weathering persecution is neither natural nor comfortable to the status quo of American Christianity. The church must learn to think differently about persecution, God, the gospel and themselves if they would be properly equipped to endure trials.

About the Author
Reed Waggoner is a church planter in the Midwest. He currently serves on the staff at Berea Bible Church in Springfield, Ohio as well as the East Region Field Director for Midwest Church Extension, a church planting agency. Reed enjoys shepherding God's flock as well as connecting with and encouraging other pastors.

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title: The Nihilistic West: How Meaningless Living is Destroying Us—and Three Keys to Fix It

author: Mark D'Souza

category: nonfiction • subcategory: currentissues • date submitted: 6.17.2023 • author id: D'MaTh13523

word count: 54000


In an era plagued by a crisis of meaning, societal fractures have deepened despite material prosperity. The consequences are evident: job losses over ideological differences, polarized politicians, and the unrelenting grip of the opioid crisis. How did we arrive at this juncture, and is there hope for redemption?   The Nihilistic West offers a compelling examination for the intellectually curious. It unearths the origins of our modern affliction—the demise of God as postulated by Nietzsche—and explores the emergence of replacement religions like social justice warriors, diversity-inclusivity-equity, victimhood, climate alarmism, and vaccine hesitancy. Crafted for centrist and right-of-center readers, this book provides practical solutions. By promoting free speech, rediscovering traditional religious values, and fostering personal responsibility, we can repair the frayed fabric of society. With 14 chapters spanning 54 000 words, the manuscript incorporates over 50 relevant images, graphs, and cultural references. Written by an experienced medical practitioner specializing in addictions and chronic pain, the author's unique insight sheds light on the underlying malaise.   The Nihilistic West empowers readers to confront the world's meaning crisis head-on and actively contribute to its restoration. Join the quest to revitalize society and rediscover purpose in an uncertain world.

About the Author
Dr. Mark D’Souza is a Canadian physician with extensive experience in addiction and chronic pain management. His medical practice, coupled with a lifelong passion for the humanities, provides a unique perspective on societal issues. He has published serial opinion editorials in Canada, and has had extensive local media exposure, including TV and radio appearances, and advocacy roles in healthcare organizations. Dr. D’Souza is on faculty at Queen’s University’s Department of Family Medicine.

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title: Understanding Homosexuality and Transgenderism

author: Lester Zimmerman

category: nonfiction • subcategory: currentissues • date submitted: 12.20.2023 • author id: ZiLeUn34223

word count: 34000


The discussion around homosexuality and transgenderism can be really confusing and fraught with emotion. Even among Christians you find varying opinions and interpretations of scripture. In this book we take another look at what the bible has to say, along with scientific insights from practitioners in the field working with homosexuality and gender issues. No one has fully figured out why some people struggle with sexual identity issues. There is no pattern that fits everyone, so we do well to approach this subject from a place of humility. We are all broken, and we each have our own battle to overcome. As followers of Jesus, we are called to reflect his heart of love and compassion. We are to be full of grace and truth as we engage our broken world. My hope is that this book will bring hope, clarity, and help to all those struggling with their sexual identity. I also pray it brings a deeper level of understanding and compassion to those walking alongside them. My heart’s cry is to see people walk in freedom from the host of struggles that are part of living in this fallen world. Our country and world are in crisis on many levels. This book focuses on a deepening crisis where our identity as male or female is being questioned. The Judeo-Christian biblical moral standard and understanding of sexuality has been thrown out and replaced with a multitude of sexual identities that you can choose from. This attack on sexual identity is not only against us but against God himself who created us in his likeness and image and established a moral standard for us to live by. As Creator and God, he gets to establish the boundaries for humanity. My heart is especially broken for children who are being indoctrinated with ungodly ideology and are abused with puberty blockers and surgeries to alter their bodies. I cry for the children. In this book I provide a biblical perspective and response to some of the arguments put forth by the homosexual and transgender communities.

About the Author
I have been a Lead Pastor for over 40 years and am the founding pastor of Petra Church in New Holland, PA., which has grown to 1600. I presently give leadership to Hopewell Network of International Churches. I also lead "Zimmerman Leadership Consulting". I have a background in counseling and leader development. I have a Master of Ministry Degree and have authored and co-authored several books. My heart is to help the church be a safe caring community and to see Jesus heal the broken places in our lives.

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