
title: Exposed

author: Kevin Smith

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 8.23.2013 • author id: SmK6721413

word count: 71000


A hacker threatens to expose a secret that will destroy Jacob’s life.

Jacob’s friend, Darcy, is a computer whiz and agrees to help him discover the hacker’s identity.

Prominent Republican supporters and politicians begin falling to snipers’ bullets. 

The Interstate Marauder turns himself in, but makes a statement that sends chills up and down Jacob’s spine. The government made him do it by threatening to expose secrets.

Jacob realizes the murders will continue unless he does something about them, so he sets out to expose the man behind the conspiracy.

Exposed is a novel of political conspiracies that ultimately reveals the scriptural truth that sins we commit in secret will be exposed, and often the true hero is the one God brings into our lives and not the one we would choose for ourselves. 


About the Author

I am an attorney in Wichita, Kansas. Prism Book Group is releasing my debut novel, Flashback, a romantic Christian legal thriller, on August 28, 2013. My next novel, Love's Strong Shelter, also a romantic Christian legal thriller, is under contract with Prism with release date to be determined (probably Spring 2014).

Exposed offers a publisher crossover potential since the spiritual elements aren’t overt. It is a political thriller that taps into the recent NSA internet and telephone spying controversy. It is also clean so will not offend readers, although the first chapter deals with very adult material since the premise behind Exposed is that our deepest secrets/sins will be used against us if we hide them and don’t repent. Fans of Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum, and Jeffrey Deaver will enjoy Exposed.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Backcut

author: Cynthia Levesque

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 9.9.2013 • author id: LeC7821713

word count: 72,000


Can a company’s greed lead to environmental fraud – even murder?

Lisa Stone, idealistic environmental activist/scientist, has a great new job at a premier logging company in Washington State, a strong faith in God, and a loving family. But in only three short months, her picture-perfect existence is turned on end. She goes on a desperate hunt for answers to a cover-up that soon turns into a life-and-death struggle for survival. This strange new world makes her a thief, a liar, and a pistol-packer.  Little did she know she holds information that could be the key to unlocking the mystery of a deadly childhood disease that affects hundreds of children each year.

BACKCUT is a unique environmental mystery that provides roller-coaster suspense, whirl-wind romance and a medical mystery all rolled into one.

With the success of History Channel’s “Ax-Men,” BACKCUT provides a fictionalized view of an environmental ethics dilemma in the heavily regulated logging industry and the conflict it creates for a Christian who works for a company that puts profit ahead of environmental laws.

About the Author

After twenty-seven years as an environmental manager for an electric utility, I am very familiar with the impact of environmental regulations on industry. I have published in World Christian, Women Alive! and The Broadcaster magazines, was a freelance Correspondent for the San Antonio Light newspaper, and have published technical papers on environmental pollution. I was an English writing teacher at a Chinese university and hold degrees in Biology, Environmental Management and Christian Ministry.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Sword of the Mahdi

author: Michael Parker

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 9.3.2013 • author id: PaM4020213

word count: 89,000


Martin Shaw has it all.  A recent graduate of Princeton, he's a restoration architect living in Boston with plenty of money, family connections, friends.  But it’s not enough. Something’s missing.  Responding to a request from a friend and former college buddy now living in Sudan, Shaw flies to Khartoum to seek a little adventure and a respite from his comfortable but insipid life while working on the restoration of Sudan’s chief national symbol, the Tomb of the Mahdi.  In the midst of restoring the Tomb, he discovers a priceless historical artifact, the sword of the Mahdi, which the radical Islamic government seems bent on exploiting for its own political purposes.  Shaw hides the sword and attempts to flee, making a harrowing trip though a country rent by war and Muslim-Christian conflict. It also becomes a journey of personal discovery for Shaw, who slowly begins to see that there may be forces working in his life that he has hardly begun to understand…

About the Author

Michael Parker is a minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), with a Ph.D. in American cultural and religious history from the University of Maryland.  Between 1995 and 2000, he lived and worked in Khartoum, Sudan, and he was present in the city when the al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant was attacked.  The descriptions of Sudan and its people in the novel are all from his first-hand experience, and the book is also based on thorough research into the history and culture of the country.  He served in Sudan as a Presbyterian missionary, lecturing in church history at the Nile Theological Seminary.  He is currently a missionary in Cairo, Egypt, serving as a professor of church history at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo.  He has previously published two books with established publishers, and his third book, John Winthrop: Founding the City upon a Hill, is scheduled to be published this fall by Routledge publishers.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.


author: Catherine Leggitt

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 10.27.2013 • author id: LeC9524013

word count: 84,000


Obituary and society journalist Avenelle Rossi Duprey lands a once-in-a-career assignment to write a homicide article that may rocket her to reporter super-stardom. But as she begins to gather facts, she experiences déjà vu. She already knows the facts of this brutal murder. Problem is, she can’t remember the identity of the other victim. The case becomes personal when a tall man in a white truck stalks Avenelle, apparently intent on derailing her investigation. Feeling helpless, Avenelle explodes in an uncharacteristic outburst of anger.

Rick Mitchell, a handsome and persistent policeman Avenelle meets at her weekly ballroom dance class, offers his assistance in an unofficial capacity. With panic mounting at each truck sighting, only one thing stops her from accepting his help: Rick Mitchell is tall and drives a white truck.

Interspersed between chapters detailing Avenelle’s obsession to solve the case, the tragic story of Kevin Magruder unfolds, providing insight into how childhood injustice and festering rage may lead to murder--even in the best of homes. When the two storylines collide, Avenelle must deal with the rage that threatens to consume her.





About the Author

Catherine Leggitt is the author of the Christine Sterling Mysteries, PAYNE & MISERY, THE DUNN DEAL, and PARRISH THE THOUGHT, published by Ellechor Publishing. A native Californian, Catherine raised two daughters, taught school, and cared for aging parents before retirement drove her to the keyboard. These days, Catherine crafts her own suspenseful plots--exploring God's mysteries through fiction. When not writing, Catherine studies the Bible, sings in the choir, and cooks. Visit her website at

In DYING TO BE NOTICED, the high cost of unbridled anger is explored using both the protagonist's struggles and the tragic story of the Magruder family. Scripture verses at the beginning of each of Kevin's chapters clearly define God's view of this oft-misapplied emotion.


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title: Pulse

author: PC DU PREEZ

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 5.10.2014 • author id: DUP008114

word count: 143,000


Dalesmeer seemed like a good place to get away to, so far from the source of pain and hurt. But as Lucinda soon found out, Dalesmeer has its own reception committee, its own clouds of darkness with eager tentacles and whispering voices and the knife and foul minds of Devon's Group and the Goatman. Sacrificing goats is just the beginning as she gets sucked into a downward spiral devoid of morals, running away from home, ending up pregnant with a child dedicated to darkness. Lucinda's young daughter, critically hurt in a car accident becomes a donor of vital organs.

Thomas and Debbie's lives revolve around their son Danny, born with a congenital heart defect. Seeing their son deteriorate triggers their desperation, Debbie resorts to spells and chants, unknowingly inviting help she did not want or need. Befriended by Rab Moshe, rooted in Light, dedicated to God’s ways, Thomas is faced with a choice and a different approach to his family's problem. He soon realizes that his own efforts lead only to more disaster and turns to God for help and guidance.

Transplanting from one address to another did not provide the answer Lucinda was looking for; it opened the door to a slippery slope into a black pit.

Transplanting an organ dedicated to darkness was not the cure Danny was hoping for, it created a portal to a place of desolation, bringing physical and spiritual changes that dragged his family with, kicking and screaming.

In Dalesmeer it all comes together, an unavoidable clash between Light and Darkness and one that would determine the outcome of all their lives.

About the Author

I am a medical doctor and have studied God's Word for many years and has taught on its principles in a home church environment. I believe that many a message can be conveyed in story format, similar to the parables taught by our Messiah. This book is seen as an introduction to the characters with the main characters set for a number of 'spiritual detective' experiences in a series of books. The wisdom of Rab Moshe on an accompanying website is foreseen as complimenting marketing and ongoing reader involvement.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Imperfect

author: D. C. Shaftoe

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 1.24.2015 • author id: ShDL2T3C15

word count: 84 066


Imperfect is a gripping tale of danger and deceit, of love lost and found, as a police inspector attempts to defeat a drug lord and find the second chance in life he needs.

Zachary Marek is an Ontario police inspector who has tangled with the wrong villain while working as a member of an international task force. Imprisoned and marked for death by his powerful foe, Albanian Mafioso, Burim Gjojak, Zach is presumed gone forever—until his brothers mount a daring rescue and return him to his wife and son. But after months away, home is not the sanctuary that Zach expected. 

His son, Gideon, recently diagnosed with autism, is a mystery of meltdowns and violent opposition to change. His wife, Christie, is a stranger. Determined to embrace the challenges of autism and win back Christie’s heart, Zach embarks on a cross-country journey from Niagara to Wyoming to reconnect and build a new beginning with both of them. However, Gjojak doesn’t want Zach to return to any life at all. As he builds a web of betrayal and deceit around Zach, Gjojak sets a lethal snare that not only endangers Zach’s life, but also the lives of those he loves.

About the Author

D. C. Shaftoe is an award-winning writer who is not afraid to tackle real issues and place her characters in dangerous real-life scenarios while seamlessly weaving a message of Christ throughout her stories. Her novel, Assassin’s Trap, was a winner in the 2013 Word Awards. Forged in the Jungles of Burma (2011) and Lethal Intentions: ­ The Battle for Gideon (2014) were finalists in the Canadian Christian Writing Awards and the Word Awards, respectively.

After over 20 years working as a Speech-Language Pathologist with children with autism, and a lifetime in the church, Shaftoe has collected her personal and professional experiences and woven them into a Christian adventure story entitled Imperfect. Imperfect is the first book in the Second Chance series.

Shaftoe lives in the Niagara Region of Canada with her husband and two sons.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Quest for the Cup

author: Jeff Raymond

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 4.22.2015 • author id: RaJ4658015

word count: 80,000 when finished


American college professor Matt Kincaid and British photographer Camilla Montgomery are brought together by the death of Camilla's brother - and Matt's friend - Ethan Montgomery. They discover that a letter from Medieval times along with notes left by Ethan hint at the location of an artifact of historical and Biblical significance. As they begin to decipher and follow the clues, they soon find that others are on the same trail and are willing to kill to be the first to make the discovery. Matt and Camilla's journey takes them from England to Germany and ultimately to Switzerland as they try to keep themselves and their families safe and stay one step ahead of their pursuers. Along the way the two not only grow closer together, but also learn about the true meaning of faith.

About the Author

Jeff Raymond has worked in college athletics for nearly 30 years. He has been a coach, athletic director and sports information director. During his time in athletic media relations he had numerous articles published in newspapers and magazines. Raymond was named the recipient of the Clarence “Ike” Pearson award by the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) for outstanding contributions to the sports information profession. An avid reader, Raymond wrote this book for those who enjoy learning about history in the midst of a modern-day thriller, all tied together by characters struggling with faith and values.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Heaven's Library

author: Dave Macquire

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 9.9.2015 • author id: MaD406915

word count: 70 000


‘Sam, Chloe, James, Kate, John, Miriam.’

An angel is reading the names from six biographies to the glowing messengers before him. It is each person’s last day to live and they have yet to make their peace with God.

Meanwhile, on a sharp ridge overlooking the town of Antioch, the Strongman assigns a demonic detachment to destroy six of its citizens. When it sees the angelic messengers break through the earth’s atmosphere, its head whips round and it growls just one word, ‘Go!’

So begins the battle for six people’s eternal souls. Unaware of their imminent death, each person walks through the morning, afternoon, and evening of their last day on earth, encountering the final appeals of the angels, the fierce opposition of their demonic adversaries, and the ultimate events leading to their exit into the world beyond. Based on Christ’s parable of the Sower, the reader will experience the action, romance, and self-discovery of those soon about to make the most important decision of their lives.

About the Author

Dave Macquire originally trained as a school teacher before undertaking two years theological study. He spent fifteen years as an itinerant preacher speaking at churches, youth camps, schools, colleges, universities and prisons. He has also competed in national debating competitions.

He recently had a short story purchased by Australia’s largest selling weekly magazine. His communication skills would provide an effective platform to promote his books.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Fire Trail

author: Christine Sunderland

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 9.25.2015 • author id: SuC9450715

word count: 69,000


She found the bloody body of the girl and saw the murderer's face. Will she ever be safe?

U.C. Berkeley grad student Jessica Thierry walks the Fire Trail in the hills and witnesses a murderer leave the scene. She fears for her life, but is determined to stay focused on her doctorate about Christianity's role in Berkeley's history.

English Lit grad student Zachary Aguilar, in love with Jessica, searches for goodness, beauty, transcendence, and truth, as he tries to protect Jessica from the killer.

Pastor Nathaniel Casparian, disfigured by burns and descended from Armenian refugees, is resident caretaker of Comerford House Museum. He looks after his dying brother who writes The Question of Civilization. Nate prays for religious freedom and that the students of Berkeley have a vision of God.

Anna Aguilar, Comerford's docent, vets dark and graphic novels donated to her children's library. Frightened by rising crime, she is encouraged by Nate's belief that the Judeo-Christian tradition is their culture's past and future hope.           

Set against today's terrorism and memories of Nine-Eleven, The Fire Trail draws these four characters to an unforgettably dramatic conclusion.

A tale of the boundary between civilization and the wilderness.

About the Author

Christine Sunderland, author of five award-winning Christian novels (OakTara), the daughter of a Presbyterian pastor, has been a faithful Anglican for over forty years, converted by C.S. Lewis's Mere Christianity. Concerned about the collapse of Christian culture and the need for the Judeo-Christian tradition in the public square, she contributes to the ACFW Blog, Liberty Island Magazine ( the Christian Post's Bindings, and, and writes a weekly blog on faith and culture ( that feeds into Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Goodreads, and Amazon.

A graduate of San Francisco State University (BA, English Lit, Summa Cum Laude), she serves as Managing Editor of the the American Church Union ( in Berkeley. This novel would be appropriate for book clubs, churches, and schools, as well as mainstream conservative markets for it offers many discussion topics concerning challenges to Christian faith and practice in today's culture.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Ticking Clock

author: Daniel Banks

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 10.25.2015 • author id: BaD7570115

word count: 57,000


When private detective John Wesley Tucker meets Hafsah Bashir, his world and his mission are turned inside out. She’s searching for a missing family member and the fate of millions hangs in the balance. The Islamic State recognizes that self-radicalized recruits from the internet have been ineffective at bringing mass casualty terror back to America. They need training and leadership. The caliphate has just the right man for the job; they’ve sent him to America. His first group of home grown mujahedeen will strike in East Texas. DHS Agent Jack McCarthy enlists John’s aid in stopping them.

John Wesley Tucker is neither an ordinary detective nor an ordinary man. Certainly there is more about him than meets the eye, but is he even human? John Wesley Tucker is a Shepherd living on a troubled planet, struggling to find his way on the path of life.


A detective thriller, a love story, and an exploration of current conflicting ideas and beliefs, filled with intrigue, action, betrayal and a distinctly spiritual twist. The Ticking Clock is contemporary, suspenseful, relevant and at times, violent. The setting is in East Texas, offering a unique cultural point of view not often depicted.

About the Author

I was born in Bakersfield, California and abandoned by my parents in Seattle, Washington. After living in the foster care system for some years, I was eventually adopted. I’ve lived in Idaho, Washington, California, Virginia, and now make my home in Texas. My wife Lora and I have four grown children, of whom we are justifiably proud, not because we were such good parents but because God is good.

I’ve written several books of historical fiction and an illustrated book on the training of horses, in addition to authoring and/or contributing to numerous technical manuals and articles in various publications and periodicals.

At one (very brief) point I was one of the 3% of fine visual artists who earned their entire income from sales of their art. I’m a painter, sculptor and writer.

Under the name Daniel Roland Banks (my actual birth name) I write books of contemporary mystery/crime and detective thrillers. I’m a member of ACFW.

My book ANGELS & IMPERFECTIONS was selected as finalist in the Christian Fiction category in the 2015 Reader’s Favorites Book Award contest.

I'm active on social media. I'm a member of several writer's groups on Facebook. My website is:

My Goodreads profile is here:


If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Angels at Arthur's

author: James White

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 12.4.2015 • author id: WhJ2941015

word count: 95,239


A wayward life is redeemed when a trio of angels makes a hero of a young miscreant by showing him God’s power.  

When Thomas Stirk, a twenty-something cokehead alcoholic, awakens from his latest drunken stupor alone in the back seat of Rachael “Codi” Joseph’s abandoned SUV, the vehicle surrounded by Charleston police, he and Joseph unwittingly begin their perilous adventure toward godly redemption.

As a street organizer for a media-consulting firm, Stirk directs an anti-Christian demonstration against a local mega-church during its annual Easter pageant. In a moment of drug-enhanced bravado, Stirk, who believes God is dead, disrupts the passion play, screaming to the audience that Jesus’ death was unnecessary and portrayals of His crucifixion are exploitations of bloody torture for entertainment's sake. He trips over reality, crosses the line, and is confronted by God’s angels.

Stirk’s true bondage is revealed when invisible bindings tie him to an interrogation chair as his agnosticism is disputed but never condemned by his angel mentors. As the angels resolutely steer Stirk to God’s truth, he is delivered from his addictions and is forgiven and changed by God’s grace. Girded with new courage, he is supernaturally woven into God’s plan to rescue Rachael Codi Joseph. Stirk, in a surprising twist, single-handedly saves Codi from certain death at the hands of her drug cartel kidnappers.

About the Author

James H. White is a former US Air Force pilot, independent special investigator with the Federal Investigative Services, retired home furnishings industry executive, and international businessman. He is a graduate of Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas, and an emerging author with a passion for writing Christian adventure fiction. He is available to promote and market.

Angels at Arthur’s is non-preachy—and vividly contrasts today’s secular no-boundaries lifestyle with the indisputable reality of God’s redemption and saving grace. The story’s message targets younger adults but speaks to all ages and all those seeking to find the true purpose of life. James White has woven characters from actual investigative experiences into an exciting adventure.

Angel topics are popular in today’s Christian book market. A similar genre story would be The Shack.


If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Color Me Blind

author: Iris Munchinsky

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 1.24.2016 • author id: MuIR0M2C16

word count: 73,167


When young artist, Sela Lamont, flies to Scotland to investigate her dead grandfather\'s hidden past, she gets more than she bargained for. Not only does her great-grandmother slip her a letter placing him smack in the middle of a WW2 highland espionage plot, but Sela discovers a related, present-day scheme threatening to take the country captive. With a penchant for digging up facts, but lacking the slippery savvy of a sleuth, she blunders her way around the highland town of Ullapool, kicking up a flurry on both sides of the law. Between the sophisticated advances of an adopted relative and the quick wit and charm of a scruffy admirer, she attempts to ferret out the truth and finds herself teetering on the edge of a precarious cliff wondering if anyone, including her grandfather, is who he claimed to be.

About the Author

Born in Scotland but raised in Canada, Iris still holds Scotland close to her heart. When she discovered, shortly after his death, that her father had harboured an old Scottish secret, she realized this was fodder for a good story. As an artist herself, she is also able to identify with the art world as well.

After serving in home missions in eastern Kentucky for a decade, she retains contact, through social media, with many people both from the United States and Scotland as well as Canada, who would no doubt have an interest in the novel. 

She has attended writers conferences both in the US and Canada and is a member of the Word Guild.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Until I Return

author: Alan & Linda Laxson

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 2.23.2016 • author id: LaA8704316

word count: 175,000


(Working Title: Until I Return)

If algebraic formulas could solve all the problems of everyday life then young Pete Childs would have it made. But the Junior High’s star student in math and science is at a loss when he must face the neighborhood bullies who are making his journey home from school unbearable. He finally decides to take a forbidden short cut through the property and garden of the old mansion. While the garden path looks less threatening, it ends up introducing Pete to the mysterious Jack, who leads him on an enlightening journey to the Bible, Jesus, and how to deal with the neighborhood bullies.

But life can’t be that simple. Pete’s mother, an avowed atheist, finds out about his detours and calls down fire on him and the mansion. A police check into the mansion is suddenly converted into an FBI hunt for an international terrorist, focused on the owners and occupants of the mansion.

When the investigation finally reaches its climax we are left with a greater mystery than the FBI anticipated.

Will Pete’s new world view be overturned, or will he continue his journey to faith in God?

About the Author

Alan Laxson is a retired engineer who spent much of his life studying and focusing on the latest advances in science, mathematics, and physics. As the theories became more and more abstract, his frustration led him to find true meaning in life through Jesus Christ. Since that time, he has sought to bridge the gap between science and the Bible.
Linda Laxson is a retired registered nurse who specialized in infection prevention and control. She has been a Christian all her life and continues to grow in the knowledge of the Lord and His Word.
Alan and Linda have been married for 42 years and teamed their respective knowledge of science and the Bible to tell a story of a journey to faith.
Both Alan and Linda have written and published numerous technical papers, reports, and manuscripts in their respective fields.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Recruits: Answering the Call

author: Jennifer Cranford

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 8.1.2016 • author id: CrJ6176416

word count:


After miraculously surviving seven grueling months as a prisoner of war, the Sergeant maintains his spiritual cover in the U.S. Army as a Recruiter to embark on his next Kingdom mission, saving four lost souls in Central Illinois.  As he continues to surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit, he encounters Hoyt, Salinas, Bradford, and West and ushers them into the journey of their own spiritual transformations.  The four new believers enlist in God’s Army and begin their own Basic Training, preparing for their mission in the real battlefield of life. 

The God story of each of these new recruits unfolds over the course of their Spiritual training camp that mysteriously mimics that of the modern day military.  Their eyes gradually begin to open to the spiritual warfare that exists in and around each of them as they participate in exercises that utilize their gifts, the Spiritual disciplines, and their relational bonds.

Hoyt, Salinas, Bradford, and West have answered the call, and now as soldiers they must prepare to don the armor.


About the Author

J.M. Cranford is a Veteran logistical officer in the U.S. Army and served in both active and reserve capacities during the First Gulf War, the Somalia Conflict, and the draw down in Bosnia.  She holds a Master’s degree in Bible and Theology and has served as Treasurer of a non-profit mission organization as well as a team member of a local church’s mission board for many years.  It is through her unique experiences in both the military and her adventures in missions that enable her to take her readers along the journey of God’s Army mimicking the U.S. Army as it is played out in real life.


If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Armageddon Initiative

author: Mike Lutz

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 11.14.2016 • author id: LuM9136216

word count: 84,000


The Armageddon Initiative is a complex, fast-paced, action-adventure in the same mold as Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons, but with a touch of Jack Bauer urgency.  

The CIA has asked retired spymaster Jack Bishop to discover who is behind the high profile murder of a European Union member.  What he uncovers is an international conspiracy designed to bring the United States to its knees. Tensions are rising as world leaders prepare to meet in Moscow for an important economic summit that could change the face of the global economic structure. As Jack Bishop gets closer to the truth, he finds himself in a race against time to stop this global network from achieving the next step in its Armageddon conspiracy. 

The Armageddon Initiative is the first novel in a series that Mike is working on.  He is currently in the early stages of writing the second novel.

About the Author

Born in Rochester, New York, Mike Lutz grew up mainly in Connecticut. He is the author of two nonfiction works, Discovering God’s Will for Your Life: Your Journey with God and God Every Day: 365 Life Application Devotions.

Mike has ministered as a youth pastor, associate pastor, executive pastor, and senior pastor. As a gifted Bible teacher, he was heard on the national radio program The Reviving Word, and is currently a regular guest on the radio show Christian Talk That Rocks, heard live on the Internet every Monday through Friday afternoon.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts in history, with a minor in psychology, from the University of Houston, and he is a graduate of the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa School of Ministry.

In addition to his writing and speaking ministry, Mike worked for ten years as an assistant golf professional and is an entrepreneur and an executive chef.

The Armageddon Initiative target audience is adult males and females with an emphasis on Christian audiences but marketable to secular as well.   Intended channels for marketing include:

Radio and Podcast interviews
National press releases
Promoted on radio show, Christian Talk that Rocks, where I am a regular guest
Web promotions
Calvary Distribution
Guest Speaker at churches
Pastoral/church contacts

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Goings-on in Hollinge

author: Dorothy Webb Davies

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 3.23.2017 • author id:

word count: 55,600


A long narrow village tucked into a fold of the hills in Kent, Hollinge, is a place ignored by developers and tourists, a place where nothing ever happens. However, one day in November some people arrive to live in a long-empty house, and from then on things change. The strangers avoid taking part in village life, but, on the longest night of the year, a convivial gathering at the Hallorans' house is gate-crashed by Lyn, one of the newcomers, in a distressed state, insisting that she has escaped from a devilish party up on Stallington Hill. Who is involved, and what can be significant about the ancient Stones on the hill? The rescue of Lyn Adair not once but twice involves several respectable residents forming a rather unlikely team. When Una Halloran is cornered by the leader of the Satanists, she realizes the existence of evil and that she is helpless before its power. Will she discover a greater power that is able to overcome it and set her free?

About the Author

My five childrens' books were published by Scripture Union and by Kingsway in the '70s and '80s, and I have published some short stories and poems. I've also written and compiled missionary radio programs and done some writing (and performing) for theater (amateurs). Finally I helped a missionary friend write his autobiography and this made me attempt my first novel, which I have put on Kindle. The Goings-on in Hollinge is my second--a domestic thriller. My third is in process. I have a degree in English and a Bible College diploma.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: A Tangled Web of Pink

author: Janet Teitsort

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 5.7.2017 • author id: TeJ4728317

word count: 84910


Working Title: A Tangled Web of Pink

1966 before DNA : Donellen Michaels, who lives with her alcoholic father, is pregnant by one of her dad’s drinking buddy. After considering abortion, she opts to have the baby. Her father’s drinking forces her to abandon her baby girl at St. Luke’s Church. Meanwhile, Larry Sturgis who longs to give his wife a child for she is suicidal over being barren, kidnaps the infant girl of local attorney, James Rafferty, and his wife, Amy. When the police discover the abandoned baby girl at St. Luke’s, they assume she is the kidnapped baby and return her to the Raffertys. Many are the twists and turns of their lives. Will the truth win out, or will the girls remain forever locked in this web of deception?

About the Author

Janet Teitsort’s published books are: Rainbows for Teacher; Treasures for Teachers; Seasons of Laughter for Teachers; Long Distance Grandma 1 & 2 (Baker) (Howard), Quiet Times (C.R. Gibson), and 100 Questions and Answers on The Promises of God (Strang). Growing up not knowing her biological father, she understands firsthand the questions about identity. Although this is not her story, she uses her feelings to weave her first novel.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Joe's Little Brother

author: Doug Draper

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 6.10.2017 • author id: DrD7081017

word count: 93000


When Dad is mad, someone is going to get hurt.

Joe excels at school and everything he touches, with one exception – controlling his father’s anger. He tries to protect his little brother, Ben, and two younger sisters, but the change from “fun dad” to “mad dad” happens as quickly and easily as the flip of a switch.

To keep dad calm, Joe makes sure the house is quiet, chores are done, and everybody has a “happy face.” Even then, the rage erupts and Ben often becomes the prime target, getting taught lessons in enthusiasm with whatever tool is handy – a rake, broom or hammer – and being called “the stupidest and laziest boy in the world.”

When Ben seeks refuge in school, he discovers that he is smaller than all of the other kids, including the girls, which attracts daily torment from bullies. After years of abuse at home and school, Ben ends up feeling hopeless and looking for a way to escape. His journey to freedom begins on a trail in the Blue Ridge Mountains and takes a life-changing detour through the power of prayer.

About the Author

Doug Draper overcame emotional damage caused by an abusive father to earn a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Georgia and to serve as a leader in the United States Air Force and for several Fortune 500 companies. After many years of honoring his mother’s request to keep the abuse a secret, he wrote Joe’s Little Brother to be a voice for abused children and to encourage them to speak up.

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title: A Forsaken Breath

author: Mark Pribonic

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 9.11.2019 • author id: PrM6330119

word count: 80000


Evil thrives when good folks stand idly by.

Jessica Thaller has a kind-hearted and accommodating personality, ultimately to her detriment. She finds herself caught in a whirlwind where the moral becomes immoral. Some want to end her existence while proclaiming a murderer as heroic. Why do they hate her so much?

God uses arrogance to expose the true face of evil. Though Jessica curses Him, God chooses her to act as the mirror. Can she find the fortitude to persist until His plan is fulfilled? What rewards await?

Jessica struggles to find a purpose for life in the face of vile animosities hurled at her. Will a graveside revelation provide an end to her strife?



About the Author

Mark Pribonic is an economics and finance professor at Missouri Baptist University in St. Louis. He has published articles carried by an international economic organization and has written a self-published thriller novel and a commentary on sin and government. Mark has appeared on radio shows promoting his previous novel. 

Mark hosts a bi-monthly YouTube show, Thinking in a Garage and Drinking Beer, that addresses current issues and can be used as a platform for promoting the book. He also is a contributor to Facebook pages viewed by over 15,000 members.     

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title: Our Magnificent Murders

author: Philip Williams

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 3.25.2020 • author id: WiP9868320

word count: 91000


Our Magnificent Murders is a suspense novel told by Dr. Will Phillips, a history professor who suffers from PTSD. His trauma arose from adolescence, when he shouted his belief in atheism at his Christian parents on the very night before they were killed in an automobile accident. He faults himself for their deaths, believing his outburst distracted their driving.   Phillips becomes obsessed with the writings of a German theologian who was executed in prison for his part in a plot to kill Adolf Hitler. Through the warped lens of his mental illness, Phillips believes he can reconnect with his parents by becoming that type of heroic figure—if only he can find another Hitler to kill. When a new university president is appointed by a corrupt state politician, Phillips believes he has found his Hitler. His wife, a professor of creative writing, seems willing to assist him. But she hides her own secret plans. It’s up to a third professor, one they would never suspect, to teach them a lesson in the power of forgiveness.

About the Author
Dr. Philip Carlton Williams, a self-described “preacher’s kid,” practiced law for fifteen years before returning to academia. He held faculty and administrative positions at Gardner-Webb University and Methodist University before his appointment as President of the University of Montevallo (Alabama) in 2006 and McNeese State University (Louisiana) in 2010, a position he held until his retirement in 2017. His growing list of followers on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter now exceeds 3,000.

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title: Micah's Trials

author: Andy Fitzgerald

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 5.18.2020 • author id: FiAnMi11020

word count: 101053


Micah Paul is a hospital chief financial officer in Tacoma Washington, and his life couldn’t be better. Great job, beautiful wife, and kids who think he’s the greatest dad ever. Life is good. But not for long. Micah is about to undergo the most unusual set of circumstances and the most severe trials imaginable. Beginning with the birth of his newborn daughter that nearly ends in tragedy, to a federal investigation into criminal wrongdoing, followed by a mysterious and nefarious stranger who threatens Micah and his family, Micah’s world is turned upside down, and his faith is shaken to its core. A suspenseful journey is ahead for Micah as he investigates who is trying to destroy him. But to do that he has to reach back into his past, to a time and a deadly skill set few know he possesses. More importantly, it is a time to reevaluate what he truly believes. And maybe more importantly, in whom he truly believes.

About the Author
In addition to an aspiring writer, I am a hospital CEO and have been a healthcare executive for over thirty years, with the majority of that time spent as a hospital CFO. I can speak with authority on the healthcare aspects of Micah’s job and the dilemma in which he finds himself. Having been through government investigations, ransomware attacks, and pandemic disasters, I feel well qualified to narrate the tremendous stress on faith and family these trials bring, as well as the technical issues that would be involved. I am uniquely positioned to identify with Micah Paul. I have my undergraduate degree in Business and Accounting from the University of Puget Sound, and I attended the University of Colorado at Denver where I pursued additional studies in the Masters of Science in Finance program. I am currently enrolled in a Masters of Church History at Colorado Theological Seminary.

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title: Three Nights In Mannford

author: Cynthia Goyang

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 5.11.2020 • author id: GoCyTh11620

word count: 80000


After a black man is shot and killed by a white police officer, three racially and spiritually diverse men are drawn into the ensuing chaos, which leads them down a path toward God’s love, community, and personal healing. The resulting violence, destruction, and political coverup shed a telltale light on the city of Mannford’s bristly underbelly. Each man must discover his place within the community, how to minister love in his romantic relationships, and how to live in God’s lavish love.

About the Author
Cynthia Goyang is the author of Just One Touch, a Christian historical novel based on the woman with the issue of blood (Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-48). Her writing has also been published in Guideposts and Angel on Earth magazines. Cynthia has loved and walked with the Lord for thirty-three years. She is a writer uniquely qualified to author this work. Her entire life has been a mission of maneuvering between two realities: Poor-Comfortable, Black-White, Lawless-Legit. As an African-American mother of three adult sons, she continues her mission of maneuvering. While sensitive to the issues regarding the racial divide and the police-involved shootings in our country, she also prays God’s protection over those in the law enforcement community, which includes her eldest son, a well-respected police detective. Born and raised in Denver, Cynthia is second to the youngest of eleven children. Cynthia and her husband, Tony, reside in the west Texas town of Midland, where they enjoy spending time with their family and attending college and pro football games. She is an avid reader and loves to use her pencil to illustrate the Lord’s principles. A follower hard after Christ, she knows the answer to the above and all worldly ills will come through God and God alone. From this perspective, she writes. Platform: Online-Social Media Spotify: ( Facebook ( Twitter ( Pinterest (    

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author: Sandi Van Lieu

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 8.14.2020 • author id: VaSaI 19020

word count: 62000


Journalist Addie Marcus never forgets her first boyfriend, Gavin, and the summer camp where his mom was murdered. When Addie’s friend disappears on the same mountain, she vows to solve the crimes. As Addie dives in, she must choose between her childhood love and a new love interest, Connor. All three will find their lives threatened and their faith tested as they journey into a world human trafficking, murder, and secrets they don’t want to face. But face them they must if they want the truth about Gavin's mom and what happened the night that changed everything.

About the Author
I have a master’s degree in English and a doctoral degree in higher education leadership. For more than 16 years, I’ve taught college composition, literature, and writing at various colleges and universities across the country. Before teaching, I spent several years working in the areas of writing and editing. I was an editorial assistant for a popular Christian magazine, wrote and edited curriculum, and worked as a newspaper reporter. When print magazines were still popular, I wrote articles for Christian magazines, most of which were for teenagers. In the past year, I’ve been a finalist in 9 RWA and RYS contests and placed 1st in 7 of these. I PROMISE YOU has finaled in 2, and the other placements were from YAs I’ve written. Prior to this last year, other novels of mine also placed in RWA contests. I work with two critique groups, and I also speak occasionally at workshops and conferences. For many years, I was part of several writing organizations, including ACFW and SCBWI.

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title: Eagle Has Vanished

author: William Frantzen

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 10.22.2021 • author id: FrWiEa26521

word count: 82000


Special Agent Kirk Jager is escorting the President of the United States—code name: Eagle—to a summit with several other world leaders in Florence, Italy. Because Jager refuses to blindly follow orders he does not agree with, his bosses do not think he is up to this task. Jager is determined to prove otherwise. But when the President has a vicious argument with the First Lady, he walks out into the pouring rain and suddenly, those sworn to protect the President cannot find him. Eagle has vanished. As the world reels from the disappearance of the President, FBI investigators need someone to blame. Jager quickly realizes he will be the scapegoat and elicits the aide of his good friend and former Navy Seal, Jeff Rollins. Rollins explains Jager’s choices: Take the fall or go underground and find out what went wrong. As the FBI closes in on him, Jager must rely on the few people he can trust, including Lucy Ortiz, a fellow Secret Service agent and potential love interest. Getting hung for treason would be the lesser of evils if Jager was unable to find Eagle.

About the Author

William Frantzen is a former Special Agent and Deputy Assistant Director with the U.S. Secret Service who served in many investigative and protective assignments, including on President William Clinton’s and George W. Bush’s details. Previously, William was a police detective who investigated everything from homicides to narcotics trafficking in South Florida. He earned a master's degree in management from Johns Hopkins University in 2011. Several anecdotes in this novel stem from William's experiences with the agency and local law enforcement. He and his wife, Kathleen, attend Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, VA.

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title: Green Flash

author: Martha VanCise

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 2.19.2022 • author id: VaMaGr3422

word count: 93200


When Marc Simms, maverick pilot, joins a midwestern mission team as a cover for a diamond heist in an Afro-Caribbean country, he believes avoiding profanity will be his greatest challenge. Traveling with people, however, who excel in compassion but lack worldly or multicultural wisdom puts him in chaotic situations he could have avoided if traveling alone. During the nine-day trip, the charismatic widower intentionally charms each team member, except one, who warns missionary Trent Forbes that Marc has ulterior motives for joining the team. Forbes, focused on keeping everyone safe during pre-revolution riots in the dictator-ruled nation, ignores the warning. Marc’s scheme, including romancing the attractive green-eyed Kerri, unfolds without a snag—until the bodies start piling up.

About the Author
Martha VanCise lived in Bolivia, Guatemala, and Haiti and has twenty years of experience working with mission teams. Her book, Successful Mission Teams: A Guide for Volunteers (New Hope-2 editions) sold around 25,000 copies. She also co-wrote two other traditionally published books: Run to the Roar: Stories about Facing Tough Challenges Head-On, and Construction Industry Guide to OSHA. Her articles have appeared in twenty-five evangelical periodicals, and she has edited/ghostwritten books for two people who self-published (Westbow).  At Indian River State College (Florida), she developed curriculum for English as a Second Language students.

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title: There is a River

author: Pat Mooney Sweet

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 12.19.2022 • author id: MoPaTh32022

word count: 80000


Brief Description: Working title: “There is a River” Carly Green does not clap along with the rest of the congregation as her husband lowers their newest convert, a beautiful blond divorcee, into the river. As the pastor’s wife she should be happy the church is growing. Why wouldn’t it be?  Rick is a strong leader, people trust him. But when the woman in his arms kisses him—on the lips—she fears the worst. Only Carly knows how far her husband has veered off the path they’ve traveled together for nearly twenty years. As the only full-time career woman in the church, she feels left out and her loneliness intensifies as her elder son appears headed toward homosexuality, and the younger one shows signs of autism. Instead of supporting her, people she’s known for ages drift even farther away. At the point of losing her marriage as well as her faith, Christians who are more apt to listen to her than to judge, begin showing up everywhere. But to get her family back Carly must decide whether faith pushing mountains into the sea is mere hyperbole or her only hope.

About the Author
Credentials, Platform, Marketing Pat Mooney Sweet has published numerous short stories, articles, and essays throughout the years. After reading a novel by Francine Rivers she’s turned her attention to Christian fiction in hopes to encourage as well as entertain brothers and sisters in the Lord who enjoy a novel with elements of romance and suspense. She graduated from Houghton College and received a Masters in English from the State University of New York at Buffalo.  She, her husband, and their very shaggy dog live in an old farmhouse in upstate New York. The audience this story aims to please is comprised mainly of Christian women, including Catholics. Readers with conservative values will also feel at home within its pages.

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title: Mindreader

author: Hope Davis

category: fiction • subcategory: suspense • date submitted: 10.18.2023 • author id: DaHoMi26123

word count: 104661


Mindreader and its two sequels, Peacekeeper and Dreamchaser, is the story about a town and young people finding, strengthening, and following their faith in God while merging two families and bringing peace to another. Hannah Scott is the Mindreader of her older brother Travis.  She has always been the stronger one.  She is on the way to Grizzly Falls to see her brother and along the way she encounters Ryan King, a young man just released from his Army service and fresh from a foreign deployment.  Hannah and Ryan, along with Ryan’s sister Rebecca must help Travis overcome the prejudices against him from the town and something more sinister in the background that wants to eliminate Travis completely.  It will take all their faith and trust in God to see them through while bonds are forged, for some, their belief in God restored and each of them made whole through God’s greater plan.

About the Author
I started writing when I was sixteen because my father challenged me to write a book and that was how I discovered my love of storytelling. I’m a part-time sales associate, a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, a former law enforcement explorer, and a volunteer at a youth ranch where I write articles for their monthly e-news and teach young children to ride. My hope for my books is that they can teach young adults the importance of having a relationship with God and how to rely on Him when life gets difficult.

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