title: The Christ-mas Tree Story
author: Karen C. Talcott
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 1.31.2013 • author id: TaK3348613
word count: 360
What if a humble tree is born into this world much like Jesus? It is chosen by God to reign over New York City in Rockefeller Plaza for the month of December. Then in the night, it is whisked away to a sawmill to be stripped of its branches and glory. Yet, in a miraculous way, it rises from the dead bringing new hope and life for others. The Christ-mas Tree Story, a picture book manuscript, shares the life of this quiet tree as it parallels the story of Jesus from his birth, entrance into Jerusalem, crucifixion, and finally His greatest triumph, resurrection from the dead. The beloved Rockefeller tree, like our Messiah, also reigns over the Christmas season. But it doesn't reach its true potential until it is milled into plywood and given to Habitat for Humanity. Each year, like a gift from God, a needy and deserving family is chosen to receive this tree to complete the wooden structure of their new home.
I am a published co-author of three Chicken Soup for the Soul devotionals. My books include: CSS: Devotional Stories for Women, Devotional Stories for Mothers, Devotional Stories for Tough Times, and I am currently working on a fourth book: Chicken Soup for the Soul: Devotional Stories for Wives. This book has a release date of October 2013. I have also been published in two other Chicken Soup for the Soul books. My most recent story will be in the Parenting book coming out in March 2013. I have a Masters in Education and a Bachelors of Arts from Oregon State University. I was an elementary teacher for 12 years before deciding to stay at home to raise my three children and become a freelance writer. I belong to the SCBWI and attend various events they host. I have been on a Christian radio station promoting my first Chicken Soup for the Soul book, I have participated in numerous book signings at local churches, and I have access to numerous Christian schools locally.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: THE DEAL A story about a cosmic dancer and his God
author: Jos Boelryk
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 5.7.2013 • author id: BoJ013
word count: 70,000.00
With our increasing knowledge of the cosmos, of which we are an integral part, it seems reasonable that we would want to expand our understanding of a Jesus through whom, as Christians believe, all things were made.
Armand, a retired physicist living in a retirement community, befriends a former tax collector, named Chris. Over a period of a few months, from a few weeks before Christmas till Easter of the following year, Armand, born into a non-practicing Jewish home, shares with Chris his roller coaster ride from being a non-believer to having a personal knowing of what he understands to be the cosmic Christ. Because Armand lost his wife to sickness and his legs in a car accident, he depends on other people, like Chris, to take him places. During these trips, in different coffee shops and during a few pretend visits to the moon, Armand and Chris—an antagonistic and embittered atheist—get into their verbal skirmishes. Chris’ wife, although easier to convince of certain beliefs, starts off, like her husband, with the conviction that religion is nothing but horse-feathers. In a humorous and entertaining way, wherein some of the weird laws of quantum mechanics are used to make a cosmic Christ more understandable, Armand tries to convince Chris and his wife there is more to life than meets the eye.
Jos Boelryk, a retired sailboat merchant whose education does not extend beyond high school, has only one credential for writing this book: the determination he acquired in his youth, in occupied Holland, during World War II, to get a convincing ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the question of whether there is a God. Assisted by the weird laws of the subatomic and cosmic realms,he came to some different and challenging understandings.
The Book’s Possible Market
The market for this book, I believe, is everywhere on earth where human beings, educated or not, ponder the question of the why, how and where of a ‘possible God’.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Trees by the Living Water
author: Laurie Nesbitt
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 7.25.2013 • author id: NeL013
word count: 60,000
In Trees by the Living Water two teenagers and their mother in ancient Rome are sold into slavery to settle their father’s gambling debts. Thirteen-year-old Juliana and fifteen-year-old Lucius are bought by separate owners and taken to Israel while the mother remains in Rome, caring for the wife of a Vineyard keeper. The teens meet up two years later and run away together. During their escape, they meet Yeshua (Jesus), who tells them to go back to their owners, and they reluctantly do so. A blacksmith buys Juliana from her owner, sets her free and marries her. They meet up with Lucius’ former best friend Aemilii, now a Roman soldier, who helps them save and a year later they buy Lucius. Then they hear Yeshua is being crucified. They rush to Golgotha and discover Aemilii is the one nailing him to the cross. Heartsick, they witness the crucifixion. Aemilii is devastated when Yeshua forgives him.
Epilogue: The 4 of them try to escape the persecution of the Christians by returning to Rome, where they meet the imprisoned Apostle Paul, spend time hiding in the catacombs and are eventually martyred in the arena.
The writer is a retired Elementary School Teacher and Play & Art Therapist for troubled children, with a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of British Columbia in Canada.
Her audience is people, Christian or otherwise, who love to read, love historical novels, love Jesus, and have a hunger for all things spiritual and supernatural. Her church affiliation is Pentecostal and this is her first book.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Stories Within The Story
author: Jordan Blickenstaff
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 10.9.2013 • author id: BlJ6182013
word count: 62,000
Imagine feeling mist from the Red Sea sprinkle your face as the waves are held back by the will of God. Plagued with leprosy, would you have had the courage to seek out the Teacher who heals for a chance to be reunited with your wife and child? Terrorized by darkness and evil for most of your existence, how would it feel to be freed from demonic captivity?
More than fairytales and greater than legend, the Word of God is a heroic masterpiece full of daring feats, unbelievable battles and reckless romance. Stories Within The Story presents eighteen of those Biblical adventures from unique and exciting perspectives. Real people lived and breathed these astounding moments when God chased after the hearts of His people, but not all of them got to tell their part of The Story.
This is their chance.
Raised in a Christian home by two God-fearing parents, Jordan was blessed to meet her Lord and Savior at an early age. Currently, she is 26 years old and married to a wonderful, godly man. She has a Bachelor’s Degree from Purdue University in Nursing and works as a Registered Nurse at a hospital in Champaign, IL.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Mary's Story
author: Hazel Partington
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 9.23.2013 • author id: PaH4409413
word count: 54,089
What do you think it was like for Mary when no one believed her story about the angel’s visit? How did Joseph cope with his confusion and disappointment when Mary told him she was pregnant? What were their expectations about the birth? Why were they still in Bethlehem when the Magi came? Using the few clues that the Bible offers about Mary and Joseph and her insight into human behavior, the author weaves a tender story about the parents of Jesus and how they had to learn to lay aside their own understanding and expectations and rely totally upon God. Mary and Joseph emerge as powerful models for daily living for all who seek to be obedient to God’s plans and purposes for their lives even when it makes no sense to them.
Rev. Dr. Hazel Partington is a Spiritual Director and an Ordained Deacon in The United Methodist Church, specializing in Pastoral Care. She is involved with Ashland Theological Seminary in the area of Formational Prayer and a member of Healing Care Ministries, International. Since the 1980's Hazel has been an enthusiastic proponent of home schooling. She enjoys speaking and teaching, especially to groups of women.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Desert Rose
author: Carol HIll
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 12.7.2013 • author id: HiC3919413
word count: 70000
Desert Rose is a story that builds off of the conflict and recent upheaval in the Middle East, providing the personal viewpoint through the eyes of Dahlia, the story’s hero. She is the daughter of the country’s leader, Seljuk, who has tyrannically abused his own people and is assassinated at the hand of the successful resistance militia. Dahlia, daughter of evil leader Seljuk, faces the anger of her country’s people and the uncertainty of a country without established leadership. Simultaneously, hiding in exile among a Bedouin desert tribe, she hears of the mighty works of Yahweh. Hungry to learn more of this loving and personal God, she discovers that he has chosen to give her hope and a future. Can her country survive its inner conflict as the divided people seem bent on biting and devouring one another? Will Dahlia be forgiven for her father’s atrocities and will she ever be free of the pain and guilt that comes with learning just how far her father went to dominate the people he once loved? Will she find a man who is strong enough to accept her and the painful memories she carries and to help her find healing and restoration for the country she loves? In the fallout of her upside-down world, Dahlia seeks forgiveness, peace and hope for a better future—for herself and for the country her father’s harsh regime nearly destroyed. Through the storyline, I desire to re-introduce the gospel, the complete picture of a God that desires and pursues a personal relationship with His people.
I was born and raised in the capital city of Turkey. My father served as U.S. NATO Liason for many of those years, and so I have gained much insight through his knowledge of the region and the many issues that plague Middle Eastern countries seeking to free themselves from the abusive leaders they have suffered under. I have a real heart for the struggle these countries face (Syria in particular). Desert Storm took place while I was in high school there, and so I am very familiar with the power struggles these nations face--between racial and religious divides, tyrannical leaders who hold it all together, and the terrorist and resistance militias who constantly threaten the balance. I have also studied some the presence of the orthodox Christian church in this region--which many western Christians are totally unaware of. I have worked in youth ministry for almost 20 years, and have a real desire to present characters that will set an example for the young women I work with.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: The Apocalypse of Timothy, Jonah’s Tall Tale, and Other Short Stories
author: Timothy Reddish
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 1.27.2014 • author id: ReT113
word count: 25000
These stories are based on Biblical incidents or themes, yet they are retold in new ways--sometimes with humour or with a surprising twist--to bring aspects of the original stories to life. Our over-familiarity with the biblical narratives often means that they lose their power to influence and change our lives. The stories fail to shock and challenge us, and consequently we have inadvertently tamed the text. As the great storyteller C. S. Lewis reminds us, Aslan, the lion of Narnia, is not tame – but he is good!
Our preconceived ideas about the Bible provide a lens through which we read and understand Scripture. If these stories prove to be thought-provoking, it may be that our ‘lens’ is being questioned, rather than what the Bible itself says. It is because of this that I hope faithful followers of Jesus, as well as those who are intrigued by him – but as yet are not passionate about him – will find these stories interesting and engaging.
Tim Reddish has a PhD in Physics and has been a Professor of Physics in both the UK and Canada for 25 years. He is currently an MDiv student at Knox College (University of Toronto, Canada) and a candidate for ministry with the Presbyterian Church. This book will appeal to thoughtful Christians and sympathetic and curious non-Christians, as it retells a section of biblical stories and themes for our times.
Tim was raised as a missionary kid in Africa and has a broad church background (Pentecostal, Anglican, and Presbyterian). He is available as a speaker and preacher.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: A Time of Evil, A Place for Love
author: Douglas Cornelius
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 1.10.2014 • author id: CoD5544414
word count: 42,000
Confronting evil in WW II Berlin – would shy, 15-year-old Liddy learn from Christian martyrs doing it in her very midst – from Bonhoeffer, whose letters her father smuggled out of prison, to Father Kolbe, who offered his life for another at Auschwitz?
Or would she be consumed by the ultimate mistake – revealing to Nazi police officer, Keppler, that her boyfriend, Marek, a worker at their family bakery and printer for the underground, might be Jewish? He is arrested, and she, devastated, would question her own worth and God’s unconditional love.
Liddy bounces back, and summons the courage to try to resurrect the faith of Keppler, who resents the loss of key family members. She spars with him, and tensions rise as each relishes the battle. With the backdrop of air raids and spies intent on betrayal, Liddy fights for Marek’s release and works with other historical Christian figures as the underground confronts evil. When her young brother’s bus is hit by a bomb, Liddy and Keppler work to save him. But who would learn the most from the Christian martyrs of the day in this coming of age story? Just what role would God’s unconditional love take?
Whether confronting evil in his latest novel, or overcoming failure in his first (Good News – I Failed), Doug Cornelius’ goal is to inspire young readers. Teens searching for self-worth and validation of God’s love, as well as background on Bonhoeffer and Kolbe, will enjoy his latest work. A Cornell graduate, Doug spends much of his non-writing time, after careers at 3M, Amex, and Target, speaking at schools, and relishes actively promoting his new work.
With the recent success of Eric Metaxas' book on Bonhoeffer, and Heather and Lydia Munn's book for young readers titled, "How Huge the Night," the time is ripe for another book dealing with young adult Christians confronting evil. The target age is often not addressed: 12-15.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
author: Thomas Holladay
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 2.21.2014 • author id: HoT600314
word count: 113,856 words
TREASURE – 113,856 words
Everybody dreams of finding lost treasure as reflected in stories from Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island’ to Neal Stephenson’s ‘Cryptonomicon’, from ‘National Treasure’ to ‘Indiana Jones’. Our passions for adventure are never higher than when searching for something of value that is lost.
My novel ‘Treasure’ takes unique advantage of this. It combines romance with tense spiritual warfare while maintaining the classic Stevenson narrative.
Here, a young Christian couple’s idyllic Caribbean vacation becomes two weeks of suspense, danger and high adventure when they are drawn into the quest of ancient, sunken, demonic temple artifacts.
I am an Evangelical Christian baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit. I write from a wide range of life experiences. I live with my wife and daughter, our dog and our cat.
I have done many things in my life, including studying film and creative writing at the American Film Institute. I have had articles published in the Hollywood Sun-Tattler and the Ventura County Star. I experienced miracles early in life, became disappointed with my church and drifted away, then Christ performed a series of amazing miracles while in my 30's and yanked me back into the flock. I have been a member of the 700 club for many years. My novels are written from this strong Christian perspective with a thorough knowledge of the world in which we live.
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title: Detective Jake Jezreel 33 A.D.
author: Donald Miller
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 4.25.2014 • author id: MiD3108814
word count: 77,000
Jake had lived and worked all his life in the large shadow of his famous detective father, Jedidiah Jezreel. Making a name for himself in the private eye world of the first century was tough, especially when he was having to live up to the reputation of his father. But one day his big chance came. A client. A wealthy and influential client. The case - investigate a dangerous rebel from Galilee, named Jesus of Nazareth. All of Jake's investigative savvy would be needed to "get the goods" on this charlatan from Nazareth, who was stirring up trouble in the north country of Israel. Will Jake's investigation find enough evidence to bring down Jesus of Nazareth and stop the rebel's revolt? Or will Jake be the one caught up in the throes of his own investigation? Only a mock trial, a bloody cross, and a vacant tomb would provide the final conclusion.
Donald Craig Milller has been a Bible teacher for 45 years. He has taught in many different settings from Sunday School to Church Training to home Bible studies and has served as a lay preacher. He has attended the Billy Graham Writer's School in Minneapolis and from this training began writing in his home church's newsletter for many years. He also has published an article in a sports magazine, Racing Cars Magazine. He has served on a five member committee which wrote the Constitution and By-laws for a large church and also has served as a deacon for many years in the same large church. His love of detective/mystery stories led him to tie this genre to the first century and the life of Christ.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Living the Nativity
author: Janet Salazar
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 4.19.2014 • author id: SaJ7730114
word count: 30,000
Can you imagine what it was like to be a poor shepherd and have an angel suddenly appear and declare that Jesus, the Savior, has been born? Or what it was like to hear 10,000 times 10,000 angels burst forth in exuberant song over Jesus’ birth? Have you ever wondered how Mary felt when she had to tell Joseph she was pregnant and he turned away from her, ready to break the engagement? Or how hard it was for Joseph to believe Mary’s child was the Son of God and to endure the insults of family and friends? Have you tried to imagine what it must have felt like for Simeon to hold the Son of God in his arms? Have you pictured in your mind’s eye the courage it took for the Magi to follow the star and offer their costly gifts to a mere toddler? Enter the world—the thoughts, the feelings, the fears, and the awesome moments—of the main characters in the Nativity. See God’s amazing love and care for the human race through new eyes.
Janet Salazar has a bachelor’s degree in English from Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska, and a Master of Arts in Teaching from La Sierra University in Riverside, California. Born and raised a Christian, a pastor’s wife for 27 years, and a fellow pilgrim on the narrow path, she has a passion for making the stories of the Bible come alive and showing God’s amazing love and salvation for the modern day person through those stories. She most recently published an article entitled “Simon the Pharisee and Me” in the Adventist Review, January 16, 2014.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: A Cat Out of Egypt
author: Carol Francisco
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 6.13.2014 • author id: FrC8052114
word count: 66,000
“On a cold winter’s night when the heavens almost seemed to reach down and touch the earth, a child was born in a stable . . . and many miles away, as her last kitten struggled into the world, the Great Cat Who Is Bast saw the star and wondered.”
A Cat Out of Egypt is a luminous story of God’s love and human faith, told by Miw, an Egyptian temple cat born under the Christ Child’s star, who adopts the child Yeshua in his journey home from Egypt. An Egyptian priestess fleeing temple corruption and a powerful Nabataean caravan leader join Miw in protecting Yeshua and his family from dark forces hoping to destroy the child before he can reach his homeland.
A stand-alone prequel to The Gospel According to Yeshua’s Cat, A Cat Out of Egypt is both a breath-taking adventure along the Nabataean caravan routes between Egypt and Petra, and an insightful look at the ways Yeshua’s early years in Egypt might have provided experiences that helped him become the man he was destined to be.
Working Title: A Cat Out of Egypt
Dr. Carol L. Francisco holds three advanced degrees, two in theology and one in expressive therapies. She has published numerous scholarly articles, as well as a recent Christian novel, The Gospel according to Yeshua’s Cat (2013). She is also working to complete a series of three mysteries and is beginning research for a third novel on the early Church. She has taught religion at the university level, worked as a non-profit research director, and as a conference speaker. Her brother, Don Francisco, is a pioneer in contemporary Christian music and winner of the Dove Award. Her father, the late Clyde T. Francisco, was a respected author and theologian.
Dr. Francisco writes a blog for The Gospel According to Yeshua’s Cat blog and appears on Amazon, Facebook, Goodreads, and Twitter.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Shepherd, Potter, Spy--And the Star Namer
author: Peggy Consolver
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 9.10.2014 • author id: CoP7507514
word count: 100,000
A few months before his twelfth harvest, a shepherd boy fights imaginary giants and dreams of adventure. His father, a master potter, instills a hope the Star Namer, whose stories are written in the stars, watches over them. Rumors of invasion by a horde of Hebrews rocks their world as refugees stream by, fleeing the mysterious desert wanderers. Keshub helps market pottery in Jerusalem and discovers the unspeakable secret of the Amorite king’s power over his people, helps rescue the king’s unloved son from the jaws of Molech and a bereaved young mother from the king’s harem. // The Hebrew invaders are a day’s walk away on the other side of the un-crossable flooded Jordan River. Keshub gets an inside view of Jericho marketing pottery and a bird’s eye view of the enemy camp as a spy for Gibeon on the ridge above Jericho. When the enemy crosses the un-crossable and conquers the unconquerable city with a shout, Keshub’s father understands they are not dealing with mere men and looks to the Star Namer for wisdom. Relying on an ancient family curse, he and Keshub confront the Hebrews and beg a treaty, not knowing if they will live or die.
In Israel, author stood where the Gibeonites in Joshua 9 & 10 stood. Endorsed by a Distinguished Professor of O.T. History at Dallas Theological Seminary and finalist in the ACFW Genesis contest, author has published in a Texas gardening magazine reaching 10,000 and plans to advertise there and on her daughter’s blog (averaging 70,000 hits/month with followers among major home school bloggers.) Another prime outlet is annual conventions of ACSI and home schoolers in DFW.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Allie's Journey
author: Michele Carley
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 11.25.2014 • author id: CaM9883714
word count: 58,900
(Working Title: Allie’s Journey)
Allie is like many teens. She struggles with feelings of inadequacy and wonders how she fits into the world. An especially stressful morning pushes her to run away from school and seek peace at the carousel. Unusual things happen, and she finds herself in another world where she’ll have to decide who she’ll trust. An encounter with a strange man leads her to follow the Legend of the Guardian. Allie is trusted with a special bracelet, and her job is to change the pearls from black to white. To do that, she’s going to have to face some of the lies she’s been told back home. Instead of believing she’s not good enough, pretty enough, or brave enough, she has to choose to believe the truth: that no matter what the world tells her, she’ll always be valued by God. Allie doesn’t just have to fight against the lies she’s believed for so long, she also has to fight against the evil plaguing the land. Both sides are willing to fight for what they want, and Allie wonders if she’ll ever make it home.
Allie’s Journey is fantasy fiction written primarily for ages 8-15. It is written by two polar opposite personalities:
John J. Roberts is the outgoing Lead Pastor at Moses Lake Christian Church where he has worked for 25 years. He has an undergraduate degree in Theology/Preaching from Puget Sound Christian College, and a Master’s Degree in Apologetics from Biola University. John has been married to Sharlyn for 25 years and they have three boys; Jonny, Joshua, and Noah.
Michele Carley is a quiet individual. She has been married for over 15 years and is a stay-at-home mother of two. She is an avid reader, a member of NetGalley and has her own blog where she reviews Christian fiction.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
author: Dale Shaffer
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 1.10.2015 • author id: ShD2873915
word count: 69,000
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse release World War III without forewarning and one-fourth of the world’s population dies in a matter of hours or days, just as the Bible foretells in Revelation 6:1–8. The world’s superpowers collapse in a heartbeat. Western Europe remains mostly intact, however, and the United Nations soon proposes a seven-year peace treaty between Israel and her enemies.
Jeff and Lisa Taylor, in their home near Columbus, Ohio, are stunned to learn that half of the population of the United States and much of the nation’s infrastructure have been destroyed in the missile attacks. Is this the end times prophesied in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible? What lies ahead for the Taylors, their two children, and their relatives in Israel?
My purposes are to stimulate interest in prophecy and encourage study, so that the generations who are living as the prophesied events unfold do not find themselves unprepared.
To study the Biblical prophecies that are my basis for picturing the events found in a particular chapter, check the special section in the back of the book for the Bible references.
Through the years Dale F. Shaffer has served his local church as a teacher, deacon, elder, church administrator, and studied Bible prophecy for forty years. Dale served thirty-two years in policing, with twenty-three years as an administrator, earned a degree in police administration, and graduated from the FBI National Academy. He has written two management books and authors the Detective Ed Slate mystery series. Use your browser to access his website:
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: David. Tyrants and Traitors
author: Joshua Miller
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 7.10.2015 • author id: MiJ5371315
word count: 83,000
At what point did entrusting Israel’s fate to a fourteen-year-old shepherd sound like a good idea?
David, the eighth son of Jesse, hates sheep, making his life as a shepherd the definition of miserable. He spends his days dreaming of revolution against the Philistines, the hygiene-adverse barbarians who have terrorized Israel for generations. Yet when Samuel, their country’s last and final seer, anoints David to be Israel’s protector, he might as well have commanded the boy to dig up Mount Horeb with a garden hoe. “Root out the traitor within our nation, or watch your family and hometown burn,” a near impossible mission for the fourteen-year-old shepherd who has never left the lands of his tribe.
David’s quest steers him toward pivotal, albeit hazardous to his long-term health, tasks: slaying a lion without so much as a flint knife, challenging an actual giant to a duel, and serving the most dangerous creature in all of Israel, the Mad King Saul.
His mission culminates with an epic standoff against the traitor, with Israel’s fate hanging in the balance.
This is not your Sunday school David.
David. Tyrants and Traitors is a fantastical retelling of King David, geared to young adults.
Joshua Miller dedicated the last ten years to polishing his story-craft, and he is a church planting pastor in Madison, WI. He has a four year Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Marketing plans for his David. Tyrants and Traitors include shooting one-minute videos where he will pitch the story while jumping out of a perfectly safe aircraft, eating way too spicy chicken wings, and getting lit up like a Christmas tree by paintball guns. As a gregarious pastor, he has built strong relationships with hundreds of ministers and public school teachers, and he plans to leverage their platforms to help build buzz and a reader base. He has already secured dozens of positive reviews from his contacts.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Facing The Grey
author: Melanie Kilsby
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 9.25.2015 • author id: KiMV4R0A15
word count: 60,000
A dark past is back to haunt her.
Now a new Christian, Zoe is facing her deepest darkest secrets in a search to find forgiveness, meaning, love and most of all...
a forever Home!
The remnants of her family life is in shambles and she finds security with Mrs. Abigail. But, the death of her father rocks her world, shattered. She is taken by the State. Tossed from house to house in the foster care system, will she keep her eyes set on the one who saved her from the miry clay?
The drive to run tempts her soul, while she desperately holds back her former, sinful self.
Turning her back, can she face not giving her unborn baby a proper home and a solid future?
Looking forward can she face the grey, with the dark pains that stole her innosence and confront the past with forgiveness?
Only time, love and an unchanging God can tell...
Melanie Kilsby has freelance articles published in magazines such as; Faith Filled Family Magazine. As well as a self published short story novel in YA Realistic Fiction. She has served alongside of her husband as they ministered to youth and a wide range of people. All of which are in the congregation her husband has pastored for the last four years. Melanie has a successful Dyslexic blog and recently started her writer's blog that she frequently posts articles on, displaying news from her upcoming book's, author interviews, and book reviews.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: The Race
author: Enrique Monreal
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 10.25.2015 • author id: MoE9064015
word count: 60,572
Author: EZMonreal
Category: Fiction
Sub Category: Young Adults
Word Count: 60,572
Content: Six years after the Rodney King riots, Earl Williams is
stabbed to death at a high school Valentines dance - another
black victim in the predominantly Hispanic Boyle Heights neighborhood of LA.
Jackie Rodriguez surfaces as the prime suspect when former friends
and family members conspire against him in order to save their own necks and
retain control of their lucrative drug cartel.
Years later, from the visitors room of the Susanville prison,
Jackie unloads his life story to Pastor Bill, his long-time pastor
and friend.
Jackie dreams of walking the streets of his
neighborhood again, reconnecting with his life-long friend Teresa, and above all, having his name cleared of murder.
But there are powerful forces at work to make sure that never happens. Bobby and Danny, the two witnesses whose testimony resulted in his conviction, are savoring the dream life of drug lords. His twenty-five year to life sentence looms ahead. Only a
miracle crafted in heaven could alter his circumstances…
About the Author: Enrique Zapien Monreal (EZMonreal) is a first time writer who was born and raised in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, California. His writings come from his experiences of growing up in a drug and gang infested neighborhood. Enrique has also served overseas for five years developing and directing building projects in Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) and Honduras, working in Israel also.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: I am Malchus
author: D. Charles King
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 11.24.2015 • author id: KiD2946615
word count: 120,000
(Working Title: I am Malchus)
Malchus (named in John’s gospel), the high priest’s slave, famous for the encounter in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus was arrested, tells his story.
As the personal servant of Caiaphas, Malchus hears, along with others in Jerusalem, the reports of a miracle-working prophet in the Galilee. When that prophet threatens the temple by clearing the money-changers and the animal-sellers, the high priests are compelled to act.
Malchus observes the intrigues of the high priestly family as they collaborate with Pontius Pilate in the effort to have Jesus crucified. Claudia Procula, Pilate’s wife, and her personal servant (who has captured Malchus’ heart) are his unlikely allies in the effort to stop the unlawful proceedings.
That effort fails and when he is Instructed to arrest Jesus, Malchus is conflicted...for the one he is sent to arrest has already arrested his heart.
Malchus, who has spent his life seeking release from slavery, finds freedom in an unexpected way as he is forced to acknowledge the one who provides ultimate freedom.
(Working Title: I am Malchus)
D. Charles King was a resident of the Holy Land for many years, serving as a representative of the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. His knowledge of Biblical lands comes from those years of residency. Now living in the U.S., he he still travels regularly to the Middle East serving in the capacity of an advocate for Syrian refugees. In that role he often speaks in churches and at Christian conferences about refugee issues.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: The Great Pretender
author: Cesar Perez
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 9.23.2016 • author id: PeC2965116
word count: 76,649
The Great Pretender is a work of inspirational fiction that aims to ignite the philosophical debate surrounding the existence of God through a tale of star-crossed lovers amid a journey of self-discovery, philosophical debate, and familial strife. Through every twist and turn, the story confronts the reader’s preconceived notions that often keep us from recognizing truth.
The story weaves together two of history’s great narratives: a ‘Romeo and Juliet’ tale amidst a debate that pins God’s existence versus human existentialism. Nathan, the son of a world-renowned atheist and postmodern philosopher turned cultural sensation, finds himself entangled in a youthful identity crisis. His quest for freedom from a nonsensical life and his father’s sphere of influence takes him to picturesque Charleston, South Carolina. He meets Kate, the daughter of a Christian minister, and falls in love with her vivacious nature and spirit. Their opposing worldviews collide, forcing Nathan to come to terms with his questions of life, love and faith.
The inevitable meeting of their fathers is Nathan’s worst nightmare come true. Nathan’s father challenges a well known Christian apologist to a televised debate regarding the existence and influence of God. The apologist becomes ill and asks Kate’s father to take his place. While they argue the tenets of evolutionary theory versus belief and faith in God, Nathan and Kate’s love and commitment to each other are challenged, prompting an internal debate that forces Nathan to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Nathan soon learns that finding himself hinges on losing everything he holds dear.
I am a previously published author. My first novel, Deep Soul, was published with Publish America. Writing and publishing that novel provided me with valuable experience to write and be ready to promote The Great Pretender. From an approach standpoint, I have found that relationships and sound apologetic arguments are great tools to connect with people and share the Gospel. As a writer, I strive to connect the heart and mind of the reader to their need for God by telling a story.
The audience for this novel is both the believer and the unbeliever. I anticipate it will mainly be purchased by the believer for entertainment and growth but will get passed on to someone with whom they want to share the gospel. I think they will be compelled to share the book because the story is appealing, and the way the gospel is presented by using apologetic arguments will lead others to think in new ways. If the reader is someone who is struggling with whether or not God is real, but who will not pick up an apologetics non-fiction book, The Great Pretender will be a great way to be exposed to sound biblical arguments and be entertained.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Danya: A Woman of Ancient Galilee
author: Anne McGivern
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 10.10.2016 • author id: McA6009116
word count: 105,000 words
Danya, an independent-minded young woman, grows up in the village of Nazareth early in the first century and seeks an answer to her question, "For what purpose was I created?" At the age of thirteen, she witnesses an insurrection in Galilee led by the charismatic Judah ben Hezekiah. Though she thinks God's will for her is to join this movement to free her people from Roman domination, social restrictions and family tragedies snuff out that dream. Danya and her widowed father are forced to flee to Jerusalem to escape the inevitable Roman retaliation for Hezekiah's revolt. In Jerusalem, Danya's life changes forever when her father is mistakenly identified as a revolutionary conspirator and executed. She becomes the property of her older brother Chuza, the Chief Steward of Herod Archelaus.
This fast paced, in-the-moment story follows Danya's experiences as marriage, motherhood, illness, and widowhood complicate and deepen her understanding of herself, her God, and the times in which she lives. Her story is tightly interwoven with the political, religious, and cultural conflicts of the tumultuous world of early first century Palestine, the years of the Roman occupation immediately preceding the public life of Jesus (4 BCE to 16 CE). By the time of her death at the early age of thirty-three, Danya comes to understand her life as a spiritual journey, one which has moved her, step by step, closer to the God who has been at her side all along. Danya's search for a meaningful life, though unique to her world, is both universal and contemporary.
My fascination with the study of the historical Jesus lured me into researching the history, archaeology, anthropology, and religion of early first century Palestine. In time, Danya, my first novel, sprang to life.
I am the co-author of two books on teaching language to developmentally disabled children and have two Master's degrees from Northwestern University, one in Communicative Disorders and the other in English. I've taught in middle school and special education settings.
I self-published this novel in November, 2015, using the excellent design and production services of Thomson Shore publishers. Both the paperback and the ebook have done very well. I've sold several hundred copies, and Danya has received four very favorable reviews from online review companies. Two independent bookstores in my area are currently stocking the paperback (also available through Amazon and Seattle Book Company), and it's available as an eBook from Amazon, Nook, ITunes, and Kobo.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Another Man's Treasure
author: Becky DePaulis
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 10.25.2016 • author id: DeB4813416
word count: 114000
While excavating her grandmother’s home, a property filled to the brim after years of hoarding, Lila Hubbard unearths a box of letters that contain mysterious family history, and an unlikely heirloom is stolen. Lila must choose whether to run or begin a hunt for real treasure.
I have a mostly-completed history degree at the university level, with an emphasis in writing. I have written many devotionals, and a Bible study for the teen girls at our church. I am waiting to hear back from Moody Publishing on a poposal they requested for this, to date.
Drawing from my educational background, I spent nearly a year researching epistolary fiction, verifying the authenticity of the stylistic language, documents and historicity of this piece
Two aspects of my work experience lend themselves well to sucess in this industry. I worked for many years in the retail end of this Christian bookstore business giving me much insight. Also, I owned and operated my own business, and was responsible for all marketing and promotion. Being my first foray into the realm of writing fiction, I am making myself a student of the modern landscape of marketing Christian fiction.
Another Man’s Treasure is a perfect beach read. My primary reader is likely a 20-50 year old woman looking for a thought provoking, yet amusing adventure and love story. Full of surprising plot twists, it will keep the reader turning pages.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Road to Ephesus
author: Patrick Miller
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 10.25.2016 • author id: MiP2876816
word count: 107.000
Can one warrior defeat an empire?
The year is 68.
The Roman empire teeters on chaos as civil war looms.
Lucius, the disillusioned warrior, and Tychon, his brother, leave the battlefields of Judea on a quest to rescue Lucius’ wife from Nero’s murderous rampage.
Lucius takes prisoner scores of Christian believers, and their leaders, to exchange for his beloved wife Julia. He has fought for the Empire for decades in the cold and wet battlefields of Britannia and Gaul. Now he must fight against the Empire as it seeks to imprison and kill his wife, who has converted to this new religion.
The storms and cataclysms that erupt during his journey mirror his growing disquiet at turning over these good people to certain death. And can the growing love of his brother for one of the young women in chains survive the violence ahead?
From the sunny cities of Ephesus and Corinth to the filthy and treacherous streets of Rome, long buried hatreds resurface and vie with newfound hope and love for each of the brothers. The prisoners include the most important leaders of the infant religion: Timothy, Barnabas, Lydia, Apollos and the wife of Pontius Pilate, Claudia Procula. At Rome, as he searches, Lucius learns he is not just the pursuer but also the pursued. An infamous figure from the past seeks Lucius’ death, even as one of his Christian prisoners seeks his redemption.
The battle is underway, for his family and for his soul.
I have an advanced degree in English and have been classically trained in Latin, Greek and theology.
As a trainer and teacher, I have had extensive experience in creating course materials and offering workshops in both corporate and church settings. As a guest columnist for both the Tampa Tribune and the Asheville Citizen Times, I have put to use the writing and editing skills I have learned as a student and honed in both corporate and church settings.
With its strong historical framework, descriptions of life in Rome, Ephesus and Corinth, and its inclusion of significant Biblical figures (e.g., Timothy and Lydia) The Road to Ephesus lends itself to small group discussions and workshops. It describes the first century Christian church and its leaders, elaborating on the cultures of three cities where the church took root, and identifying how the dynamics and values of such cities help or hinder godly living and effective evangelism.
It is both a love story and a thriller set in one of the most turbulent periods of Roman history. Its appeal to both men and women is enhanced by the themes of the disabling effects of bitter memories and hatreds, virtuous living in a violent world, and the healing power of redemptive love. The book outlines a stark choice: disillusionment and bitter disappointment from the world’s institutions and philosophies, or the joy and peace that flow from faith in the Savior and love of neighbor, including those who mean you harm.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Finding the Narrow Gate
author: Charlotte Reynolds
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 10.25.2016 • author id: ReC4606216
word count: 89,646
This book is an historical novel based on a true story. It is about the author's great-great grandfather, James Scott, who lived a fascinating life during the 1800s. He is one of many men who carried the Gospel of Christ into the Indiana wilderness in the mid 1800s.
In 1910 his grandson, Hamilton Mercer of Greensburg, Indiana, wrote an article about James Scott, which was published in the Christian Standard. The author has taken that article, studied the history behind the facts, and has written this book.
What made America great? It was men like James Scott of whom God used to preach the “simple” Gospel, securing the ‘freedoms,’ which have been handed down to us today. God help us, if we ever forget that fact.
The author graduated with a Master’s degree from Ball State University and taught in the elementary grades.
In 1977 she became a ‘pro-family’ delegate to the International Women’s Conference in Houston, Texas. Later she wrote a book about the harrowing experiences of that conference, a book which may be the only one ever written about that meeting. Chuck Colson read her book before his death 2012 and commented, in a letter he had written, that he would keep the book as a reference, stating; “you were writing about things many years ago that have created the circumstances I describe in How Now Shall We Live.” He felt the book was prophetic and also stated in the letter: “I must say that you also write extremely well; you have a real gift!”
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Daddy's Beautiful Sunshine
author: Andrea Kovacs Rose
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 10.25.2016 • author id: KoA1881016
word count: 700
The name “Alana” means beautiful. But what makes a person beautiful? During a date with her daddy, Alana discovers the answer to this question.
Daddy’s Beautiful Sunshine is a picture story book written for preschool and elementary-aged girls (ages 4-9). From a biblical perspective, this story defines inner beauty and also encourages fathers to spend quality time with their daughters. Parents, pastors and counselors can use this book to explain God’s definition of true beauty. In addition to promoting strong father/daughter relationships and positive self-esteem, giving to others with no thought of receiving (character building), city life, and helping the poor (servanthood) are several other themes portrayed in Daddy’s Beautiful Sunshine.
In a day when many girls assume that clothing, hair styles and body shape define beauty, Daddy's Beautiful Sunshine reinforces the biblical view of this subject. This book can be enjoyed for its own sake or be used as a teaching tool in a counseling or Sunday school setting. It could also be shared at events like Fathers of Faith and Daughters of Excellence. Following the story, readers will find twenty-five father/daughter date night ideas and they can personalize the book by recording their own date memories.
I am willing to write variations of this book, changing the main characters to a boy and his mother (Mommy’s Treasure), a daughter and mother (Mommy’s Sunshine), a son and father (Daddy's Heart) and even a child with his/her grandparent (example: Grandma’s Blessings), since doing this may broaden the story's potential audience and influence. Each variation would reinforce God’s calling to be salt and light in this world. For example, the variation about a boy with his father would illustrate the qualities involved in being a “man after God’s own heart.”
Besides authoring Christmas Kisses (visit and publishing several Highlights Magazine articles (including Daddy's Shoes, My Bicycle Grin, My Toothbrush and I Like to Help), I have active submissions with Clubhouse Junior and am currently working on several other children book stories.
Over the years, I have attended various writing workshops, including those held at the Highlights Foundation, local libraries and SCBWI conferences.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: The Attack on Christ
author: Senator David Howard
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 11.21.2016 • author id: HoS5910816
word count: 77,000
Today our religious views within the Christian tradition are under severe attack by the unethical forces of evil. Big institutions are lining up to destroy Christ’s followers freedom to actively believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The adversaries are big government, big corporations, big media, big education, and big principalities that identify themselves as progressives. They are guided by an anti-Christ worldview that has combined to declare war against Body of Christ and freedom of religion in America. This attack is on Americans personal ability to openly hold fast to religious beliefs, have a religious conscience, worship as we choose and teach biblical values to our children. The secular progressives are politically winning and inflicting painful civil sanctions against Christians, their businesses, and clergy. They are focused on systematically destroying every symbol of Christ in the public square in America today. This book is the process we Christians need to follow to combat this war on Christ!
David Howard is a Montana State Senator. He is an authority on Workplace Violence, along with the training program “Art of Verbal Chess” that provides the tools to become a Master Communicator.
David is the Founder of Foxhole Ministries and for the past 21/2 years has commendably produced and aired what is now a national program ‘The Voice of Truth’s Wake-up Call’ heard in 7 states.
David is an author of a Christian historical fiction book entitled, “The Story of Eternal Life”. He is a regionally known speaker, and presenter of engaging educational topics like The War on Truth, The Theology of Liberty, and Christ in Politics.
He is a former FBI agent, Certified Fraud Examiner, Expert Witness, and holds a Master's Degree in Management from DePaul University, and a Bachelor's Degree in Criminology from California State University, Los Angeles.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: His Amazing Grace
author: Michael Gaston
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 9.10.2017 • author id: GaM7950617
word count: 88773
(Working title: His Amazing Grace)
   Twelve-year-old Gabriel Clayborn sings praise and worship music at church to glorify God and to please his mother.  He's been praying for her to get over a lingering sickness she says is nothing but a summer cold.  When she is diagnosed with lung cancer, Gabriel vows to never sing God's praises again; after she dies he becomes an angry teenage rock and roller.
   His band, Anxtgnostic, experiences some success.  But it isn't a good thing.  The rock lifestyle pulls Gabriel farther away from God.  When he learns that Christy Leah, his childhood sweetheart has died, Gabriel's simmering anger erupts into a violent episode that lands him in prison.  While incarcerated Gabriel meets a mysterious man (angel?) who tries to help him.  Gabriel is less than receptive, but seeds of change are planted.
   After prison Gabriel continues to struggle with his demons until forced to decide either to cling to his pain and anger or to open himself to love and redemption.  Gabriel chooses Jesus.  The story's happy ending is enhanced when Gabriel discovers Christy is still alive.
(Working Title: His Amazing Grace.  Manuscript edited by Carol Gaskin:
I am a published author who has been writing for fifteen years. Â I hold a BBA from Texas A&M University, Central Texas. Â Marketing options include targeting the over 100K volunteers and members of prison ministries showcased in the novel (Kairos, Bridges To Life, Disciples for Christ). Â There is also a merchandising opportunity within the story--"Be a Light For God" keyring penlights akin to the WWJD bracelets popular in the 1990's.
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title: Nicodemus
author: Richard Akins
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 2.28.2018 • author id: AkR6055518
word count: 67000
This novel imagines that the beloved biblical character Nicodemus was the brash young scribe who told Herod that Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem. Years later, still saddled with guilt over the slaughter of that town's children, elderly Nicodemus is visited by John the Apostle, who seeks insight to help him write his Gospel. John arrives just months before the Romans destoy the Temple and murder Nicoodemus's daughter, Anna. As John takes Nicodemus and his granddaughter as refugees to Ephesus, he develops the opening lines and general theme for his Gospel. Nicodemus finds what he needs to forgive the Romans and at last find peace with God through the forgiveness of his own sin.
Nicodemus is the first book in the Founders Series.
I am a fiction author widely published with several dozen articles and two nonfiction books. The second book, Challenged to Grow, will be published in June 2018 by New City Press. I have a strong platform in social media targeting both Catholic and Protestant groups, and I founded the ecumenical site I am an electrical engineer and MBA with a wide public speaking background. I have three children and own a technology integration business.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: A Girl from the Galilee
author: Esther Farris
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 3.12.2019 • author id: FaE4622819
word count: 46000
Anna is a teenaged shepherdess living in 1st-century Galilee, not far from the towns of Chorazin and Capernaum. She is recently betrothed to a man from a neighboring farm. Anna is looking after her family’s flock of sheep in the hill country, but her entire life is about to be upended. She learns just how quickly life can change through a progression of events which begin with her escape from a man who would do her harm, lead to her making a sin offering at the temple in Jerusalem, and culminate in her being invited by Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef (Jesus) to study and travel with him and his other disciples. This is a love story: Anna gets married to the handsome “boy next door.” First and foremost, however, this is the love story of a person and the God who made her.
Esther Farris graduated summa cum laude from Butler University in 2001, receiving degrees in Religious Studies and English. After serving two years with AmeriCorps, Esther taught at an alternative high school for ten years. Her experience teaching prompted her to write this book for high school aged readers. Esther’s twenty year meditation practice has led her into experiences with the Divine, on which she draws for Anna’s story. She has published articles in two magazines.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Out of the Tombs
author: Richard Eddy
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 4.28.2019 • author id: EdR9562419
word count: 79621
One of the most enigmatic passages of Scripture is the account in Matthew 27:52-53 of a miracle that occurred at Jesus’ death: “The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many” (ESV).
Though an affirmation of the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection for the future of believers, this passage raises many questions. Who were those saints? Why were they chosen? What happened to them after they were raised?
Out of the Tombs tells the fictional story of one of those saints, a young man named Zev bar Simeon, a carpenter in first-century Jericho. Zev witnesses the healing of blind Bartimaeus, and hearing rumors that Yeshua may be the Messiah, decides to follow him to Jerusalem to determine for himself if the rumors are true. On the way he is murdered, and his body is found and buried in a pauper’s tomb near Jerusalem. When he is raised, he enters the city, finds refuge with an innkeeper, learns of Yeshua’s death and resurrection, finds true love, and wrestles with matters of vengeance and forgiveness toward his murderer. Ultimately, Zev seeks to find God’s purpose for giving him new life.
Rev. Richard Eddy holds the M.Div. degree. He served twenty-two years as pastor of the largest congregation in the American Association of Lutheran Churches, and continues as a Pastor Emeritus. He has preached or presented first-person monologues in numerous churches and schools, including at two national church gatherings. He currently has one book in print, and he recently published an article in the national church’s magazine, The Evangel.
He also writes a blog called “Pastor Eddy’s Blog” at, now in its third year.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Ex Dove
author: Betty Freeman
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 12.2.2019 • author id: FrB7515419
word count: 5875
Ex Dove is an illustrated message of hope to women in a crisis of suffering. It is in the form of a fictional story told to a young daughter of Job. Although the character, Ex Dove, is a young daughter of Job in the story, she represents to the author every daughter--young or old, from any nation--that will eventually find herself in a crisis of suffering. While the story and characters are fictional, there is nothing fictional about the truths one can discover from Ex Dove. The illustrations are phenonmenal and give a beautiful visual to concepts that are not easy to grasp.
The story of Ex Dove was born from a retreat that I was leading with the theme "Remember the Stories." I don't necessarily claim to be an author, but I do claim to be a truth seeker. The truths of Ex Dove were born from truths I discovered during my own counseling sessions. I later took these truths to lead a Bible study for six years at a crisis pregnancy center. I have pages of notes from this study; however, I wanted the truths and questions to be as succinct as possible. Women in crisis situations will not have mutiple opportunities to read, attend Bible studies, etc. My goal is to create a product that will bring hope to a large magnitude of women all over the world.
First Look Pregnancy Center in Waxahachie, Texas, is building a fantastic new facility. 100 percent of proceeds from Ex Dove will be given to First Look.
I like to smile and think, my education is foremost from E.D.U.: Ex Dove University. However, I do have a BSE in Family and Consumer Sciences.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: The Revealing
author: C.J. Plogger
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 7.10.2020 • author id: PlC.Th16120
word count: 55500
Frustrated, Pastor Don finds himself slowly suffocating in a church where people are more interested in the homemade delicacies of potluck dinners than in changing the world. If only he could see their hearts, he could make a difference. One night after an exasperating Bible study, Don cries out to the Lord, asking for the ability to see the hearts of people. God the Father sends the Revealer, a human embodiment of the Holy Spirit, to spend a week with Don. The Revealer leads and guides Don through monumental discoveries of the heart. Don laughs, cries, and is broken as he sees the core of other’s souls. At the end, Don’s own heart is revealed to him. Don’s relationship with the Revealer is applicable and available for all, and those who read this book will have a strong desire to know this Revealer. When we are able to understand each other’s hearts, we will grow closer.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: The Seventh Covenant
author: Julie Hannah
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 9.16.2020 • author id: HaJuTh23020
word count: 75000
The period: Early first century
The place: Palestine
The teacher Yeshua of Nazareth travels throughout Palestine, performing miraculous healings and preaching a controversial message—that in him, the Kingdom of God has arrived. Some Jewish religious leaders are outraged by his blasphemous claims and growing popularity, and they plot to have him eliminated through Prefect Pilate. Meanwhile, two of Yeshua’s disciples conspire with an underground resistance movement to spearhead a violent revolt that will be triggered by Yeshua’s arrest. Aware of the bitter, simmering resentment against Roman rule in Jerusalem, Tribune Lucius Ocella prepares to act swiftly and mercilessly at any sign of rebellion, and he seeks advice from Yosef from Arimathea—is the teacher from Galilee a threat to Roman rule? How should he advise the already unpopular Prefect Pilate? Powerful but conflicting interests hurtle along different trajectories to converge with explosive consequences when Yeshua triumphantly enters Jerusalem for the feast of Pesach.
In this immersive experience, you will walk with Yeshua and his disciples through Judea, Galilee, and Samaria. Learn how his teachings, life, and death fulfill Scriptural prophecy, and discover how the revelation vision of the Apostle John depicts the fulfillment through Yeshua of God’s vast plan for the redemption of humankind.
I am a retired mathematics lecturer with a passionate interest in the human condition. I have authored the nonfiction work A Skeptic’s Investigation into Jesus (through Wipf and Stock), which provides the evidence that converted me from an agnostic to a follower of Christ. This research into history, Judaism, and Jewish life in first-century Palestine has provided the rich background context for my narrative about the life and work of Jesus: The Seventh Covenant.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Nature's Bible: The Old Testament through the Eyes of Creation
author: Kent Gramm
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 10.15.2020 • author id: GrKeNa25920
word count: 90000
Pulitzer-nominated author Kent Gramm and nature photographer Chris Heisey take readers on a journey through the Old Testament in the voices and images of animals, birds, reptiles, butterflies, flowers, and even a few humans. This entirely unique book provides new, thought-provoking, and entertaining points of view on biblical passages and personalities from Genesis through Malachi. Individual readers, students, and church study groups will find their ideas on God, human nature, and creation challenged, informed, and enlightened. Nature's Bible is timely and urgent, as it deals theologically with mass extinction, climate change, and the environmental crisis. But the issues are spoken accessibly, through voices that readers both young and old can identify with, and to which readers informed and uninformed can relate.
Kent Gramm is the author of ten books on religious and historical subjects. He has an M. Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, a Ph. D. in Creative Writing from Wisconsin, did graduate theological study at the University of Tübingen, has served pastorally in Lutheran and Methodist churches, and has taught in Germany and the U.S., including at Wheaton College, Indiana Wesleyan, and now at Gettysburg College. He is an engaging public speaker. His most recent book, Gettysburg: The Living and the Dead (historical & religious) was done with Chris Heisey, the most-published battlefield photographer in America. Mr. Heisey is photographer for the Diocese of Harrisburg. His chief passion is nature photography.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: FOUR BIBLE STORIES THAT NEVER HAPPENED … but maybe could have
author: Robert Bailor
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 10.30.2020 • author id: BaRoFO27220
word count: 78126
There are several fleeting, minor characters that populate the New Testament. This book takes four of them--the rich young man, the widow and her mite, the centurion Cornelius and the woman caught in adultery and fleshes out fictional narratives for each of them which are woven into the fabric of the actual New Testament narrative. Engaging these four unique stories will hopefully lead the reader to enjoy the actual Biblical narrative with fresh insight. Jacob’s story is about choosing between God and money. Sarah’s story is about believing in Jesus’ power to heal. Cornelius’ story is about coming to faith even in the face of a questionable past. And Miriam’s story is about both physical and moral restoration with the ensuing genuine commitment to live out a deep-seated personal faith in Christ.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Love's Narrative: Fictional Stories Based on a True Life
author: Sage Costanzo
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 12.13.2020 • author id: CoSaLo31820
word count: 63864
A collection of fictional short stories reflecting particular moments of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation from a new, original and unique perspective; creating one master thread showcasing God’s love and plan for His children (i.e. the story of Cain and Abel, is told through the perspective of Eve). Love's Narrative provides these unique angles:
- Presents three themes in every story: God’s breath, God’s plan, and His children asking “Why me?”
- Shows how prevalent each theme is from Genesis to Revelation.
- Focuses on unique perspectives of the Biblical stories. For example, Job is told through a conversation between God and Satan.
- Presents compelling biblical reasons why keeping one’s faith and trust in God is so difficult through pain.
- Presents how God’s plan and love triumphs over any pain one may feel in life.
- Demonstrates how closely the Old Testament and New Testament are connected.
- Answers the ever long question of “why me?" "Why do I have to feel pain?" "Why isn’t God helping me?" "Why is God allowing this?" "Why do I not feel God’s love?"
Sage Costanzo (pen name Sage C. McCullough) is a playwright, comedy blogger, and producer/director. Her plays have been produced throughout the DC metro area. Sage has had 10 successful play productions. She has found critical recognition from sources like The Washington Post and Northern VA Magazine. In 2003, she founded the nonprofit theatre, The Starving Artist Theatre (the theatre closed in 2011). Presently, Sage works as a contracted Teaching Artist for the Kennedy Center in Washington DC. In January 2019, Sage launched the marriage comedy blog, “Husband and Wife.” The weekly blog earns praises for its fun and engaging characters, as they hilariously make fun of the stereotypes of marriage. This is Sage’s first novel. Further information and blog can be found at
Sage Costanzo lives in Northern VA with her husband, Brandon, and two children. Sage has grown up in the church, and currently attends Mclean Bible Church for last 22 years. The church is under the leadership of both Lon Solomon and David Platt, both published authors.
If you are a publisher interested in this manuscript, please contact us at for contact information.
title: Iras of the Empire
author: Lynne Bergero
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 12.28.2020 • author id: BeLyIr33220
word count: 66618
The novel IRAS OF THE EMPIRE tells the story of one woman’s quest for the source of power and peace in a dangerous world. A servant enjoys privilege in the household of Pontius Pilate, but the villas and palaces of Caesarea, Jerusalem, and Jericho are no refuge from the casual brutality of the empire and the capricious dance of power between the spirits and the priesthood, the prophet and the king. Entangled in tragedy, secrets, and murder, Iras yearns for true power and strikes out to find its source. She seeks the remnant of her family in Meroe, the Nubian capital rivalled only by Alexandria in its splendor; there she discovers her father’s mother, a pantheon of goddesses and queens, love, leprosy, and betrayal. In time, Iras marries a successful silversmith in Ephesus, but the peaceful life she finally built is imperiled by a new religion catching fire. Is it salvation or a threat to her marriage, her wealth, and the goddess she serves? Iras’s past collides with her future, and she faces a life-altering decision as the tension between the silversmiths and the defenders of the one true God erupts into the riot at Ephesus.
Lynne Bergero is a health care professional living in Chicago, Illinois. She writes poetry, stories, and essays exploring themes of love, spirit, nature, history, current events, and social justice. She has published pieces in local newsletters and journals, and is a member of the Chicago Writer’s Association. IRAS OF THE EMPIRE is her first novel; it would appeal to lovers of historical fiction, Christian literature, magical realism, and multi-cultural worlds.
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title: Faith and Drama
author: Tamara D Lattin
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 1.4.2021 • author id: LaTaFa34320
word count: 30000
Faith and Drama contains twenty-seven short plays and seven dramatic readings that were originally performed as part of a Christian theater ministry in the Middle East. The actors are young people in their twenties and thirties. They, like most of the audience, are second-generation believers. They did not have the option growing up of attending Sunday school and summer camp, as they are minority believers in a country that is 99.2 percent Muslim. So even though these are short plays, they are written to have an impact. Every piece is Scripture based. The goal is to entertain, but more importantly to teach, convict, and change behavior. As citizens of the Kingdom of God our response to day-to-day circumstances should not be informed strictly by family, culture, or national identity, but on who we are in Christ. Most of the plays are two to six minutes in length so they can fit into larger events such as church services, youth meetings, summer camps, retreats, conferences, and special events.
Montana Lattin spent twenty years in New York City working in professional theater as an actor, writer, and director. Eighteen years ago she moved to Istanbul, Turkey, and became project coordinator of a theater ministry. Since then she has been writing and producing plays with local youth while training them in the art of theater. The plays have been performed in venues across the country.
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title: What if Jesus Wrote Sci-Fi?
author: Richard Nestlen
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 2.8.2021 • author id: NeRiWh1021
word count: 30000
 What if Jesus wrote Sci-Fi is a book of ten stand-alone parables. It transports you to kingdoms at war, a spaceship in crisis, and a crazy skydiving guru, all while teaching Biblical lessons. It is complete at approximately 30,000 words including scriptures and study questions, and perfect for a weekly bible study. The parables will entertain readers while presenting challenging questions. Do you just read the map or also walk the territory? Can the King find enough willing soldiers in time to save his city? Is cashing a free check work or belief? The Map and the territory, the first parable, enters a world where a country reveres the founders' brilliantly detailed map. The map shows the continent's vast territory and urges all citizens to cross the river and experience this beautiful land, though few do. Only a select group still travel into the wild territory while the rest merely learn about the map. The parable presents the balance of understanding the bible, the map, and living it out in real life, the territory. The following nine parables each explore another area of the map and territory in a fun story. The stories are modern, fun, and sometimes set in other worlds. They are meant to appeal to a wide range of readers, teachers, and disciples and to challenge their Christian faith.
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author: Terry Tramel
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 8.17.2021 • author id: TrTeTH19721
word count: 64000
What begins as a simple dream escalates into a fascinating journey aboard the Ecclesia Express, a train like no other that transports passengers to Calvary and then ultimately to the Shining City. This story is told in the spirit of Pilgrim’s Progress as it captures one person’s quest in first coming to faith in The Prince of Peace and then continuing on to the promised world to come. The unique feature of this story is the fellow passengers on board. It is likely that many readers will know some of them, for they are the composers of the hymns and spiritual songs that have inspired generations of believers. The wonder of this work is that it may not be a dream at all.
Dr. Terry Tramel is the Director of Global Outreach & Leadership Development for the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. He is the author of “The Beauty of the Balance: Toward an Evangelical – Pentecostal Theology,” published by LifeSprings Resources. He is in his 44th year of preaching ministry. He served 15 years on the full-time faculty of Southwestern Christian University as Professor of Bible & Theology. He has ministered in numerous conferences and camp meetings across the United States, as well as in several other countries.
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title: Meeting Jesus at the Sermon on the Mount
author: Gary Gagliardi
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 9.9.2021 • author id: GaGaMe22221
word count: 91667
In Tiberias, the capital of Galilee, a young woman, Miriam, struggles to free her wealthy father, Benjamin, who has been imprisoned by Antipas. His crime? Refusing to destroy the only written scroll of the Nazarene's words from Seven Springs. Parosh, the head of the local Pharisees, who failed in his plotting against this new teacher that day, is instead targeting those like Miriam and her father, who are supporting the teacher with their readings of his words and spreading the story of the Pharisees’ defeat. The powerful religious leader won’t be satisfied until their scroll is destroyed and Miriam and her father are dead. A disgraced alcoholic, Daniel, who was trained by Parosh and owes him a life debt, has negotiated an agreement with the palace on behalf of Miriam, an agreement saving himself from debt slavery to Parosh and freeing Miriam’s father from prison. Before honoring that agreement, however, Miriam has arranged one last reading of the Seven Springs scroll, a reading with others who played key roles there and interacted with the Nazarene and the Pharisees. Their combined memories shed new light on what was secretly taking place that day, starting a series of events that will reshape Roman and Judean politics and change the course of our world.
Gary Gagliardi’s forty published books have sold hundreds of thousands of copies and have been translated into a dozen languages. He has won book award recognition for ten titles, generating hundreds of radio and TV book interviews. He has authored thousands of articles on the Greek of Jesus’s words at His articles on Rediscovering Jesus’s Words on Substack have over four thousand subscribers. His play We Saw His Sermon on the Mount was published two years ago by Eldridge Christian Plays and Musicals.
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title: One of Them: The Transformation of Simon Peter
author: Tom Hoffman
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 10.14.2021 • author id: HoToOn26421
word count: 50000
The purpose of writing about the Apostle Peter is simple! We all sin and fall short of the glory of God, and the Apostle Peter was no exception. After all, he denied knowing Jesus three times right before the crucifixion. But God! By the power of the Holy Spirit, Peter overcame his past to become a critical leader in the first-century church. Just like Peter, we all have the same opportunity to overcome our sinful past and work in powerful ways on behalf of the Kingdom of God. While no one knows Simon Peter’s life prior to meeting Jesus on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, my novel provides a unique picture of Simon as a young, arrogant man with no direction in life, except making a meager living by fishing. Certainly, Simon Peter’s walk with Jesus is well-documented, but this story provides added fictional insights into Peter’s character prior to meeting Jesus and joining him as one of the twelve disciples. Readers will be able to examine the life of one of the Bible’s greatest characters. And Simon Peter was a character! As a result, they can apply the same biblical principles to have a compelling impact on this world, just as St. Peter had two thousand years ago.
Dr. Tom Hoffman has earned several degrees, including a doctorate in Educational Leadership from Hamline University (St. Paul, Minnesota). He was a teacher, school principal, and university professor for nearly four decades before deciding to devote his time and energy to become a successful Christian author. You can find out more about the author and his work on his website,, or on Twitter @hoffmanonline.
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title: The Journey Road Home
author: Lois Williams
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 1.16.2023 • author id: WiLoTh34822
word count: 52500
Growing up in small town Mason, South Carolina, Mazelle Dorcas Jacobs struggles to live a life approved by God and man. The man she is most concerned about pleasing is her father, Pastor Max Jacobs, aka Poppa, whose conservative views have Mazelle questioning right vs. wrong on a daily basis. The fifteen-year-old teenager constantly applies the do’s and don’ts of life to people she meets during a time when the Vietnam war, the Beatles, and free love were cultural phenomena’s. Her biblical guideline is the Ten Commandments. With compassion and humor, Mazelle uses the principles as she encounters situations with church members, people at the grocery store, her science teacher, and the neighbor next door. Her best friend and rebel, Clover, believes there is more to life than always following the rules. A major turn of events happens when Pastor Max informs the family they are moving to Zimbabwe, Africa for an extended missionary stay. This unexpected journey, to a country with a different language and cultural views, has Mazelle reassessing life values in light of the commandments and her father’s biblical teachings.  As Mazelle searches for answers, she finds humanity at its finest.
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title: The Day After His Crucifixion, and The Day After That
author: Merikay McLeod
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 2.16.2023 • author id: McMeTh1523
word count: 23000
Following the crucifixion of Yeshua the Nazarene, all Jerusalem is abuzz with fear and confusion. His disciples are in hiding. Jewish leaders worry that his followers will steal his body and then make miraculous claims. Roman authorities flex their muscles to keep the peace. And the women who supported Yeshua's ministry, the women who remained all day at Golgotha witnessing the agonizing death of their Promised One, the women who did not hide, what about them? During the 48 hours following his crucifixion, these women and others who were among his followers, gather at a cottage in Jerusalem's lower city, seeking comfort or reassurance, or simply someone else who shares their grief. As women often do after a tragedy, these Yeshua followers bring food to share along with personal stories about their encounters with him. In their grief, they tell how Yeshua healed and helped and drew them in as he spread his message about the coming of the Kingdom of God. What can they do now that all is lost?
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title: JAMES, Brother and Bishop
author: Lois Caldwell
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 4.12.2023 • author id: CaLoJA7023
word count: 105000
What manner of man was James, brother of Jesus? What do you know about an important person who is mentioned less than a dozen times in Scripture, yet is pivotal in the life of the early church? This biblical novel gives personality to James and at the same time remains true to Scripture. A walk with James, as the head of the church in Jerusalem to the martyred end of his life, allows a colorful and faithful look at his personality and character. A fictional family of his own draws the reader into James’s daily life and struggles, both with the problems of the fledgling church and his own, for which he seeks answers. Amusing and heartwarming events of his adoptive family open a window into the life and heart of James and his desire for all believers to live the Christian life as he had set forth in his epistle.  The story illuminates the warm, generous, and loving character of James that is only hinted at in that letter. How did James’s legacy of love and obedience affect the life of the early church and the family he has acquired, and how will that legacy affect you?
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title: A Message of Life and Death: An Allegory of Missionary Foundations
author: Robert Sawyer
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 5.26.2023 • author id: SaRoA 11523
word count: 67300
(Working Title: A Message of Life and Death: An Allegory of Missionary Foundations) There’s a message that must be delivered. A message from the Prince himself. It’s Ke’u’s job to deliver it. And now the Prince is dead…or is he? Ke’u longs for his life to have purpose. But that search for purpose has left him wracked with guilt and fear. The Prince had known everything, and now Ke’u can’t understand why he’s been chosen. But he knows he must go. He sets out on a journey with his friends Marty and Drift to deliver the message to a mysterious group of people. Along the way they’ll meet many different people who will help them, the kinds of people the King himself likes to use to deliver his messages, including the Fish Guy, the old Law Professor, and a girl who might not be all that she seems to be. In the end, Ke’u will realize that the message he’s been asked to deliver is the same one he needs to keep reminding himself of in order to learn what he needs to effectively deliver it. And when he does, he’ll discover what the true purpose of his life really is.
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title: The Inn on Jericho Road
author: Stan Escott
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 10.2.2023 • author id: EsStTh24423
word count: 56000
Brief Description – The Inn on Jericho Road The Inn on Jericho Road is a scripture-based imagined story of Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan. It illuminates the impact of an encounter with Jesus, exemplified by His conversation with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well, and how this message of love, ‘Living Water’, is passed on from one individual to another. A Samaritan merchant travels to marketplaces along the Jordan River. On this journey, he is unaware that he is days behind Jesus, on route to the Jordan, during Jesus’ final month of ministry, culminating on Calvary Hill. Throughout his travels, the merchant has been hearing and refusing to believe stories of Jesus’ ministry – until he has an encounter with Jesus, witnesses His teaching and feeding of the crowd. In spite of what he has seen, he thinks: “It’s just a trick.†His resistance weakens after a conversation with a disciple of Jesus. Now, what he has seen and heard occupies his mind as he travels. When he encounters a victim of robbery laying near death on Jericho Road, he recalls Jesus’ words: "Love one another," and he reacts, taking the man to a simple inn. In the course of healing the victim, the merchant shares his experience with the innkeeper, the niece and the robbery victim. Each overcome their judgement of one another and are changed by Jesus' message of love -- love shared even in the rustic confines of a remote inn.
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title: The Man Who Had No Feet Mephibosheth - A story of hope and courage
author: John Cox
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 4.9.2024 • author id: CoJoTh6824
word count: 94000
Mephibosheth lived around the beginning of the 10th Century BC. His father was Jonathan, a great friend of the future King David and the grandson of King Saul. When his grandfather and father died in battle, the shock was so great that the little boy of five years old was dropped by his caregiver rendering him crippled in both feet. His family fled in fear to a remote village called Lo Debar. Eventually, King David remembered his covenant with Jonathan and restored Mephibosheth to Jerusalem, where he lived in the palace. Very little is known of Mephibosheth from Biblical history. We know that he lived during the rise of the new city of Jerusalem, lived in the palace of David, and undoubtedly witnessed the building of Solomon’s Temple. He would have known of David’s adultery with Bathsheba, his songs and psalms, and the challenges to his power from his son Absalom and others. How did this man, falling from prince to pauper, from able-bodied to a cripple, then restored to the king’s palace, navigate such a turbulent journey? This is the imagined story of Mephibosheth’s life and times. A life overcoming disappointment with courage, hope, and faith.
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title: Yeshua. The kingdom (first volume of the tetralogy)
author: Stefano Rigamonti
category: fiction • subcategory: biblical • date submitted: 4.22.2024 • author id: RiStYe7924
word count: 125000
YESHUA is the tetralogy dedicated to the story of Jesus. Written after a long process of exegetical, historical and spiritual study, the tetralogy recounts the life of Jesus starting from his birth, going through the two and a half years shared with his disciples, and ending with his death: from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, from the manger to the tomb, from the revelation made to Miriam to the one addressed to each of us. Through the language of the historical novel, the author retraces step by step the story of Jesus; he does so by reserving a particular sensitivity towards the human and psychological aspects of the protagonists, leading the reader to empathize with the same doubts and weaknesses of the disciples, to identify with their expectations and their falls, to marvel at the bending of the normal natural order, to kneel, with amazement and confusion in their eyes, before the mystery of Heaven made earth. These four novels will take the reader from the dusty streets of Galilee to the golden rooms of Jerusalem, from the nets cast in the lake of Tiberias to the blood spilled on the temple altar; they will lead the reader to empathize with the same doubts and weaknesses of the disciples, to empathize with their expectations and their downfalls, to marvel at the bending of the normal natural order, to kneel, with amazement and confusion in their eyes, before the mystery of heaven made earth. The tetralogy: Yeshua. The kingdom Yeshua. The flee. Yeshua. The birth. Yeshua. The passion
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