
title: Emilia Edward's Quest for the Best

author: Amber Kesselring

category: fiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.23.2008 • author id: KeA4571508

word count:


Emilia Edward is best friends with Katie Koons. They love to have tea parties and ride bikes and so forth. There is one problem: they both tend to brag and get a little competitive. The need to be the best at everything. Remembering their creator, who made them with strengths and weaknesses, blesses and saves the friendship.

About the Author
Amber Kesselring is the children's director at her church and is currently raising four inquisitive children. Storytelling is an art form that she has cultivated with both groups. Many children have responded positively to Emilia Edward stories, and this could easily become a series.

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title: Sir Gavin, The Self-Controlled Knight

author: Amber Kesselring

category: fiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.23.2008 • author id: KeA45715908

word count:


There once was a boy named Gavin. Like most boys, he enjoyed wrestling and fishing. He liked to practice archery and dream about becoming a knight. Unlike other boys, Gavin had great sportsmanship and a good attitude. One night, his village was attacked by bandits. In an amazing twist, God used Gavin's self-controlled attitude to save the village . . . and much more.

About the Author
Amber Kesselring has an English degree from Manetta College and serves as the children's ministry director of a thriving children's ministry. She also has four children who love good stories. Sir Gavin could easily become a series.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Biggest Thing

author: Rachel Hartman

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 1.31.2013 • author id: HaR7993613

word count: 500


Five-year-old Trinity is the biggest kid in her family. She knows many things, like how to eat peas with a spoon instead of launching them across the table like her baby brother does. So when her younger sister, whose questions Trinity always answers, asks what the biggest thing in the world is, Trinity sets on a mission to find out.

Soon, however, it seems that each time she finds the biggest thing, there’s another, even bigger thing, to discover. After scoping out her house, skyscrapers, the ground, and sky, she turns to Daddy for help. During the Christmas service at church, Daddy points out that the biggest thing is God’s love for us, as seen in Jesus’ birth at Christmas. After learning this, Trinity and her sister find many big things, but none are as big as God’s love.

About the Author

Rachel Hartman is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in print and online publications. She often writes for Forward in Christ, a monthly magazine. She’s originally from the U.S. but currently lives in Mexico, where her husband serves as a Lutheran missionary. She maintains a blog about mission work, and she and her husband regularly visit churches and mission conferences in the United States. More information is available at

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: “What If I Was Like Moses?”

author: Lisa Ng

category: fiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 2.8.2013 • author id: NgL9805213

word count: 1,000


Vampires and wizards have taken over our children’s books. Why can’t there be books with Christian values that also excite our children? This book seeks to shed new light on stories we’re all familiar with (e.g. Moses parting the Red Sea) by incorporating things children are naturally drawn to: space, animals, traveling, and even robots! With contemporary digital illustrations, “What If I Was Like Moses” would appeal to Christian and non-Christian children alike. This book would show that Christian children are just like any other kids. And that yes, Christians can be creative AND fun! Two sequels are also in the works (“What If I Was Like Elijah?” and “What If I Was Like Jesus?”).

About the Author

Lisa H. Ng received her degree in graphic design from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. After 10+ years of working on many big brands (including Microsoft, Nintendo, AOL, Weight Watchers and PepsiCo), Lisa left the design studio environment to pursue her new day job: stay-at-home mom. She has been seeking a way to incorporate her Christian faith into design and found that children’s books marry those two passions together. Lisa lives in Redmond, WA with her husband and three children.

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title: Coming Back from Invisible

author: Susan Atterstrom

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.22.2013 • author id: AtS266013

word count: 37, 500



“Good Night Moon” and morning hugs. Kite flying and wheelbarrow walking. Laughter. Church on Sundays. Happiness. Love.

Then, poof! Gone.

Blue lights flashing. Tears. Memories of how it used to be.


Twelve year old, Jessa, might forgive her Dad if she didn’t hate him so much for wrecking her family. Everything changed when he got himself thrown in the slammer more than five years ago. Her once patient Mom turned into a stress case. Her uncle took off. Money ran out. And God stopped answering prayers.  When Jessa has to move from Pennsylvania to Cape Cod to live with her Grandpa, it feels like a death sentence. Moving means saying goodbye to her best friend. It also means leaving her treasured cat behind.

Furious with the adults in her life, Jessa bonds with her Grandpa’s goofy dog. She also develops a special relationship with her quirky, young neighbor and his tough (but very cute) older brother. When the boys are able to forgive their abusive father for his mistakes, Jessa must take a closer look at what it truly means to be a family.

About the Author

Susan Atterstrom has sold inspirational essays to magazines, such as, American Baby, Listen for teens, and Guideposts Sweet 16. She is a past runner-up winner of a picture book contest sponsored by Scholastic Books and Woman’s Day Magazine. As a long time speech-language pathologist in both private and public school settings, she has access to middle grade readers, teachers, and librarians to support the promotion of her book. Susan is a SCBWI member and a graduate of the Institute of Children’s Literature.


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title: Fit For A King

author: Herb Flanders

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 6.3.2013 • author id: FlH3028613

word count: 900


Only a mother could see beauty in Caleb's attempts at carpentry. Sure his very best was not good enough, Caleb hid the rough little manger in a corner of his father's shop.

There it sat, unnoticed and forgotten, until one night when the family's inn was full of guests and two more came looking for a room.


About the Author

Herb Flanders is a United Methodist pastor and holds a Master of Divinity and a Master of Science in Christian Psychological Studies. He has served churches for more than 25 years and has a heart for touching the lives of children through his ministry. Herb has led retreats, studies, revivals, and other programs. 


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title: "If Toes Were Free to Be"

author: Cindy Lurie

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.10.2013 • author id: LuC608213

word count: 597 words


"If Toes Were Free to Be" is a delightfully whimsical children's picture book depicting the antics of Big Toe, Tall, Middle, Ring, and Pinky when freed from foot and "on their own!"  Follow the toes as they engage in a host of hilarious activities that embrace the four seasons of the year.

Written in "Dr. Seuss style," this amusing and heart-warming tale invites the reader to journey with the toes who soon realize that being " part of a whole" is more important than being "on their own."

"If Toes Were Free to Be" shares that being together, working together, and helping one another is what really matters.

This children's book is engaging for all audiences...From the very young to the young at heart!  Its humor and fun-to-read style make it enjoyable for listeners as well as readers!

About the Author

“Carolyn and Her Tiny Red House,’ my first children’s book was published in 2010 with DragonPencil Press. It sold 1000 copies and placed in the 2010 New England Book Festival, and the 2010 Los Angeles Book Festival. 

I was very involved in the marketing of “Carolyn and Her Tiny Red House” which resulted in several book signings/readings at book sellers, schools, and libraries; as well as an appearance on a talk show, and several newspaper articles. A “Carolyn and Mouse” doll was manufactured, and accompanied the book. 

I have worked with professional editors in the past, and am very open to all rewrites, suggestions and changes that your editors may suggest for my manuscript. 

I am very excited to create a blogspot and webpage featuring "If Toes Were Free to Be," as well as produce and distribute professional flyers to schools, libraries, book stores, etc. to promote the book. I will travel to do book signings and readings, and am very open to do whatever I need to promote and sell "If Toes Were Free to Be."


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title: Little Tang and Friends

author: Ray Hanus

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.7.2013 • author id: HaR6056013

word count: 950


Little Tang and his animal friends visit oceans, forests, jungles, and savannas.  Along the way they learn important biblical truths--as well as lessons about opposites, numbers, colors, and shapes.

Parents love to read to their young children.  Parents love to teach biblical truth to their young children.  Parents love to teach their young children simple concepts.  This collection of four short stories accompishes all those things!  Each story is written in a way that will help children learn to read for themselves.  The stories are heartfelt and will most likely end with a hug and a cry for "Read me that again!" 

About the Author

Ray Hanus holds a bachelor's degree in the teaching of biology and a master's degree in education.  He has taught science for 26 years and serves as the science department chair at a large Chicago area high school.  He has been selected as "Most Influential Educator" and has been included in "Who's Who Among America's Teachers" numerous times.  Inger Hanus has a master's degree in reading education and ten years of teaching experience.  They are currently homeschooling their two boys.

The target market for this project is parents who want to read to their children, teach their children about God, and provide simple educational lessons.  This set of stories would make a great gift for anyone with young children.  Perhaps plush dolls could be included with the books.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: "What Color is Heaven?"

author: Maurice Prater

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.24.2013 • author id: PrM6311613

word count: 545


What color is heaven? That’s a wonderful question! Scripture gives us some big clues, as do the colors found in God’s creation.

In this simple picture book, written to be enjoyed by the entire family, children on a school trip to the zoo take notice of the many colors around them:

“Emma the Elephant, what color is heaven?”
“It must be gray! Do you see my long, gray trunk? This is the color God created me.”

The book ends by recognizing the most important colors of all – the colors of God’s precious children.

Appendices list colors found in Scripture, as well as the homelands of animals living in all corners of our planet.

About the Author

Maurice Prater has a Master in Business Administration degree, and he has worked in the church ministries of communications and development for 14 years.

Maurice has worked in book publishing for five years, including at a large publishing house in New York City, and he has owned a mail order and wholesale book business for six years. He was the in-house editor of a prayer book that was published in English and Spanish by a Christian publishing house in 2012.

Maurice is also the editor of a Christian magazine that is published twice a year (12,000 copies per issue). He can advertise his book in this magazine at no charge. In addition, he is the creator and editor of four Christian Facebook pages.

Maurice has 24 nieces and nephews, so he already has a big demand for his book!

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Great Carp Escape

author: Irish Beth Maddock

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 11.19.2013 • author id: MaIT3R0J2013

word count: 951


Tadpoles, clams, and minnows--wow!  For siblings Beth and Paul, growing up on a lake and exploring the wonders of aquatic life is fun ... until the children encounter a startling, “fishy” find along the shoreline.  When the kids discover the moustached, scaly blue carp they found lives in the marsh near their home, they become afraid.

Seasons pass and Beth and Paul avoid the swampy reeds at all costs--until a natural occurrence brings about a life-or-death situation for the creepy looking carp, right in their own backyard! 

With guidance from their God-honoring father, will Beth and Paul be able to overcome their apprehensions about the carp and help save them before it is too late?


About the Author

Irish Beth Maddock was a columnist for two local newspapers, had stories published in Reader’s Digest Canada, and broadcasted on CHBC Television. She was a playwright for a church drama production that helped fundraise over $1,000.  A member of SCBWI, Irish is related to Lisa Taron, “The Pet Blog Lady” who has an online following of 24,000.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Stella the Brave: A Biblical View on Bullying

author: Rebecca Rider

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 12.7.2013 • author id: RiR9071013

word count: 797


Many children who are faced with the issue of bullying at school are victims, but the majority are silent witnesses.  “Stella the Brave” is a story about a witness to bullying who is inspired by God’s Holy Word to stand up for what is right! 

Stella is a well-liked girl with a good heart, but she\'s unhappy.  She watches a girl in her class get bullied everyday, and it makes her feel uncomfortable.  She would like to help, but she’s afraid to act.  She doesn\'t know what to do, until one day, when her mother reads her the story of Esther from the Bible.  Esther was afraid to act too, but with God\'s help, she stood up to save her people from Haman.  Esther\'s story inspires Stella to act bravely as well.  But can she overcome her fear of becoming a target herself?  Will God give her the courage she needs to do the right thing?

About the Author

Rebecca Rider is a credentialed teacher with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism.  She leads a children’s ministry at her church in Los Angeles.  This book was inspired by the true story of how a well-liked girl in Rebecca’s fourth grade class stood up for her when she was being bullied, and how God can use one act of courage to change lives for the better. 

The target market for this book is parents who want to demonstrate to their children how Scripture is relevant for our lives today, as well as the value of standing up for what is right, even when it isn’t easy.

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title: A Dog's Tale: Mack's Great Adventure

author: Natasha Cederberg

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 12.24.2013 • author id: CeN5380713

word count: 13,250


Macklin is a normal Scottish terrier living happily as a house pet with his family in a quiet, suburban part of town. But when his boy Andy is kidnapped and the police refuse to listen to the little dog’s helpful yips, it’s up to the Scotty to leave the front yard and venture out into the city to find him. With the help of a streetwise alley cat named Molly, Mack finds German Shepherd Hans and his gang of stray dogs. They agree to help him find Andy and bring him safely home, but where should they look? Macklin has no idea where the kidnappers have taken the boy or how to find him.  Besides that he has never been away from home before and everything around him is new and different.

Can the dogs find Andy and rescue him from his kidnappers to bring him home to his parents? Can they work together as a team despite their differences?

About the Author

Natasha Cederberg has lived on a farm in the rural Midwest all of her life. She enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and pets. She is a published playwright and an aspiring author, writing anything from children’s books to young adult fantasy fiction. She volunteers with her church’s AWANA program, working with the preschoolers.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Tangled Shadows

author: Kathleen A Butler

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.20.2014 • author id: BuK8132314

word count: 50,000


After her Grandaddy died unexpectedly, twelve-year-old Callie Bennett follows his directives to first bury him, then to find his best friend, Judge Riorden, in Cosman, Colorado. No one must know Callie and her five-year-old sister, Lexy are alone.  Callie does bury her beloved Grandaddy in a Texas pasture then drives their "bussalo" across New Mexico to Colorado.  She drives at night to keep from being detected by cops and encounters many adventures and difficulties along the way including a flat tire, getting stuck in a snowbank, being cared for by a loving Mexican couple, being hijacked by drug dealers, and finally stowing away in a horse trailer bound for Colorado.  Lexy becomes ill and Callie hides her in the barn of John and Maisy Thornton, the owners of the horse trailer.  Callie leaves Lexy in their hay barn while she rides the schoolbus to Cosman in search of Grandaddy's friend.  Instead of a judge, though, she finds an elderly man in a nursing home who doesn't know Grandaddy, at least not by the name Oliver J. Bennett.  When he does remember that his old friend, Dave Greenaway, changed his identity after going AWOL in the Vietnam War, he also recalls that there is a trust fund set up for Dave's heirs as well as a home right there in Cosman, just waiting for Callie and Lexy.  Even surprising to Mr. Riorden, is that his own son is Callie's father.

About the Author

I taught elementary school for many years and am now the children's librarian at Dolores Public Library, where I work with children from birth through middle grades.  I am a member of SCBWI and the Southwest Christian Writers Association. 

I completed two courses with the Institute of Children's Literature, attended the Highlights Foundation Workshop in Chataqua, New York, and the Write His Answer conference at Moody Bible Institute.  I have also participated in many other writing conferences and have presented workshops several times.

I lead a 4-H club where I teach children to work with alpacas and to weave their luscious fiber.

I have a web page at and will soon begin a blog for children's book reviews at I have many connections with other children's librarians and love to speak to children in

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title: Tales of Rathscar: The Tunnel Under Scarborough House

author: Will Vaus

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 4.25.2014 • author id: VaW2446514

word count: 44,350


The James Family (Ian, Deirdre and their four children—Tim, Liam, Ryan and Pip), move from America to a 12-bedroom Irish country manor, Scarborough House. 13-year-old Liam, who narrates this story, is the first to discover there are many unusual things about the house where they are living. Not only is it the site of an ancient battle, it is also built atop a faerie mound and has a tunnel running underneath it. Life only becomes weirder and more dangerous for Liam when he meets Tom the Leprechaun who lives, secretly, on the grounds of Scarborough House. While taking his brothers with him to search for Tom’s crock of gold in the tunnel, Liam and his brothers fall down a mineshaft into the strange land of Rathscar. However, that accident is only the beginning of their adventures. Before they are through their sister’s life will be put at great risk, and all four children will discover a truth about one of the members of their family that they never could have imagined.

About the Author

TALES OF RATHSCAR is my first work of fiction. However, I am a C. S. Lewis scholar with nine works of published nonfiction. For more information on my publishing history please see my web site:

This story is based loosely upon our family's experience of living with Douglas Gresham, the stepson of C. S. Lewis, in Ireland in 2004. We lived, for the better part of a year, in a large Irish country home built on an ancient fairy mound.

I read this completed story aloud to my son’s fifth grade class. Haley, age 11, said “It felt like I was in the story. I can’t wait until it is published.” Trevor, age 10, said “This is one of the best books in the world.” Katie, age 11, called the book: “Entertaining. Perfect for a kid between 9 & 12.” Monica, also age 11, said it was: “Awesome, great, interesting. I want to hear another.”



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title: The Dance

author: Luz Rios

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.4.2014 • author id: RiL1905614

word count: 1248


The doors open to the great ballroom and the grandeur is overwhelming. Surrounding the highly polished floors, ceiling-to-floor windows immediately draw the eye to nature’s canvas outside. Crystal chandeliers as brilliant as diamonds line the center of the ceiling and project prisms of light along the walls and floor, creating an enchanting scene. Golden plates overflowing with exquisite delicacies entice the eye, as well as the appetite. Sweet melodies fill the air as the king dances with each lady, making her feel as if she were the only one in the room.

At least that’s the way Lily imagines it to be. Although she has been invited, she has never actually gone through the golden doors. Her magical dance with the king has been delayed by her fear and doubt. But on a night that begins like any other, Lily learns an important lesson about her king—he desires to spend time with all who are willing, regardless of their perceived shortcomings.

About the Author

Luz C. Rios is an elementary bilingual/bicultural teacher in an urban school district. She has self-published two children’s stories. She teaches children’s Sunday school classes and is the storyteller for the annual children's Fun Fest in her community. She has been invited to be a guest author at schools in her district, where she is able to bring her books. This book is also available in Spanish, and she has connections with Spanish-speaking audiences in both professional and church circles.

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title: The Castaway Prince

author: Charles Kowalski

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.9.2014 • author id: KoC0467914

word count: 1000


“The Castaway Prince” is an allegory for what it means to keep faith in a risen Savior, in a world of doubters and mockers. Christopher’s mother tells him that he’s really a prince – that his father, who saved him from a shipwreck when he was a baby, is king of a land across the sea. And so Christopher decides to live like a prince, in the face of his friends’ ridicule and his own doubts, until the day when he can travel across the sea and learn the truth for himself.

About the Author

I am an English teacher, a lay brother in the Order of Ecumenical Franciscans, and an emerging writer on faith-based themes. My first manuscript, a mainstream thriller, won the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ 2013 Colorado Gold award, and was a finalist for both the Pacific Northwest Writers’ Association 2013 Zola Award and Killer Nashville’s 2013 Claymore Award.

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title: The Girl Who Feared the Rain

author: Luz Rios

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 6.7.2014 • author id: RiL1905614

word count: 550


The Rain People live high on the mountain. They are a peaceful, gentle people whose lives depend on the rain. Each day they go out and call down the rains to come and refresh, heal and cover them. All except one girl, whose fear of the rain keeps her from enjoying its benefits. She hides in her cabin and watches the others call down the rain and celebrate its arrival. Although she tries to imitate them from her hiding place, she is unable to call down the rain. One day she stretches out her hand to feed a small bird outside her window and feels the soft rain on her skin. Suddenly, she is no longer afraid, but quite thirsty for the rains. She joins the others, and before long, finds herself singing and dancing along with them. She realizes the folly in fearing the life giving waters of the rains for so long. This story seeks to encourage the believer to enter in and enjoy the life giving presence of God without fear or apprehension.

About the Author

Luz C. Rios is an Elementary Bilingual/Bicultural teacher in an urban school district. She has self-published two children’s stories. She teaches children’s Sunday school classes and is the storyteller for the annual community Fun Fest for children, which would provide an opportunity to sell this book. Her close ties to the pastor, who travels extensively and speaks at church conferences worldwide, would afford many opportunities for this book to be sold. She also has been invited to be a guest author at schools in her district where she is able to bring her books. This book is also available in Spanish, as she has connections with Spanish speaking audiences in both professional and church circles.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Nightingale's Song

author: Luz Rios

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.26.2014 • author id: RiL1905614

word count: 355


Lenny the nightingale has a song in his heart. He wants to share it, but can he find anyone who will listen? He attempts to share his song but is rejected every time. He finds himself turned away by others who are too busy, uninterested, and vain. Discouraged and alone, Lenny decides his song is not worthy to be sung. But bubbling inside him, the song will not be silenced. He opens up his beak and the song finds the ears of all those who rejected Lenny, as well as the one that wanted to hear it all along.  A story about the dangers of seeking the approval of others.  Sometimes those that reject our “song” are the ones who desperately need to hear it.

About the Author

Luz C. Rios is an Elementary Bilingual/Bicultural teacher in an urban school district. She has self-published two children’s stories. She teaches children’s Sunday school classes and is the storyteller for the annual community Fun Fest for children, which would provide an opportunity to sell this book. Her close ties to the pastor, who travels extensively and speaks at church conferences worldwide, would afford many opportunities for this book to be sold. She also has been invited to be a guest author at schools in her district where she is able to bring her books. This book is also available in Spanish, as she has connections with Spanish speaking audiences in both professional and church circles.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Little Miss Josephine Goes to Ballet

author: Kirsten Kline

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.23.2014 • author id: KlK1705514

word count: 1018


(Working Title:  Little Miss Josephine Goes to Ballet)

Five-year-old Josephine is a little girl who loves to dance.  With her wonderful imagination, she twirls and creates all over her house.  She dances for Mama and Daddy.  She dances for her black cat, Oscar.  Mostly she dances for herself.  On her fifth birthday, Mama and Daddy present her with the gift of ballet lessons.  Josephine excitedly goes to class where she meets her teacher, Miss Becca, and learns all sorts of ballet terms and movements.

Josephine learns from Miss Becca that the most important thing in ballet is to dance for Jesus, and not for herself.  And with that lesson, she determines to change the way she dances and twirls for the rest of her life.

About the Author

Kirsten Kline is the owner and artistic director of the award-winning Reverence Studios, a Christ-driven dance studio located in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania that teaches almost 300 dancers.  Outside of dance, she is a writer who has published several devotionals and articles.  For her work in developing the Leadership Program at Reverence Studios, Kirsten was a 2013 finalist for the prestigious Care to Share Award given by the Central PA Women’s Business Conference.


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title: Vincent La Rofa Hides Behinds the Sofa

author: Amber Kesselring

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.24.2014 • author id: KeA4571514

word count: 350


     Every kid needs a break once in a while--a time to be alone. Some may have called Vincent anti-social but he was just an imaginative, thoughtful fella who liked to hide away from time to time. Often taking his own time-outs to be by himself, a certain Vincent La Rofa enjoyed hiding behind his sofa--and not a few silly things happened as a result.

     This humorous children\'s story reads easily and reminds us all of the importance of time set aside to be alone.  It concludes with the verses from Matthew chapter 14: 22 & 23, \"Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself...\" (NIV)

About the Author

    Amber Kesselring has a degree in English Literature from Marietta College, but cites her best credentials as: faith, family, and many hours spent reading and rereading stories to her 7 children.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Smiley Face Stories: Tales of Character for Preschoolers

author: Jenna Eyers

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.1.2014 • author id: EyJ3466814

word count: 959


Smileville is a magical town of talking, walking and, of course, smiling faces.  In a style similar to that of Veggie Tales, creatures that are usually inanimate (round yellow balls) come to life to tumble through life’s lessons in many humorous ways. Each lesson equips the storyteller with age-appropriate content in order to teach biblical morals to some of life’s smallest learners.  The target audience for these stories is 3-5 year olds, with the target consumers being primarily parents and, secondarily, Sunday school teachers.  Stories are set in simple prose and include a supporting Bible verse, sing-a-long song, discussion questions, and a follow up activity.  Submitted are the first two stories of this series.


About the Author

Jenna Eyers holds a Masters in Business Administration and works in management at a local Christian rescue mission.  She was a finalist in Focus on the Family’s Adventures in Odyssey College Writers Scholarship Contest. She has served as a preschool teacher for her church for over six years.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: An Answer for Jayden

author: Lorna Nelson

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.9.2014 • author id: NeLS7N3T14

word count: 1100


"Who's going to watch for monsters under my bed? Who's going to teach me to fish or ride a bike? Who will fill my empty spot?" These are some of the questions, five year old Jayden asks God after his father dies. God answers these questions and more in a caring and understanding way. He answers with words and examples that are a part of Jayden's life. 'An Answer for Jayden' is written in dialogue form so it is easy for a young child to follow and understand.

About the Author

Several years ago, a student's father passed away. Having experienced the loss of a child, I knew children's books on grief were hard to find. There were adult books to help children cope, books about dying pets, but few dealt with parental loss from a child's perspective and fewer showed God's love, compassion and healing.

As a kindergarten teacher and having experienced intimate loss, I felt I was able to go into the mind of a child and see loneliness through his eyes

I am currently the kindergarten teacher/teacher librarian at Valley Christian Academy School in Saskatchewan. I have taught grades one to four as well as special needs students for over twenty five years. I am involved in my church through various children's ministries and worship leading. I have served on the board of Covenant Bible College and have written an article on mission work for the Canada Covenant.  

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: What the Dog Saw

author: Scott Kirk

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.30.2014 • author id: KiS6012414

word count: 7200


What would happen if someone stole baby Jesus from an outdoor Nativity scene? And what if the only one who could get him back was a small, scruffy dog?

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, and this little dog is as clever as he is brave.

Something special has been stolen, and it’s a daring adventure to get it back. And as in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, we learn that even the meanest person can have a change of heart and make things right.

What the Dog Saw is an inspiring tale that young children and grandchildren will want to hear again and again. When the holidays are over, add this book to your box of tree ornaments and nativity figures so children can rediscover it next Christmas.

*What the Dog Saw is part of a four-book series set in winter, spring, summer, and fall. In each book children learn important lessons about life and faith through the eyes of an extraordinary little dog.

About the Author

Scott Kirk (author) is an award-winning playwright. His educational plays Character Counts, 2Cool and Smoke Secrets have inspired thousands of children to make healthy choices. Critics have praised his unique style of storytelling in plays such as Abraham & Sarah and The Denmark Story (commissioned by South Carolina Humanities Council). He has appeared in numerous movies, the television pilot Yours, Mine and Ours, and a one-man show called Damien. He is the author of Chocolate Kisses and Twelve Stories for Christmas (both unpublished). His passion for helping others has led to careers with K-LOVE Radio and Feed My Starving Children. Scott resides near Chicago.

Tim Hartman (illustrator) is an award-winning cartoonist whose works have appeared in newspapers, magazines, and books nationwide. For the past fifteen years Tim has been writing and performing assembly programs for schools throughout Pennsylvania. He is also a professional stage and film actor.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Mama George's Marvelous Mud House

author: April Graney

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.10.2014 • author id: GrA7433814

word count: 995 words


George and his mother live in a marvelous mud house on the side of a mountain in Kenya. George is studying to take his eighth grade exams, which will determine where he might go to high school. But money is scarce, farming is difficult, and Mama George knows that unless God intervenes, she will not be able to pay for George’s schooling. George watches his mother praying and walking the long miles of the red dirt trail to the village to work every day. He works hard planting and harvesting, but worries how he will provide for his mother one day if he does not attend high school.

Five, privileged, almost-spoiled children meet George and his mother and are invited to visit their home. Far from their Oklahoma horse ranch, these children visit George’s marvelous mud house for a meal and an adventure. They witness the hard work, generosity, and faith in George’s family and realize for the first time that having little is enough. While they return home eager to work and help George’s family, they receive an even greater gift: the gift of contentment. This is a whimsical telling based on a true story.

About the Author

April Graney is a forgiven sinner in love with Jesus, a wife and the mother of five children. She holds a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor’s Degree in English. The market for this book would be global, Christ-centered parents wanting to teach their children about faith, generosity, compassion, and the needs of the poor. Serving with her husband in full time camping ministry, she has visited 8 countries on 4 continents, and taken children with her on 4 international trips. She enjoys public speaking.

April’s blog is She hopes to encourage others in allowing God to form them into a marvelous mud house for his glory based on Isaiah 64:8.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Rigby Raccoon and the Missing Birthday Cake

author: Karen Monteith

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 1.10.2015 • author id: MoK2877915

word count: 923 words including the title


     Rigby Raccoon’s birthday has finally arrived! He decorated his home with blue streamers and red balloons and provided party hats and kazoos for each of his guests. Suddenly, it occurs to Rigby that he has forgotten to bake a birthday cake. After a frustrating search, he is delighted to find an old recipe for Strawberry Birthday Cake—how perfect!
     Later that afternoon, Rigby discovers the beautiful strawberry birthday cake he made to share with his friends has disappeared, and only a trail of crumbs leading into the forest remain. It is then up to Rigby and his friends, Horace Rabbit, Thaddeus Squirrel and Oscar Owl to follow the clues and solve the mystery—a journey that takes them deep into the forest.
     This humorous read along story is targeted for children ages five through seven and portrays the importance of and strength in friendship, working together, and the uniqueness of each individual.

About the Author

     Karen H. Monteith has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with a concentration in Journalism and a minor in Special Education from Western Carolina University. Ms. Monteith is actively involved with her church, including its women’s ministry. She currently holds a position in the telecommunications industry and can assist in creating opportunities within social media and local and regional book stores to promote book sales. She and her husband make their home in western North Carolina.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Brandon and the Bathtub Monster

author: Lucinda Rollings

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 1.23.2015 • author id: RoL4614215

word count: 1,000


The old-fashioned, claw-footed bathtub looks and sounds like a monster to me!  Its two round faucet handles gleam like eyeballs. Its long snout-of-a-nose drip . . . drip . . . drips.  Its rumbling Glug! Glug! impromptu noises make me shiver.  You won’t catch me taking a bath and being swirled down the drain, never to be seen again.

Brandon feels the same way, although he is too young to articulate it.  The monster in his grandparents' house gives him the willies.  When Grandmother reads Brandon his favorite story about Daniel in the lions' den, Brandon learns that the same God who shut the lions’ mouths can also take care of him.  But when it comes to taking a bath, Brandon is still afraid.  How will Grandma and Grandpa convince him the monster only slurps chocolate soup and Brandon won’t be guzzled down the drain? 

About the Author

Lucinda is a wife, mother, grandmother, and freelance writer who has had Bible curriculum, articles, stories, puzzles, skits, and lessons published in over fifty Christian books and publications. 

Her ministries include teaching (from tots to adults) as well as thirty-six years serving with her husband in Awana Clubs International--ten of those years as a missionary. Awana's mission is evangelism and discipleship.

Promotion of this book could be through church, individual, and missionary relationships.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Like God in My Book?

author: Deana Perry

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.2.2015 • author id: PeD6650215

word count: 2230


Boone is always asking "Why?" and his parents struggle to satisfy his curiosity until they begin to answer in relation to God's Word. From questions about rainbows to a trip to the hardware story for more Christmas lights, Boone and his parents demonstrate how everyday occurances offer an opportunity to teach children about God's wondrous love, grace, and power. Each anecdote is followed by supporting Scripture for discussion and reflection.

The heartwarming exchanges between Boone and his parents introduce young children to the Bible and support their common questions and curiosity in a faith-based way. A seemingly simple question from a child can stump the most conscientious of parents and cause moments of panic when the answer is not always as simple as the question. For parents, the underlying lesson is not to rely on our own understanding but to look to God for the answers.

About the Author

Deana Perry is a stay-at-home mother and wife. The book is based on her journey of faith and struggle to answer her three-year-old son's many questions as he seemed to search for the greater meaning of the world and who he is in it. She realized it is never to early for a child to learn about the greatness of God and never too late for an adult to begin searching for the answers God has given. Deana is a combat veteran with 12 years of active military service, has most recently served as an advocate for wounded soldiers, and is currently a graduate student at Liberty University pursuing a degree in Human Services and Executive Leadership. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Storyteller

author: Linda Cummins

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 1.24.2015 • author id: CuL2323515

word count: 4044


Project: FUN Inspirational Bible Stories

Included: 46 pages



Colorful Story telling at it’s best.



The story teller’s goal is to reinforce your child’s identity and self-esteem. The children are not just spectators. Each child becomes part of the story.
Through the stories, Parents will find an open door to discuss problems all children face.


About the Author

My name is Linda Cummins and I was born in Marshall Texas. I’m from an old east

Texas family. My grandmother’s great grandfather came to Texas from Virginia and

married a Cherokee woman. My childhood was steeped in history. I grew up listing to

family stories about traveling in wagon trains and the Chisholm Trail. From the age of

nine all my winters were spent in the Virginia’s Tidewater area. My summers were all

spent back home in Texas. My parents were history buffs and I spent my childhood

traveling to historical sights. I spent four years researching, illustrating and writing this


Linda Cummins

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Who's Living in the Library?

author: Anna Thiel

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.28.2015 • author id: ThA4885415

word count: 17300


Fifth-grader Tyson and his friends are challenged one Sunday morning to carry out Jesus' instructions in Matthew 25:35-40. However, in a comfortable samll town like Masonville, Michigan, can they find people who don't already have everything they need? By keeping his eyes and ears open, Tyson finds Mark, a thirteen-year-old boy hiding in plain sight in the town's library. Mark needs food, clothes, and, most importantly, someone to care about him. Can Tyson and his friends help?

About the Author

Anna Thiel has a degree in journalism and years of experience in news, feature, and grant writing. The mother of two nearly grown sons and aunt of several dozen nieces and nephews, she draws from life experiences and observations to write fiction for children in elementary and middle schools. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Hark

author: Erin Campbell

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.20.2015 • author id: CaE6110715

word count: 1200


Hark is about the adventures of a young messenger angel named Hark.  It tells the story of the messages he was sent to deliver and the people he was sent to deliver them to.

How will Hark get their attention? Will the people listen? Once they have heard God's message, how will they remember it?

Hark discovers that the world is a noisy place full of all kinds of messages, many of which are not from God. He knows he must come up with some way to help the people hear and remember God's messages.

While this is a wonderful book for children, it will resonate with anyone who loves a good story.  The themes of love, listening, and loyalty touch hearts of all ages. The story of Hark reaffirms God's love for each one of us and inspires us to listen for His voice as we journey through life. 


About the Author

Erin is a master storyteller, a craft she honed during her 25 years of children and youth ministry, as well as her 10-plus years as a classroom teacher and a youth and young adult group therapist in a public school setting.  Erin co-wrote a character development curricula that is still being used today in the Rockford Public School system.  She has also written and self-published several youth devotionals as well as many small-group curricula and devotional series for Rockford First Church, which averages 4,500 plus in weekly attendance.

Erin has a website,, with a blog following of several hundred. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Splashes of Joy While My Heart Is Sad


category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.20.2015 • author id: MID5224015

word count: 2100


Walk with Emily, Carter, and Chloe as they experience the death of their little sister, Gracie.  Learn about what happens when someone you love goes to live with Jesus, including the funeral service and what you may feel during and after this sad, dark time. Find joy in the journey of grief and a reminder of God's bigger plan.

About the Author

Dorothy Miller is wife to Lowell and mama to four precious ones, three on earth and one in Heaven.  She is grieving the loss of her three-year-old daughter, who passed away in July 2014.  Since then she has blogged her grief journey, and in the process has ended up facilitating healing for others who were never able to fully grieve their own losses. She speaks to local groups on the subjects of grief and loss and how her faith in God has carried her through. She is the granddaughter of Amish author David Wagler and niece to New York Times best-selling author Ira Wagler.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: A Wild Duck Named Ziggy

author: Martha Ticen

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.24.2015 • author id: TiM2345215

word count: 954


Suzy Summers doesn’t have a pet. On the last day of school before summer vacation, the student’s assignment is to give a report of their favorite pet or one they would like to have. Suzy always wanted a puppy, but her mother cannot afford one. However, Ziggy, a wild duck helped Suzy solve her problem.


About the Author

Martha Jo Ticen, retired from the Orange County School System. She went on to earn an Associate in Science Degree in Marketing and Sales and worked in sales for many years. She has volunteered as a Sunday school teacher, children’s church leader, class room assistant for K-3rd grade. She is currently working on a marking plan that may include a webpage, eBooks and personally visiting local establishments that sell children’s books. 

The story of Ziggy is a series of three picture book manuscripts. Each story is less than 1000 words.  

1. A Wild Duck Named Ziggy

2. Ziggy Goes to the Vet

3. Ziggy Disappears

 However, Martha believes, the story could also be an easy-to-read manuscript for children ages

7-10. The word count would be approximately 2200 words.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Tummy Tree

author: Miriam (Mim) DeMille

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 4.22.2015 • author id: DeMK0K3J15

word count: 800


This children\'s book was inspired by a real-life event:  in other words, it is the stuff that life is about. Instead of using my daughter as the main character, though, I chose \"Maxie,\" who can be interpretted as a boy or as a girl, thus widening the target audience.  In this book, Maxie is learning about his/her family tree, which is simplified in explanation to \"the tummy tree.\"  However, the book doesn\'t stop there, for the message that this book seeks to impart is that we are all part of God\'s family, adopted to become His children, and everyone has a home in His love.

This book is meant to make readers laugh, and also to allow readers to be active participants in the story. It will keep the adult relayers and the children receiving the story very engaged and entertained.  Everyone can see themselves in this story, and parents/guardians will welcome the opportunity to have the proverbial puzzler of \"how babies come into the world\" and \"why are some families different\" simplified for their children.



About the Author

I am an educator with over a decade of experience in the classroom, and becoming a mom put me in a whole new classroom for the first time.  Life, and my love for communicating with children in a meaningful/engaging way, gave me this script.  Also, as a person who has long considered adoption as perhaps the most meaningful way to grow our family, I wanted to advocate for the beauty of answering God\'s adoption plan for humanity with the willingness to provide a loving home for even one of His children.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Little Giants as The Mysterious Six in the Astonishing Whodunit Chicken Mystery

author: Audrey Harrell

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.25.2015 • author id: HaA8132315

word count: 27,800


The Mysterious Six, a young detectives club with a knack for adventure, have quite the mystery to solve.  Robyn's chickens keep coming up missing and it will take some serious sluething to discover who or what the culprit is and stop him. Solving this case is a matter of life or death (for the chickens, that is) and it will take every bit of their deductive skills to figure it out. But little do they realize that there is Someone they can't see who is watching over them and working things out.  They think that they're just a detective's club, but He sees them as His 'Little Giants', doing amazing things for the Kingdom of God!  They are His powerful warriors in 'little people suits' who are unkowingly following His lead every step of the way.  Solving this will be one small victory for the Mysterious Six but one GIANT victory for the Kingdom of God!

About the Author

I have five glorious grandchildren (ages 8-14) who walk in the power and authority of Jesus.  I've seen amazing things done through their hands and God continues to flabberghast me with what He will do with a willing vessel.  I have seen this-I am an eye witness of what He can do through children.  I can think of no other credential as powerful and effective as seeing it and experiencing it firsthand. 

I feel there needs to be more books (is there ANY?) on the subject of little warriors out doing Kingdom stuff.  I suspect the very idea of little ones being spiritual giants could catch on and spread like fire.  I think the timing of this truth will market itself. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Mind Your Morals Adventures in Principles

author: Ann Goad

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 6.23.2015 • author id: GoA7606315

word count: 12,947


 Mind Your Morals is a series of seven children’s stories, which are based on different verses from the NIV Bible.  In each story, a wise and sensitive girl named Emily, members of her family and an expanding group of friends in the Grace Lane Gang confront real issues that challenge kids today.  These stories end with Emily’s bedtime prayer, when she reviews with Jesus the day’s events and the lessons that she learned from her experience.  Following every story is a Lesson Guide, with a series of questions designed to determine the readers’ understanding of the concept and its application to their own lives.  An inspirational thought concludes each lesson.

About the Author

Ann Goad published in the juvenile market in 2009.  Licensed Professional Christian Counselor, Dell Canright offered this inspiring endorsement; This Book will not only entertain your youngster, but will also teach them character qualities that will guide them throughout life.  I highly recommend this resourse. Retired teacher and webmaster of Garden of Praise, Patsy Stevens has graciously offered to advertise on her website created in 1999 and used by Sunday school teachers, educators in elementary schools, and by homeschool parents.  Patsy Stevens offered this endorsement of the author's work; Ann Goad's book, Mind Your Morals, containing seven short stories featuring the Grace Gang provide the parent or educator an effective tool for teaching Biblical principles.  Children learn such valuable lessons as striving to be truthful, helpfullness, looking to the interests of others, and patience. In Super Sonic Shawn Tammy learns that her discouraging words to her brother can have long term negative consequences.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: "The Kid Who Wouldn't Go To Sleep"

author: Geoffrey & Ramya Black

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 6.23.2015 • author id: BlG9150415

word count: 795


Once upon a time there was a kid who wouldn\'t go to sleep.  Usually, his mother tucked him into bed because his father worked late. This night, however, it was just the kid and his dad.  Now, the kid was having the best time even though his father was too busy to play. The best time that is, until his father said, "Time for bed!" “But,” said the kid... 
Facing an epic good night battle of biblical proportions, the father resorts to every possible ploy leading to a series of comedic encounters -- but not to a wink of sleep. Then, when it seems as though the kid will never go to sleep something unexpected happens. A prayer that changes everything...  But will the kid ever go to sleep?

At a time when the average father, according to one study, spends only 37.7 seconds per day with his young children in meaningful conversation and interaction, meet “The Kid Who Wouldn’t Go To Sleep.” The first in a series of “Kid Who Wouldn’t…” picture books, and maybe even a small part of God\'s Malachi 4:6 solution that might just help dads spend more than 37.7 seconds per day with their kids.

About the Author

Geoffrey and Ramya Black are a writer/illustrator team with deep roots in children\'s entertainment and education. Geoffrey's experience at Universal Pictures in feature film development on numerous family films (including "Babe," "The Flintstones" & "Jurassic Park") and Ramya's experience as an animation artist at Disney and DreamWorks (on such films as "Kung Fu Panda: The Furious Five," "Hercules" and "The Prince of Egypt") served as an ideal training ground for their collaboration as creators of children's books that inspire and entertain. Geoffrey holds a BA in Commnication from USC and Ramya is a graduate of the Walt Disney Feature Animation Training Program. Both have won awards in their respective fields. Members of The Church on the Way in Van Nuys, California, they have served in Children's ministries for over ten years. "The Kid Who Wouldn't Go To Sleep" would be their debut picture book. In the midst of a growing epidemic of fatherlessness touching millions, "The Kid..." is perfectly positioned to help serve both parents and attention-starved children. It would also be an ideal Father's day release with year-round appeal.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Gathering

author: John Milor

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.13.2015 • author id: MiJ9361115

word count: 36,926


     The Gathering is the backstory of Noah's Ark, as told from the perspective of the animals. Just as Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord, so it was with the animals chosen to board the ark. According to Scripture, these animals were not gathered by Noah; they made this journey on their own (see Genesis 6:20). What's more, many of these animals were predator and prey, yet they peacefully coexisted during this brief time in history.

     The story begins with a select few among the chosen who are blessed with unique spiritual gifts for completing this great quest. To an eagle was given the gift of true sight; only he can see the mark of the chosen. To a young lion was given miraculous faith; to a black sheep, a selfless heart; to a subtle serpent, the keenest intellect; and to a white wolf, an unyielding hope in times of despair.

    Guided by their prophetic dreams, these animals sense they are on the edge of a great precipice. They heed a peculiar calling as they are drawn to the ark, which beckons them from the summit of the Mountain of Gathering.

About the Author

     John Milor is an author of ten books, four of which are self-published. His genres vary, but his Christian worldview remains consistent.

     He recently graduated from National University with a Master's in professional screenwriting. The Gathering was adapted from his screenplay of the same name, which comprised a portion of his Master's Thesis.

     This story will have a tremendous appeal to Christian audiences in particular, and is aimed at parents and their children. However, the story of Noah's Ark is found in many religions, and is almost universally known around the globe. The powerful themes of redemption, sacrifice, faith, hope, love, and righteousness portrayed in this story are highly valued by parents worldwide, so The Gathering should appeal to any parents who want their children to experience such a powerful and uplifting story.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Three Modern Parables

author: Suzanne Felton

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.14.2015 • author id: FeS2015515

word count: 5400


A girl raising an adventuresome puppy, a hardworking farmer and his faithful horse, and a wise king who loves birdwatching.  What can they teach us about spiritual truths? 

Inspired by Jesus’ use of parables to convey complex wisdom through simple stories, these three modern-day parables use engaging characters to illustrate concepts from God’s Word for children and adults alike.

"The Master’s Voice": The story of a curious puppy who resents the leash and the fence that keep it from going wherever it wishes. 

"The Farmer’s Horses": The story of prized and pampered horses who choose the comfort of their stables over hard work, only to discover that the one horse who answers the call to a difficult task receives the greatest reward. 

"The King’s Birds": A wise and powerful king who delights in birdwatching takes great pains to provide for his feathered friends during a time of drought, but is disappointed to find that few of them choose to accept his gift.

About the Author

Suzanne Felton is the stay-at-home mother of two boys.  A graduate of Duke University, she put aside a career in biological defense analysis to devote time to her family and volunteer work.  She and her husband have been teaching first-grade Sunday School at their church in the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area for seven years, and this experience has taught her much about how children grasp and relate to God’s Word.  Through her work at her church as well as life with two children, she has connections at several Christian schools and child care centers where this book could be promoted and potentially sold.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Busted Up House in the Broke Down Town

author: Brandon Storm

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 6.24.2015 • author id: StB4336015

word count: 850


Have you ever felt like you were stuck living in the wrong place? In this gospel allegory, we meet Seth, who's life is quickly going from bad to worse. The only thing falling apart faster is his house, but he is too poor to fix it up. He desperately wants to improve his home, but nothing is working.

Then he meets the mysterious Joshua. Joshua offers him a radical choice that sounds better than his wildest dreams. Will Seth risk everything he has and trust Joshua? Is it possible that a better life is available?

The familiar themes of rescue and redemption are told in fresh and child friendly manner that will spark curiosity and discussion among readers of all ages.

About the Author

Brandon Storm currently serves as a Worship Arts pastor in west-central Ohio. He has a bachelor's degree in Leadership and Ministry from Ohio Christian University.  He and his wife Sheridon stay busy with their two year old son, Paxton, and are eagerly awaiting son number two coming October 2015. Outside of serving his local church, Brandon is a popular speaker and worship leader.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Wee-Dunkers

author: Anne Marie Hawke

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.10.2015 • author id: HaA2401815

word count: 3300


Everything was going along as it always had in the solitary Wee-Dunker village hidden deep in the woods on the edge of their beloved riverbed.  That is, until "he" showed up.  A stranger arrives, and with him comes a moral dilemma, and an adventure into unknown territory.  He is an outsider and different than they are.  Will they accept him, or make him leave?  Can they overcome their narrow-minded ways? Will they learn anything from this new visitor? 

Come on this fun and exciting journey, as the Wee-Dunkers learn the value of love and acceptance.

About the Author

Anne Marie Hawke is a story-teller, and the Wee-Dunkers were birthed as a series of bedtime stories she would tell to her two children.  She is also a self-published author of a book of poetry, and has been published in her college literary journal.  She is a member of her local writer's group: The SW Roanoke Christian Writer's Group, and has local personal contacts with several schools, churches, bookstores, and teachers which would be utilized in the sale of this children's book. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Rigby Raccoon Gets a Job

author: Karen Monteith

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.10.2015 • author id: MoK2877915

word count: Not including title - 978


Rigby Raccoon gazes with admiration and longing at the shiny red bouncy ball in the window of Mr. Groundhog’s store. His problem, however, is that he doesn’t have the fifty cents that Henley Groundhog wants for the ball. He despairs until Mr. Groundhog offers him a job in his store for the afternoon. After stocking some cans of tomatoes and diligently sweeping and dusting the store, Rigby is satisfied that he has done a good job and that the red bouncy ball will soon be his. However, he doesn’t count on the arrival of Jasper Bear who is covered in water and mud from rolling in the creek and shakes it all off in the newly cleaned store! This heartwarming story helps children understand the importance of working for something they want and doing a good job. Also hidden in the story is the message that setbacks can occur and that true friends are a wonderful treasure.

About the Author

Karen H. Monteith has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with a concentration in Journalism and a minor in Special Education from Western Carolina University. Ms. Monteith is actively involved with her church, including its women’s ministry. She currently holds a position in the telecommunications industry and can assist in creating opportunities within social media and local and regional book stores to promote book sales. She and her husband make their home in western North Carolina.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Snowflake

author: Claire van Ryn

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.25.2015 • author id: vaC725015

word count: 239


One in four women have or will lose a baby to miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death. 

The pain for family facing such difficult circumstances can be eased when the life of their child is acknowledged outright, no matter how long they lived in utero, or how many breaths they took beyond. 

The value God places on life is clear and should be claimed for these little ones too. Psalm 139 illuminates this: “For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb… Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” (verses 13 & 16) 

Snowflake is a book after God’s own heart for children. While not overtly ‘Christian’ in its wording, it seeks to bring understanding about pregnancy loss and infant death to children while nurturing clarity and healing in adults.  It is a simple tale of a bunny, a snowflake and woodland friends that brings light to a dark topic not often discussed.

About the Author

We are Claire (newspaper columnist and writer) and Kristy (primary school teacher) and have each experienced loss; Claire through miscarriage and Kristy through neo-natal death.  We recognised the absence of creative and sensitive illustrated children’s books that address the difficult topic of a baby’s death and a mother’s grief. 

Claire writes for a newspaper with a readership of 60,000 (also published online), as well as a blog with a connected Facebook page: Her 2012 Manuscript of the same title as her blog won the Australian Young Christian Writer Award. 

Between us, we have a large range of affiliations we would be comfortable to call on for publicity and support when our book is published, including (but not limited to):

Bible Society Australia, Emily’s Voice (Australian pro-life campaign), The Examiner Newspaper, Tasmanian church networks, Tasmanian school networks, Flourish Women’s Day Out, Belle Magazine, Australian Christian Lobby, SparkLit.    

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Guarding the Deep: The Secret Bunker

author: Sarah Robinson

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 1.24.2016 • author id: RoS2650816

word count: 63,000


GUARDING THE DEEP is a Middle Grade mystery novel. Connor Van Buren, aged fifteen, experiences an unusual rite of passage after his beloved grandfather passes away. A Boy Scout in name only, Connor is mandated to community service following a prank that backfired. When strange men attempt a break-in at his beloved Grandfather’s house, the ensuing suspense uncovers U.S. top secrets. Connor must decide which is more important: expose the truth about his beloved Grandfather, who worked undercover as a “Bordyce Associate,” or break curfew and be sent to military school. The setting is the Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia in the summer of 1976, and the book depicts the US government's part on the world stage during the Cold War Era.

GUARDING THE DEEP is 63,000 words. Based on the once top-secret underground Bunker at the famous Greenbrier Hotel, this book will challenge young teens with its complex social issues, history and political intrigue. Connor is thrust into uncovering the truth at the Willow Spa Hotel. Longtime Hotel employees Henry Jones and Roland Fritz are onto Connor. He elicits the help of two trusted friends, Spencer and Katie Kates, but knows he must access the secret bunker alone.


About the Author

History teachers, Christian home school groups, Boy Scouts, middle school and high school students and teenagers will want to read and study GUARDING THE DEEP. The Greenbrier Resort hosts 250,000 guests per year. This book is based on the intrigue surrounding the resort, and will have unique appeal to the region. Popular tours of the bunker are given daily by the hotel.

WV is home to the new ‘Summit,’ the premier location for the annual Boy Scout Jamboree, with 50,000 attendees. 

I am connected to thousands of readers through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, women’s Christian ministry groups such as Moms in Prayer, and with friends and family throughout my home state of West Virginia.

I have interviewed Robert Conte, the Greenbrier Hotel historian, and feel certain he will give his endorsement of this book. I have connections with The Boy Scouts of America through one of their most faithful supporters, GEICO, Inc.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Rigby Raccoon and a Christmas Promise

author: Karen Monteith

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.23.2016 • author id: MoK2877916

word count: 997


It is Christmas Eve morning, and the tiny hamlet of Berry Hollow is bustling with excitement! At the corner of Walnut and Apple Street, Rigby Raccoon is pounding on Henley Groundhog’s front door. Rigby had promised to wake up the groundhog from his winter sleep on Christmas Eve. Later, as Rigby and Henley are enjoying a warm fire and hot apple cider, the groundhog remembers that he also had promised to wake up Ollie Bear and her two cubs, Tulip and Daisy, for Christmas. Rigby solicits the help of his friend Edgar Elk to help them make the journey to the Bears’ den on Pine Mountain. Once they reach the den, there is discussion on how to awaken the big Ollie Bear from her winter’s sleep. By working together, they come up with a solution that utilizes Henley Groundhog’s talent for whistling. On Christmas Day, the mayor of Berry Hollow, Oscar Owl, asks Tulip and Daisy, with Rigby’s help, to place a wooden star on top of the town’s Christmas tree. The story ends with Oscar Owl telling of a good and wondrous light that came into the world a long, long time ago. For ages five through seven.



About the Author

Karen Monteith holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with a concentration in journalism and a minor in special education from Western Carolina University. She currently serves in a leadership role at her church and within her church’s Women's Missionary Union. She is employed in the telecommunications industry and can assist in creating opportunities within both social media and local and regional book stores to promote book sales. She and her husband make their home in western North Carolina.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: When Will I Feel Normal Again? A Workbook for the Divorce Journey

author: Natalie Knox

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.1.2016 • author id: KnN2965116

word count:


Communicating with children after a divorce is often a challenge, and many parents feel at a loss about how their children are doing and how to help them. Big emotions and limited vocabulary often get in the way of children expressing what is going on inside.  When Will I Feel Normal Again? is a collection of seven stories aimed at five- to ten-year-olds, about seven main emotions many children feel after a divorce.  Written from the perspective of two children, Liam and Emily, the stories will give young readers the vocabulary they need to identify their feelings and allow parents to get a glimpse into their children’s hearts and minds. The fun activities after each story give this book a workbook feel, making it a valuable tool for both families and other children’s workers. The stories include Scripture, which brings God’s truth and comfort to hurting hearts.


About the Author


Natalie Knox is a happily married mother to three, a writer, and an enthusiastic primary school teacher. She and her husband pastored in South Africa, where she set up a divorce recovery center for kids. She has since lived in the UK and is presently living in Spain. She has a background in pastoral and trauma counselling and has always been drawn to help hurting children. 


Currently she has connections with Childline Andalucia in Spain, and she has also maintained relations with churches in the UK and South Africa. She has many contacts and counsellors she has trained in South Africa, all of which would provide possible markets for the book.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Kids' Bites

author: Jucin John

category: fiction • subcategory: Children • date submitted: 9.13.2016 • author id: JoJ503416

word count: 7,000 words


Kids' Bites are bite-sized pieces about life that kids take, each bite helping them understand intangible virtues that God wants us to exemplify.

This book is aimed at children 3-8 years, and it is meant to be read by the parent(s) and child(ren) together. It deals with 10 themes or life lessons. Each life lesson is a virtue we want our children to grow up with, for example, Respect, Honesty, etc. However, none of it is drummed into them. We teach them the value of these lessons through theme-related stories and connect them to God's viewpoint on the theme via the Bible. Each life lesson will take less than 10-15 minutes.

Each Life Lesson includes:

  • An introduction/lead in titled Think It Over
  • A story titled Story Time
  • A Bible verse titled Bible Time
  • A few discussion points titled Talk It Over
  • A Prayer titled Pray Over It

About the Author


The Creative Writing Specialization course I completed with honors during the course of my Master's degree in English Literature, helped me understand the depth of my passion toward the written word but it was only after I started working in the publishing industry that I realized the power of children's literature.

I have worked in the publishing industry as an in-house editor and proofreader since 2007. For 7 of the following years, I have been blessed to work in the children's section of the publishing industry. As a result, writing and editing content with children as end-users comes quite naturally to me. I have also worked with the Adelaide City Council (Mayor's Office) on a publication project.

Currently, I work with the Christian Journal for Global Health as the Associate Editor for Layout Production.

Marketing Features:

  • Target Audience/Customers: Christian families with children aged 3-8 years
  • Market: There aren't many Christian books in the market right now that deal with the themes of honesty, respect, etc, and that provide discussion points and theme-related, customized stories. So, the market is ripe for the taking.
  • Customer Satisfaction: I've received postive reviews and complete customer satisfaction from parents and kids on whom the samples have been tested. To add to customer satisfaction, we can provide a bonus section with pages of activities at the end of the book with a Word Search game (themes from the book), etc that kids and parents can do together. 
  • Objective: To balance God's suggestions with regard to the book and customer satisfaction. One area of difficulty that could crop up is that parents don't always have the time to sit with their kids to do the discussion and read with them. There are 2 strategies to handle the situation: #1. Kids can read the stories themselves (if they have learned to read) and parents can do the discussion points at a later date (or) #2. Parents can keep the book to be read on weekends or once a week with their kids. 
  • Plan: This book is meant to be one of a series. The first needs to be agressively and continuously promoted aimed at Christian parents to set the tone for all the rest in the series. Some suggestions: #1. A countdown to the book release can be provided with multiple regular online marketing statuses talking about the current condition of the world (for example, greed) and juxtaposing with God's ideal instead (for example, a "marketing story/anecdote" that I will gladly provide that clearly shows children that greed is the antithesis of God's plan for us). We do not have many books of this type in the market right now. So promotions can loudly declare this. #2. We can set anticipation up by contacting kids' ministries and asking notable people to provide reviews (once we have provided them with the book and a non-disclosure agreement is signed).  

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: His Lamb I Am

author: Ann Babel

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.10.2017 • author id: BaA4004516

word count: 650


Using Jesus' analogy that we are like sheep this book shows that as a shepherd cares for his sheep Jesus cares for us.  It also shows that we have a responsibliity to do our part in the choices we make.  Children can learn to depend on Jesus and make good choices.

About the Author

I was a pastor's wife for 46 years and a mother of 4 chidren. I taught Sunday school and Vacation  Bible school for many years. I love to read and have written plays, poems and articles for church. I have written three children books to self publish and they have sold well by word of mouth.  HIS LAMB I AM  has sold 600 copies.  It is a favorite for Easter and baby showers.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Ball That Finn Found

author: Carina Wood

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 11.7.2016 • author id: WoC9866216

word count: 43,343


Finn likes safe things and solid facts.  But when his parents move the family into a new city and a new house that hasn't been lived in for fifty years, it's not a surprise when the local kids tell him it's haunted.  The mystery deepens when Finn finds a very special ball in the house and strange things start happening around him.  After being chased through the woods by a large creature with blue fur, Finn knows something is very wrong.  Then, a local boy goes missing, and he is compelled to go looking for him.  With help from the ball, Finn ventures through many doors, including one out of his world, to rescue the missing boy.  

See teaser trailer at:

About the Author

Carina Wood got her start writing in media. She has worked for several live, multi-platform youth events and television, including the Acquire the Fire traveling tour. She has written and edited many short videos for performing artists, including Flyleaf and P.O.D., as well as marketing videos for Microsoft and other reputable internet companies. She has written three complete novels (two Young Adult novels, and one Middle Grade novel), and she has experience writing for clients and producers, often editing the work many times until it is presentably entertaining and meaningful.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Do You Still Love Me?

author: Jonathan Bodine

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 12.17.2016 • author id: BoJ7300316

word count: 320 words


Do You Still Love Me? is a gentle rhyme that tells a powerful message for children.  Young animals, ranging from a sheep to a shark, are reassured by family members that they are loved even if they look a little differently than their friends.  For all children who have ever wished, or will ever wish, that something about their life were different, Do You Still Love Me? makes it clear that both their family’s love and God’s love are unconditional.

About the Author

Since most children will go through a period where they do not like something about themselves, this book is perfect for anyone who wants to share a powerful message with preschool to early elementary-aged children that they are loved no matter what. 

Jonathan Bodine is the father of a beautiful daughter, and this is a message he wanted her to hear.  Jonathan and his wife, Amanda, actively attend a church of 2500 members in Oklahoma City, and Amanda is a blogger for OKC Mom’s Blog and Splendry.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Parable of the Field Mouse

author: Wendy Talene

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 1.10.2017 • author id: TaW9826417

word count: 1000


A hungry field mouse, searcing for food, finds a secret cache of wheat kernels. Torn between his own hunger and the needs of his neighbors, he must choose, day after day either to keep the food or give it away. He never suspects that the pile of wheat is actually trickling from a wheat silo full of more wheat than he could ever eat. This is a beautiful story of generosity when it seems there is not much to give.

About the Author

As this is a children's book and the short body of writing will speak for itself, I will address my ability to design and market effective verbal and visual communications in various media, which has been an element of much of my professional life. In university recruitment, I wrote and designed numerous marketing materials with great success, increasing enrolment considerably. I currently run two successful Etsy shops in which I have successfully designed and marketed unique print media. ( and In my Elsewhen shop, I have designed and written original sewing patterns for my hat designs and have received 100% positive reviews, with thousands of customers in over 40 countries. Many reviewers comment on my clear communication and helpful illustrations. With an entrepreneurial personality and broad social media network, I am eager to creatively promote this book. Additionally, I am a mother of two toddler boys who love this story and can't wait for it to be "a real book". My social circles include many parents of young children and homeschooling enthusiasts who are eager to in turn, spread word of the book to their circles. As a missional Christian, I am eager to contribute a storybook that effectively teaches a sound biblical principle i a memorable and relatable way. As an artist, I am able to produce beautiful and engaging illustrations for this story (samples ready to submit).

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Heavenly Humblebee: Earthly Missions of a Heavenly Bumblebee

author: Amy Burns

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 4.10.2017 • author id: BuA2597617

word count: 14,312


Heavenly Humblebee is no ordinary bumblebee. In fact, she's an extraordinary bee with an even more extraordinary job. After all, what could be greater than living in Heaven, tending to the gardens and preparing honey for The King? Nothing! Or so she thought ... but God has an even greater plan for His sweet little bee. Join this heavenly bumblebee as she embarks on an earthly mission to help others. She’ll help them discover the God who created and loves them, and she'll assist them in finding His purpose for their lives. You don't want to miss this amazing journey!

About the Author

Amy Burns, a stay-at-home mom, prayed a simple prayer asking God for a story. Heavenly Humblebee was the answer to that prayer. The desire of Amy's heart is to shine the true light and love of God. This collection of short stories is geared toward children aged 6 to 10, but it has the ability to touch the heart of readers of any age through its timely message of hope and purpose.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: He Knows Who I Am

author: Kelly Llewellyn

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 4.9.2017 • author id: LlK9747917

word count: 1,914


James is a boy who is fascinated with a TV super hero by the name of Tornado Tim. James devotes his time trying to build a friendship with this TV star. James is broken-hearted when he discovers that Tornado Tim doesn't have any idea who he is. James' mom helps him find his way to his real hero; the one who actually know who James is.

About the Author

This book was written while I was in children's ministry serving kids ages four to ten.  They loved hearing the story He Know Who I Am. I wrote it for one of my lessons.  I wanted to show the kids that giving our whole heart to worldly people who don't even know our names is not as rewarding as giving our whole heart to God who knows exactly who we are.  I am now a homeschooling mom of four children who ask me to read this story to them. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.


author: Kathleen Pelley

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.24.2017 • author id: PeK8012117

word count: 720


JÉSUS MARY AND JOSEPH is a 720 word picture book – a Christmas tale told in form of prayers to God from a little Hispanic boy who wants a part in the school Nativity.

 Jésus is a slow learner. Sometimes, he even gets confused between make believe and real life.  But when he finally lands a part as the innkeeper in his school’s nativity play, he is determined not to mess things up. He grows more and more confident in his role.  But on the opening night, when Mary and Joseph ask him, “Do you have any room at your inn?”  Jésus comes up with an answer that causes chaos on stage.  Fortunately, with the help of his big cousin, Miguel, Jésus’ loving spirit shines brightly, making him the star of the show. 

About the Author

Kathleen T. Pelley is a native of Glasgow, Scotland. She has a degree in History from Edinburgh University and a post graduate degree in elementary education from St. Andrew’s college.  She is the author of 6 picture books, three of which were named Bank Street Best Books, one of which received an Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Award, and one of which received a Bock Book Award for fostering Franciscan values.  Kathleen makes frequent presentations at conferences, schools, and church groups, where this book could be sold.


If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Big Band Bob

author: Mary Kay Huck

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.19.2017 • author id: HuM8200917

word count: 1047


A cat that strolls into a farm and loves big band trumpet music? This is not just a unique plot for a children’s story; this cat truly exists! Below is the true story of Bob.

My brother, Allen, was a trumpet performance major in college. After graduating, he came back to the farm but continued to play his trumpet and is in a band that plays big band music. Allen practices almost every day. 

One day a stray cat appeared on the farm. Soon it began showing up at the office where Allen practices. Then the cat ventured into the office and eventually climbed on Allen's lap while he was playing. Over time, this cat began sitting by his pickup every evening waiting for him. One evening the cat hopped up in the pickup, sat on Allen's lap, and rode the distance to the office. (He also likes to play with the turn signal as “they” drive.)

As a result of hearing this unique story, I have written a children's picture book manuscript about a cat named Bob--an ordinary name that he finds rather boring because he believes he’s an extraordinary cat. He goes on a search for a new name, one that is amazing and will define how special he is. He wants to do something that “not all cats do.” In his search, which leads him to a farm, he becomes “Big Band Bob.”

About the Author

Mary Kay Huck completed the Christian Writers Guild writing course several years ago and especially enjoys writing children's stories. She is a classical pianist and keyboardist on her church worship team. Music has always been a large part of her life, and she comes from a musical family. Mary Kay's husband is pastor of a large church in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Little Giants as the Mysterious Six in the Case of the Cryptic Clue

author: Lynette Harrell

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.10.2017 • author id: HaL8132317

word count: 56000


The Case of the Cryptic Clue involves a young detectives club known as the Mysterious Six who are trying to unravel the meaning of a strange note they find in a hundred-year-old book that once belonged to the wealthy tycoon, Giovanni Valentino. As they find themselves searching for clues in the strangest places they soon discover that they are not the only ones in pursuit of a potential treasure. A suspicious-looking limo arrives in town and as one perilous situation arises after another they must rely on the Lord to come to their rescue. Their King is faithfully intervening on their behalf as He gives them dreams and sends His angels to guard, direct and protect them. In the midst of all of their nerve-racking adventures the Lord has orchestrated a powerfully divine encounter for Oliver, the newest member of the club. Jesus has been gently and lovingly drawing the boy to Himself and has given His warriors- His ‘Little Giants’, as He calls them- the honor of telling Oliver the Good News about Jesus Christ (that is, in between being thrown in a crypt by a beautiful, power-hungry nut-case and finding mountains of priceless treasures and dead mice).  One life is forever changed as the Little Giants simply walk in outrageous faith.  

About the Author

Lynette Harrell lives in the southwest corner of Colorado with her husband Vern. She has authored, illustrated and self published books One, Two and Three of the Little Giants Series. She carries the title ‘Grannie Aud’ to five hilarious grandkids and has witnessed first hand the amazing power and authority that Christ-following children can carry. She has a burning desire for other children to know who they are in Jesus and that they are not the church of someday, but of today. She is a member of the Facebook community.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Tell Me About God, Grandpa

author: Shirley McCoy

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.18.2017 • author id: McS3448117

word count: 7000


Working Title:  Tell Me About God, Grandpa

     Seven-year-old Joshua has serious doubts about God. His parents don't attend church, and his best friend is mad at God because his mom died even though he had prayed for her to live. How can Josh possibly find answers to his questions?

     If you've been looking for something in addition to the wonderful stories in the Bible to help a child who is special to you learn more about God, Tell Me About God, Grandpa is a big step forward in meeting that need. In this book Joshua spends an "old-fashioned week" with his grandparents, vacationing in their camper at a rural campground. With the wisdom Grandpa and Grandma have learned from scriptures, they use the teachable moments during an experience here and a conversation there, and lovingly reveal to Josh the awesome God they love and serve. On an elementary level they reveal God's character, His creation and plan for mankind, the fall, and our need for someone to rescue us and restore us to fellowship with our Heavenly Father.

     Tell Me About God, Grandpa offers a subtle theological education nestled within a casual, imaginative, heart-warming story.


About the Author

I'm a Bible college graduate. Before my husband/pastor died, beween pastorates we were house parents in children's homes. Before accepting Christ we had raised foster children. I wrote Tell Me About God, Grandpa when I learned of a young family that was being shattered by the effects of illicit drug use by one of the parents. With the deep conviction God and His Word offer, it was my heartfelt attempt to help the family members understand how much God loves them.

The Upper Room has twice published devotions I've submitted, and I was published in Media Associates International's Light for the Writer's Soul.

I invite you to read the book. If you do I think you'll agree that Christian parents, grandparents, neighbors and friends will love gifting children they know with this delightful way to learn about God.


If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Three P's

author: Debra Irsik

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 12.14.2017 • author id: IrD6680117

word count: 28500


Sela has a secret. She thinks she is catching glimpses of her guardian angel in the mirror. Normally, Sela would tell her best friend, Emily, but since Emily's mother died she has cut Sela and Zach out of her life. The three friends are bound by their faith and determination to be proud of their beliefs no matter how unpopular it makes them. Sela tries to plow ahead with her positive attitude and prayers until Zach and the youth minister make her realize that she is pushing Emily further away by pressuring her. Chastised, Sela backs off.


When things spiral out of control and Sela is afraid they are losing Emily completely, she petitions her guardian angel to intervene. The “Way” twins, Victor and Gloria, are soon a part of the student body at Roosevelt Middle School and not even Sela knows that they are angels. They weave themselves into the lives of the students, with sometimes funny antics, and help the friends find their way back to friendship.


It becomes apparent to the visiting angels that God has another reason for sending them. Sela is given the gift of seeing others through God's eyes. With the help of the Way twins and a creative teacher, she is able to bring a diverse group of students together in a contemporary version of Beauty and the Beast. The students learn a lot about each other and the stories behind the personalities. They learn together that their differences are not so different.


About the Author

My qualifications come from life. As a young girl I read voraciously and was influenced by the wonderful books I read. I have been the advocate for my son, John, who has Down Syndrome. I have survived the loss of a child, through faith. My desire is to help young people find ways to hold on to faith to get them through the hard things in life. I have worked in the service industry and have owned my own business for twenty years. I am involved in writing groups and attend writing workshops.


Comparable books, such as McCartney's Pure, Melody Carlson's True Colors series, and Nancy Rue's Lily series are wonderful coming-of-age books. My book is directed more at the younger MG audience, who are still forming their moral conscience and are willing to be different. Incorporating the angels adds fun and sparks the imagination, encouraging the reader to explore their idea of celestial beings and their concept of God.


I blog at about my publishing journey, and I am actively building my Twitter and Facebook following. 

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Issa and the Lion

author: Benjamin Skoropinski

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.16.2018 • author id: SkB9801918

word count: 1463


When Issa’s mother leaves him alone at nightfall in Kenya’s savanna, not old enough to know who or what he is, she promises Issa that Daddy is nearby, and that Issa is safe. But is it true? Not according to a slither named Snake—an "educator” passing by.

Snake’s curriculum is to the point, and “safe” isn’t a word on the vocabulary list. Issa is taught that he is a mouse, a fearful thing to be if you wish to survive. Fear, hiding, and running away might just keep you alive, especially if you encounter the "Lion King.”

Issa does encounter the Lion King; however, after spending the night near this beast, Issa can’t help but wonder, despite his fear, who this curious King, this Lord of the night, really is. Nevertheless, when this Lion pounces, Issa has only one thing he can do. Remembering his mom’s promise, Issa prays, “Daddy! Help!” Will he come? Or will he cower too, leaving Issa to find his own way to escape this Lion’s terrible roar?

Armed with just his mom’s promise and a prayer, Issa is in for the night that will prove to forever be the night of his life.

About the Author

A father of two, Benjamin Skoropinski writes for his children—to entertain, but also to come alongside children in their battles. Holding a Masters in Counseling Psychology and owning a personal history of victory over the monsters under his bed, Ben understands at a deep level the challenges that the little ones who come after us must face, the battles that make an onlooking parent’s heart ache. Ben’s stories shine light on the path for children as they navigate through life and these challenges. In it all, Ben ultimately seeks to communicate God’s heart, hoping that perhaps a few readers—young or old—will find their way into the loving hands of Jesus, the One Who fought for Ben’s heart and won.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Christmas Slippers

author: Carolyn Snelling

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.6.2018 • author id: SnC8538718

word count: 389


"Beleiving is for each to choose."

Dusty, talking slippers and a child witness the birth of Christ and travel the globe to shout the Good News!

A rhyming short poem this "pair" of evangelists are on mission - all while mom shops antiques!

Travel with them and "believe."

About the Author

Carolyn Snelling has two advanced degrees yet it is the teachings from a picture book class at UCLA that have given her the greatest insight into writing mechanics. She serves in the preschool miinistry at Radiant Church and as a media volunteer for Operation Christmas Child. It's inspiration from her friends donating slippers to HOPE kids - terminally ill kids in Phoenix Children's Hospital that inspire this story.

Her previously self-published works include "Lolli and Pop Find Kindness" and "The Mystery of the Golden Christmas Trees."

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Mystery of the Golden Christmas Trees

author: Carolyn Snelling

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 6.11.2018 • author id: SnC8538718

word count: 12000


Do golden Christmas trees really exist? If so, where and why?

Fifteen-year-old Christine Loving has been asked by the mayor to light the town Christmas tree. She's rehearsed her speech a thousand times, but as she's about to leave for the event she discovers a mysterious inscription on her Bible that she's never seen before.

"Congratulations, Christine, on solving the mystery of the golden Christmas trees." This mystery consumes Christine, who believes her rehearsed speech may now be all wrong.

She engages the help of her BFF, Timothy, along with some fun-loving and quirky townspeople to solve this mystery. But is there time before the tree lighting? She must try.

About the Author

Carolyn has two advanced degrees, yet it is her studies at UCLA's writing program that helped her with writing mechanics for middle graders.

Carolyn receives a good deal of inspiration from her work in the Radiant Church student ministries. She also serves as a media volunteer for Operation Christmas Child.

Carolyn's previously self-published children's works include Lolli and Pop Find Kindness, Christ's Cake, and the prequel to this current manuscript, The Mystery of the Christmas Stars.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Goose Who Talked to the Wind

author: Allison Entrekin

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.10.2018 • author id: EnA3031918

word count: 413


There once was a goose who talked to the wind. And the wind talked back. Its voice was soft and kind, but none of the other geese seemed to hear it. One day, the wind told the goose to leave his formation and fly to a special place meant just for him. To follow the wind, the goose would have to ignore the laughs of his flock and risk going where he’d never gone before. He tried to refuse the call, but something in the wind’s voice made him hope for something yet unseen…

About the Author

Allison Entrekin ( has a master’s degree in journalism and writes regularly for USA TODAY, The Telegraph, and Travel + Leisure. She is executive editor of Southbound, an award-winning publication from the publishers of Atlanta magazine, and she has experience as an on-air radio and television personality. She is co-founder of the Starlight Podcast (, a popular weekly show about finding rest and connecting with God in the midst of everyday life.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: What Is Love?

author: Rosalba Purcell

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.17.2018 • author id: PuR0765718

word count: 400


How do you explain love, probably the most important emotion humans experience, to a child? How do you explain its many forms? What does it feel like, look like?

WHAT IS LOVE? is a 402 - word picture book about different types of love - love of family, friendship, God and nature - that a child can understand through examples that engage the five senses. It ends with the most important lesson about love - having an open heart so you can share it with everyone.

I wrote it with four- to seven-year-olds in mind.

About the Author

Rosa Purcell created this book as a keepsake for her daughter. She also self-published, "Momma, Momma, Who Made the Stars?"

She lives in NJ with her husband and has worked in the Accounting Department for a Real-Estate Developer since 2003. She graduated with a B.A. in English from Montclair State University.

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title: An Amazing Day

author: Linda Chrzanowski

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 12.13.2018 • author id: ChL0607118

word count: 6741


How many losses must Linnie endure? At eight years old Linnie feels like she can’t trust adults any more. She begins to think she’s on the path to an unhappy life, full of disappointment and loneliness.

But on a vacation with her mom, God intervenes to heal her and restore trust, joy, and optimism about her future. 

In miraculous and fantastic ways God reveals His plan for the life of His children.  On a hidden island, alone with animals with whom she can magically communicate, Linnie learns amazing lessons about the One who made her and provides for her, the truth about her identity, and how the company we keep impacts our daily life.

Escape with Linnie to Eden Isle to experience healing, joy, and peace.

About the Author

In her writing debut, Linda Chrzanowski draws on a wealth of experiences in her own life, and that of children in her family and church community, to minister to children who have suffered loss at a young age. After finding few resources available to encourage and assist children experiencing emotional suffering, she sought the Holy Spirit’s guidance to write a series of books that would bring hope and healing to wounded children. Linda has served and led in children’s ministries for over thirty years, and she desires to reach children early in their lives with the message of God’s power to redeem and transform painful experiences for our good and His glory.

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title: You Can't Milk a Duck!

author: Rita Peterson

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.6.2019 • author id: PeRT0H1B19

word count: 950


      Fall in love with Mama Rosemary and her seven inquisitive ducklings as they discover valuable life lessons through the farm animals. As Farmer Reed milks the family cow, a duckling named Sandy becomes jealous of all the special treatment the milk cow receives. Sandy believes she needs to be like a milk cow to be special in Farmer Reed’s eyes. In a hilarious ducky way, Sandy and her siblings practice being milk cows. But Mama Rosemary soon takes the opportunity to teach her ducklings what special really means.

About the Author

       I am an ambitious wife and mother of six children ages eleven and under. I own a prosperous business and a growing YouTube channel teaching the public on homesteading techniques mostly surrounding raising healthy farm animals, gardening, and cooking. My personal experience in successfully raising ducks and teaching my children about farm animals has inspired me to write this adventure. Through this book, I desire to captivate children’s imaginations while enriching their minds with knowledge of farm animals and teaching young children valuable life lessons.

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title: The King's Garden (The Parable of the Impossible Tree)

author: Anne Reitzug

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.22.2019 • author id: ReAKW17219

word count: 3470


Adelyn and Paxton live with their Father, a great King, in the middle of a vast and glorious garden.  Whether they are riding their ponies along winding woodland trails, swimming in the fathomless pool at the foot of the Towering Mountains, or climbing the Ancient Majestic Tree, the children’s days are packed with adventure. There is only one place in the Garden that is forbidden: “You must NEVER venture to the Far Western Wall,” Papa warns them sternly. “Great danger lurks there!”

The temptation proves too great. Defying Papa’s warning, the children set off toward the Far Western Wall. Their disobedience results in disaster, landing them on the dark side of the Far Western Wall. For the first time in their lives, Adelyn and Paxton find themselves beyond the safety of Papa’s Garden. Fearing this day would come, Papa has a plan to rescue the children. The plan will cost Him dearly.

About the Author

Thanks to the legacy left by my grandmother, I am a life-long lover of books! After earning my BAE from the University of Washington and Pacific Lutheran University, I spent many years in the traditional classroom. I later taught enrichment courses in literature for homeschooled students. When I moved from the Seattle area to Orkney four and a half years ago I started a blog (  It is now averaging more than 3,000 views per month, from 1200 unique visitors. The King’s Garden is my first book.  I also have begun research for a second book, based on the 1679 shipwreck of the Crown of London (a mile from our home here in Orkney), in which more than 200 Covenanters perished.

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title: A Bailey Family Christmas

author: Lori Taylor Abbink

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.2.2019 • author id: AbL1456419

word count: 13500


Christmas is just four weeks away, and eleven-year-old Marlene and her two brothers think this will be their best Christmas ever. The children have made their “wish lists” and are happily participating in all the family’s holiday preparations.

But then an unexpected situation arises that may mean the Bailey children will have to make some sacrifices. Can Marlene find joy without receiving the gift she wants? How can this possibly turn out to be the Bailey’s best Christmas ever?

About the Author

Lori’s love of children’s books began at a young age. Long before kindergarten she learned to read as her father read Golden Books to her, and she carried on that tradition by reading aloud to her children and grandchildren. She worked as a reading volunteer for many years in the schools where her children attended.

Lori has served as a speaker at women’s luncheons and retreat, sharing some of her life experiences.

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title: What Am I Gonna Do with You?

author: Chad Germany

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.13.2019 • author id: GeC9679219

word count: 324


In 2018 we began fostering three children in addition to our two biological teenage daughters. Our oldest foster daughter is named Anna and has experienced far more than a four-year-old child should experience. When she arrived, she was naturally insecure. Gradually I began trying to articulate to her that we would love her no matter what she did, good or bad. Gradually this message began to sink in. With pride she would tell us that she knew we would love her, even if she did bad.

Anna and Sage came to us in June 2018. Their baby brother, Malibu, was born four months later in September of 2018. He was abandoned at the hospital a few days after he was born. He was seven weeks premature and only weighed three pounds four ounces at birth. We spent six weeks driving back and forth to the hospital visiting and skin-to-skin kangarooing him. During that time my heart melted. As he lay on my chest, I began trying to articulate to my new little man how much I loved him. Gradually those ideas were crafted into What Am I Gonna Do with You?

We plan to dedicate the first 10 percent of proceeds from the book to Foster Parenting/Adoption Agencies.

About the Author

I married the woman of my dreams at twenty-four. With her at my side I have had a wide range of life experiences:

  • 4th Grade Teacher
  • Missionary to India (church planting, disaster relief, leadership development, children's evangelism)
  • Two bio daughters
  • Three foster children
  • Missions Director at SAGU
  • B.S. Missions
  • MA. Theo Studies
  • Camnio Media Founder/Director
  • Missions Mobilization Director
  • Faces of Eurasia Director (direct mail fundraising campaign)
  • Pastored CopperRidge Church in Farmington, NM
  • Ask4Nations founder/Director (currently)
  • Uber driver
  • Turo host (5 Jeeps, a convertible Mustang and 3 VW Buses)

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title: Stars in the Making Club

author: Cindy Swofford

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.20.2019 • author id: SwC3652619

word count: 7920


Faith is in the fourth grade, and finally old enough to audition to be a ventriloquist in the Stars in the Making after-school club.  There’s one spot open for a puppeteer/ventriloquist.  William, Faith’s nemesis, is also trying out for that role.  Faith must overcome several obstacles to become a ventriloquist.    

This year the club is meeting on Thursdays instead of Tuesdays.  Faith and her veterinarian parents have a weekly pet adoption program on Thursdays.  Faith must figure out how to be in two places at once.

Faith has a little stage fright during tryouts.   She gets the coveted part, but as a boring puppeteer.  After auditions William pranks Faith. She opens a present left on her desk to find a chicken puppet. The puppet screeches, “Congratulations, Faith, on being a chicken! Bacawk, bacawk, bacawk.” 

To prove she’s not a chicken, Faith takes William’s dare and does a triple flip off the diving board, getting her after-school detention.

Will after school detention keep Faith from the first club meeting?  Will Faith find her voice?  The voice that doesn’t squeak.  The voice that has the courage to speak up to William.


About the Author

My experience as a social worker inspired me to write.  I saw children who were in desperate need of hope in God.  In response, I started after-school clubs in elementary schools.  My target audience was third through sixth graders.  I learned to write Bible lessons and skits that engaged kids (see, club meeting tab for examples).  Up to 20 percent of the school’s population attended.  

I’ve been a member of the SCBWI.  I attended one national conference in New York along with some regional conferences.  I enlisted the editorial services of an editor from the conference in New York.

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title: The Broken Butterfly

author: Ainsley and April Harrah

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 12.31.2019 • author id: HaA2401919

word count: 20000


Sixth grader Adelaide Harris isn’t an ordinary girl. Her odd tics and repetitive behaviors make her an easy target for bullies. If people could only understand the strange, scary, intrusive thoughts that drive her quirks and oddities, maybe they’d cut her a break. Maybe she’d cut herself a break! An unlikely friendship with a broken butterfly leads her on a journey of accepting what is flawed in herself and others and reaching a refreshing realization that maybe ordinary isn’t so great after all.

About the Author

Ainsley Harrah is an 18-year-old homeschooled senior who lives with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Her story was first written as a screenplay and won the attention of a group who agreed to make it into a short film. However, shortly before filming was to begin, Ainsley was asked to remove all references to God and heaven from the script. She declined, and the dream of making her film was never realized. After prayer and fasting, she chose to trust God with her story and began the process of making it into a book, collaborating with her mom and homeschool teacher, April.

April Harrah holds a Master’s degree in Counseling and Human Development with twenty years of experience working with at-risk youth and families. She works as a foster care and adoption social worker for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Her greatest claim to fame is that she is mom to Ainsley and her siblings and wife to her best friend, Chris.

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title: Hush Little Baby: A Christian Lullaby

author: Roxanne Giardina

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.23.2020 • author id: GiR7745020

word count: 84



Hush Little Baby: A Christian Lullaby is a Christian version of a popular lullaby, whose words will comfort little ones as they drift off to sleep.  Making this book a staple in your child’s nighttime routine will plant seeds of God’s love into the garden of their hearts as they journey into the land of sweet dreams.

About the Author

Roxanne Giardina has a BA in education, has taught several different grades, and teaches Bible study. She has written 3 Bible poem books and has spoken at a preschool conference.

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title: Mister Tim the Stump

author: Leslie Miller

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.26.2020 • author id: MiL2017520

word count: 3000


Book Title: Mister Tim the Stump (Chipmunk Tales from Tommy Creek Series) Chippy Chipmunk is not your average forest chipmunk. He invites you into his home (Mister Tim the Stump). He'll invite you to sit a spell and enjoy dandelion tea and pine nut cookies while he keeps you spellbound in one of his tales of adventure.

About the Author
Leslie Miller has spent the last forty-one summers in the mountains of Southern Utah, enjoying God's creation and observing the animals that live there. As a mother of three children and grandmother of five, she has spun many stories that have captivated her listening audience. She is an accomplished photographer and worked alongside her husband in their construction business for many years. Retirement has afforded her the time to take her stories to pen and paper. 

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title: Guarding Fern Valley

author: Doreen McAvoy

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.31.2020 • author id: McD1098020

word count: 47000


Twelve-year old Will Abbott does not expect his eighth-grade year at Fern Valley Middle School to be any different than the last seven—school, soccer, and lazy Saturdays spent with his two best friends. But when a rash of crime strikes their little town, Will, his twin sister, Wendy, and their friends suspect the class bully, Beefy Boris, is involved and getting help from an unlikely source—their own classmates!

When Will, Wendy and their friends set out to catch the criminal mastermind, they step into a conflict bigger and more frightening than they realize: the epic battle for the hearts of the children. Can their guardian angels, led by the great Angel Wise, stop the nefarious Angel Harm who is determined to steal the faith from Fern Valley?  

About the Author

I am currently a high school Library Media Specialist and Theology teacher. I hold a master’s degree in Library and Information Science and a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education.

Social Media:

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title: Notes in the Night

author: Valerie Chamberlain

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 4.18.2020 • author id: ChVK7V0420

word count: 21300


Mysterious piano music is floating on the night breeze at Melody Lane Music Camp, and twelve-year-old Becky Lawson's curiosity is about to get the better of her! She arrives at camp with her best friend, Megan, and soon the two are caught up in a midnight mystery that has them asking questions and breaking the rules to discover the truth. What will the consequences be for pursuing the answers? Will they be allowed to return to Melody Lane Music Camp? If mysterious music isn't enough, there is the unhappy camper who is sharing their cabin for the week - Katie Jenkins. The girl has a serious attitude, and Becky can't understand why she is so angry about being in such an amazing place. A mystery, a challenging new friendship, and a horse named Starlight will cause Becky to rely on her faith and trust God to help her be kind, be truthful, and be courageous in the face of fear!

About the Author
(Working Title: Notes in the Night) Valerie Chamberlain is the mother of three lovely girls, wife of an elementary school teacher, and secretary at an adult high school. She is heavily involved in children's ministry with her church and draws on years of experience at summer camp to set the scene for this novel. She also loves to write short stories and was pleased to have one published inShine Brightly magazine, a publication for young girls. She strives to write exciting, wholesome fiction, incorporating godly principles that will encourage women and girls in their faith. This mystery novel is targeted at girls between the ages of nine and twelve.

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title: What Is Beauty?

author: Britney Wood

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.19.2020 • author id: WoBrWh12220

word count: 260


How do you explain to your little one what beauty is? Where it comes from? How you see it? Perhaps the creativity and beauty of God is seen wherever your child goes - from playing in mud with friends to watching falling rain through a smudged window pane. So take a walk through a day with this little one, who wants to know: "Mama, what is beauty?"

About the Author
Britney Wood is a mother of two small daughters (ages 3 and 1) who love to go "beauty-seeking" with her. She has an education degree from Covenant College, specializing in Language Arts, and has taught literature for nine years. She writes in a variety of genres: children's books, young adult fiction books, and devotional poetry. One of her fantasy books is self-published, and in honor of NICU Awareness Month last year, she self-published a devotional poetry book for parents with babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) after her second daughter was born prematurely in April. With a heart for mamas who seek Christ, she writes prayer poems to encourage other tired mamas. These are posted on Instagram and Facebook, where she is actively building her audience. She writes children's books regularly, and What Is Beauty? is the result of several years of work with a very talented artist whose paintings have been highly regarded and placed on/in private and government buildings in the western U.S.

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title: Secrets in September

author: Doreen McAvoy

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.26.2020 • author id: McDoSe12320

word count: 32400


Twelve-year old Will Abbott does not expect his eighth-grade year at Fern Valley Middle School to be any different than the last seven—school, soccer, and lazy Saturdays spent with his two best friends. But when a rash of crime strikes their little town, Will, his twin sister, Wendy, and their friends suspect that the class bully, Beefy Boris Bobrick, is involved and is getting help from an unlikely source—their own classmates! When Will, Wendy and their friends, including a gregarious new girl with a mysterious past, set out to trap the criminal mastermind, they uncover new clues to a twenty-five-year-old mystery. Can they solve both mysteries and help their town find closure?

About the Author
I am currently a high school Library Media Specialist and Theology teacher. I hold a master’s degree in Library and Information Science and a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education.

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title: Nelson

author: Brenda Klimavicz

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 6.26.2020 • author id: KlBrNe14920

word count: 385


The Bible talks about sparrows in the book of Luke: ”not one of them is forgotten by God.” Matthew and Luke each mention that you are of more value than birds. The story of Nelson starts out in a rookery of flamingos. An egg hatches and out pops Nelson. He is a grey chick. God takes care of Nelson. He provides Nelson with a mother and father who feed and care for him. Nelson looks at the birds in his rookery. He sees pink birds flying, putting their heads in the water to feed, and standing on one leg. Nelson falls, chokes, and swallows mud as he attempts to take care of himself. As Nelson becomes a fledgling, he notices his pink feathers. Nelson continues to try his wings, stand on one leg, look for his pink feathers, and stick his head in the water. He gets bigger and pinker. Nelson does not give up; he finally flies. God takes care of Nelson, and God cares even more about you.

About the Author
Brenda Klimavicz (pen name Mrs. K) has over fifteen years of experience as a Christian preschool teacher. She currently teaches at a large Washington DC metropolitan area church ministry that serves more than 100 children a week. Mrs. K holds a Bachelor of Science degree in printing from Rochester Institute of Technology and has worked in all phases of printing at government agencies and newspapers. She has also worked as a Christian school librarian. She is known by students and parents as Mrs. K, and has developed lasting ties with families in her community.

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title: A Sensitive Orchid

author: Yating Chang Haller

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.2.2020 • author id: HaYaA 15520

word count: 437


This children's fiction is based on the inspiration provided by Dr. Elain Aron and her psychological research work on Highly Sensitive Child (HSC).  Aron compares a HSC to an orchid among a field of daffoldils.  Instead of being labeled as "socially awkward" or "ADHD", children and parents should embrace high sensitivity as a temperament rather than as a symptom.  This book is a fun monologue from an orchid who is highly sensitive.  The monologue, paired with beautiful art work of flowers, aims to provide a literary niche to  speak directly to a HSC.

About the Author
Raising a seven year old HSC, it has been an uphill battle to fight for my child's mental/ physical space for acceptance and understanding.  My frustration was reduced once I read and study about empirical research of Highly sensitive children/ adults.  I have wished for a children's book that I can read aloud with my child to express my love and devotion to accept him for who he is.  There is none. Eqipped with a Ed.D, I am a homeschooling mother of 3 young children.  I am passionate about training up children to live a righteous and fruitful life.  Born in Taiwan and grew up in Singapore, my international experience provide a diverse and broad worldview to all of my written work and research.  

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title: Two Keys to Eden

author: Andrea Kovacs Rose

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.14.2020 • author id: KoAnTw17020

word count: 61000


An alcoholic mom, an absent dad, and messages from the landlord detailing how unpaid rent equals eviction: how could things possibly get worse for twelve-year-old Skyla Roberts? But things do get worse when Skyla is ripped away from her best friend and taken to live in a new town with a no-nonsense, workaholic aunt. And, to top it off, her new teen neighbor, Hunter Smithy, bullies her just because she’s a Roberts! But when Skyla’s great-uncle, Bill Roberts, asks Skyla to work on his farm, she must choose between trusting her heart and believing Hunter’s haunting claims about her uncle. Does Uncle Bill really keep a mummy in the barn? And, if he’s not insane, why does he clutter his fields with such excessive amounts of solar equipment? After choosing to move past her fears, Skyla begins building an unexpected friendship with her uncle. Little does she know that working for him is actually a test--a test that many before her have failed. If Skyla passes this test, she will receive a special key to a secret paradise! Two Keys to Eden, the first of a three-part series, is written for teen girls, ages 11-14.

About the Author
(Working Title: Two Keys to Eden) Andrea Kovacs Rose has sold seven articles to Highlights magazine and published four articles in Focus on the Family’s Clubhouse Jr. and Clubhouse. Since her book spotlights several existing ministries including Focus on the Family, Answers in Genesis, and Crisis Pregnancy Centers, she hopes to seek the endorsement of these ministries for Two Keys to Eden. You can read her personal blog at The Christmas Kisses Facebook page is followed by over 1,100 supporters. Andrea speaks about Christmas Kisses at local church conferences.

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title: Grandfather Enoch Teaches the Star-Story: Christian Symbolism in the Constellations

author: Deborah Neilson

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.1.2020 • author id: NeDeGr21520

word count: 4500


If the meaning of the constellations' pictures were taught by an angel to the Hebrew patriarchs, then how would Enoch have taught them to his descendants? Here is a fictionalized account of Grandfather Enoch teaching that the constellations are symbols of Christ. Young Yeshua is fascinated to learn: the Maiden (Virgo) is a symbol of the Seed of the Maiden that comes to be the promised Messiah; the Scales (Libra) represent a price that must be paid for the sins of the world; the Scorpion (Scorpio) represents evil, pain, and death afflicting the mortal world; the Archer (Sagittarius) represents the coming Messiah as the Hero overcoming sin and death as he shoots his arrow into the heart of the Scorpion. As Yeshua and his family listen, all twelve of the constellations of the zodiac are explained as symbols of Christ and His mission. The fictional account is accompanied by an appendix with extensive supporting details that include all 48 constellations; ancient Hebrew, Arabic, and Egyptian star names that point to Christ; and scriptural references that support the Christian symbolism. The fiction book will include a brief appendix but the bulk of the supporting details will be available through internet links to the author’s website.

About the Author
Deborah Burris Neilson has homeschooled her children for 14 years and has connections in many national homeschooling groups, both religious and secular. She studied writings that explain Christian symbolism in the constellations, and saw a need for materials for families to study astronomy with the pagan stories removed. The book is written as a children’s story, with extensive supporting information for older children or adults as evidence for this symbolic interpretation. Deborah is building a website and blog that will publish the supporting details. She intends to offer virtual “cottage meetings” to tell the story and market her book, as well as using extensive social media marketing, booths at homeschool conferences, and homeschool reviewers and catalogs.

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title: Mara the Messenger

author: Catherine Connors

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.14.2020 • author id: CoCaMa23120

word count: 609


Mara's Mum has the “best job in the whole world. She is the person who helps babies to be born.” Mara is learning how to be a midwife too and is just old enough to start helping her mother with small tasks like preparing swaddling cloth and fetching water. When her Mum is asked to support a family visiting Bethlehem, Mara is excited to be allowed to go along. Through Mara’s eyes, we are invited into the story of the birth of Jesus and challenged to think about the possibility of a different ‘nativity scene’ than what we usually experience in the lead up to Christmas - one where Jesus is welcomed into the world by women. Based on accounts from historians about childbirth in first-century Palestine, (where men were not usually present at the birth of a baby) and connecting with Luke 2:1-21, Mara the Messenger is a story of hope and joy that also asks us to consider how the role of women in history and the Christian faith tradition is shared with our young people. Even when we don’t read their names in the text or hear about their leadership, their kindness, their good works - the women were there. Just as they are now.

About the Author
Catherine is an educator passionate about bringing Scripture to life for young people. She has a Master of Religious Education and looks for creative ways to motivate young people to want to know more and to explore the Christian faith tradition. Catherine is a member of several Scripture Learning Leadership groups and has had lived learning experiences in Italy, the Holy Land, and the US.  As a woman who believes it is important to be the change you want to see in the world, she was recently engaged by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference to chair a discernment and writing group for the Plenary Council process of envisioning what the Australian Catholic Church of the future may look like. Marketing Features The primary audience for this book would be children aged 4 – 12 years, their teachers and their families. Every Christian school in the world teaches about the infancy narratives. This text would provide opportunities for dialogue about historical context including clothing, housing, the role of women, and family life. It could also be used to teach students about the differences between the infancy narratives in the Gospel of Luke and Matthew and help them deconstruct the commercial version of the story of the birth of Jesus that often includes shepherds, wise men, and a donkey. A website is currently being developed - - with resources ready to support educators and catechists in using the text as a tool for learning and prayer. Whilst there are books in the marketplace that explore the birth of Jesus from a different perspective, this story is definitely unique and could be promoted through Christian media outlets. Angles to pursue for marketing would include the role of women in Biblical times, the visual presentation of a predominantly female nativity scene, and the presence of midwives in this story. Artist Jen Norton ( has created some initial sketches for consideration by publishers which bring Mara to life beautifully.  

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title: God Is with Me Everywhere

author: Rachael T

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.26.2020 • author id: TRaGo24320

word count: 417


Is God really everywhere? Even when you cry? Even when you fall asleep or wake up in a fright? Join in the discovery that God’s presence is with you everywhere you go. For even in the best hiding spot, there’s not one He doesn’t know!

About the Author

Rachael is a passionate editor with a Journalism and Professional Writing and Publishing degree. She has edited several Christian books and publications. Her love for writing started at a young age from the time she created her first mini magazine at home as a young girl, to the day she began editing as an adult. Rachael served as a Worship Pastor for several years, and loves leading others to the beauty of God’s presence.

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title: Special Delivery - Adoption From the Stork's Point of View

author: Ashley Mendoza

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 10.1.2020 • author id: MeAsSp24820

word count: 980


Stefan the delivery stork is at the top of his game delivering babies. The self-proclaimed “best stork around” has seen it all – tiny babies, chubby babies, nervous moms, and serious doctors – or so he thought. One sunny day, with thoughts of fishing on his mind, Stefan gets a call from “the Big Guy upstairs” (aka God) requesting that he make a “special delivery.” Falling back on his routine antics, Stefan’s humor fills the usually happy hospital room, until he realizes this is no routine delivery. Stefan is asked to do something he’s never done before: carry a baby from his first mama to his forever mama. It’s a journey Stefan must take to deliver God’s plan and bring this baby the life he deserves. And it’s a deep lesson in the power of a mother’s pure, strong, and unconditional love.

About the Author

Ashley Mendoza is a board member of Family to Family Support Network and an advocate for ethical adoption. A mother via adoption, Ashley is passionate about eliminating stereotypes of birth parents and adoptees. With an English Education degree and an MBA with a marketing specialty, she works in public relations. She routinely trains medical and education professionals and community leaders across the country about serving unique families. Her active social media following and marketing background will enable her to promote the book.

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title: Turtledove Visits the Mysteries of the Rosary: A Complete Rosary Devotional for Children

author: Doreen McAvoy

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 10.19.2020 • author id: McDoTu26220

word count: 2950


“It is also beautiful and fruitful to entrust to this prayer the growth and development of children. Does the Rosary not follow the life of Christ, from his conception to his death, and then to his Resurrection and his glory?” ~JOHN PAUL II  From the Vatican, on the 16th day of October in the year 2002 Join Turtledove on his prayer journey as he follows Jesus and Mary through the Mysteries of the Rosary. The spirit of Scripture is preserved as Gentle Dove patiently answers Turtledove’s many questions, explains the history, and shares fun facts about the Rosary along the way.

About the Author
I am a career-long Catholic educator and soon-to-be-published author. My first book, a Christian middle grade mystery, Secrets in September, will be published by Elk Lake in 2021.  I work as a high school Library Media Specialist and 9th Grade Theology teacher. I hold a master’s degree in Library and Information Science and a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. I live in Stony Point, New York with my husband and four sons. I will promote my book through my social media platforms: Website and blog:    

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title: The Craftsman's Piano

author: Leslie Burke

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 10.31.2020 • author id: BuLeTh27520

word count: 900


A Master Craftsman creates a piano that is destined for grand stages. But when the piano’s music is hampered by its need to please the crowd, its journey seemingly ends in a dark storage room.  This heartwarming children’s tale pulls inspiration from the well-known hymn "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing."  By the end, the reader will be singing along with the piano, “Tune my heart to sing Thy grace!”

About the Author

Leslie Burke lives in Indianapolis with her husband and their three hooligan sons. Though she previously worked in the technology world, she now assists her husband with his business startup while being COO at home. As a mother, she has seen firsthand the power of a great picture book to instruct a child’s heart. She hopes The Craftsman’s Piano will be a story which reminds children their worth is not in the applause of an ever-present audience, but rather leading a life that sings praise to their Maker.

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title: True Confessions of a Middle School Video Game Addict

author: Bonnie Noble

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.1.2021 • author id: NoBoTr221

word count: 11000


Zeb’s fifth-grade existence of secret video game playing is in danger of becoming exposed with every passing day.  He’s obsessed with his video games and he’ll do anything he can to hide his secret life.  When the inevitable happens, Zeb is forced to figure out how to reprogram his life with the help of his parents who have struggles of their own.  Will they find their way back to God, and to a life of purpose? This short journal, written in the first person, is one of a series of “True Confessions” books for middle school students.  These books are aimed at kids who have not yet been introduced to a life of faith, or kids of faith who need to read about life from other children’s lived experiences.  Other titles include: True Confessions of a Runaway Foster Kid, True Confessions of a Middle School Bully, True Confessions of a Home-Schooled Kid in Public School, and True Confessions of a Kid in Missions.

About the Author
Bonnie Noble is an elementary school principal in public education and a mother of eight adopted children with a variety of backgrounds and stories.  She has spent her career working closely with hard-to-serve kids and their families.  Bonnie has a passion for exposing kids of faith to other perspectives and to other lived experiences, so that they can grow in their love for others and in their service to humanity.    Bonnie has been a public school educator for 29 years and a fully devoted follower of Christ since the age of 10.  She has a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and a Master's Degree in Education.

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title: Who Told the Earth How it Should Be?

author: Karen Hoeft

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.26.2021 • author id: HoKaWh2321

word count: 553


“Who Told the Earth How it Should Be?” is a children’s picture book for ages  2-5 years.  

About the Author
Marketing considerations: I am a wife and mother to 4 older children, and soon to be an empty nester. When my children were young, I appreciated books that encouraged them to think about God and his creation. I have an Occupational Therapy Master’s degree. I have worked with children of all ages in various capacities throughout my life. I currently own my own real estate company but heading toward retirement, which will allow more time for writing. I spend my time between Indiana and southern Florida.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Homeless Shelter

author: Donna Goeddaeus

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.15.2021 • author id: GoDoHo2921

word count: 2169


What happens when Squirt, the littlest squirrel in the forest, sees shiny black eyes staring back at him from beneath a snowy blowdown? Is it friend or foe? When he tries to tell his parents back at the nest, they don't have time to listen because everyone is getting ready for the big Christmas Gathering in the forest. And then, on Christmas Eve, Squirt vanishes! All the forest animals search for Squirt - but will they find him? What has happened at the blowdown? And how does all of this show them the real meaning of Christmas?

About the Author

Since 2010, Donna Goeddaeus has been a full-time contributing writer and main illustrator of children's stories for All About Learning Press,the premier publisher of reading and spelling curriculum for the homeschool market. The company markets their products worldwide with a vigorous social media program. Homeless Shelter is a story meant to be read to young children as an annual family Christmas tradition. (Currently there are five stories in the series.)

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Hair Always Grows Back

author: Angela Tanner

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.26.2021 • author id: TaAnHa5821

word count: 40718


Jojo’s carefree childhood ended the day her daddy died, and her life began to spiral tragically out of control. One night, armed with a pair of scissors, she resolved to take charge of her future. Unfortunately, she soon found out that some things in life just can’t be determined by a thirteen-year-old orphan. She’s now living in her seventh foster home and determined not to get attached to this new family. Will a persistent dachshund and some orange gumdrops lead her to find the happy future she longs for, or will some unwise decisions and an unimaginable illness ruin everything? Jojo fears she will lose her hair, her family, and maybe even her life. Through the love of her new family and the grace of the Lord, Jojo finally learns that second chances are possible, and hair always grows back!

About the Author

I have a BA in elementary and specific learning disabilities education and have taught middle-grade children for twenty-three years in Christian schools. I have studied children’s literature and writing at the Institute of Children’s Literature and completed the registered instructor program from the Institute for Excellence in Writing. I enjoy sharing good stories with my students, as well as encouraging them to write their own. My article “Effective Review Games” was recently published in the Journal for Christian Educators.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: On the Birthday of Jesus

author: Teresa Grant

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.26.2021 • author id: GrTeOn6121

word count: 1000


ON THE BIRTHDAY OF JESUS is a song to the tune of THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS.  Renowned author Isabel Anders is seeking an illustrated book to accompany the song lyrics.

About the Author

Isabel Anders is the author of more than 25 spiritual books for both children (THE REAL NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS, EASTER ABC's) and adults (BECOMING FLAME, 40-DAY JOURNEY WITH MADELEINE L'ENGLE, and CIRCLE OF DAYS - A CHURCH YEAR PRIMER).  CIRCLE OF DAYS - YEAR C is currently in production and strong sales of YEAR A and YEAR B will propel sales of ON THE BIRTHDAY OF JESUS.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: What Should I Dream?

author: Ashley Bowman

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 4.3.2021 • author id: BoAsWh7221

word count: 500


What Should I Dream? is an imaginative story for young children that generates ideas for them to dream about: ideas ranging from the absurd and fantastic to the realistic, inspiring, and visionary. It’s told as a dialogue between a mother and her daughter; the mother suggests dream ideas as the daughter slowly drifts off to sleep--to dream of the unexpected and the extraordinary. 

About the Author

I have a Master of Education Degree in Language Arts and a Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature. I have taught English for over ten years at public and private schools and am currently home-educating my four kids, including my 7-year-old daughter, Kate. She and I wrote this book in our educational endeavors. I plan to promote our book on social media to other mothers who are looking for a way to encourage and inspire their children to live excellent and praiseworthy lives (and also to help their children relax their minds and bodies and fall asleep!). 

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title: Blessings

author: Carolyn Kapus

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.15.2021 • author id: KaCaBl10821

word count: 700


Despite each trial that we face in life, such as the 2020 pandemic that knew no boundaries and crossed all lines, there is always much to be thankful for and celebrate.  Blessings, both BIG and small, are all around us in God’s magnificent Creation.  Do you see them, or do you need a bit of assistance? Sometimes, we just have to look a little harder and a little deeper to see the blessings that are right in front of us.  When we do, we can celebrate because those wonderful blessings help us see and love Jesus, the Creator of all things, more.  So, let’s travel along on a journey and discover some of those blessings for ourselves!  Behind each door that we encounter, we will see precious pets, the deep blue sea, fun friends, sweet treats, faithful family and more.  Our many blessings are indeed something to celebrate!   As we discover each one of them, remember to give a shout out or stand and cheer, both ways to respond are appropriate here! Wow, blessings….how splendid!

About the Author

Carolyn is a follower of Jesus, wife, mom, former home school teacher, and ministry leader.  She has worked with students ranging in age from preschool to college for the past 20+ years and absolutely loves it!  She thrives on getting to know the unique personalities of each of her students and motivating them accordingly.  Carolyn enjoys introducing fun words to her younger students to tantalize their ears and minds and engage them in learning. She spends much time observing the world around her and encouraging her students to see and embrace their blessings--the people, places, events, and situations in their lives that help them see and love Jesus more.  Carolyn will use her various networks through social media, school, community, and church to promote and sell her book, Blessings.

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title: Jesus Is Sweeter

author: Courtney Nadig

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.26.2021 • author id: NaCoJe11621

word count: 450


What is the most beautiful sight our eyes could behold? The strongest force we could experience? The kindest or most loving friend? The sweetest treasure? Grandpa knows that the answer to each of these questions is actually a Person. He shares the answer with his curious grandchildren after they ask their Grandpa why he loves Jesus so much. Readers of all ages will enjoy this lyrical story with a message coated in biblical truth and the incomparable beauty of the gospel.

About the Author
Courtney Nadig is a first-time author. Prior to writing books for children, she wrote contracts and technical policy for ten years as a civil servant with the US Army.  Courtney also served for several years as a missionary to college students and frequently as a Bible study teacher in her local church. She sees the sweetness of Jesus most profoundly in her role as a wife and a twin mom.

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title: Lessons from Ladybugs

author: Ginny Galla

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 6.1.2021 • author id: GaGiLe12221

word count: 9000


Sisters, Laynie and Annie, frequently go for walks on the path near their house.  Along their way, they encounter a small problem (such as muddy feet) and a truth about Jesus (such as beautiful feet) delivered by Lucky the Ladybug.

About the Author
I have a BS in English and Education.  After teaching English for 6 years, I became a mom and left the professional world behind me.  Since then, I have been primarily reading children’s books.  I have 4 children, the oldest being 10-years-old.  Stephen King famously states they best advice for writing is to read, read, read.  I have read enough to be a good judge of children’s books.

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title: Word Kids - A Story Devotional

author: Karen Jensen

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.14.2021 • author id: JeKaWo16421

word count: 26000


Word Kids is a read-aloud 31 day story devotional (hopefully followed by at least one more volume) for children ages 5-12.  Each day follows the experiences, adventures, and challenges of ten year old twins Jake and Emma Anderson as they learn to apply God's Word to everyday life.

About the Author
As  a parent of four children (now grown), when my kids were young, very few options for devotionals appealed to us or provided what we were looking for.  Thus, the idea to write a read-aloud, Word based devotional with a fun, continuing thread of characters was born.  Thus far, I have not found another children's devotional written in this story-about-the-same-characters style.  An English major in college (although I did not finish my degree), I have always enjoyed writing, and even more so editing.  After homeschooling my children for twenty-six years, I went back to work and have been employed as a Language Arts tutor for the past five years.

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title: When Skies are Gray

author: Leanne Lucas

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.14.2021 • author id: LuLeWh16421

word count: 45000


When Lizzy Richter’s father left his family to find work in Chicago during the Depression, no one expected him to stay away for good. Three years later, no one expects him to return. Now Daddy is back, and he’s not alone. Besides a scrawny dog named Doorknob, there’s Myron, a shell-shocked veteran from the Great War. Daddy is a vet himself, and he’s determined to get Myron safely back to his family. But the two of them are out of food, they’re almost out of money, and there’s an officer of the law looking for them. They need Lizzy’s help. No one else knows Daddy is back, so Lizzy reluctantly agrees to keep his return a secret and help Myron. Daddy promises he’ll come home to stay when Myron is safe, but after three years of silence, can Lizzy trust his word? Can God really change a man the way Daddy says he’s been changed? Despite Lizzy’s best efforts, some secrets are impossible to keep. When her family learns that Daddy is back, she is caught in a firestorm amidst the people she loves most. Lizzy realizes her decision to trust and forgive the father she still loves might come with a price.

About the Author
Leanne Lucas has published a variety of short fiction and non-fiction in Christian magazines for children. She is the author of eight books in the Addie McCormick Adventures series, published by Harvest House. The entire series was picked up and published by the German publishing company Christliche Verlagsgesellschaft, and is currently being published by Finding Christ Through Fiction. Leanne is developing a platform to reach readers through Facebook and Instagram. She also has a website,, where she writes a blog ( Read. Write. Repeat.) to discuss her current projects and review relevant children’s literature.  

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: It Could Be Angels

author: Melissa Stiveson

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 7.18.2021 • author id: StMeIt16821

word count: 325


If you get a fright, and suddenly fireflies encircle you in light, It Could Be Angels helping.  This  321-word inspirational picture book introduces a transcendent subject in a straightforward and uncomplicated manner. Angels surround you, love you unconditionally, and want you to be happy. Read from a loved one’s perspective, this manuscript explores scenarios in which it could be angels helping and creates an invitation for children to be aware of their presence.

About the Author

Melissa Stiveson's debut picture book, Wishes of the World, is scheduled for a March 2023 publication release with Sleeping Bear Press. She continue to hone her writing skills as a CBI member, through conferences, critique groups, online classes, and as a 2020 #PBChat mentee to author Annemarie Riley Guertin. In addition, three of Melissa's stories received Honorable Mentions from the Writer’s Digest 87th - 89th annual competitions.

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title: Emily Rose Goes Outside

author: Michelle Wall

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.10.2021 • author id: WaMiEm19121

word count: 1100


Emily Rose is a little girl who loves to play next to the ravine near her home.  Today she hopes to find a frog or a salamander in the mud next to the water's edge.  When she reaches her favorite spot at the bottom of the steps, someone calls her name. It's Jesus!  He's been waiting there for her, and opens His arms wide in welcome.  Together they share a joyful, loving moment, in which Jesus shows Emily Rose a special gift.  He gives her a beautiful stone that has been created for her long before she was born. Jesus gives Emily Rose the joy of the wind, a breeze that rustles the trees and makes them clap their hands.  After He affirms His love for her, and Emily Rose accepts this most precious gift. He leaves her with the promise of His home in her heart. Emily Rose will never be the same!        

About the Author
I am a new author, fifty-two years old.  I've been writing books and stories for many years, and wish to share my heart with children who need Jesus.  I am a grandmother to five-year-old Emily Rose, and wish to leave her and other children a legacy of Jesus' personal love for them. I am a freelance copy editor and proofreader, and an artist.  My life has taught me to trust in God above all else, and that His love never fails.  I hope to share that simple message with my readers. Thank you for considering this manuscript.

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title: Together Forever... No Matter What!

author: Charity Clayton

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.20.2021 • author id: ClChTo24221

word count: 497


Enter into the honest conversation of an adopted child with his mother. He lost his first family and worries that he could lose this one too.  Is there something he could do or say, someplace he could run, some big feeling that he could feel that would cause him to lose this family, too? See how his mother patiently puts his fear at ease and assures him that this family will be together forever… no matter what!

About the Author
Charity Clayton is an adoptive mom. She and her husband have been trained by the Hope Connect Camp at Texas Christian University ( which teaches Trust Based Relational Intervention. They are also Empowered to Connect trainers (, helping equip families who welcome children through adoption and foster care. They run a support group for foster and adoptive families in their community. Charity and her husband have been invited to train at adoption events and agencies where they can sell the book.

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title: Wake Up, I've Got An Idea

author: Bill Farrelly

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 10.7.2021 • author id: FaBiWa25021

word count: 22000


Angus Daley, 12 going on 21, is a bit of a loner who has a quirky sense of humour and a loving and fun Mum and Dad. But other than his eccentric music teacher, Mr. Vaistas (who might be a 100 but probably isn’t), Angus has no real friends. Then he meets Sarah and her twin brother, Danny. Danny is confined to his wheelchair but bears no grudge towards his alcoholic dad, whose driving changed Danny’s life. What Danny most wants is for his dad to forgive himself and return home. Angus and Sarah know that God could work a miracle and cure Danny, but that is not the miracle Danny hopes for. His prayer is to have his dad back. On an adventure-filled holiday where Angus’s nosy disposition gets him into all sorts of bother, together the three children come up with an ingenious plan to reunite the family. Angus also finds out what happens when you kiss a dead person.

About the Author

I am a retired Sydney Morning Herald subeditor, father of five, grandfather of 12. This 22,000-word novella is aimed at middle-grade readers but may also appeal to mature-age readers who remember, and delight in, what is was like to be a child. I enjoy wrestling with God, as evidenced in many of my published articles in the Marist Messenger. My goal is to inspire children to think creatively and to always keep God in the equation.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Eli Does His Best

author: Deanne Kylstra

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 10.29.2021 • author id: KyDeEl28321

word count: 900


Eli Does His Best is a comical, adventurous ride with Eli, a dog with a lofty goal. Eli dreams of becoming the world’s highest jumper, but his failed attempts at clearing clotheslines have resulted in only muddy paw prints, an angry owner, and several furious neighbors. Eli is back on his dog run. How can he protect little Sarah now? On his way to Bark Buster’s Dog Training, Eli escapes. Undaunted, Eli jumps out of a moving car, gets covered in red paint, then splatters it all over his backyard. Just when things can’t seem to get any worse, Eli does the impossible for Sarah and discovers that doing your best always pays off. This is the first in a series of books designed for children to discover godly principles.

About the Author

Deanne Kylstra is a licensed Speech Language Pathology Assistant, providing speech therapy for children ages 5-18. She has also served at Saddleback Church as a Kids Small Group Leader since 2010, implementing a strong foundation of God’s Word into the hearts and minds of our future generations. The book was inspired by witnessing the struggles of our children today who focus on attaining perfection on their report cards. If children can understand at an earlier age that God only asks us to do our best, then we would have a new generation of children walking in the freedom of knowing that it’s their best that is pleasing to God. The book could be sold at Saddleback Church, which is a multi-site megachurch.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Penelope and Peter, Prayer Warriors

author: Karly Driscoll

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 11.19.2021 • author id: DrKaPe29121

word count: 5000


Princess Penelope and Prince Peter may seem like ordinary kids, but they are, in fact, extraordinary. They are siblings with creative imaginations who have figured out how to work through all that life throws their way.  They are prayer warriors! Penelope and Peter realize the power of prayer and do not want to keep this secret to themselves. They want to increase the number of prayer warriors out there! Anyone can join this group, but you have to earn your cape to become a true prayer warrior. Do you have worries, fears, or problems that you need help with? Here come the prayer warriors to your rescue! They can’t actually fly, but they like to wear capes and pretend they can fly. Their superpower is prayer. They think flying is super cool and all, but the coolest part about their superpower is they can teach ANYONE to be a prayer warrior and they want to share their powers with YOU!

About the Author

I am so happy that you have picked up this book and are considering it for a child in your life. I am not an expert. I am not a PhD, a theologian, or a minister of any sort. I am simply a mother who loves to pray.  I am a mother who has found a relationship with God through prayer and feels contentment and joy in this relationship. I am a mother who hopes and prays that she can help you and your child do the same through her stories about Peter and Penelope. I strongly encourage you to pray with your children and introduce them to Jesus at a young age. Get a children's devotional book and read with them. Pray together as a family. Start a prayer board and have them pray for others aloud.  Give your family the opportunity to make this a natural and normal part of their everyday lives. It is the best gift you could give them. I’ve prayed about Penelope and Peter for years and am finally responding to God’s call. It is also my prayer that I can use this calling to helping others. I am donating 20% of each sale to support organizations in my community. Now, it is time to introduce you to Princess Penelope and Prince Peter, Prayer Warriors!  

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Dear God, I'm Thankful For My Body

author: Ellie Langford

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.11.2022 • author id: LaElDe1122

word count: 400


Brief Description: Dear God, I’m Thankful for my Body is the working title for my picture book.   Meet Lucas, Mia, and Jamal, who are thankful God made their amazing bodies with a sense of balance, and Z-O-O-O-M with them around the world, and meet children of many cultures and skin colors. Each one is thankful for what their body can do.   This book focuses on diversity and lets children of many cultures and skin colors see themselves in a book. At the same time, it focuses on unity – God created each us as a unique member of the human family with an amazing body. Dear God, I’m Thankful for my Body helps expand the reader’s worldview.

About the Author
Credentials: Ellie Langford is a mom, a teacher, and an author. Seeing a need for more inclusive and multicultural books to be available for young children, she wrote Dear God, I’m Thankful for my Body. In the past, she won 1st place in the Tennessee Mountain Writers’ Writing for Youth category, won honorable mention in a Writer’s Digest contest of 19,000 entrants in the children’s category, and helped write a children’s science series used in schools across the nation. She’s been published in Christian children’s magazines, and wrote a booklet on self-improvement for doctor’s offices. She has a passion for writing children’s picture books and has spent time learning the craft. Platform: Ellie is building an author’s platform on social media – Facebook – @Ellie LangfordFacebook – Admin of Clicking Keys for Writers of Children’s Lit, Illustrators, Parents, …,   Twitter – @EleanorLangfor5. She’s a member of SCBWI, CBI, and a 2020 and 2021 member of the 12 x 12 Challenge. She also a member of several, smaller writing for children groups. She is working on developing a WordPress website.   Marketing: Ellie’s detailed marketing plan includes contacting Christian education systems, churches, libraries, two Christian radio stations (possibly more), a website, friends and family, extensive use of social media and more.

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: The Little Blue Lamb

author: Jane McCabe

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 1.29.2022 • author id: McJaTh1422

word count: 1102


I’d like to introduce you to The Little Blue Lamb by Wayne Maxwell, Jr. and Illustrated by me, Jane M McCabe. This charming children’s story naturally is about a blue lamb who wonders why she happened to born blue and finds acceptance from baby Jesus. It is for children from 4 to 6 years old. It was first published in 2005 by Pegasus Publications (i.e. M David Samples). Now I am seeking to have it republished with a traditional house. (Mr. Maxwell died twenty years ago and Mr. Samples about five years ago.) Copies of it have become scarcer than hen’s teeth—if you try to buy a copy through Amazon it will cost over $450. It took some doing for me to get permission to republish the book from Wayne’s family, but recently I have overcome that obstacle. I think The Little Blue Lamb is destined to become a children’s book classic and am confident that the republication of this book will be a good source of income for its publisher. If you would like to see the entire illustrated story, please visit my website:

About the Author
Jane M McCabe was born in Billings, Montana and attended grade school, junior high and high school there. In 1959 she was the valedictorian of her high school class. After attending Eastern Montana College for two years, majoring in pre-med, she transferred to and graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle with a BA in Art and a minor in English. She got her master’s degree in Fine Art in Painting from the San Francisco Art Institute in 1967. Following that, she attended Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota for three years. She has taught her entire life all the while continuing to work as a writer and painter. For five years she worked for the San Francisco Unified School District as a Children’s Center teacher. For three years she taught in the Art Department at Eastern Montana College. During the 24 years she lived in New York City she taught computer software programs—Word, Excel, PageMaker, CorelDraw and Adobe Illustrator, and English in numerous adult training facilities and colleges in the NYC area. She taught art appreciation and drawing at Taft College in Taft, California. Most recently she taught ESL at the University of South Los Angeles. Jane had a one-man show in New York City at Trinity Lutheran Church on the Upper West Side in 1996. Most recently she had a one-man show at the Rock Rose Gallery in Los Angeles, called “Los Angeles on my Mind,” in January of 2016. Jane is an associate editor of the Neworld Review and regularly edits and writes reviews for this on-line magazine. She has written the following: A Basket of Birds—a novel, published, 1996 An Old Song, a New Song—a novella Moonlight Over Montana—a novel Revelation! The Single Story of Divine Prophecy to Abraham & his Descendants—the Jews, Christians & Muslims—on religion, published with Xlibris, 2000 The Second Coming—a screenplay, 2018 Harry and Javier—a screenplay, 2007 She has written and illustrated the following: The Remarkable Story of the Very First Flower, published with Author House, 2010 Celeste, Oliver & the Holey Wall—a story for children The Worm That Wanted to Fly—a children’s story, available on Kindle She has illustrated the following: The Miracle of Sandy Duck—by Wayne F. Maxwell, Jr., published in 2001 The Little Blue Lamb-- by Wayne F. Maxwell, Jr., published in 2003 Jennifer’s Journey-- by Wayne F. Maxwell, Jr. To see the altarpiece Jane painted in 2011 please go to To view Jane McCabe’s paintings, please go to

If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.

title: Blended: My Happily Ever After

author: Bridgette Halley

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.23.2022 • author id: HaBrBl2222

word count: 6200


Blended: My Happily Ever After is a fictional book for children aged 7 to 12 that tells the story of a girl named Mia whose mom is remarrying after divorce from Mia’s dad.  Mia was very young when her parents divorced, and now as a seven-year-old, she tries to come to terms with her parents’ divorce as her mom prepares to remarry.  Blended: My Happily Ever After follows Mia’s journey from being an only child to sharing Mom with her step-dad and two step-siblings. Mia ultimately learns that while family isn’t exactly what she’s seen in the fairy tales, where there is love there is family, and love is everything she needs. Although there are other books on the market that deal with issues of divorce, remarriage, and/or diverse family makeup, these books are often in picture book format, aimed at preschool-age children, or are in the form of self-help workbook for parents.  Blended: My Happily Ever After is for those older school-aged children who will find that they have lots in common with Mia or her two older step-siblings.  Additionally, although Blended: My Happily Ever After delves into divorce, remarriage, and new siblings, future stories in the Blended series will focus on other social and family dynamics such as Mia’s life as part of an interracial family, and how Mia and her family work together to cope with mental illness affecting one of her step-siblings.  

About the Author

After teaching elementary school for six years, I decided to obtain my law degree and have been a lawyer for nearly fourteen years. I reside in Fort Worth, Texas, along with my husband, three children, and our two golden doodles. My family is a blended family. This is a second marriage for both my husband and me, and we each have a child or children from our former marriages. Our road to becoming a cohesive family hasn't been perfect, and I know that we may not appear to be the perfect family to some as I and my daughter from my former marriage are African American, and my husband and two bonus kids are white. But our family is so full of love, and I hope my stories encourage kids who are also in non-traditional families that love is what matters most.

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title: Best Applesauce

author: Heather Lind

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 4.14.2022 • author id: LiHeBe7922

word count: 1180


Best Applesauce is a tender story of faith and forgiveness. Nijah, a bi-racial adoptee, loves her family, farm, and fall.  Life is good until she faces some careless words on her bus ride and a school project that stirs up confusion about where she belongs.  While making applesauce, Nijah’s grandma, Nana, draws her out of her isolation with the help of some gentle words and apple crisp.  In an almost parable fashion, Nana relays to Nijah how Nijah and her family are like their family orchard.  Each comes from a different type of tree.  Each has to overcome obstacles to become useful fruit.  Each one is made for a different purpose.  How can Nana’s wisdom … and applesauce ... help replace Nijah’s feelings of doubt and bitterness with ones of confidence and joy?

About the Author

Heather Lind was born and raised in Wisconsin.  She and her husband, Ray, along with their four biological children, moved to Lancaster County, PA, and stayed 16 years before moving back to WI.  While in Lancaster, they did foster and respite care with Coby’s Family Services before adopting their two youngest sons.  As a mother of biological, foster, and adoptive children for the past 26 years, Heather has had firsthand experience and training with children and their emotions.  While all children can relate to hurtful words and difficult assignments, Best Applesauce adds another element for those dealing with feelings of loss in an adoptive or blended family.  It offers a visual picture of why forgiveness and faith are necessary and healing.

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title: Mahalo Bear Says Thank You!

author: Karin (AKA Bo) Bergemann

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 6.17.2022 • author id: BeKaMa15022

word count: 774


Mahalo Bear awakes, and as he tries to stretch his tiny arms above his head, he says, “Thank you!”  He then proceeds to say “Thank you!” repeatedly as funny, messy things happen to him all along the route he and his friend Doubtful Duck take to school that day.  When he arrives, he is covered in all the colors of the rainbow. They have been splattered all over him on his way to school, just in time to help him show and tell about the rainbow--all when he forgot he even had the assignment and thus had done nothing to prepare for it. So his messy adventures turn out to be a blessing in disguise, and Doubtful Duck’s questions are answered with a fun twist at the end in which she decides to try on an attitude of gratitude herself. 

About the Author

Bo Bergemann is a world renowned artist and character designer who has been dubbed "The Toy Maker" by a profile article on her in Hana Hou magazine.  Bo has also been featured in far too many doll and toy magazines to count the world over, and was a panelist at Comic-Con San Diego International five years running with a current open invitation to return any time. Bo has a degree in journalism and marketing.  She was a medically fragile foster mother in the state of Hawaii for 14 years before launching her own business and art career, and she read many children’s picture books to those in her care along with her own three growing children. Bo won the Book Mobile’s contest to meet Beverly Cleary in 4th grade by reading every one of her books out at that time--all in spite of living a rough painful existence in her childhood home. That was when her childhood dream of becoming a children’s author began. Bo also read C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia for the first time in 4th grade and since then too many times to count. 

Bo currently lives, writes, paints, sculpts, and runs her worldwide art business from her home in Hawaii, which she calls Ohana House, and her Artist’s Retreat in the Trinity Mountains of Northern CA, which she calls Narnia.  She believes in doing things with excellence or not at all. Bo loves people and nature, both of which inspire her work. She had a successful world-class gallery in the famous North Shore Oahu surf town of Haleiwa for several years.  Bo is unique and creative to her core and excels in a wide variety of artisanal skill sets. She understands marketing and has a beloved collector's Ohana fanbase all over the world who buy her art, original dolls, characters, and designs. She will actively market herself individually as well as in cooperation with her publisher. 

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title: GOD IS


category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.12.2022 • author id: MCSHGO19222

word count: 1150


"But ask the beasts and they will teach you, the birds of heaven and they will tell you, or the bushes of the earth and they will teach you, and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of God has done this? In His hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of mankind." (Job 12:7-10) Has there ever been a more important time to learn to love nature and protect it? Has there been a time we’ve needed to see and know the goodness of God more? With the aim of bringing a new revelation of God to children, this full length poem views the Divine through a new lens. A treasure trove of images and sounds delight both listener and reader, while whimsical wordplay and juxtaposed animals and ecosystems kindle curiosity, awaken wonder, and fire the imagination. Written for children ages 5-12, this delightful journey of discovery explores the essence of God alive in the natural world.

About the Author

With an exuberant seeking spirit, Shannon McGuire has traversed African savannahs, summited mountains on multiple continents, sailed from Australia to Holland on a 16th Century Replica Tall Ship, and had her photographs and writings published in an array of media. As a certified scuba diver and intrepid explorer by land, sea and air S. McGuire has joyed in the discovery of the Divine throughout the natural world. She lives on the Big Island of Hawaii.

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title: "Icthy and Lil"

author: Richard Moreland

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.3.2022 • author id: MoRi"I22022

word count: 1250


Icthy is a sunfish who loves to spend time with her best friend, Lil, a water lily. But water lilies can’t be the beautiful flower that God intends them to be until they grow “above the surface.” That means a scary, sad separation for Icthy. Does she love her friend enough to let her grow? Find out in this parable that seeks to help children deal with the reality of separation.

About the Author
Richard Moreland is a retired public school band director and retired director of music at Swartz Creek United Methodist Church where he worked with pre-school, elementary and middle school choirs as well as adult vocal, hand bell and instrumental ensembles. He is co-author with Marian Hope Moreland of several children’s Christmas plays including “The Not-So-Silent-Night” and “Wee Three Kings” available through Group Publishing.

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title: Our Homeschool Life: Dennis’ First Day of School (at Home)

author: Elle Madison

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 12.27.2022 • author id: MaElOu33022

word count: 1130


Did you know that there’s approximately 4 million homeschoolers in America? That’s nearly 7% of all school-aged children. Take a look at the books out there for this market... there's not much. This children's book aims to show children normalcy in their lifestyle. One that's growing in popularity, especially amongst Christians.  Dennis’ First Day of School (at Home) follows the narrator his older sister Olive through their first day of homeschool. Olive has homeschooled for a few years at this point, but this is Dennis’ first day sitting at the school table (the kitchen table) with grade-level tasks. There’s gentle guidance, almost invisibly so, for new homeschool parents on what a “normal” school day might look like. The funny thing about being a new homeschooler means that parents and children learn together until they find a rhythm that best suits everyone. The plot weaves ideas of how a work-at-home parent can navigate around homeschool as well as introductory ideas about unit studies and morning baskets – a homeschool-specific idea. But most importantly, Dennis and his family normalize an increasingly growing educational choice. The characters were developed in a way that gives creative liberties to the publisher and illustrator to choose characters that are best suited for the market – these figures can either be animals or human.

About the Author
For the past 7 years, I have written creative curriculum for traditional students and homeschoolers alike. My unique, yet simple style weaves my experiences as a public/private school teacher with the years I’ve spent educating my own children. To date, I have sold 130,000+ units through various online marketplaces. In addition, I’ve given away another 400,000+ resources as free downloads. With over 13,000 reviews averaging 4.9 stars out of 5, teachers and homeschoolers are clear they enjoy my modest approach to writing.

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title: Prayer Through Pictures: Helping children of all abilities pray and seek God.


category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.14.2023 • author id: MCDAPr1123

word count: 1000


(working title: Prayer Through Pictures: Helping Children of All Abilities Pray and Seek God) As parents, we do our best to train a child in the way they should go. We teach them manners, responsibility, and most importantly, we teach them about God. For most parents, we teach them by modeling and taking our children to church and Sunday School. We teach them to pray, by having them memorize the words to simple familiar prayers. Wouldn’t it be nice to help ensure that your child understands the meaning of those words they are saying to God? That’s what Prayer Through Pictures is designed to do.  As a special education teacher, and mother of two, Danielle McManus has worked to create a way to make prayer more accessible for children. Young children learn to attach meaning to words by labeling the pictures and visuals in the world around them. Activities in our Christian lives, like prayer, should be no exception.

About the Author
Danielle McManus holds a master’s degree in early childhood unified education. She has been an early childhood special education teacher for the last twelve years. Danielle is also the mother of two children on the autism spectrum. Danielle is well connected in the disability community with access to large foundations and groups within this niche market such as the autism society. Danielle is also a leadership partner of the children’s ministry at Hope Church RVA that has thousands of members and family friends with the pastor of another large Church in Petersburg with thousands of members. This book is easily marketed to Christian parents, churches, and church-based daycares and preschools.

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author: Julie Leon

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 3.28.2023 • author id: LeJuTH5823

word count: 48000


THE DREAMSEEKER is a Middle-Grade Fantasy and Christian Allegory that follows 12-year-old Sophie Harker on her quest to save her kingdom and its beloved hero from an evil lord’s curse of forgetfulness. When her adoptive parents become affected and the rest of the kingdom’s children suddenly disappear, she has no choice but to leave the life she knew behind. With only a few clues to go on- including a cryptic message to seek her ‘true heart’s desire’, and a compelling dream-visit from a mysterious woman- she travels on foot by day and by dream at night. By trusting her intuition, along with the assistance of a magic pebble and a friend in a particularly high place, she might just break the curse, and discover her true home along the way.

About the Author
I've been a member of SCBWI for over 10 years in my journey to craft this story into a publishable novel and establish a platform. My critique group has been a tremendous resource, along with the many conferences and workshops I've attended. I grew up as an avid reader and spent much of my youth writing poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. After graduating with a B.S. in Communications from Appalachian State University, I worked in D.C. in television post-production for Discovery Communications. Eventually, my focus shifted to serving marginalized populations and I returned to my love of writing. I live in Raleigh, North Carolina with my husband, two energetic boys (12, 13), and two attention-seeking dogs. When I'm not writing, I enjoy reading, outdoor activities, advocating for children in the court system, and volunteering in the church and community. Like my protagonist, I am also a lucid dreamer.

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title: Redrick Raccoon and the Missing Strawberry Happy Birthday Cake

author: Karen Monteith

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.15.2023 • author id: MoKaRe10223

word count: 1160


Today is Redrick Raccoon’s birthday! As Redrick bustles about decorating his Berry Hollow home, he realizes something is missing. That missing something is a birthday cake. The raccoon finds his copy of the Berry Hollow Cookbook and bakes a delicious village favorite called Strawberry Happy Birthday Cake. As there is no more room on the kitchen table, Redrick opens a window and places the cake on the windowsill. Later when Redrick’s birthday party guests arrive, they discover the cake is gone! The friends encourage one another and follow the cake crumbs out the window and into the forest, where they make a delightful discovery. As the day wears on, the raccoon realizes the importance of friendship and that a cake isn’t necessary to celebrate one’s birthday. Afterward, when Redrick and his friends return home, Redrick receives a beautiful, delightful surprise from the townsfolk of Berry Hollow.

About the Author
Karen H. Monteith has a BA degree in English. She always has loved literature, particularly fairy tales. In 2009 she began writing children's stories, and eventually discovered her lively little raccoon character--a fixture in her writing ever since. She resides in western North Carolina.

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title: Hurricane Party

author: Laura Short

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 6.7.2023 • author id: ShLaHu12923

word count: 5500


Josie learned all about hurricanes in the second grade, but that’s different than being in a hurricane. When the TV weather lady announces a hurricane is headed towards her home, Josie’s worry-words pour out. What if the house fills up with fish? What if all her toys blow away? Her Soft Dolly and Bobble-Head don’t even know how to swim! Josie’s family heads to Grandma’s for a hurricane party, and Josie likes the sound of the party, but is totally unprepared when the hurricane shows up too. Can Josie find the courage to trust God even when the lights go out? Can she put her fears aside to save her brother from the pounding storm?

About the Author
Laura DiCarlo Short is a writer and teacher living in Georgetown, Texas. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Texas State University and her poems, stories, interviews, and essays have appeared most recently in The Knicknackery, The Literati Quarterly, Front Porch Journal, and Able Muse, among others.  Laura teaches in her homeschool community and has served as Director of Children’s Ministry at her church. Laura is a member of her local SCBWI chapter and can promote her book through the SCBWI author’s platform, as well as readings and talks at libraries, bookstores, and homeschool groups.

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title: How to Fix a Broken Heart

author: Rebecca Feldmann

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 8.29.2023 • author id: FeReHo21523

word count: 1000


“How To Fix a Broken Heart” is a 509 word picture book focused on the efforts of an eight year old girl to fix her broken heart. She has to wade through the advice of well-meaning friends to finally discover how to move forward through heartbreak. It also contains a 597 word journal at the back of the book for parents/guardians to use to guide a child through their own broken heart experience.

About the Author
I am first and foremost a follower of Jesus Christ. I have a B.S. in Music Education and have been teaching K-12 music for twenty-nine years. I'm the mom of four adult children.  I have experienced heartbreaks related to the death of my father when I was nine to abandonment and infidelity as an adult. I know firsthand what a refuge a well-written book can be for a weary, broken heart. However, my story is not an autobiography. I have created the cause of Melody's heartbreak to be non-specific so my audience can interpret it in their own way. Examples: Divorce, Death of a Loved One, Foster Care, Abandonment, Life-Threatening Illness

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title: Hide-and-Seek-Prayers

author: Janet Post

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.8.2023 • author id: PoJaHi21923

word count: 1330


Christian parents hope that their children will develop a prayer life.  But, how can parents accomplish this goal? Hide-and-Seek-Prayers is a story for young children that models how to talk to God. Each night, Rosie tells God where she found him hiding in the day. No one can see God, of course. Rosie sees God in the fingerprints he leaves behind in the things he’s made:  in her cat, Louie, a bird, or a rainbow, etc. Rosie talks to God with a voice that stands up on the page in unforgettable and entertaining style. She even shows readers how to find God in the unexpected hailstones that ruin her favorite flowers: “I suppose I saw you, God, hiding in the hailstones, today. Looks like you emptied every drawer you had up there!” Hide-and-Seek-Prayers is a book that will establish for children the habit of looking for God’s fingerprints in their lives.  It is a book that parents will love to read to their children, and children will love to read for themselves.

About the Author
Janet Post  earned her Masters Degree in English.  She presently lives in Colorado.  She was married to the late Jim Post, singer/song writer, who wrote the hit 60s hit song, "Reach Out in the Darkness."  Janet co-authored two children's books with Jim: Barnyard Boogie, and Jungle Beat, published by Accord Publishing.  Janet also wrote 40 songs for the reading readiness program:  "Reading By Ear."  The songs won the Parents' Choice Award for 1995.  One of the songs was featured on Good Morning America, and another was contracted by Bonduelle Vegetable Company to use as their featured advertisement.  The CDs are available on You Tube: "Purple Pig;" "Frog Town Band;" "Oodles and Loads and Lots of Things;" "Queens and Quarter Backs" "Alphabet Songs." The remainder of her publishing history: Cotton Rock, a novel which received accolades from Chicago Sun Times, recommended by Writers’ Digest, and read on National Public Radio’s “Chapter-A-Day” in Madison, Wisconsin. Where Two Rivers Meet, the Story of Black Hawk and Larkin Gatewood Carter, a chapter book for upper elementary students. Eyes of the Heart, Glimpses of the Holy a book of poetry (newly released.) Winner of Tales from the South Short Story Contest, in 2012, for “Moonlight Memories,” read twice by Janet on National Public Radio at Little Rock, Arkansas. (Both readings can be viewed on You tube.)

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author: Mark Rentz

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.18.2023 • author id: ReMaMY23523

word count: 460


When a young swimmer named Mabel asks a fish what it's like to always be wet, it set's off a fun, fast-paced chain of curious wonderment throughout the animal world.  A fish wonders what it's like to fly, a bird wonders what it's like to run fast, and a horse wonders what it's like to swing from a tree in the picture book, MY, OH MY, I WONDER WHY? As Mabel listens to all the animals, she begins to understand an even bigger wonder. This story is for children ages 4 to 8 and is told in 460 words. MY, OH MY, I WONDER WHY? shines with zany rhymes and with hope and affirmation like the successful picture book, WHEREVER YOU GO, I WANT YOU TO KNOW by Melissa B. Kruger and Isabel Lundie, The Good Book Company, August 22.  It explores a riddle like in Roman Yasiejko's WHO IS IT, WHOODINI, Yeehoo Press, 2022.  But what sets my heart-warming book apart is how by embracing our unique gifts, talents, and worth, we can soar and swing with zest and zing with all the creatures of the sky, sea, and earth in a chorus of shared praise and purpose!

About the Author
As a parent, teacher, and university administrator, I've been asked a lot of fun and fascinating questions! I wrote about international education in NEWSWEEK Magazine and authored the English language textbook, THE READER'S JOURNAL, Simon & Schuster, Prentice Hall, 1993, which sold more than 50,000 copies. As a lifelong educator, I have served as the Associate Vice Provost for International Education at The University at Albany, SUNY, and directed the nations' largest Intensive English Program at Arizona State University. Now newly retired. I am writing Picture Books and articles about Missions and Evangelism.

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title: Eli Does His Best

author: Deanne Kylstra

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.13.2024 • author id: KyDeEl1124

word count: 700


A spirited dog with big dreams leaves havoc in his path, but his love for a little girl inspires him to do the impossible. ELI DOES HIS BEST is for readers of Kobi Yamada’s WHAT DO YOU DO WITH A CHANCE and Karen H. Kerstein’s ROSIE THE DRAGON AND CHARLIE SAY GOODNIGHT.

About the Author
Deanne is a Jersey girl with a unique sense of humor. Her books are a reflection of her childhood escapades. As her stories unfold children are held captive by hilarious characters and discover for themselves important life lessons. Deanne is a teacher in special education which fuels her desire to make a difference in the lives of children. Eli Does His Best is her debut picture book.

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title: The Son of Thunder Goes to School

author: Kristina Polley

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 2.29.2024 • author id: PoKrTh3024

word count: 900


A troublesome kindergartener. A troublesome disciple. A kind and patient teacher who knows the answer for one is the answer for both. Young James does not want to be in Kindergarten. He’d rather be at home with his grandpa Jesse. He tries everything to get kicked out. Any instruction given from his teacher, he does the opposite, whether it’s in the classroom or on the playground. He likes to sing his ZYXs and stand on the swings.  But are his tactics enough to send him home to his grandpa? Or does Ms. Hemsworth's tolerance outweigh his trickery? How will these two interact on the first day of Kindergarten? How will Ms. Hemsworth react to his poor attitude and outbursts? Follow along as Ms. Hemsworth helps young James overcome his difficult day, both mentally and physically, by telling him about a disciple similar in nature and how his leader helped him find peace during difficult times.

About the Author
I am a Physician Associate in North Carolina. I discovered my passion for writing and attended the Asheville Christian Writers Conference in 2019. I also wrote a devotion that was featured on I continue to fine-tune my craft by obtaining certifications in proofreading, editing, and medical copyediting. I plan to market my book using social media, church connections, Barnes and Noble, the local city market (they both offer an author’s table), and various medical offices (I have friends who work in these offices who might be willing to let me market my book).

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title: The Big Change

author: Heather So

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 5.17.2024 • author id: SoHeTh10724

word count: 673


‘The Big Change’ is a story of two caterpillar best friends. It’s the day of the bug village running race, and both caterpillars are ready to go! That’s until one of the caterpillars starts to change, and the two best friends start on a journey to understand what is happening. Death is the big change we all must face. ‘The Big Change’ provides a Christian metaphor for families to sensitively discuss death. It is aimed at preschool-Kindergarten (2-5 years) aged children, who are facing death themselves, or they may know someone facing it.   In 2022, more than 3.2 million persons died in the United States. Talking about death, or the big change, is difficult. The way people approach this topic will be different for many reasons, including age, where we come from, whether we are sick, and what support we have around us. Therefore, this book deliberately uses pictures and simple language as this format may be understood by people from a range of backgrounds and situations. The death-related themes that may come up through this story include shock, sadness, acceptance in faith, companionship, grief, and the Christian hope of new life in heaven.

About the Author
Heather is mother who understands what it is to prepare a child for death. The diagnosis of her 4-year-old youngest daughter Emily with a rare and terminal brain tumor presented Heather’s family with this heartbreaking task. This book is the outcome of her family’s journey. Heather is also an occupational therapist, with a graduate diploma of divinity. She has commenced her Doctor of Philosophy and is researching how to address client spirituality in healthcare.

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title: Ladder Learns to Pray and Other Emergency Vehicle Prayers

author: Anna Cannelongo

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 6.25.2024 • author id: CaAnLa14524

word count: 615


We, like many parents, include a prayer as part of our bedtime routine with our toddler, yet there aren’t any prayer books that target young boys with exciting topics like trucks. However, many secular bedtime books do such as Sheri Rinker’s bestselling Good Night, Good Night Construction Site. Ladder Learns to Pray and Other Emergency Vehicle Prayers is a series of 6 board books targeted at young boys. Each book is one prayer, 6 spreads in length, which focuses on an emergency worker and its corresponding emergency vehicle. The relationship between the emergency worker and its vehicle mimics a father (the worker) putting his son (the vehicle) to sleep at night and teaching him to pray. There is also a prayer focus for each book, e.g., Ladder Learns to Pray focuses on bravery and sacrifice and Cruiser Learns to Pray focuses on wisdom, justice, and grace. Because children learn by repetition, the first, second and last stanza of each book is the same; this also gives the child a structure to create his own prayers. Additionally, each book has “What does this mean to me?” call-outs to help parents discuss big concepts with their child at an age-appropriate level.

About the Author
Anna Cannelongo is an experienced educator licensed in mathematics and language arts with a Master’s of Education in Curriculum and Instruction. Anna taught in both Christian and public schools; worked on a 2nd grade reading anthology at McGraw Hill Education; and was an education program specialist for the state of Ohio. At McGraw Hill, she wrote a poem and two short stories under pseudonyms for their Open Court Reading textbook. At the formerly named Ohio Department of Education, she wrote and provided professional development across the state for teachers and wrote the Instructional Supports for the Mathematics Model Curriculum. Additionally, she co-authored two articles about the high school math pathways initiative. In 2022 she won the Friend of Mathematics award for promoting math education across the state of Ohio. But most importantly she is a mom to a truck-loving toddler who wants to instill the love of Jesus in her child!

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title: What's a Caterpillar to Do?

author: Trey Lackey

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.9.2024 • author id: LaTrWh22124

word count: 1146


A delightful rhyming story of a little caterpillar struggling with his heart's ambition to fly, stymied by the limitations he sees in his caterpillar self. He "tries on" some alternate identities, with utter failure, and then concedes to allow God's intentions for him to unfold.

About the Author
Trey Lackey is a licensed professional counselor, with over 20 years experience working with emotionally disturbed children in public schools, and over 20 years counseling foster children and their foster parents. He and his wife of 49 years are parents of 4 daughters, and grandparents of seven delightful grandkids. He continues to operate a marriage and family counseling practice in Mansfield, TX. They are members of Fielder Road Baptist Church in Arlington, TX.

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title: Kairu's Scary Adventure

author: Eleanor Hofer

category: fiction • subcategory: children • date submitted: 9.27.2024 • author id: HoElKa24124

word count: 1241


Kairu's Scary Adventure is about a young calf named Kairu who lives in the Amboseli National Park in Kenya. He is free-spirited which often gets him and his three friends in trouble. Kairu isn't always willing to follow rules and finds himself deep in danger. Through an especially dangerous encounter with lions, Kairu learns the value of rules. Sometimes they are there for his protection. The picture book isn't overtly Christian but there is a reflection page at the end of the book. The book itself is 977 words and the reflection page is 264 words. The reflection page discusses the value in following rules and obeying those in authority, especially parents. It is supported by scripture, as well. The reader will also learn about elephants and their habitat.

About the Author
I enjoy sharing God's love with others through the written word. Besides writing children's fiction books (I also  have two chapter books in the works), I've had numerous devotions and articles published in magazines, periodicals, anthologies, and online (at sights such as Upper Room, The Secret Place,, Back-to-the Bible,, Devotable, Koinonia, and Boomerang.) I'm on the leadership team for Wordsowers Christian Writers Group where I'm responsible for writing their monthly newsletter and maintaining two Facebook pages. I have a website at and a devotional blog at

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