

author: Keith McDonald

category: fiction • subcategory: humor • date submitted: 7.9.2017 • author id: McK8001417

word count: 65000


Archie is an 85 year old retired physician and these are his (accidentally) humorous reminisces on his faith; of sixty years of love and marriage; forty years of practice; twenty years of retirement and his upbringing on a Saskatchewan farm. Because his memory is “a bit doubtful” (no doubt about it), he tells his story haphazardly in what he calls “vignettes”, but his wife, Laura, calls “mostly fairy tales.” Presumably, the truth lies somewhere between.

In retirement, Archie is obsessed with his loss of professional status and is determined to adopt a new one. He styles himself as professional big game hunter, bird watcher, wildlife photographer and landscape painter, but not until he receives a sixteen dollar check for his funny article in Women’s Quarterly does he realize his true profession. Now he is ready to string together these vignettes “like pearls on a golden chain.”

About the Author

 Keith Marwood McDonald MD is a retired physician and professor. He has had two novels published, one on human trafficking in Cambodia (picked up on Writer’s Edge by OakTara) and one on end of life issues. He has been married to wife, Lorna for sixty years. He began writing humorous vignettes for his writer’s club and was encouraged to publish them. He works with several missions and uses his publications for fund raising.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Cape Chaos

author: George Duncan

category: fiction • subcategory: humor • date submitted: 9.12.2018 • author id: DuG8053718

word count: 40000


“Cape Chaos” is comedic novel in the Carl Hiaasen style.

Tiffany Longmont, the attractive, intelligent owner of Tiffany’s Bakery and Books, is having a great time when life goes off the deep end. Several individuals drop dead after sampling the store’s coffee and donuts. Tiffany knows if this continues to happen it could affect sales. In addition, Cape Largo is in the middle of a frantic city election, and emotions are running high. The two factions, one led by corrupt Clyde Moody and the other by reformer August Summerville, have made the bakery shop ground zero.

Robert Roland, a history prof, has a metal detector and has been saying there is hidden gold near the city. He's attracting the attention of less-than-savory characters and is being followed by, among others, Bahama Joe, a likeable beach bum. Abner Malik, another customer, assures Tiffany the Atlanteans are near the end of their hibernation and will rise from the ocean shortly and take over the world.

One positive note is her boyfriend, the incredibly nice Cabot Chandler, a born-again Christian.  But now it appears someone wants to put Chandler in the local cemetery. Tiffany is at her wit’s end.

She wants to keep her boyfriend alive, keep her business prosperous, and find the guy who is killing her customers. But that will be easier said than done.

About the Author

I'm a published writer, having sold a number of books to both Christian and secular publishers. I'm a former newspaperman who is now writing novels full-time, usually for clients. I have written in numerous genres including mystery, science fiction, Christian fiction, Western, and, yes, romance.  During my nine-to-five job I covered numerous beats including the court and police beat.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.