Bible Study

title: Staying on the Narrow Road to Christ:

author: Becky Bowen

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 11.30.2012 • author id: BoB3911012

word count: 230


With a reported 70 percent of young people walking away from their faith after high school ({ITL}USA Today{NRM}), Christian parents and educators need help. This tested, easy-to-use curriculum empowers preteens and teenagers to defend their faith in high school, college, and beyond. Using group activities, discussions, and well-researched apologetics, it provides solid evidence that the Bible is true. The lessons can be used in Bible clubs, family groups, or established youth ministries. Homeschooling parents, a rapidly growing faith-based market, are attracted to the faith and fellowship opportunities offered by this book. {ITL}Staying on the Narrow Road to Christ{NRM} is complete and has been used to equip youth to recognize false teachings such as Mormonism, New Age philosophy, and Scientology. Three years of curriculum for a junior club, {ITL}Shining LIghts{NRM}, are also available.

About the Author
Becky Bowen, an active homeschooling mother of two, graduated cum laude from Westminster College with a BA in education. Her writings include published inspirational articles, social studies curriculum for the Bastrop, Texas, public schools, a gospel play, {ITL}A New Creation{NRM} (her testimony), a women's Bible study, and six years of curriculum for youth ministries.

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title: Four and No More:

author: Virginia Asel

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 11.30.2012 • author id: AsV0100512

word count: 170


Today much attention is being given to apocryphal gospels leading some to question the validity of the biblical gospels. This manuscript is built on the premise that Ezekiel's vision of the four living creatures presents the fourfold ministry of Jesus Christ and points to the themes of each of the canonized gospels. The transitional changes of the four living creatures from Ezekiel's initial vision to John's Revelation form the foundation of the book. The material unique to each gospel is then studied in the light of its prophetic theme.

About the Author
Rev. Dr. Virginia (Ginger) Asel received her D.Min. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 2001. She was pastor of Easton Pentecostal Church (1973-1977) and the First Congregational Church of Royalston (1992-2007). She was co-founder/co-director of Addulam Charismatic Conference Center from 1977-1987. She has been in involved in missions in Africa, South America, and Asia. Presently, she spends three to five months a year training ministers in China and Vietnam, where she has taught extensively on the Gospels. Her writing, {ITL}The History of the First Congregational Church of Royalston{NRM}, received the First Place Frederick L. Fagley Award for 2002.

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title: An Opportunity to Triumph: Discovering God's Grace

author: Marcia McCready-Pallant

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 11.30.2012 • author id: McMNonUS12

word count: 200


This is a seven-session devotional designed to encourage and empower Christians facing the inevitable trials of this life. Each session includes five days of inspirational readings, Bible study, and practical applications. Whether studied individually or in a group setting, this devotional will lead readers into a deeper understanding of God's abiding presence, overcoming power, eternal purposes, and limitless provisions. Times of trials can be so much more than painful; they can be purposeful, God ordained opportunities to triumph.

About the Author
Marcia McCready-Pallant is an inspirational speaker, writer, and elementary school teacher. Additionally, she has served alongside her husband in pastoral ministry for almost 20 years and is mother of two. She graduated from Heritage Bible College with a Bachelor of Religious Education degree. She is presently studying towards her Masters in Clinical Counseling at Liberty University. Marcia's articles have been published in {ITL}Just Between Us{NRM}, a publication designed for women in ministry. This devotional is meant to be published in a workbook format and is intended to foster a deeper level of engagement as the reader is provided space to answer questions and journal personal observations or insights. The devotional could be marketed alongside a DVD containing introductory messages for each of the seven sessions. During her years of ministry, the author has been connected with two large denominations (The Fellowship Baptist and Associated Gospel Churches of Canada-over 500 churches) with marketing opportunities.

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title: The Interactive Bible Journal for Girls:

author: Robin Da Pra

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 7.31.2012 • author id: DaR9300412

word count:


This journal is an activity-filled Bible study designed to help girls age 8-13 read and apply God's Word to their own lives. The book is handwritten as if it were the journal of a teenage girl, and includes many activities placed throughout the study to pique the interest of girls with various levels of reading ability. The emphasis of the book is on specific scripture verses geared for tween girls to dissect, analyze, and internalize. Each of the chapters begins with an entry from Jenna's Journal. The story Jenna tells leads into the {ITL}God Says{NRM} section which contains the key verse or verses. The {ITL}Your Journal Entry{NRM} section is the part where {ITL}Jenna's Journal{NRM} becomes the reader's journal as she adds her own thoughts, responses, prayers and plans. Each chapter ends with an accountability prompt for the reader to reflect on what God wants her to remember from the study

About the Author

The writer has a master's degree in teaching and has been a teacher for about 30 years. She also facilitates the Bible club at the middle school which I currently teach. She leads an Orphan Task Force at her church, Bible Fellowship, in Ventura, California, and orchestrates yearly events to promote foster care and adoption throughout Ventura County.

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title: And They Did What Was Right:

author: Roberto Estevez

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 7.31.2012 • author id: EsR7910912

word count: 160


Do the stories of men who lived 2500 years ago have any practical importance in our loves? While the Kings of Judah men did indeed wear golden crowns on their heads, what was important in their lives was their desire to please God. The situations in which they found themselves were not dissimilar to those which we ourselves experience. God in his holiness and righteousness has not hidden anything concerning these individuals. Their biographies are presented like un-retouched photographs. We see these men just as they were. We see David descending the steps from the palace terrace with adultery in his heart each step downward metaphorically symbolizing the trampling underfoot of the beautiful psalms of piety and justice which he himself had penned earlier in his life. Time and again the sacred authors write, {ITL}"He did that which was right, but . . ."{NRM} Upon studying the lives of these kings we are astounded by the gravity of the sins they committed. But in spite of all the human failures, we continue to see the sovereign grace of God working in them to such a degree that, in the final analysis of their lives, we read, {ITL}"And he did that which was right . . . "{NRM}

About the Author
Robert Estevez has preached for over forty years in churches and conferences throughout the United States, Spain, Honduras, Mexico, El Salvador, the Ukraine, Argentina, and Uruguay. He is a frequent speaker on the radio network that airs on over 70 radio stations throughout South America. He is also a board certified cardiologist and has practiced medicine in the US for over 30 years. He is the former Chief of Medicine and Cardiology at North West Texas Hospital (Amarillo, TX). Dr. Estevez has published five other books dealing with a doctor's perspective on the miracles in the Bible. His published works (3 in Spanish, 2 in English) include: {ITL}Un medico examine lost Milagros de Jesus, Cuando Dios hace Maravillas, La Lucha Engre Los Bueno y Lo Malo, A Physician Examines the Miracles of Jesus,{NRM} and {ITL}When God Does Wonders.{NRM} Dr. B.W. Hopkins (former Vice President, Dean and Professor Emeritus of Graduate Studies, Moody Bible Institute), wrote this when discussing one of his previous publications: "Estevez's renderings are realistic and lifelike. American students need to drink deeply and often from the writings of this gifted writer . . . The book constitutes a trove of literary pieces where a physician assesses the passages to uncover the features of the scene, showing sensitivity and insight to 'what might have been.' The author respects highly the inspiration and authority of the Bible . . . "

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title: Revelation: Awesome Scenes of God's Justice and Judgment

author: Gene R. Graves

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 7.31.2012 • author id: GrG4920212

word count:


This manuscript treats the Revelation as a drama containing awesome scenes depicting God's justice for his people and judgments upon the wicked. The narrative centers on the return of Jesus Christ, featuring the events before, at, and after his return. It is the story of everyone's destiny, whether living or dead.

About the Author
Gene Graves received his undergraduate degree from John Wesley College. Further study included courses in linguistics and Christian writing techniques. He has pastured churches, served on the mission field, written a newspaper column, and authored literacy materials and three books. Current associations include Salvation Army, Mission to Unreached People, Voice of Martyrs.

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title: On a Name Quest: Explore God's Names, Grow in

author: John Avery

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: AvJ9730312

word count:


"How little we know of the depth of God's character that underlies His names. Yet every church worship set includes songs that mention his names, and our eternal destiny is for God to form us into his image," states this author. {ITL}On a Name Quest{NRM} explores the character behind the names, helps us get to know God on our Christian journeys, and points us to our destination - Christlikeness. God's names have much to teach about life-long discipleship. God wants authentic relationship with us, not just head knowledge. He is a personality with a multifaceted character, too integrated and dynamic to compartmentalize. The book examines his names in clusters around common themes.

About the Author
John Avery received his secondary education at a British grammar school. He gained a bachelor's degree and trained as a teacher at the University of York. He completed biblical studies courses from London Bible College and a Discipleship Training School in YWAM, and he is a trained coordinator and instructor for the US Center for World Missions Perspectives Course. He draws on years of experience as a missionary and as a teaching pastor.

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title: Ten Guidelines for a Meaningful Life: A Christian Psycho-

author: Alan Robertson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 5.31.2012 • author id: RoA830012

word count:


The manuscript attempts to give new meaning to the Ten Commandments in a fresh, powerful way, from the perspective of a Christian psychologist. The workbook format gives the manuscript a practical dimension, and makes it suitable for group Bible studies, as well as for individual use.

About the Author
Dr. Alan Robertson is a clinical psychologist as well as an Anglican priest. He was active in full time ministry in South Africa for twenty-four years. He now has a private practice, but still preaches regularly in various denominations. He obtained his doctorate in the field of spirituality and depression. He is passionate about the inclusion of psychological insights in the study of the Bible.

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title: Christ the Suffering Servant

author: Douglas Wirth

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: WiD4906812

word count: 200


This is a Lenten study of the Atonement from the four Servant songs of Isaiah. The theme of the work is taken from Phil. 3:10: "I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death." A brief introduction surveys the origins of Lent and Easter and makes the case that believers need help in preparing for this important season. The study itself is divided into six chapters for the six weeks of Lent. Each chapter begins with an epigraphy, and consists of the study of a passage from the Servant songs, an essay on some aspect of the Atonement, and questions that reflect on Christ's sacrifice.

About the Author
The writer holds a bachelor's degree from University of Michigan and a master's degree from Western Michigan University. He has self-published Evangelism, A Study of the Gospel of Mark, in two volumes (670 pages total) which examines each episode of Mark from four different perspectives.

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title: Ancient Grace

author: Franklin L. Root

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: RoF2440112

word count:


This is a layman's study of connections between the Old Testament and the New. The manuscript looks at Old Testament stories that show that salvation is, and always has been, by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. The book first lays out a number of misconceptions of modern Christians regarding the relevance of the Old Testament. It next looks at the relevance of the Old Testament as seen in the teaching of the New. The bulk of the work looks at Old Testament stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Abraham, Job, Ruth and Boaz, Esther, and a few others to find evidence that Old Testament salvation is just like New. The book is written from a Reformed perspective on a level that should appeal to the average layman that enjoys reading, but does not have the time and energy to dig through textbook style scholarly material.

About the Author
The writer is a charter member of Tabernacle Presbyterian Church in Waynesboro, VA, where he has served as a Ruling Elder for eight years. He serves on the Church Planting Committee of The Presbytery of the Blue Ridge and was recently elected Moderator of the Presbytery for 2012. He has led small group studies for many years and regularly teaches the Adult Sunday School. In 2007, he was invited to teach many of the themes in Ancient Grace at a pastor's conference in Kenya.

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title: The Daniel Hoax

author: J.C.W. West

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 3.31.2012 • author id: WeJ3230812

word count: 100


The writer has expanded the "Daniel" chapter from the completed MS Modern Myths: Six Mistakes in Academic Biblical Theology, submitted to Writer's Edge last fall, into a small book for casual readers. The writer states, "I question critical scholarship on the issue of authorship and dating of Daniel, arguing that the current view on this issue taught to both seminarians and laymen is not only wrong but outmoded, and present evidence to support this position. I compare the pseudepigraphical reputation of Daniel to a recently authenticated artwork by Leonardo da Vinci (Silverman, Leonardo's Lost Princess) and to the Turin Shroud, demonstrating that all three are authentic examples of their genre, even though they are being declared hoaxes and fakes by highly regarded scholars in their respective fields of study."

About the Author
J.C.W. West is a retired philosophy instructor whose degrees include an AB in English, MM in musicology, and MA and AbD in philosophy. West has studied at Oxford and Trinity School for Ministry, Ambridge, and writes, "I am a well-received speaker at Anglican Fourth Day conferences, and may have a ready market for some of my books through those contacts. In addition, the Bishops John Rodgers and C. Fitz Simmons Allison support my writing."

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title: Where in the Word Are We?

author: Wayne Binnicker

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 1.31.2012 • author id: BiW8538312

word count: 700


The writer sees the manuscript as an urgent warning to Christians and a basic training manual for spiritual combat. "Society is crumbling. The economy is tanking. Politicians are not providing us with satisfactory solutions. The Book of Revelation puts current events into perspective, but most of it was written for those who will be alive after the rapture. Christians need answers to questions that dispel their anxiety today." Topics include Biblical research on pertinent Last Day prophecies, their applicability and fulfillment now and in the near future, spiritual explanations for what is happening in the world today, a plan on how to deal with the everyday problems we all face, and a way to engage them personally with hope, instead of confusion and despair. "This book will provide readers with enemy intelligence, the disposition of his forces against us, and instructions on how to defeat them with the spiritual weapons at our disposal."

About the Author
The author has a biblical exegesis website, By combining systematic Bible study and 28-years of business savvy, he provides his readers with valuable insights into current events as they study the New Testament. His exegetical notes are used in Bible colleges, especially where a library/seminary is not available. He holds MBA, MS-CIS, BBA, and BS degrees.

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title: Seeing is Believing

author: Mark N. Blackwell

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 1.31.2012 • author id: BlM3915712

word count: 120


A single miracle performed by Jesus, the restoration of sight for the blind man at Bethsaida, understood within the context of modern medical science, provides irrefutable, empirical evidence that Jesus was exactly who texts say he was, that he existed, and that he performed miraculous acts that we cannot replicate two thousand years later. The manuscript counters skeptical challenges with equally documentable evidence that this one story could have happened in no other way than the way it is described. Through a highly readable discussion of modern medical advances, the history of the texts, and entertaining analogies, Seeing is Believing will lead the established Christian to greater confidence and will provide the curious atheist the evidence that faith in Jesus is a reasonable next step.

About the Author
Mark Blackwell writes, "I have been fascinated by this story for 15 years, although I have only seen it explored in a brief article in National Review in 1996. This fascination has led to my studies into the fields of blindness and sight restoration. I have taught a class on this particular issue and its significance to faith in Christ several times over the past ten years. I have significant public speaking experience and am a member and deacon at Broadmoor Baptist Church in Madison, MS. I received a degree in English from The Citadel, served five and a half years in the Army, and have spent 22 years in the financial services industry, most recently serving as a director for Merrill Lynch."

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title: I AM: A Meditative Bible Study on the I AM Sayings in the

author: Diana Burg

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 1.31.2012 • author id: BuD8022212

word count: 275


Several years ago Diana wrote a book about the "I AM" sayings in Exodus and The Gospel of John, and included several stories about her journey to and with the Lord. Her daughter, Kim, who loved the book asked Diana if they might make the book into a Bible study to be used in Kim's Bible study class in the spring of 2012, along with a Bible study by Beth Moore on the Book of Revelation. With some new material added, Diana wrote two more chapters on the I AM sayings in Revelation, resulting in an Old and New Testament perspective on every I AM saying in Exodus, John and Revelation.

About the Author
The primary target is women's Bible studies in their churches. Hooks could be the mother-daughter authorship and the rescue of their relationship by the Lord. Women will be able to relate to the journey of Diana and appreciate the interweaving of her life into the study. Diana Burg was on staff with a ministry teaching Bible studies on hearing the voice of God and contributed to a book on hearing God's voice. She has written several published books including a historical novel, published by Syracuse University Press in 2008, and two Christian books. Co-author Kim Tapfer has been involved in Bible studies at the Mariners Church in Irvine, California for many years as a leader, teacher and speaker. Now at Mariners she currently leads, teaches and speaks at a women's Bible study, numbering 160 women, teaching the material in this submission along with Beth Moore's study on the Book of Revelation.

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title: Superstition-Free Christianity:

author: Nathan Aaseng

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 11.30.2011 • author id: AaN5470111

word count: 192


Many faithful members of congregations are too embarrassed by some aspects of Christianity to be effective witnesses. Many secular people sense a spiritual void but find Christianity ridiculous. At the heart of both phenomena is the conflict between acquired knowledge and divine revelation. But reason and faith are incompatible only when we enshroud our faith in superstition. The writer states, "In my first church, a number of young agnostics began to attend our services. The result: Single mom, 40, soured on religion after a fundamentalist experience: 'I am a Christian today because of your Easter sermon.' Male college instructor, early 30s: 'I could never swallow this 'blind faith' Christianity that people tried to feed me. Your sermons convinced me that the Christian message is real.'"

About the Author
The writer reports 175 published books in history, biography, science, sports, fiction, devotionals, with 13 publishers. Several national awards, particularly Navajo Codetalkers. 1999 He is listed as a "Notable Wisconsin Author (Wisconsin Library Association). He serves as lead pastor at 1600-member ELCA congregation in Eau Claire, WI. A regular columnist for "," his background includes four years as a research microbiologist.

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title: Weaving a Tapestry of Worship

author: Nancy Ruegg

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 11.30.2011 • author id: RuN3466911

word count: 155


Interwoven throughout scripture are numerous words related to worship, including contentment, faithfulness, humility, and restoration. Weaving a Tapestry of Worship is a Bible study that seeks to "crack open" forty-two of these words, to augment understanding of worship, fuel our passion for honoring God, and produce greater joy in the experience. The collection of words includes the ways we worship - with our minds, spirits, emotions, and bodies. Since all these aspects of worship are interrelated, the metaphor of a tapestry comes to mind. Each word-study includes several of the following: commentary to guide the participant's thinking, scriptures on which to meditate, questions to guide meditation, journaling prompts, prayer-responses, and psalm-writing.

About the Author
The writer is author of Children of the Heavenly Father (1978), a devotional booklet for Haven Ministries and curriculum material for Scripture Press. An elementary school teacher for 26 years, she has been active in churches with her pastor husband. The writer states that the book "grew out of a worship-workshop I was asked to present at our church. The workshop could easily be replicated in other settings." Word of this book can be disseminated through: 1) the clergy contacts of my husband (throughout the state of Florida), 2) current and former church members, 3) friends and family across the country (several of whom are also clergy).

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title: Adam to Armageddon:

author: Rick Penny

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 11.30.2011 • author id: PeR3522411

word count: 130


Daniel 11 is perhaps the most important chapter in the Bible regarding 'end times' but it has been misinterpreted until now. It is the only chapter that was "sealed until the time of the end" (Daniel 12:9) but now God has revealed the true meaning. It actually gives a complete timeline of all the empires in the Middle East from Daniel's life until Armageddon and it is right on track. By linking each verse to verifiable history, it "proves" that God predicted everything for the past 2500 years. That being true, it stands to reason that the remaining verses will be fulfilled as planned until the last one is completed. Amidst the timeline, Daniel makes a critical reference to the 'abomination that causes desolation', which is the event that Jesus said would immediately precede the rapture (Matthew 24: 15-31). Besides historical proof, this book gives an overall view of end times as described in Daniel and Revelation, including several events that will happen 'before' the rapture.

About the Author
The writer states, "The material in this book should be judged on its own merits, not the author's. Only God was qualified to unseal Daniel 11 and He deserves all the credit."

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title: My Beloved Is Mine and I Am His

author: Chris Wood

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 9.30.2011 • author id: WoCNonUS11

word count: 70


The goal of this book is to meditate upon the Song of Solomon as a guide for married couples and to allow its influence to awaken or enhance a joyful sexual freedom between Christian spouses. The author writes, "This is a stunningly worthwhile pursuit and one that should never suffer the indignity of any shameful accusation of inappropriateness against what God himself clearly intends as a blessing. Some themes, particularly in the Song's crescendo, will clearly bring us to the type of burning, inextinguishable love, as strong as death itself, that is clearly transcendent. However we need to deal with the song primarily according to its basic intent and content. It's about sex people - deal with it!"

About the Author
Chris Wood has been in Asia for over nine years as a biologist and as co-leader of International Fellowships (China and Japan), regularly preaching and teaching in both countries. This book is part of a series on themes ranging from Jeremiah, Acts, John, and biblical studies on light and water. Many are also blogged and translated into Chinese and Japanese. The Song of Songs series has proven particularly popular.

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title: The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Christ:

author: Marcia Fearey

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 4.30.2011 • author id: FeM8370411

word count: 170


In a verse-by-verse method, this study unpacks great truths about living worthy of Christ's gospel, understanding the mind of Christ, contentment and rejoicing in all circumstance, counting others significant, and counting all as loss for Christ using the book of Philippians. The goal is the reality in experience as the reader "presses on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of Christ Jesus." Paul prayed that our love would abound and righteousness fill our lives. Philippians provides intensely practical help for believers to grow in grace and knowledge.

About the Author
With degrees in English and education, Marcia Fearey has taught for more than twenty years in Christian and public schools. She has trained in research and writing and in "Gifted and Talented" education. She has written curriculum and has published a study on Psalm 119. An active church member, she has participated in worship leading and music, taught Sunday school, led Bible studies, preparing scripts for presentations, and speaking retreats. She has written studies on Psalm 119, 1 Peter, Philippians, Prayer, and Grace. She is currently teaching a study on the Fruit of the Spirit.

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title: Bible in a Nutshell

author: Wayne S. Copes

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: CoW2101411

word count: 275


This summary of the Bible covers the major themes (e.g., creation, history of Israel, the life and ministry of Christ, the formation of the early church), relying heavily on scripture itself. The book's goal is to give both established Christians and new ones who have never read through the Bible a thorough foundation in Bible contents, characters, and organization with a modest investment of time (<24 hours). This book is not an end in itself, but is intended to prepare its readers to confidently undertake the reading of the complete Word.

About the Author
Wayne Copes is an ordained elder and deacon in the Presbyterian Church USA. He is an avid Bible reader and has years of experience teaching high school and adult Sunday school classes at his home church. He has a PhD in statistics from the University of Delaware and spent his career in the defense and healthcare industries. He is author/co-author of more than 40 peer-reviewed publications in the medical literature.

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title: For God So Loved the World

author: Robert F. Word

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 2.25.2011 • author id: WoR6703711

word count: 163


This book is a discipleship tool to reach the lost. It will also help those who are already saved, but have never studied the Old Testament to find out how Christianity came into being. Written in a chronological order it touches on every major person and event from Adam and Eve to the birth, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. It explains the history of the nation of Israel and how God chose the Israelites to be his chosen people; a people who were used to set the stage for the birth of his son, the promised Messiah. The last three chapters are devoted to the life of Jesus and how you can accept him as your personal Savior.

About the Author
For fifteen years the writer served as a Christian church pastor, interim pastor and teacher. During this time he taught how Christianity came about, in both church and classroom settings. He has sold short stories and articles to five different publishers and has self published three books.

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title: Understanding the Struggle Between Good and Evil

author: Roger Stanley

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 11.30.2010 • author id: StR2802710

word count: 250


This is a biblical study of the struggle between good and evil. Some of the topics covered in this book include how evil came into being, why evil is so powerful, why God appears to be weak, how God uses evil to accomplish his purposes, what would have happened if evil had been victorious, and the importance of good works.

About the Author
Roger Stanley, a retired pastor, holds three seminary degrees: master of religious education, master of divinity, and doctor of ministry and has served in the ministry for over thirty years. He writes, "I observed that many church members have trouble understanding how the teachings of the Bible interrelate and compose a unified Christian message. Sermons, Sunday school lessons, and Bible studies often fail to present a logical, systematic way of explaining what is happening in the world. This book explains the reasons there is a struggle between good and evil."

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title: After the Conversion

author: Georgie McCarty

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible Study • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: McG4614310

word count: 102


This book is a ten week examination of the Holy Spirit's work after Pentecost. Written for a women's group's experience, the study teaches how to have the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in daily living.

About the Author
Georgiann McCarty is a fourth generation Quaker, making her well informed and experienced in the Holy Spirit's indwelling in the Christian life. She has taught women's home Bible studies for ten years and also facilitates a group for women struggling with eating issues. She supports and works with two Christian orphanages in Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico.

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title: He Who Trembles at My Word: Getting from the Pages of the

author: Daniel Baker

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 10.25.2010 • author id: BaD2751110

word count: 250


He Who Trembles at My Word is a book written to equip the average churchgoer with the principles and understandings they need to work through their Old Testament and get from the printed page to application for daily living. It is intended to help fill the publishing gap that exists between a study Bible or Bible dictionary, and the plethora of materials that exist for the trained Bible exegete.

About the Author
Daniel Baker has a BA from Kenyon College (Gambier, OH) and an MA from Ashland Theological Seminary (Ashland, OH). He has served in ministry since 1994. He is currently part of Sovereign Grace Church in Apex, NC, ordained there after attending the Sovereign Grace Ministries Pastors College (Gaithersburg, MD). The book is the outgrowth of numerous classes and sermons he has taught in various contexts.

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title: The First Two Thousand Years:

author: BJ Chapman

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 9.13.2010 • author id: ChB6572110

word count: 150


This manuscript is a topical commentary on the events and issues covered in the first eleven chapters of Genesis. It includes discussion of the creation of the universe and man. The global nature of the Genesis flood is addressed as well as its divine purpose. The separation of humanity into various nations, languages, and religions is discussed. The last chapters trace the origin of all false religion back to Genesis 10-11. Various questions are answered, such as, where did Cain get his wife? when did dinosaurs exist? and where do cave men fit into the biblical model of world history? The central theme of the book is uncompromising trust in the historical and scientific reliability of these foundational chapters of the Bible. The purpose of this book is to convince Bible-believing Christians that it is not necessary to make extra biblical concessions to science, philosophy, or culture in order to believe what the Bible says.

About the Author
After graduating for Crichton College in Memphis, TN, and doing graduate study at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Dallas Theological Seminary, BJ Chapman served Southern Baptist churches for 25 years where he achieved a reputation as a sound biblical preacher and teacher. In preparation for this book, he consulted several authorities including other theologians and current experts in the field of science and biology, who will recommend the book's use in the classroom. His network for marketing also includes friends and acquaintances in church and denominational service, who will promote this book. 573-826-1487 alt. phone

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title: Look Up! Uplifting Inspiration from Christ's Timeless Past

author: Scott Mohr

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible Study • date submitted: 7.24.2010 • author id: MoS9267310

word count: 198


Written for a lay readership, Look Up! aims to focus on Christ's work from eternity past, with special emphasis on Old testament manifestations. The writer states, "While other works have well represented the topic of Christ's presence in the Old Testament, they have . . . spoken more to academic audiences." His goal is to "bring to mind specific aspects of Christ's eternal glory, resulting in an increased focus heavenward upon Him."

About the Author
The writer, an information technology executive in the telecommunications industry, has an active background in Bible teaching and church leadership positions. He served three years with Wycliffe Bible Translators. He suggests his circle of Christian leader friends will readily endorse the publication and distribution of the book.

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title: Gleanings from Scripture: Things I Learned from the Bible

author: David Boersma

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible Study • date submitted: 7.24.2010 • author id: BoD2983510

word count: 120


This collection of short monographs on a variety of biblical topics attempts to bring to light truths commonly overlooked or ignored elsewhere. Subjects include sorcery, Hannah's other persona, government in pre-kingdom Israel, Moses on Sinai, the "greatest music ever composed and performed by man," life spans, Daniel's unique way with false prophets, and the allegory of Balaam's ass. Each is written to stimulate mature thoughtful Bible readers with challenges from a spiritual perspective.

About the Author
The writer, a veteran Bible student and teacher, is author of Prophets of the Bible (2008). For his newest book, he draws on his research on prophets and the Old Testament. His web site,, provides more personal background.

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title: End Game

author: Clement Waine

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 5.26.2010 • author id: WaC1971110

word count:


The current global financial crisis has triggered a cascade of events that will result in geopolitical realignments and the emergence of a new world order. The Bible predicted the decline of the USA's hegemony and its subsequent assimilation into a North American Union (NAU). A duopoly between China and Japan will use their combined four trillion dollar reserves to put the USA/NAU into bankruptcy reorganization. The UN Security Council will be reformed with ten permanent members that will include Britain, France and Germany. After the EU fully integrates into a single state, these European nations will cede their seats at the UN Security Council to the President of the European Council. He will then annex Israel. The Third World War will start thereafter with Russia leading the offensive against the Middle East. This book describes these events and identifies the major players who will shape the coming world.

About the Author
The author holds a doctorate degree in structural biology and biochemistry from the University of Queensland, Australia and presently works as a research scientist in a large Fortune 500 company. He has published several papers in international scientific journals and several newspaper articles (op-ed). The author holds four patents issued by the US Patent and Trademark Office for his inventions and has filed four other patents with the same agency. he has keen interest in geopolitics and has extensively studied and researched the global events over the last fifteen years. He has a diploma and several certificates for Bible teaching. He attends the Parkview Assemblies of God Church in Newark, Delaware.

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title: Lead, Follow, or Get Annihilated:

author: David Carpenter

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible Study • date submitted: 4.24.2010 • author id: CaD7742910

word count: 50


Lead, Follow, or Get Annihilated is a study guide on leadership based on the life of Joshua. These lessons are not a verse-by-verse, or chapter-by-chapter study on the book of Joshua. Rather, this guide is a look at the life of Joshua and how God led the nation of Israel through Joshua. One of the main themes of this series is learning how to partner with God in life and in leadership opportunities.

About the Author
The author graduated from Biola University in 1979 with a degree in Christian education. Over the past 30 years he has developed numerous Bible study series for adults, college students, and youth. He has served with churches in Arizona, Colorado, and Texas as a volunteer leader of both youth and adult ministries. During this time he has been employed in the high-tech industry working on the design and testing of products ranging from integrated circuits to super computers.

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title: Psalm One for Women on the Run

author: Valerie Cullers

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 4.24.2010 • author id: CuV9760310

word count: 75


This six week Bible study seeks to explain the relevance of this psalm in today's modern world. It challenges women to apply the principles it teaches in everyday life. Each lesson is divided into sections that can be completed in a five or ten minute time period. A busy woman can take the study with her and work on it wherever she is. All necessary scriptures are included in the question and answer part of each section.

About the Author
Valerie Cullers is a business woman, writer and speaker. She has mentored women and led Bible studies for more than twenty years. Her desire is to help women get into God's word and discover its riches and relevance for today.

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title: When I Became A Man

author: James Daughtry

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible Study Guide • date submitted: 3.30.2010 • author id: DaJ6045710

word count: 40


A Bible study guide that examines some of the main themes in the Bible on the role of a man. Written for men, it is concise. The 10 chapters begin with a brief introduction to a specific topic followed by a series of relevant questions based on Bible verses. The study guide allows men to explore God's word on practical subjects which they can easily understand and apply to their lives. The Bible study guide may be used for individual study or with a group.

About the Author
The author holds a B.A. from Moody Bible Institute and an M.B.A. Universidad de las Americas, Cholula, Mexico. He was chaplain of the InterVarsity Chapter, Morton College (IL). He has served as a missionary in Latin America, Caribbean, and Africa. The author has taught on biblical manhood for many years. He works in sales and marketing and has developed markets in the US and Latin America.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Unveiling Final Jesus:

author: Dean Knudsen

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 3.24.2010 • author id: KnD3330910

word count: 120


The Book of Revelation, in its opening verses, promises a blessing to the reader. Yet for the majority of Christians it seems to be more a source of bewilderment. The opening verse declares it to be the revelation of Jesus Christ, yet so many present it as a revelation of the end times, the antichrist and Armageddon. This book focuses the reader's attention on the person of Jesus Christ as the central figure in this unique piece of biblical literature. Being the final book of scripture, the Revelation is God's last word, his closing argument. As such, he leaves the Church with a dynamic and visionary portrayal of his Son in all his glory and splendor. This dramatic presentation of Christ is unveiled through a series of picturesque and figurative descriptions of Jesus that fit together like pieces of a puzzle revealing the majesty of the Savior.

About the Author
The author has been a pastor for over twenty years. He has a master's degree in theological studies, has taught an expository series on the Book of Revelation, and has a passion for helping people see Christ in the Book of Revelation.

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title: The Genesis Deception:

author: J. Gene White

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 2.21.2010 • author id: WhJ6330110

word count: 290


The book begins by framing the issue over interpretation of the Genesis creation account. Four major biblical interpretations are discussed, none of which offer a viable solution to the Genesis problem when considering both science and scripture. In succeeding chapters, a new translation of Genesis chapters 1 and 2, representing the original creation story, is developed on a verse by verse basis from the Hebrew text. The manuscript offers a thorough discussion of the key words found in the creation story along with a history of Bible translation in an attempt to explain how the current errant translation of Genesis developed.

About the Author
The author, a graduate engineer, is retired from the Boeing Aircraft Corporation after working over twenty-five years in a number of professional positions in the aircraft/aerospace industry. He is a lifelong, serious Bible student with a special interest in the Genesis creation account and related science. This is his second book about biblical creation. He and his wife of thirty-nine years live in St. Louis where they are active in their local church.

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title: The Promise Kept:

author: Mark LaFollette

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 2.21.2010 • author id: LaM5501610

word count:


The Promise Kept is a narrative trip through Genesis that reveals biblical worldview and teaches life lessons along the way. Because Genesis is foundational for the rest of scripture, the reach of The Promise Kept extends through the Bible all the way to Revelation. In this way, the book helps the reader to see how the Bible fits together. The Gospel is the central, unifying thread that runs through the book beginning to end. As we journey through the stories of Genesis, the reader asks questions and discover clues until we find them answered in Jesus Christ. The writer notes, "Although the project is written to be accessible for a spiritually young audience, I know from experience that more mature Christians will find themselves challenged and engaged by what they find."

About the Author
The writer has preached through Genesis extensively and has taught Genesis for ten years as part of a college course through a special arrangement with Bethel University. He is the Lead Pastor of New Life Church of Woodbury, MN (see He holds a master of divinity degree from Bethel Seminary and has written for a periodical. Alternate phone: 651-757-4164

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title: Joy for the Journey

author: Lorraine Hill

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 2.21.2010 • author id: HiL7734510

word count: 300


Joy for the Journey is a ten week Bible study that helps women better understand how to live joy-filled lives no matter the circumstances they face. C.S. Lewis wrote, "Joy is the serious business of heaven." It is also the serious business of earth. As Christians, we should live joy filled lives. This Bible study helps us to learn how to rejoice at all times, even during difficult times. We will also discuss some of the common joy stealers, such as worry, unforgiveness, people, anger, and selfishness.

About the Author
The writer has taught Bible study at Second Baptist Church of Houston for about ten years, a large multi-campus ministry. She has received requests for Bible studies to be taught at other churches. Now pursuing a master's degree at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, her other degrees are in accounting and MBA.

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title: Essays on the Christian Bible

author: John R. Kelly

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 1.20.2010 • author id: KeJ9535010

word count: 440


Forty-eight brief essays make God's word accessible to anyone -- inexperienced believers or seekers -- by broadly outlining the overarching biblical narrative, examining the Bible's primary and unifying themes, and considering how the non-narrative works (poetry, prophecy, wisdom) are folded into the overall story. The goal is for readers to feel capable and comfortable in studying the Bible, perhaps for the first time.

About the Author
John R. Kelly has taught classes on the Bible on college and church campuses for twenty years. He holds a B.S. in economics (St. Mary's College, Moraga, CA), an MA in English Literature (San Francisco State University), and an MA in Theology (Western Seminary, Portland).

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title: Measuring Up:

author: Dale F. Kiefer

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 1.19.2010 • author id: KD8528310

word count: 240


Using Revelation 2 and 3, this book examines thirteen of Jesus' metrics, or "codes of conduct," and encourages readers to inspect their own lives in light of them. This book is designed primarily for a group study.

About the Author
The writer holds a bachelor's degree in engineering and two master's degrees from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He draws on his education, Bible teaching, ministry experience, and current career at Honeywell Aerospace in exploring Jesus' letters in Revelation 2-3. He is married and has two grown daughters.

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title: You Can Understand the Book of Revelation:

author: Mark Roberts

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 1.19.2010 • author id: RoM7602110

word count: 110


You Can Understand the Book of Revelation opens the reader to the world of apocalyptic literature. By surveying and understanding apocalyptic material circulating during the time of the New Testament we are equipped to understand John's incredible apocalypse. This book seeks to develop in a popular style the ideas and insights that scholars of apocalyptic have long understood about this unique genre of literature. With that understanding in place the modern-day reader of Revelation can guard against wrong approaches to Revelation, and read and understand it as its original audience did.

About the Author
Mark Roberts is a popular preacher and writer, speaking at churches across the country. In 1998 he received his masters in biblical studies from Abilene Christian University. There Mark began doing the groundwork for this book as he did extensive research and writing about the genre of apocalyptic literature. His material on this vital subject has been well received at several Bible conferences and continues to be featured in his writing and speaking.

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title: Thinking Through Ephesians:

author: R.S. Beal, Jr.

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 11.28.2009 • author id: BeR8630309

word count: 333


This commentary explains the meaning of the book of Ephesians for Christians who are not students of the Ancient Greek language. It develops the Apostle Paul's doctrine of God's love and endeavors to lead believers to a life of faith and love. Useful outlines and explanations of each sentence of the text are included. This is a reference work for pastors, adult Bible class teachers, and other students of Scripture.

About the Author
Joint authors are R.S. Beal Jr., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, and Earl D. Radmacher, Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary. Dr. Beal is Professor of Zoology Emeritus and retired Dean of the Graduate College at Northern Arizona University. Previously interested in the interface of science and faith, he is the author of The Grand Canyon, Evolution, and Intelligent Design. Dr Radmacher is President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology at Western Seminary. His publications include general editorship of the Nelson Study Bible NKJV and Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary (Thomas Nelson, Inc), Hermeneutics, Inerrancy and the Bible (Zondervan), Celebrating the Word (Multnomah), and The Nature of The Church (Schoettle Publ. Co.). Dr. Radmacher is a frequent Bible conference speaker, where he will promote the book, Dr. Beal, known in Conservative Baptist and some Southern Baptist circles, will hold book signings events, distribute mailings, publicizing the book, and insure that copies are sent to book review editors of seminaries.

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title: After the Conversion

author: Georgie McCarty

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 11.28.2009 • author id: McG4614309

word count: 102


This book is a ten week examination of the Holy Spirit's work after Pentecost. Written for a women's group experience, the study teaches how to have the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in daily living.

About the Author
Georgiann McCarty is a fourth generation Quaker, making her well informed and experienced in the Holy Spirit's indwelling in the Christian life. She has taught women's home Bible studies for ten years and also facilitates a group for women struggling with eating issues. She supports and works with two Christian orphanages in Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico.

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title: Extreme Spiritual Makeover

author: Kathy Fullerton

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 10.28.2009 • author id: FuK6304009

word count: 147


Women have always been interested in beauty. Today's women are subjected to unattainable standards of beauty through the various forms of media including advertising, television and the internet. Because these standards are not based in God's truth, many women have poor self-images. This twelve-week study is designed to help women explore what the Bible has to say about true beauty.

About the Author
As a veteran independent publishers' representative, home educator of two children, and women's Bible study leader for over twenty years, Kathy Fullerton has experience teaching and mentoring people. She has also been the president of the National Charity League-Gateway Chapter and served on the Strategic Planning Committee for Westminster Christian Academy in St. Louis. From doing local radio spots to speaking to women's groups, Kathy strives to help others grow in their faith.

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title: Sermon on the Mount:

author: Robert L. Jacobs

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 10.27.2009 • author id: JaR2754909

word count: 68


The work includes the writer's translation of the Sermon on the Mount from NT Greek into English, plus study notes, footnotes, and appendices focusing on the text. The study notes consist of basic information. The footnotes contain more advanced information. The appendices contain detailed exegesis of the New Testament Greek text. Discussion questions provide incentive to explore personal thoughts about the meaning of Jesus' words.

About the Author
Robert Jacobs holds an M.Div. and Th.M. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, North Carolina.

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title: Hidden Riches:

author: Leslie Hays

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 8.23.2009 • author id: HaL8091709

word count:


God's word, filled with spiritual treasures, will prove invaluable to those who will take time to search its depths. David understood this when he wrote "More to be desired are they (God's words) than gold" in Psalm 19:10. Clues to the greatest treasure of all, Jesus and his salvation, can be found throughout the Bible, including the book of Genesis, the book of beginnings. Using many reference materials, Genesis discloses nuggets about Jesus, the Messiah. As a result, the Messiah is "seen" over sixty times through prophecies, types and shadows, the blood covenant, and even a few actual appearances. These treasures in the word reveal the underlying theme in the Bible of the Savior through whom mankind would be saved.

About the Author
An avid student of the Bible for over thirty years, Leslie Hays taught adult Bible studies, Sunday school classes and evening church services. Her teaching experience also extends to the classroom. With degrees in both elementary and high school education, she has taught third through twelfth grades and is also an educational consultant helping to write and produce educational videos that are used across the nation.

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title: The Highest Gave His Voice

author: Al Mendenhall

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 6.19.2009 • author id: MeA7807009

word count: 230


The depth of Christ's work, power and love at Calvary and during the three days and nights in "the heart of the earth" provide a marvelous understanding of our Lord's redemptive work and victory from the region where Christ crushed the powers of Satan. This look beneath the surface of it all gives a comprehension of the height, the depth, the width and the breadth of the love of Christ and fulfillment of God's sin offering and sin bearer. What Jesus, the sinless lamb, accomplished from the time he shouted "It is finished!" until the time it was proclaimed, "He is risen!" is wonderfully revealed through Moses, the Psalms, the prophets, and New Testament writers.

About the Author
A. W. Mendenhall is pastor of a family integrated church in the Texas hill country north of San Antonio. He has taught church history at Living Water School of Ministry and has served as director of men's ministries and pastoral oversight for home groups in Oregon and Texas. He and his wife, Sherie, assisted in pioneering Church On The Way San Antonio, a sister church of Church On The Way, Van Nuys, California. After graduating from Seattle Pacific University/Cascade with a degree in English literature, Pastor Mendenhall served the Army chaplaincy in South Korea. His travels have taken him throughout the world sharing the message of Christ's love and power.

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title: The Kingdom of God

author: Dan Fountain

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 6.19.2009 • author id: FoD3390809

word count:


The book is intended for small group Bible studies and also for personal study. Each lesson provides concepts from a stated passage followed by questions to encourage discussion and in-depth reflection about God and his rule over us. Three sections cover the Old Testament, the teachings of Jesus, and the writings of the Apostles. A short introduction will describe the inductive method of Bible study to better equip the readers to engage in interactive study of God's Word and the subject of the Kingdom of God.

About the Author
Dr. Dan Fountain has been active in missions since 1960 as a medical missionary and a promoter of biblically holistic transformation in medicine, community health, and kingdom missiology. He is a recognized world leader in community health and primary health care and facilitates workshops on health, discipleship, and cultural transformation on three continents. Previous publications include Health, the Bible, and the Church, Billy Graham Center monograph, 1989, Wheaton, IL. It has been translated into Indonesian and Korean. God, Medicine, and Miracles, Harold Shaw Publishers, 1999 (now WaterBrook/Random House) in fourth printing plus French, Indonesian, Hindi, and German translation editions. He holds the BA (Colgate), the M.D. (Rochester), and a Master's of Public Health (Johns Hopkins)..

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title: Weatherproof Your Home . . . Against the Storms of Life

author: Donna Best

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 6.18.2009 • author id: BeD1602709

word count: 200


The husband's authority is the spiritual covering provided by God for the benefit of the wife, for the protection of the children, and for the preservation of the family. Yet, many women within the Body of Christ have unresolved issues from their childhood that are preventing them from embracing their husband's position. Through Scripture, we recognize that rebellion against authority is the key to dysfunction in our families. In Weatherproof Your Home . . . Against the Storms of Life, the author seeks to empower women to abandon their self-defeating behavior in order to reframe their lives and families according to God's work. Using intimate examples of God's Word in her own life, she offers women a fresh perspective on bitterness, self-deception and rebellion.

About the Author
In 2001, Donna Best wrote a women's Bible study course based on the biblical principles of repentance and restoration she has implemented in her own life and marriage, and has taught the material to hundreds of women. This manuscript is the text of that 12-week course, and includes discussion questions to promote small group studies. In 2008, Donna founded Weatherproof Ministries ( and now teaches these principles in a weekend seminar/retreat format.

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title: Classic Hymns of Christendom Bible Studies

author: James E. Shaw

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 5.25.2009 • author id: ShJ7863309

word count: 400


The book contains fifty-two stories and studies of Christendom's beloved hymns. Each study contains three segments: the introduction has information pertaining to the hymn's writer and why he or she wrote the hymn. Next comes the leader's guide, containing the written portions of scripture which may have influenced the author to write the phrases, together with suggested questions or comments. Finally comes a participant's one page hand-out with scriptural references supporting the phrases in each stanza. When the study of a stanza is completed, it is sung. The purpose of the study is to further an appreciation of how God's Word serves as the foundation for the hymns of the church which have stood the test of time. The singing of these hymns will become even more meaningful for those who work through the study or read the book. Those who lean toward contemporary Christian music in worship will gain an appreciation of the meaning and depth of these classic hymns.

About the Author
Some call him "Doctor," "Pastor," "Colonel," "Chaplain," -- James Shaw responds to them all. His fifty year ministry involved serving as chaplain in the U.S. Armed Forces and on cruise lines since 1983, as well as pastor in congregations in the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. He was a visiting professor at Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, IN, for ten years and received a doctor of divinity from the institution. He has published military guidelines for the military chaplaincy and many articles for military and church publications.

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title: 102 Fascinating Bible Topics for Group Study

author: Preston A. Taylor

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 5.25.2009 • author id: TaP7807609

word count: 225


The manuscript has 102 fascinating Bible topics from a-men to worship. Each topic has an introduction to grab the reader's attention followed by scripture references on every topic relate to that topic. Two or three thought-provoking questions about each scripture invite participation in discussions that relate to daily life.

About the Author
The writer's university studies were in literature and history; seminary training was supplemented with studies at Baylor and NC Baptist hospital. Previous publications were with Moody Press and three Spanish houses. Preston Taylor grew up on a cotton farm in Arkansas. He served as a radioman in the Navy. Following university and seminary training, he and his family served as Baptist missionaries in Argentina. Taylor has written a dozen books in Spanish published by Editorial Unilit of Miami, Kregel's Portavoz, and Casa Bautista of El Paso, Texas.

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title: The Seed Within

author: Leah Vintila

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 3.26.2009 • author id: ViL7580309

word count:


This book takes a dual approach in helping those affected with infertility and/or pregnancy loss by lending hope and promise that a faithful God will provide for their current desire to have a child, but also focuses on the greater purpose of promoting a life-altering spiritual growth for every aspect of their life. The chapters of the book cover each component of what it takes to grow naturally and spiritually including fertile soil, the presence of a holy seed, Living Water, abundant light, and the absence of weeds. The format of the book is designed to provide ongoing spiritual nurturing through an active study of relevant Bible passages for each topic, as well as devotionals for the participants to read in between chapters. This book can be used as a self-study or part of a formal Bible study class.

About the Author
Leah Vintila is a registered nurse and has established a spiritual wellness program as part of a hospital-based wellness center. She has presented the topic of spiritual wellness in women's ministry lecture series. She endured a long struggle with infertility before she and her husband decided adoption was the option for their wish for a larger family.

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title: Christianity's Lost Dispensations

author: Harold R. Booher, Ph.D.

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 3.26.2009 • author id: BoH2121809

word count: 480


The author's thesis is that two dispensations are omitted or described erroneously in most Christian discussion that account for lack of a good biblical response to these questions. First is the problem of God's silence during this contemporary grace period compared to the signs, wonders, and miracles teeming during the Acts period. Second is defining specifically the kingdom of God. The manuscript examines the strongest concepts from the literature on these topics with the results offering a biblically consistent viewpoint that has appeal to both liberal and conservative Christians. These missing dispensations add new scriptural and philosophical strength to showing God as a God of love and grace.

About the Author
Harold R. Booher, Ph.D.,holds degrees in psychology, human factors, and engineering and is recognized internationally for contributions to public health, safety and human systems integration. His avocation is studying the interaction of science and philosophy on theology. His book Origins, Icons, and Illusions (2000 copies sold) revealed the numerous problems with evolution showing scientific beliefs in evolution are more philosophy than science and that scientific rigor is not dependant on what the scientist's philosophical or religious faith is. An organization of 2000 embraces the idea of two new dispensations. The writer attends an Episcopal church. His MANPRINT, An Approach to Systems Integration has sold 10,000.

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title: A Physician Examines Old Testament Miracles

author: Roberto Estevez

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 1.25.2009 • author id: EsR7910909

word count: 240


This highlights the life of Old Testament characters such as Daniel, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah and others. The writer's goal is to examine each miracle from the perspective of a Christian physician, using both his medical background and his education in other sciences. Better insight is given into the miracles when descriptions of scenes, the characters' personalities, and the writer's attempts at recreating conversations that might have taken place.

About the Author
Estevez is a cardiologist who has published three books on biblical subjects: two in Spanish and one in English. He has a thirty-year career in medicine and has taught Bible studies for over forty years. In addition he was assistant professor of medicine at Texas Tech School of Medicine and was the former chief of medicine and cardiology at North West Texas Hospital (Amarillo).

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title: Breaking Free

author: Wendy Sykes

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 12.24.2008 • author id: SyW2311308

word count: 90


Breaking Free is an engaging six week study of the magnificent healing of Legion (Luke 8:26-39). Its theme is the transforming and restorative power of Christ's love. Discussion questions and other leader aides are included with each chapter. The writer positions it in the niche of a Beth Moore study in its comprehensiveness and a Max Lucado study in its conversational writing style.

About the Author
Wendy Sykes is a certified District Lay Speaker, a Stephen Minister, and is working toward credentials in Spiritual Formation through Wesley Seminary. She serves on the district level for women's ministries, which allows access to approximately 45 churches and their conferences, in the interest of marketing.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: I Peter: Sharing Christ's Suffering

author: Marcia Fearey

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 12.18.2008 • author id: FeM8370408

word count: 196


The writer states: "Once, after having endured a deep trial, I memorized the book of I Peter and meditated on it for a year. Since that time I have re-memorized it three times and made it a constant part of my meditation. . . . Since I Peter also teaches about holiness of living, God's sovereignty in salvation and daily life, the work of the Holy Spirit, and family relationships, an examination of it in depth provides that vital connection between God's plan and the believer's daily life. Suffering is the key that unlocks God's grace and blessings."

About the Author
Marcia Fearey is an English teacher with a BA in English and a BA in education. She has taught for thirty years in Christian and public schools. She has also worked as a curriculum writer for Accelerated Christian Education. She has written a study on Psalm 119, which has been published, I Peter, and Philippians, and is currently teaching the study on Philippians.

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title: Spiritual Treasure Hunt

author: Diane McIntosh

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 10.24.2008 • author id: McD4490408

word count: 150


Spiritual Treasure Hunt , an interactive adventure that explores spiritual topics, .uses signposts and clues to take the reader on a literal treasure hunt that reveals God's promises of rewards for the believer: crowns, rubies of wisdom, streets of gold, etc. The signposts are easy to understand explanations of spiritual matters with each one building on the previous. The clues seek to create excitement and whet the appetite to investigate the different sources of information: Bible, Internet, library, video store. The work is intended for personal devotion time or as a group Bible study.

About the Author
Diane McIntosh is a speaker and author who has taught Sunday school and Bible studies for many years. She has also served on a women's ministry team and was editor of their newsletter (circulation 1000). She speaks at women's events and has written church plays and skits. Marketing strategies include a preschoolers' version (coloring book with stickers), children's version (with a treasure box and jewels for completing the clues), teen version (with charm bracelets for girls, dog tags for guys), challenging word search puzzles, even a Treasure Hunt Bible (with icons and highlighted passages taken from the book).

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title: The Gentle Savior:

author: Lynn Bell

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 9.23.2008 • author id: BeL2291108

word count: 125


This 10-week women's Bible study explores the interactions between women and Jesus during his earthly ministry. The focus of this study is squarely on Jesus and what his conversations with women reveal about God Each gospel narrative is touching in itself, as it describes the gentleness of Jesus toward the women he encountered, including an adulteress, a woman married multiple times, and a prostitute. The study guide ends with the "Top Ten Things Jesus Never Said to a Woman." The narratives, taken both individually and together, present a clear message for women today, both in terms of how they perceive God and how they should behave toward other women to imitate Jesus. The format invites lots of Bible riding and reflection on scripture, as well as meaningful self-reflection. Each week's study is divided into guides for five daily study sessions. Some chapters include supplemental material on principles for biblical interpretation.

About the Author
The writer has taught Bible classes (for children, teens, and adults) in nondenominational churches almost continuously for 26 years. She has also led several women's study groups and has taught the topic of this book in four different church venues. Her greatest passion is helping women who have experienced sexual abuse to know God's tender compassion. She has published three articles in Christian Woman and one in The Lookout.

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title: The Forgotten Feast

author: Michael Arnold

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 9.23.2008 • author id: ArMNonUS08

word count: 350


The book opens with the prophetic meaning of the frequently neglected Feast of Unleavened Bread and its prefigured complete break between the Old and New Covenants, something frequently not grasped by Christians. It continues with a systematic, yet easy to grasp biblical exposition of "God's Rescue Plan" for the human race through covenant, from Abraham to the Exodus. Then follow the purpose of the Old Covenant and the often-ignored curses for breaking it. We see how Jesus carried those curses on himself and included us in a New Covenant cut on the cross with the father, the terms of which are radically different from the Ten Commandments. The book of Hebrews and the Sabbath reinforce the truth of grace. The book continues with an examination of scriptures which might appear to contradict the message of grace, in particular those in James and in the Gospels. It concludes with an examination of why we might be tempted to revert to law, the dire consequences of the reversion, the full meaning of the feast of unleavened bread and what we will look like as servants of a New Covenant.

About the Author
Educated at St John's College, Johannesburg, South Africa, the writer holds degrees from Rhodes University, South Africa, and Oxford University, England. Ordained in the Anglican Church, he is now Senior Chaplain at St John's. He came to real faith at 34, but the initial joy of salvation was followed by years of struggle with legalism. The combination of revelation God has given him on grace together with a scholarly background gives him and unusual qualification to write this book.

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title: The Prophets of Yahweh:

author: James Furilla

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 8.24.2008 • author id: FuJ2088208

word count: 160


In today's world the prophets are perhaps among the most misunderstood characters in the Bible. They are seen more as predictors of the future rather than critics of the present. This tends to blind us to the true meaning of these great men, especially in a time when we are desperately in need of modern prophets. This manuscript studies the prophets and their message chronologically. In this way an evolution of thought is uncovered showing a natural progression in Israel's belief in Yahweh as a great God among many gods to the only God over all nations. It also depicts the evolution of covenant, individual accountability and the concept of a Day of the Lord.

About the Author
The author has a master of divinity degree from St. John's Seminary in Boston and an MS in management from Capital College in Laurel, MD. He has taught biblical studies and church history for over 40 years. He is currently adjunct professor of business and management at Montgomery College in Rockville, MD. He serves as chairperson of the Pastoral Council Ministry of Christian Formation at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Derwood, MD.

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title: Escaping Armageddon

author: David Ray

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 8.21.2008 • author id: RaD3106108

word count: 725


Some Christians believe that the rapture of the church, the removal of all believers from the planet, will occur prior to the final seven years of tribulation. However, the writer suggests that Jesus said he will return and rapture the church at the end of the tribulation. Escaping Armageddon surveys the entire Bible to answer the contradiction. The book is set up with the initial hypothesis, as stated by Jesus, that the rapture of the church will occur at the end of the tribulation (Mt 24:29-31). The Old Testament and the New Testament are then surveyed to determine if anything contradicts Jesus' hypothesis. Focus is given to Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah, Matthew chapters 24-25, Thessalonians I and II, and the book of Revelation.

About the Author
David Ray is a licensed physical therapist (28 years) and a graduate of the Medical College of Georgia, has been a successful business owner for 12 years, an airline transport pilot who worked for Atlantic South East Airlines for three years, and an honorably discharged 2nd Lieutenant from the United States Army. He studied Greek and Hebrew at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He has conducted a volunteer prison ministry on a weekly basis for the past eleven years.

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title: Most Holy Warrior:

author: Michael K. Pasque

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 8.16.2008 • author id: PaM6301708

word count:


Precisely what was Jesus Christ doing during the Old Testament? Are we to believe that the most important individual in the entirety of the creation was just sitting in the wings waiting for his Bethlehem curtain call? This manuscript asserts that Jesus was a fully embodied, physical participant in every event of the Old Testament. In fact, as the warrior commander of the mighty warriors of the army of the Lord, Jesus played the lead role in this epic story. The case for these bold statements is built upon a foundation of compelling Old Testament scripture that describes the repeated appearance of an angelic warrior known variably as God's "terror," "the hornet," "the commander of the army of the Lord," "the prince of the host," "the prince of the princes," and most notably as "the angel of the Lord." These appearances detail the warrior intervention of the Son of God in the fulfillment of his primary Old Testament strategic mission to protect and ultimately to rescue the righteous remnant of Israel.

About the Author
This book is written from the unique perspective of a professor at a major university medical center who has authored over 65 manuscripts and books, obtained over 15 years of NIH research support, lectured internationally - and whose driving desire is to run hard after the full knowledge of Jesus Christ. This, his fifth non-medical book, is a direct result of his work in a biblical studies group at a large Midwestern evangelical Christian church.

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title: The First Two Thousand Years:

author: BJ Chapman

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 7.21.2008 • author id: ChB6572108

word count: 150


This manuscript is a topical commentary on the events and issues covered in the first eleven chapters of Genesis. It includes discussion of the creation of the universe and man. The global nature of the Genesis flood is addressed as well as its divine purpose. The separation of humanity into various nations, languages, and religions is discussed. The last chapters trace the origin of all false religion back to Genesis 10-11. Various questions are answered, such as, where did Cain get his wife, when did dinosaurs exist, and where do cave men fit into the biblical model of world history? The central theme of the book is uncompromising trust in the historical and scientific reliability of these foundational chapters of the Bible. The purpose of this book is to convince Bible-believing Christians that it is not necessary to make extra biblical concessions to science, philosophy, or culture in order to believe what the Bible says.

About the Author
After graduating for Crichton College in Memphis, TN, and doing graduate study at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Dallas Theological Seminary, BJ Chapman served Southern Baptist churches for 25 years where he achieved a reputation as a sound biblical preacher and teacher. In preparation for this book, he consulted several authorities including other theologians and current experts in the field of science and biology, who will recommend the book's use in the classroom. His network for marketing also includes friends and acquaintances in church and denominational service, who will promote this book. 573-826-1487 alt. phone

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title: Biblical Freedom from Oppressive Christianity:

author: K.Scott Schaeffer

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 7.20.2008 • author id: ScK0810608

word count: 300


Subtitled Using the Every-Verse Method to Separate What the Bible Says from What Some Churches Say, the manuscript seeks to expose traditional Protestant beliefs and practices that add to human misery and conflict with the messages that resonate throughout the Bible. The writer encourages us to be more like Jesus, who opposed man-made religious rules, and to be less like Jesus' opponents, the Pharisees, who created and enforced them. The writer notes, "My book is unique in that it employs the Every-Verse Method - a revolutionary, yet simple, technique which will serve as the ultimate model for anyone looking to establish their beliefs by way of the Bible rather than by way of the pulpit. This method will guide the reader through every verse in the Bible that addresses a given issue. For example, in the book's Alcohol chapter, I include all 35 Bible verses that indicate how God feels about alcohol consumption. I then reveal each verse's context and perform a brief analysis. By the end of the chapter, the reader has a feel for the message of the entire Bible as it relates to alcohol."

About the Author
K. Scott Schaeffer is the creator of the "Every-Verse Method" of Bible study as well as the web-site Scott is a 1993 graduate of Belmont University (a Southern Baptist school) in Nashville, Tennessee. Scott is not a Southern Baptist today, but he has been active in six evangelical Protestant denominations across three states since 1988. This experience gives him a broad perspective on Christianity.

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title: Preparing the Soil: Integrating Our Hearts and

author: Tammie Spidell

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 6.22.2008 • author id: SpT3793208

word count: 200


This family devotional guide, targeted for families with children ages 9-18, is centered around inductive studies of selected Bible passages. This study is designed to create a context where a family can dynamically interact with scripture together and invite scripture to interact with their hearts. Each gathering is designed to penetrate quite quickly and back off, so that participants do not become satiated. Almost no preparation is normally required, in order that the studies would be doable amidst a busy schedule and rushed days. There is variety in the daily plans so that the format itself doesn't become monotonous. Though the curriculum is targeted for children ages 9-18, younger children can join the journey as the older ones steer the discussions. This is part of a developing series, Gardening Our Hearts.

About the Author
Tammie Spidell has a BA in psychology and an MA in curriculum and instruction. She co-authored "A Work of Joy and Wonder,: published in Montessori Leadership and Today's Child. She has homeschooled her children her children for twelve years, and has developed and directed an inner-city ministry, and taught adult and children's Sunday school classes.

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title: Anchoring in the Safe Harbor of the Attributes of God

author: Bethany Macklin

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 5.25.2008 • author id: MaB9594908

word count: 80+


The aim of the study: to cause women to anchor deep in God's character in order to produce spiritually mature thinking and behavior. The method includes eight inductive, in-depth, and practical Bible studies on God's attributes. Each chapter focuses on one attribute and consists of five lessons in which a biblical portrait of God progressively emerges. Each day's lesson includes a principle that anchors the main truth in the reader's mind, and concludes with a personalized prayer from scripture. The study is systematic and teaches in layers; every lesson progressively presents four aspects of truth about each attribute for a more penetrating view of God. Sidebars containing the Hebrew or Greek definitions of key words in the opening passages add visual interest and increase the readers' understanding without distracting them from their study.

About the Author
Bethany Macklin has intensive training in Bible study methods from Jane Roach, Training Division Head at Bible Study Fellowship Headquarters. She teaches seminars on how to study the Bible, using a dozen different methods, and is an experienced Bible teacher and retreat speaker. She writes Bible study curricula and leadership training material on assignment for churches. Rosemary Jensen has endorsed the study as "excellent." (Rosemary Jensen wrote Praying the Attributes of God and Living the Words of Jesus, and was the former Executive Director of Bible Study Fellowship. She has provided a brief written endorsement.)

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title: Getting into Scripture:

author: Wayne Brouwer

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 4.23.2008 • author id: BrW4942408

word count:


This combination individual/group study helps individual readers rediscover (or open for the first time) the Bible in fresh ways, and then brings people together to look deeper into the bigger picture of what God is seeking to communicate. The strengths of this approach and study are lively writing, thoughtful reflection, strong guidelines for study groups, and tools for reinforcing good reading habits.

About the Author
Brouwer holds a doctorate in New Testament, and teaches at Hope College and Western Seminary, both in Holland, MI. He has written articles that were published in dozens of journals and magazines, and has published thirteen books, all requested by various publishers.

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title: Old Testament Story

author: Audrey Nash

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 4.18.2008 • author id: NaANonUS08

word count: 119


The work seeks to tell the whole story of Old Testament concisely, but in a readable way which should be accessible to the average church-goer, who wants to know what the Old Testament is about. Links between different parts of the Old Testament are indicated, as are sections which I have found students frequently misunderstand. Thus, for example, the significance of the deliverance from Egypt, the Sinai Covenant, the Division of the Kingdom of Israel and the nature of Baal worship are made clear, as failure to grasp these skews one's understanding of the whole Old Testament. Further, several views of the Old Testament show how it has value in itself and not simply as a mine for Messianic prophecies. The book concludes with a chapter on some of the ways in which the Old Testament looks forward to the New Testament. The writer hopes the book will whet the reader's appetite for the Old Testament itself.

About the Author
The author has an Honors Degree in Theology for which she did as much Hebrew and Old Testament as the course allowed. She taught Religious Education in Secondary School for fifteen years and for over thirty years she was assessing students' work on Old Testament correspondence courses run by London Bible College, now renamed the London School of Theology.

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title: Growing In Beauty

author: Deborah Turk

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 4.18.2008 • author id: TuD4420208

word count: 30


America's Next Top Model. The Bachelor. My Super Sweet Sixteen. Young girls today are literally bombarded with messages from our culture that they need to have model-like figures, wear designer clothes, and date a popular guy in order to feel good about themselves. How can the church help parents counter these messages? Growing in Beauty is an eight-week small group Bible Study that addresses the pressures and fears that junior high girls face today. It covers practical topics such as: how to dress modestly, why gossip is harmful, and the importance of a positive attitude in a non-judgmental, engaging style. The goal of this study is to use scripture to help adolescent girls see their worth in Christ and teach them how to appreciate the worth of others. Based on I Peter 3:3-5, this study will reinforce what Christian moms have been teaching for generations, that true beauty is not skin deep -- it's what's inside the heart that counts!

About the Author
The author is a former marketing executive for Nestle USA and is an experienced speaker. For over 15 years she has been actively involved within the Lutheran church as a Sunday school teacher/superintendent, church growth officer and lay worker in youth ministry. Growing in Beauty is an outgrowth of this youth ministry; the curriculum has been used successfully at her home church for the past seven years.

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title: God's Royalty

author: Jennifer H. Millar

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 3.24.2008 • author id: MiJ8063108

word count: 86


God's Royalty is a Bible study targeting girls in 5th and 6th grade. Through this six week study, girls will learn about the invitation to become a child of God, how to prepare themselves to meet with God, and the joy of meeting with God. They will also learn about fellowshipping with God, learning to follow God's plan for their lives and using their talents to please God's heart, all while covering topics such as daily Bible reading, fasting, their value to God and learning to trust in God.

About the Author
Jennifer Millar has served in children's ministries for over ten years. She has road tested this Bible study with girls in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade successfully and enjoys teaching Sunday school regularly. She is the granddaughter of Jack W. Hayford, current president of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel.

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title: Images of the Father:

author: Melissa Simpson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 3.21.2008 • author id: SiM7208608

word count: 200


Many Christian women struggle to know God the Father intimately. They are often certain of Jesus' love for them but have their doubts about God. Some believe he is a harsh, mean father, angry at sinners and eager to punish. Others see him as unapproachable and detached. Regardless of their reasons for viewing God in these ways, a profound yearning to known the real God remains. By examining Jesus' encounters with the crowds he taught and the individuals he touched, Images of the Father shows that Jesus came to Earth to save sinners, but he also came to reveal the true God and his desires for those he calls his own. The study examines seven "I am" statements that Jesus used to explain who he is-- from the Good Shepherd to the Great Physician. As "the image of the invisible God" (Colossians 1:15), Christ reveals the heart and the desires of God the Father toward his people.

About the Author
Through eight years of involvement in women's ministry, Melissa Simpson has become keenly aware of the issues that keep women from a vibrant, intimate relationship with God. The two groups who have already completed Images of the Father responded with enthusiastic praise for its relevance, depth, and accessibility. Her avenues for selling this book includes women's events where she speaks, her web site (under construction), and dozens of churches where she has personal contacts.

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title: The Mystery of God's Will:

author: Byron J. Scott

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 3.21.2008 • author id: ScB3154608

word count: 125


The writer notes, "Most Christians have wondered about God's will from time to time. As a minister I have helped young couples seek God's will for marriage, career, and a host of things. It is not always easy to know what God would have us do. In Ephesians 1:9 Paul writes, 'And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which her purposed in Christ.' Paul then spends the rest of Ephesians giving us guidance in finding the mystery of God's will. This book will lead the reader through a verse-by-verse study of the entire book of Ephesians. Each chapter will help us find God's will in some area of our lives. Some verses of Ephesians when taken in isolation can be difficult to understand, but the book as a whole will lead the readers to a renewed sense of purpose for their lives."

About the Author
Byron J. Scott is an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church. He has served numerous churches in the state of Georgia and one in Kentucky. He has an AB degree from Asbury College, an MDiv degree from Emory University, and has done extensive graduate work at Columbia Theological Seminary and Asbury Theological Seminary. Rev. Scott was the senior minister of the First United Methodist Church is Jesup, Georgia when he suffered a stroke in July, 2004. He has improved to the point where he is now able to pastor a small part-time church and is currently serving the Patterson United Methodist Church in Patterson, Georgia, and has begun a ministry of writing.

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title: Getting God's Perspective

author: Kelly Madden

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 2.20.2008 • author id: MaK957220800

word count: 112


Getting God's Perspective is a topical Bible study, covering such topics as accountability, afflictions and trials, anger, anxiety and worry, bitterness, contentment, envy and jealousy, faith, faithfulness of God, fear, forgiveness, friends, fruitfulness, God's Word, holiness, Holy Spirit, hope, joy, love, lust, marriage, obedience, peace, perseverance, praise, prayer, pride, reverence for God, salvation, Satan, serving, sin, sorrow, thankfulness, trust, wisdom, your flesh, your speech, your thoughts. The writer defines the main goals of the study as: 1) to know the Lord in a more personal way and learn to recognize his voice; 2) to know God's word; and 3) to learn how to apply (obey) his word in the Christian walk. Walk Check Time, at the end of each topic, is meant to encourage readers' honest talk with the Lord regarding what he might have spoken to their heart.

About the Author
Kelly Madden serves on the women's ministry board at her church. She has spoken at retreats, led workshops, and for the past five years has taught a regular Bible study. In 1998 she started a small business, His Word Publications, and self-published Getting God's Perspective, which has been sold worldwide. She has been writing for more than ten years, completing two books and numerous articles for her church newsletter. This study was originally used with the author's two home-schooled daughters.

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title: Bound by God

author: Scott A. Burr

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 2.20.2008 • author id: BuS4766508

word count: 75


The purpose of this book is to provide ministers, marriage counselors, and prospective couples with a covenant-based approach to pre-marital counseling. This workbook is not approached from a relational standpoint, but is rather rooted in the significance of covenant. It covers a variety of topics including: understanding the meaning of covenant, the biblical role of a husband, and the role of the wife. We also take a look at those issues that affect couples most after the honeymoon, including communication, child rearing, finances, sex, and how to approach parents or inlaws. All of these topics are supported biblically.

About the Author
Scott Burr has been a full-time senior pastor for eight years in a growing church in southern Indiana. He previously served as the Christian Education pastor at Oasis Assembly of God in Princeton, IN. As a minister, he has had the opportunity to counsel and marry several couples and has discovered that many have no idea what it means to be in a covenant relationship. He is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God and has been an A/G minister since 1998. He has been married to Tandy for 15 years and has three children.

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title: Beginning with God

author: David K. Shelley

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 2.20.2008 • author id: ShD8063408

word count:


This bird's eye view of the life themes essential to a relationship with the Lord concentrates on the first five books of the Old Testament. The study also considers major sections of the Bible instead of relatively short passages. The purpose of the overview is to get the "big picture," to see how major patterns clarify direction, so the reader moves beyond repeated ideas, but sees an over-arching story line of what God is up to as he deals with man.

About the Author
David Shelley is a pastor of twenty-five years, currently serving in Colorado. A former book editor, David has degrees from Bethel University and Denver Seminary. He and his wife Lorie are parents of three children.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Getting God's Perspective

author: Kelly Madden

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 2.20.2008 • author id: MaK957220800

word count: 112


Getting God's Perspective is a topical Bible study, covering such topics as accountability, afflictions and trials, anger, anxiety and worry, bitterness, contentment, envy and jealousy, faith, faithfulness of God, fear, forgiveness, friends, fruitfulness, God's Word, holiness, Holy Spirit, hope, joy, love, lust, marriage, obedience, peace, perseverance, praise, prayer, pride, reverence for God, salvation, Satan, serving, sin, sorrow, thankfulness, trust, wisdom, your flesh, your speech, your thoughts. The writer defines the main goals of the study as: 1) to know the Lord in a more personal way and learn to recognize his voice; 2) to know God's word; and 3) to learn how to apply (obey) his word in the Christian walk. Walk Check Time, at the end of each topic, is meant to encourage readers' honest talk with the Lord regarding what he might have spoken to their heart.

About the Author
Kelly Madden serves on the women's ministry board at her church. She has spoken at retreats, led workshops, and for the past five years has taught a regular Bible study. In 1998 she started a small business, His Word Publications, and self-published Getting God's Perspective, which has been sold worldwide. She has been writing for more than ten years, completing two books and numerous articles for her church newsletter. This study was originally used with the author's two home-schooled daughters.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Parables of Jesus Explained by Scholars

author: Robert W. Strain

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study-Parables • date submitted: 2.19.2008 • author id: StR7575108

word count: 720


This anthology brings together all 35 major parables from the Gospels, using comparisons between the King James, New English Bible, and The Living Bible to bring greater clarity of meaning to students of the Bible. Selective comments from more than one hundred parable book writers over the centuries are added to bring further enlightenment. Included are 360 specific Bible lessons on the parables, as prescribed by the International Lesson Series from the years 1880 through 2005.

About the Author
Robert Strain has taught Bible classes in four churches in two states for eighteen years. He was a book editor for thirty-six years, and published books for twenty-four years, which has sold in eight-five countries. He holds university degrees from Texas Tech, LSU, and Indiana. He also served in the positions of dean and vice president in New York City for twenty years.

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title: You Say . . . Trials Bring Gifts from God?

author: Becky Wood

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 2.19.2008 • author id: WoB4658008

word count: 100


All of us desire an easy, trouble-free life. Unfortunately, on this side of heaven, trials are inevitable. When faced with seemingly insurmountable trials, we are often tempted to give in to despair, discontentment, and disillusionment. While these are natural human reactions to hardship, God's plan for us during these times of difficulty is so much greater. He desires to grant us his gifts of perspective, peace, strength, comfort, patience, obedience, faith, glory, contentment, and himself. While trials can be a means of receiving these gifts, it does not happen naturally. Whether or not we receive these gifts largely depends upon whether we chose to draw closer to God or whether we allow ourselves to become bitter towards God or to simply drift away. Drawing closer to God and receiving his gifts will not shorten our trials, nor will it make them easy. However, such God-honoring choices will allow us to experience God more fully and to value him more deeply. We can then become conduits of God's blessings to others.

About the Author
Having unexplained pain from infancy, the author is no stranger to trials. At the age of fifteen, the pain became chronic and debilitating. Such an intense trial, coupled with other struggles, motivated her to spend years searching scripture to discover what a God-honoring response to trails looks like. She has a literature degree from Wheaton College and a love for writing.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Eternal Truths of Narnia

author: Julie Kloster

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 1.23.2008 • author id: KlJ6017808

word count: 110


The work was first published as an online, downloadable Bible study course by, a division of Christianity Today International, in conjunction with Disney's blockbuster movie, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Disney will soon be releasing a sequel to the first Narnia movie entitled Prince Caspian. This study presents the Word of God in a creative, inspiring way that will attract the attention of anyone interested in C.S. Lewis, his books, or the Disney movies. The finished product contains seven chapters; one for each of the books in the Narnia series. Each chapter includes a summary of the book, three or four teaching points examining the scriptures that the book illustrates, discussion-stimulating questions that are open-ended with an emphasis on personal application, and a closing section that includes take-away questions and an optional activity. It is an intriguing, culturally relevant study of the eternal truths C.S. Lewis wove into his stories.

About the Author
This study was the #2 best-selling Bible study for Christianity Today International's in 2005. Julie Kloster is a regular contributor to She writes devotional pieces for David C. Cook and Standard publishing, will soon be published in Northern Now, and has written quarterly for the literary journal The Writer's Block. She is a former public school teacher, with an education degree from Northern Illinois University, and a speaker for youth and women's ministries.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: He Is My Hope: Biblical Principles for Widows

author: Melanie T. Riddle

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible study • date submitted: 12.31.2012 • author id: RiM2962712

word count:


This work administers first aid to the broken heart of widows. Guided scriptural study of supportive passages helps hope to arise in their hearts, as they see anew God’s plans for their lives enveloped in his relentless love. Each chapter develops a life-sustaining principle from God’s Word with supporting examples from the author’s own experience losing her husband. Incorporated within each reading are questions that encourage the reader to see God’s care and provision in the midst of her pain. Each chapter also includes opportunities for journaling on the content of the study, as well as a reflection time with considerations for thought, a prayer focus, and suggested parallel reading. Hope is available for widows. Their lives did not end with the deaths of their spouses. God still has good plans for them, even though life is not always easy. New life full of God’s sustaining grace is available in their immediate future. All they need to do is accept the support He has placed around them and relax in his sustaining arms - hope is here!

About the Author
Dr. Melanie Riddle, a retired high school teacher, has been creating study materials for over thirty years. She is currently director of Haven of Hope Ministries, a Christian ministry she founded in 2011 as a support system for widows. As director, she writes curriculum for use in the support groups, facilitates encouraging conferences for widows, speaks at conferences and events, and leads training for those in widows’ ministry.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Bible: God's Word for Us

author: H. Lynn Gardner

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible Study • date submitted: 1.31.2013 • author id: GaH6483413

word count: 50,000 to 55,000


The purpose of the book is to provide a non-technical introductory guidebook for believing, understanding, studying, and responding to the Bible as God's Word. The interesting story of how we got the Bible provides a basic foundation for developing confidence in the Bible as the Word of God. Knowing who wrote the books, why they were written, and how they came to be collected together into Scripture is valuable in establishing confidence in the nature and authority of the Bible. Learning about the preservation of the biblical text and the translations available prepares one to be a better Bible student. 

This book provides some answers to these questions: Why do people not believe the Bible? Why can we believe the Bible to be the Word of God? Why do people misunderstand the Bible? What principles and procedures help us understand the Bible? Specific steps guide Bible students in the study of Bible books, passages, and words. 

The goal of Bible study is not accumulating Bible knowledge. The goal is knowing God personally and establishing a relationship with him. Believers respond to God's Word by obeying it, being directed in worship by it, and treasuring it in their hearts.

About the Author

Dr. H. Lynn Gardner has taught people to believe and understand the Bible in his forty years of Bible college teaching, his preaching ministries, and in speaking at churches and conferences. He has published eight books, including Commending and Defending Christian Faith, and more than one hundred articles. 

This resource will help those who want to be serious Bible students, including adult converts, motivated Christians, Sunday school teachers, and beginning Bible college students.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Why Christians Reject Hellfire, 7 Reasons Bible Loving Christians Reject Eternal Torment

author: Peter Gregerson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 6.25.2013 • author id: GrP3590613

word count: 30,154


Why Christians Reject Hellfire

A Careful Examination of Holy Scriptures

from Genesis to Revelation


This message is for Bible-loving Christians who—deep in their hearts—ask these questions and insist on rock–solid answers from the Bible alone.


·       Is it possible that any of my loved ones could burn in hellfire when they die?


·       Why do some Christians not believe in it?  John Stott, the great leader and author of millions of evangelical Christian books, said he had not believed in hellfire for fifty years.


·       Adam’s “Original Sin” is said to be the basis for the doctrine of hellfire.  Where does the Bible prove that to be impossible?


·       Why is there not one reference to eternal torment in the entire Old Testament?  Why didn’t God warn of it?


·       Why didn’t the Apostle Paul make even one reference to eternal torment or hellfire?  (He wrote 14 of 27 books of New Testament)


·       What did Jesus mean “where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched?”  Where does the Bible prove that it is not possible that he referred to eternal torment?


·       How does the Bible show that the rich man and Lazarus, Revelations’ lake of fire and “weeping and gnashing of teeth” cannot possibly support the hellfire doctrine?


·       What does the Bible teach of God’s personality which makes hellfire impossible?


The Bible’s message in this little book is unforgettable.  Its’ beautiful message is life changing for both those now just considering Christianity as well as Christians asking thoughtful questions about hellfire.


About the Author

Peter Valjean Gregerson is an 85 year old retired supermarket chain owner.  He is also a lifetime student of the Bible.  He has written a number of religious booklets (self-published) including What if God Answers the Lord’s Prayer? and The Golden Rule, The Unappreciated Key to Your Life.


He is a public speaker, having given major speeches at national and state conventions of supermarket owners in the United States and abroad in Vienna, Austria, Hong Kong, China and South Africa.


He presently participates in a local jail ministry and is a member of the First Baptist Church of Gadsden, Alabama.


Mr. Gregerson’s conversations with people of various persuasions have convinced him that there are millions of people somewhat interested in Christianity but are repulsed by the terrors of hell.  These people would love to hear that belief in hellfire is not a necessary belief for Christians.  This group includes many thousands of ex-Jehovah’s witnesses who could be brought into the mainstream if hellfire was removed as an obstacle.  (They do not believe in hellfire.)  Christian churches have many members who can’t believe in it and would be tremendously relieved to know the truth. 


Mr. Gregerson believes millions of people are ready to say goodbye to the hellfire doctrine.



If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: James in the Suburbs: The True Story of How the Epistle of James Transformed a Suburban Church

author: April Love-Fordham

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 11.8.2013 • author id: LoA300222013

word count: 87,000


There are two type of Christians.  Those who consume God’s blessings and those who share God’s blessings.  Most of us are the first type.  We have sought out God so that God can bless us with good things.  We are obsessed with knowing the right theology, following the right set of rules, and doing the right set of good works in hopes that we will please God and be rewarded.  We are forever on the lookout for what God can do for us.  Our faith is dead.  Then there is another type of Christian.  This type of Christian craves being put to work as the servant of God.  Their faith spurs them into action.  This book tells the true story of six men and women whose lives became intertwined around the teachings of the Epistle of James from which none of them escaped unchanged.   

James in the Suburbs: The True Story of How the Epistle of James Transformed a Church is an 87,000-word narrative-commentary that crafts a practical look at the Epistle of James addressing issues that affect all Christians including living faith, consumerism, poverty, discrimination, unemployment, and the environment. Readers will walk away with a thorough section by section understanding of the epistle, as well as, an unforgettable true story linking James’ teachings to their own lives. The appendix contains a study guide appropriate for group or individual use.

About the Author

My distinct blend of real world experience and ordained ministry in the church gives me a unique perspective in applying scripture to real lives. 

  • 2013 Writing full time with an itinerant teaching/preaching ministry
  • 2013 Aspirant for Holy Orders in the Episcopal Church
  • 2006-2012 Pastored two Presbyterian churches
  • 2010 DMin from Gordon Conwell
  • 2010 My doctoral dissertation, Using Biblical Storytelling to Initiate Spiritual Transformation (Publisher: Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 2011)
  • 2006 Ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA)
  • 2006 MDiv from Columbia Theological Seminary
  • 1984-2004 Twenty-year career managing technology companies.  Technology advisor to two White House administrations.
  • 1979-1984 BEE and MSEE from Georgia Tech. 
  • Twenty-nine years of marriage, two sons, and a Great Dane!

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title: Feasts of Faith, Finding Jesus in the Jewish Feasts

author: Dallas & Carl Paetzold

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 12.6.2013 • author id: PaD7912413

word count: 55,000


“How did that yarmulke get on my Savior? Jesus wasn’t really Jewish, was He?”

Many Christians know very little about the Jewish roots of their faith. Feasts of Faith introduces readers to Jewish traditions and customs, both past and present, as they relate to the historical feasts of Israel. 

Feasts of Faith is an exploration of the traditional Jewish feast days from a Christian point of view. Deepen your faith and appreciate the validity of Scripture as the authors take a look at the Jewish roots of Christianity-- revealing the extraordinary customs and traditions behind many common Scriptures, and bringing new interest and insight to otherwise stale or mysterious verses.

Hidden shadows of Jesus abound in the Old Testament. As you study God’s Word in a question and answer format, you will value the intimacy and intricacies of Scripture; be inspired to a deeper, more committed spiritual life; and be encouraged as you discover how Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of prophecies given through the Feasts of Israel.


About the Author

A medical doctor and an educator/speaker, Carl and Dallas Paetzold team up to bring a well-researched, concisely written book. They have been married for 26 years and have four children. Carl is a practicing emergency medicine physician, and Dallas has taught both math and physical education in the middle school through college levels. Carl has contributed to various professional journals, while Dallas is a speaker with Encouragement Café and also speaks at local women’s groups and retreats. For the past 12 years, the authors have been teaching the material in the proposed book in group settings ranging from church Bible school classes from varying denominations, church home groups, women’s ministry groups, and single adult groups.  They frequently lead Passover presentations for large and small groups of children and adults. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Thrill of Hope

author: Bruce Green

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 4.30.2014 • author id: GrB3680414

word count: 50,000


The Thrill of Hope is an entry-level look at Revelation that breaks the book down into terms the reader can understand. There are devotional pieces that explain and develop its major themes as well as FAQ sections that deal with specific questions and issues of each chapter. There is also an emphasis on how Revelation applies to disciples' lives today.

About the Author

I have been a student and teacher of the book for several years. I have a real passion for helping people to understand it and experience the hope that it reveals.  I write a weekly column in The Opelika Oberver, have a website called A Taste of Grace with Bruce Green (, and had a book published last year by 21st Century Christian called Praying in the Reign. 


If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Digging Deeper into God and His Word

author: James Wallace

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 5.12.2014 • author id: WaJ8943614

word count: 81,000


What relevance should the Old Testament’s various sacrifices, new moon festivals, and holy days have for Christians today? How would any Bible student go about deciding what pleases God and what doesn’t, through a proper study, interpretation, and application of all of Scripture?

Bible study plans that provide solid principles for discerning how and why God’s dealings with man are different today than in Old Testament times are hard to find. Actual and would-be Bible students find themselves asking what principles help us determine how we are to live before God in light of what God has spoken through all the ages.

These are the kinds of questions I tackle head-on in this new book. It’s intended to serve as a hands-on guide to learning Bible study principles, beginning with the more commonly discussed matters of observation, interpretation, correlation, and application. However, what makes this book special is its attention to the various administrations and administrators God established in past ages--and all of this toward providing discernment for difficult questions involved in living out the eternal truths of God’s Word.




About the Author

Thomas S. Piper, the late author, held a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and was an ordained minister. He served as the managing editor of Back to the Bible’s Good News Broadcaster for 13 years. Publications included "Bible Questions Answered" and the three-year series "How to Study the Bible." He served as consultant and CEO with Ministries in Sync, helping people be “in sync” with the Word of God.

James Wallace, the reviser of the manuscript, also holds a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and has served as a pastor for 27 years. He met Tom when he was the assistant and then managing editor of Young Ambassador, the youth magazine published by Back to the Bible. He is working in cooperation with Tom’s widow, Jean, to rework and publish this manuscript. This book will be usable in homes, classes, churches, seminars, and missions. James writes, “Over 130 Prayer Partners pray mutually with us. Seventeen have asked for a copy of the book, including the CEO of a large international mission and other ministry leaders.”


If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: By Divine Appointment: Ambassadors for Christ

author: Gordon Jackson

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 8.13.2014 • author id: JaG9921814

word count: 35,000


By Divine Appointment: Ambassadors for Christ is a set of 31 studies on Paul’s description of Christians as ambassadors for Christ.

Each three-part study examines a theme related to the role and tasks of a “real life” ambassador and applies that theme to daily Christian living. The book’s in-depth exploration of the ambassador concept offers readers fresh and imaginative insights that will deepen their understanding of their faith.

Targeted at more mature Christians, the book lends itself to personal study, small group discussion, or a Sunday School class or similar setting for Christians who wish to dig deeper into this surprisingly rich biblical metaphor.

About the Author

Gordon Jackson, PhD, is the author or compiler of 11 books, including one on Christian guidance and another on Christian satire, titled Jesus Does Stand-Up’ – And Other Satires. He has taught journalism at Whitworth University, in Spokane, WA, for three decades.

Originally from South Africa, he has been a frequent speaker at book groups and churches. He has also regularly taught adult Sunday School classes, one of which explored the material in this volume.


If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Jesus Proclaimed

author: Karen Straszheim

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 11.25.2014 • author id: StK5024814

word count: 13,000 words


Jesus Proclaimed is a devotional for Christmas.  The goal of the book is to help the reader think more about who Jesus is and what one celebrates for the holiday.  The eleven chapters can be read by an individual or used by a group for discussion. The book shows how passages from the New and Old Testaments about Jesus are related and has questions for application of Scripture to the month of December. 

About the Author

I have been a Christian for 38 years and have a daily quiet time from which the ideas for this book came.  I have a Masters in Psychology from a school which included studies in Bible and Theology at a seminary.  I was also married to a pastor for 18 years.  

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title: The Bible in a Day

author: Mike Whiting

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 3.12.2015 • author id: WhMME18515

word count: 104,500


Mike became a Christian in around 1990. He was anxious to get an understanding of the whole Bible but found that attempting to read the Bible in a year didn’t suit his needs. He looked for an abridged version to get him there more quickly, but nothing could be found that was simply a precis of the Bible--a straightforward read with no frills.

After a few years of leading Bible study in his local church and putting aside time for personal study, Mike felt he was ready to take the task on of producing a chapter-by-chapter precis himself. He started in January of 2009, building a web work progressed. Now the task has been completed.

The Bible In a Day is nothing more or less than a condensed version of the Bible. Read this book once and you will have a reasonable understanding of the Bible's content; read it two or more times and the Bible will quickly become familiar to you.

This book is not a substitute for prayerful reading and study, but it will provide a good foundation for understanding God's Word.


About the Author

Mike Whiting has always had a respect for the Bible, believing it to truly be God’s Word and essential to Christian living. Self-taught, he led Bible study in his local church as well as doing his own separate study. Believing most Christians struggle to find time to read the Bible properly, he embarked on a project to precis the Bible and in the process buit a website,

 The Bible In a Day is the result of that project.


If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: When God Asks Questions

author: Esther M. Bailey

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 3.24.2015 • author id: BaE8526015

word count: 1,000 words per study


Who hasn't wanted to ask God one of the why questions or when or how? Since questioning God is not a present possibility, why not turn the tables and let God ask the questions that come from the Bible? This study explores probing questions that get down where we live. It challenges but does not condemn. It encourages taking baby steps to reach a goal rather than trying to take a giant leap toward spiritual maturity.

About the Author

Lifelong Bible student

Written numerous curriculum sessions for Warner Press

Write on regular assignment for Union Gospel Press

Freelance manuscripts published by various markets

Taught Bible study or Sunday school class

Willingness to work with and accept suggestions from editors to produce a study that will stimulate those who participate as individuals or in small groups

Will participate in marketing suggestions by publisher. Include book in bio when offered in freelance writing such as the Chicken Soup books where I have been published.

Passion for the project



If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: God’s Son “Forsaken,” His Sacrifice “Finished!”

author: Kenneth Lenz

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 5.2.2015 • author id: LeK5340515

word count: 37,000


As excruciating as the physical suffering was, it was miniscule in comparison to the spiritual judgment that Jesus experienced while on the cross. As our sin-bearer, He cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” But was he truly forsaken by God the Father? And if so, does that mean the Trinity was broken, or that Jesus was no longer divine?

After six agonizing hours on the cross, Jesus exclaimed, “It is finished!” But what was finished? Does it have any bearing on us today? If so, how can we benefit from what Jesus accomplished? And how does his accomplishment relate to church doctrines, such as “Purgatory,” “penance,” and the Eucharist as an “unbloody sacrifice” to be “re-presented”?

In this book, Dr. Kenneth Lenz explores the meaning and message of Calvary’s cross, based on two of the most profound statements in all of Scripture. Though brief, these two statements of Christ testify to the greatest fact in all of history, and the greatest truth ever revealed in holy writ. Indeed, they give witness to the fact that Christ accomplished the primary objective for His having come into this sin-cursed world as the unique God-man.

About the Author

I have served in church ministries for over twenty years and have taught in the religion and Bible/theology departments of a few distinguished colleges, teaching courses in world religions, the history of Christian thought, New Testament epistles, etc.  My Ph.D. degree includes an emphasis in Eastern Orthodox history and liturgy.

The potential market for this book includes the many people who do not understand what Christ accomplished on the cross in His vicarious atonement.  Many (including the majority of students in my religion classes) have thought that Jesus’ suffering was primarily physical. A more specific target audience is the many Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christians who are willing to question the teachings of their church in light of the Scriptures.

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title: Sabotage (with a red no symbol over it) A 31 Day Jumpstart to a Vibrant Faith

author: Tammy Valdivia

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 7.10.2015 • author id: VaT3835515

word count: 75,000


You know the routine:

Good intentions: “I want to ______________!”

But you don't follow thru! = Sabotage!

New resolve! “I don't want to ______________!”

But do “it” anyway! = Sabotage!

Sound familiar? You start your day with great intentions of living a life with vibrant faith and self-discipline, yet fizzle out by noon or sooner. You allow the dark whispers of your flesh or the world to taunt you - insecurity, fear, significance, jealousy, etc. –which in turn sabotage the life you long to live.

King Saul knew all about great intentions. He started out his reign strong – looks, position, Godly mentor – but sputtered out early on and never regained his traction due to his own baggage. He allowed his baggage to sabotage his reign, his dynasty, and ultimately his life.

But history doesn’t have to repeat itself. In this 31-Day Jumpstart to a Vibrant Faith, we’ll look at the fascinating yet harrowing way King Saul chose to sabotage himself. We’ll then turn the lens upon ourselves, identify our own baggage, and learn how to put it aside so we can live the vibrant faith the Lord envisioned when He created us.

About the Author

Tammy Valdivia has a B.A. from Cedarville University and has taught in various educational institutions. She has led numerous Bible studies in churches as well as in her home over the past 10 years. She has served as a women's ministry leader at a church of over 500 members, and currently serves on the women's ministry team at Englewood Baptist Church in Jackson, TN.  She wrote "Sabotage - a 31-Day Jumpstart to a Vibrant Faith" while teaching a Bible class at the Dream Center, a shelter for homeless women. She is starting a blog called "The Secret Place" where she plans to share weekly secrets to living a vibrant faith in an apathetic world. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: God as a Gardener, Interpreting plants in Bible parables

author: Carolyn Roth

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 2.10.2016 • author id: RoC2401816

word count: 52,000


In scores of Old and New Testament parables, God used plants to illustrate His nature, spiritual truths about His kingdom, and how He wants us to live. Interpreting Bible parables and the plants in them isn’t easy; twenty-first century society is far removed from the Bible’s original audience. To interpret parables that use plants to make their point, individuals need insights into the plant's characteristics and life cycle. For example, how do the plant's characteristics make it the optimal illustration to depict God’s character and will? This book centers on 24 parables illustrated by plants. I researched to learn why God chose each plant to illuminate the parable’s spiritual truth. Because Old and New Testament parables have different characteristics, the book is divided into a section on Old Testament and a section on New Testament parables. It is written for the average church member, for individuals who want a different type of Bible study, and for those who love plants. At the end of each chapter are questions that center on the parable’s theme. Readers can use the book in either a personal or a group Bible study; questions can be pondered alone or discussed with friends.

About the Author
Dr. Carolyn A. Roth, a nurse-psychologist, educator, and researcher, is a Master Gardener and Tree Steward. She is an orthodox Christian who has attended Bible studies for more than 35 years. Carolyn has had academic books and manuscripts published and most recently two Christian nonfiction books. One was about plants and is titled Rooted in God, Interpreting Plants in Bible Lore (2014). Carolyn is active on social media. She writes two blogs, one on Bible plants (started 2010) and one on lesser-known Bible characters (started 2014). She maintains three Facebook pages, one personal and two that focus on her published books. Carolyn speaks and sells her books at churches, garden clubs, women's conferences and meetings, book signings, and craft shows.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Unoffendable Love Workbook

author: Valerie Caldwell

category: nonfiction • subcategory: Bible Study • date submitted: 9.23.2016 • author id: CaV0700616

word count: 13500


It is a fallen world to be sure. We are wronged often. Some of us are more sensitive and hurt by being wronged than others. Some respond in anger, some in tears and others shut down. How can we respond to injustice and being wronged? Jesus was wronged often. He was no coward. He spoke the truth boldly, was angry on occasion, and at times allowed himself to be wronged. What guided him? What gave him discernment to handle each wrong? This workbook is an exploratory look at Jesus’ example and at what the Scriptures say about handling offenses.

About the Author

I am a public speaker and workshop leader.  I have a B.A. in Communications and an M.A. in Biblical Counseling.  My "Unoffendable Love" workshop has been presented at local, regional and national conferences for the Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC) and at retreats and programs for PWOC and for my local church. I was asked repeatedly to put this workshop in book form. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: God's Heart: My Harbor

author: Bethany Macklin

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 2.11.2017 • author id: MaB9560317

word count: Approx. 35,000


If knowing God changes everything, why isn’t it changing me?

Does your relationship with God feel flat? Do you find yourself going through the motions of faith yet still feel empty? You’re not alone.

A multitude of Christian women are losing their bearings in the swift current of an unstable society that seeks to sweep a biblical view of God downstream and out of sight. The sad result can leave us confused and increasingly disconnected from God as we seek solutions to the complex issues we face. We lack joy in our chaotic homes, peace in our relationships, and power to impact our world. So we pick up the latest best-sellers on joy, peace, and spiritual power, but despite our best efforts, we don’t experience lasting results.

Something is missing. Could it be God Himself?

Have we been swept up in following a repackaged, postmodern “God” instead of following the living God of Scripture?

God’s Heart: My Harbor is a Bible study on God’s attributes designed for women hungering for real faith with a real God in whom they can anchor their heart. It is for all who long for a deep, vibrant connection with God that transforms not only the way we view our lives, but the way we live them: with clarity, confidence, and kingdom impact.


About the Author

Bethany Macklin has served twenty years in Bible Study Fellowship leadership and received intensive training in Bible study methods and Bible teaching under the instruction of Dr. Jane Roach, Training Division Head at BSF Headquarters. She has more than twenty-five years of experience leading Christian women and has been teaching and speaking throughout California for more than fifteen years. She serves as Women’s Ministry Director for her church and has published articles with online magazines including and Focus on the Family’s “Thriving Family.”

Her blog, “Anchoring in God’s Heart,” is over 1,200 followers strong and growing.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Practical Proverbs for Women

author: Dara Halydier

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 4.29.2017 • author id: HaD7680117

word count: 34836


This is book 1 of a two-part series of the study of Proverbs with an emphasis on Life Management skills. This first book will cover Proverbs 1 – 9 systematically. As the students works through each lesson they will also fill out a chart comparing the characteristics and results of foolishness and wisdom. After each five lesson week, there are questions for the teacher to go over in class. Included are extra Biblical references to help the teacher come to a sound understanding of the topics. The course will survey verses from the whole counsel of God’s word, not just Proverbs. The students will be memorizing several verses from Proverbs as well as Proverbs 3:1-12.

Part 2 of Practical Proverbs is almost finished. It is a topical study of Proverbs 10-31

The intended audience of this book is women from high school to 100! We never outgrow the need for wisdom and godly principles. It could also be published to reach men as Practical Proverbs for Adults as the principles are the same.

About the Author
Dara Halydier is a pastor's wife, a Bible teacher, conference speaker, mentor, mother of five boys, and grandma of seven. She is executive director of Abiding Truth Ministry and the author of the Practical Proverbs series, As They Sit and Stand: A Resource and Guide for Teaching Your Children the Bible, and various magazine articles. Dara has learned life’s lessons the hard way – experience! The lessons she shares come from truths that she has learned from dealing with chronic pain and a disability, from having moved over thirty times, having four boys with learning disabilities, and having overcome a past of abuse and shame to proclaim God’s grace, forgiveness, and freedom. Dara teaches with humor, wisdom, and vulnerability as she reaches out to encourage and equip the next generation. Practical Proverbs for Women Book 1 and Book 2 focus on Biblical application of life management skills such as anger, forgiveness, money, our words, relationships, consequences, etc. Dara blogs and sends a monthly e-newsletter. She hopes to market her books through prison ministry, MOPS programs, denominational national conventions, colleges, and churches, and bookstores. Practical Proverbs for High School and Practical Proverbs for elementary have sold over 2000 copies each. The High school book can be used for a high school credit in Life Management.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Old Testament Overview

author: Stephen Spitz

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 9.9.2017 • author id: SpS9412717

word count: 10100


The Old Testament is vital Holy Scripture, but it can be difficult for a reader without academic training to get his or her arms around.

Old Testament Overview serves as a concise introduction to the Old Tetament.  Topics addressed, in non-technical language, include setting (geography, people, and social structrues), major theological themes, and the interplay of promise and fulfillment.  Old Tetament Overview includes, in addition, a brief historical narrative. 

Old Testament Overview is also a tool for quick reference.  It includes guides to finding Old Testament accounts, familiar verses, and messianic prophecies; a list of key Old Testament individuals; and the Old Testament locations of their stories, maps, and tables.

Although written as an aid to Christian Bilble study, Old Testament Overview will also be of interest to the general reader.

About the Author

Stephen A. Spitz is a Harvard-trained practicing attorney and legal writer. He has taught adult Bible classes for over twenty years and has guided hundreds in Old Testament study.

The target audiences for Old Testament Overview are adult Christians engaged in home Bible study, pastors and teachers leading Old Testament survey classes, and general readers interested in an introduction to the Old Testament without the need to make a major time investment.

[Note:  The author is not looking for royalty income and is open to publication in electronic-only format.]

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Mind the Gap: Bible Interpretation Principles and Practices for Volunteers Teaching in Churches

author: Joe Harvey

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 9.30.2017 • author id: HaJ3474417

word count: 59250


Mind the Gap is an introduction to interpreting the Bible written for volunteers serving in congregations across the country as Sunday school teachers, youth coaches, and small group leaders--the folks who are the backbone of Christian education, but who never had the opportunity to pursue college-level training in biblical studies. It is both a guide to best practices and a handbook for ready reference. 

About the Author

Joe Harvey serves as the Professor of Ministry at Johnson University Florida. His education includes master's degrees in Biblical Studies (M.A., Cincinnati Christian University) and Curriculum and Instruction (M.Ed., University of South Florida). He also earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Lincoln Christian University and undergraduate degrees in Biblical Studies and Christian Education.

He has served in church-based vocational ministries for more than 15 years, full-time. For 10 years, he served as the Spiritual Development Minister of a large church (weekend attendence of 3,500) and routinely used the material in this book to train volunteer church teachers. He is currently a full-time professor and Assistant Dean in the School of Congregational Ministry at Johnson University Florida. One of the courses he has taught is Exegetical Methods.

He is also the father of Mandy Harvey--America's Got Talent contestant.

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title: Martyr's Manual: The Brilliant, Tragic and Inspiring Message of Hebrews

author: Wayne Brouwer

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 9.10.2017 • author id: BrW4942417

word count: 115541


The book of Hebrews contains a number of inspiring passages, like the "heroes of faith," in chapter 11. Yet the message of Hebrews begins in a rather dark place. It is written to pious, devout Jews who are facing a terrible social conundrum: if they stick with their testimonies about Jesus as Messiah and Lord, they will be cut off from their friends, ejected from their neighborhoods, lose their businesses, find their children and spouses ridiculed and abused, and will soon be tortured to death; on the other hand, if they simply renew their strong commitments to their religious community, with its meaningful rites and ceremonies, and stop mentioning Jesus, they will get to survive and thrive!

What a choice to have to make! This is far deeper and more significant than simply being a "nice Christian" or a "good religious person." Hebrews is actually a manual for martyrdom. It assumes that its readers will remain faithful to Jesus (because Jesus is truly God, and the only source of salvation), and will likely be tortured and die painfully, in a very short while.

The writer of Hebrews, unknown to us and beyond our ability to clearly identify, was a brilliant teacher and scholar. He knew scripture extremely well, flitting back and forth among quotations and allusions which, at first glance, might seem almost random, but when researched for context, are an incredible deep exploration of the meaning of God's work through the nation of Israel and in the person of Jesus. He also communicated marvelously, defining and cajoling and inspiring and shaming and encouraging and reminding and visioning. There is a consistent logic and direction to the whole of the work, yet it rises and descends emotionally, moves in and out of both history and the present seamlessly, and punches and holds hands with equal dexterity. At times the tempo almost meanders along, pointing out small things, filtering theological concepts, sorting biblical passages, and carrying on reflexive conversations. At other times the pace quickens, walking, then striding, then jogging, then running, then sprinting, always moving toward Jesus.

But the big thing that we need to pay attention to, when reading Hebrews, is that it keeps us focused on Jesus while assuming that such commitments of faith will lead us to persecution and death. This is the point of my book.

The method I use for conveying this meaning is to move through the text of Hebrews in meaningful sections which are thematically unique, and exploring each by way of four sections to each chapter. First is an actual copy of the text of that section of Hebrews as translated into the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Next, honoring the author of Hebrews own interweaving of exposition and exhortation, is a section I call "The Backstory." It probes some of the technical and theological and cultural dynamics that are assumed by the author in this particular section. Third, I provide an ever-lengthening "Where We Have Come So Far" summary of the key literary and rhetorical movments of the text of Hebrews. This helps readers keep in touch with the ever-unfolding message, rather than presuming that bits and pieces can be studied or consumed on their own, apart from the progression of the whole. Fourth, I give a currant explanation and application of what I call "The Message" of this section of the text, fulfilling the second part of the author's exposition/exhortation method of communication in the original document.

I also provide a brief Introduction, in which I trace quickly my own engagement with Hebrews--inspiring, boring, mesmerizing--and conclude with an Epilogue in which I seek to summarize quickly, pointedly and powerfully the whole of the message and the implications for those who read it.

About the Author

I have been a student of scripture all my life. I have written more than a dozen books, mostly on scripture and the Christian life. I have contributed extensively to the Quest Bible and the Couples Devotional Bible. I have been a pastor all my adult life, and have had sermons reproduced in homiletics journals and on preaching media (such as Preaching Today). I am a professor of Religion at Hope College, specializing in biblical studies. I am a professor at Western Theological Seminary, specializing in biblical studies, Christian theology, and leadership.

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title: Bible study on divorce and remarriage

author: Julianna Marcus

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 9.25.2017 • author id: MaJ3316917

word count: 16303


The rate of divorce and remarriage in the church rivals that of the world, yet this issue, which has soiled the bride of Christ, is rarely addressed from the pulpit; therefore, I have written this bible study to help believers navigate the treacherous waters of divorce and remarriage.  I challenge them to study to show themselves approved, so that they can rightly divide the word of truth --- for themselves.   

Each chapter undertakes various scriptures that address the subject of divorce and remarriage from both the Old and New Testament books, asking several open ended questions that require prayerful reflection on the scripture and introspection instead pat answers that really don’t stick in the long run. Readers are encouraged to seek God on this issue in prayer --- and perhaps even fasting --- listening for His voice, and trusting Him to speak to their situation.

This Bible study is not only pertinent for those facing this issue, but can serve as premarital counseling that can save marriages before they even begin.

About the Author

A devoted mother and wife of 20 years, Mrs.Julianna Marcus is a Language Arts instructor who has published two devotionals: Treasures of the Heart, A poetic Devotional which
she co-authored with social worker, Collie Blake, and Growing in Faith, A Guide To Growing in the Christian Faith.  She has presented, signed and sold her books at various church events and has taught Sunday school in her home church for several years.

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title: Hallowed: Echoes of the Psalms in the Lord’s Prayer

author: Reuben Bredenhof

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 7.9.2018 • author id: BrR611218

word count: 40000


“Teach us to pray,” the disciples asked Jesus, and he did—he taught them the Lord’s Prayer. Though now a universally-known and essential Christian prayer, his prayer wasn’t an entirely new model for communing with God the Father. Jesus mined many of its themes and phrases directly from the prayers of the Psalms. The Old Testament “prayer book” reveals how God’s people approached him in a spirit of worship and trust, petitioned him for life’s necessities, confessed sin, and asked for help and wisdom. Good teacher that he was, Jesus drew together these important patterns in order to give a succinct but profound lesson in what delights God when his people pray. Still in need of much instruction in praying, in this fresh study of the Lord’s Prayer we will hear its deep echoes of the Psalms. From this resonance we will learn how to hallow God’s name in prayer and life, and we’ll be encouraged with the unchanging promise that the Father hears our voice and cares for his children.

About the Author

Reuben Bredenhof (PhD, St Mary’s University, Twickenham) is the pastor of the Mount Nasura Free Reformed Church, near Perth in Western Australia. He has been engaged in full-time pastoral ministry for almost fifteen years in churches in Canada and Australia. His passions and interests as a pastor and a scholar combine to shape his writing ministry. His recent books include Failure and Prospect: Reading Luke 16:19-31 in the Context of Luke-Acts (T&T Clark, 2018) and Wise: Living by the Ancient Wisdom of the Commandments and Proverbs (Wipf & Stock, forthcoming). 

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title: God Breathed & People Fed: Strategies to Deepen Your Discussions with During Bible Study

author: Britany Ederveen

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 8.13.2018 • author id: EdB8013418

word count: 20000


This 6 session Bible study focuses on strategies to deepen our discussions with each other in order to stregthen our identities in Christ and live out our purposes; each session includes practical strategies to apply in discussion and conversation templates, and concludes with Scripture passages and questions for discussion. 

About the Author

High school teacher, English literature nerd, yogi, and Christian, Britany Ederveen began her writing career on her blog (BritanyEderveen.Com), where her work has been published on Thought Catalog, The Haute Mess, OnMogul, Mend, Bridesmaid for Hire, The Paragon Journal, and URFab. A native to Colorado, Britany received her master’s in writing/rhetoric from CU Denver and leads a 20 to 30 Something Bible Study called 'Bloom'; Britany's blog has 125,000 views with 1,750 subscribers. 

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title: Journey Through Philippians

author: Tara Barndt

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 10.3.2018 • author id: BaT5980318

word count: 23350


Have you ever wanted to dig deeper into Scripture on your own but weren’t sure how? Does studying the Greek seem, well, like Greek? Are you unsure how to apply what you read in the Bible? Or does in-depth study seem too time-consuming?


A Journey through Philippians is a 30-day, in-depth devotional study of the book of Philippians. Utilizing an expository style of teaching, it lays out the major themes of Philippians in bite-size morsels, allowing the concepts to be built upon as the reader progresses through the study.  You’ll learn background, the meaning of different words, and how it all applies to your life. You will discover Jesus’ humble example of servanthood and ultimate sacrifice. You will find out who you are in Christ, and why God’s grace is so amazing. You’ll uncover the goodness of unity in the body of Christ and will probe countless reasons for thankfulness. Each day ends with a "For Reflection" section, so the Word can spark life as you study and learn what God has revealed to you that day.

About the Author

Tara Barndt has her certification in Biblical counseling. She is a youth leader of twenty-nine years and has also been writing and teaching her own women’s Bible studies for many years. She and her husband, Jeremy, have led mission teams to Honduras for the past five years. Tara has connections to several churches in various states and connections in other countries where she might be able to promote her book. She has a strong following on Facebook and an Instagram account.

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title: A Beginner's Guide to Understand the Messages and Arguments of the Books of the Bible

author: Nathan Hoff

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 7.24.2019 • author id: HoN7518119

word count: 4968


This book is designed to be an introductory guide to reading the books of the Bible as books. It is intended to help the reader understand that authors write books for a reason and that this reason is discovered only when people read the books from beginning to end. When people begin to read the books of the Bible in their entirety, they begin to understand that these books are designed to communicate unique messages that are developed through what the author chooses to include and where an author chooses to include it. The literary progression in a book reveals the author’s argument. It is through this argument that the Biblical authors under divine inspiration make their cases that the messages they communicate are true and should transform the reader’s life in particular ways. It is only when we people read the books from beginning to end that they gain God’s perspective on what is written.

About the Author

I have a Th.M. and Ph.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary. My emphasis is in Bible Exposition, and I specialize in the field of hermeneutics. I am an assistant professor in the Department of Bible Exposition and teach for the master's programs as well as the PhD program in Biblical studies. I have written in the field of hermeneutics and have contributed to Israel My Glory, a publication of the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. I am responsible for the following courses at Dallas Theological Seminary:


BE101 Introduction to Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics

BE102 Old Testament History I

BE105 Gospels

BE106 Acts and Pauline Epistles

BE109 Ruth, Psalms, Jonah, and Selected Epistles

AS104 Advanced Standing Seminar on the New Testament

BE220 Advanced Hermeneutics

BE221 Interpreting Progressive Revelation

BS1003 PhD Seminar in Hermeneutics

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title: A Promised Land for a Promised People

author: Louis Showers

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 8.10.2019 • author id: ShL4750119

word count: 43089


(Working Title: A Promised Land for a Promised People)


“Now the Lord had said to Abram: "Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you.”  From Abraham’s original call, the land of Canaan has played a significant and essential role in the birth, development, narrative, and redemption of the people of Israel.   Though the Bible is rich in passages that speak of the land’s important role, yet these passages have too often been overlooked.  To ignore God’s revelation concerning the land of Canaan is to limit one’s understanding of the Jewish people and their role in the redemption of the human race.  As we examine God’s revelation concerning the land we will uncover

  • The reasons God selected Canaan as the perfect home for Israel.
  • What happed to bountiful Canaan that transformed it into an arid wasteland.
  • The rightful owner of the land of Canaan.
  • God’s sovereign role in recent history to open Canaan for a modern Israel.
  • Modern Israel’s place in prophecy.
  • The future restoration of Israel in the land of Canaan.
  • The Temple of the Millennium.
  • The everlasting existence of the land of Canaan.

About the Author

(Working Title: A Promised Land for a Promised People)


Pastor Louis H. Showers holds a BA with a double major in Bible and Biblical languages and a Master of Divinity degree from Grace Theological Seminary.  Over the last 38 years he has pastored churches in Iowa, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Southwestern Indiana.  He has written numerous columns for local newspapers and articles for Christian publications and the internet.  He also has written and taught courses for the Institute of Jewish Studies, Friends of Israel ministry.

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title: A Journey of Scripture, Science, and Faith: Creation and the Flood

author: John Griffin

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 10.29.2019 • author id: GrJ2085419

word count: 65000


As a scientifically minded Christian, what do you do with early Genesis? Literal readings of the Genesis 1 Creation narrative and of Noah's Flood don't seem to mesh with what we know about the world. And yet these accounts are the Word of God. Following the path of my own journey, this book takes the reader deep into Scripture and into the cultural and historical context of the ancient Hebrews. Emerging from the journey, the reader will have an enhanced appreciation for the richness and sophistication of the Bible, with well-grounded interpretations of the Creation and Flood stories in hand, confident that Scripture and science are not in conflict.

With 200 Bible quotations and over 225 citations, this is a work of notable scholarship. Family vignettes, an openness about my faith journey and parenting challenges, and a conversational style invite the reader into the book. My prayer is that the hearts of believers who struggle with science issues will be comforted, and a hurdle to faith for prospective believers will be removed.

About the Author

The potential market for this book includes any Christian or potential Christian who is curious about how to access early Genesis. The core market will be Christians who are struggling with faith and science issues.

I am a skilled researcher, with a Ph.D. in economics and 20 years of business writing experience. Having gone through a Scripture vs. science crisis myself gives me credibility to speak to my audience on these issues. I am creating a website and a Facebook page to promote this book and other forthcoming works.

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title: Rethinking Chronology from Abraham to Solomon: By Applying Unused Texts

author: Brian Kuehmichel

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 11.26.2019 • author id: KuB5308319

word count: 74825


This book took unused and underappreciated Scripture texts and applied them to provide a comprehensive connection from Abraham in Genesis to Solomon by setting more than 130 individuals in time by their birth, death or event year, as applicable. It presented, with great supporting evidence: the time placement of Job, his connection to Moses and the pharaoh who enslaved Israel; the year that pharaoh arose; that Salmon could not marry Rahab of Jericho; when Joshua died and how long the elders out lived Joshua; the expanded ancestral details for David; when Jephthah began as judge; when Samson lived and died; the connections between Eli to Samuel, Saul, Samson and David; and the interconnections of Eli’s descendants with Saul, David and Solomon to properly place the time period of each of the judges.

After the main body of text it includes these features: Name List with birth, death and/or event year for 131 individuals; Name Index for all individuals; Brief Event Timeline with 129 entries; and Scripture Index with more than 920 entries. At the end of each chapter or section it has a minor review of what we learned. Plus after applicable parts it shows how to build a timeline that corresponds to the book material.

About the Author

Christian and avid Scripture student since 1971, served as a teaching elder/pastor, presenter at various conferences and business associations.

Began the website in 1998, expanded via ongoing articles and Bible studies. This site includes my comprehensive examination of Old Testament types, Levitical sacrifices and Tabernacle symbolism. It presents a defense of Christianity, evidences and arguments for creation, a young earth and other relevant subjects.

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title: Teaching Others God's Presence in Suffering

author: Cathryn Buse

category: nonfiction • subcategory: bible study • date submitted: 1.22.2020 • author id: BuC3560319

word count: 40000


Ever wonder how a loving and good God could exist with so much suffering? Suffering is a universal and unavoidable experience in life. The collective cry from humanity in those moments is the question “Why?” Why does suffering happen? Does the existence of suffering mean that God does not exist? If He does exist, what kind of God allows this suffering to go on? As someone who has suffered through the recent death of my mom, I know these questions plague not only unbelievers but lifelong believers as well. The answer to suffering is a complicated one, making it even more important that we study where God is and who God is when we suffer.

Teaching Others God’s Presence in Suffering is a small group study to tackle this difficult topic of suffering so that we aren’t tossed about by false ideas about God. It addresses God’s existence, love, will, and purpose in our suffering. It is broken into eight one-hour lessons, complete with discussion questions so small groups, classes, and families can understand better the true nature of God in light of the existence of suffering.

    About the Author

    Cathryn Buse is a Christian apologist with an advanced degree in engineering. She has written her first book, Teaching Others to Defend Christianity, and co-authored a second book, Mama Bear Apologetics. Cathryn founded Defend the Faith Ministry, which has over 50,000 followers across Twitter and Facebook. She has been teaching Christian apologetics across the region for the past decade. Cathryn continues to speak at churches, small groups, and conferences where this book could be sold.

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    title: Shine

    author: Rebecca Nolley

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 4.27.2020 • author id: NoReSh9920

    word count: 33850


    Title: Shine: “Arise, Shine! For Your Light Has Come!” Isaiah 60:1 (ESV) A Woman’s Bible Study on the Mission to be Lights of the World Out of the seven “I am” statements of Jesus, all of them are unique to our Savior, except for one. After proclaiming, “I am the Light of the world,” (John 8:12) Jesus then gave us the tasks of being the lights. “You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14) Yet, it is a dark world we live in and the darkness seems to be growing. Is that because we’ve hidden our light? Are we keeping our lights to ourselves? Or are our lights growing dim? That is what this study is about: identifying the one true Light and becoming lights ourselves. Join me in this eight-week study where we will look to God’s Word in order to more fully understand what prevents us from shining and what it means to be lights. Arise and shine, dear sister!

    About the Author
    Rebecca Nolley is a missionary, a pastor’s wife, a mother of five, and a teacher. She is passionate for God, His Word, and the world. Rebecca has been involved with missions since she was fourteen years old, and has traveled to multiple countries from Morocco to Ukraine to Peru. She currently lives in Uganda, where she homeschools her children, teaches women the Bible, and supports her husband’s ministry, Terebinth Ministries. She is a certified teacher and uses her skills to teach not only children, but women the Bible.  Though not published, she has written studies and spoken in varying degrees to woman from all over the world.

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    title: The Voices of the Prophets

    author: Rex Beck

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 6.17.2020 • author id: BeReTh14020

    word count: 57000


    Here’s some great news: God has planned a unique pathway for your Christian life!  This exact realization gave the Apostle Paul boldness to declare, “if only I may finish my course” (Acts 20:24). Now, here’s the bad news: it’s really hard to find the particular course God has given to you. Some things about your course are obvious, like, it won’t involve operating a crime syndicate. That’s easy. However, when pressed for details about what your course actually is, you might draw a blank. It is at this point where genuine examples of true servants of God become real help. This book offers that help by highlighting the pathways God gave to the twelve so-called “Minor Prophets.” You might be surprised to learn that with God’s pathway, the destination is not always what matters most. God really likes these prophets’ interaction with Him along their way. While the prophets walked the path God gave them, He shaped them and tuned them like fine musical instruments. At the end of their course they could all play their part in the grand symphony God is orchestrating. As the music resounds, God gets His wish—He is glorified in His people.

    About the Author
    Rex Beck received a PhD in physics from Harvard in 1998, when he entered full-time ministry.  He served in college ministry, led one-year full-time Christian internships, gave conferences in Africa and Australia, and has spoken on many college campuses on the subject of science and faith. In 2005 he planted Cleveland Heights Church, where he now ministers.  He has self-published nine books, four on Old Testament prophets, which together have sold more than 6,000 copies. This book meets a crying need in our Christian community for patterns of Christ’s servants who have deeper experiences of God.  It is especially fitting for pastors and lay leaders.

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    title: The Book of Jonah: God’s Abundant Mercy

    author: Ryan Smith

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 6.26.2020 • author id: SmRyTh14820

    word count: 20000


    The story of Jonah is much more than a tale about a reluctant prophet who gets swallowed by a fish when he disobeys God. This book is a lens into God’s character as he extends it to his servants, the Gentiles, and to nature. We get to see God’s mercy, his sovereignty, and his missional impetus nearly 900 years before Christ came into the world. The book is much more than a satire of this silly prophet. It is a satire about God’s people not being eager to show mercy to others, but willing to receive it freely. Jonah shows us that God is eager to show mercy to anyone who will repent. Jonah is an action-packed narrative that deserves another look through different historical, literary, and theological lens. Ultimately, when we compare Jonah to Jesus, we see how superior our Savior is in every way. He is merciful, kind, and generous – the opposite of this complicated prophet.

    About the Author
    Dr. Ryan F. Smith holds graduate degrees in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and music from the University of South Carolina. He has served on church staffs in various capacities, and now he teaches full-time at the college level. Over the years Ryan has taught Bible studies through the local church and in college settings. He disciples college students in addition to his formal teaching responsibilities. Ryan has published articles on worship and music pedagogy. He is active as a recording artist and arranger of church music for keyboard through Southern Harmony, LLC. He and his wife, Abigail, have four children.

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    title: Emulating the Spirit: Preaching After the Manner of the Holy Spirit

    author: Rudolph Gonzalez

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 7.17.2020 • author id: GoRuEm16820

    word count: 60000


    Most books on homiletics devote little or no attention to the work of the Holy Spirit in the task of gospel proclamation. This book seeks to address that deficiency by focusing on those activities of the Spirit which are directly related to the preaching of the gospel, actions taken to woo the lost to faith in Christ and stimulate believers to embrace life in Christ in its fulness. Emulating the Spirit puts forth the thesis that Spirit-filled preachers should emulate the Holy Spirit, particularly in those same activities making for a more effective sermon. The book devotes fifteen chapters, each focusing on a particular action of the Holy Spirit as revealed in Scripture, developing its meaning in context, illustrating it from both Old and New Testaments, and offering insightful recommendations to the preacher. Emulating the Spirit proposes that preachers are never left to their own devices to map out a strategy for the substance and tone of their sermon delivery. The Holy Spirit seeks Spirit-filled preachers in tuned with him, who will deliver a message faithful to the text, but also empowered by those same poignant emphases that signal the redemptive intent of the Spirit in the preaching event.

    About the Author
    Rudy Gonzalez, Ph.D. has ministered for more than 45 years. With degrees in Divinity and New Testament studies he is well-qualified to explore Scripture and expand upon the work of the Holy Spirit, challenging preachers to be Spirit-filled emulators of grace. A sought-after preacher, conference speaker and published writer—The Came Hispangelicals—Dr. Gonzalez has written this book as a useful compliment to the study and practice of homiletics and sermon delivery.

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    title: Learning How to do the justice God calls us to

    author: Sarah Driver

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 10.13.2020 • author id: DrSaLe25720

    word count: 60000


    If you think justice is important but wouldn’t know quite what to do if someone asked you for help getting justice, this study is for you. If you believe in all the causes you’re learning about but aren’t sure how to make sense of all the confusing back and forth, this study is for you. If you care about justice but don’t know if the Bible has much to say about it, this study is for you.

    This Bible study is a training manual for Christians who want to learn to do this work of justice. It’s a basic biblical overview of justice and then a guide to the nitty-gritty mechanics of justice work. You’ll learn how to help move justice forward for a real person or a real situation. You’ll learn different tools available and different approaches for different scenarios. You’ll learn what type of blowback to prepare for as you do this work. This curriculum gives pastors, lay leaders, and church members a resource to equip their people or themselves for the work of justice. I hope that when you finish this study, you’ll feel much more ready for the good work that God has prepared for you.

    About the Author

    Sarah Driver has worked for 20+ years at local, state, and international levels on a range of justice issues from education reform to gender equality to human trafficking to spiritual abuse. Sarah has also studied Scripture with this lens for the past 20+ years. She has lived and worked in Guatemala, Morocco, England, and the United States and holds a master’s degree in social policy and development from the London School of Economics.

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    title: Meeting With Jesus Through the Bible

    author: Heino Blaauw

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 12.3.2020 • author id: BlHeMe30820

    word count: 59000


    Jesus chastised the Scripture readers (religious leaders) in his day because they misread the Bible.  "You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life.  These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life." (Jn. 5:39-40). How do we come to and meet with Jesus through our Bible reading? After his resurrection Jesus met with his followers to open their minds to understand the Scriptures.  He made clear that "everything written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms was fulfilled in him" (Lk. 24:44-45). Understanding the plotline of Jesus' life gives us the instrument whereby we can meet with Jesus through our Bible reading.  It unifies and illuminates the beautiful diversity of Scripture writings. But not only will this book lead you to meet with Jesus through your Bible reading, more importantly, it will lead you to life "in Christ."  For the plotline of Jesus' life is also the story of a Christian's life in this age and into the next!

    About the Author

    Rev. Heino Blaauw is an ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Reformed Church in America.  He has bachelor's degrees in theology and psychology, as well as a Master of Divinity degree from Tyndale Seminary in Toronto.  He has church planted in Canada and pastored churches in both Canada and the USA.  He has taught at Onesimus Nesib Seminary in Ethiopia and at his local Community College in South Holland, Illinois.  He currently serves  as a chaplain with Providence Life Services of Chicagoland.

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    title: Draw Near: Experiencing Intimacy with God through Prayer

    author: Alice McQuitty

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 6.3.2021 • author id: McAlDr12221

    word count: 37000


    I think most Christians struggle with prayer on some level.  I know I do. On the one hand, it seems simple. Prayer is just talking to God. On the other hand, it seems deeply mysterious and puzzling because, well, prayer is actually talking to God! If it makes us feel any better, Jesus’ disciples struggled with prayer as well. It’s the only thing they ever asked him to teach them—not how to heal or how to preach or how to change water into wine. No, they wanted to know how to pray. Even the Apostle Paul found prayer difficult at times: “We don’t know what to pray for as we ought ...” (Romans 8:26). We struggle with prayer, yet we keep praying because God has put within each of us a deep desire to connect with him just as he desires to connect with us. “Draw near to me,” he says, “and I will draw near to you” (James 4:8). This Bible study explores theological truths about prayer while offering practical ways and opportunities to experience relational intimacy with God as we pray.

    About the Author
    Alice McQuitty holds a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. She has served on the women’s ministry team of Irving Bible Church for 30 years teaching and writing Bible studies for 400+ women. This study is written for women of all ages who desire to deepen their prayer lives through the truths of Scripture. Alice and her husband Andy (pastor, author) have many local and national connections for endorsing and promoting this study.

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    title: Questions Answered: Gospel Clarified

    author: Jacquelyn Guinn

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 6.3.2021 • author id: GuJaQu12221

    word count: 68000


    In America many churchgoers are greeted with excitement, loud music, and clapping hands, but unfortunately, when the preaching starts, they will not hear the gospel. Friendly messages bring crowds, but they do not save souls. Unlike generations before, Americans today live in a world with lots of spirituality but little understanding of the truth. Most Bible studies are written with the assumption that people believe in God and trust the Bible, but this Bible study is different: This study starts by assuming the reader needs to be convinced of everything. In Questions Answered: Gospel Clarified, all titles are in the form of a thought-provoking question that most of us have wondered about. Each lesson starts by drawing the reader in through a true and interesting narrative that connects to the subject matter of the lesson. The lessons are sequential, so the first lesson justifies the reliability of the Bible itself by giving the reader interesting, well-researched, and little-known information in an easy-to-read format. By the end of these twelve lessons, the goal is for readers to have a solid Christian faith that they are willing to die for.

    About the Author

    Jacquelyn Guinn is a recently retired high school English teacher with a master’s degree in education plus sixty graduate hours. Although she does not have a large social platform, she has utilized advertising on Facebook and geofencing for a nonprofit parent support group. Jacquelyn has been a Christian for over forty years, and she has noticed that many are leaving their Christian roots because they do not clearly understand the gospel.

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    title: Dining with Jesus

    author: Kate Jackson

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 7.29.2021 • author id: JaKaDi17921

    word count: 39810


    This guide aims to aid Christians, individually or in small groups, to take a closer look at seven of the meals Jesus attended, focusing on what Jesus was trying to communicate through them; either in the food eaten or in the social interactions he had while dining. Each session examines set Bible passage(s), frequently considering them through the lens of the stories and teachings that bookend the meal. When appropriate, the sessions also explore the meals in light of parallels found in the Old Testament and bring out Jesus’ role in fulfilling God’s rescue plan for humanity. The sessions also pose questions that support Christians in reflecting upon their own lives and how they can further incorporate Jesus’ teachings into them. This guide brings into one user-friendly volume a range of ideas that these meals explore, including God’s grace, what real purity means, how Jesus equips us to further his Kingdom, the purpose of Jesus’ miracles and the nature of Jesus’ Messiahship, as well as current interpretations of these occasions of commensality and the relevance of their historical and social context. The language is easy to understand, and readers do not need extensive prior knowledge of the subject to engage with the material.

    About the Author

    I have been a house group leader/teacher for the past four years and have created materials for my local Methodist church. For this role I have utilised the skills I gained through obtaining a first-class English Literature degree and a distinction for my PGCE with a literacy and ESOL specialism. In addition, my experience as a teacher and specialist English tutor has stood me in good stead when adapting and preparing learning materials for my house group. As I am on a weekly basis engaged with potential readers and the community that my book is targeting, I feel my hands-on experience has enabled me to see the type of materials that would encourage engagement, learning, knowledge, and life application. I have had two books in an unrelated field published by the British Library, and I am dedicated and serious blogging analyst of classic crime fiction. Out of this role I have been asked to speak at a national conference at the British Library twice and will be speaking at the International Agatha Christie festival in September 2021. I have already obtained two endorsements for my study guide from Dr Andrew Ollterton, author of The Bible: A Story that Makes Sense of Life (Hodder) and from the Bishop of Dunedin, Steven Benford (New Zealand).

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    title: Moses: Man of God

    author: Loren VanGalder

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 11.29.2021 • author id: VaLoMo31221

    word count: 114183


    It is time we rediscover Moses. Who else: Divided the Red Sea? Struck a rock to provide water for thousands? Brought the most powerful nation on earth to its knees? Guided a multitude of ex-slaves through a brutal wilderness and prepared them to be a nation? Probably performed more miracles than anyone but Jesus? Obviously, God was the miracle worker. But it took a very special man to do all that – and still be called the most humble man on earth. He is the most significant figure in Judaism and near the top for both Christians and Muslims. Moses would have to be included among the ten greatest men of all time, so I went to several web sites to find out what others thought. Thankfully, most of them place Jesus at the top of the list, but nowhere did I find Moses. This is not a commentary on the Pentateuch, nor is it a biography of Moses reconstructed from what we know about him. It is an exegetical study of his “autobiography,” designed to help you apply the Scriptures to your life and make Moses come alive. It offers particular riches to leaders, both inside and outside the church.

    About the Author
    My 45 years of ministry began with 6 years on the campuses of the City University of New York with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. During 21 years as a chaplain with the Federal Bureau of Prisons hundreds of men came to Christ, and I have continued to disciple them and many other “spiritual sons” through a web site, blog and 14 books written for those hungry for solid biblical teaching.

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    title: Faithful God/Unfaithful Husbands: Discovering God’s Heart for Restoring Your Marriage After Adultery, an Inter

    author: Peggy Williamson

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 1.8.2022 • author id: PeWiFa34321

    word count: 96940


    Faithful God/Unfaithful Husbands: Discovering God’s Heart for Restoring Your Marriage After Adultery, an Interactive Bible Study will enable women whose husbands are involved in adulterous relationships to discover for themselves God’s breathtaking commitment to His Word and to their marriages. Readers will be reminded that it was God Himself who joined them in marriage and is committed to seeing their union survive. As the reader grasps God’s stunning perspective on this timeless institution, faith and hope for restoration will be renewed and determination galvanized to weather this storm. Faithful God/Unfaithful Husbands encourages women to feast not on the words of the author, but on the very Word of God. Participants will begin the 7-week interactive Bible study by examining the importance of taking God at His Word. They'll learn about marital covenants, vows, prayer, God’s view of divorce, submission in the home, hard-heartedness, forgiveness, and the hope of restoration. In the process, they’ll engage in Biblical word studies, delight in the solid exegesis of such Bible teachers as David Guzik, John MacArthur, and Kay Arthur, and have the opportunity for personal reflection and prayer.

    About the Author
    My primary qualification for writing this Bible study is that God flexed His incomparable muscle in sparing my marriage through two seasons of adultery. Day by day He infused strength and hope into my weary soul through His Word and His Holy Spirit. Now, having experienced first-hand “the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation,” He has qualified me “…to comfort those who are in (similar) trouble with the comfort with which (I) was comforted by God” (2 Corinthians 1:4). While I found it helpful during my own trial to hear the testimonies of others whose marriages had survived a similar struggle, the encouragement was short-lived; I knew I needed to draw from the deep well of God’s Word – the lone renewable and bottomless source of strength. Now, having finally made it to the other side, I’ve written the Bible study I wish had been available for me: a guide specifically for women desiring to hear from God in the face of marital unfaithfulness. My story is there to lend credence to my familiarity with the locale, but the answers and perspectives come straight from the Lord. I am a Registered Dietitian (RD) with a specialization in diabetes. I have been a Certified Diabetes Care and Nutrition Education Specialist (CDCES) for over 12 years and have been employed at Northside Hospital in Canton, GA for the past year. My husband and I have been married for over 40 years, live in Canton, Georgia, and are the proud parents of two adult sons and two beautiful daughters-in-law. Fourteen years ago, God turned the world upside down on behalf of our ordinary marriage, sparing it from certain divorce. Now, I'd like to share that good news with others undergoing similar trials, so that they, too, can experience God's breathtaking commitment to His Word and to their marriages.

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    title: Jonah: To the Praise of His Glorious Grace

    author: Angela Lee

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 1.25.2022 • author id: LeAnJo36221

    word count: 10000


    Jonah was one of God's prophets to Israel. His purpose was to testify of God's truth and grace to the world, but Jonah struggled to live according to God’s purpose for him. He held fast to a hope and purpose much less secure: his Israelite heritage, his ministry, his pride, and his own self-righteousness. But as Jonah wrestled with his conflicting ambitions, acting childishly and selfishly, God bent down to meet him with humble and gracious compassion. Through Christ, God pursues us with the same humble compassion that He demonstrated to Jonah.  In this study, we will learn how we might behold God’s compassion in Jonah’s life and ours, so that our lives may proclaim the grace, compassion, and mercy of God in Christ. This Bible study takes the student verse by verse through the book of Jonah using the "Observation, Interpretation, and Application" method of Bible study. Readers are given guiding questions to help them discover what the text says, what the text means and how they might apply it to their lives. It also has a commentary section, so that readers have a built-in verse-by-verse commentary to aid them in their study.

    About the Author

    I'm Angela Lee. I grew up in Virginia and attended college in South Carolina. It was in Charleston, SC, that members of a Christian campus ministry shared the gospel with me and I became a Christian. I was fascinated with the truth of the Bible and the comforting grace and mercy of Jesus. I studied and taught the Bible in various church and parachurch contexts for the next several years, including leadership for 5 years in Bible Study Fellowship International. In one of these churches, I met my husband, Philip, who was attending the local medical school in Charleston. In 2019, he matched for his residency program in Richmond, Virginia, where we now reside with our two daughters. In addition to being a medical spouse and mom, I am taking classes to pursue certification through Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. I write and teach Bible studies for my local church, and serve the Elisabeth Elliot Foundation as the staff writer.  I have also begun to write study guides for the Elisabeth Elliot Foundation to be paired with several of her books. One of these study guides, paired with Secure in the Everlasting Arms, is published on the EEF website. I have social media pages through Instagram and Facebook, and a monthly newsletter through Mailchimp that I plan to use for marketing.

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    title: An Apostle's Life: Conflicts Without and Fears Within: The Message of 2 Corinthians

    author: Loren VanGalder

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 3.9.2022 • author id: VaLoAn3922

    word count: 42133


    The great apostle Paul talked openly about his struggles in this intimate letter to the Corinthian church. Often misunderstood and overlooked for the better-known First Corinthians, Second Corinthians offers an unparalleled glimpse of Paul's life. With the emergence of modern apostles, it offers crucial biblical insights on apostleship. Verses from Second Corinthians (We are Christ's ambassadors, Do not be unequally yoked, If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, God loves a cheerful giver) are often quoted with no idea of their context. This intensely practical book will help you understand Second Corinthians and apply it to your life. The picture it presents of a mature Christian life may surprise many modern believers.

    About the Author

    My 45 years of ministry began with 6 years on the campuses of the City University of New York with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. During 21 years as a chaplain with the Federal Bureau of Prisons hundreds of men came to Christ, and I have continued to disciple them and many other “spiritual sons” through a web site, blog and 14 books written for those hungry for solid biblical teaching.

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    title: Creation, Curse, Kingdom, and Restoration: A Call to Biblical Reality

    author: Leroy Martin

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 5.30.2022 • author id: MaLeCr11822

    word count: 87500


    Many otherwise sound evangelicals rightly avoid any moves to "allegorize" the straightforward history in Genesis, and unthinkingly apply the same approach to prophetic scriptures. This is one reason why premillennialist, dispensationalist types of views abound in conservative church circles, and are even seen as the norm. But the author’s call for a return to sound biblical thinking and teaching is not restricted to prophecy. It ties together the four elements of the title that represent the Bible’s "big picture"—its grand sweep of history. A committed six-day creationist on biblical grounds, the author frequently expounds the scientific accuracy of Genesis creation as well as using it to show the inconsistency of the most-commonly held views on prophecy today. And in so doing he further reinforces the essential unity of both Old and New Testaments, something he shows is lost within much of what is taken as standard teaching on end times. Though this book leans towards what is known as amillennialism, it does not hesitate to call out biblical weaknesses in some of the arguments heard from that camp, and it becomes clear that the author is not slavishly committed to any "tradition of man" in eschatology. Yet the reality is that many of his fellow conservative, creationist brethren would see any questioning of the dispensationalist "grid" through which the Bible is often viewed as verging on heresy—in particular any other view on the role of Israel. That is, at least until they have seen these carefully and lovingly reasoned arguments. Creation, Curse, Kingdom, and Restoration cuts straight through the mists of argument that shroud the issues, getting to the heart of how something relates to the big picture of the entire gospel message. It also encourages the believer by reinforcing how this big picture has remained unchanged from the earliest times of God’s dealing with humanity. Along the way, it provides some helpful guidelines for practical Christian living.

    About the Author

    I’m conscious of the fact that I don’t have any formal credentials that qualify me to write on the subject of eschatology/end times. But I’m comforted by the fact that some of the Old Testament prophets, indeed, some of Jesus’ own disciples were unlearned men. I’m of course not claiming to be a prophet or some such. I only observe the simple truth that the credentials of those who are called to service (which includes all believers) are really very small in comparison with the grace and power of the One who calls. Many books have been written on eschatology and end times (future events) by a wide range of authors from various eschatological camps. There are also many very fine books available from creditable sources like Creation Ministries International and Answers in Genesis, that deal with origins (past events). There does, however, seem to be a lack of books that coherently combine the topics of origins and future events in a satisfying and meaningful way. I think that is where this book stands unique. I think the book could appeal to the serious Bible student but also to those who are not as well versed in eschatology but are looking for satisfying teaching on one of the most divisive topics of Christianity during the last century. As far as marketing goes, I have an acquaintance who owns a Christian book store and does some distributing to smaller Canadian stores and is keen to promote it. I don’t necessarily expect that endeavor to be “over the top” fruitful but it would provide some sales.  

    Leroy Martin lives with his wife, Jenny Lou, and six children on their livestock and grain farm in southwestern Ontario. He grew up on a wooded rural property in that same region, where he spent countless childhood hours observing and developing a love for nature. Leroy still enjoys the great outdoors. This includes the quiet forest, but also life on the farm, where planting and harvesting crops and tending to livestock give rise to myriad opportunities to enjoy the natural world while meditating on the deeper issues of life and our human existence. These meditations are not rooted in nature as a means or an end, but are based on a conscious awareness of the God of the Bible.

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    title: Fire and Song

    author: Carl Lehenbauer

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 2.25.2023 • author id: LeCaFi2723

    word count: 60000


    Romance.  Passion. The Song of Songs. A lukewarm marriage is put to the test when fire destroys Max and Emily’s home.  A hidden safe, uncovered in the rubble, contains an unexpected treasure that sends the couple on a journey into romance, passion, and the transforming power of God’s love. Fire and Song brings the scriptures to life in compelling story form, then equips readers to study Song of Songs for their own benefit through visually rich study notes. Rediscover the beauty and power of God’s love, embodied in love between husband and wife.  Let God fill you with awe at the depth and power of romance as He designed.  Fall in love, not just with your spouse, but with your Creator. Find your voice in the ultimate song, the Song of Songs.

    About the Author
    Carl Lehenbauer is the Senior Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church of Freistadt, a historic and Biblical congregation in Wisconsin.  He presents the truth of God’s Word in creative and engaging ways that open the door for a fresh hearing of the Gospel.  He has written Bible studies for Concordia Publishing House and produced both written and video curricula for his congregation.  He has presented at the Best Practices in Ministry Heartland Conference on the topic of creativity in preaching, and led multiple marriage retreats using curricula he developed. Carl has been encouraged in the writing of this book by author and family ministry expert Dr. John Oberdeck, and by author and Emmy-nominated film producer Michael Trinklein.  Trinklein has already voiced interest in creating a video curriculum to accompany the book. Carl holds a Master of Divinity degree from Concordia Seminary in Saint Louis.

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    title: Heavenly Things

    author: Don Sewell

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 3.27.2023 • author id: SeDoHe5523

    word count: 36000


    This book contains essays with a common theme: exploring the unity of the Old Testament and the Gospel. However, it is a drop in the ocean of what has been explored and is yet to be explored on this topic. Chapter One. How the Ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer have the same author and the same message. Chapter Two. How the Altar is a Golgotha, the "Place of the Skull," with four horns as the four points of the cross. Chapter Three. How the brook Kidron represents the cost of Jesus leaving heaven for mortal, earthly life. Chapter Four. How the two pillars in front of the temple tell us of the suffering of Jesus and the cross. Chapter Five. How Queen Vashti represents Jesus as an innocent and rejected person in a fallen world. Chapter Six. How Noah's dove represents the Holy Spirit's presence in Eden, in Jesus, and now in us. Chapter Seven. How Job and the believer come to share the same enlightenment and joy. Chapter Eight. How Paul's Old Testament knowledge informed his New Testament conversion. The Rock. How Jesus' once-for-all sacrifice is pictured in Moses and the water from the rock.

    About the Author
    Writing experience. None to speak of. Educational Credentials. BS, U.S. Air Force Academy (1978). MA (English), Indiana University, Bloomington (1987). Assistant Professor of English, U.S Air Force Academy (1987-1992). Life Experience. Asked Jesus into my heart in 1972 and through thick and sin, have sought his face daily. U.S. Air Force pilot (1978-1998). Airline pilot (1998-2020, Continental Airlines/United Airlines).

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    title: Believable

    author: Waede Milam

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 5.22.2023 • author id: MiWaBe11023

    word count: 30000


    What if you had proof that the resurrection happened? Real, tangible evidence? Skeptics and even many Christians today see it as an impossibility. They think the story of the resurrection is, at best, a metaphor meant to reveal a deeper truth, or, at worst, completely fabricated folklore. Most discard it as a wild tale, hastily made up by Jesus's followers to try and give some meaning to his death. However, careful study of Old Testament stories written hundreds or even thousands of years ago will show that God planned the resurrection long before Jesus walked the Earth. A close look at the content and historical context of these accounts will show that they reveal many specific details about Jesus' life, death and ultimate resurrection ages before they came to pass. Specifically, the five biographies examined here will show that God laid out His plan for Jesus thousands of years ago and left the blueprints in the history of the Israelite nation as proof for anyone who takes the time to seek it out.

    About the Author
    Wade Milam is a veterinarian and medical director of a corporate veterinary clinic in Knoxville, Tennessee. His long interest in ancient and Biblical history led to his efforts to share the truth of the Bible. With his wife, Courtney, an internist in Knoxville, he has managed to raise four children.

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    title: Government vs. God: Revised

    author: Fenton Ward

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 5.22.2023 • author id: WaFeGo11123

    word count: 85000


    Will Generative Artificial Intelligence usher in the global government forecast in scripture? Could be! Will its seeming omniscience allow man to build a god in his own image? Will GAI liberate us from disease and conflict; or will it enslave us? How will it all end? God gives us the ending and much more in the Bible’s last book, but it is written in code. However, the keys are in other prophecies. Revelation is a series of panoramas on subjects dear to God—the Church, human governance, Israel, the Messiah’s ultimate victory over evil. It is meant to reveal—but not until its insights are at hand. Like other Biblical prophecies that became clear as they were fulfilled, Revelation seems less outlandish than it once did. The fog clears as its events approach and we find things previously hidden suddenly in plain sight. If we are the last generation, we should be the one to finally understand it.

    About the Author
    Upon graduation from seminary, Fenton Ward and his family moved to Los Angeles to start a multi-ethnic congregation of Jewish and International Christians.  That Jewish influence brought a new perspective to prophetic material. Eventually, he resigned to develop Project Ingrafting, a Jewish evangelism ministry. He is the author of Passover, A Christian Heritage (a Passover Haggadah for Jewish and International Christians,) What to Say When They Say “I’m Jewish,” a guide to Jewish evangelism, Government vs. God, his original commentary on Revelation, and a website in the design stage of a chronological harmony of the Gospels. Ward holds a Bachelor of Science in Advertising and Public Relations, a Master of Divinity in Theology, and Doctorate of Ministry in Church Growth. He was a delegate to Lausanne II in Manila, and has taught as an Adjunct Professor at Fuller Seminary, Pasadena, California.

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    title: God's Fruitful People

    author: Ariel Wortham

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 8.12.2023 • author id: WoArGo19123

    word count: 107000


    Most Christians can, maybe with a few helpful hints, list off the fruit of the Spirit. We’ve all had at least one Sunday School lesson or sermon give us the run down of the nine attributes and what they mean, but how often have we considered what it means to call it the fruit of the Spirit? Fruit-bearing trees, bushes, and vines only produce according to their nature: an apple tree will not produce oranges; a blackberry bush will not produce blueberries; a tomato vine will not produce pumpkins. Therefore, if the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, then by default this means that the essential nature of the Spirit is also love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This study will survey the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit across the Old and New Testament in the lives of God’s people and in God’s essential nature displayed in his Word. Where God is, so is his fruit.

    About the Author
    I have a Bachelor’s degree in English and History, and a Master of Arts in Theology, and have taught the Bible to all ages, from preschoolers to adults. Currently I am an adjunct professor of Religion. This book can be used independently or in a group for those who want an accessible academic look into how we can understand the fruit of the Spirit across the Bible and in our lives today.

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    title: The Story Ripples of the Bible: Reclaiming Bible Stories as Messianic Prophecy

    author: Elisabeta Karp

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 11.2.2023 • author id: KaElTh27423

    word count: 40505


    Learn to (re)tell the Bible’s stories as prophecy Jesus fulfilled. The biblical writers were more into showing than telling. When it comes to messianic prophecy, the human authors (and even divine Author) of the Bible spent less time making new, direct, and random predictions about the future as they did on slowly weaving old and familiar themes and types, patterns and profiles through storytelling. Their frequent flashbacks to past stories, parallels, and persons foreshadowed the future. And as the biblical narrative progresses from the Old to the New Testament, the ripple effect of these developing patterns and recycled stories eventually expand into a silhouette ready for the Messiah to step into as the perfect match. The power of story in the Bible is the key to giving us all a fuller and more biblical view of prophecy.

    About the Author
    I have a BA in English and Philosophy from UNC Chapel Hill, an M.Div in Messianic Jewish Studies from Biola University, an MA in in Philosophy of Religion from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, six years of ongoing experience in Jewish ministry with a 129-year-old nonprofit called Chosen People Ministries, three years of experience in this same ministry’s publications department as a writer and editor, and a Bible teaching platform at a Messianic congregation in Rockville, MD. Part of my work with Chosen People Ministries is to go on speaking tours during the fall and spring seasons teaching in churches of various denominations and sizes on subjects like Messiah in the Passover, the Fall Festivals of Israel, the Jewish Roots of Christianity, the Gospel according to Isaiah 53, and more. So far, I’ve spoken in 31 churches with 229people receiving my prayer letters. You can find my ministry profile at and my YouTube teaching channel at (269 subscribers), where I wrote the script/teaching for each video. The subject of Bible prophecy has always been a hot topic stirring the hearts of believers but less so their understanding. I observe this rather uninformed passion in both the Messianic Jewish community in which I live and minister as well as the greater Christian world (especially the evangelical churches I’ve spoken at). I believe it is high time this subject is addressed, remedied, and made more accessible to believers everywhere.

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    title: Hearing Our Brother’s Voice: How to Meet Jesus in the Psalms

    author: Charles Drew

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 8.28.2024 • author id: DrChHe21324

    word count: 48750


    (Working title: Hearing Our Brother’s Voice: How to Meet Jesus in the Psalms) Believers love the psalms, but often find it difficult to make Christian sense of them.  Hearing Our Brother’s Voice shows them how.  In twenty-two brief and self-contained chapters (the book is about 200 pages long), the author invites readers to receive the psalms not just as their “songbook” but as Jesus’, giving expression to the hopes and griefs of his own life.  After explaining the rationale for this approach, the book walks chapter by chapter through a wide range of experiences documented in the psalms (delight, hope, determination and desolation among them), showing readers how these psalms provide windows into the life Jesus chose freely to share with us in order to help us manage it and in the end to rescue us from what has gone wrong with it.   Three chapters near the end offer exercises aimed at increasing readers’ skill in the task promoted by the book. Prayers at the end of each chapter add an element of worship throughout.  As readers meet Jesus in the psalms under discussion, his incarnation and the love that drove it, together with the benefits of being united to him, become more vivid and life-changing.

    About the Author
    (Working title: Hearing Our Brother’s Voice:  How to Meet Jesus in the Psalms) Charlie Drew retired in 2017 after nearly forty years as a pastor, notably in Manhattan, where he planted Emmanuel Presbyterian Church in 2000 as part of the network of churches founded by Timothy Keller.   Since then he has been active in that network as a preacher, teacher, and mentor, preaching weekly for over two years and coaching the pastoral team at Keller’s flagship church in upper Manhattan, and teaching seminarians and pastors under the auspices of Redeemer City to City.  He especially loves to preach the psalms as windows into Jesus’ life and to show his pastoral students how to do it.  The proposal comes with multiple endorsements, including those from Tim Keller, David Powlison, Tremper Longman, and Bishop Neil Lebhar.  The people at Redeemer East and CMP City to City have promised to make the book known to their networks.

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    title: Dust To Dust: justice and mercy exhibited in divine judgment

    author: Kent Good

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 9.18.2024 • author id: GooKen08424

    word count: 50000


    How does God, who loves the people he created so much that he gave his life to save them, do something so seemingly out of character toward those who refuse his gift of salvation as to subject them to an unending life of conscious torture? Is that really what the Bible teaches? On the contrary, God forewarned Adam that the penalty of rebellion was death. When the first couple ate the forbidden fruit, they lost the hope of immortality both for themselves (“you are dust, and to dust you shall return” – Gen. 3:19) and for their offspring (“death spread to all men because all sinned” – Rom. 5:12). According to Scripture, eternal life is a gift bestowed uniquely on those who trust in God’s plan of salvation. God’s final judgment of all his disobedient, defiant creatures is consistently portrayed as an absolutely just punishment of deeds followed by terrible but merciful destruction.

    About the Author
    Kent holds a BA in Psychology, an MDiv and a DEA (Diplôme d'Études Approfondies) in theology. He served as a missionary church planter in France from 1979 to 2004 and as a church-planter trainer in Cambodia from 2004 to 2014. He has self-published four books including this one. Dust to Dust: Justice and Mercy Exhibited in Divine Judgment Whosoever Will May Come! God is Great! But Is God Good? Timeline To Eternity

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    title: The Genesis Creation Story: A Credible Translation

    author: Joe White

    category: nonfiction • subcategory: biblestudy • date submitted: 9.26.2024 • author id: WhiJo337624

    word count: 95000


    A translation of Genesis 1 based on the Masoretic Hebrew text that corrects several serious errors and results in a radically new explanation. A revolutionary book that supports Genesis and the Bible as truthful and trustworthy in our scientific age.

    About the Author
    The author is a committed Christian and serious Bible student. The strength of this book is not in the author’s credentials, popularity, or following but rather because it solves an intractable biblical problem in which Christians have a strong interest. The author will finance 50% of book production expenses and the first printing.

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