
title: A Pouch Full of Miracles

author: Jarmila V. Del Boccio

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.30.2012 • author id: DeJ6006812

word count: 17


Soon to be 13, Toviah is sent on a that he would rather not engage in. The fish in the river, and the warm spring air entice him to leave his responsibilities behind, and continue his boyhood forever. When he meets Jesus face to face, many miracles occur, not the least of which is a change of heart. Every Sunday School child has heard the story of the feeding of the 5,000, one of Jesus' many miracles, which is commonly told through the eyes of Jesus and the disciples. But, what about the lad who offered his fish and loaves? Where did he come from, and what brought him to Andrew's side, making him aware of a solution to a dilemma? {ITL}A Pouch Full of Miracles{NRM} is a 2,400 word picture book for older children (8-12), written to plant the idea that life is not always easy, but obedience and hard work, along with a willingness to serve, will bring multiple blessings.

About the Author

Jarmila Del Boccio is a wife, mother and home educator who has a passion for making History and Scripture come alive for her readers. Her degrees in Education and Library Science, along with her teaching experience in children's ministries and Precepts Inductive Studies at her local church give credence to this work of Biblical fiction. Jarmila's has published works in {ITL}Thriving Family, The Old Schoolhouse{NRM} and {ITL}Angels on Earth{NRM} magazines. Her social media connections include FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest and a Travel/Writer's blog: Jarmila Del Boccio is well-connected in the Home Educators and Writers world to allow for marketing exposure.

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title: The Divine Deal

author: Sherry Matthews Plaster

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.30.2012 • author id: PlS2920312

word count: 110


Twenty-five million teenagers in this country eagerly look ahead to adulthood with high hopes of living happy, successful lives. They have already learned that forbidden things have a secret charm, and many see observing God's law as burdensome and boring, {ITL}The Divine Deal{NRM} educates young people about God's specific instructions for life. This fourteen-chapter Bible study takes students straight into Scripture to answer life's important questions: What is most important in life? Who am I? Does my life have purpose? What are God's promises now for living as he intended? Each chapter includes questions for self-examination.

About the Author
Sherry Matthews Plaster is a first-time author. {ITL}The Divine Deal{NRM} was written for her children to help educate and inspire them to live Christian lives. Sherry has thirty-five years of experience in life as a Christian and in studying God's Word. She has marketing and public-speaking experience and will speak to youth groups, youth camps, orphanages, and juvenile detention facilities to promote the book.

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title: Can the Sad Come Out?

author: Laurie Trachta

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.30.2012 • author id: TrL9174512

word count: 31


This work reaches out to children on the topic of death, addressing their questions and anticipating their worries or fears. This tool facilitates the parent in bringing about the beginning of understanding for the child. It could also be used at mortuaries, funeral homes, convalescent hospitals, and churches. Field-testing shows very positive response from children and also from adult readers.

About the Author
Laurie Trachta is the mother of two and grandmother of four and a teacher for thirty-two years of people of all ages from children to adults. Her work has included work with gang members. She has traveled widely.

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title: How to Grow a Puppy

author: Suzan Preuss

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.30.2012 • author id: PrS4862611

word count: 35


How to Grow a Puppy was written as a timeless children's story to show kids in the 9-12 age group that it can be fun and rewarding to work hard, be honest and responsible. The lessons that Tommy, the main character, and his friend learned as they experienced adventure, high hopes and a few unexpected twists and turns while trying to earn money so that Tommy could buy his first puppy, were "lightly woven" into the tale. The story goal is to open dialog between parents and children, and teachers and students about the value of these very important life skills.

About the Author
This wife, mom, daughter and berry farm worker was also guest editor for the August 25-27th 1989 issue of USA Weekend. She submitted an article about our favorite family vacation destination, and was chosen to be a guest editor. "I write from my heart, and I simply put the words on paper that God shares with me."

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title: Ordinary Kids

author: Karen Hutchins Pirnot

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: PiK3423212

word count:


Most children possess incredible innate abilities to problem-solve and to assist one another in times of ordinary and extraordinary events. {ITL}The Ordinary Kids{NRM} book series places children in just such situations and helps them develop the resources essential to solving problems common to children of their respective ages. Every book in the series features a special needs character. Special needs children are becoming more and more prominent in school systems worldwide. There is currently no series for mid-grade children in which special needs characters live the same dreams as non-special needs children. {ITL}The Ordinary Kids{NRM} series fills that void. It fills it with adventure, curiosity and compassion such that young children learn from their experiences.

About the Author
Dr. Karen Hutchins Pirnot has worked with children and families in various capacities for several decades. As a homemaker with three children, she initially did paraprofessional work in school and hospital settings. She then returned to school and obtained the Doctorate Degree in Psychology at the University of Iowa and became a licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. For years, she worked extensively in the human services and juvenile justice systems as well as various school and hospital settings. Dr. Pirnot worked with special needs children as well as children and families experiencing transitions and tragedies.

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title: The Fig Tree

author: Ron Ringenberg

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: RiR4654012

word count:


This children's picture book explores the several mentions of the fig tree in the gospel accounts in fictional form. The fig tree tells its story in first person relating its encounters with Jesus until it can finally testify/witness to God's love for it and for the reader.

About the Author
The writer states, "I'm a first-time grandfather and care about my granddaughter's understanding of God as she grows and matures. I grew up with a picture of God as a one to be feared and my faith beginnings were clearly based on fear. I love my granddaughter and want to her to understand that God loves her even more than I do. And, God loves all of creation. I'm the Vice President at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary and my wife is a pastor in the Mennonite Church."

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title: Easter Bunny's Amazing Day

author: Cathy Gilmore

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: GiC6301112

word count: 40


For every child munching jelly beans and chocolate bunny ears on Easter morning, authors Carol Benoist and Cathy Gilmore lean close to whisper, "But wait, there's more!" In his own words, the Easter Bunny shares his story; a tale of action, adventure, miracles and great love-all beautifully illustrated by Saint Louis artist, Jonathan Sundy. The response to the tale has been remarkable. In Spring 2012, with limited distribution and zero budget for marketing- nearly 3,000 books were sold in ten weeks in just one selling market. Even older children and adults are visibly and deeply touched. Parents, grandparents and teachers are grateful to have a gentle, but compelling, way to convey the Easter story to little ones. Easter Bunny's AMAZING Day enables children (and adults) to use their imaginations to encounter Jesus in a profoundly personal way through the experiences of the bunny. As full copyright holders for the book and illustrations, the authors now seek a publisher who is positioned to share this story with families everywhere.

About the Author
Co-author Cathy Gilmore, a married mother of three, is inspired by her experience leading Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a Bible study for 3-9 year olds. A home school educator for seven years, her joy is to create endearing stories that touch young hearts with the love of Christ. Cathy Gilmore,502 Stephanie Lane , Manchester MO 63011. Co-author Carol Benoist is married and the mother of four grown children and "Nana" to four. This book was born of her desire to help children everywhere understand the true meaning of Easter. Carol was instrumental in developing a national Bible study, The Cornerstone Scripture Study. Carol Benoist, #30 Broadview Farm, Saint Louis, MO 63141. Illustrator: Jonathan Sundy works professionally as Director of Industrial Design for Metaphase Design Group in St. Louis, MO.

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title: Dear Gracie

author: Deborah Dale

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: DaD4210412

word count: 92


Ten-year-old Gracie and her great-grandparents write letters after Gracie and her parents move away while her father attends seminary. Grand Gracie Pearl and Granddaddy JD nurture Gracie through stories, history, and pearls of wisdom. Gracie tells about her church, school, activities, and her friends, including Himari and Mei who are from Japan and Catherine who develops cancer. Gracie grows through experiences with her friends and through the letters from her great-grandparents. As the book ends, Gracie's father reveals his call to the mission field and asks Gracie, "How would you like to move to Japan?" This question leads to books in the planning stages. In one book, Gracie writes about her life in Japan. Catherine writes Gracie about her continuing quest to help kids with cancer through Catherine's Cap Club, which Gracie and her friends established in Dear Gracie. In another book, we are planning Dear Gracie recipes for children.

About the Author
Deborah Dale and co-author Brenda Roberts are writers and teachers. Their work has appeared in {ITL}Mature Living, Pockets, Christian Home and School, Kentucky Teacher, The Good News, SOKY Happenings{NRM}, and area newspapers. Deborah serves as director and teacher of an ESL ministry to Japanese families. Brenda teaches elementary language arts. Possible promotional items include {ITL}Dear Gracie{NRM} journals, prayer journals, stationery, cards, bookmarks, key chains, and Catherine's Cap Club caps and t-shirts. The authors plan to donate a percentage of the profits earned from promotional items to children's hospitals and charities. A {ITL}Dear Gracie{NRM} website will allow children and their parents to post stories they want to share and will include information about a proposed nonprofit organization, Catherine's Cap Club, to benefit children's hospitals and charities.

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title: Secrets in the Land of Cheese

author: Katiera Pfeister

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children: 9-12 • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: PfK4420312

word count:


{ITL}Secrets in the Land of Cheese{NRM} is the story of Maggie Pierce, a sixth grade girl who has moved to a new town. She struggles with fears, frustrations and finding her identity as she tries to live up to her responsibilities at home and school. As she strives, Maggie learns that God can and will help her as she talks to Him and trusts his ways. Maggie also finds mysterious letters in her new home. As she investigates the meaning of the letters she makes several new friends in the town, learns about World War 2 and Cold War History and helps her town to heal from the wounds of a girl who has been missing for thirty years.

About the Author
The writer is the wife of a soldier who is currently serving in Afghanistan and the mother of three. Katiera earned a bachelor's degree in counseling from Grace College and then went on to study education at the University of Pennsylvania and Tiffin University. Katiera taught in Philadelphia and now writes curriculum for a girl's ministry. She has a passion for discipleship and seeing children learn to live for Jesus.

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title: Why Did God Make Dinosaurs?

author: Geoffrey & Ramy Black

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.24.2012 • author id: BlG9150412

word count:


This picture book for young readers tells the story of a little boy's quest to discover why God made such strange and wonderful creatures. It begins in a vast museum with the boy gazing up at a looming edifice of enormous bones and sharp teeth. As his imagination takes him on a journey with children and living dinosaurs from around the word, he struggles to solve the mystery. Just when it seems as though he'll never know, he discovers the surprising answer only a child could see. This 32 page picture book for children under eight is fully illustrated and has a word count of 233.

About the Author
Geoffrey's background at Universal Pictures working in feature film development on numerous family films including {ITL}Babe, The Flintstones{NRM}, and {ITL}Jurassic Park{NRM}, and Ramya's experience at Disney and DreamWorks as an animation artist on such films as {ITL}The Prince of Egypt, Hercules{NRM}, and {ITL}Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five{NRM} served as a perfect training ground for their collaboration as creators of books for children that inspire and stretch the imagination. Geoffrey holds a BA in Communication from USC, and Ramya is a graduate of the Walt Disney Feature Animation Training Program. Geoffrey was a finalist and a semifinalist respectively in the 2009 and 2010 Write of Passage writing contest and Ramya won several awards for painting in her native Sri Lanka. Members at The Church on the Way in Van Nuys, California, they both serve in Children's Ministries. {ITL}Why Did God Make Dinosaurs?{NRM} would be their debut picture book.

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title: Mary's Little Lamb

author: Betsy Hutton

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.31.2012 • author id: HuB3203412

word count: 19


{ITL}Mary's Little Lamb{NRM} begins in the stable the night Jesus was born. Twin lambs were also born in the stable that night, and one of the lambs leaves with the Holy Family, first traveling to Egypt and then Nazareth. Lamb and Jesus grow up together under the loving care of Mary and Josephy. Lamb is part of the family, but one day they leave Nazareth without taking him. He secretly follows them to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover, and when Jesus does not return with his family, Lamb's health is compromised. Will he ever see his shepherd again?

About the Author
The writer states, "{ITL}Mary's Little Lamb{NRM} was a joy to write because of the on-going curiosity I have of what would have been like growing up as a member of the Holy Family. I have a master's degree in reading, and I work as a reading coach for a middle school in northern Florida. I am active in my church, First Presbyterian, and I am always grateful that our good Lord never gives up on me."

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title: Tobi's Big Catch

author: Bill Blomquist

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: BlB9161012

word count: 18


Based on the Miracle of the Feeding of the 5,000, {ITL}Tobi's Big Catch{NRM} is a story of a young boy who lives with his mother in a fishing village just off the Sea of Galilee. His dream is to a "real fisherman" like the ones "out there on the lake." After one frustrating day of fishing he is heading home across the golden meadow with his "two measly fish - barely enough to feed a turtle" when he is approached by a young man who "needs these fish more than you do". There is a bit of scuffle, which leaves Tobi left behind on the ground, sitting in the middle of his net. He watches the young man bring his fish into a circle of men who turn out to be the disciples. As the story unfolds the "young Rabbi" calls Tobi and invites him into the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. He develops a special relationship with the young Rabbi, who speaks to him in his own language and turns out to be a very likable person. During the miracle, Tobi and Jesus squat down on the ground and talk about dreams and family. The "young Rabbi" shows Tobi how to weave his net so he won't ever again loose the big catch, "no matter how many fish you catch". The story nears the end with a reunion of Tobi, his mother, "the young Rabbi", and his infant sister, Rachel, up the slope and under an oak tree, where the special relationship between his mother and "the young Rabbi is revealed."

About the Author
Bill Blomquist has enjoyed writing songs and stories for thirty years, particularly in the areas of the Gospel narratives for children. His creative efforts are laced with joy, humor, and poignancy.

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title: Ezra, the Boy Who Walked with Jesus

author: T.R. Hollingsworth

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: NonUS12

word count:


Twelve-year-old Ezra, the son of Simon Peter, is a working member of a fisherman's family in a worth with friends and neighbors who might have been typical of the time. Ezra is troubled and excited, curious and admiring, when it comes to Jesus, a newcomer in their everyday lives. With careful attention to Scriptural accuracy, Jesus (man and God) is presented as a person who lived in the real world among the people of Galilee. The author hopes that readers will see Jesus the savior as their friend a person interested in their lives and problems, willing to listen and be involved. Ezra gets an up-close view of Jesus, traveling as often as he can with the group of disciples and seeing how Jesus interacted with the people they meet. Ezra also attends lessons with a disbelieving synagogue master and carries on a secret friendship with a forbidden Roman child.

About the Author
For the past twenty years, after retiring from a public school teaching career, T.R. Hollingsworth has her time to write and edit. Her first book, {ITL}Tune in to a Television Career{NRM}, was published by Simon & Schuster's Julian Messner. Since then she's had many articles published in {ITL}God's World Today, Cricket{NRM}, and various educational publications. She has written two church histories and is now editing articles for Maryland's {ITL}Life Style{NRM} magazine and completing an adult novel.

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title: Mary's Little Lamb

author: Betsy Hutton

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: HuB3203412

word count: 19


{ITL}Mary's Little Lamb{NRM} begins in the stable the night Jesus was born. Twin lambs were also born that night, and one of the lambs leaves with the Holy Family, first traveling to Egypt and then to Nazareth. Lamb and Jesus grow up together under the loving care of Mary and Joseph. Lamb is part of the family for years, but one day the others leave Nazareth without taking him. He secretly follows them to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover, and when Jesus does not return with his family, Lamb is afraid. Will he ever see his shepherd again?

About the Author
Betsy Hutton holds a master's degree in reading, and she works as a reading coach for a middle school in northern Florida. She is active in her church, First Presbyterian.

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title: A Common Ordinary Donkey:

author: Rebekah Clark

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: ClR3712912

word count: 28


The story is about a young donkey named Charcoal who carries an important man through the city, provoking the haughty young horse Amira to jealousy. After hearing a story from his mother about an event her father experienced as a foal, Charcoal believes the man he carried is the Messiah. Then Amira informs him that the man was executed as a criminal. Unwilling to believe her, he sets out with her to find the Messiah's tomb, where they witness an event that not only settles their doubts but changes their lives.

About the Author
The writer is a graduate of Bob Jones University with a BA in English.

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title: God's Treasure

author: Joan Stevenson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: StJ3390312

word count: 32


Freshly and colorfully told in simple verse, the story shows a child discovering God's awesome artistry and love. As Ben journeys to and explores the Patchwork Isle, his senses are awakened to God's creation, which unfolds in a spectacular scene beheld from the top of a banyan tree. Each page includes a Scripture reference that ties in to the short poetic stanza for that page. The evocative language suggests textile illustration in vibrant colors, and shimmer for the "sequin sea" (a natural tie-in for marketing in the popular quilting circuit as well as in Christian markets).

About the Author
Joan Stevenson is a great lover of God and of his creation. She has been widely published in children's magazines and has written one book, Search and Solve Bible Puzzlers.

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title: Once Upon a Summer

author: Kymberly Miller Renkoski

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: ReK6314112

word count: 117


In this whimsical chapter book, ten-year-old Hadley Lucy visits her grandmother in rural Missouri. Hadley and Hannabelle discover they are very much alike with their cheerful, expectant approach to life. They have many summer adventures attending church, discovering Nana's past in the attic, and tending to chores on the farm. It is a magical summer!

About the Author
Kymberly Renkoski writes, "I am a women's health nurse practitioner and this book is based on my summers with my grandmothers. I have been in my profession for 29 years and believe in the mentoring of children and young women particularly, by grandparents. I speak on women's health in churches and for pharmaceutical companies."

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title: Zach's Attack

author: Johanna Meyer

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: MeJ9239912

word count: 9


When Zach's dog, Bella, is missing, he searches for her and rescues her from the bottom of a deep hole. But he is hurt in the process, and his health deteriorates. Eventually he is diagnosed with Lyme Disease. The story highlights how God is with us no matter what hardships we face. Zach has to figure out what to do when life does not make sense and God is not working in the way he expects.

About the Author
Johanna Meyer has two family members with Lyme Disease and has watched their journey through it.

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title: God Gave You a Power

author: Dottie Szypulski

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: SzD0606312

word count: 22


Written to show children we each have special gifts given to us by God, which come in the form of talents and skills or as special abilities such as being extra patient and very caring, the writer hopes to illustrate to children that these are the gifts God expects us to use to enrich the world. But when we are young, we need to practice and learn to master our gifts. Then when we become adults, we can use our gifts -- our special Powers -- to do good for others. Each left page will illustrate a child doing something-- playing with blocks, doing homework, helping a friend, etc. Each right page will show that child grown up using that skill in his/her job. "I purposely chose less common professions most children are not generally exposed to as opposed to professions such as a doctor, a nurse, or a teacher. As the book progresses, the children depicted get older. The first page, for example, will be a pre-schooler and then the last page will be a student in high school. Both genders and a variety of ethnic cultures will be represented.

About the Author
Dottie Szypulski, a writer, fabric artist, and motivational speaker, has been the proprietor of both writing and quilting businesses and was a correspondent for two local newspapers. She currently writes a faith-sharing and quilting blog: This book has been used to complement the author's motivational talks, Another Way to Pray (see the blog: The main goal of her presentation is to help others recognize their unique gifts and put those gifts to work.

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title: Toboggan

author: Randy Van Dyke

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: VaR0193812

word count: 2


The writer summarizes, "This picture book is about a Toboggan ride that I took as a boy with my brother and a friend. The grand adventure is as epic as it is ordinary. Three very young men trudge through the dark and cold to put their courage to the test and jump a brook that runs through the family farm. We sit with them as they consider the challenge from atop the hill, brave the elements and deny the urge to turn aside. Their ride is our ride every time we are daring enough to go new places, persevere when things get tough or learn new skills that test our character and require us to "pray God that (we) would last."

About the Author
Randy says, "I remember this experience vividly. I like children, toboggans and read aloud picture books. I am attempting to maintain childlikeness as I raise my seven kids. I still count the quality of the winter by how many times we go sledding. I graduated from Gordon College with a BA in English." Randy is UPS driver and a student at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.

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title: Mommy, Why do Birds Chirp?

author: Khadijah Abdus-Salaam

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: AbK2078212

word count: 9


A curious six-year-old girl, Asia, is awakened by the birds outside of her window. She is annoyed and wants to get rid of them. She goes to her mother to ask what to do about them, but instead of complying, her mother opens Asia's eyes and ears to the beauty of what she is hearing. She teaches Asia that the birds are praising God in their own way, and reminds her to appreciate the beauty of his creation. Her mother also teaches her about God's love and care for his creation.

About the Author
Khadijah Abdus-Salaam is an Infant/Toddler Teacher at KinderCare Learning Center in Laurel, MD, and also a graduate student at Howard University's School of Education in Washington, DC. She is a member of Kingdom Harvest Ministries in Landover, MD, and also affiliated with Church of Deliverance in Bridgeton, NJ.

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title: The Eighth Voyage of Sinbad

author: Robert Rogland

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: RoR9801412

word count: 234


The Eighth Voyage of Sinbad tells how Sinbad the Sailor sets out on a pilgrimage to Mecca. Sinbad is a devout Muslim, but is unsure he is good enough to please Allah. He takes with him Selassie, a young Christian slave. Sinbad and Selassie encounter one action-packed danger after another - the book reads almost like an old-fashioned Saturday morning serial. Dialogs between Sinbad and Selassie are interspersed among the action sequences. At last, after his many adventures and growing doubts about Islam, Sinbad comes to trust in Christ through the persistent, winsome witness of Selassie.

About the Author
Rogland is author of one other children's book, Pinocchio's Quest (Christian Liberty Press, 2000), and also a Bible study manual for adults, Romans: A Study Manual (Presbyterian and Reformed, 1988); both books are still in print. He has presented seminars on writing at ACSI Christian teacher conventions.

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title: Why Do We Go to Church?

author: Victoria Stankus

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: StV6244812

word count:


Using simple language and a scenario that most children can identify with, this book explains the reasons behind church attendance to children in the 8-12 age range. The book includes dialogue from Jack (a 10-year-old boy), his mother, and his father. When Jack wants to stay home from church and play video games, his parents use scripture to discuss specific reasons for attending church and fellowshipping with other Christians.

About the Author
Victoria Stankus has an associate's degree in biblical studies from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. She has worked with children on a regular basis at her local church, and is a homeschooling mother of two. It is her desire to help other parents discuss difficult questions with their children, helping them to grow in their relationship with the Lord. The first question she tackled was in a self-published book titled What is Communion? Usage of the book has been favorable by parents and grandparents.

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title: Alphabet Faces

author: Holly W. Tillman

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: TiH1775407

word count:


This is a children's alphabet book enhanced with emotions. Photographs of children depict different emotions corresponding to the alphabet letters. Each child's name supports the letter sound. There are no consonant blends to encourage the pure sound recognition for early learners. Each page includes a Bible verse that relates to the given emotion. There is an animal or flower on each page that also supports the letter sound. Six countries are represented in this book as well as many multicultural names given to the children. The meanings of each child's name also correspond to the emotions in some cases. The combination of alphabet and emotions is a great starting point for early learners. This book will appeal to preschool through second grade as well as alphabet book collectors. Adults reading this book to children will also be encouraged by the practical suggestions of the Bible verses.

About the Author
Tillman's educational background includes a BA in sociology and elementary education. She has owned and operated a preschool for twenty years, giving much insight into teaching the fundamentals of early learning. Her motivation in putting this, her first book, together is a passion for learning, combined with a love for children, and the desire to see them become more familiar with the Bible verses while understanding their emotions.

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title: Happiness is a Blue Horse

author: Katherine A. Leland

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.30.2011 • author id: LeK9262711

word count: 14


This story is about a blue horse and his relationship with a ten-year-old boy. The horse wants to be loved for who he is, but he can find only temporary love from people who find him useful. When people realize he isn't what they expected, he is discarded, despite being a hard worker, and exhibiting a happy nature. Meanwhile, his wild imagination allows him to believe what he saw (a blue horse), which encourages ridicule from his peers. The little boy is searching for the blue horse, and the horse is searching for a loving home. At the end of the story, to the surprise and delight of both, they are united.

About the Author
Katherine Leland has been an artist for the past 40 years and was inspired to write this story by her painting of a blue horse, which can be seen on her website: She has two college degrees, a master of arts in psychology, and at age 44 returned to school to obtain an RN. Her passion is oil painting and she has loved horses since childhood. She has been on medical missions to the Holy Land, Malawi Africa and most recently to Haiti.

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title: Little Truck without a Load

author: Andrea R. Crooks

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.30.2011 • author id: CrA5262711

word count: 32


To convey the truth that God has created every precious child with unique gifts and abilities, the work uses a theme carried out through this story of talking trucks. The main character, Little Blue, is a delivery truck stuck in a for sale lot. He desperately wants to carry a load, so much so that he thinks he can do what a dump truck, cement truck, semi, and a "mudding" pick-up can do. When he is overlooked by buyers who choose Grunt (dump truck), Old Gray (cement mixer), and Pepe, (pick-up who mostly speaks Spanish), Big Red, the kind semi, encourages him. Little Blue finds his purpose and the gladness that follows. Partial tie-in message at end: "And dear little child, wherever you are, at home or school or in the car, our God made you with special care; He likes your face, your toes, your hair! And like Little Blue, you'll one day see . . ."

About the Author
The writer is an Iowa school teacher of English, Spanish, and Special Ed (35 years). She has been a children's ministry worker, (director and teacher), for 27 years with access to church markets. Her self-published picture book The Little Red Sled (Ronald Jay Publishing); sold through churches, schools, book signings, book stores, and has now sold approximately 600.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Calico Bunny and the Fruit of the Spirit Series:

author: Jennifer Hamilton

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.30.2011 • author id: HaJ1754011

word count: 6


The book opens in the early hours of Christmas morning where a young girl named Savannah is eagerly waiting to open her Christmas gift, a calico bunny. Savannah exclaims her love for her Christmas gift, opening an opportunity for Savannah's mother to tell a story of real love, the day Jesus was born. At the end of the day, Savannah has learned about the depth of God's love and what it looks like to love others. This book is the first in a series of eight, based on Galatians 5:22-23.

About the Author
Jennifer Hamilton studied English with an emphasis on creative writing at Northern Arizona University and served as missions journalist for BCM International's BCM World magazine. She is mother of three.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Alligators, Dumbbells, and the Dirty Dog

author: Dennis Heritage

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.30.2011 • author id: HeD4406011

word count: 6


The story follows a father and young son through a day they share together. Everywhere they go, and in everything they do, they encounter everyday objects and places that have a little-known Christian backstory. The young son and the father take turns telling or reading out loud the backstories to each other, with warmth and good humor. With these familiar, specific, concrete examples in their memories, preschool and primary age children will know that their faith is relevant to everyday life. Kids will see that the Christian faith has shaped their world in varied and unexpected ways. Adults also will have their faith affirmed and be quite surprised by what they learn. This manuscript is a 2012 revision of a previously accepted proposal in 2009. The book has an altogether new and more appealing unifying structure. Weaker content has been edited out, the result being a more concise and more sharply focused manuscript. It also now better conforms to the 32 page industry standard. Author has also followed through on miscellaneous suggestions made by the editor at Writer's Edge Service. As an college instructor of Childen's Literature, I believe the manuscript is "ready for business."

About the Author
Dennis Heritage was a professional children's librarian for 30 years. He now teaches Children's Literature at Lakeland Community College in Kirtland, Ohio. He has many contacts with librarians in public libraries; with local schools, both public and private; and with bookstores, both Christian and large-chain secular. Also, NE Ohio is one of the prime listening areas in the country for Christian radio.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The White Feather

author: Derrick Howard

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.30.2011 • author id: HoD8044611

word count:


The White Feather is a mystery/adventure book for juvenile readers. In this story, young Sam Dixon living in Italy must find a stolen manuscript and clear the name of his friend, while dodging a gang of thieves. "Derrick Howard shows a good knowledge of story structure. The pacing of his book kept me reading. I think the story would really appeal to boys. Searching for treasure and solving mysteries is something that middle readers would like. The book had a very contemporary feel to it with the boys using modern technology to solve a crime while at the same time there was an innocence and nostalgic tone that felt very 1950s Hardy Boys," states Sharon Dunn, author of the Ruby Taylor Mysteries.

About the Author
The writer has worked with youth part-time for eighteen years as a coach and mentor. He has the ability to write in a way young readers relate to and understand. He hopes that this book, and ones to follow in a series, will be a wholesome and fun source of reading for middle-grade kids.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: God Made the World as a Gift for You

author: Rachel MacDonald

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.30.2011 • author id: MaR5512911

word count: 5


This children's picture book demonstrates how God fashioned all creation as a gift for humanity, a gift for our joy, but also a gift of revelation to make known the invisible qualities of the Lord through the natural world. {ITL}God Made the World as a Gift for You{NRM} is a tool of instruction, not only for children, but for Christian parents seeking resources to reinforce ecological stewardship and Creationist beliefs in a culture of evolutionary thought. "My book inspires children to look beyond the creation story and see the natural world, and God's love for them, in a fresh way. It joins a cultural conversation on Creation vs. Evolution and represents a resource for Creationists attempting to teach children about God as the Creator. The book's emphasis on responsible ecological stewardship also aligns with a Green publishing market that promotes environmental conservationalist thinking."

About the Author
Rachel MacDonald has been a professional freelance writer, editor, instructor, and marketer since 2006, gaining work experience in mass media, corporate, and academic environments. She holds a BA in Creative Writing (University of Minnesota) and is nearing completion of an MA in English (University of St. Thomas), where she holds a prestigious fellowship for academic excellence.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Emma Sue Has Something To Do!

author: Cheryl A. Moen

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.30.2011 • author id: MoC5594711

word count: 17


Subtitled {ITL}The Thank-You Book Every Adult Should Share with the Children in Their Lives{NRM}. The theme here is gratitude and the need to express it. Emma Sue is a little girl who has always been polite and who has always said the words "thank you." But her Sunday School lesson this particular Sunday about the ten lepers teaches her a whole new appreciation for expressing gratitude. As a result, she can't wait to get busy, writing a thank you letter to her grandmother for the birthday money Emma received the previous week. Through the class discussion about the story, and later, through her continued discussion with her mother, Emma Sue realizes that God needs to hear our gratitude, too, for the countless blessings He has given us. Carefully designed aids such as a quick spelling sheet of common words used in thank you letters, sample thank you letters, and grids for practice in writing these letters all help the child put the message of the book into action.

About the Author
Cheryl Moen writes, "I'm a PK (preacher's kid) and a retired high school English teacher with 35 years in the public classroom. For more than 30 years, I have written numerous articles for {ITL}Christian Standard, The Lookout,{NRM} and {ITL}Restoration Herald{NRM}. I have also been the featured speaker for women's retreats and special events. Having taught literally several thousand students during my career, I have a 'built-in' readership of parents of former students, former students and now the children, and even grandchildren of former students."

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Angie and Vinnie Best Friends Forever

author: Pamela Douglass

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.30.2011 • author id: DoP8951111

word count: 4


Eight-year-old Ben relates lessons he learns from his two family pets, their relationship with one another, and the antics of their daily lives. The book is meant to impart deep eternal values of loving and caring for one another throughout the span of a lifetime. The book also teaches simple life rules, such as minding your own business and staying away from dangerous places. In drawing from my own life with my young four-year-old son and two family pets after the loss of my husband at the age of 32, I took great comfort in the parallels of relationships. Whether you're a person or family critter, God made life about relationships. How we are molded and shaped by them matters.

About the Author
Pamela Douglass writes, "My college education in human development and family studies and a minor emphasis on elementary education has helped me to look at the world through the eyes of a child."

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Tiny Friar and the Midnight Munch

author: Annie Poeston

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.29.2011 • author id: PoA3341411

word count: 40


A Metered Tale: The Uncaring Oooodles have lots of food, lots of "stuff" and ice dubes for hearts. The unhappy Boodles have lots of hunger, lots of "nothing" and tears for hearts. Enter centuries-old Tiny Friar who opens Oooodle minds to Booodle needs with a Midnight Munch chock full of special ingredients. In the end Tiny Friar departs, but love and wisdom remain. And in the end all Boodles and Oooodles have hearts.

About the Author
The writer is a former Lockheed tech writer/Navy illustrator. She writes parables in rhyme, and in 2006 E.T. Nedder, Publishing of Tucson did a modest Tomboy Angels, cartoon book in B&W.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Little Mustard Seed

author: Rebecca Moore

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.29.2011 • author id: MoRNonUS11

word count: 4


The Little Mustard Seed is a heartwarming tale depicting the potential that God sees in us all. Sometimes life can feel a little scary and God can feel a long way away but, as the Little Mustard Seed learns, God is always near, taking care of us even when it doesn't seem that way. Before we know it God's wonderful plan for our life is revealed and it usually blesses those around us. The Little Mustard Seed is the first in a series of children's picture books that helps children (and adults) to deal with difficult times in their lives. It leaves a lingering, timeless message that helps us to see that there is a 'bigger picture', and that life is about more than just what meets the eye.

About the Author
Rebecca Moore lives on Ilkley Mountain, Queensland, Australia with her handsome husband and four adventurous children who inspire her stories. She has been daydreaming and writing since her childhood, and has a passion to help children to see God in their everyday lives. Rebecca is currently studying a degree in writing and in her spare time, teaches babies and children how to swim and to play the piano (not at the same time, of course).

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The First Christmas Day

author: Annie Poeston

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.26.2011 • author id: PoA3341411A

word count: 40


This rhymed, metered story-play teaches about the birth of Jesus. Illustrations feature children as "actors." On each page, footprints lead from harder words to easy explanatory footnotes. The "actors" in their roles are Charming and the book reads well aloud.

About the Author
Annie Poeston is a former Navy illustrator and Lockheed technical writer. She wrote and illustrated Tomboy Angels (E.T. Nedder Publishing, 2006). She has taught middle schoolers and helped with workshops.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Grandma's Saturday Night Scatterbug

author: Jane Haseldine-Cole

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.26.2011 • author id: HaJ7081011

word count:


When Nash was younger, he and his Grandma used to zoom down the steepest slides on the playground and chase away howling monsters that Nash was sure were ready to pounce from beneath his bed. Grandma would always remind Nash that God loved him and would protect him, no matter how high the slide or how giant his fears might seem. Now, Grandma lives with Nash in his house, but they don't go to the playground or chase away silly monsters anymore. When Nash goes to bed, Grandma blows him a kiss and says, "Good night, Mike." A long time ago, Grandma used to be a writer. Now Grandma and Nash practice writing their letters. On the days when Grandma forgets how, Nash steadies her unsure hand, and they gently glide the crayon across the white paper together. When Nash begins to realize his beloved Grandma is changing on the inside, he wonders if she is afraid, and he remembers how she used to comfort him when he was scared. Nash then digs deep into his faith and shares the message of God's eternal love with his Grandma, just as she once did for him.

About the Author
Jane Haseldine-Cole has been a writer for the past 15 years, working as a newspaper reporter, editor and columnist; a magazine writer and editor; and a speechwriter for a Governor. She is currently a public relations professional and has extensive experience in marketing, communications, social media and media outreach.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: All Across China, All Across Canada, All Across Europe

author: Ellen Weisberg

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 6.30.2011 • author id: WeE0306411

word count:


Already in print in the UK, this series of four children's geography books target children 8-12. Titles include the titles here: All Across China, All Across Canada, All Across Europe, and Fruit of the Vine. The latter deals with bullying, with a fantasy slant for the 8-12 age group. The format of the geographical material includes maps, rhymes, facts, and cartoons. The authors Ellen Weisberg and Ken Yoffe are experienced children's book authors who seek a US publisher/distributor. The Kirkus Reviews favorably reviewed the book on Canada saying of the mnemonic devices, "Weisberg and Yoffe have created quite the learning tool . . . will help kids memorize [provincial capitals] effortlessly." The title on bullying shows "how altruistic qualities can develop in children. . ." This book has received positive feedback and testimonials from teachers, librarians, homeschoolers and parents, including two anti-bullying organizations. Bully-Free NH states, "The peers are often the ones present at the time of a bullying incident and this book is meant to try to spread the notion that children do not have to stand idly by when a peer is being taunted or teased."

About the Author
Published in the UK by Chipmunkapublishing in 2008, the books' potential in North America would be with educational series, home schooling, and general childrens' books audience. Ellen Weisberg, Ph.D., and Ken Yoffe, M.D., based in New Hampshire are pursuing US publication for their series. The Kirkus review would be influential with libraries and trade bookstores. Other reviews and testimonials available.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Jake's Astonishing Potluck Picnic Lunch

author: Steve Trott

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 6.25.2011 • author id: TrS4934111

word count: 10


Young boy discovers his sack picnic lunch contains something odd: 5 loaves and 2 fish (with the heads left on, no less!). Hoping to find someone to trade this unsavory meal with, he sets out along the shore and discovers a "convention" of 5,000 people gathered, listening to Jesus. When leaders request food contributions, Jake volunteers his odd lunch and is thanked by Jesus. After the miracle, Jake admits to Jesus that he's not always good: "Some days the best I can do, / is to just bring my fish heads to You- / with the hope that You'll bless, / and fix up my mess, / and that somehow we'll end up with stew." Jesus responds with words of grace. When Jake's mom asks if he ate all of his picnic lunch, Jake says that he shared it with a crowd of people and it grew! His skeptical mother kindly tells him that next time, instead of fish with their heads on, she'll give him pastrami on rye.

About the Author
The writer authored several full-length musicals, including Christmas at Mac's Diner, performed 11 times in December 2010 at Calvary Church in Grand Rapids, MI (12,500 in attendance); three collections of church drama: Psychotherapy to Go (Lillenas), One More Cup of Coffee for the Road (Baker Books), and Destination Bethlehem: 7 Christmas Plays for Young People (Baker Books). He is a grandfather who enjoys writing stories for his young grandsons.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Best Present

author: Kevin G. Schilder

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 5.31.2011 • author id: ScK5357011

word count: 12


This children's Christmas book was inspired by the familiar figure of Santa Claus bowing in prayer before the manger. The book uniquely shows how the common traditions of Christmas are enjoyed and appreciated best in the light of the true meaning of the season. A young boy struggles with typical impatience over his desire to open presents. A meeting with a mysterious stranger and their discussion in a church pew help the boy put things in their proper perspective and guide his heart back to the true meaning of the holiday.

About the Author
Kevin Schilder is a former music teacher and audio designer of video games. His original music and sound designs have been featured in over a dozen games. His love of reading and writing, his Christian faith, and his daughter Lauren inspired him to make this debut into the literary world.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Blue Santa

author: Robert Sandifer

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 4.30.2011 • author id: SaR6723511

word count: 28


The story is told from the point of view of a blue Santa Claus Christmas tree decoration. Not only was he blue in color, but he was blue in spirit as well. He was supposed to be in the Christmas tree decorations but accidentally was put in a box to be discarded. But the box was not thrown away. Blue Santa has been overlooked for many years by his elderly owners, who have lost the joy of Christmas. He is in a box with finger holes and is able to view the house activity through the glass panty pantry doors. He is very real in the story, and when the adult children come home for Christmas with their young families, the suspense builds as the Blue Santa hopes to be rediscovered.

About the Author
Robert Sandifer has published in the Upper Room devotionals. He likes children's books and is collaborating with an artist on a second book about Halloween. He is an electrical engineer who owns his own company with twenty-five employees. He is a Methodist and a Sunday school teacher. This story is based on an actual Christmas tree ornament which is appealing and could be reproduced for sales.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Wilbur, the One-Winged Angel

author: Norma Steven

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 4.30.2011 • author id: StN9270111

word count: 7


This is a short, fictional Christmas story for children, ages 5-10. Wilbur, a one-winged angel, is sad that everyone in heaven is preparing for the newborn King but no one wants to use him as he can't fly and he can't sing. He's a just a star polisher. But when archangel Michael gives him the biggest, most stupendous star he has ever seen to polish, and later it dances and prances in the sky over the stable where the newborn King is born, he realizes that even though he only has one wing and he can't fly and he can't sing, he is still good for something. This story, written for the writer's autistic grandson, has a message for anyone with a low self-image (the handicapped, as well as older people who feel "used up" and/or "in the way" or "good for nothing").

About the Author
The writer has published four books: Please, Can I Come Home, No You Can't Come Home (Fleming H. Revell, 1973), What Kids Katch from Parents (Harvest House, 1976), Homemaking, an Invitation to Greatnews (Harvest House, 1978), and 365 Prayers and Bible Verses for Children (The Best Seller Publishing Co, 1989) -- all out of print. She has published numerous articles and poems in Christian publications and take home Sunday school papers and written stories for various speaking engagements and children's sermons. She states, "When our daughter read this story to our autistic grandson, he wept and said, 'Sometimes I feel just like Wilbur.' With four married children, 11 grandchildren and two great grandchildren, I believe I know the stories children like. I am also a retired missionary of 50 years with Wycliffe Bible Translators and would have a market for sales through our many friends around the world."

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: How to Grow a Puppy

author: Suzan Preuss

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.30.2011 • author id: PrS4862611

word count: 35


How to Grow a Puppy was written as a timeless childrens story to show kids in the 9-12 age group that it can be fun and rewarding to work hard, be honest and responsible. The lessons that Tommy, the main character,and his friend learned as they experienced adventure, high hopes and a few unexpected twists and turns while trying to earn money so that Tommy could buy his first puppy, were "lightly woven" into the tale. The story goal is to open dialog between parents and children, and teachers and students about the value of these very important life skills.

About the Author
This wife, mom, daughter and berry farm worker was also guest editor for the August 25-27th 1989 issue of USA Weekend. She submitted an article about our favorite family vacation destination, and was chosen to be a guest editor. "I write from my heart, and I simply put the words on paper that God shares with me."

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Flight of Henrietta

author: Maureen Chappelear

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.30.2011 • author id: ChM3001611

word count: 48


This story brings to life Henrietta, an arrogant hen envied by her peers, yet struggling with a lingering emptiness and dreams of flying. A powerful display by the mysterious Eagle entices Henrietta to seek him, but contact is forbidden by the intimidating Preston, the stallion who rules the farm. Henrietta's exciting adventures and the decisions she will have to make introduce young Christians from eight to twelve years to several key aspects of living for their Lord. God will call them to stand for him, and they may have to stand alone. Christian witnessing, God's faithfulness through obedience, and the pain of psychological persecution is demonstrated and balanced by their Savior's great love and the rewards of a close relationship with him.

About the Author
A wife and mother in Atlanta, GA, Maureen when not working likes to read, watch movies, and to write. Her inspiration for Henrietta originated as her own eight-year old Christian began to struggle with peer-pressure, and she hopes to share these truths with other young Christians. Henrietta's plight will assist children in their spiritual growth and encourage them when their walk of faith grows tough. They will also gain some insight as to why we as Christians are sometimes called to suffer on account of our faith.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Sean and Lea and the Stars of Light

author: Jan Holtrop

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: HoJ6018511

word count: 26


Young twins Sean and Lea learn about the story of Jesus through the pictures God has placed in the stars.

About the Author
Jan Holtrop along with her husband, had owned and operated a small business for over twenty years. They attend Harvest Bible Chapel, where Jan volunteers in the Walk in the Word ministry. Sharing the wonder of God and her love of Jesus with her grandchildren through storytelling was the incentive for this story. Marketing ideas include coloring pages and notes for parentswhich could be a resource for parents, homeschoolers, and churches interested in how the gospel is conveyed through the stars.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Nate Connor's Brilliant Adventures (trilogy)

author: Roy A. Hinderer

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: HiR9837211

word count: 540


Nate Connor is a middle school aged boy with a passion for travel and adventure. His zeal for excitement and learning leads him down many challenging avenues of self-discovery and Christ-awareness. The trilogy contains three thrilling locations for Nate. Tollwut! involves a strange, 12th-century castle in Germany. The second part The Secrets of Nakagusuku Castle deals with a shadowy, ancient castle in Okinawa, Japan, and the third part, The Mystery of Carbon River Mine deals with a hidden mine in the Cascade mountains in Washington State.

About the Author
Roy A. Hinderer has been in Christian education for over twenty-five years. He has a bachelor's degree in history-social sciences from San Diego Christian College and a masters degree in reading from California State University, East Bay. Many of the extraordinary situations in this work relate to actual experiences encountered by the author. These bizarre episodes from his youth are woven into the adventurous story line, through the eyes of young Nate Connor.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Marion the Librarian

author: Stacy & Kristin Oldenberg

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: OlS4950511

word count: 5


This is a story of a boy who is teased for having a girl's name, Marion (the same name as tough-guy John Wayne before he changed his name). Reading cowboy books is Marion's best escape from the teasing of his classmates who call him "Marion the Librarian." He grows up and moves away to college, where he actually becomes a librarian. He returns to his hometown library only to be ridiculed and teased, again, leading him to run away and change his career. He becomes a cowboy, but returns to his hometown years later to rescue the library from ruin. He learns that being who God made him to be is the best way to live.

About the Author
Stacy Oldenberg writes, "I am a guy who was teased for having a girl's name. To this day I have to convince people that my name seriously is "Stacy" and that "no, my parents were not hoping for a girl." I am a father of seven children and a former lower elementary school teacher turned entertainer. My wife and I wrote this book and song for school and library performances."

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Samantha Agapantha Leonora Mary Brown

author: J.N. Appleyard

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: ApJ2817311

word count: 10


Samantha Agapantha Leonora Mary Brown is a little girl with a big imagination. She is very easily "lost" in her imagined adventures. It's enormous fun in the beginning, but Samantha soon finds that getting lost in your imagination is not fun for everyone; and if you don't pay attention, it can get dangerous! But with the help of her imaginative parents and grand parents who model great imaginations within healthy boundaries, Samantha learns she can enjoy her imagination without letting it get the better of her.

About the Author
The writer is an Australian living in North Carolina I am a mother of three children, and have been in church growth/church planting ministry with her pastor husband for the past 16 years. She is also a registered midwife in her native country and has worked with children of varying ages in many varying contexts observing how to encourage a child's imagination within healthy boundaries. The story was originally written for the secular market, but can be reworked, if needed, to fit the Christian market.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Perfect Sentence

author: Marilyn R. Anderson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: AnM6002511

word count:


Teenagers often struggle with right and wrong, Christian or not. There are consequences when wrong is chosen, and Sammy Neuman, the main character finds this out the hard way. Readers will learn about the Amish culture and life on a farm. It is a book about real life and how one can overcome difficulties with hard work and when caring people intervene. Christian principles are emphasized and a Gospel presentation is clear for the reader.

About the Author
Marilyn Anderson is a Taylor University alumna, taught fourth grade and gifted students, and has a master's degree in reading/language arts. She graduated from The Children's Writers' Workshop and attended two Highlights Writers' Workshops. "April Fool's Art" was in the April, 2006 issue of 'Highlights'. She writes for Union Gospel Press of Cleveland. She co-authored (It's a girl, but will she live? ( Anomalos Publishing Company).

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Someday My Prince Will Come

author: Diane D. Alward

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: AlD9576211

word count: 83


Children "come along for the ride" with a brother and sister as they embark on a very special bike ride through their hometown where they discover the truth that God can be trusted and always keeps his promises. With all the fanciful stories of Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny enveloping children's lives, only God can truly assure children that the story of Jesus is not just another fairytale. The manuscript presents his already revealed and fulfilled Word to them in an enjoyable story and workbook. By the end of this adventure, readers will gain an understanding of the truth of many of God's fulfilled promises. When he says that some day our Prince will come, he can be trusted -- because God always keeps his Word.

About the Author
As a drama musical director, teacher, leader, and coach for multiple private Christian schools, Diane Alward has taught hundreds of children for well over a decade. She recently led home-schooled children for a major community Bible organization and it is her passion to employ creative ways to lead children to Christ. She captured a Young Author's Writing Award and enjoyed local publication.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Suse's Journey

author: Marilyn I. Sommerer

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: SoM6510111

word count:


This Christmas story is told in the "voice" of Suse (short for Sussana). Suse is the donkey of Joseph, the carpenter. She suffers from an inferiority complex but discovers her destiny on the long trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Egypt and finally back to Nazareth. The familiar story is fleshed out by the thoughtful animal who shares the wonder of Jesus' human beginnings.

About the Author
Marilyn Sommerer is the author of The First Christmas Present, a children's picture book published by Concordia in 2009. She has also written for Augsburg Fortress, Cook Communications, Guideposts, Gospel Publishing House, and Warner Press, among others.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Willow Who Wouldn't Weep

author: Claudia R. Ward

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 1.31.2011 • author id: WaC9202011

word count: 4


This illustrated children's book presents a young willow tree that is refusing to have the typical drooping limbs of a weeping willow, he extends his branches upward towards the sky. All the creatures and flowers in the forest, including Hooty Hoot Owl, Wise Willow, and Mama Willow, are horrified over Little Willow's rebellion. There seems to be no solution for his irreverent behavior until Patsy Poplar Tree suggests that Hooty Hoot Owl fly to Singing River to hear the voice of the Creator. There, the Creator will relate what Little Willow must do to solve the forest's dilemma. Little Willow learns from the Creator that he was made in his perfect purpose and plan, and is relieved finally to let his branches droop. The lesson is that God has a plan for everyone, and true contentment is found when the Creator's plan is joyfully followed.

About the Author
Claudia Ward has a recently published how-to book entitled Who Says a Woman Can't Change? 8 Ways to Prove She Can! She is a popular conference speaker, composer, playwright, and writer. She has written for many publications and composed two children's musicals. Having four children, ten grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren, along with teaching in various school-age classes gives her considerable credibility in writing for this genre.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Make Something Good Happen

author: Elizabeth Chappelle

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 1.31.2011 • author id: ChE3050111

word count:


About the Author
A former English instructor, Elizabeth Chappelle currently teaches art, drama, writing, and science. She works as a naturalist at Elachee Nature Science Center and a house director at Brenau Academy. From many years in education, Ms. Chappelle knows a great deal about guiding young people to maturity. Former involvement with a spinal care facility has made Ms. Chappelle sensitive to the issues facing men and women who have suffered paralysis.

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title: Christmas Doll

author: Esther P. Knierim

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.30.2010 • author id: KnE9700510

word count: 64


This is the story of Christmas when the author was six years old, and made a rag doll for her little sister. It was 1932 - at the depth of the Great Depression. Daddy had lost his job, so buying a doll would have been out of the question. The thrill of giving her sister a doll made this the most exciting of all the happy Christmases throughout the author's childhood. The beautiful feeling of the Christmas pageant also plays an important role in this story.

About the Author
The author is a member of SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) and of OCW (Oregon Christian Writers). She wishes all children could experience, as she did, the thrill of giving someone a gift that is deeply meaningful. Perhaps, through writing this book, she could enable children at least to experience it vicariously.

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title: Dear Diary

author: Doralee Hurley

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.30.2010 • author id: HuD7853710

word count: 33


If Eve had kept a diary, most young girls would love to peek into its pages. Dear Diary is a fictitious, but biblically accurate account of those first years as seen through Eve's eyes. She teaches her readers about Creation, God's love, the consequences of sin, God's solution for sin and the importance of making right decisions. I suggest that the book should look like an actual diary.

About the Author
The writer has served as local and area President of Woman's Aglow Fellowship and have been the speaker for women's groups and Bible studies. Her self-published a book, Our Faithful Promisor has been translated it into Spanish and distributed it throughout Mexico. She has spent many years as a missionary to Mexico and have traveled to Zimbabwe and Togo on missionary trips.

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title: Fiona's Fire

author: Diana Michna

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.30.2010 • author id: MiD3346910

word count: 5


Have you ever wondered what makes a firefly glow? Imagine experiencing a love so powerful that your entire body is set ablaze. Fiona's Fire is a tale about an ordinary housefly named Fiona who desperately seeks a friend. However, finding a friend proves more difficult than she thought. Fiona soon discovers that a pair of gossiping cows, a bully rat and a preoccupied fly don't want to be friends. But that doesn't stop her. Her persistence eventually leads her to a friend that loves her no matter what she looks like, where she lives or what she eats. That Ultimate Friend is Jesus. Not only does he want to be her friend, but he also gives her an amazing gift. His extraordinary gift transforms Fiona into a magnificent firefly, brilliantly displaying his love for all to see.

About the Author
The writer is currently a member of SCBWI. She states, "My passion is for children to genuinely experience Christ's love at an early age. I taught Sunday school to children ages 4 to 12 for over 7 years. I write and edit content for web pages and have also written corporate policy and procedure manuals for a startup aerospace corporation."

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title: Sammy's Gift

author: Kelly Chisum

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: ChK7400610

word count: 21


Sammy's Gift is a retelling of the Christmas story for small children. Sammy the Sheep lives in a stable outside Bethlehem. At the opening of the story, the flock leaves him behind because he is too young to be out in the fields. After the flock leaves, the lonely lamb makes friends with the many strangers coming to Bethlehem, including a wise ox named Blue. Soon, however, the stable becomes crowded, with nowhere for Sammy to sleep but the manger. The last strangers to arrive are Mary and Joseph. A sad and angry Sammy falls asleep, but the crying of a baby soon awakens him. When he realizes the newborn has nowhere to sleep, Sammy gives the baby his manger for a bed. Only later, when a company of angels appears praising God, does Sammy realize he gave his manger as a gift to the newborn King Jesus.

About the Author
Kelly Chisum is currently attending Hillsdale College, working toward a degree in early childhood education with an emphasis in literature and art. She writes, "My father told the story of Sammy's Gift to our Sunday school class when I was small. When I helped in a pre-k class last year, I wrote down and illustrated the story as a Christmas gift for my students."

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title: My Place in History

author: Ingrid Simmonds

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: SiI8754410

word count:


The work is genealogy, family legacy and our place in history. In a proposed children's activity/gift/home school book, the writer proposes bright, cheerful pages for recording physical characteristics, personal family history, names, family information, talents, friends, traditions and a child's own personal place in their family history and the overall history of the world. An older child can complete the book on their own and younger children can complete it with a parent. It can be used as a home school tool as well.

About the Author
As a writer for over 30 years and a genealogy researcher for over 20 years, the writer is familiar with the importance of the written word in our lives-- God's word being the ultimate history book. She home schooled three children through high school. This item would contribute to any home library where children are being raised to go the future with a God message for the next generation of the faithfulness of God through generation upon generation.

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title: Mim's Story:

author: Dee Kesterson-Booker

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: KeD6375510

word count:


This is an adaptation of an old Celtic legend. As Grandmother Mim and her granddaughter unwrap the crèche, Mim tells the story of how the robin got her red breast by fanning the fire to keep the baby Jesus warm.

About the Author
Dee Kesterson-Booker holds a BS in psychology from Southeastern MO State University. She works part-time at her regional library where she facilitates an adult writing group. She is a member of the Heartland Writer Guild.

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title: Granny, Who is God?

author: Carmen M. Bogan

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: BoC9460210

word count: 6


"Ladybug" is an inquisitive eight-year-old girl who's searching for the answer to her greatest question, "Who is God?" When she spends a special day with Granny and the colorful church sisters, they offer up some amazing answers about their best friend, Jesus.

About the Author
Carmen Bogan has written professionally as a corporate and not-for-profit consultant for the past 20 years. She discovered her love for multicultural children's literature through volunteering in inner-city classroom reading programs and launching a literacy program at her church. Carmen is a member of SCBWI and nominee for the Sue Alexander Award for most promising new work. In 2004 she won the New Voices Honor Award for her story, Fit Like Frankie, which depicts the life of Frankie Parker, a somewhat heavyset sixth grade female athlete. Through her own struggle, Frankie teaches her classmates that fit doesn't necessarily mean thin. Ms. Bogan lives in Oakland with her husband and two grown daughters.

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title: Zilly Zeal

author: Melanie Collins

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.22.2010 • author id: CoM2670510

word count: 3


Carefree, vivacious, and alive are adjectives that describe Zilly Zeal. Zilly is aware of life’s difficulties; however, her experience limits her understanding of the deep pain that suffering inflicts on so many; thus, she allows the world's sorrows to slide right off her. Unfortunately, a person that Zilly loves deeply goes away, causing her profound grief. This experience shifts Zilly's focus from selfish living to surrendering herself to God and relying on his perfect grace for healing and understanding. God's promise allows Zilly to gain a new, deeper life rhythm that dances to his truth. Zilly Zeal's experience with grief offers comfort and understanding to children and adults going through the tragedy of being separated from loved ones. It also offers insight for those who are watching a beloved friend or family member grieve.

About the Author
Melanie Collins holds a BFA from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts and a MA in secondary education from West Virginia University. She currently teaches high school English in beautiful Garrett County, Maryland, where God's beautiful, rolling, lush, green mountains offer an abundance of inspiration to use words for his glory. Together with her husband, David, Melanie created the character Zilly Zeal to illustrate how God's healing power makes us resilient as we weather life's many heart-aches and challenges.

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title: The Dog of Many Howls

author: Helen Jameson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 8.30.2010 • author id: JaH7570110

word count: 5


Based upon the Canaan dog of long ago, this children's book tells the story of a pariah dog who vows never to be led. He brags to the Wind about not needing or wanting a master. He travels alone into the desert where the sand scorches his paws and the sun burns his ears. Alone and thirsty, he realizes that maybe a master is just what he needs.

About the Author
The writer is the Drama Ministry Director of a Lutheran church. She has taught children's theater classes through local civic theaters. Her one-act play "The Princess, the Dragon, and St. George" has been published by Plays: the Drama Magazine for Young People. Contemporary Drama Service has also published her melodrama "The Wild West Adventures of Nehi Jones," and several of her worship skits are published online at thESource for Youth Ministry (Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod). She holds a BFA in Acting.

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title: Katie, the Faithful Black Labrador:

author: Lisa Hays

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 8.30.2010 • author id: HaL6735610

word count: 11


Katie, a faithful black Labrador Retriever, loves to fetch more that anything. One night, however, after a particularly busy retrieving day, three small fleas enter her doghouse and cause havoc! They bite and much all over. Katie is just miserable. She can't rest for her next big day. When morning comes, the Lab drags herself up to play but finds she has no energy at all--thanks to those pesky fleas. How will Katie solve this itchy issue and get back to her favorite game? This fictional story is followed by a dog-training hint so the reader can teach another dog to fetch.

About the Author
The writer teaches English and related subjects. The author is the actual real-life owner of Katie, the Faithful Black Lab. When she is not teaching English, she finds Katie just begging to play her favorite game in all the world again and again, and the author finds it difficult to resist those pleading brown eyes. Owning and training Labrador Retrievers is a part of the simple life the author strives for.

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title: An Easter Celebration:

author: Jean Fisher

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 8.30.2010 • author id: FiJ2751910

word count:


This artistic book will take its readers on a 49-day journey through God's story of redemption, from Genesis to Revelation. Each intricate, handcrafted page presents an aspect of God's Covenant Promise, leading individual readers and families through a devotional study of the redemption story that culminates in Jesus' death and resurrection. The study is timed to coincide with the season of Lent. With each drawing, the writer points her readers to its biblical source, prompting a journey through familiar and unfamiliar passages of scripture. The drawings were created with such detail that each journey through the book highlights something new. The target audience is families, who will be able to use the book annually.

About the Author
The writer is a graduate of the University of Illinois with a degree in in Fine Arts and a Master's in Special Education. She is a former teacher in the Chicago Public Schools. In churches, she has been active in women's ministry, children's ministries, and Bible studies for all ages.

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title: Porka-Bella-Snu and the Mystery of the Letters

author: Phil Hays

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 8.30.2010 • author id: HaP6735610

word count:


This is a children's devotional book about unconditional love. The main character is a sophisticated pig in waiting, Porka-Bella-Snu. The animals of the Little Wood discover a carving on a tree uncovered by a recent storm. Each animal thinks the letters A-H-A-W mean something different. Bella believes it's a message of adoration and success, Doolaah thinks it means she's been caught being imperfect, and Willy senses a message of rejection due to poor performance. The animals have a Friend [Jesus] who often comforts them with wisdom and hope. "Friend" reveals that the carving was from a Daddy reassuring his daughter that he loves her--Always Has, Always Will.

About the Author
The writer is a 25 year veteran pastor who says his special concern is for families and for young people to grow up with their own vibrant faith. "I have taught parenting classes for over 20 years, counseled dozens of parents and worked with kids for nearly 30 years." He holds a ministry degree from Ozark Christian College in Missouri.

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title: The Little Rainbow That Had No Yellow

author: Karl Baird

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 8.30.2010 • author id: BaK4733010

word count:


Our society applies incredible pressure on our children about physical appearance. Even the most attractive children will have "flaws" they feel are major problems. A child is never too young or too old to hear the truth that God does not make mistakes. This is the story of a little rainbow that God created with no yellow stripe. She had every other color, but where her yellow should have been there was only an open space. She knew she was different and was filled with disappointment and self-doubt. She was teased and wanted to hide herself. The rainbow follows gentle advice to trust and obey the call of God. Like the blind man in John 9, the little rainbow finds joy when God uses her "flaw" to display his glory to the hurting world.

About the Author
Karl Baird is a father and a practicing orthopedic surgeon. He told this story to his young daughter one evening as they were traveling.

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title: Roberta and Alex

author: Carole Waina

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 8.30.2010 • author id: WaC7500910

word count: 83


The content highlights children's emotional needs with a little support from a cat. Eight-year-old Roberta and her cat Alex go from one adventure to another. As she deals with a particular emotion in each of 11 chapters, Alex seems to know just what Roberta needs and helps her work through that emotion. At the end of each chapter, the "Talk It Over" section describes the key emotion and offers discussion guidelines to use with the child to aid in emotional development.

About the Author
The writer relates that this book is the natural result of hearing stories from her mother and telling stories to her children and grandchildren. She holds the MA in Teaching from New Mexico State and teaches at Dallas Baptist University. She writes for LifeWay Christian Resources.

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title: My Friend Johnny

author: Beth Swale

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.24.2010 • author id: SwB6091410

word count:


This is a beginning-reader story with ten chapters and is based on events in the writer's own life as a child. It presents a girl whose best friend is a young boy named Johnny. He is small for his age and has a skin disorder that keeps him from doing what most boys his age like to do. The two friends create a fort where they use their imaginations to make up stories. When the girl stands up for her friendship with Johnny, there are consequences at her school. But when she realizes that she isn't the only kid being left out by others, a whole new world of friendship opens for her.

About the Author
Beth Swale has a degree in Christian education (Wheaton) and was an editor of preschool and elementary children's church curriculum at David C. Cook Publishing Company. She has worked over 25 years at church with children. "I have dreamed of writing children's books since childhood, when I would make up stories while I was supposed to be cleaning my room."

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title: The Wonderful Tree

author: Marie Gingerich

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.24.2010 • author id: GiMNonUS10

word count:


This is a story written for young children ages 3-8. It seeks to help them understand that the baby Jesus they celebrate at Christmas is the same person who died for them at Easter. Its simplicity and strength delivers its message.

About the Author
The writer is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She has a background active in her church and children's education while supporting her pastor husband. Currently she is active in public speaking and presentation of paintings to women's groups. She has self-published this work with sales of 275 copies.

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title: Harmony Hollow:

author: Jenny M. Temple

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 6.25.2010 • author id: TeJ4771410

word count: 4


Jesus would often use stories or parables to help people to understand spiritual truths. In the same way, Harmony Hollow is a series of stories for children using forest animals to help teach them deep spiritual truths. Each story is followed by a short devotion to help draw out those truths. The first story, Welcome to Harmony Hollow: The Hoppies and the Floppies, tells a Good Samaritan tale of two families of rabbits. It teaches the importance of overcoming differences, preserving unity, and settling disagreements. Harmony Hollow: The Path, tells how a young deer learns the importance of friendship, forgiveness, and staying on the path. In Harmony Hollow: The Light Bearers, a group of fireflies decide to stop shining their light. This story focuses on the difference even one light can make. Harmony Hollow: Buford the Blue Jay, tells how a blue jay struggles with pride and gets himself into funny and humbling situations.

About the Author
Jenny Temple has had a lifelong passion for writing. As a Christian, she dreams of expressing God's amazing love to others, especially children. Jenny graduated from Baptist Bible College with a degree in Elementary Education.

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title: Guarding the Deep

author: Sarah B. Robinson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children, 12-15 • date submitted: 6.21.2010 • author id: RoS2650810

word count:


In Guarding the Deep mid-teen Colin struggles to understand life during crisis. His beloved grandfather and mentor has died. Colin is called upon to keep vital, top secrets that might endanger the country's national security during a Cold War Era. When Colin discovers these US top secrets, including ones that involved his grandfather, he must decide which is more important, exposing the truth about the man he loved, or guard the secrets he uncovers.

About the Author
Sarah Robinson was published in "Knowonder!", a publication of the Boy Scouts of America. She is a freelance writer for a local publication in her area of West Virginia. For twenty-five years she has frequented the Greenbrier Hotel, toured the Greenbrier Bunker and interviewed the Greenbrier historian Robert Conte, gathering information for this book. She and her husband have raised three daughters.

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title: A Promise of Home

author: Carolyn A. Johnson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 5.25.2010 • author id: JoC0637510

word count: 82


Written for ages 9-12. Sam and Leah are orphaned and living on the streets of New York City in 1908. Unable to find work, Sam cries out to God. God answers with food and a job. Sam and Leah must be on guard as they walk to and from work. Sgt. Foster has vowed to rid New York City of the street kids. Sam and Leah are caught and taken to jail for vagrancy. They are rescued by their new friends, the restaurant owner and his wife. The restaurant owner has been able to obtain passage on one of the orphan trains. The orphan train is taking Sam and Leah to a place they have always dreamed of - the Oklahoma territory.

About the Author
Carolyn Johnson has spoken at churches and girls' groups. She is married to an ordained minister. They have three grown children and seven grandchildren. This is Carolyn's first book.

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title: Don't Hug a Grudge

author: Donna Perugini

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 4.28.2010 • author id: PeD9828410

word count: 32


The growth of a grudge, holding a grudge and nursing it, feeding it with hateful thoughts and compaints about others--this practical book for children has had a ministry with adults as well. The growth of a grudge is explained from grudge (when it is small you can put it down), to resentment (you don't hold it, it holds you), and ends up as bitterness (which sends roots down deep and cause you to hate the ones you should love). Throughout the book, "Don't Hug A Grudge", the Word of God answers the questions of how to send the 'disguised unforgiveness' on its way by washing/renewing your mind with the Water of the Word.

About the Author
First published in the late 1980s (Harrison House), this brief book for those as young as eight has a history in curriculum, television (Joyce Meyer), mega churches (Victory Center, Tulsa), Christian schools, and even Alcohol Recovery Centers. The author states, "Every time this teaching [TV] is aired, orders come in; purchased for use by people connected to the Forgiveness Institute for a Bible study." A bilingual (Spanish) edition is available and all foreign rights are available. Don’t Hug a Grudge was reprinted in 2006 as Joyce Meyer had used the book in her teaching on "Bitterness, Resentment and Unforgiveness," available in CD and tapes. The book also has been in the Amazon Advantage Program for the last four years. The author has three other children's books available for republication, including The Flight of Orville Wright Caterpillar (8 printings and over 45,000 sold). These books were videotaped and read for the children’s program, Kids Like You, hosted by Cathy Dorsch. The taped book readings are still with TBN and aired at various times, even overseas. The author has over 30 years in children's ministry and now women's ministry.

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title: Noah's Alphabet

author: Eric Zimmerman

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 4.24.2010 • author id: ZiE1731310

word count: 36


This is a children's picture word book. It was written in a rhyming style as a "parent reader" for their child. Noah's Alphabet provides the parent with the opportunity for quality literary parent/child time together. It presents a great teaching tool to introduce their child to the letters of the alphabet which are represented by many of God's animals and creatures that entered "Noah's Ark". It also exposes the child to one of the well-known stories in the Bible.

About the Author
A studio art graduate from I.C.S. in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the writer/artist was inspired to serve as a children's Sunday school teacher for more than a decade (1993-2005). From this experience, he authored and illustrated Noah's Alphabet: A Picture and Word Book. Eric has become known as "Eric the Illustrator" and is currently working in development on an internet website which will showcase his studio art and illustrations. The book would have appeal in standard Christian markets where there would be the option of an accompanying coloring or activity book as well as other media or merchandising items.

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title: Web Site Story:

author: Randall & Susan Callaway

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.25.2010 • author id: CaR4680410

word count:


Squeegee Luigi, window washer, is loved by everyone. He is known as a kind older gentleman who loves God and all the people around him. The neighborhood kids love to watch him do his work. Billy Parker is an energetic child who loves video games of all kinds. With mom and dad delayed at work one day, Billy takes the opportunity to explore game web sites that are scary and violent. He knows what he is doing is wrong and stops playing the game, but not before the pictures have been imprinted in his mind. He talks with his trusted friend, Luigi, about the situation. Billy thinks out loud while Luigi listens and then guides Billy to make wise decisions about this situation.

About the Author
Randy and Susan Callaway, former elementary teachers, left the public school scene for full-time Christian family ministry. They both hold masters degrees and are licensed pastors. They combined many years of experience in teaching, parenting, and grandparenting for this book series. They love helping parents with the awesome, important and sometimes scary job of teaching their children how to have a growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ and how to live their lives reflecting his values and characteristics. They also co-founded Finding Focus Ministries, Inc., a non-profit organization, serving churches as resource leaders in leadership, teaching, and family ministry:

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title: A Family for Baby Goose

author: Melinda L. Cockrell

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.24.2010 • author id: CoM2272810

word count: 20


A little girl and her mother find a lost baby goose and set out to find its own special family. This book told for young children teaches them the importance of being part of a family. God gives us each a family that will love and care for us. Based on a true story and Psalm 68:6.

About the Author
Melinda Cockrell is the mother of five children and has enjoyed many nature walks with them. Whether caring for children in her home day care or volunteering at her church, she has loved to teach little ones about nature and applying God's word to their outdoor experiences. Ideas for follow-on books each highlighting a different animal include: Summer: God can be trusted to protect us. Fall: God will provide for our needs. Winter: God loves us no matter what.

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title: Rescue Me!

author: Bryce Morgan

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.20.2010 • author id: MoB8532610

word count: 20


Every kid loves a comic book complete with superheroes! Rescue Me! is a simple book designed to help children learn about the essentials of the gospel message through the language, imagery, and themes of comic book superheroes. Each lesson begins with a portion of a superhero story about "Captain Sun." Children can follow the hero story, which directly connects to a short, kid-friendly, biblical lesson paired with it. A preview edition (75% of the book) can be viewed at

About the Author
Bryce Morgan is the pastor of a young church, father of a young family, and a part-time editorial cartoonist with a local paper. He grew up reading comic books and has always loved superheroes. With the popularity of superheroes across the media (comics, movies, video games, etc.), a gospel-centered resource would find an eager audience. This teaching tool could even lend itself to other Captain Sun products.

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title: Grow, Sunflower, Grow!

author: Megan Keim

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.20.2010 • author id: KeM1562610

word count: 2


A sunflower seed is stopped in her journey to grow by rocks in the road, rainy weather, and hungry birds. Each time she encounters a trial she gets a gentle nudge from God in her heart to continue. She acknowledges that she is not taking the easiest path, but with each struggle there comes a reward. By enduring these obstacles, she emerges a beautiful sunflower who trusts that God is in control and leading her down the path he has chosen for her.

About the Author
Meg Keim is a full-time mother of two little girls as well as a part-time pharmacist. She has taught children as a Sunday school teacher and VBS teacher at her home church, Hebron United Presbyterian. She is currently teaching three and four year olds in Westmoreland County Community Bible Study (CBS). She lives just outside Pittsburgh, PA with her husband, Doug, and daughters, Becca and Allie.

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title: The Letter E Leaves the Alphabet

author: Martha Lane

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 1.20.2010 • author id: LaM2064610

word count:


About the Author

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title: The Visit

author: Penny Taylor

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children, 8-12 • date submitted: 11.28.2009 • author id: TaP3273809

word count: 159


Scarlet's Garden: The Visit is a heart-warming tale about a little girl whose cat dies and she becomes determined to find out if pets go to heaven. Real life inspired characters, along with scriptures from God's word, offer hope to readers who eagerly look forward to seeing their pets again. It offers a fresh look at good overcoming evil and the abundant blessings resulting from waiting on God's perfect timing.

About the Author
Penny Taylor is a Florida licensed psychotherapist in private practice. She specializes in grief therapy with children and families. A Christian, Taylor is a mother of three children ages 9, 11, and 12. Her family's beloved cat Scarlet died at age twenty-four. Scarlet was the inspiration for this book.

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title: Smoothie Rock-a-Teller On the Whopper-Stopper

author: Gerald Mittmann

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.26.2009 • author id: MiG9135509

word count: 50


The Rock-a-Teller series is made up of nine books, each featuring a different rock that is found in scripture. For example, this book features the rock David used to win his fight against Goliath. Each book begins with a family portrait of the Rock-a-Tellers, followed by the words "Rocks don't walk and rocks don't talk, but if they could . . ." This sets a captivating stage for The Rock-a-Tellers to communicate God's truth from their point of view. The Rock-a-Tellers use a creative "rock-talk" to describe the biblical scenes that kids will love to learn. The "rock-talk" brings difficult theological terms to kid level, like "resurrection" being translated "God's great deeper-sleeper-awaker-maker." Each book in the series builds upon the previous and invites the reader into a "Rock-talk" glossary contained in books two through nine." The Rock-a-Tellers bring biblical exposition of the entire text to kid level, not just the highlights of a story. Every page contains creative illustrations that capture the biblical text in a picture form.

About the Author
Gerald Mittmann has worked in children's ministry since 1975. In 1986 he graduated from Talbot Theological Seminary with a masters of divinity degree in Bible Exposition, and then went on to receive his doctor of ministry degree from Talbot in 2005. He has spent the last ten years as a children and family pastor for Calvary Church of Pacific Palisades in Pacific Palisades, California. Gerald has enjoyed speaking engagements throughout the evangelical community and most recently been chosen as the general session speaker for the last two Awana International's Annual Conferences (representing over 4500 pastors and children's ministry leaders in the United States).

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title: The Goose and The Looking Glass

author: Jeanie Skaggs

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.28.2009 • author id: SkJ2665109

word count: 18


Here is an elementary-age story about a goose who, having been raised in a pig pen, assumes herself to be a pig. Mirey's natural instincts stir nightly dreams of joining geese in flight. However, she dare not think of flying because, according to farm owner Mrs. Brown, pigs can't fly. A chance meeting with a goose couple takes her to a glistening pond which the geese call the looking glass. It is here that she discovers what she is and experiences the weight of pig pen muck washed away. In analogy of the looking glass to the Word of God which she has heard quoted by Mrs. Brown, Mirey overcomes her fears, accepts the true reflection of herself, finds purpose in her life, and learns that these purposes can be fulfilled by acting on her new-found freedom. Before the day ends, she not only has had a flying lesson but is asked to join the geese's V, whereupon she is given a new name.

About the Author
Jeanie Skaggs has an associate degree from Oakland Community College in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and a diploma from Rhema Bible Training Center in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, and an effective teacher.

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title: The Night before Christmas in Bethlehem

author: Connie Mansfiel Carter

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.28.2009 • author id: CaC7940709

word count:


This mirrors the popular, secular tale The Night before Christmas. Instead of having the narrator describe how each family member anticipates the arrival of Santa Claus, the narrator, the innkeeper who provides shelter to the Holy Family, tells of the events which occurred the night Jesus Christ was born. The scene provides parents a nonfiction resource targeting children ages 2-12.

About the Author
Connie Mansfield Carter's education includes a J.D. from Texas Tech School of Law and a BA in Spanish from Texas State University. She taught Spanish and worked with school-aged children for five years before she attended law school. Her writing experience includes publication in a collection of poetry.

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title: The White Feather

author: Derrick Howard

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.28.2009 • author id: HoD8044609

word count:


The White Feather is a mystery/adventure book for middle-grade readers. In this story, the son of a missionary pastor living in Italy must find a stolen manuscript and clear the name of his friend, while dodging a gang of thieves. "I think the story would really appeal to boys. Searching for treasure and solving mysteries is something that middle readers would like. The book had a very contemporary feel to it with the boys using modern technology to solve a crime while at the same time there was an innocence and nostalgic tone that felt very 1950s Hardy Boys," states reviewer Sharon Dunn, author of the Bargain Hunters mysteries.

About the Author
The writer has worked with youth part-time for eighteen years as a coach and mentor. He has the ability to write in a way young readers can relate to and understand. He hopes that this book, and ones to follow in a series, can be a wholesome and fun source of reading for middle-grade kids.

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title: Make Something Good Happen

author: Elizabeth Chappelle

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.28.2009 • author id: ChE3050109

word count: 14


Stuck shopping with his family on the last day of Christmas vacation, ten year old Jimmy wants to go home and play paintball with his friends. However, the sight of eight amaryllis plants triggers his family to play their family game: Make Something Good Happen by buying and giving away the eight plants."Unbelievable," Jimmy says, "Why do I have to be stuck in the nicest family in the world." Realizing that cooperation is the quickest way home, Jimmy feigns enthusiasm for the game as he spars with his sister Kathryn who sees his true motive and threatens to unmask Jimmy: "I'll have you crying to Mom and Dad before we get home." While visiting at the nursing home, Kathryn unexpectedly accomplishes her goal by pushing Jimmy into the room of William, a nineteen year old quadriplegic. Stunned by encountering William, Jimmy and Kathryn confront the tough truth that not everything gets fixed in this life. With the loving guidance of their parents, both siblings grow in compassion. Serendipitously, the Smiths' kind acts are returned to them in a surprising way that encourages them to keep making good things happen for others.

About the Author
A dorm mother at Brenau Academy (a private girls' boarding high school attached to Brenau University) and a naturalist at Elachee Nature Science Center, Elizabeth Chappelle's experience as a high school English and drama teacher, a playwright, and a performer has taught her a great deal about guiding young people to maturity. Involvement with Our Neighbor (an organization that helps young people with spinal cord injuries) and a former job assignment that took her to the Shepherd Spinal Clinic in Atlanta have made Ms. Chappelle sensitive to the issues facing men and women who have suffered paralysis.

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title: Not Me

author: Cynthia M. Warren

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.27.2009 • author id: WaC9268809

word count: 21


Not Me is a story about a boy who learns, through prayer, to say "Not Me" when he is tempted to disobey and stray away from God's 10 commandments. In humorous, rhythmic text, the story continues with the two friends from So You Say You Don't Pray reminiscing about the awkward day when one friend asked the other if he prayed. The boys laughed about that awkward day and the silly nickname "Not Me." "Not Me" explains why he ran away to avoid the question and then the two friends begin another playful conversation. This time "Not Me" leads the conversation and explains to his friend that the silly nickname actually helped him when it came to obeying the 10 Commandments - something he struggles with and prayed about.

About the Author
As a child, Warren thought reading the Bible was overwhelming and complex. She believed in Jesus and attended church occasionally, but figured that since she was a pretty good kid and knew basically what the Bible said and taught, there was no need to read it. This went on into her adult life. Now as a mother of three children, a member of her church and a volunteer at her children's school, she feels a strong commitment to instill a certain level of curiosity in children, which will motivate and inspire them to start reading the Bible at a young age. She is attempting to capture some of the rhythmic pace and nonsensical perspectives of Dr. Seuss books, but also some basic biblical principles.

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title: Only a Donkey

author: Alan Arthur Tritt

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.26.2009 • author id: TrA8331309

word count:


This 1200 word children's story is a gentle tale of a humble donkey that carries Mary and the unborn baby Jesus to Bethlehem. The storyline deals with three very prideful horses and one lowly donkey, communicating to the reader of how pride goes before a fall. It is one of those heartfelt stories that can be read traditionally every year during the Christmas season by the entire family. The story can also be easily adapted to a children's or adult holiday play at Christmas time. The underlying message of the story is the setting it provides for sharing the love of Jesus Christ and the gospel message.

About the Author
The writer states, "I am a first time author very excited about the opportunity of sharing the gospel with children. I am a college graduate and work full time for a golf club in Sun Valley, Idaho."

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title: Little Lambs Ponder the Proverbs

author: Carol Gedde

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.26.2009 • author id: GeC5314909

word count:


This is a compilation of eight stories based on Bible verses from the book of Proverbs. Each story uses little lambs and the Shepherd who watches over them to illustrate the verse and make it easy to apply to a young life. The 25 stories help children to get to know the heart and discipline of our loving Savior. Children, ages 5-10, will be delighted by the humor and the fun interplay and experiences of the characters. These stories, written in verse, have been used in a Sunday school setting, on a kids' fun night at church, and as bedtime stories by church families. Others in the series include Little Lamb's Lessons from Luke, Little Lambs Sing the Psalms and Little Lambs Christmas.

About the Author
Carol Gedde has been ministering to children for over thirty years. She has taught grade school in two small Christian schools, preschool, and many years of Sunday school, vacation Bible school, and Wednesday fun night at church. She has written and performed puppet shows, spoken in front of large groups, and led worship for a large women's Bible study.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Bianca Learns the Lord's Prayer

author: Curt Gledhill

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.24.2009 • author id: GlC4864009

word count: 31


Bianca is spending the night at her grandfather's house - a hole in the wall of a church, where Pappa is caretaker. Bianca hears the Lord's Prayer prayed during an evening church service and asks her grandfather the meaning of its phrases. As the two mice do a variety of chores, have dinner, and prepare for bed, he explains the meaning behind the prayer, line by line.

About the Author
Curt Gledhill is a part-time artist and full-time art teacher in Midland, Michigan. He holds a fine arts degree from the University of Michigan and a masters degree in education from Central Michigan University. He regularly adds his artwork to the services and the building at his church. He and his wife have two children.

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title: Jack and Otis

author: John Jurchak

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.23.2009 • author id: JuJ2178809

word count: 20


This is a fictional easy-to-read chapter book (reading level grade 2). Jack lives on a farm with his parents, brother Jeffy and sister Jessie and a big shaggy dog named Otis. The writer's vision for the book is to be high interest especially for boys with the intent to help children become hooked on reading, focusing on those kids who may have difficulty with reading. The content will teach important values-- respect, responsibility, caring-- and short discussion questions at the end of each chapter will make it easy for parents and teachers to reinforce important behaviors.

About the Author
John Jurchak grew up on a farm in Pennsylvania with five brothers and two sisters. He is married with five grown children. Mr. Jurchak has been an elementary educator and has worked for twenty years as a school counselor where he has developed an interest in teaching children core family values such as fairness, caring, respect, and responsibility. He is also a licensed therapist and resides in Thurmont, Maryland at the foot of the Catoctin Mountains.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: God's Child

author: Madeline W. Robison

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 8.23.2009 • author id: RoM7525409

word count: 18


Written for ages three to six but suitable for all children, this encourages each child to realize that no matter what his chosen profession may be and no matter what he may look like or where he may go, he will always be God's child. This book is ideal for a creative illustrator, and there is an opportunity for an accompanying CD with the text set to song.

About the Author
The author writes, "I wrote this book more than ten years ago and subsequently turned it into a song for our firstborn child. She lived to be almost four and a half despite profound limitations, and it is in her memory and in honor of the God who allowed us to be her parents that I submit this for publication. I do have a double major and a minor from Vanderbilt University, and my family and I are committed Christians and are actively involved in our Presbyterian church. But my greatest credential is in being mom to our four children, starting with Ameilia who is now in Heaven."

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title: The Open Field

author: Jeff Jenkins

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 8.23.2009 • author id: JeJ4715009

word count: 5


This story illustrates how distractions and doubts can hinder people from following through with good deeds. It also demonstrates how when things are left undone, they can have far-reaching consequences. The Open Field tells about a boy who returns home to tend for his father's farm while his father is away. The boy enthusiastically sets out to plant a field of corn. However, the field goes unplanted after a series of doubts and distractions get in the way. Later that fall, the boy is visited by three sets of local villagers, all of whom could have benefited in different ways from the corn crop had it been harvested. After making this realization, he follows through with an act of kindness to one of the villagers, realizing that he can still make it right.

About the Author
Jeff Jenkins writes, "I am the current associate director of youth and young adult ministry for the New Albany Deanery in Clarksville, IN. I hold a masters degree in Catholic thought and life from the St. Meinrad School of Theology, and have worked in Catholic campus ministry for five years. I have held several positions working with youth both in ministerial and secular settings. I have several contacts who are young parents who would be interested in purchasing and promoting this book."

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title: The Christmas Crown

author: Maria G. Martin

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.24.2009 • author id: MaM2087809

word count: 1


One cold December morn, our unlikely hero hears the news of the king of creation's birth. He sets out for Bethlehem to honor the child and bring a precious gift to adorn his royal crown. Along the way, he encounters a number of very unusual but eager characters who wish to make the journey with him. And even our hero is surprised by the unique and cherished gifts that each of them are inspired to bring to honor the king that first Christmas day.

About the Author
Maria states, "My love for words evolved from a love of letter forms and delving into the art of calligraphy. Words are in my blood . . . my great-grandfather a poet; my father, a lifelong newspaperman. My inspiration to write comes from my love for God. Here love and inspiration converge in a collaborative effort with my friend, renowned sumi-e artist, Kay Stratman, whose work so beautifully depicts the handiwork of the Creator." Kay is a professional artist and graphic designer, and a National Board Member of the Sumi-e Society of America.

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title: In Search of the Big Squirt

author: Darlene Putnam

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.17.2009 • author id: PuD9836309

word count:


This book is a simple adventure and learning story that takes place on a Pacific Northwest beach. The adventure is seen primarily through the eyes of a young boy and covers the length of one day. The family wakes, plans the adventure, and travels to the beach in search of a mysterious quarry: the big squirt. The boys experience the beach, hunt the quarry, and then learn what it is and how it functions in its environment. Although not overt in the story, the premise of the book is based on Proverbs 25:2: "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings." The book will inspire conversation about what God has created and how He desires us to be curious and to learn more about who He is and what He has delighted to share with us.

About the Author
Darlene Putnam writes, "I grew up in the Pacific Northwest with the beach almost in my front yard and the mountains in my back yard. I attended Boise State University and then finished my BS degree at Central Washington University. I have served in the CMA church I attend as the music director, Sunday school director, Sunday school teacher and home Bible study facilitator. I write music and recorded a well-received CD."

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title: Cornbread

author: Hyang K. Shea

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.17.2009 • author id: ShH2207909

word count: 50


This is an illustrated children's story about two sisters and the love they have for one another. It is set in the countryside in post Korean War, South Korea. The theme is the importance of sharing and loving your siblings. Readers follow Soo as she goes to school where a special treat of cornbread is served, but only occasionally. The bread is delicious and Soo wants to eat all of it, but knows her younger sister, Soo-ga will want some as well. Soo, tries very hard to save part of the cornbread on the long walk home. The saved piece shrinks in size, as Soo gives in to temptation. While not all temptation is met with self-control, there is a little prize for Soo-ga when Soo finally reaches home. This story is based on the author's life.

About the Author
The writer says, "This is a story about my simple life when I was growing up in the shadow of poverty of the Korean War. Even though we didn't have enough food, we were taught the importance of sharing. Hyang and her sister still remember this experience.

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title: J is for Jesus

author: Sally Cressman

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.17.2009 • author id: CrS3702709

word count:


This playful ABC rhyme will introduce children to Jesus. Starting with A is for Abraham then continuing with Jesus' birth, his miracles, death, and resurrection, each letter of the alphabet will provide a nugget of truth from the book of Matthew. The Letter J contains the crux of the story and reveals why God sent Jesus to earth: "J is for Jesus. He's God's chosen one. / Oh, how God loves him. He's pleased with his Son. / God planned for Jesus to live on this earth, / And save us from sin ever since Jesus' birth." The rhyme concludes with a challenge for children to tell others that Jesus is alive and with us today.

About the Author
The author writes children's curriculum for LifeWay (TeamKID All Around and Look at Me and Bible Teaching for Kindergarten). She has also received publishing credits from Focus on Your Family's Focus on Your Child and Clubhouse magazines. Cindy Kenney (Big Idea and Exclaim Entertainment) provided editorial advice on this story A veteran children's Sunday school teacher, she is a member of Brentwood Baptist Church (SBC).

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title: A Hole in the Fence

author: Diane L. Adams

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.17.2009 • author id: AdD6568609

word count: 98


The manuscript develops the challenge of teaching children to find solace in faith when they've lost one or both parents, through death or divorce. Neal's father was killed during the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and his mother has gone to visit her parents so that she can openly grieve. Rose's father left home before she was born and her mother is in the hospital. Both children are temporarily staying with their grandparents, who are next door neighbors. Rose's cousin comes to cheer her up, and begins to feel that she should apologize for her doting parents and popularity at school. The three are drawn together by a tiny white creature, which is neither bird nor bug. Under the watchful eyes of Rose's grandparents, Neal and Rose are allowed to look into the garden, where miniature angels take a vacation from their earthly responsibilities.

About the Author
The writer began writing stories as a child, who remembers her favorite books ended too soon. "Since my husband came to believe in God's gift of salvation through Christian fiction, it is my dream to help others do the same." A Christian theme park promotes the work of local authors.

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title: Turtle's Fall

author: B.J. Leonard

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.17.2009 • author id: LeB4164909

word count:


Designed to capture the imagination of the first-time reader with suspense and surprise, Turtle's Fall follows an embarrassing incident when Turtle brags to friends about how his shell protects him from outer harm, so unlike the dangers they face in the forest. Told through the techniques of alliteration and within-line rhymes, he learns the value of having good friends and the biblical principle that having pride brings no gain.

About the Author
B.J. Leonard is the writer of several other poems, as well as numerous songs, including a rap song, several praise-and-worship songs, a collection of children's songs, and a Southern gospel song. Turtle's Fall is his first work submitted for publication.

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title: The Most Beautiful Afghan

author: Dianna Sand

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 6.19.2009 • author id: SaD1940109

word count: 10


The Most Beautiful Afghan incorporates the importance of family and giving rather than receiving. The heroine is Mamma, a true Proverbs 31 woman. The book is written in a text format helpfully repetitive. Phrases are repeated so that very young children can "read" along or repeat as the book is read to them.

About the Author
Dianna Sand is a reading specialist, working with pre-school children through college-level students. Her published work includes Strech-n-Grow READS!, a readiness curriculum for pre-kindergarten children. Several of her poems have been published by various poetry conferences.

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title: The Adventures of Eric & Joanie:

author: Janet Surette

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 5.25.2009 • author id: SuJNonUS09

word count: 40


Out of a deep appreciation for the practical life wisdom contained in the book of Proverbs, the writer developed a devotional book for children that would bring those principles to life. In this twenty story volume, the reader follows the regular, everyday adventures of two Christian kids in a loving and spiritually grounded family setting. The family environment is very similar the writer’s own upbringing and also mirrors many of the interactions she and her husband have with their own children. The characters, Eric and Joanie learn practical lessons on wisdom, speech, friends, listening to advice and other such topics when their experiences intersect their parents’ guidance and teaching, as Lou Priolo likes to say "in the milieu." With tenderness, wisdom and a bit of humor, this volume (easily the start of a series) targets ages 6-8 and can be used effectively as a story book or a devotional book with application questions.

About the Author
The writer is a speaker at women's events and conferences in southern Ontario. She is active in leadership with Harvest Bible Chapel, Barrie (Canadian flagship church plant of James MacDonald, HBC, Rolling Meadows), where her husband is an elder. She expects that the James MacDonald's Walk in the Word broadcasts would provide extensive exposure for a book.

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title: Watering Hole Adventures: Hilda the Hippo

author: Juanita M.M. Kauffmann

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 5.25.2009 • author id: KaJ1720109

word count: 49


Watering Hole Adventures teaches God's truths through six very different animal friends. The friends (a hippopotamus, a parrot, an ocelot, a sloth, a giraffe, and a capuchin monkey) meet early every morning at the watering hole. Each animal brings its unique personality, flaws and all into the friendship mix. During these meetings, news of the daytime and nighttime jungle is shared. Phillip, the parrot, brings news of the village of humans, including Pastor Sam, Old Mose, and the children. Together with God's help, the six friends learn about God and his love. Along the way, they also learn to appreciate and accept each other and themselves. This is the first book in a series.

About the Author
Juanita Kauffman has lived her life surrounded by kids and animals. As a Christian for 31 years, she's volunteered in her church in many positions, from nursery to youth. She also provided daycare for many years. She's lived in a "Noah's Ark" of animals and sees individual personalities in each one whether pigeon or rat or dog.

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title: A Christmas Mouse Tale

author: Eric Litaker

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 4.26.2009 • author id: LiE6851009

word count: 33


The story is about the adventures of a stuffed animal, a mouse named Lester, who is mailed by his owner to her brother. The brother is in the military and is deployed to the Middle East, and Lester is included in a group of packages the man's sister mails to him for Christmas. The point of the story is that Lester learns that while celebrating Christmas is a wonderful thing, the truly important part about Christmas is that we should celebrate the birth of Christ every day, and not just once a year.

About the Author
Eric Litaker is in the military and was deployed to the Middle East from 2005 to 2006. While spending Christmas in Fallujah, Iraq, his sister sent a stuffed toy mouse as a gift. She requested that he write a story about the mouse. This book is the story Eric wrote for his sister.

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title: A Cat for Me

author: Ruth Bell Riley

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 4.25.2009 • author id: RiR4882309

word count:


This manuscript anticipates publication as a non-fiction picture book showing how the author's daughter Piper discovered her cat allergy and how she copes with not being able to have a cat for a pet. Piper is your typical four year old girl who embraces life at full speed. Young children can relate to her exuberance in living life, her longing to have a pet, the fun of pretending to be a cat, and the heartbreak as she learns to live with disappointment but still can be a happy, joyful person.

About the Author
Ruth Bell Riley spent 13 years as an elementary school teacher. Now she is a stay-at-home mom of three young children. Her oldest daughter, Piper, has struggled with food and environmental allergies since she was 9 months old.

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title: Five Children's Stories:

author: Claudia Lynn

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 4.25.2009 • author id: LyC8905209

word count: 38


These five stories for children are in the fairy-tale genre. The main characters are children who confront and overcome danger and evil. The children are courageous but not perfect; they are not without shortcomings, humor, and hubris. The stories are set in early northern Europe just as Christianity was taking hold. They include topics such as the Ten Commandments, idolatry, and redemption, and touch on mythical themes such as the Call, the Journey, the Ordeal, the Underworld, and the ultimate Boon.

About the Author
Claudia Lynn holds a BA in English literature and history. She has done graduate stories in literature and Bible, as well as numerous creative writing workshops. She has self-published two books, All about Life: To My Children (Bequest Books, 2000) and Nana's Best Recipes: Gourmet Baby Food Cookbook (Bequest Books, 2004). She also writes on an advice website,

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Because God Said

author: Karen L. Carlson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 4.25.2009 • author id: CaK9829209

word count: 1


This is a children's picture book based on Genesis 1 and Psalm 139. It shares the foundational truths about creation and how each child's life is planned and intimately known by God, our Creator. Because God Said will plant seeds of God's Word into the receptive soil of children's and their parent's hearts to teach them they are loved, special and have a purpose. It also will help them appreciate the world that God created and teach them that he's so powerful - he spoke it into beginning.

About the Author
Karen Carlson writes, "I have a passion for moms and their families to know how much God loves them. God changed my life through Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) when I was a young woman. I started MOPS at Camano Chapel which was one of the first MOPS groups in Washington State. I then was the first Area Coordinator appointed by MOPS International. My husband, Terry, and I and our children traveled throughout Washington and Oregon for several years sharing the MOPS program with churches. We received the Heart of MOPS International Award in 1997."

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title: Teatime Tillie

author: Carla Johnson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 4.25.2009 • author id: JoC5532809

word count: 2


This is a picture book about a mouse that loves to take tea. It's intended to deal with the topics of friendship and hospitality in a loving and lighthearted manner. the writer sees this book as the first in a series, each future book dealing with a different topic such as cooperation and Christian fellowship (ex. Teatime Tillie Bakes a Cake and Teatime Tillie Goes to Church). Illustrations might convey warmth.

About the Author
The writer holds a BA in elementary education and has taught preschool for four years. "I've always had a passion for children's literature and a love for the written word. I am an avid tea enthusiast and enjoy opening my home to others, practicing the girt of hospitality. I am a member of the Minnesota Association for Christian Home Educators. Homeschoolers love to buy books, making it an awesome market to tap into."

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title: Seven Virtues of a Godly Man:

author: John J. Sullivan

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 4.21.2009 • author id: SuJ2881509

word count: Sev


Begun as a letter to grandsons, the manuscript grew from the writer's awareness of male stereotypes portrayed in popular culture and their potential negative impact upon young boys. He wanted to show them a better model using the virtues exemplified in the life of Jesus Christ and a fictional character of "John Mouse" Each story addresses a virtue through the situation and decision-making of John Mouse. The writer notes, "Although the character is fictional, the situations are realistic and ones that young people face today. Leading each chapter is a definition of a virtue and a related scripture verse. At the end of each chapter I have included suggested questions for parents to begin digging deeper with their child into the motivations and decisions presented in the story."

About the Author
John J. Sullivan served in the US Marine Corps as a fighter pilot, senior leader and graduate school professor. He was a business professor at a small Christian college. In 2003, he founded ServantLeader Ministries and teaches worldwide on the leadership style of Jesus. His book, Servant First! Leadership for the New Millennium, develops a practical model for leaders in all walks of life. Sullivan and his wife have five grandsons and two granddaughters.

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title: The Magicless

author: Jenna Quentin

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.26.2009 • author id: QuJNonUS09

word count:


In Milangar, everyone has magic in the form of uniquely colored lights that they use to grow, learn and create, except for Sitara. Her father explains that she has a special destiny as the magicless to discover the secret to making her own magic. A dethroned king, traveling traders whose strange wares destroy people's magic, steamy jungles, treacherous mountains, suspicious cave people and dark-caped kidnappers can't slow this girl down. Especially when Sitara learns to rely on the God and learns to believe that he has put her here "for such a time as this." Aided by dreams and a piece of string, Sitara discovers and puts into practice love in five different ways. Sitara realizes that everyone speaks a different language and that she must love them in a way they understand.

About the Author
The writer notes, "I know kids, having grown up in a family of ten. I have had two stories and one article published in Focus on the Family's Brio and Clubhouse magazines, and will have an article in upcoming issues of Randall House's Horizon and Direction magazines. I have a widely read blog site and some connections with Christian conferences nationwide."

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title: Rampaging Possums

author: Wendy Lee

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.26.2009 • author id: LeWNonUS09

word count: 28


This story of dedicated possum parents show how, through a series of well thought-out plans, they creatively try to solve the dilemma of wild behavior being exhibited by their six wonderful children. After a number of unsuccessful attempts to curb the little possums' behavior, "Grandpa Pos" comes quietly to the rescue. With newfound insight, very happy possum parents discover the joy of teaching gentleness to their precious "Possies" with fun times to be had like never before. Relevant Bible texts are included.

About the Author
Australian possums are endearing little animals with a propensity to both play and fight. The text comes alive with detailed illustrations that are realistic with whimsical variations. Wendy Lee holds a diploma of education, primary. For the past twenty years she has taught and coordinated children's programs at her church. She is a mother of six children, ranging in ages from four to nineteen. She has an ongoing desire to minister to young children and their families. Her wish is to equip parents with biblically based tools to teach their young ones about Jesus and his principles.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Kylea's Quest

author: Debbie Schmid

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.26.2009 • author id: ScD8574909

word count: 15


Plant, Water, and Harvest is the title of a proposed series of nine children's books based on Galatians 5:22-23. Each book focuses specifically on one fruit of the spirit and contains those three steps. The story reading plants a seed in the young child's heart. After reading the story, the sown seed is watered by asking the child thought-provoking questions. This exercise verifies the story purpose and helps the child establish a personal application. The craft activities at the end of every book give the child an opportunity to harvest something from each lesson. For the book jackets, the author proposes the idea of a seed packet with the story title and a picture of the story premise. This book, first in the series, was written out of the writer's personal experience as an adoptive mother. "While my daughter wrestled to understand love and adoption, Kylea's Quest was born."

About the Author
Award winning author Debbie Schmid, has written four books including two best sellers; Spiritual Spring Cleaning and Spiritual Seasons. Her devotional Wrinkles or Smiles was published in Proverbs for Busy Women by Broadman and Holman Publishers. She has written numerous articles for various publications and is the editor of her ministry newsletter, "Encouragement." The writer is founder of The Beauty of Spring - The Beauty of Life Christian Ministries. She's been a keynote speaker at various functions such as ladies retreats, church seminars, Christian grade school faculty meetings, and MOPS gatherings, and she's been a featured guest on KFLT Christian Radio. Debbie also spends many hours leading Bible studies, mentoring new babes in Christ, and nurturing hurting individuals.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Kylea's Quest

author: Debbie Schmid

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.26.2009 • author id: ScD8574909

word count: 15


"Plant, Water, and Harvest" spiritual seed for children, ages 8-11, is the title of a proposed series of nine children's books based on Galatians 5:22-23. Each book focuses specifically on one fruit of the spirit and contains three parts; Plant, Water, and Harvest. The story reading plants a seed in the young child's heart. After reading the story, the sown seed is watered by asking the child thought-provoking questions. This exercise verifies the story purpose and helps the child establish a personal application. The craft activities at the end of every book give the child an opportunity to harvest something from each lesson. For the book covers, the author proposes the idea of a seed packet with the story title and a picture of the story premise. This book, first in the series, was written out of the writer's personal experience as an adoptive mother. "While my daughter wrestled to understand love and adoption, Kylea's Quest was born."

About the Author
Award winning author Debbie Schmid, has written four books including two best sellers; Spiritual Spring Cleaning and Spiritual Seasons. Her devotional Wrinkles or Smiles was published in Proverbs for Busy Women by Broadman and Holman Publishers. She has written numerous articles for various publications and is the editor of her ministry newsletter, Encouragement. The writer is founder of The Beauty of Spring - The Beauty of Life Christian Ministries. She's been a keynote speaker at various functions such as ladies retreats, church seminars, Christian grade school faculty meetings, and MOPS gatherings, and she's been a featured guest on KFLT Christian Radio. Debbie also spends many hours leading Bible studies, mentoring new babes in Christ, and nurturing hurting individuals.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: What is the Heart?

author: Lydia Kaufman

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.25.2009 • author id: KaLNonUS09

word count:


Seven-year-old Hannah brought an assignment home from school. Her teacher said; "Ask people you know to tell you what the heart is." My story is about what she finds out. Is the heart a secret chamber, or is the heart something more? Mother said her heart was there to love her. Her doctor said the heart was a pump. Grandma said her heart was a secret chamber. Mr. Smith said his heart was a volcano. Mr. Smith's nephew said his heart was a workaholic. Her father said his heart was a consultant. The pastor said the heart was where God wanted to live.

About the Author
The writer has a background in Europe, including study in a Bible school in Austria. Now living in Canada, she enjoys her children and grandchildren.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: A Fine Job

author: Dathene Stanley

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.25.2009 • author id: StD0535909

word count: 5


As God surveys the big ocean he has created, he feels that it needs something. With the help of the smallest angels, he decides it needs fish. "Who'll help me make them?" he asks. "We will!" the little angels eagerly respond. The designs of the creative, charming angels reflect their favorite shapes and colors, and, in spite of too much paste and crooked strips, their creations please both them and God. This story portrays a loving, affirming God who has a wonderful sense of humor. As the last fish, a big whale, disappears in the sea, a delighted God congratulates the angels for having done a fine job.

About the Author
Freelance writer and author of Daily Recipes for Simple Pleasures, a devotional book for women, Dathene Stanley has written children's stories for several church publications. This includes Taka's Gift, first-place winner in the 1984 competition "Higher Goals in Christian Journalism" by the Evangelical Press Association. She is a teacher and missionary who has lived and worked on five continents.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Til the Streetlights Came On:

author: Stephen A. Langdon

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children YA • date submitted: 3.24.2009 • author id: LaS7655009

word count: 326


In this book two young brothers, Stevie and Cody live with their Uncle Harry, an aging farmer who is their legal guardian. Stevie is the central character, the irrepressible young hero who takes readers into the cliff-hanging world of play. Stevie does most anything to get out of chores. Entering into a world strong in imagination he evades monsters in dark mazes and discovers the virtues of self-sacrifice while escaping a Nazi POW camp. Each time Stevie and Cody spin out of control Uncle Harry, long-seasoned in the faith, provides a thought provoking foundation from which the boys can grow to become men.

About the Author
Stephen Langdon is a retired army Master Sergeant/Counter-Intelligence agent and Korean linguist who continues to teach soldiers in the field and abroad. He has been a writer of military technical manuals. An Orthodox Presbyterian, he leads Bible studies and conducts creation science seminars at Christian youth camps. This is his first novel.

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title: The Prince and the Gift

author: Janet Surette

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.24.2009 • author id: SuJNonUS09

word count: 4


The story exposes the emptiness of external beauty and the alternative treasure of virtuous character. It opens with the town's maidens in a frenzy, as the Prince is arriving in three days to chose as his bride, the maiden with the greatest gift. Paralleling our society, the women are side-tracked and focus solely on the external beautification of their gift. Though the main character, Grace, begins to follow suit in her desire to decorate with all the others, day after day, she is "side-tracked" from the current obsession because her virtuous character continually causes her to make noble choices with her time and money. Though her box sits undecorated, each night there appears in the box, priceless virtue stones that parallel the character qualities she displays each day. Though her box remained undecorated, she wants to be a part of the exciting events and joins the other maidens and their beautifully decorated boxes in the village square, the day the Prince arrives. As the Prince begins to examine the gifts, he is greatly disappointed to find that in their desire to catch his attention, they have focused solely on the external wrapping of the gift and have neglected to place a treasure inside. Something in Grace's gift catches his eye and though not decorated like the others; her gift is revealed as the greatest treasure. The writer states, "This story was developed as a tool to each my own children that instead of getting overly concerned with external appearances, they need to focus on developing the treasure of virtuous character, as that is the real gift, and not merely the wrapping."

About the Author
The writer speaks at various women's events and conferences in southern Ontario and participates in leadership with Harvest Bible Chapel, Barrie (Canadian flagship church plant of James MacDonald, HBC, Rolling Meadows). With James MacDonald's Walk in the Word broadcasts, books or cds produced and written by Harvest members are frequently given as special gifts for donating ministry partners, as they are for the Our Journey devotional. Either of these means would provide extensive exposure.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Homer's Express

author: Barbara Boyd

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 3.21.2009 • author id: BoB3478709

word count: 40


Homer, a normal boy in every respect but one, reads at intergalactic speed. One Sunday, he reads straight through the Old Testament. This picture book, the first in a proposed series, is to be the vehicle for engaging children and their families in a major journey through the Old Testament. Beginning with Adam and Eve, readers of this series of picture books will cross the landscapes and times of the Old Covenant and the story of God's revelation of himself and his plan for man's salvation through Jesus Christ. A companion to each book will be a small family devotional in travel guide format featuring Mile Post, Rest Stop, Landmark and Hazard sign divisions. The goal is to lead families to read the Bible for themselves.

About the Author
Multiple authors: Barbara Boyd, Michelle Edwards, and Lindsay Warden. Michelle Edwards wrote the picturebook text. She is former director of children's ministries at Oakland Presbyterian Church in Oakland, FL, and the former program director of a summer youth camp. She is currently developing curriculum for youth at St. Helena's Parish, Beaufort, SC. Lindsay Warden (illustrator) is the illustrator of a children's book currently in publication. She works as an in-house graphic designer for a Fortune 500 company and also as a freelance illustrator. Barbara Boyd wrote the devotional text. She is a former curriculum writer for the Southern Baptist Convention and is currently developing materials for children with special needs.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Nehemiah "Rebuilding the Wall of Jerusalem"

author: Tammy J. Richardson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children, homeschool • date submitted: 2.23.2009 • author id: RiT7703909

word count:


This is a reproducible, teachers workbook along with a student's workbook for children ages 9 and up. The workbook is designed for children to have an inductive Bible study of the book of Nehemiah. It allows children the opportunity to be introduced to a portion of the Bible that's not generally addressed in basic Bible studies. The workbook consist of memory verses, class assignments, homework assignments, life challenges, crafts and games. Children can discover what the Bible says and how it can be applied to their lives.

About the Author
Tammy J. Richardson has taught children in a variety of church settings: children's church, Bible study, discipleship groups, and kids clubs. She has a BA in theology and earned a "Teaching Training Tract" certificate from the College of Biblical Studies. A discipleship booklet she wrote is currently being used by a church in Houston.

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title: The Jesus Tree

author: Carey Thomas

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.23.2009 • author id: ThC0647909

word count: 5


Mackenzie and Ben are two typical kids caught up in the rush of the Christmas Season until they are asked to help an elderly woman decorate her "Jesus Tree." While reluctant to help at first, their change of heart begins as the woman purposefully decorates her tree with decorations that remind her of Jesus. Each decoration helps tell the story of Jesus in a way that breathes new life into the meaning of Christmas. Christmas is about love. In the end, Mackenzie and Ben experience the real presence of God when the woman surprises them with a special Christmas gift.

About the Author
Carey Thomas is a licensed minister, a pastor's wife, and served as a children's pastor and teacher for six years. She has written dozens of drama scripts for children's ministry and taught children ages 4-12. She has led summer Bible programs with 600 children in attendance, using creative teaching forms such as storytelling, video, drama, puppetry and magic. She is now the mother of two young children. She is also the co-founder and vice president of the popular church media website Additional marketing feature: A die-cut cardboard version of the tree-topper in the story could be included with the finished book. Children could snap the pieces together to make a three-dimensional tree-topper that matches the one in the story. A template is included with the manuscript.

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title: Alligators, Dumbbells, and the Wicked Witch of the West

author: Dennis Heritage

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.22.2009 • author id: HeD4406009

word count: 13


These Christian back stories of familiar objects in the everyday world of young children illumine with a catchy rhyme, a clear and colorful illustration, and a simple, spare text. The writer's aim is that even preschool-age children will "get it." With these specific, concrete examples in their memories, preschool and primary age children will grow up knowing that their faith is relevant to everyday life. Adults also will benefit and be quite surprised by what they learn.

About the Author
A professional children's librarian for 28 years, the writer teaches children's literature at Lakeland Community College. WCRF and Parkside Church, which is closely allied with Moody in Chicago, and area libraries (in suburban Cleveland) will have marketing potential.

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title: Closer to Christmas

author: Joanne Linden

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.22.2009 • author id: LiJ5470109

word count: 3


This is a 719 word Advent book. The text is written so that it can stand alone as a simple picture book that a very young child can take to bed at night, or published as a novelty book with stickers added, or published as a coloring book.

About the Author
Joanne Linden's publishing credits are long and varied. Her poetry, nonfiction and fiction have appeared in children's magazines such as Highlights, Grit, and Crinkles. Capstone Press published two of her books in 2006. Her book Fiddelheads and Fir Trees is currently under contract with Mountain Press. She was winner of a Loft Literacy Center Shabo Award (Minneapolis, 2006).

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title: The Shepherd Left Behind

author: Suzanna Justina Turrentine

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 1.25.2009 • author id: TuS8630309

word count:


After the angels had told the shepherds about the birth of Christ the shepherds left to go see the new baby. That is all but little Zach. Zach was left because he was disabled and unable to make the trip. After awhile Zach sets out on his own. He falls many times. Finally he falls for the last time and is unable to get up. An angel appears and helps him to continue the trip to the manger where he sees the Christ Child and is healed.

About the Author
The writer, an elementary school teacher, has taught kindergarten through fourth grade and is currently involved in a tutoring business and consulting with schools.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Dan and the Deer

author: Michelle Caskey

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 1.25.2009 • author id: CaM4931609

word count:


Dan is the proud owner of his very own apple tree. He plants it and treats it with care - only to have a deer come along and eat it for dinner. Dan learns the valuable lessons of generosity and relying on God through his encounters with the deer. This book is a religious "easy reader."

About the Author
Michelle Caskey and Melanie Rankin (illustrator) teamed up to created Learn & Grow Preschool Curriculum and Teach Me About God.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Living Find

author: Beverly Abear

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 1.25.2009 • author id: AbB5642509

word count: 165


Targeted to young adult readers. In post-WWIII America, with all religions banned, sixteen-year-old Terry and his two friends find a scrap of James chapter 4. As events seem to fulfill its message, the teens sense the presence of something other-worldly. Struggling to understand the mysterious words and the entity they proclaim, the teens initially accept the idea of God but want to know more. Their search takes them through dangerous adventures to a gentle old man and a musty cellar. There, they learn of the God-Man who died in their place. A twist in the plot returns them to Terry's home where someone is hiding. In the climatic ending, one of their friends is taken to prison and almost certain death. Terry's mother is threatened with jail time, and the teens must decide whether or not to trust in the God-Man as their Master, Savior, and Friend. The novel reads more like historical fiction in a not-too-distant future than sci-fi or fantasy, but it has elements of these.

About the Author
For twenty-seven years, Bev taught elementary and secondary students in Christian schools in various states. Using God's word in teaching literature, she challenged students in the adventure of walking by faith. Published in local magazines, regional anthologies, Guideposts series and anthology, she has written several unpublished novels.

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title: Timmy's Shell

author: Elaine H. Jester

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 1.25.2009 • author id: JeE1997309

word count: 6


This story relates a tale of a little turtle that has an unusual physical trait--his shell turns a beautiful coral color at the most inopportune times and this makes it necessary for Timmy Turtle to hide from some children on their way to school. While hiding, he overhears the children's conversation and discovers that one of them has a similar problem. He learns how they solve the problem and that in turn helps him. It is a gentle quiet story that lends itself to parent/child or teacher/student discussion. Some "starter discussion" questions have been included. As a bonus some turtle facts have also been included. This is a book about acceptance and being thankful to our creator God for blessing us all in very special ways. It could be used as a great teaching tool in many areas.

About the Author
The writer states, "Having a BS in elementary education and a passion to teach I have had many opportunities to be a teacher or director in both public and Christian schools, Sunday school and children's church. The last 18 years of my career I owned and operated a Christian pre-school. It was there my turtle puppet began to develop the personality of Timmy Turtle. The children responded beautifully to Timmy so I later created this story. I know there is interest in this book locally for it will provide sweet memories of their early childhood and pre-school experiences."

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title: No Time For Tangles!

author: Karen Kwarcinski

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 12.25.2008 • author id: KwK7275108

word count: 8


When Henrietta Harriett rebels against having her hair brushed, her wise mother warns her that when you "leave an ounce turns into a ton," then grants her wish. After a lazy family of Tangles moves in and starts inviting others to join them, a large bird builds a nest in her hair and starts laying eggs, flies start circling, and nasty smells start circulating, Henrietta learns that choices have consequences, ignored responsibility doesn't go away, and loving authority seeks to bless, not harm. In this read-aloud book character qualities are conveyed, not through heavy-handed preaching or reproach, but through humorous action within the boundaries of plot, conflict, and resolution; moreover, the book's universal theme resonates with anyone who has ever had to battle with those "naughty, knotty Tangles."

About the Author
Karen Kwarcinski, who resides in Northwest Arkansas, taught secondary English and art for over fifteen years and now enjoys applying what she once taught. She has ideas for several additional books, and another Henrietta Harriett book is already underway. Karen enjoys public speaking and has spoken at retreats for women and youth, served her church in teaching a large women's class, and served as "Titus Woman" for a Mothers of Preschool Children (MOPS) program.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: My Wet Friend, Todd

author: Laurie Halvorson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 12.25.2008 • author id: HaL8001508

word count:


Imagination and reality playfully entwine through the 36 full color pages of My Wet Friend, Todd. Light-hearted rhyme portrays a young boy's wonder and amazement as he observes his remarkable Betta fish. Caring for the fish, he gains a deeper appreciation of creation and the Creator through Todd's silent witness. Scientific classification information, author notes, biography, dedication, and cover designs are included. Domain name has been registered.

About the Author
Artist/illustrator and author Laurie Wood Halvorson created comical, lively illustrations for The Pickle Man: Dreaming on the Majors, Susan Seeber Holloran (AEG Publishing/Strategic Books). People desiring a low cost, low maintenance pet often select Betta fish, available in major pet chains as well as Wal-Mart. In addition to these venues and traditional book vendors, the book would be promoted/offered on a website: Further sales could be realized through library catalogs and visitation; guest speaking at schools and clubs; blogging, Christian bookstores, etc. She writes, "I strongly desire Todd to be marketed outside the typical Christian venues with the hope of un-churched children and their care giving adults. Given our current economy, I see quality and price point as key factors in the success of this publication. It is my intention that a portion of the profits will finance book donations to my local Ronald McDonald House."

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title: Go Out as a Boy . . . Come Back as a Man

author: Francine Meyer

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children, 12-14 • date submitted: 12.24.2008 • author id: MeF6106508

word count: 73


Seven-year-old Deng Ding abruptly learns he is being sent away from his family in the southern Sudan to live in Ethiopia as a refugee. Sudan is engrossed in a civil war between the Arab Muslims in the north and the Christian Dinka tribes of the south. Muslims threaten to annihilate Ding's entire tribe if they do not convert. Sending boys seven through eleven years out of the country is the Dinka's way of preserving the heritage of their people and their faith in Jesus. Deng and his friends suffer starvation before the United Nations declares their settlement a refugee camp and begins to feed the boys and directs them toward Kenya. Through many physical and emotional hardships the boys arrive in Kenya, where Deng spends nine years achieving a high school level education. He is given the opportunity to attend college in the US. Arriving in Chicago, Deng has to learn new survivorship skills as he faces gang related attacks.

About the Author
Francine Meyer has homeschooled her six children during the last twenty-two years. Since three of those children won college writing awards, she decided to give the craft a try with this story. The protagonist, Jacob Deng Ding is a personal friend who lived with Meyer's sister during his orientation to the United States.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Guardians:

author: Dawna L. Lee

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 12.24.2008 • author id: LeD8364208

word count:


Angels Kaleb and Dawson struggle to help Sawyer through his first semester of junior high. As Sawyer strives to make new friends, and play on the soccer team his guardian angels support him through prayer and scripture. They are all tested, however, when Sawyer attends his first biology class and learns that he will be expected to complete a project on evolution. To make matters worse, the only other Christian in the class is the klutzy Preston-non exactly someone Sawyer wants to hang with. As God softens his heart to the new student, Sawyer finds a deeper type of friendship and realizes that with God, "no weapon formed against him will prosper." The manuscript covers issues of friendship, the role of prayer in daily life, and the right of the student to respectfully question academia when it contradicts the word of God. By using modern technology and likeable characters, readers are given a positive view of God's interaction and concern in their lives.

About the Author
Dawna Lee taught in public school for twelve years, and earned a masters degree from the University of Nebraska in Omaha. She has observed first hand how Christian students struggle against liberal agendas. Dawna is highly motivated to market this manuscript, as the subject is timely and important. She has spoken at MOPS, and has tremendous speaking experience from years competing for Oklahoma Wesleyan University where she represented the state of Oklahoma in two national oratory competitions. Dawna attends Ten Mile Christian Church in Meridian, Idaho. It is a large church, active in local educational initiatives.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: A Sweet Fragrance:

author: Kris Zanoni

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 12.24.2008 • author id: ZaK3792208

word count: 50


A Sweet Fragrance teaches biblical character traits to young girls through a simple study of wildflowers. Each chapter includes a story, illustration, and information regarding a selected flower. It could be ideal for a mother to read to her daughter(s) or an older sister to read to her younger sister as a mentoring tool. The stories are encouraging and educational, and will most importantly encourage girls in their faith and Christian standards. The focus audience is girls ages 6-16, Christians, homeschoolers (encouraging a study in botany), and hopefully non-Christians.

About the Author
Kris Zanoni has served as a pastor's wife for 18 years and home schools her three children. She treasures the grace of God in her own life and has a passion for encouraging other women and young ladies to walk faithfully with God. She lives with her husband and children in Tennessee, where wild flowers grace fields and trails with their natural beauty. Alicia Zanoni (illustrator, age 15) has been writing and illustrating her own stories since she was a little girl. She is editor of Young Christian Writer's Magazine, a publication that encourages teens to write for the glory of God. One distributor has already expressed an interest in helping to market this work.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Gabriel and the Secret of the Rainbow

author: Bill Harrell

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.21.2008 • author id: HaB7707008

word count: 26


As a storm rages outside their home, Doug and Nicole's father tells them the story of Gabriel, a Canada goose, and the "legend of the windbreaker". Little Gabriel dreams of becoming a migratory flight leader just like his father. But little Gabriel has a BIG problem! He doesn't have any sense of direction! Gabriel pursues his dream against great odds and along the way he makes a discovery that will forever change the formation geese will use to make their long migratory flights. Gabriel will learn, that the One who lives above the heavens, loves, protects, and provides for him. He will also learn that the very things he needs to give him a sense of direction are already in place as part of God's awesome creation. By the exciting climax of the story, Doug and Nicole, will learn the Secret of the Rainbow and that Jesus is the God who puts dreams in our hearts...dreams that we cannot achieve without Him. He then gives us His grace to persevere through the storms and trials of life until He brings our dreams to fulfillment to His glory, honor, and praise. This story of hope intends to increase children's faith in Jesus, the only one who is our protection in the midst of the storm and the only one who can calm the storms of life and bring peace to our lives.

About the Author
The writer took creative writing in college and completed the Institute of Children's Literature correspondence course. He also attended the nationally recognized Children's Authors' Bootcamp, a writing workshop. For the past 16 years he has served as a minister on staff with a Christian funeral home.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Grace Along the Way

author: Jeanne L. Drouillard

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.19.2008 • author id: DrJ4815408

word count: 332


Jeffrey Barnes and Steve Johnson are stuck in an orphanage. Jeff finds out he's not even an orphan, but was snatched from his parents. He's depressed until Steve is moved into his room and they develop a successful thinking process. Steve learns in a science class how everything begins with thought, and together they develop their own philosophy of thinking. Then Steve is moved to another home miles away. His anger and frustration cause a bumpy detour in his life and he ends up in the army at seventeen to avoid jail time. He finally comes into his own in Afghanistan helping other soldiers see possibilities and teaching them a new way of thinking. His faith returns as the one solid fact in his life. A fellow soldiers changes from a timid, frightened personality to one who courageously saves his friends in battle, and dies in the process. His last words were to tell everyone what he'd learned from Steve. First in a series.

About the Author
The writer has published articles and poems in various magazines, including Angels on Earth and Ste. Anne de Beaupre. Having worked with orphans and foster children, the writer can reflect their unique way of thinking. She graduated from Madonna University with a bachelor's degree in business, minors in computers, French, and sign language. Other areas of study are Bible studies, love and logic parenting, attachment disorder, psychology and the power of thought.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Easter Lamb

author: M.A. Petaccia

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 11.19.2008 • author id: PeM3256608

word count: 85


Papa Vianello buys a live lamb on the morning of Good Friday. As is their custom, the lamb will be fed all day Friday and Saturday and Saturday night he will slaughter the lamb, skin and cut it in different parts for their Easter dinner. When the lamb is taken to the Vianello house, all the children in the street play with the lamb they have named Delilah and when they find out Delilah's fate are upset. The three Vianello boys, Dante, Johnny and Carlo and the girl next door, Skipper, decide to save the lamb and try to come up with a perfect plan to save Delilah from being their Easter dinner.

About the Author
M.A. Petaccia has published fiction, poetry, articles and guest columns in 47 publications, including Yankee, Potomac Review, The Greenfield Review, Southern Poetry Review, Poetry International, Philadelphia Daily News, Miami Herald. He has given readings at the United Nations, University of Pennsylvania, University of Florida and Florida State University. He was appointed Master Poet in the Poetry in the Schools program in 1976 and director of the FSU Poet Series. He is a member of the Authors Guild and the Academy of American Poets.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Forever Friends

author: J. Carey Pedlow

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.25.2008 • author id: PeJ4580208

word count:


Alley's ever-loyal commitment to her friends is admirable, but the painful sting of ridicule causes a misunderstanding of Billy's seemingly sarcastic ways. A sleepless night draws Alley into a journey of awareness, forgiveness and resolve. Closing the door to self, she is able to yield herself to wisdom's never-ending adventures of unexpected friendships.

About the Author
An art instructor (K-12) for 19 years, the writer developed computerized pictorial writing program for challenged readers K-4. She served on committees for writing/illustrating children's book workshops locally and university levels and developed "Discipline Based Art Education Program K-8" for county art program. Other activities: watercolor artist/photographer exhibitor, speaker for varied local children's ministry programs, and counselor for an Ecuador missions trip.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Could I Paint The Sky?

author: Julie Hoy

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.25.2008 • author id: HoJ9730508

word count:


Madeline Judith thinks that God is a really good artist. She wants to help and asks if she can paint the sky for him. Madeline learns that God has special jobs for each of us. The jobs he has for her won't always be big, but they are jobs that only she can do.

About the Author
Julie Hoy is a published songwriter with Oregon Catholic Press, singer/musician, storyteller, humorist, and inspirational speaker. She has released seven CDs of original Christian music, a children's music collection, and a Christmas CD. She has performed in venues large and small for thousands of people of all ages. She helped establish the non-profit organization Friends of Pimpollo and for the past eight years has worked closely with underserved children in southern Mexico.

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title: What About Me God?

author: Geri LaVoy

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.24.2008 • author id: LaG3471108

word count: 3


This is the story of a little green apple, different from all the other apples hanging on the apple tree. She is aware of the beauty of God's creation all around her, all having a specific purpose in God's wonderful plan. Yet, she is unable to see the beauty that God has created within her. All she sees is her being different, and she wonders if God had forgotten to give her a purpose in his plans.

About the Author
Geri LaVoy is presently a full time missionary serving with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). She enjoys sharing her heart through writing and desires to make a difference in the lives of children for God's glory. She is a wife and the mother of ten children, four of whom are special needs adopted children. Cell phone: 352-638-2080

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title: The Ten Commandments for Children

author: Teddie McConnell

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.23.2008 • author id: McT7275608

word count: 16


When Jason decides to take one of his mother's bake-sale cookies, she uses the opportunity to teach him about the basis for all rules, the Ten Commandments. Using everyday examples and wording, she breaks down God's laws in ways a child can understand. The conversation ends with the need for a savior, since no one, not even Mom, can always follow the rules. The author provides the illustrations.

About the Author
The author has a BFA in Photographic Illustration, art-teaching certification, and spent nine years teaching at the elementary level. She has written numberous songs, including one that reached the finals of the Praise in the Rockies Songwriting Competition.

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title: The Secret on the Second Floor

author: Lucille Travis

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 10.21.2008 • author id: TrL5511208

word count:


Horace felt the sharp edge of the broken ivory carving in his paw. Should he leave Fleur Gardens after all these years to search for a brother who wore the other half, a brother who might not have survived the night of the great fire? The mice of Fleur Gardens live comfortably in tunnels below the indoor gardens of a large office building. At night between the hours of curfew they enjoy the gardens and restaurant on the first floor within the strictly enforced borders of the first floor. Unknown to others, Horace and his friend Max have secretly visited the forbidden second floor. Inside an architect's office Horace has discovered his ability to paint pictures like those on the walls. His dreams of finishing his paintings, finding his brother and returning to Fleur Gardens bring instead arrest, shame, capture by rats, and a hard journey. Horace finds that telling ourselves the truth, finding courage to accept the fresh new page that waits for our markings is part of growing, and all a part of the Creator's plan.

About the Author
Lucille Travis has published historical fiction for middle readers in two series: The Ben and Zach books set in the Civil War era, and The Jeanmarie books from the World War II era. She has also written Tirzah set in the Biblical Exodus. A former English teacher she now lives in Minnesota with her husband, a history professor. She has often been a visiting author in schools and has conducted several children's writing workshops. She is a member of the Minnesota Christian Writer's Guild.

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title: The Delaware Detectives

author: Dana Rongione

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.25.2008 • author id: RoD2960908

word count: 100


Abby and Jamie Patterson are spending the summer with their grandfather in Delaware. While there, they stumble upon a clue that leads them on the most exciting adventure of their lives. The writer hopes this twisting story will have readers laughing and crying as they join the brother and sister in their search of Uncle Harold's enormous house. Abby and Jamie discover there is a time limit on the quest, and if they don't hurry, the treasure may be lost forever. While the main plot of the story is finding the treasure, the novel also addresses issues such as arguing, sneakiness, lying, and how these sins can affect not only us, but others around us.

About the Author
A graduate of the Institute of Children's Literature, the writer was an elementary school teacher for nine years. Her work may be found in Devo'zine, Teacher's Interaction, and Giggles and Grace Magazine.

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title: The Empty Manger

author: Carla Friesen-Martin

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.24.2008 • author id: FrCNonUS08

word count: 22


This Advent story for ages 7-12, exploring the theme of incarnation, is divided into four parts corresponding to the Sundays of Advent. It can be read by children, or as part of family, church or Sunday school Advent celebrations. Jessica feels lonely and displaced when she moves to a new city just before Christmas, where she discovers the porcelain Jesus figurine from her family's nativity scene is missing. She finds an unexpected friend in Mrs. Martens, an elderly neighbor who also experienced loneliness and displacement when she fled persecution in post-war Russia. Mrs. Martens shows Jessica her treasure: a branch from a tree in her village. Although it represents memories of lost family and friends, she gives it to Jessica's father to carve a new figurine. Pondering Mrs. Martens' sacrifice, and holding the new figurine - something she'd never have dared with the fragile porcelain one - Jessica grasps the meaning of incarnation: Jesus came to earth so God could be touched. Many Christmas books have been written for young children (toddler to age 7) exploring themes like giving and love. The Empty Manger is written for children ages 7-12, who can grasp more abstract themes yet for whom there are few Christmas books on the market.

About the Author
The writer holds degrees in psychology and medical rehabilitation, and has worked with children as a pediatric occupational therapist. She has led women's Bible studies and also done lay teaching as well as writing and performing dramas in churches and for local ministries.

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title: My Baby Brother Is an Animal

author: Julie Evonne Scott

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.23.2008 • author id: ScJ4622808

word count: 1


This is a book about the wonder of a crawling baby from the view of an older sibling. The sibling describes the things the baby does in relation to different kinds of animals (e.g., a splashing seal, stinky skunk, or playful kitten). It ends with the reminder that we are all under God's shepherding care.

About the Author
Julie Evonne Scott has a bachelor's degree in secondary education with a major in history and minors in theology and special education. She taught middle school students for seven years. She has been "studying" children's books during the last eight years with her four children. She is a stay-at-home mom who is very active in her church, helping to set up a children's worship center, teaching Sunday school, and leading youth activities.

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title: Plastic Crowns and Muddy Feet

author: Julia Ann Miracle

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 8.24.2008 • author id: MiJ7655008

word count: 5


This is a parable in verse about the "children of the king" and the marvelous kingdom that is theirs to explore. It tells of how, one day while they are playing, the children come upon a huge, wonderful mud puddle and proceed to get totally filthy. A new character arrives, sneers at them, and tells them that the king will no longer love them because they are so dirty. They despair over this prospect . . . until the king arrives and reveals to them all the real truth behind the puddle, and the depths of his love.

About the Author
Julia Ann Miracle is a classically trained portraitist who is exploring her gift for writing.

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title: Easter from A to Z

author: Shirley Menendez

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 8.24.2008 • author id: MeS2087808

word count: 14


Easter is an especially significant and holy day observed by Christians. This book tells about many of the customs and traditions observed during the Easter season and relates them to the true meaning of the day. Readers may have wondered how Good Friday got its name, why we mark the beginning of Holy Week with palm branches, or have a service of washing-of-the-feet on Maundy Thursday. Arranged in an alphabetical format, the topics covered are mostly religious in nature although some secular customs such as Easter eggs are included.

About the Author
The author's books about Christmas include Allie, the Christmas Spider (Dutton, 2002), and two books she co-authored with her husband - Christmas Songs Made in America (sold over 20,000 copies) and Joy to the World: Sacred Christmas Music Through the Ages (Cumberland House, 1999 and 2001). She received a masters degree in library science from Drexel University. She has enjoyed visiting local schools and talking to children, parents and teachers about her book B is for Blue Crab: A Maryland Alphabet (Sleeping Bear Press, 2004, over 25,000 copies sold).

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title: A Time for Prudence

author: Constance D. Davis

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 8.6.2008 • author id: DaC8565008

word count: 223


A time-travel fantasy/adventure featuring a young mouse, Prudence Dapperling, whose faith helps her to overcome the consequences of sin, and to realize that being extraordinarily small in a big world doesn't matter when you belong to Christ.

About the Author
A Time for Prudence is the first of the series "Journeys of a Small Life through a Grand Time." The story is complete in itself, with enough lead-in to the next to sustain readers' interest, illustrations (by the author) help bring the story to life, and marginal notes and sketches (attributed to Prudence) allow readers "to get to know the mouse." Time shares Christ with the context of an engaging, fun-filled adventure.

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title: Dream World

author: Jaime Mitchell

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.25.2008 • author id: MiJ3508508

word count: 9


Prayer can be confusing. Children can become frustrated when their prayers are not answered the way they want. In this story, Jackson Matthews finds that prayer works differently than he expects. While his parents run a soup kitchen, Jackson meets Patches, an older homeless man who comes in regularly on Wednesdays. While Patches enjoys his dinner, Jackson and he dream of different kinds of roller coasters, which Jackson draws onto his "secret plans." When Patches disappears with Jackson's drawings, Jackson discovers that the most important part of life is the people in it, not what they can give us. His prayers change from concern over his lost drawings to concern over his lost friend.

About the Author
The author has a BA degree in English from the University of Motevallo and also her teaching certification in secondary education. She loves to teach children at church and at school stories that will help them gain a Christian perspective of life.

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title: Alex's Halloween Rescue

author: Annette M. Howe

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.25.2008 • author id: HoA1530108

word count:


The book's purpose is to claim a positive, Christian meaning for Halloween. Alex and company are out trick or treating and "the company" runs into a problem - Alex doesn't want any more candy. What Alex does like, however, is exploring how things are put together. In this story, Alex and company do some exploring and are led by an unexpected guide to find out how Halloween is put together. They come away with a unique, yet transformational Christian understanding of Halloween.

About the Author
The author's credentials for writing this book include 18 years as a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a doctor of ministry degree in congregational spiritual discernment and involvement in children's ministries. She is in the process of writing additional children's manuscripts, and would like to see the Alex books become a series.

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title: Manna for Children

author: DeAnn DosSantos Maitland

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 7.18.2008 • author id: MaDNonUS08

word count: 120


Manna for Children is a collection of short stories for children seasoned with a dash of Caribbean flavor. The stories incorporate the teaching of language and literary skills in the transmission of spiritual, moral and family values. It encourages the training of character and the enhancement of oral and written communication skills.

About the Author
DeAnn DosSantos Maitland is a Christian educator, whose experience encompasses primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Her poems have been published in college magazines and in the primary reader used in schools in Trinidad and Tobago.

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title: The Boxed Moon

author: Linda Montanana

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: MoMNonUS08

word count: 110


Emily is afraid of the dark especially since Mum has taken on a night shift job and she is left alone with Dad who isn't sympathic at all to her fear. During the cold night, the moon shining into the tiny box room is like a miracle sent to help her. She is determined to find out who makes it shine. Her life goes from bad to worse though, when Dad leaves home and Frank the lodger, takes the key to her room. Rather than stay alone in the house at night with him, she runs away. Simon, the children's evangelist, from a nearby church, has befriended her and in his rising anxiety for her safety, calls the police.

About the Author
Linda Montanana writes, "The Writer's Edge has accepted seven of my children's stories. I am married with three children. It is my hope that this suspense story may give encouragement and inspiration to those who struggle alone with fears or conflicts at home or school."

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title: Daycare Hearts

author: Jessica Schaub

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: ScJ4890608

word count: 3


The manuscript follows a young boy's struggles in daycare. He misses his parents while they are away and tries to replace them with special things they have given him, but these items are ruined or stored in the cubby. Frustrated, the boy talks with his parents and they point out the gifts God has given him: his mother's eyes, his father's smile, and both their hearts. Word Count: 646

About the Author
The author has a MEd and a BA in elementary education; and worked as a reading specialist, a language arts teacher for junior high, and an After School Care Director. She also participates in several groups in which she can serve as a public speaker for children and adults with the book sold at each event.

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title: Christian Crafts for Kids

author: Maxine Kenny

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 5.25.2008 • author id: KeM9250608

word count: 228


This Bible-based how-to craft book is designed to make Bible learning fun and exciting for children between the ages of eight and twelve. It contains 48 craft projects based on Bible stories, verses, and Christian values. Each craft project has a user-friendly format, including: a scripture reference, mini-lesson, memory verse, list of needed materials, easy step-by-step instructions, and full-size patterns where needed. The projects, all fashioned from inexpensive materials, will be of special interest to those persons working with a limited budget.

About the Author
The author is a former Sunday school teacher and a retired public school art teacher. Her writing and illustrating background includes four published how-to craft books: Getting to Know You Through Art (T.S. Denison and Co. Inc.), Paper Plate Christian Crafts (Carson-Dellosa), Folk Art Ornaments: How to Make Them (Arco Publishing Co.), Paper Plate Art (T.S. Denison and Co.). The last is still in print and thus far has sold more than 28,369 copies). The crafts for this book are based on her years of experience guiding young children through craft projects.

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title: Princess Abigail and the Rose

author: Brandi Cook

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 5.25.2008 • author id: CoB7540208

word count:


Princess Abigail and the Rose is the story of a young princess who learns a lesson in obedience. On a deeper level it is also an allegory of the fall of man and the redemption offered through Christ.

About the Author
The writer is a certified elementary teacher who has taught at several elementary grade levels as well as in the children's program of the First Baptist Church Greenville, Texas. She holds a bachelors degree from the University of North Texas and is the mother of three girls.

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title: Buck and Friends

author: John R. Dodd

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children's Ministry • date submitted: 5.25.2008 • author id: DoJ2955608

word count:


Bucky and Friends is the result of forty years of experience in ministering to children. It helps to formulate and to deliver children's sermons and demonstrates the use of chalk artistry. It also gives valuable help in learning the art of ventriloquism. It also contains a list of seventy-five eye-catching object lessons.

About the Author
John R. Dodd is founder of Evangelistic-Art Ministries. As an evangelist for EAM he has held revivals in churches, camps, and conferences in the eastern states of the US. He uses chalk art and ventriloquism in his meetings. In addition to his writing, he has done book illustrations. This book was self-published.

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title: Theodore Walks in the Light

author: Carla Varner

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 5.25.2008 • author id: VaC2332208

word count:


Six-year old Theodore Isaiah Washington is a delightful young boy growing up in a Christian home where his parents teach him all about the Bible. As Theodore learns the Word of God he tries his best to do everything that God wants him to do. Only, because Theodore, like most children his age, has not fully grasped the difference between a metaphor and a literal interpretation, he gets mixed up. Theodore learns that "walking in Jesus' light" does not mean turning on all the lights in the house and walking underneath them every chance he gets.

About the Author
The author has a degree in journalism and mass communications from Douglass College, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. She has over fifteen years writing experience.

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title: She-Bear in the Beautiful Garden

author: Ellen Gillette

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 4.23.2008 • author id: GiE2754608

word count: 22


She-Bear in the Beautiful Garden is an allegory dealing with the Fall of man from the perspective of a simple but big-hearted bear who loves Heartmaker and her friends One and Other One, but also her precious cub. When her friends must leave the garden, her cub fulfills a special destiny Heartmaker had foretold, in a way that she never would have guessed . . . or wanted.

About the Author
Gillette is author of Baaad Sheep - When God's People Let You Down (CarePoint Ministry, 2007). She is actively involved with children's and women's ministry, as well as being active with community theater. She has been married for 31 years and with her husband and four children, served with Youth With A Mission in India. Having worked as a weekly newspaper columnist and freelance writer (Ministries Today, Bread for Children, the Wittenburg Door, and others), Gillette is comfortable with the editing process and deadlines.

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title: Letters, Buttons and Spies:

author: Kathleen Uretsky

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 4.20.2008 • author id: UrK8502708

word count: 110


In the first book of this middle-grade mystery series, sisters Amber and Kit stumble across the unconscious body of elderly neighbor Lucille Hawkins. Broken glass from the shattered upstairs window indicate that the woman fell through the glass into the garden below. The police are convinced it was an accident, but was it? The girls team up with best friend Coop to search for the answer, but instead find themselves caught up in danger and mystery when they encounter a spy and uncover two very strange clues pointing to the culprit and a hidden security box full of cash. As the three young sleuths delve into the mystery, they also journey into the deeper mystery of faith and God's forgiveness.

About the Author
The author is a freelance writer with numerous published stories and articles in a variety of national children's magazines and periodicals.

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title: Tough Little Guy

author: Kit Allen

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children, Illustrate • date submitted: 4.20.2008 • author id: AlK7737508

word count:


Tough Little Guy is an intergenerational story that compares the style of two men parenting sons. The first boy has a strict father who loves him, but through actions and responses to his son believes harshness will turn him into a tough guy. When grown they boy becomes the father of a son. The father adores his son. He rejects the parenting style of his father and chooses to teach the boy how to love and forgive when life hurts. The boy ends up teaching his grandfather how to love.

About the Author
Kit Allen has five children's books that were published by Houghton Mifflin. These books were featured in Parenting magazine, and were used by First Lady Barbara Bush in her summer reading program. The subject matter of this book prompts Allen's wish that it be published by a Christian publisher.

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title: Gabe the Goggle Boy

author: Lori Asbury

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.21.2008 • author id: AsL3791908

word count:


Gabe the Goggle Boy is one of a series of books about a boy who finds a pair of goggles that have amazing powers -- they allow him to see inside people's souls. Throughout Gabe's exciting adventures, he uses the goggles to help many different people find the path that God has chosen for them by revealing what lies deep within their hearts. Whether it's the class bully at school, or a neighbor who is lonely and sad, Gabe is able to set their lives in a new direction with the help of the incredible goggles. Each story is representative of themes from the Bible such as: loving your neighbor, reaching out to someone in need, and forgiving those who mistreat you. The aim is for Gabe's fascinating escapades to help kids learn themes and passages from the Bible as they are applied to many of the issues they may be faced with today.

About the Author
The author is a seven time Emmy winner for television commercial copy-writing and production. A 22 year veteran of the television industry, she has held positions with Cox Cable, CBS Television, Fox Television, and is now currently Senior Vice President of Marketing, Creative, and Brand Strategy for Home and Garden Television (HGTV) based in Knoxville, Tennessee. She has a bachelors degree in journalism from the University of Oklahoma, and a masters in business administration from Cornell University.

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title: Mr. Elbarap Opens the Word:

author: Virginia Roark

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.21.2008 • author id: RoV6375508

word count: 126


When Mr./Ms. Elbarap ("parable" spelled backwards), the kooky teacher, opens his/her Bible, strange things happen in the Sunday school room. The room becomes a hot desert, marble walls spring up, and biblical characters appear - all in the imagination of the students, of course. They love to perform using only their imagination. Since the stories are biblically sound, they've become popular with the parents, too. They can be performed about ten minutes or less; they require few to no props or prior preparations; they have only six to eight essential characters. Since the Bible stories are heavily weighted toward male parts, two modern-day characters are used who, in most of the skits, could be boys or girls. The modern-day element also allows for applications of the Bible principles in a way that is relevant to the kids' own lives.

About the Author
A retired teacher and journalist, the author has taught Sunday school for many years and written skits for children's church programs and adult drama programs. She has published an article in Discipleship Journal and a short story in the book Hooked on Heaven.

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title: Militant Moms:

author: Sharon Jadrnicek

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.20.2008 • author id: JaS5315408

word count:


This is a spiritual guide to praying for children. It includes parenting strategies, ideas, and scriptural references. Each biblical principle is accompanied by helpful anecdotes that show the practical application. Each chapter closes with prayer.

About the Author
The author has worked with children and parents for about 20 years and taught both middle and high school for sixteen years. For the last four years she has worked with troubled youth. She speaks at women's meetings, conferences, and many parenting seminars. She has published several articles including "Raising Teenagers in Today's Culture", "The Ministry of Resurrection", and "The Art of Being Thankful". She holds a teaching degree in elementary education and a BA in sociology.

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title: Furry Tails:

author: Tristan Perry

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.19.2008 • author id: PeT2414108

word count: 117


Seventeen-year-old Paige Atkins takes her apricot-colored poodle, Cinnamon, on a vacation to visit family in the mountains. Even though Cinnamon is small in size, she gets into even more dilemmas than ever before. Meeting new people and creatures await Paige and her curious poodle, but nothing can prepare Cinnamon or her family for the discoveries lurking ahead! Cinnamon's quest for excitement and independence takes her many places -- from the deep waters of Jasper Lake to onstage at a pet safety contest. Can the sweet poodle with the big brown eyes summon the courage to face new emotions never felt before? Can she face her fears?

About the Author
An owner of two poodles, Tristan Perry, PhD, combines a unique understanding of this breed with family values in her writing. Dog Fancy Magazine reviewed the first Furry Tails book, The Adventures of Cinnamon Persimmon, as a "Paw Turner"! Aside from promoting the books at bookstores, libraries, and schools, Tristan is a recruited guest speaker at women's conferences and churches.

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title: Good-bye, Grandpa

author: Margene Whitler Hucek

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.19.2008 • author id: HuM2294708

word count: 6


Good-bye, Grandpa is the story of two boys, James and Tom, saying good-bye to their grandfather. They're at Grandpa's farm shooting baskets and picking corn, but nothing is the same as Grandpa is dying. Tom and James go to the hospital to see their grandfather and are bothered by the strange sights and smells and seeing their grandfather lying in a hospital bed. Grandpa has tubes running out of his arms and bottles hanging all around him. Then, Tom "saw that his hands looked the same -- still big and strong -- so I reached to touch the hand that was close to me, but I stopped. I was afraid I looked at Dad and he nodded. I took his hand and put it in mine and James put his hand on top. It was like it was when we drove the tractor together -- Grandpa's hand holding the wheel and our hands on his." The writer hopes children will find comfort in this book and, through gentle questioning, a chance to talk about the death or coming death of a grandparent. Good-bye, Grandpa is a book that respects the emotions of sorrow and loss in children.

About the Author
Margene Whitler Hucek writes, "I have had a children's book, Lilacs for Grandma, published in 2002 by the Centering Corporation, a respected publisher of books that help people deal with grief. My book is still in print and is in their current catalog. Lilacs has received good reviews."

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title: The Bride's Dream

author: Patricia J. Struski

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 1.24.2008 • author id: StP0644808

word count: 32


This is an allegory of the Kingdom of God and believers' relationship to Jesus as his bride. Told in a fairy-tale style with rich royal illustrations, the story centers on Kahlla, a young maiden who is angry and bitter. Searching for something better in her life, she discovers the peaceful Kingdom and begins to love the King and his Prince. Through them she discovers peace, hope, and the ability to forgive those who have wronged her. When she puts her trust in the Prince and lives his way, her heart is changed. Eventually she becomes the Prince's bride and rules the Kingdom with him. The reading level is appropriate for children ages 10 and up.

About the Author
Patricia Struski has extensive experience working with children, including twenty-one years in children's ministry and ten years running an in-home daycare. She has six children and eight grandchildren of her own. She was ordained as a teacher through the Fellowship of Life Church and serves on the church's apostolic team. She managed a Christian bookstore for five years.

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title: Olivia McCormick and the Time Team:

author: Rhonda Mattingly

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 1.24.2008 • author id: MaR4000408

word count: 145


The world could be completely changed if even one second of time were thrown off course. This is the basis for the first in a series of middle-grade fictional adventures with a substantial dose of intrigue, suspense, and historical reference. Olivia McCormick, the thirteen-year-old leader of the Time Team, takes on her new role under the direction of her grandfather and the headmistress of Wethington Academy. Both were time travelers when they were students at the school. Emily Matsuo, Enrique Dominguez, and Ryan Phillips round out the all-student team and use their own God given abilities and their faith to battle the wicked Donogan. For ages Donogan and his minions have shifted through time altering events and unfairly influencing history for their personal gain. In this, the Time Team's first mission, they will find themselves battling evil itself in one of the darkest times in history.

About the Author
Rhonda Mattingly holds a doctorate in education and has been working with children for over eighteen years. She has an insatiable interest in the mystery of history and seeks to encourage a similar appreciation in her readers. Suspense and intrigue are two means she uses to invite the young reader into worlds that will challenge and inspire them. Whether speaking or writing,

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title: Eternity

author: Jodi Schipper

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 4.10.2013 • author id: ScJ4941913

word count: 568 story + 711 opt. Q&A


The book of Hebrews describes a group of biblical fathers and mothers whose faith compelled them to live as strangers and pilgrims on the earth. They did not receive the fullness of the promises God made them but saw them afar off and therefore confidently sought their fulfillment in a future place: the heavenly Jerusalem that is to come (11:10, 13–16; 12:22; 13:14). As we challenge and prepare our children to model their lives after these heroes of the faith, we must set before them the hope of their eternal home and the means by which it will come about. Eternity brings the subjects of Jesus’ Second Coming and the New Jerusalem into a joyful context children can engage with as they learn about the heavenly city that they hope for but do not yet see (11:1). Fun, rhythmic rhymes that stir the imagination are accompanied by more than thirty scriptural references and optional topics of conversation for the family to discuss and interpret together.

About the Author

Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, Jodi Schipper spent five years in mission work for an international prayer ministry where she learned the value and significance of praying and speaking the Word of God. Her purpose for writing Biblically driven books for children is to impart to them a love for the Word by making Scripture memorable and fun.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The ABCs of God

author: Cheryl Dellasega

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.4.2013 • author id: DeC1703313

word count: 400


If your child has trouble falling asleep at night or you’re searching for wholesome bedtime reading, The ABCs of God is the book for you.  In rhyme, each letter of the alphabet is turned into a descriptor of God, appropriate for an elementary audience.  The effect is reassuring and calming.


For children needing to refine their alphabet and spelling skills or those who want to learn more about God, this simple exercise can be used with and without the book.  In fact, I often use the same strategy to soothe myself and my granddaughter to sleep.


Although the book is not currently illustrated, the art will be key to delivering a powerful message about who God is, what He does for us, and why it is important to have him in our lives.  This is a very approachable text that can not only answer questions about God, but initiate dialogue with their parents or other adults.


The impetus for this book was a series called The ABCs of Yoga (  This series, designed for a secular audience, has been hugely successful, with deck cards containing the alphabet, posters, and other spin offs.  Basically, each letter of the alphabet is used to describe a yoga pose.  A faith based book using a similar approach could be equally successful, since there is nothing similar to it on the market right now.


Sunday Schools, summer programs, and other venues will benefit from the book.  Spin offs such as a game, card deck, t-shirts, and more would not only add to the profit of this book but spread the message about our God. (250 words)


About the Author

I am the author of six self help books for girls and women, published by mainstream companies such as Perseus, Touchstone, and John Wiley.  In addition, I have written two YA novels which Marshall Cavendish (now Amazon) optioned, and my two novels have been published by smaller presses.




My ministry to girls is national and spreading through Club Ophelia, the program I designed to help promote healthy relationship skills.  My expertise is frequently sought in radio and print media, and I am a professor in a college of medicine where I regular lecture to large internal and external groups.  My website is












If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: What Would Christmas Be?

author: Debbie Legg

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.5.2013 • author id: LeD6283713

word count: 500


I’m trying to imagine Christmas without the finery.

Strip it to its simplest parts, as basic as can be.

What excess could we do without? What if we said, “No more!”

What would we miss if it was gone? What’s Christmas at its core?

Think of it…

Christmas is celebrated in many different ways—parties, plays, cards, decorations, food, gifts, cartoons, and church, to name but a few. Yet what could we leave out and have Christmas still be Christmas?

This short children’s book sorts through the “must haves” of Christmas to discover the heart of the season.

About the Author

Debbie Legg's writing includes poetry, skits, and scripts, as well as inspirational nonfiction articles.  She contributes to the online devotional Daily Fast Fuel ( and maintains her blog ( With her film production company, Talk Your Legg Off Productions, she is currently working on a modern-day retelling of the Wise Men story.

The market for this book includes gift shops, book stores, and any place having to do with Christmas. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: EMILY MASON TEACHES YOU TO THINK, An Interactive Devotional for Girls, Ages 6-10

author: Jolie Wheaton

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.26.2013 • author id: WhJ3850613

word count: 19,000


     Emily Mason is eight years old.  She has a favorite pair of tennis shoes, a dog named Roxy, a parakeet, and a stick of gum she's saving for a special occasion.  This is her book on how to think.  She's pretty much an expert at this point.  After all, she's been practicing for at least four years.

     Lots of times when Emily wants to think, she goes to her treehouse.  It's her special place!  Her dad made it just for her.  She has all kinds of things in her treehouse--crayons and paper, clay and silly glasses. She also has an enormous pile of dress-up clothes.  And her thinking book. It was a special gift from her mom.

     Emily's mom is always saying, "Choose your thoughts, choose your life." But choosing your thoughts takes practice!  So Emily's here to get you started! Those thoughts can be pretty sneaky.  But, don't worry, it's easier than you think!  See, there you go--thinking.  Thinking is so important!    




About the Author

Jolie Wheaton has worked professionally with children as a social worker and as a children's party coordinator.  She has also served as a teacher in children's ministry.  In each experience, Mrs. Wheaton has observed the need for children to develop a relationship with God that is personal and applicable to their individual lives.

Mrs. Wheaton has a local platform to promote this book and intends to market it as a gift set with included activity supplies and a read-along audio CD.  It will work well as an interactoive computer software program and a phone app. Mrs. Wheaton is willing to travel to book fairs and children's ministry conferences to promote this devotional program.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Brother Lawrence Listens

author: Beverley Rayner

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 1.29.2014 • author id: RaB114

word count: 1,017


Amidst common kitchen chores, Brother Lawrence would retreat to a place within his heart to commune with God. No matter how mundane the task, his desire was to fill every moment in worshipful prayer and service.

Brother Lawrence Listens is a children’s picture book for grades 1-3 about the life of Brother Lawrence. My goal is to present with clear language the idea that God is always close to us. We can talk to God, listen for his voice, and live within the circle of his presence.  

In a world filled with many so distractions, Brother Lawrence’s life serves as an example of the close relationship that can be ours if we are willing to seek God each day. Little children will readily grasp the idea that God is near them, and that they can talk to him anytime and in their own way just like Brother Lawrence.

An author's note at the end of the book sheds more light on what we know about Brother Lawrence.


About the Author

Beverley Rayner is a freelance writer and an elementary school librarian. She enjoys writing short stories, articles, Christian devotionals, poetry, and books for children. Her first picture book, In View of God - The Life of Edith Cavell, will be published later this year by Voice of the Martyrs, Canada. Her writer’s CV can be viewed at

She writes, "When I read Brother Lawrence's letters in a small book entitled The Practice of His Presence, I was deeply moved and inspired to hunger for the presence of God in a deeper way. I believe that children will do same when they read about this humble and saintly man of God."


If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Discipline that Connects with Your Child’s Heart

author: Jim Jackson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.17.2014 • author id: JaJ5531814

word count: 64,878


The way kids are or are not disciplined for misbehavior is a powerful influence in what they grow up to believe about themselves and about God. Unfortunately, too many well-intended Christian parents are not thoughtful about this. As a result, parents not only miss great opportunities to demonstrate what God’s grace and truth are all about, they often contradict it. Their kids call this hypocrisy. It is the killer of faith.

Steeped in biblical wisdom, Discipline that Connects teaches a profound and practical approach to children’s misbehavior. The goal of the approach is to woo a child’s heart to better understand God’s grace and truth through corrective discipline. The focus is less on immediate right behavior and more on teaching kids wisdom and right belief anchored in four powerful and memorable messages for discipline:

- You Are Safe!
- You Are Loved!
- You Are God’s Workmanship!
- You Are Responsible!

When parents take authority to communicate these powerful biblical messages, they become powerful influencers of their children’s behavior AND belief. They stay well connected to their children; their children’s hearts grow to be respectful, obedient, and responsive to God; and their families become a blessing to others.

About the Author

Since 2002, Jim and Lynne Jackson have conducted nearly 1200 workshops for 60,000 parents, and privately coached more than 1000 parents. The numbers grow each year. Their blog drew 370,000 visitors in 2013 and has more than 6,000 email subscribers. Jim’s career with high-risk families and Lynne’s as a pediatric occupational therapist equip them to inspire tired parents with real-world wisdom and “aha” moments that bring fireworks of hope and practical grace.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Men of the Holidays

author: Judy Nations

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.25.2014 • author id: NaJ2366614

word count: 5500


 Men of the Holidays is a history book that introduces the lives and contributions of Saint Valentine, Saint Patrick, Martin Luther (Reformation Day), Squanto (Thanksgiving), and Saint Nicholas.  Comparisons with the life of Christ are briefly included. 

History is really 'His Story'- the story of God working all things in accordance with His will. The five men featured in the book were led and sustained by God. They were all captured; all, but Squanto, persecuted for their faith.  When they yielded their lives to God, they were able, by God's grace, to accomplish great things.  

Beautifully illustrated with 32 paintings, the fast paced stories will entertain, inform, and inspire all ages.  Written at a third grade reading level, the book is well suited for teachers to read and discuss with students ages 5 to 12.  Families will also want to read Men of the Holidays together.  A time line and maps are included.


About the Author
With a major in "Youth: Problems and Services", Judy received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Massachusetts.   She worked with emotionally disturbed children and then completed a year-long graduate program in Biblical studies at Columbia International University.  Judy's late husband was a pastor and they raised three sons who are now married. Judy homeschooled for twelve years and taught at a Christian Classical School in Hampton Virginia for twelve years.  She wrote the curricula for several of her subjects at the school.  Wanting to discuss the men behind the holidays with her students, Judy started the research for this book.  Later, she self-published the book for her grandchildren (and others). Her neice drew and painted the illustrations. Reviews of Men of the Holidays are available on 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: God Made Me

author: Israel Idonije

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.25.2014 • author id: IdI6060114

word count: 120 words


"God Made Me" is the first book in a series created to cover a variety of topics and ideas.  Each book is upbeat and carries a positive message to children that God is Love and that His hand is in their every day lives.

"God Made Me" shares the truth to children that they are each God\'s creation -- from their eyes, to their nose, to their fingers and to their toes. 

"God Made Me" uses a contemporary style that is bright and inviting for pre- and early- readers.  It could easily be translated into many languages for markets around the world.  The series would work well as a board book, large picture book, and as a digital, interactive book.

About the Author

Israel is a 12-year veteran in the NFL who has maintained and lived by his core Christian beliefs throughout his career.  Not only has he been an asset on the field, but his off-the-field character and humanitarian efforts have been recognized repeatedly.

Israel created and launched a comic book series called The Protectors that uses sports as a backdrop to share a positive underlying message to youth that they are each blessed with gifts and abilities that are to be nurtured and developed.  That even though they will be confronted with difficulties, obstacles and temptations  that might cause them to lose focus of their potential, they must set goals, make good choices and stand firm to achieve success in their pursuits -- to become all that they can be.  That they too can become “Protectors” of all that is good.

The Protectors has garnered a lot of media attention.  Israel is well known for positively impacting the lives of youth and helping them see beyond their circumstance.  He knows it is imperative in this world for kids to know of God’s love, and he wants to share that message through the "God Made..." series.

Israel is the owner of a Communion cup business, he served on the board of the Chicago Public Library for many years, and in 2007 he started a foundation to help youth in underserved communities.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Simple Little Salvation Story

author: William Cote

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 10.8.2014 • author id: CoW3466714

word count: 1100


Children have a myriad of questions about Christianity: Why did Jesus have to die on the cross? What is sin? How and why do we go to heaven when we die?

And parents are expected to have the answers.

The Simple Little Salvation Story is a picture book that makes understanding God’s loving plan of salvation easy and fun for young readers. Unlike other books on salvation it doesn’t start with Adam and Eve. It starts with robots. Yes, robots. Then it introduces freewill, what sin is, why God gave us the Ten Commandments, and why He decided to come live with us and teach us how to live a life based on love.

The book has already been beautifully illustrated by a noted children’s book illustrator, Shirley Chiang, and it is available through CreateSpace and Amazon. But it needs the backing of a publisher to be properly marketed and stocked by churches and bookstores. Excerpts from the story are available at 

About the Author

William Cote has been writing professionally for 15 years in the business world. The Simple Little Salvation Story is his first book. Mr. Cote’s economy of style and clever approach has created a story that is accessible and easily read by readers young and old. Illustrator Shirley Chiang has illustrated over 40 books and is known for her fresh, fun, endearing style.

The book has received wonderful reviews from religious leaders and educators. Here is a sample: "William Cote has captured the essence of the most profound theological truths and communicated them in a way that is simple and understandable to our children. Get this book. Read it, but most of all read it aloud and make sure someone else is listening!”

Mr. Cote is promoting this book to church gift shops but is finding that they are not open to self-published works. Excerpts of the story are available at:

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: JESUS LOVES ME: This I Know: The Salvation Story for Little Ones

author: LARRY SIAH

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.7.2015 • author id: SILV2R3V15

word count: 313


This little book seeks to explain the gospel to young children in simple terms the concepts of sin, repentance, and salvation by faith and grace. It introduces them to Jesus as their friend and explains their need to love and obey God right from the beginning.

May the Spirit of God bless and guide those who faithfully share Christ with little ones, to touch their hearts and seal their souls for eternity.

About the Author

Raised in a non-Christian background, I went to a Christian school but no one explained the gospel to me until I graduated 13 years later - through a book called THE SALVATION OF GOD by Oswald Smith. I wished there had been a simple book that clearly explained to me why Christ had to die on the cross but there was none then.

Now that I have been a Christian for 40 years, I think it necessary to write this book. This conviction is also reinforced by my being aware of the need to counteract an alarming development in Borneo where aggressive conversion of Christian children into Islam is now taking place. This book has now been translated for the expressed purpose of helping the poor rural churches teach their children about the gospel.

The completed English copy of this book is now available on request. I will waive the royalty on this book.

My training was in Psychology (BA from Canada) and in Marriage and Family Therapy (MA from Azusa Pacific University).

This book may be used for:

Sunday School Teaching
Vacation Bible School
Bible Camp
Child Evangelism
Award or Gift Book for Birthday/Christmas


If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The House that Granddad Built

author: Judy Connally

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.23.2015 • author id: CoJ7482115

word count: 968


The House that Granddad Built is a 968-word picture book that celebrates family life in rural Oklahoma during the 1950s. This was an era of no locked doors and no danger for children playing outside by themselves.  It was a time when children relied on books or their own imaginations for the games they enjoyed.  It was a time of family bonding and Sunday dinners and rocking on the front porch.

In the 50s it was unusual for a child to live with his grandparents. In this day, it is becoming more and more the norm. But what will draw readers the most are those common yearnings that people experience at all stages of their lives:  a desire for family and a need to belong.

The House that Granddad Built is unique because it is a quiet book without story arc or conflict. Although children desire excietment, they also seek--and need--an excape from tension.

About the Author

Judy Shi Connally is a retired teacher of high school English with a Master's Degree in Education.  After retirement, she worked for the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma interviewing Choctaw elders and helping them write their memoirs. Some of the author's work has been published in the Bisknik. a monthly newspaper of the Choctaw Nation.

During her teaching career, Connally published the school yearbook, grades K-12, for eight years.  From that experience she learned about printing signatures, avoiding the gutter, bleeding, placement and--most importantly--accountability in meeting deadlines.

The author is eager to make school visits across the nation and to actively promote her book. Although she does not currentlty have a blog, she is willing to develop one with former students and co-workers of twenty years as her target audience.

The author is a member of SCBWI and Christian Fiction Writers of America and has attended multiple conferences of those organizations.


If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Bible Nursery Rhymes - Genesis

author: Jason Mead

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.24.2015 • author id: MeJ4830715

word count: 3200


This book is a collection of fifteen nursery rhyme-like poems based on the major (and some minor) stories of Genesis.  Although they are rhymes, the integrity of the Biblical stories is not compromised.  Children and adults both will enjoy these rhymes as they are sometimes humorous, sometimes profound, and always fun while remaining true to the Biblical text.  This book is perfect for any parent who wishes to read to his child the great Bible stories, and who hopes to have his child ask to be read them again and again.  Creation, The Fall, Noah, The Tower of Babel, Abraham, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers - it's all here and worded in ways that are whimsical, rhythmic, and memorable.

About the Author

I have been a teacher of children for years.  I've taught English as a second language to children overseas, I've taught Sunday School here in the States and I am the father of two young children myself.  I have seen how much children love rhythm and rhyme when reading or when trying to learn a new concept.  I teach because I believe that one of the best gifts one can give to another is knowledge, and Biblical knowledge is an especially wonderful gift to give.  I truly believe this book of Biblical rhymes is my opportunity to give a great gift to familes I've never met.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Life of Jesus - word search puzzles

author: Cheryl Ramirez

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 6.4.2015 • author id: RaC7749415

word count: 6,000


Something new for the word-search lover: shapes! Rather than ordinary puzzles trapped in a box, these word searches are shaped to match the Bible story. You will look for words in puzzles shaped like lamps, moons, numbers, and more. The Bible stories highlight Jesus' life on earth from His baptism to the Great Commission.  Some of the puzzles included are: "The True Light," taken from John 1 and shaped like an oil lamp; "The Last Supper," taken from Luke 22 and in the shape of a cup next to a piece of bread; and "The B-Attitudes," taken from Matthew 5 and shaped like the letter B.  Another unique feature to this book is that the word God is highlighted in bold letters within puzzles containing His name; this is done to symbolize that God is never hard to find.  

Sharpen your mind and your pencils and enjoy these unique and entertaining puzzles.

About the Author

Cheryl Ramirez has been creating word puzzles for nearly 10 years. She is a freelance puzzle maker and has been published multiple times in a children's devotional magazine. She created an activity book that was used in the 2014 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, held in Houston, TX. In addition, she has created puzzle and activity sheets for the children's ministry at Lakewood Church, also in Houston. Cheryl homeschools her two children and is a member of an active, supportive church.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: I Don't Want to Fight: The Legend of Sgt. York

author: Dennis Heritage

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.29.2015 • author id: HeD4406015

word count: 12, 000 words


In WW1 seventeen Doughboys are ambushed in a French ravine by a German machine gun battalion. Nine Americans are instantly killed or wounded, and the rest dive for cover.   Only one, Corporal Alvin York, is able to fight back; but he’s been caught in the open and lies flat in the mud. Bullets fly inches above and around him. It looks hopeless: one man, with only a rifle and pistol, against more than thirty machine gunners and riflemen. And consider who this man is:  a conscientious objector who once said he didn’t want to fight. He actually believes the Bible, which says, “Thou shalt not kill.” Now he finds himself in a desperate firefight in the middle of the bloodiest battle in American military history: The Meuse-Argonne. Is he going to throw down his weapons, run away, and leave his friends to die? Or will he stay and fight, and violate his conscience in the process? York is a man with a troubled past and a stunning secret. What he does next is usually seen only in legends and fairy tales. Everyone in the ravine is about to discover that this fairy tale is true.

About the Author

Dennis Heritage is a professional children’s librarian and adjunct instructor of Children’s Literature at Lakeland Community College in Kirtland, Ohio. Archaeology has only recently pinpointed Sgt. York’s battle site, which Heritage has visited twice. With the help of a French friend who is a native of the area and a licensed battlefield guide at Verdun, Heritage has prepared two presentations to take “on the road” to help promote the book: 1) for general audiences, a photographic“walking tour” of the ravine and surrounding area 2) a “Sgt. York” program geared for children, with crafts, games, and other activities. Heritage is booking at libraries, senior centers, community colleges, municipal park & recreation departments, bookstores (both Christian and secular) and veterans’ groups.   He lives in NE Ohio, which is one of the prime markets for Christian radio (WCRF – Moody affiliate). He attends Parkside Church – Lake County, in Kirtland, Ohio.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Christmas Kisses

author: Andrea Rose

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.1.2016 • author id: RoA1881016

word count:


It's Christmas Eve and Faith longs to celebrate the holiday with her daddy, who has passed away. To fight their loneliness, Faith and her mama begin a new Christmas tradition. After recalling some favorite memories, they present Faith's daddy with a few of his favorite things in a Christmas stocking. But the most special of all their gifts travels miraculously through the night sky, past the Christmas moon, and through heaven's gates on a journey to her daddy's cheeks! 


This story reminds us that death is not the end. Heaven is waiting for us, and loved ones who trust in Jesus will be there too.


Coming with a fill-in page dedicated to each book owner's loved one, this book offers a means for surviving families to reminisce about their own loved one who has passed away.

About the Author

Christmas Kisses is based on a tradition Andrea Rose shares with her daughter to celebrate the life of her first husband.  It is written for preschool and elementary-aged children who have suffered the loss of a close family member. It would also be beneficial for the adult relatives, friends, pastors, counselors, and teachers associated with these children as they look for ways to comfort hurting little ones. 


Andrea Rose has sold several stories to Highlights magazine.  In addition, she has active submissions with Warner Press and Clubhouse Jr. (Focus on the Family). She is also working to polish two picture book stories.      

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: And God Is Everywhere...

author: Melvin Laforce

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.1.2016 • author id: LaM6622416

word count:


The category of my submission is children, ages 3 - 7, The story is inspirational, family and devotional. The work is meant to have appealing cartoon-graphics and read as a bedtime story.

About the Author
I have a Master's Degree from Syracuse University in Radio/Television. I am 71 years old and have 6 grandchildren. I live in Overland Park Kansas. I am sales director of Apple Industries in New York. We manufacture and sell photo booths worldwide. I suggest the market for this story is young pre-k children of all faiths. I am Jewish. The entire story is attached. Thank you....

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Is God Bigger Than a Hot Dog?

author: Michelle Gracey

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.7.2017 • author id: GrM2230717

word count: 287


Little Caleb (name changed) in my Christian school kindergarten class once asked me if God is bigger than a hot dog. I floundered as I tried to explain the size of God in my own words. Isn’t it wonderful that even as adults we cannot begin to guess or fully express God’s magnitude? All kids have questions about God. The heart of Is God Bigger Than a Hot Dog? is to provide preschool and elementary-aged children with the Scripture-rich, yet child-accessible answer I wish I had given Caleb years ago.

This theological picture book is perfect for young readers and their parents. Drawing from verses in both the Old and New Testaments, it explores God’s character and how He created, sustains, and cares for the universe and its inhabitants. The simple yet powerful text, coupled with photographs or realistic illustrations, would allow young children a greater glimpse of God’s glory displayed in the aspects of His creation they see daily (e.g. the sun, ocean, rain). I pray little eyes would be opened to see that this book is not just a story, but the truth about themselves and their world: that God is real and profoundly loves them.

About the Author

Michelle Gracey is a Christ-follower and educator with a desire to see children come to know the Lord. She studied education and English at Wheaton College (B.A.) and education at the University of Michigan (M.A.), and is a member of SCBWI. Her husband’s active-duty military service has taught her to rest in God’s faithfulness, even amidst unknowns. The Lord has led them all over the country to develop connections and serve in several schools and churches. She loves to read, write, and enjoys public speaking.

Is God Bigger than a Hot Dog? endeavors to introduce children to God. It brings complex theology to young inquirers in a systematic, engaging manner. This book is an ideal gift for families with preschool or elementary-aged children, and has the added capacity of ministering to the parents of pre-readers. It would also be a valuable teaching tool for Christian educators.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: I Don't Want to Fight: The Legend of Sgt. York

author: Dennis Heritage

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.23.2017 • author id: HeD4406017

word count: 13, 466


I Don’t Want to Fight is the story of Sgt. Alvin York, the hero of an astonishing, but nearly forgotten, event that happened in France during the First World War. It is written with older boys (age nine and up) in mind. Adults interested in military history or Christian biography may find it of interest also. Not a full biography, my focus is York’s stunning marksmanship. I sketch his life before the war with carefully-selected anecdotes and folktale accents. The narrative line aims straight to his famous shootout. A deeply troubled youth, York’s story demonstrates to the young reader that even a “hopeless case” can change his life for the good.

The “astonishing event” is this: In a French forest, on the morning of October 8, 1918, a German machine gun battalion ambushes a small American patrol, instantly killing six, wounding three, and pinning seven behind cover. One man, Cpl. Alvin York, is caught in the open, with no cover. He is armed with only a rifle and pistol, and a limited supply of ammo. He is also a conscientious objector and very reluctant draftee, facts which have made him an object of distrust and contempt. Now the lives of his seven mates depend upon him. To their surprise, he fights back with coolness and daring. Within fifteen minutes he outshoots over twenty machine gunners, defeats a six-man bayonet charge, and takes 132 prisoners. This impressive feat brings him the Medal of Honor. General Foch remarks to him, “What you did was the greatest thing accomplished by any private soldier of all the armies of Europe.”

I have synthesized the most trustworthy information from primary sources, later works, and recent archaeological surveys conducted with 21st century technology. My account is aided by three in-person visits to the site in eastern France. My retelling aims to recapture the drama of the York legend, with clarity. Result: possibly the clearest, most accessible account of the York legend available today.

About the Author

Dennis Heritage is a professional children’s librarian and adjunct instructor of Children’s Literature at Lakeland Community College in Ohio. He has surveyed York’s battle site in France three times. Heritage lives in NE Ohio, which is one of the nation’s prime markets for Christian radio. As promotional, companion projects, he has prepared a photographic walking tour of the site for general audiences and also an interactive presentation for children.    Market:  schools, homeschools, and libraries. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: God Loves Me S-o-o-o Much

author: Shirley McCoy

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.10.2017 • author id: McS3448117

word count: 700


God Loves Me S-o-o-o Much is a whimsical, scripturally sound, three-book series that tells about God's wonderful love in ways which appeal to babies, toddlers and preschoolers

Parents will cherish this entertaining trio of books that lets them share spiritual knowledge with their little ones as they have fun with rhyming words and repetition. Educators applaud this method for increasing young children's abilities to read and spell.

Siblings and others will also delight in reading these precious, God-honoring books to small children. All three short stories are designed to be read over and over again and enjoyed by readers and listeners alike who, when exposed to the content of the books, may find their own hearts touched as they learn about God's wonderful character and love.

If you've heard of "the nursery rhyme effect", you're aware that children who are frequently read to long before they enter school are much more likely to become good readers than children who do not receive this kind of stimulation. This series presents a delightful way to help make that foundation Christian.


About the Author

I'm a Bible college graduate. Before my husband/pastor died, between pastorates we were parents in children's homes. Before we became Christians we had raised foster children along with our own children. I self-published a book, Tell Me About God, Grandpa, for 5-to-12-year olds. The Upper Room has published two devotions I submitted; and I was published in Media Associates International's Light For the Writer's Soul.

The three little books in this God Loves Me S-o-o-o Much series are for infants thru preschoolers, but their rhyming and whimsy will be enjoyed by readers and listeners alike.

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title: Tenacious Dreams: Dr. Lise Meitner vs Adolf Hitler

author: Carolyn Reeves

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 12.2.2017 • author id: ReC3865517

word count: 10400


Lise Meitner was born into a Jewish community in Austria in 1879. She overcame great obstacles to obtain a doctorate and find employment in the field of science. Eventually she became one of Europe’s elite nuclear scientists as she and a fellow scientist conducted nuclear research in Berlin Germany. Then Hitler became the chancellor of Germany in 1933, and World War II began soon thereafter. Lise had to flee for her life to Sweden in 1938, because Hitler’s plan was to kill or get rid of every Jew and everyone with Jewish ancestors.

Hitler may have been denied a nuclear weapon as a result of this move, because Dr. Meitner discovered the principles of nuclear fission in Sweden instead of in Germany. In a bizarre set of circumstances, the discovery of nuclear fission was passed on to the Allies instead of to Germany. The discovery of nuclear fission was sure to have been made sooner or later, but the time and the place were no doubt important in the outcome of the War. Many see God’s hand in the defeat of Hitler and the Axis Powers, as well as in the return of many surviving Jews to the land of their ancestors, known today as Israel.

About the Author

Dr. Carolyn Reeves is a retired career science teacher. She has published articles in Science Scope, Science Teacher, and AFA Journal, as well as other Christian magazines and anthologies. She has also self-published an apologetics books entitled Understanding Science While Believing the Bible. She coauthored a series of elementary science books for homeschool and Christian schools with Master Books. She and her husband are active members of North Oxford Baptist Church in Oxford, MS. She has included an optional Teacher's Guide to the book that has been classroom tested. 


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title: The Lord's Prayer is My Prayer

author: Virginia Quackenbush

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 11.25.2017 • author id: QuV1099017

word count: 480


The Lord’s Prayer is My Prayer

  By Virginia Quackenbush

Helping You to Know The Lord Better Series Book 1


(Page 1)

The Lord’s Prayer is My Prayer 

(page 2)

One-day Jesus was teaching his followers how to pray, how to talk to Father God. Here is what he taught them. Jesus said…

               Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:  For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

 (Page 3 needs illustration)

 (page 4)

Do you understand what Jesus is saying in this prayer? Let’s take another look at it.


Our Father which art in heaven….


Jesus wants you to know that we have a heavenly Father and we are to bring our needs and wants to him. Also, to call him Father means you’re his family, his child.


(page 5 needs illustration)


(page 6)

Hallowed be thy name….  

Hallowed means holy. So, Father God is a holy God and a loving Father.


(page 7 needs illustration)


(page 8)

Thy kingdom come….

By praying this we are asking God to reveal his kingdom in the earth.


(page 9 needs illustration)


(page 10)

Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven…

Jesus wants Father God’s will done in the earth. He wants us to do what Father says because only he knows what’s best for us and he wants the best for us because he loves us. 

(page 11 needs illustration) 


(page 12)

Give us this day our daily bread…

Father God is our provider. That’s how we need to see him. He gives us food for our bodies and the Word of God for our soul.


(page 13 needs illustration) 


(page 14)

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors…

Jesus is big on forgiveness. Even on the cross Jesus said, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. If Jesus can forgive the people who nailed him to the cross we should be able to forgive others.


In fact, we can ask Father God to help us forgive people when they do something wrong to us. God will give us the love to forgive them.


(page 15 needs illustration) 


(page 16)

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…

With God’s help we can avoid getting into trouble. He will keep us safe. We need to look to him for guidance.


(page 17)

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen…


Now we give Father God all the glory. We acknowledge that he has all power, is The Almighty God and His kingdom will never end.

So be it! That’s what amen means. 


(page 18)

Now that you know how Jesus taught you to pray, you can pray The Lord’s Prayer and you can say The Lord’s Prayer is My Prayer.

(page 19)


(page 20)

Let’s pray…

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.












About the Author

My name is Virginia Quackenbush. I am a wife, mother and grandma and I love Jesus.

This is my first book. A year or so ago, after praying The Lord's Prayer, The Lord spoke to me and said, "You don't know how powerful that prayer is".  Sometime later our oldest grandchild, Hannah, was learing to recite it and I felt to explain it to her. Now The Lord has directed me to write a book for children so they can know him better and it is to become a series of books.

For 33 years I worked in the communications industry. My career path included, but was not limited to, director of sales/marketing, VP and President. Now at age 60 I am being led by The Holy Spirit to write.

Thank you.

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title: Let God Speak - Patriarchs

author: Candy Doak Seale

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.4.2018 • author id: SeC7894518

word count: 23000


Excitement. Anticipation. Do these words come to children's minds when they think about Bible study?

Not many children coming to Bible class have a desire to repeat what they have been doing in school all week--and in fact, “schoolish” work produces the least amount of retention. The goal of this book, through hands-on involvement, is to make these Bible lessons that children will never forget.

Furthermore, what do the students most need to learn? Is it moral truths of how to live? Or is it God’s revealed Word telling of real people who lived in real history in our real world? His message is not merely random and unrelated stories; it is the story of His redemption of a fallen mankind. Let God Speak teaches the Scriptures in order, giving the context of the Bible as a whole and showing how it all points to the promised Deliverer.

This study will look at the Patriarchs. One man is chosen, and through this man's family, God will bless the whole world. But oh, the drama! Life is hard. Waiting on God and trusting in him is even harder. Still, there is hope! God keeps his promises and never gives up on his people.

Come experience some of this family's drama.  Prepare a party in honor of a three-year-old, decorate wedding cakes for a special couple, and design a thriving city in a fertile valley. But watch out! There’s trouble down there in that valley!

About the Author

Candy Seale M.S.Ed., received a B.A. in Christian Education from Wheaton College, a teaching certificate from Evangelical Training Association, and a M.S. from University of Houston, focusing on curriculum development. She has been writing curriculum and teaching the Bible for the past 41 years in churches and camping ministries. In 1993, her husband and she started F.A.C.E Ministries (Family and Children Educational Ministries), where Candy has continued in programming, teaching, writing, and self-publishing curriculum and Bible studies for classes.

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title: Mighty God (God is Good Series)

author: Brooke Terry

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.21.2018 • author id: TeB7502818

word count: 150


Mighty God is a picture book that vividly illustrates how God is the mightiest superhero of them all. Targeted at young boys who idolize superheroes, it teaches them about God by contrasting His abilities to those of comic book heroes.


The book could also be a touch-and-feel board book where the stars are cut outs, the moon is a round foil cut out, lava from the volcano is a red cut out, the lightning bolt is a cut out, etc. There are so few of these types of Christian books on the market.


Felt Need: Many young children have questions about God. My own kids have asked: What does God look like? Is He invisible? Does He sleep? What does He eat? This book helps young children learn about God’s character by describing Him in a way that they can understand.  

About the Author

Brooke Terry is a mom to 2 boys (6 and 8 years old) who are obsessed with superheroes. She previously worked at a state level think tank, which required strong writing, marketing, and public speaking skills. She has written numerous articles, editorials, and white papers published by major news organizations (Houston Chronicle/Dallas Morning News) and by her former employer, the Texas Public Policy Foundation (as Brooke Dollens Terry). In addition, she has testified numerous times before Texas House and Senate Committees as a policy expert.



Market: Parents and grandparents of boys aged 5 to 10 who are interested in God and superheroes. 



Author Marketing: Brooke Terry has a blog at with the focus of helping parents teach their children about God.  Marketing options include advertising the book to MOPS groups and at MOPS conferences, to BSF headquarters staff, on, and on Brooke's Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. 

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title: I Like You Just the Way You Are

author: Karin F. Donaldson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 12.31.2018 • author id: DoK9203718

word count: 1400



A chubby little boy sits alone in his room creating finger puppets.  He’s an only child with no one to play with.  At school, he’s often bullied and called names. 

Fred Rogers’ childhood was filled with angry feelings and disappointments.  With the exception of one bright light, his grandfather.  Fred McFeely showered his grandson with affection and wisdom. His acceptance of Fred “just the way he was” sank deep into Fred Rogers’ soul.  It informed his life in college, as an assistant producer at NBC in New York, and as a Presbyterian minister. 

The confidence that Fred acquired through the love of his grandfather was the kernel that inspired him to create Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, one of the most astonishing success stories in public broadcasting.

“One individual life may be of priceless value to God’s purposes, and yours may be that life.”

Fred Rogers’ incredible life proves Oswald Chambers’ quote to be true.  God used Mr. Rogers to inspire and educate young children and their families through the medium of television.  Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood magnified the value of relationships and the power of kindness and acceptance.



About the Author

Karin F. Donaldson has degrees in philosophy and religion from the University of Southern California.  She is Chairman of the Metropolitan Advisory Board of the Salvation Army and a member of SCBWI. Ms. Donaldson actively attends writing classes and is published in OASIS Journal.  Her careers include stockbroker, pastor, grief counselor, and motivational speaker.  She is a debut author with this children’s picture book.  

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title: A New Library in Ghana

author: Marta Magellan

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 12.13.2019 • author id: MaM3317619

word count: 990


A Library in Ghana is a nonfiction picture book for 5-8-year-olds about a black African man and a white Jewish American woman who worked together to build a library in an elementary school in Ghana.

Ben Gyimah had been raised in a one-color world. Ben was 12 years old before he saw white people close enough for a handshake. They were missionaries, and he became a Christian. The only black person Merle saw in her childhood in the 1940s was the maid her mother hired. Willie had to hurry off Miami Beach by six o’clock or risk being arrested.

Merle graduated and worked with children of color in her job as a social worker. For fun, she traveled to other nations. One of her favorites was Ghana. Ben, by then a devout Christian, went to college in the United States and liked the American education system. Their paths crossed when Ben decided to build an American-style school in Ghana, and Merle, strolling through a backroad in Kumasi, spotted it. She came back with a request for Ben: She wanted to help. Together, they built a library.

Children can learn a little about one country in Africa, about working together in spite of differences, and about finding what is valuable in other cultures in this 990-word picture book. Back matter includes a timeline, facts about Ghana, and pictures of the school and some of the students. More back matter, such as teachers’ guidelines, can be included upon request.

About the Author

I am a nonfiction writer and have published a total of seven picture books as well as books for the educational market and articles for adults and young adults. Two of my books have won Silver Nautilus Awards. The most recent, Python Catchers Saving the Everglades, will be released in April 2020 by Rowman & Littlefield. I lead an SBWI Picture Book and Middle Grade critique group in Miami, Florida, and I regularly present my books at Florida libraries and bookstores. In January 2020, I will be presenting at a wildlife sanctuary. My books have been reviewed by Midwest Book Review, Parent magazine, and City Book Review, copied on my website: I taught Engish, Creative Writing, and Literature at Miami Dade College as a full professor.

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title: How Did We Get the Bible?

author: Heather Peterson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 1.8.2020 • author id: PeH5512619

word count: 1000


As children grow, they have lots of questions about the Scriptures.They know the Bible is the Word of God, but they wonder where it came from. How Did We Get the Bible? is meant to be a picture book. Written in three short narratives within one large narrative, it introduces children to three things: formation of Scripture, the doctrine of inspiration, and historic figures in Christianity:

the scribe Tertius,

the letter writer Athanasius, and

the translator Jerome.

About the Author

Heather is a mother of two remarkably different young daughters, a member of the Redbud Writers Guild, and the chair of the Department of English and Literature at the University of Northwestern-Saint Paul. She writes for InterVarsity’s The Well and The Mudroom.

As a speaker, Heather has presented on ancient traditions for the faith formation of children. She is a volunteer teacher in in the second- and third-grade class of her church. Her motivation behind this book is that she could not find a similar resource other than Phil Vischer's What's in the Bible? video series.

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title: Trauma-Informed Children's Ministry: A Practical Guide for Reaching Hurting Kids

author: Robert Crosby

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.20.2020 • author id: CrRoTr20320

word count: 68000


James used to laugh and joke with the other third graders. Now he was angry, aggressive, and defiant. James was hurting, but Pastor Becky didn’t know how to help. Like many children’s pastors, she didn’t realize that the children in her ministry were experiencing symptoms of childhood trauma. She wasn’t sure how to respond to big feelings and challenging behaviors. Trauma-Informed Children’s Ministry: A Practical Guide for Reaching Hurting Kids helps children’s ministry leaders understand trauma and adapt their ministries to meet the emotional needs of hurting kids. Divorce, bullying, adoption, abuse. Learn how trauma touches the children you love and what most churches get wrong when it comes to teaching and disciplining traumatized children. Why does Isaac keep getting out of his seat? Why is Sara under the table crying? Make sense out the most confusing, frustrating, and heartbreaking child behaviors. Through inspiring, real-life stories, discover practical, research-based strategies to begin transforming your ministry this Sunday. Good intentions are not enough. Our changing society craves authentic churches equipped to reach all children. This powerful, groundbreaking book will help you: Cultivate caring relationships. Eliminate challenging behaviors. Encourage your team. And amplify your church’s impact in the community!

About the Author
Dr. Robert Crosby, textbook author and psychology professor at California Baptist University, has advanced degrees in education and psychology. He has published numerous scientific studies related to children’s ministry. A former youth pastor with 20 years’ experience in children’s and youth ministry, Dr. Crosby will promote the book to children’s ministry leaders and volunteers through articles, conference presentations, and the 45,383-member ACEs Connection network. Through his academic connections, he will also advocate for the book’s use in ministry education courses. Lori Crosby, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Registered Play Therapist Supervisor, specializes in treating traumatized children. She also trains foster care providers, church leaders, and parent groups on topics related to childhood trauma, mental health, and the church. Lori is a former teacher with 20 years’ experience in children’s ministry. Lori will promote the book at her speaking events and through her professional associations and social media platforms.

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title: I Am Exceptional

author: Elaine Bender

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 10.22.2020 • author id: BeElI 26720

word count: 249


“I am exceptional. I was made with a plan. I was created by the great I Am!” That is the takeaway in I Am Exceptional, a beautifully illustrated children’s book proclaiming the uplifting message that special needs children are children of God who are, as the Bible indicates, healthy, chosen, prosperous, and loved.

Delightfully scripted, the book brings to light the wonderful truth that we are all God’s creation and made in His image with special gifts and abilities. “Through our weaknesses, God shows forth his grace. He uses His power to take my place.” As children and their caregivers travel through the book, they discover the unique ways God works through them every day and are reminded that what counts is on the inside; what truly matters is in their hearts. “Our world needs to see the change in our heart, so let’s work together and do our part.” Whether we can’t see or have limited mobility, a hearing impediment, or any other disability, all God’s children see and hear the Shepherd, and He works through them every day. All are needed to fulfill God’s plan.  

About the Author

Elaine Bender is a Christian, wife, and mother of two boys, one with special needs.  She is a small group leader for moms of special needs children and has been a volunteer for the special needs ministry at the church she attends.  Elaine self-published I Am Exceptional in October 2018 and has participated in two book signings, spoke locally about the book and self-publishing at an event for writers, and in January 2020, she shared her story and the book on the “Julie and Friends” show on the Tri-State Christian Television (TCT) network.  The book is available on Amazon and locally.  In May 2020, Elaine became a member of Hope*Writers to grow in and hone her writing skills.  Author Rebekah Lyons posted on Instagram (5/2/2019) - “Elaine Bender is part of the sorority of mamas with kids with special needs.  She self-published this beauty entailing God’s design + purpose to use all of us."

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title: No Natives Allowed

author: Jennifer McKerley

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.14.2021 • author id: McJeNo2221

word count: 999


No Natives Allowed, a picture book biography, is the story of Elizabeth Peratrovich, whose role in the passage of Alaska's Anti-Discrimination Act in 1945 is celebrated by Alaskans on Elizabeth Peratrovich Day, February 16. Born to the Raven Clan of the Tlingit Nation in 1911, Elizabeth experienced discrimination first-hand. As a child, it wasn't unusual for her to encounter signs reading, "No Dogs. No Natives" or "We Cater to Whites Only." As a young mother determined to shield her children from similar injustices, she and her husband, Roy, decided to speak out and work with peaceful but forceful activism against Alaska's rampant inequality. In 1943, Elizabeth joined forces with Governor Ernest Gruening to pen the Anti-Discrimination Act, which would make it illegal to bar Alaska Native people from public spaces. Elizabeth's fame, in part, stems from her compelling testimony before the Alaska Legislature, in which she slyly co-opted her opponents' words:  "I would not have expected that I, barely out of savagery, would have to remind gentlemen with five thousand years of recorded civilization behind them, of our Bill of Rights." Alaska's Anti-Discrimination Act finally passed in 1945, decades before the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Elizabeth’s Christian faith guided her peaceful activism of reasoning with people and touching their hearts. No Natives Allowed is a timely story in today’s social justice atmosphere and resonates well with Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy. I have communicated extensively with Roy Peratrovich Jr., the one living child of Elizabeth and Roy Peratrovich. He vetted my story and supplied photos and  information about his family, the values taught Elizabeth by her parents, experiences that were common during her upbringing, and conversations and activities that were typical of her childhood and adult life.

About the Author

Jennifer McKerley has taught children of all ages for many years and is an award-winning writer. Random House published her first children’s book, Man O’War: Best Racehorse Ever, as well as Amazing Armadillos, which Bank Street College of Education named as one of the best children’s books of 2010. Amazing Armadillos was also the 2010 winner for Young Readers Book in the New Mexico Book Awards. Jennifer is the author of five nonfiction titles published by Thomson Gale and of two fiction titles published by Picture Window Books. Her new fiction titles, Lone Star the Lawman, No Green Things, and Blue Ribbons will be released by Heinemann. Jennifer holds a B.A. in Speech and Hearing Therapy. Visit her at

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title: Surprise Visitors

author: Kathleen Freeman

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.12.2021 • author id: FrKaSu4221

word count: 800


Aunt Eva loved company.  She enjoyed feeding her guests until they couldn't eat another bite.  But what would Aunt Eva do the day a carload of people dropped in unannounced?  She had nothing ready and her cupboards were bare.  How could she serve her surprise visitors?

About the Author

I am a stay-at-home mom of six.  We home educate our children, raise sheep, and run a market garden.  My husband and I both graduated from Providence College with B.A.s, majoring in youth ministries.  We enjoy a quiet but full life on the Manitoba prairies.

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title: Colorful in God's Image: A Biblical Celebration of Racial Diversity for Little Ones

author: Grace Arvey

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.22.2021 • author id: ArGrCo17121

word count: 500


Colorful In God's Image is a nonfiction picture book that celebrates racial diversity from a biblical perspective, intended for readers aged 4-8.  Following the creation narrative, the text explores the rainbow colors in the world around us and then the diverse skin colors that God beautifully imprints on His people - from ebony to ivory and all in between. Referencing Genesis 1:26-27, it declares the resounding biblical truth that every skin color has been made in the image of God! Lyrically beautiful and biblically faithful, this rhyming picture book presents the complex topic of racial diversity in kid-friendly language that is much needed today.

About the Author

Grace Ann is an elementary educator turned mama to a multicultural family with 2 children under 2, through birth and adoption.  Through my professional and personal experience teaching and nurturing young children from a variety of racial backgrounds, I know the value and importance of multicultural books exploring the topic of race from a Christian perspective.  I have written this debut picture book after positive feedback from potential readers and famous influencers. 

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title: The Story of Christmas: The Birth of Jesus & The History of St. Nick

author: Sarah French

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.1.2022 • author id: FrSaTh36321

word count: 690


This book brings you into my home as I tell the story of Christmas to my children. Of course, we all know the story of Jesus's birth. But many don't know the history behind St. Nick and how he was a follower of Christ as well. Why do we leave our stockings by the chimney? For years, I struggled as a mother to explain to my kids the meaning of Christmas with Jesus and St. Nick. Every book I found told either the story of Jesus's birth or the story of Santa, but not both. My grandmother is the most giving person, and Christmas is her favorite time of year because she gets to be a "Santa" for someone else. I wanted to keep "Santa" as a part of our family tradition, so I wrote this book for my children so they would understand why we celebrate Christmas the way we do today. I recently posted about our tradition on social media and received so many requests from other moms for the text of the book that I decided to submit it as a children's book.

About the Author

Sarah French is a three-time Emmy Award-winning journalist. She is a broadcast news anchor for the NBC affiliate WCNC Charlotte. Sarah joined WCNC from WHDH in Boston, MA. She was the morning anchor there and joined the team in 2011. She was also the host of What's Cooking, How to Help, and Backstage in Boston. Prior to WHDH, Sarah was the morning anchor at WTIC in Hartford, CT. Sarah began her career as a reporter for KOMU in Columbia, MO and brings rich experience covering major world events. She was on the ground covering the Boston Marathon bombing, the destructive aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, and the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China. Besides her three prestigious Emmy Awards, she also received the "Speak for Thyself Award" honoring community advocates and non-profit leaders, as well as Boston’s Most Exceptional Women Honoree. Sarah is an inspirational champion for several notable causes, including the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the Susan G. Komen Foundation. She is also an advocate for domestic violence victims. After the tragic death of her friend and colleague, Alice Morrin, Sarah worked tirelessly with Connecticut legislators to pass a 911 texting bill. Sarah is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism. In 2021, she went back to school and earned her Master of Journalism degree. After covering the Boston Marathon bombing, Sarah decided her research would focus on how to help journalists who cover traumatic events. Sarah is a member of Cherokee nation. She grew up in Arkansas and lives in Charlotte with her husband and two kids. They also have two dogs, Buddy and Teddy! Sarah is a huge fan of the theater and enjoys spending her free time with family. Sarah’s family are members of Calvary Church in Charlotte, and she volunteers in the children’s ministry as well. 

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MARKETING PLAN: Sarah French is an on-air anchor for an NBC affiliate station in Charlotte, North Carolina that has ties to 185 other NBC affiliates nationwide as well as The Today Show and other NBC news and morning talk shows.  French’s NBC affiliate is owned and operated by TEGNA, which means this book can be promoted on more than 47 stations across the country.  With over 15 years in the news business, French has numerous contacts across media platforms that can help promote and market the book in major cities across the U.S.

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title: Adam's Search for a Partner: A High-Contrast Board Book

author: Natalia Emanuel

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.10.2023 • author id: EmNaAd1023

word count: 52


Adam is looking for a partner in the Garden of Eden. As he names each animal God created, he considers their personality and what traits he’ll need in a partner. Alas, no animal is suitable: Hedgehog? Too prickly. Quail? Too showy. Water buffalo? Too grumpy. Adam keeps searching and searching. Until God creates a perfect partner.   Illustrating Genesis 2:20, this book vividly depicts the animals using high-contrast, engaging drawings. High-contrast images are appealing to babies’ developing eyes. The illustrations and lyrical text thus appeal to even the youngest of children, helping them witness the range of God’s creative endeavors and the incredible value of a helpmeet.   Since Adam’s search is based on the animals’ values and traits, the book implicitly introduces children to the crucial notion that Psalms 31:10 articulates: a virtuous and capable character is more precious than rubies.

About the Author
Natalia has an economics PhD from Harvard, and works on initiatives to prevent child maltreatment. Natalia has been producing and sharing visual art since she was 16, but only began writing and illustrating children’s books when she became a mother in 2019. In 2013, she and her husband founded a prayer group that is still going strong.   PJ Library, which distributes books to Jewish children, has expressed interest in securing a 20,000-copy run of this book. Natalia is involved with several faith-based parenting groups, the members of which would happily promote the book on their mom-blogs.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: God's Amazing ABCs

author: Roxanne Giardina

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.10.2023 • author id: GiRoGo9923

word count: 499


This book is a children's biblical rhyming book of the ABCs.  This book is perfect for the preschooler learning their letters.

About the Author
With a degree in education from UNO, I am currently teaching Bible, math, and science at a Christian school.  Aside from being a Bible teacher, I have been a preschool teacher.  As a preschool teacher I wrote poems to reinforce the lessons.  I am, also, a published author (My publisher passed away last May, so the books are no longer on the market.), who wrote three Bible poem books (Old Testament, New Testament, and a devotional).  My passions are teaching Bible, teaching children, and writing poems.  This book includes all three.

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title: Teach Me to Pray (True Stories of Incredible Answers to Prayer)

author: Annie Riess

category: nonfiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 12.27.2024 • author id: RiAnTe33124

word count: 12000


Teach Me to Pray" is a collection of true stories about children's prayers and their astonishing answers. The Riess children had heard all the usual Bible stories: the Parting of the Red Sea, Daniel in the Lion's Den, and David and Goliath. They also read books on prayer, such as “Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer” by Solomon B. Shaw, as well as the story of George Muller. Naturally, they prayed about everything and expected God would respond. How would He? Their parents had told them that God cares deeply for them, but He knows best, and sometimes our prayers aren’t answered the way we might want. As the children navigate life experiences, they will encounter some surprises in how their prayers are answered. Ryan sobbed as he prayed over his lifeless kitten, wondering if God would heal it. Janelle desperately wanted to take skating lessons, even though her parents told her it was impossible. Could God create a way for her? The children also prayed for a horse, with a "baby" horse. Were they disappointed with the answers they received? Did God come through for them? Read, and you will be amazed!

About the Author
Annie Riess’s qualifications for writing this book stem from her firm belief in prayer. She has written devotionals and contributed to various publications, such as  Guideposts, where she won a week in New York at Guideposts Writer's Workshop. She has completed several other writing courses as well. She is in the process of setting up a website. Annie lives on a farm in Canada with her husband, Ken, and continues to pray.

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